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A Love Through Conflict

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Prince Kaiyle Qendellson [13] A deep-thinking young prince.....whose solitude is about to be interrupted, much to his annoyance.......but eventually, to his enjoyment.
Sakura Hayashi [12] You weren't supposed to mean this much to me and I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you

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Kaiyle Qendellson

Nothing was out of the ordinary as Kaiyles private carriage pulled up towards the end of the road. It was just another calm misty morning, on the outskirts of Juno.
"Lower the bridge" said the driver, and within seconds the gears could be heard grinding together.....and within a surprising 10 to 15 seconds, the end of the bridge reached from cliff the palace sat on, to the long road below. "I swear that thing gets faster each time i come here" said the driver, as he casually threw a friendly look back at Kaiyle, in hopes to illicit a response. But the young prince barely nodded his head as he stared out his window......leading the driver to sigh softly, before beginning the half-mile trek from the road, up to the palace.

A few minutes later, the gates at the front of the palace opened, and the carriage drove threw them.
The normal group of four front gate guards waved them in, and as the prince drove past a grand fountain and down the long royal driveway, the gate quickly closed behind them, and the bridge could be heard rising only for a moment, before slamming back down towards the road.
"I surely hope i'm not expecting company today...." whispered Kaiyle, slightly perplexed as to why the bridge wasn't brought up behind them as well. But as the carriage door opened, and the smell of the water engulfed the vehicle, Kaiyle quickly pushed his wondering aside, and almost smiled a bit, before hoping out onto the pavement.
"Where to your highness?" asked the driver, dressed in an all white suit, and black tie......with a golden name tag that read "Kreggan Harper"
"Harper what have i told you-" started the prince, as he casually wiped off his black suit jacket "-about calling me 'your highness'.......Kaiyle will do fine, and to answer your question, i haven't a clue where you'll be going........but it isn't with me. Feel free to enjoy the palace, since you're staying the night........" Kaiyle said flatly, before walking past the man and up the main stairs leading into the front wing of the palace.
"But your high - i mean, Prince Kaiyle - what can i do with all this time?? Alone??"
Closing his eyes for only a few seconds, the Prince stopped for a moment but refused to turn around and face Kreggan. "You know what not to touch, and what rooms not to disturb....outside of that, i don't care........just leave me to my peace."

Kaiyle then made his way up towards the front door, where one of the six other guards on duty greeted him....being opening the doors and bowing out of respect.
"You could always walk around to the watch tower, play with Ringo some.......he's likely bored, seeing as how i haven't been here in days sadly." Kaiyle said over his shoulder to Kreggan briefly, before disappearing into the main hall.

The prince was met by elder guards Hanzel and Jaraette, like he always was, as he reached one of several wide grand golden staircases.
"Hello dear, it's been a while, how's city life? The King, The Queen?" the 38 year old, slender by fit, Jaraette said softly, as she adjusted her uniforms tall hat.
"As void of enjoyment, and ripe of violence as it always is Jaraette, asking me multiple times won't change the answer" Kaiyle responded harshly, but his cold tone was of no shock to the woman who had known the prince since he was a young boy, and so she simply smiled, as Kaiyle slipped out of his suit-jacket, and flung it over his arm - revealing a white dress shirt with the first two buttons undone.
He then began to make his way up the staircase.....however, he stopped before he made it halfway up, and slowly turned his head to the side.
"Either of you happen to know if my father is following behind me for some reason?" he asked, causing a befuddled look to appear on both Jaraette and Hanzels faces. "The bridge......" he added.
Jaraettes face reminded befuddled, but Hanzel appeared to have a light bulb moment. "Oh! Yes, that. Well.........i'm not sure who or what, but the royal guardsman in the city did call and tell us they'd be coming in shortly behind you with, something..........or was it, someone?" the tall muscular 42 year old man wondered to himself, before looking towards Jaraette for help. "Don't look to me, i wasn't the one who took the call!"

As the two bickered on, Kaiyle sighed and continued on up the staircase. It was rare the guards followed him up floor-to-floor. Instead, they just stayed at their posts at the bottom of the staircase, unless the prince went unseen or unheard for hours on end. Only then would they seek him out on one of the nine floors.

"Why wouldn't the guardsman simply ride with me if they needed to talk so badly?" wondered Kaiyle, before he suddenly stopped a few feet from lavatory.A1. [i]"unless........they're bringing me another prisoner" he said softly to himself, before closing his eyes and shoving the lavatory door open.

"Just lovely!!" he spat, as he kicked the door shut, and then flipped his black dress shoes off. "Two weeks in that dreadful palace, listening to Tenner, going over war plans i could care less about! Just to get here.....and not get a solid 24 hours to myself before-" Kaiyle took a deep breath, before slipping out of his shirt, and black pants. He then, in a much calmer voice, finished his thought; "-i'm bothered with such a thing! And to not tell me, and instead make it surprise? I hate surprises!! Damn you Tenner...."

The now fully undressed prince kicked his clothing to one of the corners of 800 sq ft bathroom, pulled back the showers glass door, and then started the water.

Kaiyle then stepped back from the shower, and pressed an intercom button beside a large armour.
"I do not wish to be disturbed for the next two hours. If guardsman from the main palace show up before then, you relay that message to them. I don't care how important they claim it might be.............they know how to open the watch tower, and throw in another lowly guard.........."

The princes voice could be heard all through the front wing of the palace, but with the level of echo it would create, Jaraette decided to respond via the receive, instead of shouting up into the intercom.
"Kaiyle?, what if they demand you're presence? I can't-" Kaiyle pulled his hair out from the lax pony tail it was in and flung the white band into the sink, before cutting the woman off. "I don't care if they out rank you, I out rank them.....and i don't wish to be disturbed. Tell them to sit in the grand hall and wait, play footsies if they must.", and with that the young prince didn't even give Jaraette a moment to respond, before turning the intercom system off, and slowly slinking past the glass doors, and underneath the rain-faucet.

Of course it wouldn't take him two hours to shower and dress, but he had secretly hoped the guardsman would grow bored of waiting and leave, taking whatever imprisoned guard or military official from the East, they had with them....................unfortunate for him, he couldn't of been more wrong.


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Her life couldn't have been more perfect, never worrying, never fearing of the following day's share of food. It was all a fairytale, with flowing gowns and large dinning halls. A living dream. Through the eyes of others.

The end of the day had come at last, much too slow to be precise. The small lamp that sat on the dark wooden nightable allowed just enough light to cast a shadow over the large room. Her sorroundings so familiar to her, they had become dull and boring, just another slide and fragment of her life. At the sound of a gentle knock, the small shape that sat by the open window stood, her back straight, her chin raised with both elegance and confidence, a facade to the world around her, something to keep back the truth from the people that looked up to her. Two of them her parents which so proudly had raised her, yet they hadn't noticed one bit of how horrible she truly felt inside.

"My lady," A small gray-haired woman said with a small bow, "Time has come for you to rest. Tomorrow will be a great day for you, Princess." She knew it must be no more than nine, and with no sleep, she sighed in responce, "Well, if I must." The lady smiled slightly and closed the door once more closed, leaving her to the swallowing silence that weighted upon her shoulders and would be untouched until morn.

Ofcourse, she hadn't gone to sleep. Instead, she sat in her hair, eyes squinting to see in the dim light that shined, as so not to be obvious that she quietly read to herself instead of actually rested like she was ordered.

It had happened within a matter of seconds, starting with a soft noise coming from her window, just the wind, she had guessed not paying much attention to it like she should have, and had been followed by two dark creatures. Before she could react to the scene happening before her, she was taken hold of by a strong set of arms. A wet cloth had been pushed to cover her mouth and nose, and like any foolish young girl in panic, she breathed in, falling right into the devil's claws. Being closed into darkness, the following events where and will always be unknown to her.

x x x x x x x x x x x x

It was too simple to waste much words explaining. It had been a matter of seconds after she was taken away from the castle, certainly not the way she had hoped for her first scape of royal grounds to be like.

When she woke up once again, any knowledge of the possible past days were null to her. The girl looked around, pushing herself up from the hard wooden seat below her, feeling her body stiff with pain. Gainning conscious, she looked around, finding herself in.... She frowned, knowing right away that this was not her palace. She stood up, ignoring the pain that pulsed through her, "Help!" was the first thing she could think of saying. How silly, like anyone who would have put her here would actually listen. She moved to one of the steel-sealed windows, looking outside. She let out a small squeak of terror as she saw something that looked like a cliff on the side of the box that roughly moved under payment, where was she?


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As the water rained down on the prince, he closed his eyes and became lost in thought.........a position he stayed in for nearly fifteen minutes, before finally grabbing his wash cloth, and a bar of soap.

Ten minutes later the water had been shut off, and Kaiyle was making his way down the second floor hall, with his damp hair out, and nothing more on than a towel around his he carelessly left his clothing behind for a maid to pick up, or not.
He looked over the grand railing several feet away from him, and noticed Jaraette reading a book, and Hanzel daying dreaming while staring up at the roof. "It's a wonder how much use they'd be if intruders actually were to enter this place...." he thought to himself.......knowing in his heart of hearts that the two weren't as useless as they currently appeared to be.
The sound of a door opening in front him however, turned Kaiyles attention away from the two guards "Oh, your highness, good morning! Were you coming in here??" asked a maid who looked only vaguely familiar to the prince. He nodded his head slightly, before walking past her and into the dressing room she had just walked out of. "Y-you'll see, not a thing was moved out of place.......i just thought i'd clean the-" uninterested, Kaiyle cut her off with a quick wave of the hand, and then the soft slamming of the door.

The room was titled as a dressing room, but in all truths the luxurious room, with locked floor to ceiling armoires, and a row of equally tall windows, was plenty big enough for a couple, if not a few, small families to reside in, and have their own spaces respectfully.

Kaiyle hit the top of a small antique radio, and an acoustic track began to he unlocked one of the bottom doors of a nearby armour with one of the keys he wore around his neck, and dropped his towel.
First come, first serve, was about as much thought as the young man put into his selection of a pair of white slacks, and a white dress shirt.....which he left un-tucked, with the first pair of buttons undone.......his feet remained bare out of comfort.

After locking the door back again, he kicked his towel into a corner and then slowly made his way over to a couch, and sat down - legs crossed, as his head turned a bit for him to stare outside the large set of windows and into one of the many gardens.
"If you leave here, you'll just be proving yourself the bum i've thought you to be these past years! Your skills are needed here, can't you see that!?"
His brothers voice rang out in his head.........the conversation they had before he left not going well at all. As usual Tenner wanted him to stay in the city longer, with his family..........take up arms, and join him on the battlefield.
"Fool....." Kaiyle whispered to himself. "Why he acts so bewildered each time i declined him is beyond me. However, he did seem more........anxious this time...."
The young prince then laid back and stared up to the ceiling. " if something was about to go down perhaps?"

It wasn't long before his thoughts drifted from his brother, to the sounds coming from the radio...........and within minutes, he was asleep........far more exhausted then he would of ever cared to admit.


"Kaiyle!! Sir!!! Please respond, the guards are making their way through the front gate.........and they have a giant box of sorts in tow!!" Hanzels voice rang out through the dressing room for the third time.
Three times being the charm however, Kaiyle shot up, and picked up the phone receiver on the same small desk where the radio resided - quickly pressing the intercom button so that Hanzels voice would transfer from the speaker in the corner of the room, to the phone receiver
"Ring the phone line perhaps next time? Instead of yelling into the intercom system...." Kaiyle said flatly "I tried that though, you didn't pick-" Kaiyle cut the guard off before he could complete his sentence "Now what's this about Are you sure it's not simply the prison transport vehicle Hanzel?"
"No! I mean, it looks similar to one, but the back is flat, with a, on top! Quite the restraints for a lowly prisoner, right?"

Kaiyle ran his hand through his hair, and rolled his eyes slightly at Hanzels obvious excitement. But the prince would be a liar if he didn't admit his interest was peaked. So without the need for anymore convincing he hung up the receiver, turned off the radio, and then made his way back down stairs.

The front doors were open already, as Kaiyle made his way towards them. Hanzel, Jaraette, a couple more guards and a small group of maids all whispered among themselves, until the young prince cleared his throat - sending the guards backs straight, and the maids a few feet back, so that he could make his way out the door and down the long portico stairs......just in time to meet the royal guardsman from Juno, as they stepped out of the recently halted, and peculiarly different, prison vehicle.

"Your highness....we have a prisoner for you." said a senior guardsman by the name of Onal Drells, as about six others came from a second vehicle and made their way to what was now obviously a large wooden cage.

"That i can see, what i don't get however is why there are seven of you for one prisoner......and why exactly so much effort was put into securing them......." Kaiyle said, as he moved to the back of the vehicle while the guards unlocked the last of several latches and pulled open the doors. "What has Tenner sent me? A dragons egg? or perhaps an Orge??" joked the Prince, as a small smirk formed on his face. But much to not only his, but the small group of his palace guards now behind him's surprise, out they pulled a young woman, dressed in such a way that instantly wreaked of nobility.
"Who is that!?" and "What a beautiful woman?!" could be heard from the group of Kaiyles guards, as the prince himself looked a bit stunned. But his expression quickly changed back to it's normal emotionless/uninterested self. "Who is this?" he asked......
"Sakura-Hayashi Ra-" Kaiyles eyes widen ever so slightly, as he finished the guards statement "-kujochigusa. Is she....."
"Kenjio's daughter? Yes......and on direct orders of Tenner, she is now under your guard."

The man moved away from Kaiyle and then directed the men to the watch tower on the side of the palace. "On what floor sir?" Drells asked.......but Kaiyle was lost in thought.
"The princess!? What in gods name possessed Tenner to send her here?? I don't need to be burden with this level of stress, when the palace in Juno would of sufficed! This is just him punishing me, like a simple-minded child!!" His train of thought was interrupted however, as the guard from earlier approached him once again. "Sir?"
"What!" Kaiyle snapped, before taking a deep breath and repeating himself in a much more calmer tone. "What is it Drells?"
"Which floor would you like to house the princess on?........preferably the most secure." asked the guard.
" floor. You'll need this to open the elevator doors however." Kaiyle responded, as he pulled out a long thin silver chain around his neck, from underneath his shirt........revealing a set of keys, with one nearly three-inches long - the biggest of the batch. "I'll have to come with you.....seeing as how there isn't currently a guard in the tower with the keys"

Drells nodded, before the group made their way through the front and side gardens, and inside of the watch tower, where Kreggan was found - conversing with Ringo - much to Kaiyles shock, who was outside of his room and inside the watch towers main floor lobby. The prince never expected his driver to actually follow his advice, but he simply shrugged his shoulders and made his way to towards a thick stone door.
"Kaiyle! The prince has return for his dearest of slaves......whatever of service may i tell you today my lord!?" the old man joked Sarcastically from a seat several yards away, but Kaiyle paid him no mind.
After unlocking a set of locks on the stone door with the three inch key, Kaiyle pulled back the heavy door, to reveal a golden elevator gate.........which he swiftly unlocked with a much smaller key, and pulled back, before stepping to the that the two guards carrying the princess by her arms, could step inside of the roomy enclosure.

The rest of the guards were told to wait on the ground level, as the ones holding the princess, and Drells, made their way up to the top floor with Kaiyle.
Surprisingly, within only thirty seconds or so, the elevator cam to a stop and Kaiyle pulled back the gate.........where he was once again faced with a set locks.....which he unlocked with ease, before pushing open another heavy thick stone door..........revealing a large circular room. One that in any other situation might be nice to stay in......seeing as how it was scarcely, but nicely, furnished with a pair of armoires, a large bed, a bookcase., and small bathroom........with views nobles from Juno and abroad would pay great money to have. However the stone walls, stone floor, and thick stone door would quickly remind anyone that it was a room in a prison tower.

"Put her on the bed." directed Drells, as the group stepped into the large room. "Your highness, would you like the shackles on her legs to remain?"
Kaiyles eyes drifted down past the womans attire and towards her ankles.........he then stared at the fatigued womans face for a brief moment, noting she was likely coming out of some drugged-state, before answering. "There is no need....the stone doors are sealed and can only be unlocked from the with the bars, and at this height, there is no means of escape by the windows."
Drells nodded, and instructed the guards to release the shackles from around the womans ankles.......before turning to face Kaiyle.
"It's obvious you don't mind if some of these people are out from their deserved cells...."
Kaiyle eyes stayed locked on the shackles, as the guards began removing them "Whatever do you mean Drells...." he responded nonchalantly.
"I know it's not unheard of for prisoners to be let out with supervision....especially on the grounds of palace so high up, where the only possible means of escape are the falls in the back, or cliff side on the side and in the front.....but Ringo, he was out from his cell, talking with one of your people of all things!! Why the hell would you let any of these men out-" the prince suddenly turned to face Drells directly, their bodies only a few inches apart, as he stared intensely into the mans eyes.
"You speak with such little respect you wish to lose your position so early in your life?" he said sharply, causing Drells to step back and apologize, while bowing.
"I apologize your's just......your safety seems at risk, i was simply worried, that's all." Drells stood straight once again. "And as an order, from your father though......this woman must stay under lock and key. Her capture is of vital importance, it could turn the war even more in our favor! She cannot escape.......Sir."

Kaiyle didn't respond, and instead turned his direction towards the two guards now approaching him - shackles in hand.
"Where would you like these your highness?" one of the guards which the prince answered by grabbing the restraints and throwing them in the elevator. "Lets go.....and leave the woman awake fully" said the Prince, before stepping back into the elevator.

Within minutes, the stone door was again locked, and the group made their way down to the main level again.


It was now nearly an hour from the womans arrival, the guards from the capital were gone, and Kaiyle found himself in the kitchen with his cook - Ema......a sweet seventy year old woman, who the prisoners often enjoyed visits from...........and was one of only a few, who could not only stand Kaiyles uninterested demeanor and sharp tongue, but could match it if need be.....

"This old is she?" asked Ema....Kaiyle simply shrugged. "If you must know her specifics, feel free to read the scroll Drells left.." he said, as he leaned against the counter next to the stove and began to tie his hair into its usual ponytail.

"Don't you get all snappy with me young man, now go fetch that scroll and tell me the womans age so i know what to make her!" Ema snapped back at him.
"Just bring her act as if age determines what type of food one must eat!" Kaiyle whispered under his breath, causing the cook to pick up a rolling pin and hit the prince in the shoulder.........something none of the others on the small staff inside the massive palace would even THINK to do, which made a nearby guard snicker, until Kaiyle shot him a stern look.

"She's nineteen......" the Prince muttered under his breath, without moving a muscle.......causing Ema to smile. "So you did read the scroll, hm!? Well, the poor thing is young......she needs calcium, and a hardy-" Kaiyle tuned Ema out, and only began to pay her real mind again, when she had the food and drink on a tray, and was ready to leave "And off i go! What room is the girl in?"
He didn't respond to Ema, and instead opened the kitchen door and walked out into the garden, and began to make his way towards the tower, several hundred feet away.
Ema quickly followed him out. "Coming with me for some reason??" she yelled out towards him.......but Kaiyle wouldn't respond until the pair walked past Ringo and Kreggan, who were sitting on a bench outside near the tower door with a guard, and into structure. - where another guard was now posted by the stone elevator door.
"She is on the top floor......i didn't know the guard with the key was going to be here already, so i was going to let you in.." he said, as he quickly unlocked the stone door, and then the elevator gate. "Well i think i understand.....but why the top floor though dear?" Ema asked, as the two walked into the elevator and made their way up to the top floor.
"According to my father, the girl is to be kept under lock and key........and not allowed out on the grounds with Ringo and the others, even with guard supervision" Kaiyle said flatly, before opening the gate and stone door on the top floor and directing Ema inside.

As soon as Ema would step out though, Kaiyle would close the gate and return down to the main floor.........completely uninterested in being within the tower any longer.
The whole point of him coming here was to escape his royal duties, be alone with himself, and relax.....yet for the last few hours he's done nothing but involve himself in "royal duties", and surround himself with the few staff members that actually stay on the grounds with him.

"Go up and meet Ema.......wait until she's done, make sure the top door is locked, return down to this level, and then lock the gate.........leave the stone door on the first floor open until darkness falls......then close it and return inside for the night. You'll rotate your shift every two days, understood?" Kaiyle said to the guard on the main floor when he stepped off the elevator. The guard nodded his head, and then quicklly headed up to meet Ema.

Kaiyle waited until the guard was gone, and then turned and made his way outside of the tower............he didn't get far however, before Ringo grabbed his arm and began rambling about overhearing something from Drells and the others. Kaiyle attempted to get out of the old mans grasp as the guard by the bench where Ringo previously sat, ran over and began to try and pull the old man off of Kaiyle....something a bit harder than most would think.......for despite the mans age, his grip was rather strong.
The guard went to hit the old man, but Kaiyle stopped him........and direct him to go back to bench with Kreggan. "But your highness!"
"GO!" yelled the prince, and that the guard did.

Kaiyle knew if he didn't deal with Ringos rantings about Drells now, the man would bug him silly until he the prince pointed out another bench, several yards from where the guard and Kreggan sat, besides a bed of flowers, and directed the old man to it.


"How rude of him, to just leave so abruptly!" Ema spat with a pout, before sighing and walking towards the young woman.
She placed the tray of food on top of the bookcase beside the bed, then made her way directly to the bedside, and took a look at the woman. "My my.....don't you just look drained! Here, drink this!" said Ema, as she walked back towards the book shelf, and then returned to the bedside with a glass of Orange Juice.
"Here, take it! It's just juice." Ema said in a comforting voice, as she held out the glass towards the woman......
It was obvious to anyone that Ema was a bit sympathetic to the girl. "What would the king capture this poor girl?" she couldn't help but wonder, as she stared at the princess.


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The rest of the way up the road wasn't as bumpy as she had expected it to go, and within a few minutes the large castle before her came to view.

Lowering her body, she sat in a corner, her knees pulled up to her chest, she looked around the small pathetic place they had locked her in. It could be much worse Sakura, was the first somewhat-positive thought that came up in her mind, but it was soon followed by much more terrible words, plunging her back into a pool of fear.

Once in the castle, she felt the box come to a sudden stop. The doors opened on the other side, flooding the place with too much light. Still squinting from the bright scene, she had quickly been taken hold of in from her upper arms. As if I was a criminal, the princess thought pathetically, never before been treated with such disrespect, feeling as vulnerable as it could get.

Sakura stood there quietly, not bothering to struggle, anyone with common sense would know she had no chance agaisnt these guys much larger than her. She knew right away she no longer was in the Apan, well, it had been truly obvious, but it was until now that her mind truly started to come back.

After a few minutes, she found herself in a simple but luxurious room, nothing like what she was used to, but she had to admit it wasn't as bad as she had imagined. She was put ontop of the large bed, the cold metal shuckles that had started to cut into the skin where thankfully taken off.

"There is no need....the stone doors are sealed and can only be unlocked from the with the bars, and at this height, there is no means of escape by the windows." She had stopped listening too long ago for her to remember by now, but at this she responded with a sigh, she wouldn't have tried anyways, afterall, what did she know about escaping? Only useless information of amazing yet unrealistic escapes from books and her failture of attempts.
After being left alone, she finally let out the burning tears that surprisngly she had been able to hold back, and with no one to see her pathetic actions, she burst into violent sobs, her hands covering her face, the soft matress below her and the current thought that nothing bad will happen to her giving aboslutely no confort.

x x x x x x x x x

She was glad to see a friendly face for once. By the time the lady had come, her minutes of tears had passed. Sakura now sat on the edge of the bed, her mind sunken into a large book, "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare". It was rather weird to find her at this condition, many others would cry and plead to be let out, but somehow, someway, she found peace within herself. I will be found, she had thought, father will not alllow me to be lost for too long.
"My my.....don't you just look drained! Here, drink this!" Did she look that bad? She wondered but gladly took the glass, realizing truly how thirsty and hungry she was.


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Ema smiled as the young girl took the glass. The friendly cook then waited until she was finished, before she placed the glass back on the tray....and then gently pulling the princess up, placed the girls arm around her own shoulders, and then walked towards the Elevator, which was now housed with a guard.
"I don't care what he says, you need some fresh lets go get you some."

A few minutes later, after the cook talked down the green guard inside the elevator, Ema helped the girl walk out the tower door and into the gardens outside it.


"Drells!! He, he said......" Ringo randomly stopped in mid-sentence, causing Kaiyles eyebrows to drop down a bit. "Continue...." he said, but Ringo just smiled dementedly at the young prince, before standing up from the bench and placing both fist on his hips. "Oh no! But are you really sure you want to hear my knowledge? That left with ol' Drells down that drawbridge!? If so, what exactly will you do me, deary!?"
Kaiyle sighed slightly and then stood as well. "I don't have time for your rhymes and riddles today.....tell me, or don't, I could careless.", and with that the prince turned around and began to walk back towards the palace. But he didn't get far at all before Ringo clumsily ran in front of him. "Oh don't be like Sir, Prince, Kaiyle, my lord of lords! This is of importance, it could be of sorts a kou, not of your father and not of you, but of the system you love, control power of, i think Tenner and Drells, wish to create a kind of hell......."
Kaiyles face actually showed a slight bit of concern. Most would ignore Ringos rhyming riddles ....concluding them as nothing more than insane ramblings from a former general gone mad. But Kaiyle knew that while the man might sound a bit crazed, his rhymes were always riddled with truths, the old man simply wanted those he told them, to play along in trying to understand them...........meaning, whatever the man knew, wouldn't come out in one sitting.
But the prince could tell he obviously knew of something, between Drells and Tenner.........which caught Kaiyles attention.
"Something...between Tenner and Drells you say?" the prince whispered, causing Ringo to clap his hands together twice, and smile widely. "There you go.....and for now, here i go!" he chimed in with, before hobbling his way quickly back over towards Kreggan.

Kaiyle merely watched as the old man left........he knew he'd get little more, if anything, from Ringo today.........however it was worth a try in his mind. But before he could even move a full foot towards the old man, something caught his eye....
Ema........and the princess.
His concern quickly transferred from Ringo, to he began to jog towards the old cook. "What is this!? What about kept under lock and key do you not understand!??" Kaiyle yelled towards the woman, which caused her to frown. "Don't yell at me like such, you act as if she can what you wish with me, but let the girl stay out for just a little while?"

Compassion was not an emotion Kaiyle cared to show much........but he was also one who couldn't argue with reason.....and much to his annoyance, Ema was right - where could the woman go? Even if she chose to run and hide, or manged to wander out the eyesight of the guards, she'd be stuck on the grounds........and it's not as if he took orders from Tenner and his father with any great value all the way out here......she he relented.

"She has ten minutes.....and that's all. Kaiyle snapped, reluctantly, hoping in the back of his head that the young woman wouldn't get the idea to hide or wander off.....the last thing he'd feel like doing was spending the last half his day hunting the girl down.

As the prince made his way back into the palace via the open kitchen door, Ema shook her head and then guided the young woman through a small batch of flowers and towards the bench Kaiyle and Ringo had been sitting on moments earlier.

"Don't worry, he'll let you out more.........i think." she said, before standing.
"I think i'll go make you a snack of some sort.........enjoy your time out, and stay in the guards view.......don't do anything foolish, for your own sake dear." Ema said, before making her way back into the palace.

OOC: *cough* I say, wander off.....a hunt-you-down game would be fun! [lols] *cough*


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She was grateful for this woman, she might even be the only friend she would make in this place.

From her lowered profile, she could just barely make out the prince. How could anyone be so... Cold? Sakura doubted he was as tough as he acted like, everone had a gentle side, even the thoughtest of the assassins had it, however bad they might be ashamed of it. They all had a weakness point, but whateve could his be? She wondering, making a mental note to pay attention whenever she could.

Once she was alone, the princess looked around, her dark gaze scanning the area around her. She looked where the lady had dissapeared off to, the same way the prince had... Into the castle. It would be foolish of her to do agaisnt what she had been asked to do, but the temptation was too much for her to bear. Standing from the bench that she had sat a few seconds ago, she pointed out her possibilities. She could either wanted off deeper into the palace's gardens which must cover atleast an acre... Or get lost in the palace itself. Looking at both sides, she estimated where they could have gone through, following it, not even bother to be quiet in the progress, if they caught her at this point, she could just say that she felt unconftrable without Emma by her side, the only person who had bother to show some compassion towards her.

Gulping softly, she came upon the larger clearing, and caught sight of the door she had seen the Prince go into. The kitchen must be huge, she thought, big enough for me to go around unseen by Emma. Quickly, she made her way through the patio, glad for the soft flats she wore under the layers of her dress. Looking around, she made sure the area was clear, and as quiet as she could move, she entered the terrifying halls.


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Kaiyle had made his way back up to the second floor, and all the way down it's hallway. If you opened the large tall doors at the end of the hall, you'd walk into the back of a roomy theatre......with nearly 20 rows of seats, in front of a long black stage with royal red and gold curtains. And there on that stage, the prince sat, eyes closed, playing his beloved guitar.

Even if your ear were musically untrained, it was obvious the prince was of expert much so, if one approached the theatre doors, they'd likely think it was a classically trained guitarist on the radio.

Kaiyles voice wasn't the best, but it was far from the worse.........and so as he played, the young prince began to sing a melody he had heard for the first time just a week ago, in the capital city.

The lyrics he remembered only slightly, so while playing he'd often stop and write down lyrics he remembered, and ones he ab-libbed in, on a piece of paper atop a stool next to him.


Ema was in her own little world as she whipped up a fruit smoothie of sorts.
The cook then pulled out a small plate and began placing crackers on it. It was nearly fifteen minutes later when she started to make her way towards to door......which was already open.
"Oh dear, i left this open? I could of sworn i had closed it.......oh wells!" the woman said to herself, before continuing on her way towards the princess.
But when she arrived to the bench she had left the girl at, it was empty. "Dear?? Where are you?" Ema called out.......receiving no response, which prompted her to place the glass and plate down on the bench and then find the nearest guard, who happened to be quite distracted from conversing with Kreggan.
"You, where is the princess?" she asked the guard calmly, only to receive a confused look in return.
"What do you mean Ema, she's right over-" the guard stopped as he lifted his hand, noticing quickly that the bench he pointed to was now empty.
"She was, i swear, she was right there!! I don't know where she went, i guess, i must of........not been paying attention!?" the suddenly nervous guard said, shakily. Ema just shook her head from side to side, before cupping her forehead in her hand.
"Oh dear......if we can't find the girl in five minutes, we're going to have to call the other guards....and Kaiyle. The prince is going to have your head hun."

The guard knew Emas words to be true, so after placing Ringo back in his room, the threesome of him, Ema, and Kreggan began to run around the massive gardens.
But after several minutes Ema came to a stop. "Oh no, the door......." she said, before turning around and staring back at the kitchen door now hundreds of yards away from her.
"What about a door??" asked the guard a few yards away from her. "The door to the kitchen was open when i came out.........i thought i had perhaps left it open when i entered, but i'd never do such a thing. It was the girl i bet you...........she must be inside the palace now!!"

The guards face quickly became depressed, knowing that he HAD to call in reinforcements, for the princess could be anywhere by now.

As the young guard ran to make contact with the others, Ema reached into her waist-apron, pulled out her mobile phone, and began to dial the princes personal number.

"Come on son, pick up......" the woman whispered to herself, as the phone line rang for the third and forth time..


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She had been wondering through the halls for what seemed like hours. The twists and turns already starting to give her a headache. For the first time, she wondered and doubted that it had not been such a great idea in the first place. She should have done like she was told, stayed back in the gardens. And for the first time, she doubted herself and her actions.

Well, she had doubted it until a rather particular sound reached her grasp. Her head turned, trying to locate the source, follow the sound by ear, which to be honest, wasn't too helpful.

Somehow, she had ended up here. It couldn't only be an evil plot, and behind it, there must be a great reason, as hard as it was to believe. Maybe it had nothing to do with her, but with the lifes of many others, and for a second, she had a spark of hope, that everything would be perfect with time. That those fairy tale endings where truly not only in books. Or maybe she was all wrong, and this would do nothing but hurt and shatter her world and everyone around it. She only hoped for the best.

Her feet where quiet on the tile below, as she looked around and checked on every hallway before proceeding, making sure no one was there to spot her. Finally coming upon the source, she found herself standing infront of a large door, a dead end. She mustn't be too bad at orienteering after all. The door was somewhat opened, and cautiously, she opened it, praying to the gods and with all her heart that hell would not pour upon her because of her silly, adventerous actions. No way back, she thought to herself, that friendly ma'dam must have noticed that she was missing and had warned the guards by now. Taking a small breath, she opened the door even further, and stepped in, it was a great few seconds of music, at least.


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Kaiyle was lost in his music........this was the reason he came here, be with himself, and indulge in the comforting luxuries he enjoys most, like his guitar.
The song still wasn't coming to him in full, but luckily he found pleasure in his own wordings that he added onto it.

Sadly however his moment of musical escape, was interrupted by his phone ringing on the ground.
Of course his first thought was to ignore it, and that he did. But as the caller kept calling, never seeming to relent, he felt it wise to just go ahead and pick up the phone.
"Kaiyle!? Oh thank goodness, dear..........i'm afraid i have some news." said Ema, not letting the prince even mutter a simple "Hello", before she began talking. Something that caused the young man to sigh before leaning back in his chair and looking ahead.

Shock instantly registered on his face, when far ahead at the back of the theatre, there stood none other than; the princess.
His face calmed after a few seconds, and his voice grew stern.

"Let me guess, you disobeyed my orders, let the girl out, and now she's missing inside the palace?"

Emas side of the line was dead for several seconds, before the old woman finally spoke up in a soft tone, completely bewildered.
"H-how, did you know that??"

"Because....." Kaiyle paused, while he briefly jumped off the stage and began to make his way towards the young girl.

"........she's directly in front of me. Send the guards to the second floor theatre, now!"

After hanging up his flip-phone, the prince was now only a yard or so away from the girl. Much to his surprise, she hadn't moved.
"You're either bold.........or foolish." he said flatly, before grabbing her forearm and pulling her towards him. "And by the lack of bravado coming from you, i'd pick the latter of the two."

Kaiyles handling of the woman wasn't overly brutish, but it wasn't warm and fuzzy either, as he pushed her into a near-by seat and then stood across the aisle from her, and stared.

Her attire would suggest to one who didn't know better, that the girl was of equal standing to him. From the silk-like skirt, which was rather short in the front, yet long and graceful in the back, to the high-cut top....sporting sleeves that softly fell off her shoulders, in the same graceful manner the back of her skirt fell - the two being connected by mere jewels that lined down the girls stomach.

In reality though, she was far from his equal here.....she was his prisoner, and at the moment, his latest annoyance.

"Where the hell are they....." he spat under his breath, before shoving his hands in his pockets.

To say he wasn't comfortable with the current atmosphere, would be an understatement. Not because he wasn't capable of talking to women, but because not only was it strange to hold someone of her stature as a prisoner,but there was just something inherently innocent about the girl, that made him feel..........uncomfortable. And the last thing he wanted her to do was begin conversing with him, on any level.

"Forget this!" Kaiyle spat after waiting for what felt like an addition thirty minutes, but in reality was only ten or so.
The young prince pulled the young woman up by her wrist, as gently as one in an annoyed rush could be, and then made his way through the doors, and into the hallways.

If they wouldn't hurry to him, he'd hurry with the girl, to them.


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She had never been treated in such ways before, not atleast until she got into this castle. And she was more than tired of it. Sakura knew and understood that he was angry, but there was no reason to treat her in such way.

Being practically shoved into the chair, she looked at him, bewildered. She realized he hadn't seemed too nice the first time she saw him, but this, she was rather sad about. Sighing, she looked down at her hands, and sat there quietly, he seemed mad enough, and who knew, if she did something, he might even burst out and hurt her. She had never been hit or harmed in any way, and in a way, all of this hurt her, and was slowly started to break her. In the middle of a thought, she felt the man's grip on her wrist, and maybe if he didn't mean it, the pressure was hard on her gentle skin.

Being pulled up, she was forced to follow him, dragged behind him. After a few seconds, she stopped, holding her ground. She was going to refuse to go anywhere if he didn't explain himself.

Looking at him, her eyes narrowed, "I am tired of this... Nonesense! I did nothing to your family and you are treating me as if I were nothing more than a used rag," She could feel her heart bumping hard on her ears, as she was truly scared, the Prince's reactions could be so unexpectable and sudden, she was afraid of being punished and treated worse than she was already being treated by everyone, not counting the cook, ofcourse. "I demand an explanation. I am no threat to you, and I have absolutely nowhere to go other than where you order your men to take me, at least until my father does something about this and comes to get me." She looked at him, suprised of herself for actually standing up, though she knew it would only last a few minutes "And there is no reason for you to be so harsh about this. I'll be here for a while, I'm guessing though I not hope, so you might as well start getting used to me."

We might even end up being friends, the Princess thought, despite it being so foolish of her to even think about it.


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Before the two got far, the young princess stopped her in tracks......forcing the prince to stop as well. He went to shout at her, but she beat him to the punch....
"I am tired of this... Nonsense! I did nothing to your family and you are treating me as if I were nothing more than a used rag........I demand an explanation. I am no threat to you, and I have absolutely nowhere to go other than where you order your men to take me, at least until my father does something about this and comes to get me! And there is no reason for you to be so harsh about this. I'll be here for a while, I'm guessing though I not hope, so you might as well start getting used to me" the woman shouted to the prince, with a level of boldness that waned with her word she said.....

Kaiyle was still completely taken-aback though. It had been quite a long time since he had been spoken to in such a way by a prisoner......and it made him angry enough to punch something, or someone..........but as he looked at the woman, he quickly calmed himself. He knew there was no bite with her bark, and that she was of no real threat to him..........but still, he found her words utterly ludicrous, and pulled the girl in front him to tell her so.

"The captive, demanding anything, yet alone an explanation, from the the most ludicrous thing i've heard in a long while.
I don't have to tell you one single thing if i choose not to, and if you have a problem with that i'll happily keep you locked in that room around the clock, with your windows boarded, and your bookcase emptied. So if you EVER raise your voice to me again, i'll-"
before Kaiyle could close off his rant, Ema and three guards made their way towards them.
"Kaiyle, stop it! You're scaring the girl." said Ema, before she went to grab the princess......but the guards beat her to it, and pulled the young girl towards them.

"What do you want us to do with her??" they asked.

After a moment of deep thought, an annoyed Kaiyle responded;
"Throw her in the dungeon" he snapped, and the guards began to oblige.

Ema however, began to protest. She knew the dungeon was just that, a dark and damp dungeon, far less accommodating than the watch tower. The girl would be stuck in a large cage without a single cot....leaving only a floor of hay, or an incredibly small wooden bench for her to sleep on.

"Dear you can't be so cold!" Emma pleaded, as the princess was pulled down the stairs, and then into palace's grand elevator....which would take her to the basement dungeon. Ema held up her hands and shouted down for the guards to wait for her, and that they did. But before she went, she grabbed both sides of Kaiyles face with her hands.

"You can not change my mind, so go!" he said flatly, but Ema didn't let go of him until she had said her peace.

"I know you, you are not a cold man........she's a young woman, you'd really let her stay the night in such lowly conditions?"

And with that Ema ran down the staircase and into the elevator.

Kaiyle sighed, before making his way up to the third floor, where he'd spend the rest of his a lush royal bedroom, fair more comfortable than anything the princess would experience overnight.


After the princess was placed in the Dungeon, and the gates were locked tight, Ema made her way towards the bars.
It was now becoming dark outside, and the only light seen in the darkened area came from a pair of lit torches on the wall.

"I apologize for your being housed here......but i did warn you dear, not to wander should of just asked me if you wished to see the grounds. Now though, you'd be lucky to make it out of this dungeon. Kaiyle can be........well, hardheaded."

Emas voice trailed off towards the end of her statement, and she began to back away from the bars.

"I must go now.......i hope you can get some level of rest down here, i'll make you breakfast in the morning. But please, whatever it might seem, i implore you not to think the prince as evil.....he truly is not." she said, before heading down the wide hallway, and back into the elevator.

Ema would, like every other evening, retire to her servants quarters on the first floor......waking up early the following morning to began breakfast for all on the grounds.


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She stood her ground, even as he shouted at her, the words, nothing more than blurry to her, overlaped by the thoughts that jumbled in her head and the feelings that throbbed her heart.

Seeing the guards arrive, she was prepared for the words. Really, she couldn't lie to herself, it mattered and hurt her being in such embarrissing position. Never before could she have thought that she had to put up with... This. It wasn't the guards she was angered at, it was the Prince himself, for showing no compassion towards someone that could so easily turn out to be the most loyal companion in the meanwhile. Silly, yes, but being her, she couldn't help but wanting to be friends with him and everyone around her. Sakura had never before been around other people that didn't fall within the castle inhabitants, dull to her view, and it saddened her that this was how it went.

As she was taken away, her head turned one last time, her dark eyes glancing at the Prince, one last satisfactory look at the face she pitied. Because no, she didn't feel wrath towards this soul, she felt pity. And with such a naive mind, she was at least satisfied it wasn't something with much more hatred, one that she knew could devour and shatter a person to nothing.

x x x x x x x x x x x x

The dungeon was probably the most disgusting thing her eyes have laid on, and the reek of pain, plead and death was the most foul odor.

She had been left there alone, like she was nothing more than an old rag, and there she knew, more than ever that those wishes of being out of the castles should have never been something she should have looked forward to; at least not this way should it have been.

The princess had imagined it to be... Luxurious and Glamorous, or atleast Dark and Misterious, a clean escape.

But this is all you get, Sakura, a small, dumb voice said in her head as she sat in the truly unconftrable stool.

When Emma had approached the unbreakable bars that held her back, she only offered a small smile with the last drops of energy that she had left, because all that boldness that she had possessed while foolishly confronting the prince, had been washed out in a wave that was still yet to come back. As she looked the lady leave, her last words echoed in her mind, "He truly is not." She should have done just what she would have usually done instead of talking up, she should have just brought on the tears that so hot burned that day and pleaded with all her soul.


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It had been hours since the princess was thrown into the dungeon, and Kaiyle had entered his room to try and sleep. However, all the prince was able to do was toss and Emas words echoed in his head: ".....she's a young woman, you'd really let her stay the night in such lowly conditions?".........

His mind couldn't help but wander to his this how he'd want her to be treated if ever captured? How would HIS sister feel, to be locked in a cold and damp basement-cage, with no suitable lighting, and no soft place to lay her head??
Ema had successfully made him feel something he didn't like nor understand well.............guilt.

"Damn it all to hell!!!" he spat, before sitting up on his mattress, slipping into a pair of black dress shoes, and then heading out from his third-floor bedroom.


Kaiyle was dressed in only a pair of black pants.....but had thrown on a white dress shirt before leaving his room, which now remained open as he made his way down in the elevator, and then through the dungeon hallway.

As he reached the cage, one guard stood at its entrance.......and he told the man to step back, before grabbing the keys off the wall and opening up the large heavy door.

"What am i doing?!" he thought to himself, as he walked into the cage and stared down at the sleep princess.
He wanted to just turn around and leave..........but Kaiyle wanted to sleep as well, and this girl sitting in this cage was preventing that! So with a sigh, he bent down, picked the girl up, and cradled her in his arms.

As the prince then made his way out of the cage and towards the elevator, he gave a nod to the guard to close the door, and then follow behind him.......and so the guard did.

It was the most uncomfortable feeling in the world for him.........standing in the elevator, with a young sleeping woman in his arms.
He wanted to force her to wake-up so that he no longer would have to carry her. But as soon as the thought crossed his mind, the doors opened, and they were back in the main lobby.

The two men then made their way towards the door in the kitchen, which lead out to the gardens........but after they opened the door, large gusts of wind and rain violently flew into the palace.

"CLOSE THE DOOR!!" Kaiyle yelled to the guard, as he turned his back to the door to shield himself, and by default the girl, from any possible debris.

"So sorry sir! I didn't know it was so bad out, are you okay?" said the guard, after shutting the door.
Kaiyle shrugged him off, while cursing under his breath. It was late........he was tired.........and stuck with this girl he much rather drop. But before his annoyance clouded his judgment, he thought of the first floor guest room.

"It'll have to do........" he whispered, before turning around and demanding the guard follow behind him.

Within minutes the two had arrived inside a guest room a few steps away from the first floors main living room.

Kaiyle sighed again, as he dropped the girl on a full size mattress.........he wasn't the most gentle man, but he at least tried this time, to drop her with some level of softness..........before turning around and walking out of the room.

"Leave the door open, and guard it until she wakes...." Kaiyle said to the guard, as he ran his hand through his long hair, which was out in full. "When the storm passes, she'll go back to her room in the tower"

And with that the Prince finally made his way back to the third floor, into his room, and beneath his covers.
It was 2:02am......and by 2:05am, he was sound asleep.

He might not be willing to admit it, or even be capable of seeing it.........but Emas words had forced him into a caring deed, that did his heart good for the night.


By 7:08am Ema had breakfast cooked for the entire staff and all the prisoners. She had already trekked through the damp soil to reach the watch tower, and was now on her way down to the dungeon.

Much to her surprise though, when she arrived, the guard on duty explained that the princess had been moved.
"Moved?" she whispered out loud, to which the guard answered "Yes".......and then explained where the girl had been moved to, and by who.

The entire way back up the elevator, and across the tile floor to the guest room, Ema had a satisfied smile on her face.
"Good job Kaiyle.......good job!" she thought, seconds before approaching the guard and asking him to step out of the way so that she could enter and wake the girl for breakfast.

Emas smile was quickly wiped off her face as she approached the bed...............the girl was tossing in her in the face, with sweat dripping down the sides of her face.

"GUARD! Go get a cold towel!!" she yelled, before shaking the girl softly. "Come on dear, wake up!" Ema said sweetly, but in a loud stern tone. "You've gotta tell me what's wrong, so we can help you!"


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Sleep had been almost impossible, due to both the reek of the place and the low quality of provided bedding; Nothing more than dirty, wet hay, probably taken right out of the horse stables after weeks of use.

The first hour or so, she had just sat where she had been left, the image of Ema leaving replaying all over in her mind, the sympathy and sadness in her voice. Maybe she imagined it all. Maybe the cook cared about her as much as the prince. That's right, not. One. Bit. And then again, maybe she did.

What would her father be doing at the moment? Shouting orders for a new upcoming troop for the search of his daughter? What would she have been doing right now if nothing of... This had happened? She knew. She would be up at her room, getting ready to sleep, or as she let everyone think. Yeah, she would be resting upon her matress, but with a book at hand, a small candle the only light that provided her view, other than the moonlight's glow, ofcourse.

Her thoughts wandered off, something she very much disliked to do, because most of the time, she came upon things that she did not want to imagine, nor happen. Things like this. But what did she think about? The ocean. She had read so much about it, and with what little she knew of it, and saw from the windows of her beloved palace, there was nothing as breath-taking as that.

The swaying of the breeze, the kissing of the shore and ocean, an ever-lasting love, the saltiness of the air that touches every one of her senses, the moonlight that shines down on her shoulders, carressing her revealed skin. For that moment, just for that second, she felt true joy, she lost herself in wonder and made out of nothing, the most true moment of her life.

And as quick and unexpected as it had come, it went, and she was plunged back down into reality, the breath actually being pushed out of her lungs as she felt that falling movement, and her eyes opened. It had all been a dream, but oh, all so true. With the thought in mind, she decided that she would ask the Prince, as foolish as it may sound, to take her to see the ocean. He would probably said yes, but considering what Ema had said before she had departed, the try was worth.

x x x x x x x x x x x x

The feel of sickness was one she had never once enjoyed, and to the most, this was certainly not her favorite.

The movement of her body felt hash as she felt hands grip her shoulder, a little too hard to the state she was in, though ofcourse not intentionally and in no way would they know, as coughs rose up in the atmosphere.

Words were being said, loudly, but they were unclear to her ears as much as she would try to understand. She didn't open her eyes for a few minutes. Actually, lets rephrase that; she couldn't. It was a weird sensation, scary too, not being able to open your eyes. The first two thoughts that came to your mind were, Am I dead? followed or continuing, Am I blind?

The inner fear didn't last too long before her body gave away to the small battle within her and she found herself in a room nothing like the one she had been left to stay throughout the whole night. Maybe it was all just a sick dream, that she had been taken away from her loved ones. But then again, that thought was proven wrong at the sight of the Cook and the guards. Certainly not. Her personal maid, helper, or whatever you would prefer to refer her as, looked nothing like her, but the small care still flashed in her eyes.

Sakura was paralized at first, not knowing what to say. Every inch of her body hurt, but mostly her head, the blood pounding in her head was almost too painful to bear. "I- My head," She said, the voice that slipped out of her lips alien to her.


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By the time Ema started hollering out for help, Kaiyle had been awake for nearly an hour.......thumbing at his guitar, desperately attempting to remember that song he had heard in the square only a day or two ago.

He wasn't sure what the issue was but couldn't help but walk outside of his room, dressed in nothing more than black slacks, and peer over the balcony towards the first floor.

"Cold towels, hurry!!" he heard Ema call out again.
"Cold towels.....for what?" he wondered out loud, just to be answered by Emas badly echoed voice. "Hurry, her fever is bad!"

It didn't take long for the room guard, Jaraette, and Hanzel to run to the kitchen.......and has they could be seen running back with the towels, an inescapable feeling of guilt began to nag at Kaiyle.
He was sure of where she caught the fever.......since the man last in that dungeon she laid in, had a bad case of influenza......and they hadn't bothered to clean it out.

"Damn it!" the prince whispered to himself, before kicking the banister and sulking back into his room.......

Guilt was an emotion he knew he couldn't stand for long when a persons life was endangered because of his actions, so after pulling out the white ribbon from his pocket, tying his hair back into it's normal ponytail, and then slipping into a white dress shirt he wouldn't bother to button, Kaiyle quickly made his way down the stairs and into the medical room on the first floor.
Once inside, he'd pull out a jar of antiviral medicine, a needle, and then some antiseptic wipes, before making his way towards the room the princess currently resided in.

"Poor girl, i haven't a clue what is wrong with her!" he heard Ema say as he entered the room. He couldn't see the older woman because the three guards stood crowded behind her. But as soon as he spoke, they would quickly move a side and let him approach directly behind the woman.

"I do...." he said, before walking up towards Ema. "Remember the thief we had in the dungeons a few weeks back......who had a rare persistent variation of influenza that we all had to be vaccinated against?.........Well he was in the same cage she was."
Kaiyle paused for a moment......his face showing only the faintest sign of guilt, while his heart was becoming weighed down by it, as he stared at the Princess.

"We didn't bother to disinfect the area yet, and the particular strain of the virus he had was strong.......during my medical class back at the main palace, we placed a piece of the virus on an open, but contained, stayed there for nearly a month, before loosing it's infectious qualities. I shouldn't of placed her....."
Kaiyle stopped himself before making a full vocal admittance of his wrong doing.......and instead, took a seat on the bed beside Sakuras sweating frame, before punching the needle down into the top of the medicine container - quickly sucking up the liquid up into it.
"She'll need to be loaded with fluids........but not from a drop bag. Do you think, you could perhaps make a large pot tea, Ema?" the older woman nodded her head, and ran out towards the kitchen.

The Prince then dismissed the guards to go stand outside the room, before placing the now empty jar of medicine on a night stand and lifting the girls arm up from the mattress slightly.
"This might hurt a bit.....i.....apologize." he whispered to her, unsure of if she even heard him, before pushing the needle into the Princesses arm, a few inches below her shoulder.

After the medicine was injected, Kaiyle wiped the injection site with one of the wipes, before standing.

He had gather up all the medical supplies and begin to walk towards the door. But as soon as he reached the door frame, he couldn't help but turn around again at what he thought was the sound of her moving around underneath the sheets.........


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Her body felt numb by the time the Prince had come, almost as if she had no control over her body, everything except of her sight.

The injection had been nothing more than a prick, one too many times before had she gotten sick, worse truly, and she had held on, never once given her life away to the death that crept upon her shoulder, waiting for the time its claws could wrap around her, claiming yet another life.

She felt better right away, but she knew it was just a play of her mind. It was like... When someone spoke of a disease, and you get that odd feeling and tingle, as if you had it yourself. That's how she felt as the liquid entered into her blood stream; surely it wouldn't be an hour or so until it started to make an effect on her, but it at least gave her that small burst of hope she needed.

Sakura knew that she didn't move, but her heart still pounded hard and strong, relieving her of any further fear. It could not be more than a hard cold that struck her, right?

When she saw him leave, an idea came to her, why not ask him to... Show her the ocean now? He would at least feel slightly bad of making her this way. Well, surely he didn't expect this to happen, he would probably expected her to get sick as much as she had expected him to do something nice, like what he did last night, take her away from that dirty old place and bring her her instead. She tried standing up, but it was no use. Huffing slightly, she lowered her head back into the pillow again.

At the sight of him turn, she was almost relieved, "Prince..." She said, almost slightly scared to speak, to ask him, "Can I ask you for a favor?"

The Princess was ashamed of how weak she sounded. "Is there any way you may take to see the ocean?"


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OOC: Sowwies, i fell asleep at the pc last night......and then when i woke up, i ran straight out for breakfast, then practice. lol

"Take her to the ocean?" Kaiyle wondered, as he turned around fully to face her while still several feet away.

"Why do you want to...." Kaiyle suddenly stopped mid-sentence, as he quickly began to feel the emotion that had plagued him earlier; guilt.
Who was he to question her request when he himself had an unexplainable love for the ocean.......besides, captured or not, the girl was still of prominence......and held a sweet naivety about her.......yet he had thrown her into the dungeon and caused her to catch an illness that could of killed her anyways.
His actions where harsh to say the least, and he knew it. So reluctantly Kaiyle cleared his throat, and took a few steps towards her.

"You need to rest. If you're better, in two hours time, then........i'll take you." he said lowly, before turning around and walking out the door.


"Dear, i made the girl tea, would you like me to-" Kaiyle would cut Ema off as he walked by her and into the main lobby.

"-just give her whatever you want!" he snapped, before walking into the living room and slamming the doors shut behind him.

He'd button his shirt as he walked towards the couch.......before eventually flouncing down on it.

"What!? It's not as if i put her in there on purpose!....and knew she'd get sick the whole time, just to have a good laugh about it!!!" Kaiyle shouted aloud, in an argument with his own conscious.

"Great, now i'm talking to myself....." he thought, before pulling out his mobile device, calling Hanzel, and informing the guard to wake him in two hours time....


Ema was only slightly taken aback by Kaiyles snappish attitude, and simply shrugged it off before walking into the room with where the princess lay, and serving her the warm tea just made.

"Here you are dear, fresh off the stove" the cook said, placing the medium-sized silver kettle down on the night stand and then handing the girl a small silver cup filled with tea. "I promise it'll help you feel better"

For the next couple of hours Ema would serve not only tea, but fruit, small bread cookies, and crackers, to the young girl.........and would converse with the princess off an on, sharing little tid-bits about herself and the royal family here and there, before Hanzel would suddenly come in and call Ema out.

"I'll be right back hun, i think!" Ema said with a warm smile, before standing & walking outside the door.

"Ema, Kaiyle wishes to speak with you.....he's in the living room, here." said Hanzel, as he directed Ema towards the proper door.

"Thank you" she said, before entering the room.


"Well, hello your highness....." she would say sarcastically, as she entered the room.......eventually taking a seat on a lavish love seat parallel from the couch.

Kaiyle had noticed the doors open and figured the shadow of a short thin frame on the floor, to be Ema.......his assumption was soon verified when she spoke, however he didn't sit up at the sound of her voice, and instead, crossed his arms behind his head and continued to relax on the couch....
"What did i tell you about that highness stuff Ema...." he said coolly.

"It's just a joke dear! Now, tell me why i was appear to be rather comfortable there.....where you sleeping?"

"I tried to......failed miserably of course. But that isn't what i called you here....."
He would go on to ask Ema to find something for Sakura to wear. Ema was shorter than the girl, but otherwise their size was quite similar, and he preferred Ema give her clothing, than he be forced to find her rags somewhere.

"Now Kaiyle, am i hearing concern in your voice?" Ema teased. The prince however showed no emotion when he responded.

"It's commonsensical.........why waste rags, when you have extra clothing."

Ema could of continued to poke fun at him, but instead she just smiled.....and agreed to bring down clothing for the young woman to wear.

"Before i leave though......should i bring multiple things down, and store them in the room? Or are you going to throw that poor sick girl in the watchtower, with Ringo and company??" she said slyly, hoping to guilt Kaiyle with her words, into letting the girl stay inside the palace a few days worked.

"Whatever" he responded with a sigh, and after that......she left.


Fifteen or so minutes later, Ema would reappear in the room with the princess, pushing in a small armoir in front of her.

"Lovely news! You'll be staying least for the next few days!" she said, as she pushed the armoir in front of the larger one already in the room."I'm not quite your height, so my things might be a bit short on you..........but otherwise the fit should be close enough! And to start with, i brought you this.............."

Ema held up a beautiful white lace dress, with dark brown trimming
"I haven't had use for this, or half the things in that armoir, for decades..........but you, you're i'm sure these things would look beautiful on you..........albeit a different style than i'm sure you're use to in Apan." her voice trailed off towards the end of her sentence for a couple of reason. She of course felt bad for the girl being away from her family.......but it wasn't lost on her that this princess was indeed a prisoner, and being from the Kingdom of Merica, saying"Apan" naturally brought an uneasiness to her stomach. But she got over it quick enough, and began to speak again. "And if i remember this dress use to hit just below my it's likely to hit above yours"

Ema would place the dress on a chair close by, and then make her way back to the open door.
"When dressed, just come stand in the lobby............i'm sure Kaiyle won't be long."

And with that statement Ema shot the princess a final smile, before walking off towards the kitchen.


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In two hours’ time... Not a straight out Yes, but she indeed decided to take it as a promise, words that to him might never mean much, yet to her, were the small spark of hope she needed.

The time seemed to slow down, as it slowly clawed at her skin, taunting her, and bringing the frustration into body, a pain she would rather trade with sickness if she ever had the choice.

Finding enough energy to push the covers back, she kicked her legs over the edge of the bed and stood, dizziness rising for a split second due to the quick movements, blurring her sight, and making her loose the little balance she had.

Her fingers felt numb for a second, and she swore her legs where ready to shatter beneath her, before she started walking, feeling all the better.

She smiled slightly; maybe he wasn't as cold as she had thought of him to be. No, she should not think so, because what if she did, and it turned out to be nothing more than a childish hope?

Sakura shrugged, something that came as a small response to her previous thought, nothing she had truly meant to do. But then again, how would this affect her in any way? She was his prisoner, no, she was the Kingdom's prisoner, but words did have power.

The insecurity towards his actions angered her as she paced softly around the room, her bare feet warm compared to the cold tile below.

With no question had her words done nothing to soften his heart in her opinion, she was sure of it, but it did bring a small smile at the thought that he had accepted her request, or at least, it had lingered in his mind long enough for him to doubt a no.

x x x x x x x x x x x x

The few times Ema had dropped in were rather helpful, taking her mind off the simplest of things and actually being able to interact with another person, a cup of tea here, a much of cookies there, things that fooled her stomach and body for the time being. Maybe they could have a picnic. She laughed at the thought, but maybe.

It wasn't the time alone that bothered her, she had enough of that back in the castle, it was the wait, to see if he actually kept his word.

x x x x x x x x x x x x

As the large wardrobe, as she decided to call it, was moved into the room, the princess couldn't help but take a small interest.

Standing from the chair she rested in, she moved across the room, being presented to a rather beautiful dress, not the type she would normally wear, but it was one to nodd upon.

"When dressed, just come stand in the lobby...I'm sure Kaiyle won't be long." So he had kept his promise, and that made her smile. Maybe she did have power over this prince...

x x x x x x x x x x x x

She had taken no more than a few minutes to change and find a pair of dark brown flats that fit her.
Looking at herself in the mirror that hung on one of the walls, she smiled slightly, and headed out.


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Kaiyle took his time sifting through his clothing.......even though he knew exactly what he was going to wear.

"What am i doing.........offering up my time to this, girl." he whispered, knowing full well he was going to take her no matter what he said, for the guilt would likely bug him for days end if he didn't.

It normally would of taken the prince only a few minutes to change into his white dress shirt, black vest, and black slacks, but instead it took him nearly twenty minutes to slip into his attire - ixnay any shoes however.
He'd never admit it, but inside he was a bit anxious...........keeping the company of a young woman, one who he was told to not even let roam the gardens.....yet alone take back to the ocean.......
"What if she attempts to flee.....or well, jump? I could just hear that bastard Tenner now.........'Great job Kaiyle, our prize capture, dead, because you just HAD to take her to the fucking waters edge'........." he thought, before rolling his eyes to himself and taking a seat on the edge of his bed - resting his arms on his knees.
He'd take only a few additional seconds to reflect, before letting his hair out of its ponytail, stuffing the white ribbon in his pants pocket, and making his way down into the lobby - late.


Kaiyle had been tardy enough that he secretly hoped when he walked down the stairs he wouldn't spot the girl......and halfway down, he still hadn't. But as he reached the last few stairs, there she was......standing in the middle of the lobby, wearing a beautiful lace dress that Kaiyle couldn't beleive was ever in Emas wardrobe. He was so busy staring that he tripped on the second to last step, but thankfully was able to regain his balance before falling.....and quickly attempted to look as if the near fall didn't phase him one bit.
"Dammit!" he spat under his breath.....before sighing deeply, shoving his hands in his vest pockets, and walking towards the princess.

He wouldn't stop, and only nodded his head ever so slightly at her, as he continued to walk.....down a hallway across the way.
"Follow me...." he'd say back to her, before continuing down the darkened hallway that was only lit by a few lanterns hanging on the wall.

The walk lead the prince to the back of palace, so it took nearly five minutes to complete........and as he finally reached the end of the hallway he was faced with two large golden doors, more than twice his height. He'd push them open, forcing a flood of light from the high noon sky into the darkened hall - blinding anyone who wasn't aware of the shock to the eyes such sudden light would cause.
Kaiyle however was with closed eyes, he made his way through the door, and out into the back courtyard.

The second the doors opened, the smell of the water hit your nose...........but as Kaiyle stepped up towards the hill railing and finally opened his eyes to stare out towards the falls, the smell was even more intense.......second only to the view of the massive body of water itself...that stretched out for almost half a mile, before falling off the cliff-side the palace sat on, & flowing through the forest, to eventually wind up in the ocean.

He still hadn't looked back to see if the Princess had followed him or not, but he figured the young woman wasn't that far behind.....and if she were to walk up to the railing beside him, she'd be standing on a hill that was about half the height of a Redwood......w/ long downward paths to either the left or right leading down to the waters shore.


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The wait had been much longer than she had first anticipated, and the thought of him not coming came through her mind a few times. For a while, she had wondered if it would be best for her to return to her chamber and call this day to an end, but at the thought of them going "Crazy" once again about her latest "Escaping" attempt was not worth the walk back. She would wait until the prince came, or at least a guard came to scourt her back to her room.

Royally late, Sakura heard him before seeing him. At the corner of her eye, she caught glimpse of the rather emberrassing scene the prince experienced. As quick as it happened, he recovered, shoving his hands into pockets afterwards. The provoked laugh was held back by bitting her lip hard, the poking smile even harder to contain. Taking a deep breath, she saw him speed past her. With one last look, she followed behind him. Like an animal, she thought with small disgust, but it was all she had to do to get a look at what she for so long wanting to see. Well, more like waited for her whole life.

She had been quiet on the way there, and the white light was blinding compared to the dim glow of the hallway. Goodness, thanks for warning me, she thought with a small roll of her eyes; he could at least have warned her. Oh well, that was not going to ruin her mood. The moon was beautiful, full and large, stars dappling the the dark sky. Letting out a small gasp, she was frozen for a few moments as she sinked everything into her mind. So beautiful, she thought. The noise of the falling water was strong, powerful. The smell was almost choking, but it had its pleasent breeze to it. But most of all, the sight was dominant. With the glowing moon, the water bellow the falls glittered with sparkle, a scene to die for.

The fears of the prince were just a waste of emotions. She wouldn't end her life because of this, and especially not that way, throwing herself. Truly, she didn't have the courage. There surely was more years to come, and she didn't expect for her to pass her whole life imprisoned.

As she walked up to the cold rails, stopping a respectful distance between the two, she took a quick glance at the man. "[/b]It's beautiful[/b]," She admitted with a small smile, looking back down at the water below.

Sakura let out a small sigh, her grip tightening slightly. She almost did have the sensation of wanting to take a swim, but then again, she had no idea how. It was these times when she regretted ever living in the castle with so many barriers in her life.


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"It's beautiful" she said......and Kaiyle couldn't of agreed more. Any second of any day, he rather be here, with the beauty of the ocean. "Yes, it is......" he whispered.
His eyes would eventually travel from the falls to the woman standing beside him.....she too seem to be lost in the view. But unlike him, she appeared to have a certain lostness in her eyes that a child would have, after seeing something marvelous for the very first time. So without thinking much, Kaiyle began to question her.
"The exist in Apan as well, so this can't be your first time viewing it.......correct?"
His tone wasn't as sharp as it usually was....and his normally expressionless face showed a slight bit of befuddlement. He told himself that was the only reason he was staring at her, befuddlement........and that her current appearance had nothing to do with it, and he believed himself matter how wrong he was.

"Never mind, you don't have to answer, it isn't important" he said softly, even though it was a lie.
Kaiyle then turned his head back towards the falls.....and took note of the storm clouds moving in. By the time an addition five minutes had passed, the sun would be nearly engulfed by them, and the calm breeze would suddenly have turned into strong gusts of wind.
"A storm? Again?? Great...." he muttered, just as Hanzel popped his head out the door behind him.

"Your high-, i mean, Sir....word has come from city, there's a great storm on it's way here. It spent nearly four days in the city, causing quite a bit of destruction......we've been told to batten down the hatches, so you might wish to come inside soon."

"Damage? Is the palace in tact?"
"Yes, the palace is was mostly smaller buildings & houses that weren't well-built, that were destroyed. Your father is handling it, no worries. But you should="
"-i'll be in soon enough. Have the dungeons been cleaned?"
"Um yes, yes they have."
"Move the prisoners there then.....if this storm is as bad as you say, the watchtower windows could be damaged, yes?"
"I suppose they could...."
"Then move them to the dungeon area.......except Ringo, his room* should be ready."
"Yes sir, we'll get right on it."
And with that the guard was gone.......leaving the prince and princess alone together again.

"Your name........what is it?" Kaiyle would ask randomly, as a large gust of window whipped by them.
He figured the girl was likely unsettled by the mentioning of dungeons, but wasn't quite sure how to ease her fears other than changing the subject random.
Why he wanted to ease her fears anyways though, was a complete mystery to him.

He'd wait for her response, before suggesting they go strangers to tough stores, Kaiyle knew the next few days were going to be a bit rough, and that they should begin preparing now.
"Take your last glimpses, we must go back inside soon......" Kaiyle would walk back to the door and wait for her to take it all in one last time, and once she was finished, he'd lead her back to her room.
The Prince thought about informing her that she'd be staying there for the following days, and that she didn't have to worry about going to the dungeons.......but he couldn't find it in himself to converse on such a friendly was just, too odd for him. So he instead said nothing, and let her stew in her own thoughts, as they walked back down the hall and eventually landed up at the door to the guestroom.

"Here...." he said softly, as he shoved his hands into his pants pocket. There was more he felt should be said for some reason, perhaps a promise to revisit the ocean, or an explanation of what was about to happen......but he didn't. And instead he turned the princess over to the two guards by her door, and then made his way back up to the second floor.

* I figured Ringo would be put in a room next to Sakuras!


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The question brought her out of the deep thoughts that clouded her mind. How did this... Came to be? she wondered, it must have taken years! No, not years, eons!

The ocean, they indeed had it in the coasts of Apan, but it was something forbitted to her. She was ready to answer him, her lips parting as the words almost came out, "My father never allowed me to visit it." She would have said if it wasn't for him stopping it. Her head dropped slightly, it wasn't important. Of course, because the thoughts of a foolish young girl, a prisoner to add, weren't of importance. But then again, he left the quoestion slightly opened for her to reply. She didn't.

Behind her, the door opened. Looking behind her shoulder, she noticed one of the guards as he to speak of the Prince.

They shared a small conversation. The clouds were rolling in, thick and smoky gray. It didn't take too long before the guard was dissmised and she was left alone with him once again.

By that time, she had gone back to the falls, the upcoming no more of her worries. If she would be allowed to stay here for the rest of her life, she would not hesitate to accept it; this was more than she ever asked for, a beautiful beyond explenation.

"You name... What is it?" The question was out of the blue, as was the strong wind that wipped her long hair into her eyes. Pushing it out of her face, she placed it behind her ears, which didn't help much due to the continuing strong breeze.

After it managed to calm down, she let out a small sigh, turning to him, "Sakura... I must say I'm suprised you didn't know it by now, your highness."[/b] She would atleast have expected for him to read her name. It wasn't like she was a nobody truly, not even in this kingdom.

It was painful. That was the best word she could find as her gaze broke from the sight and she turned to once again return to the castle's protection.

Inside, the silence was overwhelming, such a difference between the strong crashes of the falls. She was left with nothing more than a "Here." In return, she gave him a small smile. not a show of teeth or a shine of eyes, but just enough to let him know she was thankful. Her face out there must have said more than words ever could.

The room was well-sized and furnished. She found a white cotton nightsuit and put it on after removing the white dress she had been given to wear. Folding it, she placed it on the right side of the matress at the top corner, the shoes at the foot of the bed. With one last look, she allowed herself to sink into the ocean of blankets and fall into a light, dreamless sleep.


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"Sakura... I must say I'm surprised you didn't know it by now, your highness"

Her voice played back in his mind as he walked up the stairs towards his room. Hanzel called up to him, asking if he needed anything.......but he simply ignored the guard, and walked into his room, while talking to himself
"Of course i knew your name! I was just trying to converse!!" he complained out loud, before slamming his door shut.

He could tell he had insulted the girl, and in the back of his mind he felt bad for doing so. But refusing to admit that to himself as he slipped out his clothing and then into a pair of baggy black pants,, he continued to blame the princess for the awkward conversation going awry, instead of himself.
"She should of known that! It was obvious....." he said, even though it wasn't the truth.
Kaiyle had spent so much time in the forest away from the kingdom, that he lacked the pleasant social skills the other royals showed with ease.

"I'm so sick of people..........i just want to sleep now!" he complained,, before falling back on his bed and closing his eyes.


His sleep would only last a few hours, before a loud powerful rumble of thunder caused his eyes to shoot open.
The curtains had been left open on the windows, so the young prince sat up on his bed and stared out into the chaotic storm.

The sky was as dark as coal, but the lightening was so powerful that each time struck the ground, or struck out inside the clouds above, it brightened the sky nearly as much as the sun did during the day.
Kaiyle also spotted the tress off the sides of the cliff...........not simply swaying, but bending incredibly close to their breaking points.
"This is going to be bad......." he whispered to himself, before standing up from his bed and slowly making his way out his room door and into the darkened hallway.......wearing nothing more than the baggy pair of black slacks that hung low on his hips.

The only lights Kaiyle could see coming from the first floor where the lights from the fire-lanterns that hung on the walls between each of the guests rooms.
He wasn't sure if the power was off, or if the guards were just conserving energy. So to cure his curiosity, he casually jogged down the staircase.

All the guards were congregated together on the first floor by the guest rooms.........a rare sight. But seeing as how the watch tower was now empty, it made sense they'd all be packed closely together while on duty.

Half of them were asleep, but Jaraette wasn't......and the older women perked up from her chair at the site of Kaiyle..

"Your high-, i mean, Kaiyle.....what are you doing up? It's late." she asked, before taking a quick glimpse up at the large royal clock on the ceiling above them........which read 4:35am. Sunrise would be in two hours, but it was doubtful the darkness outside, or inside, would change much thanks to the thick storm clouds.

"I can't sleep......." he muttered, while shoving his hands into his pockets......causing his already sagging pants, to sag sightly more. "Why is it so hot in here?? Did the power cut off, and shut down the air down?"
Jaraette shook her head. "Yes, it went out a short while ago. The back up generators are working though, but we wanted to save the power charged inside of them for the lights and appliances in the it's become quite warm and humid in here."
The woman pulled at her uniform jackets collar, as if she wanted to take it off, but didn't.
"Why are you dressed as so then? You should remove that heavy jacket if you're so warm....."

Jaraette, and the few guards awake behind her, all look relieved to get the go ahead to strip out of their jackets and down to their undershirts.........which were fitted white tees for the men, and a white wide-strapped tank for the women.
"Thank you sir!" one of the guards called out from behind Jaraette. Kaiyle simply shrugged
"I'm not your master........i could careless about the formal rules of the palace. If your hot, take your jackets off......if you're cold, put them on. I really don't care."

And with that, Kaiyle went to walk towards the Kitchen. But he didn't get far before a guard began to argue with one of the prisoners..........whose voice was all too familiar.
"Get back in your room general!" a guard said loudly, as the man opened his door and tried to walk out.
"Oh but i can't sleep! The walls, they rattle like micro rockets are inside of them! And the lightening, what if it shatters my windows? And then over charges my heart and it goes ka-boomy like an old worn out car battery that was past it's prime!!!"

It was Ringo.....complaining about being cooped up in the room directly beside the princesses room.
"Isn't there room for an old man to roam?? This place is gigantic! And at least in the watch tower i could roam the gardens! So what do you say? Let me at least go walk around out there a bit? I'm dying in this old room, with it's rocket rattling walls and-"
The prince sighed, before cutting Ringo off.
"If we let you outside, you'd be blown off the side of the cliff old man." he said with a smirk.
"Well let me blow away then! Anything is better than being in this muggy room with such restless legs attached to my poor body!!!"
"SHUT UP YOU OLD COOT! SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!!" yelled one of the other prisoners a few doors down, to which Ringo responded with; "Such lack of respect for an old man, such lack of respect! These young people i tell you!!"

"Stop being so dramatic. As long as you stay on the first floor in view of the guards, i could care little.........especially if it'll quiet that mouth of yours down."
Kaiyles words on their face might of been a bit harsh, but there was a wide smirk on his face.......and the old man knew his words should be taken in jest, and returned the smirk........before walking out into the main lobby to perform some basic military exercises he use to perform daily while serving in Apan.

"Calling me dramatic are ya? Well how is this for dramatics!??" said Ringo, before dropping down to the floor and performing one handed push-ups.

Kaiyle simply shook his head and laughed slightly to himself.......before opening the tall doors of the nearby living room, and walking inside.

He'd pour himself a glass of cold water from the miniature refrigerator beside the fireplace......and then take a seat in the loveseat closest to the door.
From where he sat the guards, and the doors to the guest rooms, were out of view. But he had a clear shot of the majority of the main lobby........and watched as Ringo went from push-ups, to jumping jacks, to the calming Eastern art of Thai Chi.

"Crazy old man....." he whispered to himself with a smile, before taking a sip of his water.


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The sleep didn't last long, as she was waken by the hungry sounds of the breeze that once blew gently and now threatened to destroy everything in its path.

The falling rain and impossibly strong wind was something she would have feared if put outside in the open space and left to experience it. Inside, she was granted with the promise of safety, something she could have not been more gracious for. Luckily, her room lacked of any windows, well, if counted a extremely small one at a far edge above a wooden desk, which didn't stop rattling. The glass, she swore, was about to collapse under such  forces, but it still hung on to the wall, staying strong. She wondered how a thing as thin and fragile could withstand something much more powerful. Maybe that was how everything was, stronger than it seemed. Maybe she was like that. She hoped when the time came, she could be as tough at that glass one day, and not shattered under the pressure.

At times, she believed that even a building like such could be damaged greatly, that it moved with the wind itself, slowly giving in. But it didn't. 

The hours slowly went by and she wandered around her room, eventually gathering enough courage to push the door open. She wasn't surprised by the sight of the gathered guards a few meters ahead. With another push, she stepped out into the hall, darkness falling over her. In her room, she had found an oil candle like the ones back home and lit it. Here, the lanterns shone With a dull, tired glow as if worn out of energy and oxygen, but it was enough to allow her to navigate her way without coming to a wall.

Maybe they would let her go, get a drink. The air was humid, making her thin clothing stick to her skin as well as her hair to the sides of her face. Surely they wouldn't be that cruel. At the end, she was led by a guard, a few years older than her, she guessed as they walked in awkward silence.

Before long, they heard a rather loud voice and someone in the background complaining about such ruckus. Sakura chuckled slightly, wondering whoever could be speaking at that level. Since she had been taking the lead as far as to this point, a small hint of curiosity hit her and she steered the other way. To be honest, she had the not slightest idea of where the kitchen could have possibly been at the point where she stood. In other words, she was just walking around, unaware of where she was.

With hesitation, she continued walking the small distance and got just enough to see the Prince walk into another room. Until now, he had been out of her mind, but the way she ended the conversation with her last words did not please her and now left her with a somewhat terrible feeling. It was in a way his duty to know my name... But then again, he could have just forgotten, right?

She doubted he had forgotten, but she still would have liked to talk to him a little bit more. The older man now did some push ups which only made her go through some trouble of not trying to laugh. 

The other guard had a questioning look toward the one that had been with her. She whispered something into his ear, the one she had walked. With another guard, she told him, there was nothing she could do, and anyways, she wouldn't bother.

He seemed to be glad, tired out, the last thing he would want to do, she guessed, was watch a girl wander endlessly.

Silently, she made her way across the area, not caring about the one that now so closely watched every movement she made. Entering the room the Prince had walked in, she saw him, sitting, his back to hers. She hoped she didn't startle him when she spoke, answering the question he did not let her answer, "My father never let me outside the castle walls." Maybe that was why she felt... Alright being here, imprisoned, because back at home, she was a prisoner. "I never saw the ocean because I wasn't allowed to leave royal grounds."


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Kaiyle had shifted in his seat, and his back was now towards the doors, so he could look over towards the large windows in the living room.

Stone-like shutters had been clamped shut over all the the larger windows, and these were no different. ......but the sounds could still be heard on the other side of them, so the Prince stared aimlessly into the stone, and then closed his eyes to began studying the sounds of the raging winds more deeply.......all while holding his glass of water atop his lap.

So when the princess spoke, Kaiyles drink nearly spilled as he jumped. "My father never let me outside the castle walls." said Sakura.
Kaiyle slowly turned around and faced forward once again, so he could see the princess as she walked closer to him. "I never saw the ocean because I wasn't allowed to leave royal grounds."

There was an awkward silence in the room for several seconds before Kaiyle stood and walked back over towards the refrigerator.
"I'm......sorry to here that." he said softly, as he poured another glass of cold water. "I think i would of gone mad if i was forced to live in that palace of ours.......with those people, non-stop."
He then turned around and walked up to Sakura, until the two were only a few feet apart. "Here....." he said, as he held out the glass of water towards her. It was obvious she was just as hot as everyone else was, since her clothing was practically glued to her frame.....something he was trying his hardest not to stare at.
"'s the only glass i have in the room at the moment." he said, as it was kind of obvious he had handed her the same glass that was just in his lap.....and he would prefer not to walk all the way to the kitchen for another one at the moment. "I'm not use to company........." he added on.

Kaiyle would wait for her to take the glass, or deny it, before falling back on the couch behind him.......leaving enough room for Sakura to take a seat if she wished to.

"My parents, couldn't of cared less what i did and where i went as i grew up............i traveled all over........inside our borders, and beyond. Now though, it seems to be quite the opposite......." he said softly after a view additional moments of silence. He'd stared out the door towards Ringo, who was now running in place theatrically, before crossing his arms over his bare chest and throwing his head back on the top of the couch, so he could stare at the ceiling.

"That view, of the ocean, must of shocked you......." Kaiyle said randomly. "It shocks me still to some degree.........and i've seen it for many years........"

Why he was talking so much, was beyond him. He hated company.......and this girl, was just another voice he could do without, right?
"The heat's going to my head." he muttered under his breath. before rolling his head to the side. He was able to see half of Ringos body, which appeared to be doing some odd form of jumping jacks.....which caused Kaiyle to laugh, in a shockingly genuine manner. "Do you all exercise so bizarrely in Apan........." he said, without any thought. But as soon as the words came out his mouth,, he bit his bottom lip.
He wasn't exactly sure how homesick she was at this point, and even though he wasn't the one who captured her, he was still the one keeping her prisoner....and for some reason he felt slightly, wrong, for bringing up the subject of her home. "Sorry" he muttered, as his gaze dropped from her face to her chest....and then her legs.......before finally he caught himself and snapped his head back up towards the ceiling.

"Damn it........the heat's seriously going to my head!" he thought, annoyed.

Nothing else would be said for a short while, until there suddenly was an incredibly loud 'BOOM' behind them......causing Kaiyle to jump to his feet and stare at the blocked off window behind the couch.
"Sir!" called Hanzel, as he, a few other guards, and Ringo, all ran into the living room. "What in the world was that!?"
" likely fell onto the palace walls, that's all i'm can go back to what you were doing now." said Kaiyle......however they all seemed to be frozen in place, like scared rats.
"I said you can go now!" he repeated, in a loud sharp tone, which snapped everyone out of their trance-like state.
They then filed out of the room slowly.......the last being Jaraette........who looked towards Sakura, and then Kaiyle, before making a point to pause at the door long enough to smirk towards the young prince...........before making her way back out with the others.

If he was the type to blush, he probably would of, but instead Kaiyle simply rilled his eyes at the woman and dropped back the couch......quickly crossing his arms over his sweaty chest once more.
He would then lean his head back again, but this time he'd close his eyes instead of staring at the ceiling. But he wasn't asleep, simply resting his eyesight........