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Good Evening, Monsters! Good Evening, Abe!

Good Evening, Monsters! Good Evening, Abe!

a part of “Good Evening, Monsters! Good Evening, Abe!”, a fictional universe by Wudgeous.

"No, son, nothing so droll as a combating an apocalypse or fighting a war. It's just a job offer." <Open and Accepting! :)>

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Good Evening, Monsters! Good Evening, Abe!”.
Discussions pertaining to roleplay on RPG.

Good Evening, Monsters! Good Evening, Abe!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wudgeous on Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:41 am

Many of the world's supernatural creatures have been cowed by humans over the years, forced into hiding (or blue collar and white collared jobs) and unable to truly express what they really are without getting shot by the cops and animal extermination agencies.

You, friend, are getting paid to be an exception.

Or alternatively, "Charlie's Non-Angelic Supernatural Posse!"

[I.] Introduction
[II.] Plot explanation
[III.] Applying
[IV.] Final Thoughts

Image Credits Page here.

IMPORTANT NOTE!!! Profiles shall be PM'd to me for review, and NOT submitted to the tab! Or else I'll get very cross and very potentially reject you on the spot. Thank you! <3

[I.]He Calls.

Somewhere, a phone rang.

Without entirely knowing why, you soon had it in your hand;
Pressed against your ear.
There was silence on the other end outside a faint sizzling.
Then there was a startlingly deep voice
And it asks:

"How much are you worth?"

You entertained the thought of it being God's voice on the other line
Just for just a split second.
Though it seemed to be too long of a wait
For the voice spoke again
Offering you more digits than you could count.

You laugh.
He laughs.
There is an unnerving silence.

He offered more, hitting all the right buttons.
He knew about your problems, offered to lift them.
He knew about things you never realized you needed.
He knew about that.
He tempted, as lazily as you imagined the Devil would.
The Devil, after all, had endless resources.
The Devil did not need to beg.

You have only one concern
Other than the slight fear that he will take your humoring, sarcastic statements seriously.
You pop a hypothetical question,
Say, you do work for him as he wishes...

Like a babbling brook tainted with an oil spill,
His baritone chuckle trickled along the phone line
Riverdanced along the side of your face.
The reply was far too clearly feigned, and the speaker was feigning relief.

"I was expecting a more difficult inquiry. The standard procedure for a dissenter is very simple,"

"I will kill you."

[II.] "So....! Whaaaat the shit just happened, Wudge?"

WASSUUUUUUUP! Yes, Wudge, that is my name. Oh, wait, you wanna know what happened, okay--

Well, somebody just got hired by a disembodied voice over the phone, looks like. Lucky them, huh?

Here's the deal: in exchange for anything you can humanly(/supernaturally) want, you take a job. A simple job. Just do what you're told, and you're good to go. Pay's good, too. Very good. The job itself is "a private business that involves things like bodyguarding and some politics," but there is probably more to it than that. Who cares though? Look at all this moolah! Moolah in addition to information, a prolonged lifespan, love, freedom, oh man--you name it, you got it.

So. Your OC has been bound by a written contract as well as a death threat, because for whatever reason, they decided to be fairly stupid smart agree to this madness without entirely knowing what they're getting into, much like their fairly stupid smart roleplayer.

Sooo. What now? Well, they'll be assigned to a variety of missions, a la Charlie's Angels. Not all missions will seem entirely ethical. But hey, maybe you don't give a damn. (But maybe you do, so good for you!)

You might even someday meet the voice in person if you're well behaved. Or perhaps you're already acquainted with him, however loosely. Your OC may get the feeling that said voice is at someone else's beck and call, but maybe they're just imagining it...

[III.] "Hey, cool, so what do I get to do?"

[III A.] RACES AND SLOTS! Not necessarily to do with gambling.

Now for the more interesting bit. We have slots for you, ladies and gents, and in order to reserve a slot, PM me with what you wanna do! Because I don't want you wasting your time if your idea just won't work somehow--I'll be able to give suggestions and corrections early on rather than later--and it'll keep people from overflowing one particular race, yeah? We don't need ten million werewolf submissions and one lonely representative for everything else, gracious no!

You will play a character fairly experienced in their trade, but if they are "newborns," they will likely have something unique about them that gives them a reason to be on the team.

Without further ado, let's meet our players:


Ebenezer (GM and semi-NPC; Old)

Balthazar (Fullblood; Hacker)

Sable (Fullblood; Relative)

Reservations: 1/2!

The saddest thing is that we're you... my people are just like you. Only better. We're snappier dressers. We possess the wisdom of the ages. And if we crave blood, well, it is no different than the way you people crave food or affection or sunlight--and besides, it gets us out of the house. Crypt. Coffin. Whatever... We're you, with all your fuck-ups and all the things that make you human--all your fears and loneliness and confusions. [None] of that gets better.

-Neil Gaiman

ANY VAMPIRES PHYSICALLY BELOW FORTY AND 100+ IN AGE SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REJECTED. That ain't how we roll in Good Evening. Thank you. Yes, yes, "oh that terrible, grouchy old Wudge! Immediately rejecting things like the terrible creature it is!" You, shut up. I do what I want, Thor.

    Eternally famed creatures of the night, countless books have been written about their existence. Some of the them, mainly female--with the occasional sprinkle of easily amused male--have formed book clubs just so they could read aloud passages and giggle at either the sheer accuracy (and ridiculosity) of them. Or better yet, they've joined human book clubs!

    These are our main players. A vampire isn't considered "Old" until he hits his one hundred fifties or one hundred eighties, and the old ones are creatures to be feared. They sure as hell look old, albeit not as old as they really are. There is an inverse correlation between youth/appearance and power; you will have to choose between the two. Yet, becoming a vampire is strangely like becoming a child again. The physical and mental capabilities, such as the majority of one's senses and memory, are heightened, and this increases with age.

    Yes, they need blood to survive; yes, they can last a certain amount of time particular to each vampire without feeding (someone who was a druggie would have less tolerance to blood starvation, for example). Each vampire's method of procuring their food is up to personal preference, but few seem to know that vampires can feed off of one another. Totally! Particularly yummy if you go for a vampire who just ate a yummy human. Some vampires view this as morally reprehensible, but there is no Almighty Vampire Police. In this world, if you have a problem with another fang face, you deal with them... and several vampires do precisely that, gaining themselves and their race a reputation of being vicious, prideful creatures.

    Blood is, naturally, very distracting. You know that stupid ADD archetype that's always distracted by shiny objects and just need to pick the damned shinies up and smother them, put them in your mouth? Yep! That's you, vampires! :D Shiny, shiny blood... Mmmm.

    Now to tackle the myths. Stake to the heart? Cutting off the head and stuffing it with garlic? Works. I mean, jeezus, you could probably kill an archangel with that shit, you sadistic little bastard. Vampires are ONLY immune from death via old age and from disease (poisons included, much to the irritation of many witches). Otherwise, they are fair game. As for sunlight, hyup, that works too: Though older vampires are able to stand in the sun for longer periods of time than newborns, they will eventually become ash when their bare skin is exposed... just very slowly... and very painfully. After a certain point, sunlight renders a vampire an immobile, screeching, tormented creature as they are literally scorched into nothing, bit by bit. Not a favorite suicide method. What did YOU think those fancy capes and cowls were for? Ancient Scandinavian fashion shows? (Look for "that mirror thing" for more on myths.)

    A vampire tends to specialize in one specific trait: be it speed, strength, lightness of foot (jumping vampire! 8D Nope, you cannot fly), depth of bite, etc, depending on how much they practice.

"Fullblood"s are vampires born from the union of a vampire couple, or from a turned pregnant woman--on an individual basis. Of the vampires, The thing to know about them is that they have GREAT difficulty relating to and blending in with humans, but are more far adept with their vampiric abilities than traditional newborns.

Newborns are, naturally, the opposite. Seeing as two of our returnees are fullbloods, new vampires will have to be of the traditional sort. Sorry!

(1-2 slots open!)

Micah (Serial killer)

Reservations: 0!!

Our greatest strength as a human race is our ability to acknowledge our differences, our greatest weakness is our failure to embrace them.

-Judith Henderson

    What is there to say? You've seen all those alien flicks. "Puny humans" indeed... until the large-forehead blue one gets a bullet between the eyes. Ba-bayum! Humans are the most flexible, conventional, and able to work with what they've got. How else would they have such a large, thriving population despite having such a brief lifespan? Many have grown into lazy and fat lard-lards, but there are some who have not forgotten, who have had stories passed onto them from their grandparents whose grandparent's grandparent's great great grandparental monster hunters once fought terrible abysmal creatures.

    It is these sorts of people that keep the supernatural on guard and wary; keep them unable to enter the daylight (or nightlight, for those losers already averse to sunshine). Most likely to have been hired for this roleplay would be hitmen, or some other form of weapons expert. Perhaps a serial killer or retired special agent. So you won't be playing, say... a pizza boy. Unless the pizza boy has a really damned shady past and is only gofering pizzas for the quick cash. Just because you're human DOES NOT mean you are easy to kill. However, you can change into another race over the course of the roleplay (but not without contacting me first). You know chess, don't you? What happens when you use those pawns wisely? Hrm? Hrm? Answer my patronizing question, c'mon.

Also, humans are the most subject to possession. (Here fits a sub-race of shades, evil specters, demons, etc. Yes, I give you free reign and permit you to roleplay it and completely come up with all the details, but you will talk to me about it IN DEPTH. Keep in mind that a possessed human will most likely DIE after a short while, though the parasite can find another host (i.e. you app "another" character)... and you won't get to change into any of the other races. Ever. No exceptions.)

(3-4 slots open!!)
Reservations: 2!


For all you know, a witch might be living next door to you right now. Or she might be the woman with the bright eyes who sat opposite you on the bus this morning. She might be the lady with the dazzling smile who offered you a sweet from a white paper bag in the street before lunch. She might even — and this will make you jump — she might even be your lovely school-teacher who is reading these words to you at this very moment.

-Roald Dahl

WITCH, n. (1) Any ugly and repulsive old woman, in a wicked league with the devil.
(2) A beautiful and attractive young woman, in wickedness a league beyond the devil.

-Ambrose Bierce

    The least predictable of all, even to their future-seeing kinsmen. Anyone (male and female, for the record) can become a witch, some are just better at growing themselves than others; leagues better. The process of becoming a witch seems to be different for everyone, and many will claim it was triggered by some sort of event. It wasn't. They just happened to remember exactly where they were and what happened because magic shit was going down, and they didn't want to admit it was their fault.

    This "birth" of a witch tends to be unpleasant, often leading to a need for secrecy concerning their new gifts. The powers of a witch seem to be as numerous as there are insects in the world, and no witch will ever be able to come anywhere near mastering them all. Hell, they have trouble mastering what they're born with, usually. It's not true that no two witches have the same power, merely that they are in possession of both lady luck's feet if they manage to find one another; which is why a witching school has never been (successfully) founded.

    So, it's a pretty lonesome journey, trying to be a good witch. There's little mentors can do, outside helping you regulate your breathing. Each witch has a singular, small realm of expertise to start out being fairly masterful with, say for example, mesmerization. They seek a means to channel this gift, and find it works best through song. As the witch grows, she realizes she is more powerful near lakes, and begins to be able to change her shape, grow sharper teeth. Duh-duh-duh, we have a mythological sea creature woman!

    Many witches believe their diet controls how their powers will grow, and have experimented... extensively, from cheerios to sheep skin to sheep's wool. Hey, some of them get desperate, all right? If there is one thing near every proper witch can admit to loving, it is experimenting. A witch never be powerful without a strong sense of curiosity and willingness to try new ideas. (See: "Fetish.")

    A great number of witches share another thing in common: calling on animals. Each witch tends to have a specific specimen she is most comfortable calling on, usually a common wild animal that travels in groups. This is the main spark that caused the witch trials of old, the hangings and swimmings and burnings. As if able to recall these past horrendous events, many witches are afraid of losing their breath, water, fire, or a combination of the aforementioned. Just because not many actual witches died in the trials doesn't mean it wasn't scary.

    Much like how being undead ails vampires, witchcraft takes its toll on a witch's appearance, but in an entirely different manner. While a vampire will merely seem a particularly spry senior citizen (if he is good at being a vampire and not a lardass), a witch will completely lose the ability to blend into a crowd. Their skin becomes taut and unable to bear fat, and their bodies lose color--something known as the Fade. Their teeth and nails turn yellow and they tend to lose their eyesight, or at least become color blind. Some witches will be as pale as chalk with hair whiter than skulls; often these sorts had spent their lives perfecting foul magic like hexes and poisons. Some witches used their power for good, such as by creating charms and healing the less fortunate; often their skin, eyes and hair will be without shine, far darker than a moonless night. A notable witch hunter once suspected the latter defied the fine print of their Contract with the devil ("Rule seventy-two: Be eeeevil!"), and thus were banished to become one with the shadows. These witches may appear as youthful as they are, but are unable to wander freely in public... for the most part.

    Both the magic and the Fade can begin to take them at any age or moment--but don't worry, the Fade only occurs after about twenty years of actively practicing magic. While there is the general pattern of black witches being Good and white witches being Evil, witchcraft is not entirely unlike grammar. There are always exceptions to every rule, except that one.

Image(Slot CLOSED!)

Reservations: Null and void.
Wolfgang (Structural Engineer; Cocky Muscle)

Never moon a werewolf.

-Mike Binder

Oh buddy, the years have not been kind to your kind. Generally wild and ruthless creatures that they are, werewolves have had extremely little success in adapting to the changing world. You know, what with the development of machine guns, sniper pilots, bombs and other animal extermination devices.

Quirks include the greatest level of strength known to living creatures, allowing you to give a tank an "OH SHIT!" dent if you managed to be sneaky enough to get near one. Another lovely gift from your predecessors is supreme self-control, allowing you to convert your fanatic cravings for ripping flesh into pacing, and perhaps a single player game of checkers if you're especially lucky. Each werewolf tends to have his or her own unique style of keeping themselves occupied on a full moon, usually a favorite hobby. A strange one. One other people won't try to join in on. They have a word for it.

More quirks? Enhanced smell! Usually a bad thing, actually. There's also rapid hair growth. Um. There's also the easily developed muscles!! Leading to a couple of weres to run with their tails behind their legs... into the bodybuilder modeling industry... Oh gad.

Unlike vampires, weres are not provoked by blood, only an strong urge for chaos and wanton destruction. Think of it like having a boner; no godawful pun intended. Many keep their rooms as messy as possible for utmost comfort, some going as far as having a sort of reverse OCD. Werewolves tend to stay well away from one another, often to the point where there are only four to six in a country at a given time. Yes, my friend: you are going extinct. Of course, this is a good thing, right...?

(Anything not covered (which is prolly a lot) is up for speculation by the roleplayer. Lucky bastard will get to be the only playable wolf in this entire thingabob, after all! Intensive discussions with the GM required if you want this role, and I expect you to run with as many ideas as you can. Your OC may suspect he was only recruited "for the lulz.")

[III B.] Your app: a.k.a. how to impress the nitpicky Wudgles (which is not impossible, contrary to popular belief).

Righto, now for the part you actually care about! Or the part you should care about. Prettying up your character sheet, and things you might want to know before you send something in!
[&&&&Might have an updated version up soon. The link I've got is a decent substitute for now, but keep refreshing!]
And perhaps totally unrelated, but feel free to run off and invite people you think are cool! I like meeting good roleplayers. c:

Here's an example of a filled skeleton, by yours truly. Not my best work, but there you go. As you can see, I made a few aesthetic changes to the sheet--you can, too! That's totally kosher. So long as you don't take anything away, you can add whatever you want to it. :D Have fun!

[III C.] The Skeleton: If you skipped everything and scrolled down here, I swear to GOD---

Code: Select all
[size=150][u][font=kai][center][b](RACE; then sub-species, if applicable)[/b][/center][/font][/u]

[font=kai][b](Full name; Title, if applicable)[/b][/font]

[font=kai][b](Age (should not be above 200))[/b][/size][/font]

[b]Height and Weight[/b]:

[b]Body Type and Health[/b]:

[b]Hair and eyes[/b]:

[b]Apparent Temperament[/b]: (posture, common expression, etc.)

[b]Facial features[/b]:

[b]Distinguishing marks[/b]: (scars, tats, etc.)

[b]Casual wardrobe[/b]:

[b]ACTION TIME wardrobe[/b]:

[b]Etc[/b]: (optional; anything else you can think of!)

(Insert descriptive paragraphs here.)

[b]Speech[/b]: (accents, swearing frequency, rudeness, tone/pitch of voice, etc.)

[b]Pet Peeves[/b]:

(YOU ALL SHOULD HAVE A PAGER!! F--For tradition's sake. :'< Otherwise, do whatever you want here. You can neglect to mention some things if your character has a house she can fetch shit from later on, but you are telling me a good while before they pull out, say, a bazooka; I don't want to be unpleasantly surprised by sudden dramatic inventory is all.)

[b]Favorite color[/b]: (could just be a color that suits them best, if they have no preference.)



[*] (you are allowed to add more)

[b]Fears[/b]: (allergies can be included here.)

[b]Homeland[/b]: (Where do they hail from? Poland???)

[b]Day job[/b]: (And are they juggling jobs or did they gleefully quit their old one to run off with Ebenezer? Did they never have a job? Are they a hermit?)

[b]General Agenda[/b]: (What motivates them, what makes them continue living, etc. Make this solid!!)

[b]What keeps you a Monster?[/b]: (As opposed to bolting from the job. Also must be solid. This is something Ebenezer WILL know/use, likely in order to make you join up in the first place. You may discuss this with me if you are unsure. No blackmail, though! :D )

[b]What made you what you are today?[/b]: (describe what happened to make them supernatural. Or were they born that way? For humans... just erase this field.)

[b]Notable experiences since then[/b]: (Really, anything the character feels is significant to their growth.)

[b]Opinion of Others[/b]: (can refer to Ebenezer, to the other party members, or just in general what they think of the races.)

[b]Criminal Record[/b]: (describe what happened. Are they a clean slate? Which race's laws have they defied?)

[b]Etc:[/b]: (Anything else you couldn't quite fit in! Add some quirks, or make them suddenly likable or hatable! Again, optional.)

RACE-SPECIFIC SKELETON (tack your chosen race's skeleton to the end of the general skeleton above.)
A casual browse through the vocabulary tab is recommended before tackling this.

Code: Select all
[b]Specialty[/b]: (What makes you DESIRABLE on this team? Sell yourself here. ;D)

[b]Preferred feed[/b]:

[b]Sunlight tolerance[/b]: (should be an amount of time, no more than four hours. It should take at least six to recover from near-vital sun exposure, if not a full day).

[b]Social standing[/b]: (feared? popular? homeless loser? You can describe your abode here, as well as how you're normally treated by others.)

[b]Social stealth[/b]: (How well do you hide your supernatural race?)

[list][*] (one)
[*] (two)
[*] (three)

[*] (you can add or subtract, but try, try not to have more strengths than you have weaknesses. xD)

Code: Select all
[b]Specialty[/b]: (What makes you DESIRABLE on this team? Sell yourself here. ;D)

[b]The supernatural[/b]: (Describe how they became aware of the other races, or if this is totally new to them! What do they know?)

[b]Social standing[/b]: (feared? popular? homeless loser? You can describe your abode here, as well as how you're normally treated by others.)

[b]Social stealth[/b]: (How well do you hide your supernatural race? ....... You can probably delete this, humans. <3)

[list][*] (one)
[*] (two)
[*] (three)

[*] (you can add or subtract, but try, try not to have more strengths than you have weaknesses. xD)

Code: Select all
[b]Specialty[/b]: (spells? What makes you DESIRABLE on this team? Sell yourself here. ;D)

[b]Fetish[/b]: (See, [url=]vocab.[/url])

[b]Familiar[/b]: (The type of animal(s?) they are most in tune with, how in tune they are with them, etc.)

[b]Social standing[/b]: (feared? popular? homeless loser? You can describe your abode here, as well as how you're normally treated by others.)

[b]Social stealth[/b]: (How well do you hide your supernatural race?)

[list][*] (one)
[*] (two)
[*] (three)

[*] (you can add or subtract, but try, try not to have more strengths than you have weaknesses. xD)

Code: Select all
[b]Specialty[/b]: (It's probably your brawn, bro. :P)

[b]Quelling[/b]: ([url=]See, vocab.[/url])

[b]Social standing[/b]: (feared? popular? homeless loser? You can describe your abode here, as well as how you're normally treated by others.)

[b]Social stealth[/b]: (How well do you hide your supernatural race?)

[list][*] (one)
[*] (two)
[*] (three)

[*] (you can add or subtract, but try, try not to have more strengths than you have weaknesses. xD)

[IV.] Final Thoughts


  2. Don't forget the race-specific skeleton! :)

  3. This RP is potentially rated M (for cursing and disturbing material and whatnot)! Nothing against site rules, sure, but y'knowww. Fair warning.

  4. If you can't tell from the icon, there's going to be a decent amount of goofiness up in here. While we won't wander into the realm of cracktivity, you're better off coming in without taking yourself too seriously, and with a willingness to humor others. If you must, must have roleplays where every little detail is factual and wikipedia-approved and srs bsns, go awaaaayyy! We're going to be playing with vampires here, for Christ's sake. You may as well apply physics to dragons and unicorns.

  5. That said, it's good to have a basis in logic when working with posts and profiles. Why would it make sense for your character to do what she's doing? Start with a solid base, build on top of it.

  6. If you have even a sliver of a chance of getting in, you'll receive a critique on how to improve your profile (thus, a crit is a good sign)! Otherwise... I'm sorry, but this just isn't the roleplay for you. It's an advanced rp, gents, which means rejections happen. I can make recommendations to other rps if you like, though; just ask. <3

  7. Ehhh, I'm going to be more lenient this time around, since I never really enforce any sort of "YOU'VE BEEN INACTIVE, YOUR CHARACTER DED NOW!!!" rule anyway. So, no post deadline. This means you faster posters will need to possess the little known art of ~PATIENCE~. <3 We're still witcha, don't worry! Encourage talk in the OOC before you deem the rp dead and/or move along, a'ighty?

  8. On the other hand, I would REALLY appreciate it if you'd just talk to us when things come up, yeah? I don't care if you haven't posted for ten years, you can still stick around and chatter in the OOC (and tell me that you still love me and aren't seeing another woman); I can't get mad, then. Hell, just vaguely mentioning you might be gone will help me plan around your character's silence. Better than up and vanishing. :'c

  9. And if you're having trouble getting a post together, or trouble with the character sheet, or goshdarned anything: pshhh, you can talk to me about that, too. I love slinging ideas like monkeys love slinging poop, man, have at me. Plus, it's always nice to hear from you people. <3

  10. If you're good enough to get in, you're good enough to know the vile roleplaying sins--godmoding, powerplaying, one-liners, blaaah blah, whatever. But the one thing I see fit to warn against is this: Ignoring IC actions from other characters/NPCs.
    Oh my god your ass will be booted out of here so fucking fast. Don't do it. I'll find time to elaborate on this in one of the OOC threads.&&

  11. Let's talk about some fancy returnees! You may have noticed that some links lead to an older version of the same roleplay, yes? Well, this roleplay takes place half a year after the previous one, so any returning OCs will have a bit of experience under their belt as an unashamed reward for coming back to my aching arms. HELLOOO, RETURNEES, HOW ARE YOU? I love you a lot. (You guys can just copy paste your old profiles if you so wish, no need to use the new skelly).
    These kids (Sable Lavante and Balthazar Shirazi, so far) know what's up. They've completed a number of missions, they've gotten continued payment and love and reward from Abe.

    So, Balthazar has been getting information about his missing mother, little by little.

    Meanwhile, Sable..... Sable, did you even want anything...? Your parents' approval, I guess? Well, you get some of that little by little, too. Plus your own money to gamble away or what have you. Why not.

    (You guys will love these two, they're kind of eternal awesome sauce).
Last edited by Wudgeous on Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Good Evening, Abe! Good Evening, Monsters!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ezarael on Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:41 pm

It looks great Wudgeousness! I hope everything with the sheet comes up to par for ya and there doesn't happen to be any competition for my coveted slot! If there is expect someone to disappear rather quickly, and it won't be me.



Isn't it strange how Decidedly we
will chasE such an iNdefinable concept
That cannot truly descrIbe us no
maTter how hard we trY?
-Insert Credit Here

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Re: Good Evening, Abe! Good Evening, Monsters!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wudgeous on Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:47 pm

Ez: Well, I mean, you're basically done with the sheet, you speed demon.
Some rps go with "first come first serve," some with "best man wins." Me, I'm like "FIRST BEST MAN WINS YEAHHHH!!@!!" It's worked out pretty okay so far, at the very least!

And for anyone else who might be passing through:

Helluuuuuuuuuu! You have found your way to me! You found me! Hooray!
Aha, ha, haha, I haven't even sent out any invites yet. I should get to that. In any case, while we're still hanging out on the first page:




Yes, I DID look for the fruitiest possible text generator. And wasted over half an hour of my life... OTL

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Re: Good Evening, Abe! Good Evening, Monsters!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ezarael on Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:25 pm

What is this blasphemy of an "SQL" error or whatever it is? I wanna see my BOY!

EDIT: Okay, problem solved. Had to take out those nasty little quotation marks in his name.

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Re: Good Evening, Abe! Good Evening, Monsters!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wudgeous on Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:28 pm

But for serious, if you're seeing it too, I'm thinking it's the quotation marks. :'c You might have to resubmit him without the nickname. Sorry...!
I'll still go ahead and update the front page thoug----OHP THERE YOU GO. You speed demon

Edit: .... Dammit, Ez. xD Now someone's going to adopt the old profiles and be all "HAHA YOU HAVE THREE WEREWOLVES IN YOUR ROLEPLAY."
Last edited by Wudgeous on Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Good Evening, Abe! Good Evening, Monsters!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ezarael on Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:29 pm

NOOOOO!!!! He's missing the G in his name! That's where his G-ness comes from!!!!


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Re: Good Evening, Abe! Good Evening, Monsters!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kurokiku on Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:41 pm

Ez, you've outdone yourself. I read Wolfgang's profile and cracked up. He and Balthazar are going to hate each other. So much.



The Canticle of Fate: Silver Lion Stanza
"Though I am flesh, Your Light is ever present,
And those I have called, they remember,
And they shall endure."

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Re: Good Evening, Abe! Good Evening, Monsters!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wudgeous on Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:00 pm

Kurokiku wrote:He and Balthazar are going to hate each other. So much.





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Re: Good Evening, Abe! Good Evening, Monsters!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cypher on Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:50 pm

Oh nooo, all of the hate is going to start before I've even gotten to the game... :|
From the depths, I return!

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Re: Good Evening, Abe! Good Evening, Monsters!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wudgeous on Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:00 pm

Cy, for you, it's gonna be like



I'm sorry the first page is so image heavy, today is a giffy day.

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Re: Good Evening, Abe! Good Evening, Monsters!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cypher on Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:11 pm

I suppose it will be a bit like that.

Anyhow; I almost wanted to make an expy of Hojo Kaito, Professional Mascot, but then I looked at the Witch and I was like "Yeaaaah, I'mma make a witch."

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Re: Good Evening, Monsters! Good Evening, Abe!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ezarael on Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:17 pm

Thanks for the compliment Kuro. Wudge had asked me if I would be interested in this RP and something just clicked while I was in the shower thinking about the werewolf character. That's all history now. I love/hate Wolfgang in that he is so many things I dislike yet...he's my creation! Huge moral dilemma here, and yes I do believe he will not be very fond of Balthazar. Watch out though, if they end up alone on a long mission things might become a little dangerous for your boy. Wolfgang doesn't care who gets in his way when needs need to be met...

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Re: Good Evening, Monsters! Good Evening, Abe!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nannyhap on Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:25 pm

Boop. Popping in here to stalk all my favorite babies express my extreme interest!

Yes. It's that extreme.

Will I lose all chance at a spot if I dither about and don't make a reservation? I sort of can't decide if I want to play a serial killer or a crusty old witch just yet, and there's a large internal battle going on to figure out which would be more suitable, as far as the roleplay and myself are concerned.

P.S.: Wudge. This is ballerin'. Like, for srs.
Ask me about metaphysical calamity pudding!

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Re: Good Evening, Monsters! Good Evening, Abe!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wudgeous on Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:28 pm

Watch out though, if they end up alone on a long mission things might become a little dangerous for your boy. Wolfgang doesn't care who gets in his way when needs need to be met...

OHP WATCHOUTNOW, no beating on the team mates. Was this a thing in the old rp...? I feel like this was a thing in the old rp. In any case, it's a thing NOW: killing or otherwise wounding a fellow Monster will earn you a severe salary slashing. >:(

And maybe death.

Wolfgang doesn't care who gets in his way when needs need to be met...

....Unless you mean Wolfgang is going to sex up Balthazar???? Angry hate sex y/y??? Might still net him some death and pay docking but LOVE IN THE BATTLEFIELDDDD! <3333

But no seriously, I'm deeply excited by this prospect. C: You make beautiful things, Cypher. Though Hojo Kaito is a wonderful individual, Lion-o wiiiitch!
-retarded seal clapping of glee-

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Re: Good Evening, Monsters! Good Evening, Abe!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wudgeous on Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:33 pm


Nanny is ballerin'. >:| Ehehe~. Anyway, mayhaps.... a witch serial killer...? Or a vampire serial killer. Or a serial killer serial killer. In any case, they'll be getting along with Micah. WHICH IS GOOD. He has no friends. At all. Other than his knives but those are inanimate friends and that is sad.

But I have nothing against crusty, either! Crusty is very good, as that is one of my favorite words ever. Up to your discretion, all in all. xD <3

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Re: Good Evening, Monsters! Good Evening, Abe!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cypher on Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:40 pm

I imagine he's going to be the chill neutral dude playing at being a back alley surgeon.

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Re: Good Evening, Monsters! Good Evening, Abe!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ezarael on Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:19 am

Wolfgang doesn't care who gets in his way when needs need to be met...
....Unless you mean Wolfgang is going to sex up Balthazar???? Angry hate sex y/y??? Might still net him some death and pay docking but LOVE IN THE BATTLEFIELDDDD! <3333

All I can say Wudge, is that when a sex-addict gets lonely, things might not end up pretty for anyone who happens to be in their company.

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Re: Good Evening, Monsters! Good Evening, Abe!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kurokiku on Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:08 am

The miniaturized Balthazar that resides in the back of my head is horrified by the very suggestion, and reminds everyone that he is more than capable of getting the hell outta dodge if this ever becomes a problem.

I, however, am laughing cruelly at his discomfort.

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Re: Good Evening, Monsters! Good Evening, Abe!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ezarael on Sat Jun 09, 2012 12:20 pm

Welp, I updated my sheet with a picture of his werewolf form!

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Re: Good Evening, Monsters! Good Evening, Abe!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wudgeous on Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:56 pm

Cy, you read the Chrono Cross LP, didn't you......? Is this the back alley surgeon you had in mind? (That is who I immediately thought of, I swear to all that is holy, hahahah).
Speaking of, TDI's doing FFX right now, and I'm actually following it as it's going. It's pretty exciting!

And Ez, those werewolf ears. Man. If I were alone in the dark and saw that werewolf silhouetted against the moon, I'd be all "BATMAN IS HERE TO SAVE ME" and run towards the damned creature. So, smart evolution-ing there.

Kuro: At first I was like "Horrified? Pshhh."
But then I remembered, Balthy-babe's a germophobe. And. Sex is not clean.
Then to consider it with a smelly werewolf.
Oh man, up to eleven, y/y? Hahaha, poor Balthazar. <3 If he ever became a Redeemer, I think I know what his nightmare will consist oooof~!

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