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True Blood IC

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ImmortalSin on Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:41 am

As much as it pained Fletcher to slow down, she simply couldn't keep the pace up any longer. She already had a few stitches in her stomach and her calves were burning. She needed a break. If she didn't stop soon her body was going to make her.

The girl doubled over, panting heavily while she tried to remember where she'd kept her phone this evening. Her hands shook as they reached into the back pocket of her jeans and she produced a slim cellphone. It was top of the market, like most of the possessions she owned. She flipped it open and moments later muttered a curse under her breath. Brick walls and cellphones obviously weren't a good match, neither were cellphones and excess water.

"It's screwed." She sighed, tossing it to the ground in front of her. It looked like a waste, but the damn thing would cost more to fix than a new phone would anyway, it wasn't worth it. A part of her was glad she couldn't call home. Her parents probably wouldn't answer, and no one else would pick her up. Even if she could get a ride home with someone she knew she'd rather spend the rest of the night in the Strip rather than be seen like this.

The mere thought of returning to an empty home also scared the hell out of her. Jude knew were she lived, where she worked, where she liked to go of an evening... as long as he was out there she'd never be safe.

Fletcher brought a hand to her face and wiped the hair from her eyes, staring almost gratefully over at her saviour. "I... don't even know your name." She murmured, dropping her gaze momentarily in shame. Just as she was about to continue another streak of lightning tore across the sky, this time a piercing crack sounded around them.

Feeling a little less courageous then before she sheepishly suggested, "Let's go?" Her body was still aching but her lungs had gathered enough air to continue on. If she rested for too long she almost believed that she wouldn't be able to start up again anyway. The best thing for both of them to do at the moment was to keep moving. That way they'd put even more distance between them and Jude and keep themselves marginally warm.

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PixieCP on Sun Jun 28, 2009 1:44 am

((Where I come from, half the phones have a sim card with your number and your contacts and photos etc, and some phones don't.))

When the girl chucked her phone, down, Fiona couldn't help twitching her fingers slightly in the urge to pick it back up. Jeez, at least chuck it in a bin. But then, she figured the girl had more to worry about at the moment anyhow.

"Y'know, I miss the old cellphones sometimes. They weren't named flying bricks for nothing." She remembered being a little girl playing with her dad's cellphone. It had been big and clunky and given Chuck from school a big bruise when she'd wopped him upside the head with it. The phone itself had survived being dropped down the stairs. Not on purpose of course.

Both of them jumped when the lightening and thunder next hit. Fiona smiled softly at the girl. Her darkening glamour was gone now, her face visible in the fractured street light.

"Fiona." She didn't need a full name, just something to call her by. And giving out your full name made you traceable. Speaking of which, she darted down and scooped up the girl's phone. Popping the back off, she slipped the sim card out and placed it in the girls hand. "Keep that. You don't know if it's completely ruined yet."

Fiona wasn't feeling the cold yet, but she'd bet the human was. Being so fragile would utterly suck, Fiona decided. Around the next corner, Fiona could see the best version of sanctuary currently available. A long line of people tucked under an awning, a full car-park, and a sign. Bloody Mary. Yus! They were on the other side of the street, so Fiona led Fletcher past the main front before crossing the street. Merry's directions hadn't been exhaustive, but good enough. Fiona could see the side door down the well kept alley, with crates of empties and a dumpster sitting neatly along the opposite wall. She glanced back at Fletcher and smiled reassuringly.

"We're almost outta the rain."

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DEEReye on Sun Jun 28, 2009 2:33 am

It was hard to believe that after the near vampire attack and the large amount the girls committed themselves to, they were heading right into the heart of all vampire life in Greenville. Stupidity had to be common among the faerie race. The one called Merry honestly believed she had the power to hold off a recently turned vampire. Memories of when Léonide had to keep Alexis in check right when he turned her were not his fondest. They were the worst. Even so, Léonide continued to linger near while risking getting caught at his games by Alexis. He had to do something. Another night wasted might be the thing to tip him into a downward spiral.

From the dark he appeared, swiftly moving in front of the duo. Sopping wet was a good look for him. Water dripped from his chin and hair while he gave off his sense of sensuality. Glamour came easy to him and it took some concentration to not use it on the girl. Her being so close to Léonide excited him. Every sense he had was alert and that sense of hunger was ready to be released upon her. But that was to wait as well. Games weren't fun when rushed.

Eyes narrowed to slits looked them both over. Having no interest in the faerie, Léonide took a step closer to the human shivering in the cold. She was still warm in his opinion. Humans retained heart, their hearts pumping all that blood throughout the body. That's where the real heat lied. Standing so close to the human reminded him of that night centuries ago when he found the first human he spared from immediate death. How sentimental.

"Going to the Bloody Mary is the worst idea to ever get into that that head. Maybe you had to much moonlight," he said, clearly directing that statement to the fey who decided to play leader. "Taking the human there will only cause more trouble. You don't want Jude to get such easy access to you, right, Fletcher?"

Teeth sank into his bottom lip as he bit back a grin. The girl's name was even amusing. Nothing boring or overly made up like the fangbangers demanded to be called by when being molested by the undead. Léonide played with the idea that maybe he was having himself a little crush on the shaking creature before him. "My name is Léonide. Obviously, I am vampire. But I am not here to bite into that slender neck that carries such a rebellious head. I just want to give you my card." He gave no time for immediate reaction. Whipping out a bronze case from his back pocket, he held out a bone white card with neat script. On it was Léonide du Origen; Origen Originals. It also had his number in the bottom right corner. "Take it for the next night you come to the strip."

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ImmortalSin on Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:00 am

Fletcher couldn't help but let a little smile appear on her face, she repeated the name in her head. Fiona. She would remember it, for as long as she lived she would remember it. Startled briefly when Fiona thrust her sim card at her, she took it, deciding that it was best not to argue.

They rounded a corner and were met with a most comforting sight. A crowd, shelter, the perfect place to hide. They weren't the only people completely drenched either, it seemed that this place was a gathering for the bedraggled. So this is the Bloody Mary... She'd heard a lot about it but had never had the guts to venture here before. Or maybe it was that she tended to listen to her common sense more often than those she usually hung around with.

When they passed by the line of people Fletcher nervously studied the faces of the entire group, praying that she would not recognise any of them. At least not one in particular anyway. She was still on edge, the adrenaline coursing through her veins like it had been for almost an hour now. Fiona's friend still hadn't returned, if anything happened to her she didn't know how she would deal with the guilt. But they seemed to be able to take care of themselves.

Fiona came to a stop in front of what looked to be a side door to the place, she hesitated, thinking of asking her whether they were allowed in this way, but once again decided not to question her. Instead her eyes darted around the alleyway. When they came to rest on the bricks that formed the walls of the building she suppressed a groan, becoming more aware of her throbbing head. Waking up in the morning was going to be terrible, that was for sure.

Giving a sudden start, Fletcher took a step back as soon as another unfamiliar individual appeared in front of them. For a moment she'd sworn it was Jude, but this man seemed much more serene and in control than Jude ever was. There was an air of command about him. It made it hard for her to breathe, the air was caught in her throat and refused to move to her lungs.

Swallowing, she was glad to see that Fiona had taken a protective position in front of her. Her slow reaction time was beginning to grow tiresome. Time and time again she was proven to be inferior this evening. It was bad for her pride. When he spoke she felt even more breathless than before. Was she losing her mind? Had she left it in the car with her jacket?

When the stranger directed the question at her Fletcher drew in a sharp breath, thoroughly disturbed by the fact that he knew both who she and Jude were. The mere thought was almost offensive, that he tossed around their names so casually. If she hadn't been frozen from the combination of cold and fear she would have struck him across the face. The deceleration that he was a vampire came as no surprise. Tonight anything seemed possible.

Fletcher's attention was now turned to the card that he was offering her. It seemed like a challenge. She wasn't sure whether it was her stubbornness that made her take it, or the fact that she was very familiar with the prestigious Origen Originals designs, or maybe that in some messed up way she truly wanted to see this individual again - maybe it was a combination of all four - but she did accept his challenge. Fletcher Evans didn't back down.

There was a loud toot of horns in the street that lay beyond the alleyway, and Fletcher felt her mood instantly lighten. She gave Léonide one last inquisitive glance before she darted towards the line up of empty taxi's. "Hey, hold up!" She shouted at one of the drivers, causing him to shoo away a Bloody Mary patron that had been just about to hop in. Even in her drenched state any guy would do a favor for a pretty girl like her.

Fiona emerged a little later from the alley and Fletcher waved to catch her attention. "I want you to keep this, it has my contact details." She smiled when she was within reach, pushing the sim card back into Fiona's hands. "I can't... thank you enough." Such a display of gratitude was quite rare indeed for her, but it was warranted. "Say thanks to your friend as well, when she gets here." She added for good measure, hoping that she did get here.

The taxi driver was beginning to grow impatient, there was plenty of other people wanting a ride home, so Fletcher merely clasped Fiona's hands momentarily before slipping into the back seat. The whole parting moment had been far too rushed. After everything that they'd been through tonight she wished she could have stayed for longer, made sure that her friend arrived, spoke to them, even became friends. But that wasn't Fletcher's style.

And look how far that's gotten me... She thought bitterly, twisting in her seat so that she could watch as one of the nicest people she'd met in her life so far grew farther and farther away until she became nothing but a memory.

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PixieCP on Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:49 pm

A whole string of curses she'd learn from her grandmother had streaked through her mind as Fiona had instinctively stepped between Fletcher and who ever thought it was still cool to do the dramatic entrance thing. He had that slight seduction glamour vampires usually gave off. Fiona could see it but not feel it, and she snuck a point 5 second glance at Fletcher. It looked like the girl's personality was serving her well, she looked annoyed rather than bewitched. For a second she had a flirtatious mental image of Fletcher simply reaching the end of her patience and clocking him one. However, the vampire's spines had pricked at her pride. He was essentially calling her a 'tard, and looking all contemptously at her like she was some airheaded human, and he had the gall to look gorgeous in pouring rain while doing it.

Then the horns sounded, and Fletcher was gone. Fiona felt some of the tension drain out of her, and she noticed the vamp's eyes had followed Fletcher out. His eyes... Sweet Mary, the guy was the same age as her grandmother. She was a toddler compared to him. Any battles she started here would be brief and rather painful on her part. The fey shrugged mentally and physically.

"I was going for shelter and a phone really. You and I don't feel cold the way she does. 'Sides, Merry advised me to bring her. I never claimed to be the brains of this operation." She grinned at him, "The plan was never to stop him anyway. Just send him on a goose chase." Tapping her chin, she then snapped her fingers as her idea occured to her. "The owner wouldn't be too stoked at someone trying to bump off a human in their establishent, huh? There'd be more than enough vamps in there who'd rather not have a front page murder on their ground. Makes PR a bit hard. Even if they just chucked him out the door, it'd be an improvement." She wiped some of the water from her brows, and then sighed. Her makeup was probably ghoulish by now, and that was not a look for a fey. But since she didn't know what the mess looked like, she couldn't tell what to set her glamours for. Bah.

"I think I might take up being a hermit. I've never tried to keep a human alive before, it's kinda hard. Toodles, sir." She turned her back on him, her ears prickling for him. Hopefully he wouldn't be so low as to have a go at her now. She really hoped he didn't, because then she'd end playing tag in the rain and she was just so OVER today. Fiona wanted to go home, sleep, wake up for breakfast and sleep some more. Not even the promise of Sweet Water would keep her out much longer.

Exiting the alley, she was surprised when called over by Fletcher. She would have thought the girl would have left already. Taking the sim card, Fiona was surprised at the amount of trust the prickly human had displayed. She smiled back, honestly. The people around them were getting impatient, and this wasn't always a good crowd to keep waiting. In a moment, Fletcher was gone. Fiona watched the tail-lights disappearing down the road and out of sight, before something fast moving flickered at the edge of her vision.

Fiona had vaulted over the incoming person, about to attempt snapping this asshole's neck since they were just the latest on a long list of aggravating events. Then she saw silvery hair and allowed herself to just land in a neat cat-like crouch. She glared at her Aunt, flipping her sodden hair back from her face. Merry just laughed, and then glanced around.

"Aw hell, she died? I just got my Fury on for nought?" she looked, well, slightly sulky really.

"Nah, she got a cab when we got her, she's on her way home, I think." Fiona slipped the sim card somewhere safe. "Now I dunno what you're doing, but I'm going to go home and read. Never again will I listen to your bright ideas. Some guy who outdates Dad was hitting on her too. Gave her a card. Origin or something like that."

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lillith on Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:43 pm

Dawn was fast approaching and the bar was slowly but surly emptying. A few drunken fang bangers here, a couple of thoroughly bored vampires there, and one man who gave off a very interesting scent. "Not entirely human, this one," Murdoch thought to himself. He remembered what Alexis had said about 'shifters' earlier. In all his years as a vampire, Murdoch had never actually had a conversation with a shifter, though he had felt their presence too many times to count. He had heard they were often either very fearful, or very aggressive. He had no reason to believe otherwise. He kept a watchful eye on this shifter fellow, but opted not to strike up any conversation.

Murdoch causally rinsed out glasses behind the bar when he heard Leonides voice. Not from anywhere near mind you, in fact he was actually out back near the other entrance to Bloody Mary's. He listened intently as Leonide spoke with glamour to some sweet young thing who's fascination Murdoch could actually smell on the air. Leonide was on the prowl, it seemed.

Murdoch was unexpectedly struck with a twinge of jealousy. How many long years it had been since he allowed himself such pleasures as the warm soft necks of young human girls. This vampire, Leonide. This place. They were awakening his very primal nature. His hands began to shake and he dropped a glass. He watched it fall to the floor, as if in slow motion, and shatter into a thousand pieces. A strange ringing sound began to well up in his head until he was practically deafened. He knelt down, feeling faint, clutching the cold marble bar desperately with one hand.

"Um, are you ok?" The words burst violently through the seemingly impenetrable wall of sound that filled his mind. He stood up quickly, eyes settling upon the face a young red haired waitress.

"Yeah, yeah, I..uh, I just need to clean this up." He studied her a moment. She was quite pretty really. Her green eyes and freckled cheeks were almost hidden under a great mane of curly flame colored hair. It took Murdoch less than a fraction of a seconed to decide...he wanted her. His mind had made a 180 degree turn from when he had first set foot in this place. A place that so reeked of sex and blood that even a man as firmly set in his ways as Murdoch, simply could not resist.

"Could you maybe get me a broom? I don't know where one is." With such charm and ease did he speak, that even this blase statement seemed to drip with sensuality. The waitress went to a back room and hastily returned. broom in hand. She smiled at him like a child meeting Santa Clause at the local mall for the first time. As he took the broom from her Murdoch made sure to gingerly pass his pale finger tips over the back of her freckled hand. "I'm Murdoch," His penetrating stare causing the girl to blush slightly.

"Caroline..." She watched him, unblinking as he began to sweep up the glistening shards of wet glass. He noticed Alexis eyeing him from across the room. He closed his eyes momentarily, appearing very serene, in an attempt to convey to Alexis that he meant this girl no harm. But he would not deny that he desired the warmth of her flesh and of her blood. And it was more than slightly obvious that Caroline was indeed a fang banger. The tiny double scars that littered her body made this very clear. Perhaps even Leonide had had his way with her. When he'd finished sweeping he stood up and met Carolines excited eyes with a coy smile. "So, what time do you get off..OF WORK! I mean." She bit her lip nervously.

"I would imagine the same time you do, seeing as there's only one shift." The man at the end of the bar raised his head slightly at the word shift.

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DEEReye on Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:47 pm

That wasn't the reaction he desired. He wanted a little more spark and bite. The human girl was too boring already and that never was a good sign. He'd end up killing her quickly if that route continued to be taken. Frustrating to the very letter. No matter how much he tried to avoid it, every human woman he met was quickly compared to the esteemed Alexis. Love was the correct term to define that bond. But it was not even close to the romantic kind. The last time he found himself wound in the other kind was a far off and vague memory. It was easy to forget a face that was never real in the first place.

Each word of the faerie fell on deaf ears. Depression was rolling back like the rains that blew into the city. Drive and zest were driven out of him and all he wanted was to go home to his coffin. To be alone was bitter but tempting all the same. Calling to Alexis was pointless. He didn't want her to think any less of him on the most unfortunate night that he attempted to reignite his love of life. It was slipping between his fingers. There was nothing his companion could do for him at the time. Her embrace was worked for short moments, not eternity.

That sullen face turned towards the sky and he tasted the rain on his lips, remembering a time when he drank water from melted snow, desperate like a mad animal. Death gave him a reason to treasure his life even more. Being a vampire removed all fear of death and left everything meaningless. If something was there forever, it was not beautiful.

Sensations came to a high as the rain continued to fall. Cloudy skies hid the coming of the sun but Léonide felt it's coming. He hated it, loathed it for making him weak and incapable of staying in control. Thankfully, the day only lasted so long.

Retreating back to his car, he lazily dropped into the driver's seat and forced the engine to come to life once again. The car was ripping out of the parking lot soon enough. Back on the roads he played his favorite song; a French man singing about forgotten dreams and what it meant to lose the ability to ever dream again. How he hated his mood. How he wished it would just leave him and never return. Often he came to question his sanity and how much was in tact after so many passing centuries. There was no one to tell him if he was even Léonide du Origen.

Blood lingered on his cheeks for the third time that night as he staggered into his home, heading into the large room in which he kept his coffin. With a shut of the lid the whole world and the weight of it was cut off from the vampire Léonide du Origen.

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kumiko on Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:32 pm

He moved silently across the town. Night time was the greatest time for him. Every one was alone and they sat in their lonely homes. But for Salvage De Legion, it was play time. The city was a back water hick town full of the usual racist bastards found in the hills. Some of the people in this city where probably genetic freaks that happened to have incest run in their family. Salvage De Legion was a changeling that preferred a more clownish look. He did not have any friends and liked it that way for some reason. Meeting new people was fun and all but they kinda dragged you down for some reason. He was just about doing what was impulsive and irresponsible to others. He was a tricky person to handle, even then when you understood him he could change his mood faster then you could say"peter piper did not have a pickled pepper"

Standing alone on top of the mall he stared down at the citizens of Greenville he would smile.The night air was cool and gentle to the touch. Nothing was out of place for him, maybe a car or two that was missing in the parking lot but that was not unusual for his routine. The funny thing about him moving to this hick town was that no mystical being knew that he existed. This mean he was starting out fresh some where away from home. Well where ever home was he couldn't remember. Well to better things that where happening in the present.

The red socks won the national championship and Janet Jackson was still considered hot. The mall was busy and there was no one like him probably for miles at least. This bight would be to remember for him because he was going to spit on some citizen that was walking by to enter the mall. Leaning over he looked down and found his target. A small hunched over man with what looked like a can. So he had picked well a old man would figure it was rain and not question who, or what was going on. Gathering the mucous in his nostrils he would snort it into his mouth. Having a full mouth full of mucous and spit he just kinda opened his mouth and let it fall down. It rolled around in the air for a couple hundred meters before it hit the man squarely in the head. Falling backwards he would start laughing, as he laughed he rolled back and forth because of the intense irony about the spitting. A few years back some one had spit on him when he was hiding in a storm drain.
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Kumiko

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Starbuck on Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:49 pm

If Alexis had known ahead of time that managing a bar would be this fucking hard, she may have thought twice. This wasn't just some run down bar where a few locals poked their head in every now and again. This was a vampire bar, and even if it only operated when the orange sun was down, business was never slow. She needed more help, and she couldn't always rely on Léonide who had a business of his own to look after. Alexis was too damn stubborn to ask for help continuously. There was a part of her human years that she could still remember so clearly, being completely vulnerable and weak, unable to take care of herself. Now that she was stronger, at least physically, even now she had something to prove to himself. She didn't want to go back to being that person, and yet, it seemed to always sneak up on her when she least wanted it.

While managing the bar, Alexis kept looking over her shoulder and around the room, expecting her maker's handsome face to appear again. But he never did. She would fight hard to hide her disappointment as she kept herself busy with work the rest of the night. There were a few fights between vampires, which was common since the vampire to human ratio was much larger.

So, Alexis played bodyguard, and eye-candy to the humans. The men, and a few women could lust after her all they wanted, and she wouldn't need to glamor for that. They had eyes, didn't they? The blonde vixen had a body that screamed 'touch me' to anyone who dared to gaze upon her long enough, and anyone (human or supernatural) could get lost in those bright blue eyes. But it was all just too boring for Alexis, too fucking easy. These fangbangers came to Bloody Mary looking to get laid, and bitten. Where was the fun in the chase?

She was both disgusted and a little envious as humans and vampires exited the bar together, dawn coming soon. She'd be heading back into the ground alone, and she kept telling herself that it didn't bother her. While the bar slowly began to empty, her head twisted to the side to look over at Murdoch with a cute little waitress. No surprise there. Every vampire within a ten mile radius had tasted her blood. So, Alexis couldn't worry about the sweet Caroline, the girl was asking for it with each sway of her hips. But it was whether or not she'd be alive to show up for work tomorrow that concerned her. Those deep blue eyes glared a warning glance over at Bloody Mary's new bartender before she quickly whipped around and appeared into her office. She just didn't have it in herself to depart until she was sure the bar was taken care of and closed properly.
Previously known as PerfectlyBroken.

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lillith on Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:03 am

Murdochs flesh rose to goose bumps as he sensed the dawn approaching. There were no windows in the place, but he knew none the less. Caroline stood before him, flirtatiously twisting her curly locks between her finger tips and smiling innocently. Murdoch gave her a sympathetic smile. No, he just couldn't do it. Not like this anyway. "I have more self respect than this!" He screamed silently within his head.

"Well, it was indeed a pleasure meeting you dear, but its almost light out. I need to go." He smiled at her child like face. Feeling a bit ill at his behaviour toward this silly human girl. He was feeling torn like never before. It had been so very long since he allowed himself the luxury of socialization with humans, or vampires for that matter. "Jesus, I'm a confused man." He mused to himself

"Don't you want my phone number?" She called anxiously after him as he walked toward the long hallway.

"Wouldn't do me any good darling. I don't have a phone." He let out a breathless sigh as he paced quickly down the hallway toward Alexis office. He felt a need to apologise to her before he set off for his cold lonely basement sanctuary.

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kumiko on Mon Jun 29, 2009 5:45 pm

Salvage De Legion stopped laughing and got up. The world was tedious place to live in. He had no reason to stay on the roof of the mall. He walked slowly to the edge again and stared down. The mall was a twenty four hour place, a rare find indeed. Taking a look around the edge he would see no one near the back entrance. Jumping over the safe roof top, he would descend towards the ground. He fell and fell, the air around him surged up towards him like a swarm of fly's in a swamp.

Smiling he saw a hand rail coming up at him. Stretching out his hand he grasped for the metal rod. Once his fingers grabbed it he swung into a front flip and stopped his extreme velocity he had when he was falling down. After the flip he let go and fell to the ground feet first. His hands went to his shirt and he grabbed it and fluffed his shirt." There we go all better." There was no one outside like he had seen high above.

Smiling he walked to the door and grabbed the handle and turned the knob. The door swung open and he looked down the hall.Empty, so far so good. Shaking his head the one bell on it rang. Listening to the rebound of the sound waves he frowned. Three people where hiding in rooms up ahead. He needed to get into a disguise and hide his true form. He walked towards the nearest door and opened it and found a locker room.

Waking out of the locker room. Salvage De Legion had a new get up for the time being. His blue hair was tied up in a pony tail.His hazel eye's where the same but under the left eye he had a red tear tattoo. He looked like a worker for Hot Topic. The gothic clothes line was not that bad. They had a fashionable way about them. They whole I hate the world was not his deal but he could almost relate!

Walking down the hall way he would see very few people. Each person smiled and said hello. But when he spoke he had a irish accent. Taking his time he made his way to into the public entrance he opened the restricted doors he was in a new world almost. The mall was piratically packed. Even at this time of hour people where running around and buying random items.

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ImmortalSin on Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:06 pm

"G'night miss." The taxi driver called after his disembarking passenger. She'd been as pale as a ghost and had shivered tirelessly in the back seat for the entire ride home. He wondered what misfortune had befallen her tonight, but it wasn't hard to guess. She'd come from the Strip after all. Poor soul, she wasn't the only one who'd returned in such a state. "Damn parasites." He muttered, his foot pressing down on the accelerator sending the car speeding off down the street.

Fletcher moved silently up the front stairs that led to the door of her house. The sky was already lightening in colour, signaling how late it was. She figured it was only an hour or two 'til sunrise, if that. Pausing in front of the door, she fumbled around with the key chain her parents had given her, attempting to find the right one. After several minutes of testing different shapes and colours she heard a satisfying click and the door knob twisted to allow her entrance.

The difference in temperature was amazing. Obviously her parents had left the heaters on. Her damp clothes were already half dry by the time she'd ascended the staircase that led to her own room. Her house wasn't overly extravagant, but it was a bit better than your average residence. She had no idea how they could afford it, it's not like work was their priority. Though compared to what she'd seen in the Strip she was grateful at least that she had a place like this to return to each night.

As usual, when she passed by her parents room the door was open, and the bed was empty. Usually this would have been a relief for her, but tonight she would have given almost anything to have company.

Greeted by the pleasant smell of incense as soon as she entered her room, Fletcher quickly shut the door behind her and locked it. A feeling had set in, and everything she'd experienced tonight was coming back to her. She circled the room, looking under beds, checking the cupboards, peering through the curtains - taking every precaution. Each time she cringed, expecting to be met by those gleaming fangs.

After she was somewhat reassured that there was no one else in her room, she tugged the quilted blanket off of her bed and sat down in a corner. Her back was to the wall but she had a proper view of every entrance to her room. Snuggling into the blanket as much as she could she soon became aware of something digging into her. The card she'd be given earlier was the culprit, and her eyes traveled over the exquisite handwriting as she remembered the man who had presented her with this. Léonide du Origen, she repeated in her head, and a strange sense of calm spread throughout her.

Fletcher studied the name for what seemed like hours, her eyes eventually beginning to droop, her consciousness slipping away from her and then it happened. A flash of white and a wicked smile, his words replaying in her mind. It was enough to break her. And for once she didn't care. Like a pathetic little child she cried. She cried until her make-up had ran, her blanket was sodden, and her throat was dry. And when no more tears would come she fell into a fitful slumber, where Jude could torment her until she woke the next day.

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Starbuck on Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:15 pm

While the human employees were rushing to close and empty the bar, Alexis wrapped up a few things in her office. Again, this is where a second in command would have helped cut time nearly in half. Letting out an annoyed little groan, Alexis brought her hand up and pulled the tie from her hair. The blonde locks fell free over her shoulders as she gave her head a little shake and stood up from the desk. She knew dawn was sneaking up on her, and she was just as rushed as the humans were as she began to lock everything in the office up.

Once the lights were flipped off, Alexis was pulling open the office door when she felt an immortal figure moving her way in a hurry. Self-defense kicked in when she spun around, her hand stretching forward to curl her fingers around a cold neck and slam him against the wall in the hallway.

Blue eyes widened in shock when she recognized the handsome face of Murdoch and she quickly released her grasp and took a step back away from him. "I'm sorry, I didn't think anyone was still here." At least that wasn't human, she meant. "What is it? I need to get going." She said her words quickly, but she appreciated that she didn't have to explain why. He had the same dilemma.

Quickly, Alexis turned her head to the left, then the right, looking for someone. "Wait, where's the red-head?" So quick to jump to conclusions. Oh, just fucking great. Is that what he wanted to tell her, he had a moment of weakness? That would be a mess she wasn't willing to clean up, and she was a bit pressed for time. There went another bartender. This one was actually skilled, and she had high hopes for him. Just goes to show you can't put faith into a stranger, or a handsome face.

Rolling her eyes with annoyance, Alexis place her small hand on her waist and shook her head at him. "I welcome you in my bar, give you a job, and leave you alone for ten minutes. And that's what I get? I don't need to tell you that there will be consequences." Léonide's face hopefully popped up in his mind. She knew she shouldn't have been giving threats to someone older than her, Léonide had taught her better than that. But she was upset, and hurt! "You must mainstream and cooperate if you ever plan on dealing with humans, or me. Walk with me, and explain yourself." With a wave of her hand, she motioned for him to follow when she whipped out the back door of the bar.

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lillith on Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:35 pm

As the two stepped outside they were met with a terrible sight. "Shit! Its dawn!" Yes, that evil day moon was rising fast over the horizon. It was now Murdoch who grabbed Alexis wrist and began to run with all haste towards his little shanty house. The cool wind that wooshed by them cooled their flesh, thus making it harder to notice the painful bubbling blisters that were quickly rising from their milky flesh.

They reached the house quickly. It was certainly a good thing that he lived on the same side of town as Bloody Mary's, or they surely wouldn't have made it. Murdoch crashed through a large glass window at the front of the old run down building. The broken glass shredding many of the painful blisters that now covered his and Alexis bodies. He took care not to rip the heavy lead covered door of the basement from it hinges. Once on the other side he slammed it hard as he could. He felt the weight of Alexis body now. He wrapped his arm round her thin waist to steady her, preventing her from falling down the stairs.

He slid his left arm under her and carried her hastily down those rickety steps and into the pitch blackness of the cold dank room. He lay her down gently in a corner. He was older than her, he knew this. And given the fact that he was feeling such intense pain he simply couldn't imagine what she was going through. He stumbled under the stairs to fetch a soft fleece blanket. He was so weak now though that he couldn't even walk back to Alexis. He crawled on all fours to reach her quickly as possible. She seemed barely conscious. He carefully removed the charred clothing from her motionless form. Though he admittedly found his new employer very attractive, he paid no attention to her naked beauty. His only concern was her well being. He wrapped her tightly in the blanket and cradled her in his arms as though she were a small child. He ripped what was left of his new shirt from his shivering body. He exposed his fangs and bit deeply into his right wrist. He let the hot crimson river flow over Alexis pale lips. "Please wake up...." His typically deep steady voice trembled and squeaked slightly as he whispered.

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Starbuck on Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:00 pm

Dawn was here, quicker than she expected. Her whole body shuddered and by the time the employee door to the back of Bloody Mary was opened, they were too late. When Murdoch called out, Alexis sucked in a deep breath of air to gasp, blue eyes shot wide open. She barely had time to react until she felt him grabbing her wrist and tugging her with him to who the fuck knows where. Those longs legs ran faster than she could ever remember moving, and it seemed they were moving so fast their feet barely touched the ground. Never in her vampire life had she seen the sun. She had dreamed of seeing it again, and now...well, she'd take it all back if she could. The glow of the sun burned at her skin and there was a very high-pitched scream coming from somewhere. It took her a few moments to realize that the scream was coming from her own throat.

While the girl was used to that icy cold flesh, she now felt like she was on fire. And she may as well have been, because her skin was literally boiling. Léonide had not warned her of this, or what the fuck she was supposed to do! She hoped the older vampire with her knew what he was doing, because Alexis could feel herself slowly beginning to slip away.

Broken glass cut and slashed across her already damaged flesh, and more screams would escape while the two took cover in an unfamiliar house to her. Like she cared, though. Alexis' vision was a blur, and she thought it was possibly damage from the sun, but no. She was about to lose consciousness. As soon as the lead door was slammed shut and she knew she was safe, she just let go. Her eyes slowly fluttered shut as her body began to tip sideways toward the stairs, until those strong arms wrapped around her and carried her down into the darkness.

Alexis couldn't see, couldn't hear. But she could feel. And all she felt was pain. She wanted to continue to scream like she had before. She wanted to cry, squirm, and she would rather die than continue to go through the pain her body was going through now. But now she laid motionless in that painful state, and she could feel her body curling up in some sort of soft fabric. And then something hard was pressed against her. "Murdoch." She choked out his name. Was he okay? Well, she wouldn't get to find out, at least not anytime soon. Her mouth invited the blood that Murdoch sacrificed to her, her tongue lashing over her lips to take in every drop. But not too long after, Alexis let herself go, completely this time into a deep, deep slumber.

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DEEReye on Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:20 pm

In dreams the sky was beautiful. Peaceful was the mountain valley and the snow was not cold. No wind howled through the pass to freeze right down to the bone. Laughter played softly in his ears and he did not hunger or thirst. He was loved there in the old camp by family long lost and other familiar faces that were apart of the human life left behind. There was no pain here, in dreams. No, there was only the sweet feeling of being alive and knowing the beating beneath the ribs was real and constant. In Léonide's dreams he always lived those tender years before being thrust into something dark and forever. The mind had the lust to wander to when it was all better and there was no suffering, no questions about purpose or existing. Back when he was a mortal man was his most treasured part of his life and his dreams had been reliving those years for the last century. It was a bittersweet torture.

Something terrible woke him from his rest. The beautiful world in his subconscious was shattered and splintered by a sensation that made his gut twist, causing him to gasp and throw open his eyes. Alexis was screaming. She was dying and screaming. So much pain filled his skull. Eyes stung in the dark of his coffin as he dug his nails into the skin of his cheeks, tormented and letting out a strangled moan.

There was irony in being vampire. Power was bestowed upon a person yet ripped away each morning with the dawn. It left a creature helpless and squirming in a sealed box, shut off from the rest of the world. All there was left was to pray and hope that nothing happened while the immortal being slept. Léonide did that as the sun continued to rise and shower the outside world with it's fateful light. Images of Alexis flooded his mind and the pain continued, only subsiding after long moments of the shared emotion of complete and total agony. Their blood bond was so strong that even while it was only mental, Léonide felt sick and weak in his coffin, his eyes wide with shock and worry. How he longed to hold her and be the one nursing her troubled body. Quivering lips mouthed her name as he cursed whoever kept her out for so long. Whoever delayed her retreat to safety was going to be dead as soon as night came.

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ImmortalSin on Tue Jun 30, 2009 2:28 am

When Fletcher finally stirred it was almost noon. The light from the sun outside was filtering in through her blinds illuminating strips of the blanket that was resting on top of her. She sat up with a start when she realised she was no longer upright and found herself to be lying in her own bed, tucked in warmly with pillows almost suffocating her. She looked lazily over at the door, and seeing it now wide open she sighed, relaxing back into her bed.

Her parents had been home. Her father must have moved her. And for her to not even notice meant that she must have indeed been exhausted. After lying there for at least another 10 minutes, Fletcher eventually threw off the covers and rose to her feet. She felt okay considering. Her head still hurt, and she was aching marginally, but sleep had done her well. Her eyes traversed the room and noticed a package sitting on top of her dresser. It was neatly wrapped with a tiny card attached. It simply read - We're going out of town for a few days. I hope you like your present.

Already she knew she wouldn't like it. Even if it was beautiful she'd loathe it. Because it was meant to buy her off, to keep her happy while they were gone. Making someone love you with gifts was wrong, and if oftentimes never worked. That was the case for Fletcher. At first she'd nearly swooned each time they gave her a going away present, but now even opening them was a challenge.

Begrudgingly she unwrapped it, and seeing fabric came to the conclusion that it was a designer item. Her heart gave a little pang of joy but she was quick to ignore it. She held the dress out in front of her, completely stunned by the beauty of it. The style reminded her of something, as though she'd seen it before. But definitely not in any of the stores that littered the Greenville mall. "It couldn't be." She whispered, checking the tag. But it was. Origen Originals was stitched in cursive, the writing was an exact replica of the writing she'd seen on his card.

So much detail had went into the piece that she could hardly begin to explain it. It looked as though it would fit her perfectly, complimenting her assets and minimizing her flaws. Long sleeves ended at her wrist with a soft ruffle, one that also graced the plunge from neck to bust. She smiled, for years she'd wanted to own a little black dress, and now she did. It wasn't skimpy either, but classy, chic even.

An hour later and Fletcher was back down the front steps, turning heads in a matter of seconds. At least she was well practiced in heels, it was a bit of a walk to the mall.

Small things made all of the difference in a mortal's life. A dress, a new burst of confidence, a scarf to hide the bruises from an encounter with a vampire. Not to mention a new cell phone, a paycheck from work, and a call card for a genius. They all helped in their own little ways. And with the healing process well on it's way Fletcher felt well enough to give that very genius a call.

She sat down at a table in the food court, the crowds now dying down because of the night that was approaching. Her acrylic nails were making it difficult to dial the number, but she managed. There was no dial tone, instead she was sent straight to message bank. It was time for her to pay him back for last night, in full.

"I'd heard of Origen Originals, but I must say that when I received one of your designs this morning I was simply astounded." Fletcher began, a smirk now creeping onto her face. "You can't sew, can't design, can't hold a steady accent, can't even speak to a woman face to face and instead have to hand them 'your card' - is there anything you can do, Léonide du Origen?" When she spoke his name she was careful to put on the best French accent she could manage. Mockery was no good unless done to the extreme.

"I must say that I'm thoroughly disappointed. You're no different than the rest of your kind after all - obscenely vain and arrogant. What a shame. And now I'm left wondering who would enjoy the dress more, my dog, or the trashcan." She had to bite her lip after this, almost letting a laugh slip free. Deciding that what she'd already said was enough, she ended the call and broke into a fit of laughter.

Maybe she would return to the Strip tonight, go to the Bloody Mary even. At the moment Fletcher felt pretty much unstoppable, and untouchable. As if last night had been nothing but a twisted dream.

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Dying_Flower on Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:17 am

The young woman arrived at the "Maudettes' Bar & Grill" at around 1 this afternoon, dressed in what the boss and owner of the resturaunt considered a uniform. It simply consisted of a yellow cotton tee shirt that had the texting "Maudettes' " in white script as well as a pair of tight black shorts, and ofcourse the old fashioned name tag rested on her left breast. Considering her shift consisted of Pm hours, The attractive waitress was always well rested. She hated mornings so she had asked her boss for the favor of working from 1pm to 10pm. As young and curvacious as she was, her boss didn't hesitate to fufill her request.

No more than 5 minutes after arriving, the young brunette began to be piled up with orders.
She was used to this as she worked at Maudettes for about 3 years, so the lunch crowd was merely her warm up. After about 2 hours of serving tables, it was time for the customer at table 17 to order. She walked up to the custumer wearing a pre-rehersed smile, holding to her tiny memo pad and ballpoint pen.
"What can I get cha?"
She asked the customer that did not even bother to open his menu.
"Just the usual soup of the day with the house breadsticks, Miss Hana, and I hope you're well."
Spoke the male customer.

Hana was the 19 year old waitress' name. Most of the folk that ate at Maudette's knew her by name, especially from all of the hours she worked a day, so she grew used to the simple and phony greetings and 'how are you' s. The young waitress knew she had to remain proffessional, so her glued smile never left until her shift was over.
Hah..Yeah, I'm sure you wish me well.. thats another way of saying you want me to run when serving you..
she thought to herself.
Hana replied with a simple "Im fine, thankyou." then had already finished writing his order on her memo pad as soon as he finished speaking. After departing from the table, she walked a 4 wide aisles to get to the counter, slamming the tiny memo sheet on the counter.
Hana yelled.

Regardless of getting plenty of sleep, Hana was recovering from chronic depression she has been dealing with since she was 15 years old, and found it difficult to get through the day without feeling deeply negative about something. After the short wait, she hurried back to the male customer over at table 17, swiftly placing the hot boul of soup, platter of breadsticks, a glass of water with a tiny bowl of crackers as well as a tiny butter tray on his table.
"Enjoy your meal.."
she said with that glued proffesional smile.

After that table she announced to the cooks and waitress's that she is now on her lunch break.
Feeling somewhat in sense of suffocation, she stormed out of the resturaunt to sit on the side 'employees only' area outside of the building. This was reffered to this mostly because of 'privileges' the boss didnt mind the employees doing as long as they did what they did discreetly. She panted and sighed with relief for a moment, sinking down to a sitting position while burrying her head in her own lap. A few feet away from her was a fellow employee on break..
"Want to share a drag or two with me, baby girl?"
said Henry, one of the cooks at Maudettes.
He winked and encouraged her to partake into sharing his marajuana pipe with her. She just laughed and shook her head at the built black man of a cook.
"Yall' know Im tempted but don't you remember the last time you pulled me back into smokin?"
Hana asked him with a serious tone.
The stoned cook laughed in response to her but knew she wasn't joking.
" were so chill you were starting to scare them fools' at the bar table. I should've took pictures when you kept asking them if they liked their food."
Henry responded with a snicker.

Hana slapped at the homosexual cook's arm, laughing along with him. Yes, he is indeed gay, and that is why she is so trust worthy towards him.
"But you know I-.."
Hana trailed off before Henry cut her off.
"I know, I know, You only smoke at home when you about to be over the edge. I never forget things like that, baby girl. I know enough bout' you to know you're a fragile little thing."
He smiled to her before finishing his pipe.

Hana knew she couldn't disagree with him, as he practicly was her only friend at the resturaunt. She nodded with a sigh, hugging him for a minute to show her grattitude to her friend, enjoying the rest of her break away from the daily part of unhappiness she knew as her only job.
*Note: I'm not very visually creative, but I actually made this sig! Use it however you like. Just, try to give me credit?♥

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PixieCP on Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:33 am

"Origen? Leonide? The owner of that fine establishment's," Merry thumbed over her shoulder at Bloody Mary, "boyfriend and sire?" Fiona replied with a word of grudging admiration her mother refused to admit had been learned from her.

"Tomorrow's thinking," Fiona shrugged. Truly, it was. She thought longingly of bed. Nice comfy warm bed with no stuck up vampires. Honest to God some of them could be more temperamental than human women in cycle. "Let's just get home as fast as we can, hm?"

"Race?" Merry suggested slyly.

"Bye," Fiona shot back and took off running. Merry wouldn't be able to catch her, Fiona was faster than her, quick for even a Fey. With a single minded purpose the two women skipped aross the Strip for Downtown like rocks across the lake's surface. The rain had let up some even if the sky still grumbled, likely to clear completely by dawn. That was good. Running that fast in pouring rain wasn't comfortable, even for Fey. It was funner to lope in rain and people felt more like buying flowers on a sunny day. Fiona had reached the shop first, Merry using her as a springboard to vault straight up the side of the shop and into the living room balcony off the front of the establishment. The top level was recessed back in order to make room for it, so the balcony didn't actually reach over the sidewalk. Fiona grumbled about oppurtunists even as Merry yelled that the shower was hers.

"Bitch!" Fiona exclaimed, letting herself into the shop and locking the door behind her, moving up into the appartment. Fed up with the world, Fiona sulkily pulled her wet clothes off and flung them into the hallway in protest, taking a towel from the linen cupboard and breifly rubbing herself down with it and flung it on top of her clothes. Climbing starkers into bed she pulled her duvet over her head after shaking her head like a dog in an attempt to fling some of the water out. If she didn't acknowledge tomorrow, tomorrow would not acknowledge her.

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Re: True Blood IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Verhalten on Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:25 pm

Sunlight poured through the edges and cracks in the blinds, painting golden stripes across Joe's chest and face and coaxing him from the shallowest stage of slumber. He stretched wide and dramatic, fists knocking into the crumbling plaster behind him. This went on for some minutes, groaning and yawning and rolling across the mattress until all the heaviness of sleep had been worked from his limbs.

Fresh from the shower, dark hair curling around his nape and just above his ears, he went towel-clad to the kitchen and drank a quarter carton of milk. Back in his bedroom, he shucked into dark jeans and a white t-shirt. Socks and boots were sorted as he watched the news, nothing terribly interesting outside the up-to-the-minute update on the vampire rights struggle. Joe held no great love for vampires, but he knew that many of the pack leaders were considering following in their footsteps if things all went according to plan.

A 1973 Triumph Tiger sat on the street at the end of Joe's "front walk," which was really a clever euphemism for the dusty rut leading from his porch steps to the street. The sun was already high when he swung his leg over the bike and thumbed it to life and Joe's stomach echoed the rumbling of the engine. He kicked back the side stand and rolled down the street, intent on finding a place to sit down to a warm lunch and a cold beer.

There was really only one place to have a beer in Greenville, sun up or sun down, if you weren't a fangbanger and didn't fancy strange smudges and the odd hair in your glass, so naturally Joe's path led him to the parking lot of Maudette's Bar and Grill. He wasn't a regular--two weeks in a town was hardly long enough to establish any sort of routine--but he wasn't a stranger to the place, so he stepped on inside, slid his t-shades back into his hair, and sat himself at a booth near the entrance.

He slid back on the bench to put his back up against the wall. The bottoms of his boots hung just slightly out the end and he crossed his legs at the ankles and leafed through the menu. It was all for show, as he rarely ordered anything that wasn't a thick, juicy slab of beef with a side of potatoes and greens.

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