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Another Year at Hollywood High

The Social Ladder

a part of “Another Year at Hollywood High”, a fictional universe by TvJunkie19.

A slice of life role-play that revolves around the lives of the students that attend Hollywood High School.

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The Social Ladder

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TvJunkie19 on Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:33 am


The students of Hollywood High are all segregated by their different groups and cliques. At the school there are technically six groups, but if you count the cluster of unclaimed students, then there are seven. Within every group there is a pecking order that is defined by what clique you associate yourself with. The unsaid rule at Hollywood High that every student knows is that you stay within your group. It doesn't matter how close you and so and so were in middle school or that such and such is your next door neighbor. Once you walk through those double doors and you enter the halls of Hollywood High you leave the outside world behind you. Your best friends are the people in your inner-circle and the only people outside of your clique you talk to are those within your group.

The two popular groups at Hollywood High are the A-List and the B-List. The students in these groups are generally just called "Listers" or if you want to be specify about it; the "A-Listers" and "B-Listers". These two groups are the only two groups at Hollywood High that can get away with intermingling. Popular is popular. However, the lines should never be blurred. The social hierarchy is something that must always be respected, especially amongst these two groups. Make the wrong move or say the wrong thing to the wrong person and you might unknowingly be committing your own social-sucide. The best way to do that at this school is to either associate yourself with those below you or piss off the people who rank above you. The in-betweeners at Hollywood High are the Virtuosos and the Free Spirits. These students are neither popular or unpopular. There just there. The average kids who just seem to be drifting somewhere in the middle. These students are the ones who go unnoticed as most of the popular kids won't even remember their faces let alone their names. Which can either be seen as a good or bad thing depending on how bad you want to be noticed. At the bottom of the social ladder are the Rejects and the Brains. These students wish they could go unnoticed by the Listers. The final group at Hollywood High don't even have a step on the ladder; the Unclaimed.

The Pecking Order

King & Queen Bee (Seniors)
Jocks & Cheerleaders



Free Spirits



Transfer Students

The Inner-workings of High School

The most vicious kids aren’t always at the top. Everyone thinks it's the Queen Bee you have to worry about, but that's not always the case. The girl who’s daddy can buy and sell the whole town has nothing to worry about and have no need to be mean to anyone, because she could do nearly anything and still be the richest girl around. She’s secure in her position. It’s the kids in the middle and at the bottom who are going to be fighting, the ones who are either trying to get into the favored sphere of influence or who are trying to stay in it. The Queen Bee maybe mean, but her meanness won’t have that same edge of the desperation that her sycophants have. I mean they’re the ones with something to lose if she decides to not like them anymore.

The coteries you find yourself drawn to hold the people who will likely become your best of friends as well as your worst of enemies. Frenemies. These are the people you really have to watch your back for. People pretend and jealousy doesn't live far. They smile in your face, they laugh at your lame jokes and in the end they are the ones who will stab you in the back without a second thought. The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies. Real situations expose fake friends, so pay close attention to those in your inner circle.

At Hollywood High its not ‘the popular group’ vs ‘everyone else.’ The great thing about high school and social hierarchies are that there complicated and complex. Between all the rivalries and infighting within the different groups and cliques who has time to think about that popular girl who doesn't even know you exist. Your better off putting your energy into keeping an eye on that thespian girl who is looking to snake you out of your lead role in upcoming musical. One thing about high schools is that they're all the same. You've got your enemies and your frenemies, make-ups and break-ups, the gossip and rumors and the basic everyday drama that comes along with it. Welcome to Hollywood High!


The Queen & King Bees & the Royals

At the top lies the Royals, running the school from their thrones. They’re everything you could dream of being— beautiful, popular, and filthy fucking rich. Whether you like them or not, you’d be a fool to get in the way of what they want. First you’ve got your Bees. They’re the head honchos, the crème de la crème, popular because of their power and all the things they can do with it. They’re often conniving, charismatic, and downright terrifying in the way that they handle things, whether it be with a smile on their face or a burning glare in their eyes. Right below the Queen and King are the Royals— and they’re precisely that. Perhaps they’re not as good with words as the Bees are, or they just don’t care as much, but the Royals get their popularity from flaunting their money around. It’s almost obnoxious, really.

Unlike all the other cliques at Hollywood High; the Royals are hand selected by the King and Queen and have a limited number of spots. Eight. Four girls and four guys. The royal girls are selected by the Queen and the royal guys are selected by the guys. This clique is ran by the King and Queen and is comprised of the their closest friends. Only the Queen can kick out a royal girl and the King if kick out a royal guy. If the Queen or King cuts you than that's it. Your out. It doesn't matter how rich, or pretty, or how close you are to the other royals. Their word is final and if you want your spot back than you better pray you find a way back into their good graces.

These are the students who set the trends, get exclusive invites to the hottest parties, and deem who’s in and who’s out ― all the while keeping their reputations perfectly pristine. They not only have the school wrapped around their fingers but the city as well. Beautiful, powerful, and often filthy rich, the royals are on top for a reason ― and they’re definitely not the type to let you forget it.

King Bee:Queen Bee: Annelise Rothshild

Royal: Deanna Arnault-Ortega
Royal: Christian Hernandez

The Preps

Alright, everyone knows the preps. They are right under the royals in the social standing and they'd like to keep it that way. These mainly consist of the kids that have the looks, and the money, and the brains. You’ve got your Ivy League bound kids, as well as Hollywood bound kids. Not all preps are complete snobs, but good portions of them are. Normally they do more “sophisticated” things than other students - like instead of playing football or going to a friend’s house they’re playing tennis, golf, having memberships to country clubs and playing violin or piano. Of course, that doesn’t mean all of them do these things, but a good portion of them have that ‘superior brainiac air’ to them. A lot of the preps have some kind of musical or artistic talent. They are usually wealthy, and their fashion is typically brand name - never knockoff.


The Jocks and Cheerleaders

The Jocks, known and loved around campus for the hundreds of wins and trophies that they bring the school. The people who win championships. The ones everyone can’t stop talking about. After all, if it weren’t for their high standing their athletic bodies would be enough to talk about. Within the Jocks clique there is a pecking order within the pecking order that is determined by what sport you play and how well you play it.

The captains at this school are like Olympian Gods and Goddess amongst their teammates. They are the head of it all, being the captains of their teams. They’re destined for greatness, whether this means being the star of a professional team, making it to the Olympics, or even both. The King and Queen may rule the school but the captains are the leaders of their teams. They worked their asses off to get their position and you will respect their position or face the consequences.

Below the captains you've got your varsity team plays, they tend to be people who are just active for the sake of being active. They’re in sports for the competitive feel, and they’re often on more than one team. Fitness is a big interest of theirs, but they probably aren’t considering a career in the sports field; or maybe they are. Lastly you've got the junior varsity players and the benchwarmers. There is nothing wrong with being on the j.v. team. Junior varsity jocks are in the training to become varsity athletics. Which if they plan on becoming they will have to respect their place and work their asses off. The benchwarmers on the other hand are just an embarrassment; or that's the way the 'real' jocks see it. These are the guys who lack the skill to play the game and spend the entire game keeping the bench warm. They're usually only the team because they're were spots to fill and they only get put into a game once in a blue moon. Most benchwarmers are just in it for the popularity and they aren't well liked or respected by the members of their team. The cheerleaders, while looked at as a separate clique are very much jocks.

Cheerleader: Cherry Peters
Cheerleader: Chantal Jackson
The Pecking Order

Cross-Country & Track and Field
Volleyball | Soccer | Softball | Swimming


The Rebels

As cliche as it sounds, these are the kids that your parents warned you about— for the most part. The REBELS are the first ones everyone thinks about, known for constantly skipping class, starting fights, and finding their way in and out of police cars once the weekend rolls around. Some are just troublemakers looking for a way to act out and spite their parents, but others are terrifying forces to be reckoned with. These students laugh in the face of rules and do things their way. In most cases, it’s their way or the high way. Often turning a blind eye to what the administration and society says, they run across the school with their own desires in mind. Frankly, they are the students that have the courage to do what all students wish they could. Some admire them for it and others resent them for it. Regardless, these are some bad ass students.


The Animals

If you’re not wary of this clique, well, let’s just say ― you really should be. They don’t give a damn about what you think of them, as long as you are thinking of them. It’s the girl you make eye contact with from across the hall, her hips sashaying to a tantalizing rhythm as she approaches. It’s the boy who sends shivers down your spine; strong hands teasingly moving upward as he whispers dirty secrets in your ear. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter who it is. All it takes is that one undeniably sexy smile, two hands on the small of your back, three steps down the hall to the janitor’s closet ― and you’re a goner. This crowd never fails to keep themselves satisfied, luring others into a game of cat and mouse for the sole purpose of fulfilling their own carnal needs. Perhaps the only thing they do more than, well, their peers is ― party; in ways that would have Mother Teresa rolling in her grave. Undisputed party animals that use little discretion, the Animals’ are Hollywood High’s hot messes and everyone knows it.

Animal: Via Stone
Animal: Casper Siyansky

The Wannabes

Ah, the wannabes. As the name so clearly states, the wannabes want to be something they’re not. They’re the lowest-ranking clique on the B-List. Wannabes desperately want to be a part of the A-Listers. Some of them are tolerate able, and others are painfully annoying. These kids will do anything an A-Lister asks them to. To them, they’re gods and goddess. However, unless they’re using them for one thing or another, the A-Listers don’t typically give the wannabes the time of day.

The wannabes do everything in their power to try and be cool and keep those above them happy; because they know how close they are to being casted out of the in-crowd. Most people either pity them or hate them, but the wannabes don’t mind - they’re used to the haters. If and when they become apart of the A-Listers, those who doubted them will surely pay. Wannabes typically try to start trends, but they seldom come through as successful. Much like preps, they wear brand name clothes and act superior; although they aren't.



The Performers

The Performers have a passion for music and adore being in the spotlight. These students bring rhythms and melodies to the halls of Hollywood High. Music has a special place in their hearts and, ladies and gentlemen, try not to stare in awe as they showcase their talents. From songbirds and skilled dancers to aspiring DJs and instrumentalists, the Performers may seem like nothing more than a motley crew of gifted individuals; however, it’s their passions and love of music that unite them. Which, and let’s be real here, is more than we can say about some other cliques at this school.

Performer: Raquel Lewis

The Artists

Remember that elaborate mural you passed by on your way into school? Of course you do. We can bet it caught your eye but, by any chance, did you happen to catch a name? Of course not ― and that, ladies and gentlemen, summarizes this clique in its entirety. Half of Hollywood High’s student population may proudly boast about the school’s top-notch standing in liberal arts and humanities; however, they’re often the ones who can’t pinpoint the source of such works. Which they could consider a snub ― if it weren’t for the fact that they’re pretty content with that kind of recognition. These kids are quick to let their pieces speak for themselves. All in all, they’re a creative and accepting bunch ― filled with a mishmash of students just trying to find an outlet.

Artist: Taylor Cunningham

The Thespians

Thespians absolutely adore the theatre. It’s their life’s true calling. They are usually random, loud, and often burst out into song. Thespians love the theatre because, essentially, it’s their kingdom. Thespians feel at home there, and it’s where they can share their passion for the art with their peers, parents, and friends. They insist on auditioning for every single school production. Those who reside in this category but hate the performance aspect of it are often behind the scenes painting sets and directing the light fixtures. Thespians worship their director, and they’re really one big family unless someone stole so and so lead role, and then it’s war. They usually obsess over Broadway plays and musicals as well, and have stars in their eyes and big plans for the future.

Thespian: Blair Coker
Thespian: Tyler Cunningham


The Drifters

You know those kids who claim not to believe in "labeling people" and are "friends with everyone". Well, these little chameleons are known throughout Hollywood High as the Drifters. They don't have a defined circle of friends. They tend to mix and mingle with everyone from the Virtuosos - to the Brains. Theses kids have a talent for being able to form friends with people from almost any clique; outside of the popular cliques, as no popular person would ever risk their social reputation to associate with anyone that it's a Lister.


The Skaters

Skaters are people who love to skate (and can actually do it), unlike posers who call themselves skater just because they wear skate clothes and own a board. Although the clique is called the skater clique, not only skaters are apart of this clique. Skateboarders, bmxers, scooters, inline skaters; basically anyone who rides on any set of wheels that isn't a car and loves it is apart of this clique. It's all about landing tricks for these people. Landing a trick is the ultimate high! For real skaters what they do isn't a fad, it's a way of life.


The Hipsters

Like the hipsters are the 20's and 30's, the hippies of Hollywood High value independent thinking, counter-culture, progressive politics, an appreciation of art and indie-rock, creativity, intelligence, and witty banter. Although "hipsterism" is really a state of mind,it is also often intertwined with distinct fashion sensibilities. Hipsters reject the culturally-ignorant attitudes of mainstream consumers, and are often be seen wearing vintage and thrift store.

Hipster: Bea Prinsloo


The Loners

There are two types of loners at Hollywood High. The 'loser' loner and the 'coo'l loner. The cool loner, are the loners who do their own thing, they don't really care what others think, rejects most people yet is looked up to and follows their own lead. Then you've got the 'real' loser loner. These are the type of people who have crazy social anxiety along with poor social skills in general, zero confidence and exhibit envious traits. They're the ones who never get their crush, the money or the friends. The dumb person who goes unnoticed. The ones who feel invisible around the opposite sex (or same-sex if they're attracted to the same-sex). The people who nobody wants to spend time with. Known as 'the boring guy' or that 'friendless' person, the invisible woman. They act out to get any form of attention. They aren't lone wolves, they're dependent insecure people who are usally better friends with the teachers and tend to really cling to people who show them any form of attention.


The Scenes

These scenesters are usually very music-savvy and loyal to a few specific genres (typically hardcore, metal, indie, retro, 80's new wave, classic rock, etc. to name a few), of which they dress to exemplify. Scenesters take a lot of pride in their overall image, and often appreciate shock value. Oftentimes they are thrifty, employing their abilities as bargian-hunters and do-it-yourself gurus to do something unique with their style. Large vintage sunglasses, retro patterns, tight jeans, classic metal/band tees, plastic jewelry, and heavy eye makeup are just some of the incorperations into scene style for either sex. This style and showmanship is at its height during shows (concerts), where often scene kids will meet their friends and size up strangers who visit their turf. There indeed is competition among scenesters...sometimes friendly, sometimes not. Shows are in fact not just concerts, but often a means of socialization for those on the scene. Those people who partake in scene lifestyle often choose to date/socialize only with those like them, which can cause bitterness or rejection to outsiders.

The music scene is often associated with other areas that scenesters are interested in, which is likely, art, photography, creative writing, poetry, tattoos & piercings, civil rights, animal rights, etc. Many scene kids have strong beliefs about these things and consider those who do not to be "posers." They feel that their scene style is not only a fashion statement, but an all-encompassing lifestyle. The scene is dividing amongst itself, due to purists who feel the scene is about music only, and those who have taken the scene fashion to be almost, if not equally, as important as the music itself. Some of the fashionable scenesters stick to their musical roots, but often due to the aforementioned trickle-down effect, there are people joining the scene who are not interested in the music, but are only in it for the attention. Thus, the scene will continue to divide. Whether they will admit it or not, kids interested in this lifestyle of excitement, concerts, body modification, fashion, and overall alluringly unusual aesthetics will continually be labeled as "scene." They chose an alternative path because they wanted to find acceptance elsewhere.


The Punks

Far from being the violent mobs that the media often portrays, the ideological culture of Punks hold some very worthy beliefs such as anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, vegetarianism and environmental protection. Being a punk is all about being yourself, liking what you like, doing what you do and not having to live upto someone elses expectations, only your own. There is no dress code, hair colour or rules to be punk, since punk is about being true to yourself. You are a punk rocker if you listen to punk music. It doesn’t matter what you dress like. Punks by definition, both above and social don’t WANT to be cool. They want to be themselves and rebel against anything they feel is oppressing them.


The Goths

Goths then to like the darker side of things. They usually listen to death metal and goth music, such as Dismember and Bauhaus (Marilyn Manson is NOT goth. He's just...weird). Real goths are not depressing and suicidal like the posers you see at Hot Topic. Goths are fun to be around and have a satyrical sense of humor, able to laugh at both themselves and other people. They don't worship Satan and aren't evil despite what some ignorant people might say. Goths don't all dress alike either. They like to create their own unique style. Goths don't envy the popular people. They are what they are because it makes them happy. Goths would rather stay who they are and be among the so called "freaks" than be like everyone else and be popular.


The Emos

Ask a room full of fifty self-identifying Emos to define "Emo" and you'll probably get twenty completely different answers. Being emo is not about self harm or self-loathing. Emo is short for emotional hardcore and is a sub-genre of hardcore punk that began in the 1980s. Bands like Texas is the Reason, Thursday, Sunny Day Real Estate and Cap'n Jazz are all emo bands. If you also have Lady Gaga, Johnny Cash, and Cannibal Ox on your iPod, that doesn't make you any less emo. A real "emo" is someone who is passionate and knowledgeable about a diversity of music and proud of their taste in it. In general, the emo subculture values the arts. Painting, making music, writing, and expressing yourself creatively are all important ways to participate in the emo subculture. Emo pride themselves on self-exploration, intelligence, and feeling.

Emo: David Santiago


The Geeks

A geek is somebody who is generally very knowledgeable—even to the point of obsession—about a particular topic. What separates the geeks from the nerds is that geeks aren't all knowing know-it-alls. Instead they are all knowing enthusiast about whatever topic or field happens to catch their interest. These are the kids with 1st edition or limited edition comic books. They are obsessed with the newest, coolest, trendiest things that their obsession has to offer. Geeks are different from nerds in the fact that they have social lives. However, these social lives are often spent pursuing some passion that the geek is obsessed with (i.e. Yu-Gi-Oh!). They spend all their time thinking about their one obsession, and play it in all of their free time. Geeks are usually only friends with other geeks, and attempts to converse with geeks is futile, unless, of course, you want to talk about Star Trek or whatever that certain geek is obsessed with.


The Nerds

If you need a tutor, they’re the ones to go to— if you can tear them away from their books first. Sometimes they get their straight marks effortlessly, other times they slave over their textbooks in the library for hours, but either way they’re in the top ten once exam scores come out. A nerd is a basically a bright but socially inept person. The nerds are the people who gain pleasure from amassing large quantities of knowledge; i.e. the all knowing know-it-alls. They possess envious amounts of intelligence and work ethic. These students make the flawless grades and make our school look good. The Nerds are confident that those who are at the top of the school now will be working for them one day. The members of this clique have outstanding achievements in academics, even if they are always one step behind sports in receiving recognition.



The Transfers

Transfer students are pretty self-explanatory -- your transfer students are your students who've transferred to Hollywood High from a other schools. When transfer students come to Hollywood High they are categorized with the Unclaimed group because it takes time for new students to get equipped with the ways of Hollywood and figure out what coterie is the place for them. Even if you do transfer to the school mid-year if your a freshman than your grouped with the Niners.

Transfer: Erin Benson
Transfer: Helena Ross

The Niners

The Niners, otherwise known as freshman, are first-year students at a Hollywood High. Your high school years are ones of self-discovery and everyone in this clique is just trying to figure out who they are and where they belong. Entering high school freshman tend to stick together, traveling in large packs for protection.There are two types of Freshman. The first kind being the annoyingly cocky, stupid, and immature kind. They haven't yet grasped the fact that they're no longer in middle school, and that they're are far larger and stronger upperclassmen lurking in the shadows looking for a reason to kick their asses. Then you've got the quiet and respectful freshmen who despise their counterparts. Make a decent attempt to fit in with the mature people on campus. Often keeping their mouths closed and heads low until they either find there place or sophomore year rolls around. By the end of the year every freshman will have found there clique at Hollywood High and will go from being unclaimed to being apart of a group.


The Outcasts

Wondering what the difference is between a loner and an outcast? The difference is that loners have always been loners and outcasts were once apart of a clique that now ignores their existence. They once belonged to a clique that now wants nothing more to do with them. The outcasts were casted out of their former cliques and unless they can somehow find a way to integrate their way into a new clique and find some new people to called friends; they will spend the rest of their high school days unclaimed and alone.

Last edited by TvJunkie19 on Tue Aug 18, 2015 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Social Ladder

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aquamarine on Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:54 pm

Cherry Peters: Cheerleader
David Santiago: Emo
Blair Coker: Thespian
Via Stone: Animal
Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.

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