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Angel of Darkness

Van Nuys, California


a part of Angel of Darkness, by Nami L'Chi.

Known where the "Drug Scouts of America" Hang out.

Nami L'Chi holds sovereignty over Van Nuys, California, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,797 readers have been here.


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Van Nuys, California

Known where the "Drug Scouts of America" Hang out.


Van Nuys, California is a part of Angel of Darkness.

1 Places in Van Nuys, California:

9 Characters Here

December 'Ember' Rose [41] "I am finally Free" ~Meth User
Orien Jacob Moody [35] "There is no hero in heroin..."-Heroin User
Anessa Juliet Eliasen [33] "Cocaine isn't habit forming. I should know; I've been using it for years." --Cocaine User
Reggie Dugan [11] "I do some crazy shit but Meth ain't one of 'em"
Magdalena 'Mag' Moody [8] "Be ruled by no-one and nothing, particularly not a substance."
Kara Matthews [8] "Hey! Your buying today? How much do you want?" --- The Drug Dealer
Jasper 'Jazz' Collins [4] "Do you know how it feels to have your dreams ripped away from you?" - Ecstasy User
Anthony Fellor [3] "Just need to forget" -Ecstasy User
Corven Westley Young [1] Life is a gift, don't let it slip away.

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"Considering I'm trying to bail you out of this situation you could try not being so unpleasant." Mag snapped as she jogged outside.

"I could just let you drive off and crash the car, but I'm putting my own ass on the line to help you, so you can at least stop insulting me."

She pulled the woman's legs over before springing over into the driver's seat, fishing out some keys and starting up the car. She hadn't driven in a while admittedly...wasn't as if she could afford to own her own car, but she had a decent idea of what she was doing, and she was more sober and less sleep deprived than practically anybody else there, so it was probably the safest way to go about it.

She threw the car into gear, glancing backwards as the vehicle started to move.
"I can't speed or there's a chance of getting pulled over, and getting pulled over like this is a one way ticket to prison and a big hold up, so please no yelling at me to go faster."

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Ember sat in the back seat of the car with Reggie "Im sorry for being rude...its just been a very long morning and all this is my fault..." her adrenaline was high and she was sweating a bit. "I just cant see her die...this has happened before and we have a very small window to get her to the hospital...she is severly diabetic..." she didnt know why she was telling Mag this and ahe knew she was rambling on but it was a way for her not to think of Reggie dying on her. "Just try to get there soon..lucky the hospital is close"

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Reggie's began seizing violently in Ember's lap. Her body was cold even though she was sweating. She was running out of time. The insulin was working however because of the drug, it was counteracting the medicine.

Reggie felt like she was being pulled, farther and farther away. She could hear Ember's voice or atleast she thought she could. "Babydoll." She whispered. Oh this was stupid. Sure, she was trying to prove a point but at the risk of her own life? She really didn't want to die but at the same time, she didn't want to be without Ember. She fought hard to hold on. She thought darkly about what the headlines would say.
Rising Star Regina Dugan dies after intentional drug overdose.
Oh, that was gonna suck. She'd go down in history as a drug addicted suidical diabetic. "Babydoll..."

Reggie seized again and again. Whimpers escaped her lips as her body jerked and her back arched.

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Ember felt Reggie seizing in her lap and tears flowed down her cheek, she tried to hold onto Reggie to stop the girl from shaking but her brain was not working so well aith the drugs in her system. "My star...please dont die...please...I need you..." she whispered and leaned down letting her lips softly press against Reggies. "My star..." she whimpered, a couple of her tears fell down on Reggies cheek. If Reggie died she didnt think she could live with that especially knowing it was her own damn fault.

Your so stupid killed your own best will just be next. Your not worth it. Your fucked up. Everyone will just remember you as the girl that got kidnapped, killed your best friend, and went down as a meth head. Just a fuckin loser.

She was beating herself up, and she was crying...which she hasnt done for years. If Reggie dies she knows she will be next and she wont let anyone stop her. Her life was already fucked up and she has no clue how to get out of it. This was how her life is.

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Mag has to ask herself what a diabetic was doing taking something that was clearly harmful. It was like someone with a peanut allergy snorting reeses pieces. Well, she was already involved, so she was going to have to see this through. She drove as quickly as she could manage between her limited experience and trying to avoid attracting the attention of the police.
"Diabetes is common, hospital staff know how to deal with it. Do not panic." she stated, as she tried to overtake an extremely slow driver, she was not really comfortable driving, but it was not as if there were many options.

Soon she caught sight of the hospital sign and pulled right, drawing up close to the entrance to the emergency room, trying to work out what exactly she was going to do...and how she was going to avoid trouble and being identified.

It was not as if she wasn't already fairly distinctive. Oh well, it wasn't as if she could bail on this now. She was already too involved to back out. Magdalena pulled on the brakes and sprang outside, trying to think of any way to make herself less...conspicuous perhaps? It was all pretty futile considering. She pulled the hood of her coat up as some sort of effort and jogged over to the doors of the hospital, hurrying in and over to the desk, explaining that there was some sort of medical emergency outside in the car. That appeared to get things moving, as some staff made their way out to investigate, taking a crash bag along with them.

Mag stood by the desk for a moment, feeling pleased, and somewhat vindicated about the situation, considering. Should she leave? She should probably stick around to make sure the other girl left tool. She didn't want her sticking around and ending up in trouble with the police. Not only because she'd probably end up in jail, she knew about Orien and he could end up in a lot of trouble. He'd been giving stuff to those two girls, and that was was easily enough to get a spell in prison..and Mag couldn't do that to him.

She stepped over toward the exit, intending to have a look at what was going on outside, when a hand closed around her shoulder, and her heart sank.
"Excuse me ma'am, you're going to have to stay here until we've worked this out."

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When Mags pulled up to the hospital and got out, Ember leaned down and placed a kissed on Reggies forehead "Ill be back my star". Before anyone got to the car, Ember opened the doorway and slip out then jogged to the side of the building and watched as hospital staff got to the car.

She then started walking up the road then called a cab from her cell phone. When they picked her up she gave the O's address ans tried to hold it together because she was at the point of breaking down but she couldnt, at least not yet.

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Reggie was carted into the hospital. She could feel her body being moved though she couldn't move herself. She was floating and then she wasn't.


Her heart stopped.Nurses rushed around, one checked her pulse, and shook her head at the doctor. The doctor nodded.


Reggie's body jerked but her heart wouldn't start


Electricity pulsed through her body and as the defib shocked her heart. She gasped.

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. Sound bounced around her head in a garbled mess. The lights were too bright and the doctors was saying something.
Then the world spun again.
"She's going under!" called a nurse and Reggie's fell back into the darkness....

A doctor rushed out and looked for the person or people that brought in Regina that she was in a Diabetic coma but he couldn't find one.

He searched nonetheless.

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Mag sat in a small waiting room , leant forwards, her arms folded and resting on her knees. There was a hefty-looking security guard was stood with his back to the doorway, a gesture that clearly enough suggested that she was not going anywhere. She edged sideways, trying to get some sort of idea on what was taking place outside, and her stomach lurched when she caught sight of a police officer having words with the man, in a tone that was not sufficiently loud for her to discern.

This was horrible. Really horrible. She'd only been trying to do a good deed and this was where it had gotten her? Oh God.

The young woman rose to her feet, pacing up and down. How did it look? She was a dropout, from a bad neighbourhood, from a bad home, no official employer to vouch for her, and the family she did have she couldn't drag im. It was not going to look good to a police officer.

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The cab pulled up to O's driveway and she walked inside, she felt numb and almost felt like she was falling apart. She went back to the couch where everything happened, tears where running down her cheek. She saw the bag of ice and crank, that was her life...all she knew. If Reggie came out of this alive she would try to go off it but right now she just needed an out. She got the ice ready, making ten lines, more then she usually did but right now she disnt care. She took each hit then leaned back against the couch, curing her legs up under her, and laid her head against the arm of the couch and let the tears fall, literally breaking down before exhaustion found her and she fell into sleep, whispering "My star", as all her mind could think about was Reggie.

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Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Kara Matthews Character Portrait: Orael Moody
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Kara Matthews
Kara sighed, it was a long day. Or so it seemed, it seemed as if the day wouldn't end. She had spent most of that night selling drugs and making a lot of money other than what she would need to pay for more drug supplies. It was time to head home though, the people that had texted her would go and take the things that she had hidden in specific places just for them then they would pay her. If they didn't pay her she had her ways to finding them and making them pay up. She had her ways of doing things and didn't mind getting her hands dirty if she didn't get what she needed. Getting a few more text messages from her clients and a text message from one of her more frequent buyers she organized a few things then locked up her hidden area and started down the dark alley where her black motorcycle sat waiting for her.

Once she made it to her motorcycle she ran her fingers across the studs that covered the edge of the seat to the motorcycle. She slowly climbed onto it and sat there for a moment while she pulled out some of her drug and took a hit the put it back into her pocket. She then put her helmet on and put the kick stand up. She felt so much better now that she took a hit, she didn't feel like something was missing and was trembling even just a little. She put her key in the ignition and started the motorcycle before she started off onto the street and to her apartment which was pretty far away. The need for an adrenaline rush was gone, for now, but she knew it would return. She at the moment just wanted to get home and go to sleep. She planned on getting a huge adrenaline rush the next day though and possibly go visit a few friends, or a better word would be probably be clients. Not to sell but just to hang out with other drug users. It was the only thing she could think about at the moment as her hair wisped behind her in the wind because of how fast she was driving. She darted past cars and made her way home as fast as possible.

Soon the drug dealer pulled up to her apartment complex. She turned off her motorcycle and secured it in its spot, the last time she didn't secure it, it was stolen, and she had to go find it. She loved this vehicle and couldn't stand it if it was taken again. She had only a certain amount of money from selling drugs and that left over money was to pay for her bills. She couldn't afford another vehicle, and she also didn't really want any other vehicle other than her motorcycle. Finally she went to her apartment, waving to a group of people she saw that was staring at her as soon as she pulled up. They just continued to stare at her except for one girl, a tiny blond pixie styled hair girl waved back. She knew it was one of her clients but she couldn't remember which one. There where only few people who she remembered their names.

The drug dealer stopped at her apartment, pushing the door open to the large apartment and closing it as soon as she stepped in the door. She looked around the room; she was in the living room which had a night stand on both sides of the large couch and a recliner near the couches. In the middle of the couches and recliners was a coffee table and not too far in front of that was a table with her 34 inch TV. It wasn't really all that fancy but she liked it. She locked her door quickly, knowing that where she lived wasn't all that safe. She quickly tossed her keys onto a table next to the door and went straight for her room. Her apartment had 2 bedrooms, both of which had their own bathroom, then she had a living room -of course-, and she had a decent sized kitchen which also had her dining table. She stopped in her room, tossing off her shoes and her leather jacket as she went to her bed where she collapsed on it and pulled the blanket over herself. Instantly she was asleep and was actually sleeping quite soundly that night.

In the morning, she still felt tired. She wanted to sleep more but she couldn't bring herself to sleep any longer because honestly her body was aching for an adrenaline rush. Some people would define her as an adrenaline junkie since she needed a lot of it and loved facing death but living through it with minor scratches. She had wondered what people would be doing this early in the morning. She slowly stood up, throwing on a dark tank top, a pair of dark jeans, combat boots, black thin leather gloves, and she threw her hair up into a messy bun before slipping on her leather jacket. She squirted some perfume on herself and hurried out the door, grabbing her keys and locking the door on her way out.

As soon as she was outside, she climbed onto her motorcycle again and instead of going to her place to sell drugs she just started driving around. She felt like taking a so called adventure, she wanted to see different places, and learn her area; she even thought she just might visit O, or Ember, one of her clients that bought quite often from her. She didn't realize that she was kind of day dreaming and began to swerve into the other lane till it was almost too late, everything came rushing back to her as soon as she heard a knock. She laughed and gasped softly, swerving away from the oncoming car, "Oops." She thought with a small smirk playing on her lips. Almost getting hit by a car seemed to not be enough though; she felt her hands shake a bit and had to pull over. Soon she was on the side of the road taking a hit off of her drugs that was always in her back pocket. She was doing drugs right where everyone who passed could see but honestly she could care less. After taking several hits she was back on the road, better than she was before. What was she supposed to do now? Thoughts and questions filled her head as she drove down a road.

(Sorry it took me so long guys. I am back now though. I just wote this really long thing for from where I left off, so yeah.)

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(I'm doing a tiny time skip. It seems the RP is slowing down too much)

Reggie blinked back to the waking world. Her vision was fogging and memory was jumbled.
She looked to see a doctor walk in. She blinked and looked his direction. The doctor flinched. "Oh, You're awake." He said and Reggie nodded. "Is that what you call it?" She said and his face was grim. "Oh boy, What?"

"You seemed to have snorted Meth?" He said plainly. Reggie's eyes widened. Then the memory flooded back. She was loosing Ember to the drugs. She wanted to prove to her that she was not about to lose out to dust. The Doctor watched her expression. "You know that would kill you."
Reggie didn't say anything. "You gonna have me arrested?"
The doctor paused for a moment but then shook his head. "You had no earlier traces, so I figured it was your first time, Yes?"
Reggie was silent. "Doctor Patient Confidentality. You're not going to be arrested."
Reggie then nodded. She looked young now. She had no heavy eyeliner, no lipstick. Her face was pale and her eyes looked biger. She looked innocent. "I was trying to prove a point to my friend." She said finally. "At the risk of your own life, You are diabetic."
"I know."
"No, You don't. You were in a coma for three days. You're heart stopped. Regina, you died." He said and Reggie felt tears stinging the back of her eyes. "I die-Em..." She thought back. Three days. Ember probably...
"When can I leave?" She asked. "I need to tell the police something. They have your friend in custody. She brought you in. Uh..Magadenle?"
Reggie frowned. Magadelene? She shook her head. "Just say she found me. I was attacked or something and they forced me to snort, thinking to get me high enough to do stuff. They freaked when I tripped out?" She said and the doctor was shocked.
Reggie was a premium liar, having dealt with a drunk of a mother and a prev of a father, she got use to lying. the Doctor looked like he didn't want to agree but he did. He left and went to call the police.
Reggie rested her head back on the bed. She sighed. "Babydoll, Please be alright."

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Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Reggie Dugan Character Portrait: Kara Matthews Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody
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Having not heard anything for three days she fwlt lost, not knowing was killing her mentally, so she needed an escape and her only escape was the drugs. It felt wrong but she didnt want to think didnt want to deal with anything. So the last three days Ember has been staying in one of the rooms in O's house and there wasnt a minute that passed that she wasnt high.

She was passed out on the bed, blinking her eyes, she was unsure what day or time it was but she really didnt care. She sat up and got a needle and her arm ready, and injected herself with her drug. She noticed she was running low again so she decided to see if Kara was around.

From: Ember
Hey. Was wondering if you have any ice or crank. Im running low.

Putting her phone back down on the bed she flopped down andlet the drug run its course, she hasnt talked to O or Nessa the past three days but she just couldnt get herself out of the bed, her body was shaking worse over the last few days but it didnt matter to her. If Reggie was dead then she really had no reason to live either.

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Orien had been tending to Nessa for the past couple of days, letting Ember be alone, occasionally checking to see if she was ok. Today was the first day he had been sober from his drugs. He started making some homemade ravioli in order to get everyone to eat. Truth was, he was just outta drugs. He had been giving himself some horrible injections. He was out of everything. Finishing up the ravioli and mushroom dinner, he made three plates.

He took one to the room Ember had stayed in, occasionally coming out. "Ember..... I made some dinner.... er... it's just gonna be infront of the door." He said as he knocked on the door. He left the other two plates in the kitchen as he pulled out his phone and texted his dealer.

K.... its O, Heroin and syringes asap... Money is in the know the drill. He sent the text and went to go see if he could get Nessa to eat with him.

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Magdalena lay on the bench-like arrangement that served as a bed, counting the cracks in the ceiling. It had been three days. She hadn't gotten a wink of sleep, not with the guy in the opposite cell loudly exclaiming the things he'd like to do to her were they not separated by a corridor and two sets of bars. When she wasn't getting verbal abuse in the cell, she was sat in the interview room, repeating the same story over and over again while two police attempted to catch her out. She had no idea who the woman was, she had no idea where the drugs came from, she was already in that state when she found her, she had nothing to do with drugs.

When she'd gotten a phone call she'd tried calling her brother, and had gotten no answer. She'd figured that that Ember girl might have told him what had happened and that he might put in a good word for her...having no contacts in the city that they could speak to, showing up and suddenly getting involved in a drugs case didn't look very good, and only seemed to increase the suspicion. It was around halfway through the second day of her imprisonment that she realized that nobody was going to show up.

Maybe she should just say she'd done something? At least it'd get her out of there. It depended what they wanted to charge her for. At that point it could be anything from perverting the course of justice to manslaughter with the way the situation looked.

What if she ended up in jail? She'd never get any work again with a criminal conviction. This was so messed up.

The metallic sound of the cell door being pulled aside caused the young woman to hurriedly sit up. An officer stood in the doorway.
"You. Get moving. You're out."

Mag hesitated for a moment.
"...I can leave?"

"Yeah. They just got off the phone with the hospital. Your story checks out. We've got your details, so get yourself out and keep out of trouble."

It was about half an hour later that Magdalena made her way back toward the house. She was exhausted and the past three days had not been particularly kind to her. She was dirty and bruised, her hair was askew, dark rings around her eyes from lack of sleep. Her overriding thought at the time, however, was why the hell she'd been left to take the rap for something she'd had next to nothing to do with.

The young woman stopped outside, leaning on the doorframe in an attempt to reduce the pounding headache she was experiencing, before banging on the door.
"I just spent three days in a cell!" she yelled, pausing for a moment before knocking a second time.
"What the HELL was that about?!"

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Ember heard the knock on her door and heard O telling her there was food, ahe got up and opened the door and took the plate but instead of eating it she put i on the nightstand beside the bed and laid back down on the bed. She could hear someone knocking on the front door but she guessed O would get it, she was not feeling like leaving the room. Her thoughts went back to Reggie, to how reggies touch was so soft, she closed her eyes and once again found herself falling into a restless sleep.

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Anthony was dead tired from just watching tv all day. His cousin was clearly ignoring him and that was okay with him. He decided to take an E pill and go out. He needed something to do. He went to his bedroom and opened the top drawer and popped in a pill. He popped one in his mouth and then grabbed his car keys along with his cellphone. He got into his car and realized he had no where to go. He decided to text Ember.
From: Anthony
I am coming over. Have lots of food please!

Anthony threw the phone in the next seat and drove to Ember's house. He was only over to her house once and that was to drop her off after she took in a does of heroin. He could feel the e kicking in as he was driving to her house. Hopefully he would make it so that he didn't crash on the way.

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Ember felt her phone vibrate, waking her from the light sleep she fell into. Opening the text she read from Andrew she sighed, she wasnt up for much company but maybe Andrew would get along with O. She sent Andrew a quick text back.

From: Ember
Hey im at O's place. [insert andress here]. Something happened three days ago. Not up to company really but you can meet O and Nessa. Their cool. Text me when you get here. ~Em

After she sent the text she got.up and walked to the door and opened it "Hey O, my friend Andrew is coming in a little bit to see me just so you know". She went back into the room and flopped down on the bed and closed her eyes once again.

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Having knocked for a while, Mag paused, coughing and giving a groan. This apparently was not working.

She sank into a sitting position on the doorstep. She was tired and her head was hurting, and she was feeling more upset than anything else. Mag was certain she'd lost the work she did have by then, having dropped off the earth for three days. She wanted to cry, but felt like she had to try and keep some sort of dignity.

The girl flipped out some pieces of scrap paper from her pocket, looking over the comic book drawings she'd doodled onto them while she'd been sat on the train. It had always been her dream to illustrate a comic book. She wasn't much of a writer, but she loved to draw, and had always been enamoured with the work of some of the greats, and the comic book heroes, what they represented.

"Pity that nobody like that actually exists..." she muttered, running a thumb over the print.
"Everyone's just out for themselves, and fuck everybody else..."

At least that woman had given a statement to get her released. Credit where credit was due, she'd have to thank her sometime in the future. That didn't make her feel less used and betrayed by the whole situation however.

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Reggie was still forced to stay on the hospital a couple of days but she was allowed to make some phone calls. She first called her manager. He gave her an earfull about her reputation and blah but he said he'd spin it so it looked like she just went into diabetic shock and what not. Then she called her band mates. The boys were worried and said they'd be flying out but she told them not too.
"I can get better and keep an eye on you morons." She said

That statement alone made them feel better about everything.

Then she dailed Ember. She remembered her number as Reggie was good with numbers.

"Babydoll, Please pick up." She sighed. Please be alright

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Ember just closed her eyes when her phone went off again but this time someone was calling her. Why did everyone keep bugging her, she just wanted to be left alone, maybe if she took enough crank she could just pass out. Reaching for her phone she looked at the screen, the number wasnt one she recgnized but she decided to answer.

" 'Ello? whose this?" her voice was distant and very raspy, and sounded tired.

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"Babydoll! Thank god! I'm Reggie Baby, It's Reggie. I'm in the hospital but I'm okay." She said all in one breath. "Oh and This is not a hallucination." She added just in case. Ember sounded horrible. The Doc said she was in a coma for 3 days. Last thing she remembered was sitting beside Ember after taking the hit. There was no way in hell she'd do that again.

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Ember heard Reggies voice, it took her a few minutes to actually respond "My star?... your alive? I..i thought you....that you..." she didnt finish her sentence and spaced out for a couple minutes, the drug in her system were making it hard for her to focus for too long. " glad your are getting out? I cant the hospital... im not feeling well.." she knew Reggie would know what she meant, that her not feeling well was that she was high. " sorry my Star...this was all my fault..."

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Nessa was more than willing to go eat with O. In fact, she'd been hoping to speak with him alone, what with all the crazy shit happening. Embers' friend in the hospital, all three of them going out it outside.. she had chosen to stay out of it for once. What good would it do to get into the middle of an argument that didn't concern her. Sitting with O at the table, she realized he was quite cute ...sick, maybe, but attractive. Although it wasn't something she spent much time concerning herself with, she had to admit he seemed like a cool guy, and surprisingly more decent than the losers she usually spent her time with.

She wanted to know what all had went on with Ember, and her girl. Not to mention O's sister...she looked over at O, then shrugged. "Is there usually this much shit going on around here?" then smirked and ate quietly.

(OOC: Sorry for the short post. It's hard to tell the time and shit with so much going on x]! I will be sure to post more in the future!)

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Reggie's heart hurt when Ember blamed herself. "No. It's not your fault, I used my own life to prove a point." She said and sighed. "I'll be out in a couple days. You think you can get right enough to come see me, You know how much I hate hosptials." She said having been in the hospital like this once before. Ember was there before, helped her get through it.

(XDThere was a three day time skip, you can just assume it's morning.)

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: December 'Ember' Rose Character Portrait: Anessa Juliet Eliasen Character Portrait: Orien Jacob Moody Character Portrait: Anthony Fellor
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Anthony was now blasting dubstep on his car radio and barely paying attention to the road. The E had kicked in and he wasn't anywhere near Ember's house. Then his phone buzzed and picked it up. It was a reply from Ember. She was at O's house. He stopped the car in the middle of the road so that he could reply. People were honking, but he didn't care. the address was literally down the street.

To: Ember
From: Anthony
I is buzzed! Oh and I think I know O and Nessa. Hopefully there is a lot of food. GTG I am in the middle of the road see you in like 10secs.

He sent the reply and tossed his phone in the passenger. He shifted the car into drive and sped over to the address Ember gave her. He weaved in between cars and tried to make a sharp turn into the driveway, but he almost crashed into the mailbox. He crookedly parked on the side of the street and got out of the car. He walked up to the front door and knocked on it hoping someone would open up.