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BH tourney: Round 1- Rilla vs. Victim130

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BH tourney: Round 1- Rilla vs. Victim130

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby iowa90 on Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:27 pm

Round 1 setting:

The arena is over a lake. There are many docks that form a web of wooden platforms across the entire lake. Some platforms are stable and others will wobble with movement. All are anchored in some way so as to not drift. The water is murky and hard to see further then 2 to 3 feet. Some platforms have hut like structures. These platforms are generally more stable then the others. The time of day is mid day with the sun out and shinning but the clouds are in scattered overcast so the possibility of the sun being covered is high. There is a slight breeze but nothing extreme.

Rilla gets the first move which should be none combat/prep and be purely introduction.

"Truth be told... I couldn't lay a finger on the man."

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Re: BH tourney: Round 1- Rilla vs. Victim130

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rilla on Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:13 pm

The world of dreams had been an empty one, odd on a night wherein he was sleeping by a beauty of a lake, in the subtle embrace of nature. Chirping crickets and stalking animals provided the symphony of sounds that was aided by the gently lapping waves of the lake nearest him. Had not the night offered a gentle chill, Wallace would have surely slept outside, beneath the shining stars and amongst the animals he often hunted. Alas, the night had not be favorable that night, like a angered mistress, and Wallace found himself taking to one of the weaker built houses; in this way, he could sleep soundly and still awake in time if someone, logically, attacked a more attractive housing structure looking for him.

With the chirp of an unidentified avian, perhaps an Osprey, Wallace rolled from the makeshift cot he slept on and stretched. Bones snapped and popped, rendering the man limber, unlike his previous stiff stint. Shaking his leg, he reached down and grasped his attire, covering his bare chest with first, the cold leather and then the chain mail. Feet slipping into furred boots, the heavy man began to trudge towards the door. Stopping only to strap a bow to his back and a sword to his waist. Hunter and Devourer, respectively. Sufficiently weaponized, Wallace placed his hand on the door, but did not exit; instead, he turned and walked back towards the rear of the hut, and looked out of the small window; towards the sparkling lake that sat behind it. The sun was reflected exquistitely off the tranquil blue lake.

"Such a beautiful day," he mused, as a simple fish exited the lake with a leap, before seamlessly entering back into the lake. On his heels he turned, heading back towards the door; his palms pressing against the rotted frame. As per custom, he waited, this was to ensure nothing dangerous awaited him on the outside; a predator having smelled his scent and wanted to partake in the consumption of his flesh.

His eyes closed to listen to the outside; a strange flickering image of an Ox appearing in the darkness.

A glimpse into the soul.

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Re: BH tourney: Round 1- Rilla vs. Victim130

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby victim130 on Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:21 pm

The sun sat gleaming in the cloudy blue sky, giving off enough light to show the murky water that lay below, before the gray puffs took over the sun and held its light within the overcast. Karma slowly crept along the wobbly, wooden docks that formed a web across the lake. Aside from its dirty look, the water seemed to be very pretty and gave a shine on the surface, when the sun made an appearance. She passed by a small shack that looked sturdy compared to the other house-like buildings along the lake. Peeking around each corner, Karma found herself to be alone, or at least seem alone. Stepping inside she checked her hair, which was held in a bun by two needles. The sleek, dark black hair fell and drifted in a slight breeze against her soft, pale white skin, as she pulled out the two needles and gazed at them as if to make sure they were still intact; surely enough, they were.

Inside her light yellow kimono were seven throwing knives and moving down her arms were poison darts, two on each arm and a thin dagger in her left sleeve. On her hands, she had claws that were strapped to her fingers. Putting her hair back up, Karma thought herself to be ready if a fight was to arise soon, but the wait made her remind herself why she joined the Blood Hollow Tournament in the first place. Maybe it was for vengeance against the ones who killed her teacher or maybe her father, who had murdered her mother, or simply to hone her skills and surpass her sisters. Her new target of assassination, however, was the members of the tournament.

Karma got ready to move again, she was sure one of her targets was nearby. Using her extreme acrobatic movements, she jumped from the platform and landed on the roof of the shack. She crouched on the triangular roof and peered over the edge trying to scout the area. On her first glance, she saw nothing but a few fish jumping from the lake in a graceful arc, but with a little patience, Karma spotted what she thought to be a man with his hand placed up against a rotted frame of a door on a hut across the docks. He carried something made of wood that resembled a bow, but from the distance, it was hard to tell.

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Re: BH tourney: Round 1- Rilla vs. Victim130

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rilla on Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:11 pm

‘A fish cannot jump that high.’ Wallace thought, as he heard the thud of something landing atop a nearby roof; his head immediately turning towards a window in that direction. Through the glass portal, he could see the lithe frame of a woman, with some type of claw-fashioned additions to her fingers. She was crouched and for all intensive purposes looking directly at him. “Interesting,” he mused, giving a cheery wave towards the woman. “Well, it seems my opponent has arrived,” he spoke aloud to himself, or was it the Ox spirit that inhabited him. It mattered not, as he tapped the blade on his left side; a barely visible glow taking over the steel, but it was concealed within the sheathe. “Time to go introduce myself,” he said, pushing through the door and stopping just on the corner; enough coverage to hide his frame, and see the woman as she was on the roof. The door was left open.

“A woman as my opponent? This must surely be a mistake, misses. Perhaps you are not him. Are you lost?” The flurry of words came quick, a feigned idiocy, as he crouched low. Maybe it would lure her into a false sense of security. His mind had already began taking into account the landscape and how to best maximize his abilities. If he could get the woman into the water for a long enough period of time, he could shock her with a lightning arrow; but that was unlikely. A fall back plan. Reaching behind him, he unhooked the bow from behind him, and summoned a non-magical arrow; taking his count down to 129.

Body crouched, he began to move to the left; able to move if his opponent did anything sudden. In this way, he was also able to fire off an arrow, with extreme precision, if he had the chance. His breath steadied, allowing for more precise aiming procedures compounded with his already remarkable skill with a Bow. His body moved to the left, until he was nearly on the ground; with that, he slid back into the hut, huddled against the floor and wall. This allowed him to go back unseen into the room, which was a step away, since the window was to high to see the floor level. Into the furthest corner he went; blocking out the closest window, unless from a point further than that; unlikely as his opponent was aerial. Only the door and the window on the right side of the hut were allowed for an effective attack.

“Come to me, woman.” He slowly breathed, pulling back on the arrow; preparing for his fatal attack.

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Re: BH tourney: Round 1- Rilla vs. Victim130

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby victim130 on Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:10 pm

Karma had been spotted; she was sure it was the sound of her landing that gave her away. Right away the hunter-like man gave a wave and started to mock her with chauvinistic remarks. "Yeah I must be lost; I was supposed to fight a real man out here somewhere," replied Karma with a very obvious sarcastic tone. She leaped off the roof and made her way around the platform, before jumping to a less sturdy platform that lay in between the two huts. It rocked as she landed on it, but she didn't let it stop her before she leaped again, this time into a front flip.

Karma spun two times before landing in front of the house, where the man was, with a thud against the wood. The decaying frame gave the hut a weird look, but it was no time to think about such things. Karma found herself just out of vision of the man, to the left of the doorway. It gave an uneasy feeling to her not being able to see her opponent, which seemed to have skills with a bow and probably some sort of close ranged weapon. Just then, she heard something that sounded muffled by breathing. It would seem that the man from before was in the left of the shack, but it was too bad the sound was only faint and she hadn't actually seen her target enter.

Karma had no other choice, it was either risk harm by the man's weapons or sit back all day. Reaching into her sleeves, Karma pulled out four poison darts, two in each hand. She took in a deep breath and cleared her thoughts. "He won't hurt you badly even if you miss," thought Karma inside her head as to calm herself from her plan of action. Now with the deep breath she had inhaled, she emitted loud screeching noises. Karma had a power from birth that allowed her to petrify people with her screams; however the limit on the time each person is stunned is different based on hearing and their overall sense of awareness, this effect maxing out at about five to six seconds.

With her sureness towards the man being unable to move, or at least badly startled, Karma jumped to the right, throwing her darts into the room towards the left. One was heading straight towards the middle of the left wall, two others headed for the farthest corner, one that would hit just above someone who was crouched down and the other would land about the chest area, again, if he was crouched. The last one made its way towards the left side of the back wall, and was more towards the stomach area of a standing man. Each dart had a potent poison meant for taking out targets in silence. As long as the tips were to reach a blood stream, the target would be dead without proper treatment. The projectiles themselves, however, would cause only minimum harm because their tips are very short; about two inches long.

Karma finished her spring with a somersault and crouched just about a foot inside the hut's door frame. When she reached her crouched position, she placed her left hand at about neck level and the other at chest level. Each claw acted as a mini shield and would provide some defense, even if it was only tiny.

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Re: BH tourney: Round 1- Rilla vs. Victim130

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rilla on Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:27 pm

The sound of a rocking platform told him, his opponent had landed between his hut and her own; the soft creak of wood beneath a sudden weight was all he needed. His grip on the bow continued to tightening, preparing to release the deadly arrow at maximum velocity. He made no attempt to speak any longer, quite simply he waited for the woman to show her body in the door way or window.

She moved again, this time landing on the wood of the hut; a thud giving away her position. His body moved slightly; leaning down as he awaited the woman. With the ground as steady as it were, he aimed towards the door, before a malignant screech penetrated and rending the quiet sky. “UGH!” He yelled; struggling to keep his composure in light of the sound that pounded his head, though his body was forced furthermore towards the ground; laying him on his right side, against the small cot. Perfect. Trained as he were, he managed to fight off the majority of the screech’s effect. As it were, he was in a dominate position, as any further attack would mean she would have to reveal herself to a larger opponent; and that, was just what she did. ‘A novice,’ he thought…

Her body appeared in the doorway; armed with several small daggers. Thud. Thud. Ching. Thud. All but one dagger missed, the one that managed to connect with him, bounced off a mixture of leather and chain mail; augmented by his position to glance off instead of penetrate. It tapped against the wall behind him and fell harmlessly to the ground. An attack meant to disorientate, only served to place him out of harms way. And then, she made the biggest mistake she could; being fancy.

Mid-Flip, Wallace released the arrow at a little less than full power. But, that would make no difference. At full power the arrow would travel over 1000 feet in a second; given this was less, it was still enough to potentially penetrate the mid-air woman, at such a proximity. To further this, he didn’t aim at her, he aimed lower but not by much, leading the woman. The arrow, would hit a standing opponent in the stomach; a crouched opponent in the head; and a flipping opponent, either in the back, stomach, or head. With the lead he gave her, it would landed, most likely, from the chest up. At such speeds, and given the way the woman moved, the arrow would be fatal. Penetration meant nearly through and through; arteries damaged. When he fired the arrow; his hand immediately shot to the sword at his waist, holding the hilt and beginning to removed it; as it still glowed with latent power.

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Re: BH tourney: Round 1- Rilla vs. Victim130

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby victim130 on Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:05 pm

As Karma reached her stance and moved her claws to a defensive placement, an arrow came towards her at an incredible speed. Since she already had her claws in a movement towards her neck, she used her left hand to deflect the arrow. This came at a great price though. The arrow was moving too fast and her hand was too far away to fully block the projectile. The tip scrapped through the skin just below the right eye and landed behind her, emplaced in the wood of the hut. The wood split and the arrow almost completely went through the wall.

Blood ran down her face as if to escape the wound. Some even splashed up and gave her vision a fuzzy red tint. She could still see, but for the most part, everything in her right eye looked somewhat red in color. Karma clutched the wound with her left hand to stop it from bleeding. She found a great pain in her hand too. Nothing was broken, but putting pressure gave it the sting of something close to it. Without much more thought, Karma had to take a leap at her foe while he was unready. She ignored the pain as much as she could, while jumping forwards into a running motion. The wood creaked as she ran forwards to about half the distance. Once her good eye caught the sight of a sword, she swiped out two normal throwing knives while. Karma placed her throws with one aimed at his head and the other at his hand holding the sword. She knew better then to aim at his armor now.

Nearing the man, Karma gave out a slash with her left claw, towards his neck. "Come on! Is that petty arrow your best shot?" questioned Karma. She was careful to leave her right hand open if he was to attack her. She felt confident about her attack. Standing at about two feet away on her right foot and at about one foot with her left, her claw could intercept the sword leaving the man unarmed and open to a kill. It had not even occurred to her when she put this attack through. Karma had no doubts about this kill, but was sure to get bored soon if it was to carry on.

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Re: BH tourney: Round 1- Rilla vs. Victim130

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rilla on Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:50 pm

Somehow the woman managed to gain reflexes equivalent to that of a God, in terms of being able to land and deflect an arrow, going over a thousand feet a second. It was nothing short of a miracle, but there was no time for such thoughts. While the arrow flew, he withdrew his own sword; ebbing now with it's third cycle of charging. Thud! The arrow hit off the woman's claws and stuck in the wall, nearly breaking completely through.

His eyes turned to the injured woman, who was holding her face with her left hand; the injury obviously severe enough to cause her damage, of some sort, instead of puncturing all the way through like Wallace perceived it would have. This was perfect for Wallace, his grip on the sword increased and his body stood up fully during the time. His stance resembled something of an Ox; powerful and wide, perhaps attributed to his muscular stature, and his tenure as a avid hunter. The woman was unsteady due to the shot and he had all the time he needed to prepare; with a adjustment of his sword, he waited for the best chance to strike. Like a determined waitress in a fancy establishment, she served him this chance.

Game Over.

He took a step forward as she began to move, and then another. She leaped, like last time, in a running motion. Siezing the chance, he forcefully stuck his sword out towards her heart; his body ducking low to avoid the knives; one slamming fruitlessly into his armor and the other sailing over his head. This served two purposes; the motion would allow for him to stab her, in the heart while her defenses were moot; as well as releasing the thrice charged energies within the blade; more than enough to take out a woman at less than five feet with no descernible defenses to her name.

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