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A Changed Power Is a Changed City

A Changed Power Is a Changed City


Kids must run and hide from the new mayor. He knows that they exist. They know that he is trying to experiment on them. (Still accepting new characters.)

1,618 readers have visited A Changed Power Is a Changed City since bizarre1 created it.


The city has a new mayor. The whole city hates him and this is why. He made a law that all parents should turn in their kids. If they do not, their homes will be raided and their kids will be found. Of course, the parents still hid their kids and hoped that his troops wouldn't find them. The mayor knew that there were kids with special abilities. The normal kids were sent back home and the ones with abilities were kept and experimented on. The word spread quick and all the gifted kids had to run and hide. Some got found and taken in, the rest were still hiding.

Character Sheet

(Picture goes here. No anime please.)


Ability/abilities: (maximum of 3. Please don't make them so powerful that they are almost impossible to defeat.)

Age: (13-18)

Gender: (Only one. No he-shes.)

Appearance: (Just whatever the picture doesn't reveal.)

Personailty: (At least one paragraph. Aka: 5-7 sentences.)

Bio: (Again, at least one paragraph, which is at least 5-7 sentences.)


1. No God-modding.
2. No power-playing.
3. No killing off another person's character without their permission.
4. Please keep all OOC posts in the OOC.
5. make sure that whatever you do follows RPG rules, including with the romance.
6. Cussing is allowed. I'm sure that we are all mature enough to handle it. if not, then don't join this rp.
7. Please no text lingo. It's really annoying to read in a post, unless your character is texting.
8. No one-liners.
9. Posts should be in third person or put your character's name at the top of your post if you are typing in first person.
10. Please check the OOC. That is where I will tell you when you may start posting. Usually, I will make the first post.
11. These rules may change in the future, so keep an eye out.

One more thing, forensic_anthro is second in charge under me. If she gives you permission for anything, then it has been confirmed through me.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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I glared at the foolish Alex, who had knocked me in the wall. No effort was needed to cause any harm onto him since he seemed to have knocked himself out as well as his attacker. I heard Kaylee's shaken voice say my name. I quickly made my way to her and gathered her in my arms.

"It's going to be okay." I said, trying to comfort her.

She seemed to be in a state of shock after being in the body of a woman that had just been shot. I held Kaylee tightly against me and kissed the top of her head.

"Come on. We have to go look for my sister. I'm sure your cousin wants to know that you are safe too." I said and started to pull away from her to go search for my twin.

I looked around and noticed that I had completely ignored Alex. Oh well, he's a big boy, he could at least try to prove it to Kaylee. I didn't think it would ever be possible, but I guess there's a first time for everything.

"Sweet dreams Alexi." I said sarcastically.

I really hoped that he would remember hearing me say that. I looked back at Kaylee and picked her up. I had to go find Danielle. With one quick glance back at Alex, I headed around the corner. To my surprise, Danielle was with Ianto...and they were both lying on the ground beside each other.

"Um...Danielle?" I asked in a concerned voice.

I looked at the frightened Kaylee in my arms and wondered whether it would be a bad idea to put her down so I could check out the situation with my sister. She looked like she was in a lot of pain and Ianto was passed out right next to her.

"Kaylee, I'm gonna have to put you down to make sure that my sister and Ianto are okay." I said.


I laid on the ground and watched Ianto kill our attackers. When it was over, he collapsed on the ground next to me. I turned my head to look back at him. Once he was asleep, the pain weakened by a lot. I was finally able to stand on my own. By the time I even realized that I could get up Danny had already come around the corner. I gave him a small smile and noticed that Alex was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Alex and when did you become a knight in shining armor?" I asked, noting that Kaylee was in his arms.

Kaylee was still conscious, but I'm sure Danny would try to take the embarrassment like a man in front of Kaylee. I smiled and watched Kaylee's face to see if there was a reaction. The moment only lasted for a little while before I started to wonder whether Danny had only become the knight in shining armor after winning his beloved in a fight against Alex, or as he hated to be called, Alexi. I stood up and turned around to look at Ianto. There was no way that I was going to leave him like that, not even for Alex. I turned into a big, black mare so that I could carry him on my back. Danny hesitated before putting Kaylee down and transferring Ianto onto my back. Once Ianto was safely on my back, Danny picked Kaylee back up. I walked around the corner where he came from and looked around for Alex. He was passed out on the ground.

"Really? Danny, what the Hell did you do to the poor guy?" I asked accusingly.

It was weird to be a talking horse. The pain from her sudden change added into the pain that she was still feeling from Ianto. I took a few breaths until the muscles relaxed and the bones settled. What was I going to do to get Alex out of here? I looked at Danny and decided that he wasn't going to be any help since I didn't even want him going near Alex. As I thought about transferring Alex, I noticed that my pain from the change and the pain I felt from Ianto had suddenly vanished. That was impossible, or at least she thought it was. What happened to the pain? It had to go somewhere.


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Normally Kaylee would have said something about Danny's comment that everything would be okay, but she was still in too much shock to say anything. At this point she was trembling, but had managed to somehow push herself farther against him. Closing her eyes, she simply listened to what was going on.

"Mmph. Yeah. Knight in shining armor. Sounds about right." Kaylee mumbled into Danny's chest, which she had pressed her face against.
"So how's the sister, oh mighty Knight? Oh, and Ianto, too. No bites, scrapes, burns, bruises, or hangovers?" Kaylee wasn't paying attention to what she was saying anymore. Her mind had moved on to other things.
"So when are they gonna finally get together? We know they both like each other and all, so what's the hold up? Same with us and all, you know? You're kinda obvious about it." Kaylee giggled, mind elsewhere.

She hardly noticed when Danny put her down, all she really realized is that her 'knight in shining armor' had left and her side, which had been warm, was now getting cold again. Opening her eyes, she blinked in the light, frowning as she saw a horse standing in the alleyway.

"Am I just that out of it or did someone drug me? And what have I been saying for the last few minutes?" Kaylee blushed, remembering. She had obviously come back to 'reality' now and was realizing that she had basically told Danny that she had a huge crush on him.

She watched as Danny put Ianto on Danielle's back and alarm spread on her face, though she remained silent because Danny came back and picked her up, causing her to blush again.

As they rounded the corner, Kaylee raised an eyebrow. "So what happened to Alex? Did someone give him a whap in the face? He did kind of deserve it..."


Still unconscious, Ianto was searching his mind, eventually feeling something 'click'. Pain flooded back to him, causing his body to stiffen. He was suddenly blinking into consciousness and realized that he was on the back of a horse, he shifted and immediately fell off, landing rather clumsily in the planter Danielle was standing next to.

"What in the world? There is a horse in the middle of the city? Did someone drug me while I was out or something?" he stumbled to his feet and nearly fell back over, dizzy.

Regaining his balance, he raised an eyebrow at the large black mare that was standing there. Turning to Danny, he noted that Kaylee was in his arms.

"Friend of yours?" he nodded toward the horse before turning back to what said horse seemed to be paying attention to- Alex.

He realized that the small spurt of adrenaline, which had kept the pain away, was going away and pain was returning. Danielle must have stopped the transfer somehow. Within a couple seconds, Ianto was doubled-over with pain, but he continued to try and talk.

"Where's Danielle?" he gasped, the pain making it feel difficult to breathe.

Shutting his eyes, he wished the pain would go away, but was glad that Danielle wasn't experiencing it.


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I smiled at the awkward talking Kaylee in my arms. It was obvious that she was totally out of it and probably didn't even realize what she said until she had already said it. The 'knight in shining armor' thing was starting to get out of hand. I burst out laughing as she started talking about Danielle and Ianto. I remembered Danielle admitting to me that she liked Ianto.

"I think the hold up is Ianto." I started, but she didn't stop.

My eyes grew wide with the next couple sentences.

"What?! Same with us? Am I really that obvious? I must be really out of it." I said.

Any secrets that I had left were probably all revealed by then. I hoped that she didn't notice a thing that came out of my mouth as she started to come out of whatever she was in. It was nice to get the 'real' Kaylee back, even though there was nothing hidden in the out-of-it Kaylee. Of course she wanted to know if she had been drugged when she saw a horse and then it suddenly talked.

"No. I think you are at your most sane point now." I replied.

I glanced at Ianto, passed out on Danielle's back. Kaylee opened her mouth to speak again. I held back the real words I wanted to say to that.

"Yup. That'll teach him to push me into any walls." I said somewhat boastfully.

I didn't really care if he had accidentally did it, he should control his powers better. I had mine controlled to the best I could, though, I didn't really know what to do about my hunger. Lucky for everyone in the room, I ate not that long ago, but I was still a bit hungry. That could wait. Right then, I had to make sure that Kaylee...and Danielle were safe. Oh, and Ianto, but I already knew that he was man enough to take care of himself. At least that was what I was thinking before he fell off Danielle's back and doubled-over in pain. I heard him ask where Danielle was. How could he think of her when he seemed to be in a lot of pain?

"Danielle is right here?" I said, pointing to the black horse next to me.

I let out a small laugh, realizing that Ianto must have had no idea where the horse had come from.


I turned to face Ianto after he fell off my back. He looked very confused and started to question where the horse came from. I started to feel offended when Ianto couldn't figure out that it was me. The words "a friend of yours" stung. I slowly shifted back to my human form and took a few breaths, as before, until my muscles relaxed and my bones stopped shifting. It took a while, and I was wondering why I wasn't feeling a thing. It should have hurt when my bones shifted under my skin and my muscle form changed. I looked at Ianto as he doubled-over in pain.

"Ianto!" I cried out as I ran into him.

I put a hand on his shoulder and looked him over to see if he had been hurt. There didn't seem to be any injuries, but I couldn't be sure.

"Ianto, are you okay? Where is the pain?" I asked, sounding a bit panicked.

I sat on the ground and pulled him down so that maybe the pain would lessen if he were laying down. The fact that he pushed past his pain to ask where I was got to me. I focused on taking the pain from him again. It was more difficult than ever. Why can't I do this like I did before? I watched his face.

"Ianto, is it you? Are you making it so I can't take the pain for you?" I asked worriedly.

I glanced at Alex, but didn't pay much thought to him. Ianto was in massive pain and Alex was only passed out. To me, that means he is in better condition and free of pain, but just in case, I focused on taking any pain from him. The only thing I got from him was a throbbing in the back of the head. It wasn't too bad, especially compared to the pain I had felt earlier. I kept the pain from Alex and turned my attention back to Ianto who needed my attention right then more than Alex did. That was until I felt something add to the pain that I was feeling from Alex. I motioned fro Danny to stay with Ianto as I went to check Alex out. He was bleeding. I put my hand on his shoulder and hoped that he would come back to consciousness so I could help him.


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Alex was just coming back to. He had a massive head ache, was still bleeding, and had a ringing in his head. Oh, and the bleeding was kind of major. He tried to get up on his own, but he needed to use the bookcase as a support. As he got up, he was a little dizzy from blood loss. Oh, and there were a few things he noticed. One, he had a bump on his head. Two, he could hear a siren. And 3, he was too dizzy to walk by himself. Which resultedwith him falling onto the closest person, which was Dani.

"2 things, one, does anyone have some bandage, and two...." he started, interrupted by his fist quickly slamming into a nearby Danny's face "...don't call me that name..." he finished with a very serious tone. He then added "Now let's get out of here before more show up.....".


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I watched as Alex nailed Danny with a punch in the face. On any other day I would be mad, but it seemed that Danny deserved it for doing whatever he did to piss Alex off. I assumed that Danny was the one who knocked Alex out in the first place. Danny had turned to look at Alex with a fierceness in his eyes. I knew that he was ready to kill him for that. I sat on the edge of the planter and watched the show. It was much more entertaining than wrestling because I actually knew these guys and they actually had something to fight about. I watched as Danny flew at Alex. (Not literally flying.)

"I will drain you of every drop of blood in that scrawny body of yours." Danny siad to Alex threateningly as he had him pinned down.

Once Danny placed the threat, he stood up and turned to Kaylee.


I couldn't believe that the moron had the guts to hit me. The anger was still inside me as I headed toward Kaylee.

"Come on. Lets go. I don't want to stay here now that we have been discovered." he said.


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Kaylee grinned. "Definitely Ianto. And yes, you are that obvious."

She bit her lip, worried as she watched Ianto double-over in pain and Danielle pull him down onto the ground next to her. Leaning against Danny, she shut her eyes for a moment, opening them when she heard Alex talking. Before she could react, the previously unconscious boy had thrown a punch at Danny's face. Eyes narrowing, Kaylee watched as Danny practically pounced on Alex, pinning him down and threatening him. As soon as Danny was off the boy, Kaylee was glaring down at him.

"If you ever attack him again I swear I will kill you. Very, very slowly." turning from Alex, she nodded cheerfully to Danny, but hesitated as her gaze fell on Ianto.


Ianto managed a small grin at Danielle. "Reversed the connection. Those darn electric powers of mine seem to work fairly well on psychic connections." he let her pull him down onto the ground, where he lay flat on his back, resisting the urge to 'curl up and die.'

In his peripheral vision, having opened his eyes, he could see Alex nail Danny in the face. Rolling onto his side, he glowered at the boy.

"Touch Danny and Kaylee will torture you until you die. Touch Kaylee or Danielle and I will torture you for as long as you stay alive. Neither option is pleasant. I suggest you go with the third option; attack your real enemies. Not the people you're running away with." turning his gaze to Kaylee, he frowned at her hesitation. "Go! Take Danielle with you. She'll be safer with the two of you. I can take care of myself." to prove his point, Ianto stumbled to his feet.

Yes, laying on his back had helped some, but he wasn't about to let himself seem weak. He stood up as straight as he could, since he normally stood up very straight, and offered a hand to Danielle so that she could get up.


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I ignored Kaylee when she said "And yes, you are that obvious" since I didn't even know if she was talking to me. I smiled as Kaylee threatened to kill Alex if he ever attacked me again. It wasn't that big of a deal, but it was funny. I turned to look at him again to see his reaction to what Kaylee said and then turned back toward Kaylee to carry her again.

"You okay?" he asked.


I shook my head at Ianto and realized that I didn't feel any pain. He was taking every bit of pain that I could feel, even the pain I felt from Alex.

"Ianto. Stop. I was given this power and I have s[ent time learning to accept and deal with it. Give it back." I said, sounding very demanding.

The scene that had played before me distracted me for a moment from Ianto. My attention only turned back to Ianto when he called his own threat over to Alex. I opened my mouth to speak, but shut it and walked over to Alex's side instead. I ignored Ianto when he told Kaylee to take me and go. Instead, I leaned closer to Alex so I could whisper something in his ear.

"Alex, are you okay? Don't listen to them. They're just a bunch of paranoid lovers. I don't think that you would hurt Kaylee." I whispered.

One I said what I wanted to say to Alex, I remained sitting on the gound next to him and turned to face the others.

"You guys leave him alone. Go find somewhere else to hide. I'll catch up." I said.

I planned on helping him so he could walk out of there, but then I remembered that Ianto had taken that ability from me.

"Ianto. Power. Now." I demanded.


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#, as written by TheHaze

Gunfire echoed across an ally. Six rough looking criminals just blasted a teenager with salvo of 9mm slugs. He had stepped on their turf after dropping off a kid at a safehouse so they took him down. Flashing gang signs at the corpse, they seemed proud of their work. Until the teen got up. He rose to his feet, shaking and twitching violently, muttering words, his voice raspy and muffled by a gas mask, even his clothes now intact. They gaped, as they had used over thirty slugs and hadn't even reloaded yet. "Hey! You should be dea-" His quip was cut off by a heel kick to the face, his teammates screaming. They never even saw the freak move, and now their friend's skull was caved in as he flew back and smacked a Buick ten meters away. The second victim was killed when Synthetic blurred behind him and tore his spine out. The third died from being impaled by the very bone, and the other all died of snapped necks. This massacre was over in seconds. Synth tore out of the ally, smashing into a Hummer, denting it badly. He snarled in anger, recovering in time to jump on the car and use it to leap to the roof of a building. He wandered with a hell of a migraine across the roof, eventually reaching Ianto and Danielle. He didn't recognize the pair, and decided to investigate by jumping off the building. From four stories up. After eating pavement which a loud crunching sound, he slowly got to his feet, realizing he had landed on his shoulder and broken his arm and a few ribs. His ribs healed immediately, but his arm healed after a sickening crack as it straightened out. "Hello." He said in his nails-on-a-chalkboard voice, extending a hand to shake, too casually.


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"You still have your power. I'm just the end of where the pain goes, and I'm staying that way so long as I can help it." he left out the fact that he wasn't quite sure how or even if he could reverse it again.

From this angle he could easily read Danielle's lips as she whispered something to Alex. Immediately, hurt flashed through his eyes as he figured it out. He opened his mouth to say something, but shut it again because Danielle was talking. Demanding, actually.

"I told you. You still have your power. I'm just the end of the circuit." he struggled to keep his tone even.

He felt betrayed, but kept it hidden as best he could because just then another boy approached them. Ianto ignored the offered hand and simply responded to the hello with a nod. He could hear sirens coming fast and he had no intention of letting Danielle get caught. Right then, he didn't really care about whether he lived or not.

"Danielle, get Alex and run. Fast as you can. If you ask nicely, I'm sure that he'll help you." he nodded toward the boy that had arrived only a minute before.
"I'm staying here to act as a distraction, so you'd better hurry." finished talking, Ianto sat back down, leaning back against the wall and closing his eyes.


Kaylee watched Ianto carefully as he watched Danielle. She saw the hurt flash through his eyes and she sighed, knowing that Danielle must have said something bad.

"Come on." she tugged on Danny's arm, going back over to Danielle and Alex.
"Come on, Danielle. There's nothing you can do to change his mind. Right about now, if I've got the right idea, he doesn't care much what happens to him." she extended a hand to Danielle, offering to help her and Alex up.

"Just about nailed that. Except you missed the part where I wish Danielle happy little telepathic children with Alex." Ianto mumbled, barely audible.

Kaylee raised an eyebrow, but said nothing, just glancing at Danielle with a 'what the hell did you say/do?' look.


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My eyes shot to the guy that just entered. Who the Hell was he? He had his hand out as if gesturing to let him help me. I listened as Ianto told me to get Alex and run. Was he really telling me to go with some guy that just dropped in? Literally. The guy had just dropped into the ground and offered a hand. I ignored the new guy for a moment and looked at Ianto. I was about to tell him that I wasn't going to leave him when Kaylee moved beside me and told me to just go and that he doesn't care about what happens to himself. Then Ianto said something about wishing me happy telepathic children with Alex? I rolled my eyes at Ianto.

"Oh shut up and stop being so dramatic. Come on. You know that I'm not going to let you stay here and use yourself as a distraction, no matter how much of an ass you are." I said, sounding somewat angry.


I followed Kaylee over to Danielle. I ignored Alex and focused on what was going on. It seemed like I wasn't the only one who had a problem with someone else in the group. What happened? All I knew was that Danielle seemed to be getting really pissed off at Ianto. I hardly ever heard her talk to someone like that to their face. I didn't notice anything else, except that Danielle went to go help Alex. Was Ianto really getting all mad about that? I leaned closer to Kaylee.

"Is he really that sensitive?" I whispered in her ear.

I looked at Ianto again and noticed the guy that just came in.

"Who are you?" I asked.


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Alex was fading in and out, so he couldn't catch everything that was said or done. He attempted to reply "Danny called me something he shouldn't. You all know how I feel about that name". It was prety obvious the name he meant was Alexi. There were several reasons why he hated that name. Before he moved here, when he was 6, everyone always was making fun of his name. They constantly harassed him for it, everyone did. One person one day just made fun of it with a little song, and soon everyone did. It brought back bad memories.

He then noted to Ianto telepathically "I don't plan to, but If he calls me that again, no promises. Besides, Danny has been acting like an ass to me all day. And since I doubt hel listen to me, will you talk some sense into him?". He then noted outloud "You know, I have enough to put up a temporary forcefield. We would need to run though, I only have enough for a 5 minuet one.."


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I smiled at Alex.

"Ok, come on. I'm sure you can handle being called a name that you don't like." I said teasingly.

Then I paused and thought about it.

"Though, it is rather annoying." I added.

I watched Alex to see if he showed any signs of pain, but that would be ridiculous since I was taking all the pain for him and Ianto was taking the pain for me. He seemed to be fine now. At least he didn't seem to hear what Ianto said about...telepathic children.

"I wonder how that would actually work out..." I said, not realizing that the thought didn't stay in my head.

At first, when Ianto said it, I freaked out. After thinking about the insult, I started to wonder how that would be scientifically possible and what would happen if you mixed a species that had venomous saliva, ability to shift into animals, and the ability to take pain with a species that could create forcefields and telepathically communicate. That would be a very interesting mixture. What abilities would the product end up with? I realized what made me start wondering these things and suddenly became embarrassed. My face started to turn red. I looked away so no one could see my face.


I rolled my eyes at Alex. Did he really just say that I 'called him something I shouldn't"?

"Oh, please. You need to grow up." I said in the most annoyed voice I could muster.

I watched Danielle keep her attention on him and wished that she would go back to Ianto. I looked over at Ianto and desperately hoped that he would do something that would attract her attention.

"Danielle, develop some standards." I said.

Danielle looked at me and glared. Her face was bright red.

"Can you guys stop saying ridiculous things now? I'm sure my face can't be any redder." she said, obviously trying to lighten the mood by keeping the comments on her and not each other.

I shook my head. It was annoying that my sister would care so much about someone that annoyed the Hell out of me. Danielle and I had always been close and if we liked someone that bothered the other, then we left them and stayed loyal to our sibling. Danielle seemed to be betraying that now. I didn't understand, but she seemed to be making all her own decisions now without even talking to me about anything.

"Fine, I'm just so confused. I don't understand anything that is going on." I said.

I turned to look at Ianto. He seemed to get so offended when Danielle moved over to Alex's side. I guess I could understand how Ianto could get offended by that when Danielle had previously been all about Ianto and helping Ianto all the time and then suddenly just going off to another guy while he was still hurt. I stood up and sat next to Ianto.

"That really sucks, dude. What are you going to do?" I asked quietly.


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Ianto practically glared at Danielle when she told him that she wouldn't leave without him.

"You are going. I am staying. End of story." he paused as Danielle spoke again, pursing his lips as he heard what she had to say, but he didn't comment.
"Well, I'm sure your face can get plenty redder. So when are you planning on tying the knot with Alex? Should we expect little baby backpacks sometime soon?" he raised an eyebrow, trying to keep a straight face.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see Kaylee doubled-over with silent laughter at what he said. Listening to Danny, Ianto simply shrugged at Danny's inquiry about what he was going to do.


"No, she said something to Alex that got on Ianto's nerves. That plus pain and exhaustion is a sure recipe for disaster." Kaylee whispered back to Danny.

Listening to what Ianto said next, Kaylee practically fell over with laughter, having to use the planter for support.

"Umm..." she paused, laughing. "We should probably migrate a little farther from the oncoming shiny flashy objects."

She gestured randomly in the direction of an ambulance that was speeding towards them.


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#, as written by Darkest
Lily screeched the ambulance to a stop right in front of the group. She had seen the men shooting at them from one of the skyscraper's roofs and decided to help.

"Get in," was all she said. So what if a strange person dressed in all black with no skin showing freaked them out a little? It was better than letting the men in the large dark vans coming from the opposite direction get them. "Well?"


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I glared at Ianto. He was really pissing me off now. I waited until he kept speaking so I could hear what else he had to say.

"Tying the knot with Alex? Little baby backpacks? Okay, first, I'm a virgin and I plan on staying that way until I'm married. Second, why do you care so much about who I like? Third, stop acting like a fucking asshole before I add on to the pain you already have. Are you done listening, because I can keep on going." I said angrily.

It was just a few seconds after I said it that an ambulance screeched to a stop in front of the group. I was about to panic just before a girl opened the door and told us to get in. I wasn't about to trust anyone, but she didn't seem like she was with the government. I glanced around and remembered that Danny had also said something. There was no way that I was going to leave without finishing this fight. I turned to face Danny, who was right next to Ianto.

"How can you not understand what is going on? It all seems perfectly clear to me. And don't think that I can't hear you. You're version of quiet is not all that quiet. I should know. I'm sure that Ianto can start acting like a big boy anytime soon now. Isn't that right Ianto?" I asked, staring daggers at Ianto.

I nodded at Kaylee as to tell her to get in the ambulance, I'm almost done.


I sat with my arms crossed and listened to Danielle start to yell at Ianto and I. It would be mean to admit that I found this highly amusing. I couldn't help laughing as Danielle got all mad about the typing the knot with Alex thing. Right after she finished yelling at Ianto, an ambulance came in. I started to dart toward Kaylee to get her out of here when a girl opened the door and told us to get in. I glanced at Danielle to see if she was done. Apparently not. She turned to me and started yelling at me. I should have known better than to have any part in this. Now she was probably going to keep going on and on. I laughed when she turned back to Ianto and gave him a cold glare.

"Okay, Danielle. If your done, we'd like to escape with the chic that just pulled up here." I said and walked over to Kaylee.

I lightly grabbed Kaylee's elbow.

"Come on." I said softly to her and looked back at Danielle, who was helping Alex up.


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Ianto narrowed his eyes at Danielle. "I just took on the mayor's whole damn squadron so that you could live, so maybe you shouldn't act so bitchy. Go ahead and give me as much pain as you want. Take the pain of every paper cut in the entire city if you'd like and I wouldn't care." at that, Ianto turned and walked away, easily evading Kaylee's reaching hand.

Ignoring his cousin's call from behind him, Ianto kept walking, hands in his pockets as he limped toward the oncoming cars, which were coming as backup for the ones that had already been beaten.

If anything, I can buy them time.

He shut his eyes as he felt an electric field pass over him. It seemed that this squadron was more prepared to face his powers than the last one had been. Suffice to say, they had Ianto pinned on the ground in under a minute, though all they really had to do was crank up the power the field was using. Of course, they turned it up all the way. It was likely strong enough then to become noticeable by anyone close by, but not interfere with machinery much. However, the field was strongest within a couple feet of its source, which is exactly where Ianto was. His head felt like it was ready to implode as he lay there, writhing in pure agony as he silently begged for them to just kill him. Without his realizing it, part of the connection that was giving Ianto all of Danielle's pain had frayed and reversed, sending the girl he had been arguing with not five minutes ago a pinprick of the agony he was in at that moment. In his subconscious, Ianto realized that the stubborn dark haired girl could now probably sense just how much pain he was in, though he knew that she couldn't do anything about it- the ability to reverse the connection just out of reach, though she could probably do it if she tried very, very hard. To keep himself from screaming, Ianto bit his tongue, his teeth slicing it open, the metallic taste of blood sharp in his mouth.


Kaylee was blinking frequently, trying to keep back tears. She hated it when people yelled, at her or otherwise, and especially loathed it when people she cared about would do it. However, despite her struggles, salty drops ran down her cheeks and left wet circles on her shirt where they fell. When Ianto turned to leave, she tried to grab his arm to bring him back, but he easily evaded her unsteady hand.

"Just stop. Can't you two just get the hell over it and kiss and make up like normal teenagers so that no one will be leaving and you won't be yelling and mad and calling each other names like little kids?" Kaylee's voice started out as a whisper, but quickly rose as she babbled on, her words only interrupted by frequent sniffles.
"Ianto!" she turned and called her cousin, but was ignored.

Closing her eyes, Kaylee stiffened as she felt someone touch her elbow, but relaxed slightly as she opened her eyes, head down, and realized it was only Danny. Overwhelmed, she walked to the ambulance and began climbing up into the back. She looked forward blankly, but jumped, startled, as the electric field reached her awareness.

Turning she clambered back down out of the white vehicle and took off running as fast as her long legs could carry her in the direction Ianto had gone. Without a doubt, she knew that her cousin was effected by this and it wasn't in a good way. However, the closer she got to the source, the more her head began to hurt. By the time she could see Ianto on the ground ahead, left to suffer by the guard, her head felt like someone had given her a frontal lobotomy using a spoon. Struggling on, she made it within a couple feet of her cousin before she was on the ground as well, curled up in a ball, her head pressed against her knees as she sobbed, screams escaping in short hiccups.


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#, as written by Darkest
Lily watched as the group argued for a few more seconds. Those two that got into the ambulance were obviously the smart ones. Why the heck would anyone walk into a battle? And why would anyone follow them? People were too weird sometimes, but she supposed she was too, since what she was about to do was insane.

Lily glanced at her new passengers. "Ready?" She didn't wait for them to answer. Instead, she floored it, swerving the vehicle into the men surrounding the stupid boy who just had to play hero. She wasn't quite sure what was causing him to writhe in agony, but hopefully this would stop it. Lily groaned as a sudden horrible pain shot through her body. At the same time the van suddenly stopped running. Luckily, its momentum allowed it to keep moving until it was out of the field. It managed to start after only a few twists of the key. Whatever had happened to it had ruined the engine. It wouldn't last much longer.


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I tried to pretend that Ianto's words didn't affect me but the truth is, they stung a lot. I couldn't imagine the pain he was taking for me and I was very grateful for that, but I didn't want to show it. I picked Alex up and carried him into the ambulance right behind Danny when I felt a sudden stab of pain come over me. I glanced at Ianto. The pain I felt didn't last very long and I knew that it had to be Ianto who did that. He was making me feel a little bit of what he was feeling. I felt guilty, but kept moving into the ambulance with Alex in my arms. I put him in a seat in the back and sat next to him. That was when I realized that Kaylee had ran off toward Ianto. I watched, unable to do anything since I was taking care of Alex.


I reached for Kaylee as she ran off, but missed.

"Kaylee!" I called after her.

It was useless. She was already close to where Ianto was, but then she fell to the ground. I glanced back at Danielle to see if she was okay, but was dissappointed when I saw her arms wrapped around Alex as she tried to keep him steady in his seat. I wanted to go after Kaylee, but the girl driving the ambulance had already started driving. At least she seemed to be helping Ianto and Kaylee. I watched as she ran over the armed guys around Ianto. Quickly, I threw open the doors and jumped out to get Kaylee. As I got closer to where Kaylee was, on the ground, I collapsed too. There was sme sort of force field or something.

"Kaylee!" I said in between grunts and groans of pain.

I watched her and hoped to God that she was going to be okay.


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#, as written by TheHaze
Synth was watching them the whole time from a roof. It was a small building, enough to provide cover and a vantage point without maiming him when he jumped off it. He dropped from it, landed cat-like next to Ianto, studying him quickly before hoisting him over his shoulder like a burlap sack, not bothering to see whether he was okay or not. He walked purposely and quietly to the ambulance, brushed past Danny and deposited Ianto, and climbed in the passenger's seat. "Hello." He said quietly, shutting the door, and just then beginning to care that he had just randomly appeared in an awkward and frankly creepy way...Again. "I can get supplies easily." He said, without turning around to face the group, hoping that would justify his entrance. Maybe both of them.


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#, as written by Darkest
"Great, another person," Lily muttered. Louder, she said, "If no one objects, we'll be going to my house now." She started driving, but, now that there was no emergency, she saw no reason to continue her sloppy driving. She was sure her passengers would agree that swerving from one side of the road to the other was not going to get them anywhere fast. She slowed down and glanced in the rearview mirror. "Any one else up for driving? Oh, and my name's Lily. It's nice to meet you."


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Within a minute, Kaylee's hiccuping screams had gone quiet, her voice hoarse and scratchy. Struggling to take a deep, shaky breath, Kaylee managed to get on her hands and knees and crawl towards Ianto, despite the agonizing pain within her mind that was making her feel horribly nauseous. It seemed to take forever before she was beside her cousin and grabbing his foot to try and drag him away. Somehow, after what seemed like forever, she got him to the edge of the field, she making it outside. Of course, she only crawled back in, trembling, to try and get Danny out.

"C-C'mon, Danny. W- We've g-gotta go. G-Gotta get b-back to th-the others." even the simple act of speaking made her aching head scream in protest, producing a fresh wave of pain that sent Kaylee tumbling to the ground, clutching her head and hardly noticing that she had sliced open her cheek on a rock in the road.

By the time she could manage to pull herself onto her hands and knees again, Kaylee was retching, but still grabbed Danny's ankle and tried to pull him out of the field- but to no avail. Falling back hard onto the ground, she pulled herself back into a ball, unable to bite back the tears she had been suppressing since she dragged Ianto away. Her fingers were pale against her legs as she squeezed her ankles, green-painted nails digging into her flesh as she silently begged for it all to stop.


Ianto vaguely felt some pick him up and carry him out of the field, the sensation of someone squeezing his head instantly leaving him, but the agonizing pain remaining. As he blinked away the fog that had veiled his vision, Ianto realized that he was in the ambulance that the mysterious girl in black had brought- and that she was driving away.

"Kaylee!" the yell tore itself from his dry, sticky throat.
His gaze shifted to Danielle. "Take their pain. You can still help Alex, but please take their pain. Kaylee and Danny don't stand a chance out there in that state, and I don't think that our driver has any intentions of stopping." he pleaded, muscles tense as he braced for the pain to come, should Danielle agree.


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(Sorry, double-posted.)


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I watched as Kaylee managed to pull Ianto out. It was a relief to see that she was able to get back out...until she came back in for me. My head shot up, causing pain to blast through it. I held my head in my hands for a minute before someone grabbed my ankle. The hand was small and petite. It had to be Kaylee. I took a deep breath and pushed myself around to face her, but she was curled up.

"Kaylee!" I yelled, feeling a wave of pain soar up my throat as I forced it to call her name.

Slowly, I pulled myself along the ground until I was able to reach her. One I was close enough, I pushed her, hoping that i would get her closer to the edge.

"Kaylee...don't...don't...move," I started,""

I decided that speaking was a waste of my energy. I had already gotten out what I wanted her to do. Maybe it would lessen the pain if she didn't use any of her muscles to move. I kept army-crawling and pushing her closer and closer to the edge of the field. There was no sign of any of the people trying to catch us. They must be on their way, thinking that the field would keep us here. I pushed her about four more times before my muscles grew weary. The field seemed to get stronger, either that or I was getting weaker. My bet was on the second one. I forced myself to keep going. For Kaylee. Once she got out, I would be satisfied. I crawled toward her again and ws about to push her when I noticed that her cheek was bleeding. I hoped that it wasn't because I was pushing her aong contrete. It didn't matter. Scratches were much better than being stuck here. I forced myself to keep pushing her until I couldn't seem to figure out where the end was. We were moving inch by inch and it was taking forever. The pain was growing, ready to cause me to collapse.


I looked down a Alex, whose head I had laid in my lap. Ianto's words were bouncing around in my head as I tried to decide what to do. Why did he have to be so stubborn? I would have no problem if he would just let me have my power to myself. I was somthing given to me because it is something that my body was created to handle. Ianto wasn't born with this. He shouldn't be using it. I wanted the pain to be gone for Danny and Kaylee, but I didn't want Ianto to be taking it. This was something I was born for. I shook my head.

"Ianto, I don't know what will happen if you keep doing this. It isn't natural for you. Please, let me do what I was born being able to do." I begged.

I looked down at Alex so Ianto wouldn't see my tears. I stroked Alex's hair and slowly let his pain back into him.

"I'm sorry." I whispered to Alex.

Then, I focused on taking half the pain from Kaylee. If anything, I was only going to let Ianto feel half the pain and it was going to be from the one that he should look after. He shouldn't have to take care of Danny for me. I felt only the slightest bit of pain, since Ianto was letting me have only that little bit. I watched Alex's face as I let his own pain pour back into him. It wasn't fair that Ianto should have to feel his pain too.


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#, as written by Darkest
Lily watched the others struggle impassively. As soon as she realized the field caused pain she had super-sped up her reflexs, way past what she usually did. Now she was working in slow motion, and the pain came in only a manageable amount. She couldn't help but be disappointed that the others, with their obviously strong powers, couldn't think of similar solutions. Even so, she felt obligated to help them seeing as she was the only one immune to the pain. She stopped the truck, walked over to where they were and began dragging them to the ambulance. She did it as fast as she could, but her slow reflexes made it seem as if she were moving through molases. She managed to drag them almost completely out of the field (about a third of their bodies was out of the area she estimated the field to end) before the pain began to catch up with her. She decided that it was more important to get them out than it was to prevent herself from having a bit more pain, so she forced herself to speed up to normal time.

She had never felt so much pain.

Lily had never experienced a broken bone, let alone this. She screamed like a banshee, but refused to let the pain bring her to her knees. She got the others mostly out before colapsing. Her body would pay for the torture later, but but her last concious thought was, I hope someone can drive the ambulance.

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Character Portrait: Kaylee Mae Schaefer
0 sightings Kaylee Mae Schaefer played by Forensic_Anthro
"Don't look at my eyes."

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Danielle Leiber
Character Portrait: Danny Leiber
Character Portrait: Gwen Desmont
Character Portrait: Quinn Yewbeam
Character Portrait: Alex Stravenchski Reed
Character Portrait: Lily Thatch


Character Portrait: Lily Thatch
Lily Thatch

Burn or don't? Your choice.

Character Portrait: Alex Stravenchski Reed
Alex Stravenchski Reed

"Do not call me Alexi, is that clear?"

Character Portrait: Gwen Desmont
Gwen Desmont

"Love everyone, trust no one."

Character Portrait: Danny Leiber
Danny Leiber

"The pain is inside and out."

Character Portrait: Danielle Leiber
Danielle Leiber

"In a world like mine, no one is fine."


Character Portrait: Danny Leiber
Danny Leiber

"The pain is inside and out."

Character Portrait: Alex Stravenchski Reed
Alex Stravenchski Reed

"Do not call me Alexi, is that clear?"

Character Portrait: Danielle Leiber
Danielle Leiber

"In a world like mine, no one is fine."

Character Portrait: Lily Thatch
Lily Thatch

Burn or don't? Your choice.

Character Portrait: Gwen Desmont
Gwen Desmont

"Love everyone, trust no one."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Danielle Leiber
Danielle Leiber

"In a world like mine, no one is fine."

Character Portrait: Alex Stravenchski Reed
Alex Stravenchski Reed

"Do not call me Alexi, is that clear?"

Character Portrait: Gwen Desmont
Gwen Desmont

"Love everyone, trust no one."

Character Portrait: Lily Thatch
Lily Thatch

Burn or don't? Your choice.

Character Portrait: Danny Leiber
Danny Leiber

"The pain is inside and out."

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Most recent OOC posts in A Changed Power Is a Changed City

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

Squishy, your character is injured and Dani is currently taking care of him. I've kind of been dragging you along while you were gone.

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

Sorry, major computer issues and such. Il post ASAP

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

Welcome back Darkest! No, you didn't do anything wrong. I think we are all still adjusting to school starting. I'll try to get this to continue on.

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

Um... Why isn't anyone posting? Did I mess something up?

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

Enzys, I need ya to post my dear. It's your turn.

Thanks for making the pic for me by the way! :) It's awsome with the purple trees. <3

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

If this is still alive, I'll be back on the 30th. If it's dead, PM me.

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

Sorry for the huge delay. I have finally edited my post.

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

*sighs* I have failed to find time to edit it. I only have time to write this OOC post. I will edit my post when I have enough time to do so. In the meantime, this rp is not dead and will continue when my post is fixed.

I'd recommend that darkest edits theirs as well since the car went through the field.

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

*sighs* I'm off to attempt to edit my post.

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

Yeah, but it's an electric field... It would hit you immediately, like with Kaylee. Anyway, Ianto having electric-based powers has very little to do with it...

Anyway, 3 days isn't very big of a posting space.

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

Ahhh, okay, sorry. How 'bout they weren't in it long enough and didn't have Ianto's sensitivity or something? Whatever, I guess. Umm, is this dead? I don't know if 3 days is a long dead space... Sorry if I seriously messed something up.

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

No, it was based from one of the black vans that were mentioned. >_<

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

I figured the field had gone down when the guys got run over. Sorry.

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

Ummm.. Y'all do know that I said that the field would effect anyone that came toward the source (Which is why Kaylee was effected)? D:

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

I should let you guys know that forensic_anthro is on a 4-day trip. She left this morning.

As for Squishy, I have no idea why he isn't posting. He has a lot to catch up on.

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

@TheHaze: Wow, that really sucks. Maybe you can have your character either help fight off the guys attacking Ianto or you can just say that got in the ambulance with Danny, Danielle, and Alex.

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

Sorry for the inactivity with a lack of notice, but we had a thunderstorm in my area and it pegged my Comcast line. No internet, cable, or even PHONES. We just got it fixed yesterday after, god help me, almost two weeks! But, I'm back.

Re: [OOC] A Changed Power Is A Changed City

Did you know that you can PM yourself? *smiles dorkishly*