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Angel of Darkness

Van Nuys, California


a part of Angel of Darkness, by Nami L'Chi.

Known where the "Drug Scouts of America" Hang out.

Nami L'Chi holds sovereignty over Van Nuys, California, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,798 readers have been here.


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Van Nuys, California

Known where the "Drug Scouts of America" Hang out.


Van Nuys, California is a part of Angel of Darkness.

1 Places in Van Nuys, California:

9 Characters Here

December 'Ember' Rose [41] "I am finally Free" ~Meth User
Orien Jacob Moody [35] "There is no hero in heroin..."-Heroin User
Anessa Juliet Eliasen [33] "Cocaine isn't habit forming. I should know; I've been using it for years." --Cocaine User
Reggie Dugan [11] "I do some crazy shit but Meth ain't one of 'em"
Magdalena 'Mag' Moody [8] "Be ruled by no-one and nothing, particularly not a substance."
Kara Matthews [8] "Hey! Your buying today? How much do you want?" --- The Drug Dealer
Jasper 'Jazz' Collins [4] "Do you know how it feels to have your dreams ripped away from you?" - Ecstasy User
Anthony Fellor [3] "Just need to forget" -Ecstasy User
Corven Westley Young [1] Life is a gift, don't let it slip away.

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Anthony smiled. "Sorry, but I like my man parts. So i will stay a guy." The hospital wasn't very far away from where they were. Then Ember mentioned some girl named Reggie. "Oh! That's who she is. She is not going to like that I gave you E." He said getting closer to the hospital. "Am I allowed to have sec with because I am going to need sex soon." He said practically begging. Then she saw a unicorn. "See! Unicorns. One of them is my pet. He is usually at my house though." Anthony's vision was blurring up from the E. Luckily they were already there at the hospital.

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Ember looked to Anthony and couldnt help but laugh "Your hair is pink" she blurted out then completely lost her train of thought when she was going to answer Anthonys question "Um i dont know?" Then the topic of unicorns came up again and she grinned "I want a pet unicorn, do you think on will become mine?" she asked then noticed they were at the hospital. "Yay i can go have sex with Reggie" she grinned and climbed out of the car but she wasnt very stable on her legs "holy shit this stuff is amaxing Andy" she yelled and held the mcdonalds bags in her hand and twirled in a couple cirlces. "I gotta go see Reggie" she said and startex walk/skipping to the hospital.

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Anthony got out of the car followed Ember. There was no way he was driving home now. Everything was spinning in circles and changing colors. He linked arms with Ember and skipped/ walked with her. They got in the hospital doors and people looked at them funny. A nurse came up to them.

How can i help you?

"We are here to see Reggie..umm. Em what is her last name?" Anthony tried his best not to tell te nurse lady not to move or they would both be caught for sure.

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Ember smiled to Anthony as he linked arms with her ignoring the looks she was getting from others. When a nurse came up to them and asked if she could help them she had to fight back from yelling at the lady because there was a big ass spider on the nurses shoulder. "Um were here to see Reggie Dugan, she knows where coming and i already know where the room is" she tried to stay straight faced.

The nurse let them pass and they where soon in the elevator "oh my god Andy did you see that huge ass spider on the nurses shoulder" she whispered to Anthony. A couple that was also in the elevator was giving her an odd look but she ignored them.

When the elevator finally stopped on their floor she skipped out of the elevator with Andy and skipped to Reggies room. She knocked twice then went into the room "my star i brought you food" she giggled and went over to reggies bed. Everything was moving now and she couldnt stand still "look andy the unicorn followed us!" she pointed over near the window where she saw a unicorn, she looked to Reggie "My star imma have a unicprm for a pet and hqve sex with you because im really wanting sex" she said very bluntly.

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Anthony shook his head when Ember asked if he saw the spider. "No, but everyone is moving way to fast." The couple in the elevatore stared at them and Anthony stuck his tongue out at them. They got to Reggie's room and Ember exploded with excitement about a unicorn. This time he did see it. "This one can be your pet." Then Ember told Reggie she wants to have sex with her and Anthony was heartbroken. "No fair! You have a girlfriend I don't!" He said.

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Reggie looked up when she heard the knock on the door. Ember returned with food and Anthony. "Hey." She said with a smile. Then Ember plopped on the bed and began rambling on. She honestly was lost after the unicorn conversation but smiled cheekly when she mentioned having sex with her right now. Reggie was all for that then Antony grew jealous and Reggie being who she was, liked the idea of a three way. "Well, Lock the door big boy and bring it on over." She said with another cheeky grin.

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Ember bounced on the bed she wasnt sure what to say when Anthony mentioned Reggie as her girlfriend but she jist went with it. She put the food off to the side and leaned into Reggie and kissed her until she had to break for air "damn that was good! i should take E more often" she laughed. Then Reggie mentioned something about locking the door and calling Anthony big boy and she couldnt help but laugh, she wasnt against having sex with guys it jist was hard for her because of what happened in her past but the E that was running through her system made her kinda forget about it all. 'You heard her Andy" she grinned then leaned in and started to kiss Reggies neck.

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Reggie felt Ember's lips on hers before she could think but Reggie welcomed it. She slip a hand around Ember's waist and kissed her deeply. After a while. Both of them were breathless. Reggie however was sober enough to hear Ember's comment about the E. Reggie didn't bother. She was high on Morphine right now but so she didn't bother. She grinned at Anthony but her eyes rolled up in her head when Ember started kissing her neck.

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Anthony did as he was told and locked the door and was excited. Ember said she should take E more often and Anthony nodded in a agrement. He sat on the other side and Reggie and he kissed her neck as well. He pulle back and stood up. He was way too dizzy and messed up to have sex with anyone. "You girls are nasty. When I am needed just scream my name."

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Ember looked at Anthony "You were just saying you wanted sex...its your loss" she giggled and then let her hands start wandering over Reggies body as she kissed Reggie again. She was in the mood for sex and she didnt care who was there or who wat,hed she just wanted to be with Reggie.

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Reggie grinned when Anthony kissed her neck also. He pulled away and she arched an eyebrow. "Aww that's too bad. You can't have one without the other." She warned him and Ember's hands ran over her body and she pressed her lips against her. Now Reggie wasn't shy about anything but she knew Ember was. Sure, she was high but once she sobered up, Reggie didn't know if Ember would to happy with having an onlooker. Though she couldn't stop Ember now. It felt too good.

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Anthony laughed at them and stumbled out of the room. "I will screwing a nurse if you need me." He shut the door behind him and then wobbled himself down the hall. He flirted a bit with some nurse as he was trying to sound a but sober. One thing led to another and they are now in the hospital bed in a room next to Reggie's and Ember's.

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Ember started taking off her clothes and things just went from there.

About an hour later Ember was curled up naked next to Reggie and her eyes were closed but she was awake "wow that was just...amazing" her vision was still a bit blurry but her high was starting to come down and she was becoming really tired. "Imma just,stay here for the night, I dont want you to be alone" she whispered, but truly Ember was the one that didnt want to be alone, she didnt want to be away from Reggie.

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Reggie laughed at Anthony as he disappeared out the door. Reggie's full attention was on Ember then as she removed her clothes. Reggie smirked.

Reggie covered an arm around Ember and rested her other arm under her head. She smiled at Ember's comments. "Incredible." She breathed. Then Ember mentioned staying here. "That would be lovely." She said her eyes half liddened.

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Anthony finished his buisness with the nurse in the room and he was pulling his clothes on and left the room. Hs hair was still a mess and he was sobering up. He realized that he had her undies in his hand and he shoved it in his back pocket. He walked into the room Reggie and Ember were in. "Hey...shit you guys!" He turned around fai the wall forgettin what they did in this room. "Ember are you staying here?"

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Ember curled up close and was happy Reggie didnt mind her staying. When the door opened and Anthony walked in she smiled "Yeah im staying Andy, you mossed some amazing sex" she grinned and laid her head back down on Reggies chest qnd closed her eyes, pulling a blanket over them. "Ill message you tomorrow Andy" she murmered.

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Kara went back to her motorcycle, and started her long drive home.

Once she was home she parked her motorcycle, and went up to her apartment where she pretty much threw her door open, slammed it behind her, and hurried into her room. God she was so bored. She thought about messaging Ember, but from what she heard Ember went to the hospital to visit someone so she guessed she wouldn't have time. Hm... She tossed her keys onto a night table then went to her room, and flopped onto her bed. She hadn't had any drugs for a while, and she could definently feel the affects of it.

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(( I would have her do that if she was that kind of doctor, Malice. She's a rehab doctor, so diabetes isn't her specialty. :P Sorry! ))

Ruari Hayes

Ruari checked her cellphone's screen for the time. It's been about an hour. Glancing down at Carlien, he didn't seem fatigued, but he was panting. She smiled, bending down slightly to pet his head. "Time to go home." Carlien wagged his tail in response.

They turned around to walk back. They were only just in the bad area, but it wasn't too far in. Her house wasn't more than 30 minutes away. Keeping her "key-knife" in hand, Carlien in the other, they walked slowly. She was definitely thirsty, so when she got home, she would definitely get the both of them some water.

Once home and inside, she unhooked Carlien, then went straight to the kitchen for water, Carlien at her heels. Routine. Opening the fridge, Ruari grabbed out a cold bottle water and set it on the counter. She then picked up Carlien's dark purple dog dish and filled it with sink water, setting it gingerly onto the floor. She uncapped her bottled water and drank deeply, leaning against the kitchen counter. She could hear the lapping from Carlien drinking from his bowl.

Beeeeep. Her phone went off and she set the water down, grabbing her phone out of her pocket. She glanced at the screen, and it was a text from her boss to come in whenever she got the message. Being that it was Ruari's day off, the boss preferred texting so she could come in whenever she was available. Ruari pursed her lips for the moment. She was planning on trying to get a hold of Orien, not go to work. She texted her boss back:

To: Boss-Lady
From: Me
Sorry, but I'm going to check up on an old friend. :)

She knew her boss would understand, she always does, because she's the best boss ever! Keeping phone in hand, she went to her contacts and scrolled down to Orien's number, clicking on "Send Message" under his name.

To: Orien
From: Me
Hey, Orien, I wonder if you still kept this number? It's Dr. Ruari Hayes! How've you been and can I stop by? :)

Loving her job, she loved to make housecalls to the ones she truely trusts, like Orien. She also didn't care if he called her "Ruari" or "Ri" instead of "Dr. Hayes."

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Orien was curled into a ball as he finished crying. He heard his phone going off in his car, slowly he made his way into it and picked it up with a loud sigh. He saw the contact as Ri. Groaning he opened it, praying she wasn't asking for him to come in and check up his usage. Methadone didn't work for him the last time.

He took a sigh when she just wanted to stop by.

To: Ri
From: Me

"Sure...just give me a few minutes to get home... see ya soon! Hope you like italian food!"

He sent the message and drove off, he felt calmer now.

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Ruari Hayes

Ruari smiled to herself as she set the phone down for a few minutes. Looking down at the floor, it appeared like Carlien had lapped up all the water that she had given him. Now he was looking at her expectantly, but lost interest and walked away to go chew on one of his bones.

Her phone made the beeping noise again, and she grabbed her cell to see if Orien was the one that replied, or her boss. Looking at the screen, she seen it was Orien. She opened the message, glad to know that he was actually still alive. Not only that, but he agreed to let her come over. Now, as much as she would love to drag him back to rehab, she couldn't, because that is not the right thing to do. Plus, she wanted to be her patients' friends, not their enemy. That is her philosophy. It would be his own choice to come back to the center.

She found no reason to text back a reply, because all there would be to say is, "sure!" There would be no point in such a short message! She vaguely wondered what kind of Italian there was. She set her phone back onto the counter and started upstairs to her room with the bathroom attached. She removed her jogging clothes, placing them in a hamper in the corner of her room, and went into the bathroom.

The bathroom was bigger-than-average size with a closet off to the side with her clothes. She jumped into the shower for a few minutes to wash away any sweat that might have clung to her when she was out with Carlien. Afterwards, she dried off and wrapped the pink towel around her. She went to the mirror and plugged in the blowdryer and shot the hot fumes at her red hair. She normally doesn't dry her hair this way, but she was in a rush right now. She didn't really expect Orien to text back so soon! Leaving her hair half dry, half damp, and hanging loosely, she went into her closet and decided on a pair of dark jeans and a pink blouse that had a black tank to go underneath.

Maybe she shouldn't go into that neighborhood dressed this way, but she doesn't really have the type of clothing, so she would have to settle... And bring Carlien. Running her fingers through her hair and ruffling it slightly, she checked the mirror. No point in brushing it, not really. It had no knots in it. She threw on some mascara and she felt she could go outside now.

Ruari went back downstairs and called for Carlien, who responded immediately by going and sitting at her feet. She crouched down and patted his head, "We're going out again. Ready for a car ride?" Carlien's ears perked up and he started panting, his tail wagging. She smiled and went to the counter to grab her keys and phone. From her purse she grabbed a few bills, just in case she needed some money for some reason, and stuffed them into her front pocket. She grabbed Carlien's leash and hooked him on. Leaving the house locked, she went to her black Kia forte Koup, getting in the driver's seat, Carlien in the passenger seat. Starting the car, she rolled the window down so he could stick his head out if he wished.

She backed out of the driveway and drove off towards Orien's house.

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Reggie covered herself up as Ember pulled the sheets. "Ever heard of knocking, Loverboy?" She said with a cheeky grin. Ember said she was staying and Reggie smiled. "As much as I love to see you naked, It's almost for my insulin." She said kissing Ember's hair. "We need to get dressed." She said and thankfully all Reggie had to put on, was a hospital gown and those uncomfortable paper boxers.

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Anthony waved off Reggie and her smart comment. "Okay text me later." He side stepped out of the room by shutting the door behind him. He had a headache and he walked down the hall. The nurse lady he had sex with waved at him, but he had no clue who she was. Politely he waved, but he left before she got the wrong idea. He got into his car turned the ignition and drove home. He doesn't remember having sex, driving ember around, or taking the pill. He needed to sleep and stuff his mouth with food.

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Ember sighed when Reggie said they needed to get dressed, she waved goodbye to Andy then tried to stand up which wasnt exactly easy. She stumbled out of the bed and tripped pver her feet and soon enough she was falling on her butt and slightly confused on how she got there. She scratched her head then went to stand up once more, her vision was blurred from the drugs and she was very tired. Shw finally got her clothes and got dressed then looked to Reggie and smiled then stumbled back into the bed and curled up on her side next to Reggie and closed her eyes, soon enough she probably would be falling asleep.

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Reggie watched Ember get out of bed. She jumped when she tripped. She looked so very confused then. Reggie lifted herself up and got dressed again. She sat back in her bed and soon as did Ember. She smiled and rested her arms on Ember's waist as dozed off herself.

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Ember was plague with nightmares of her past as she slept, she dreamt if Him and that he got out of jail, found her again, and kidnapped her and killed her. She woke up dreanched in sweat and was shaking, clinging tightly to Reggie. She took a few deep breaths as she let go of Reggie, ahe slowly and quietly made her way off the bed trying her damn hardest to not wake Reggie up.

She walked quiwtly over to the window and took out her bag of ice. She needed to take a couple hits, the E wore off while she was sleeping and she hasnt had a dose of her drug since earlier in the day. She took out a piece of paper and rolled it up so she could use it as a straw, she knew she shouldnt do this in the hospital but she was shaking in need and the nightmare really fucked with her mind.

She took out some of the ice, grinding it up and seperating it into five rows. She then took each hit, letting the drug flow through her body once more. She looked over to Reggie, tears flowing down her cheek. Reggie deserved more then Ember could give her, she was addicted to a drug that has taken over her life, it became her best friend and she really didnt know if she could give it up but she knew that was what Reggie wanted her to do. Reggie wanted her to give up the one thing that she thought kept her together.

With the bag of drugs still in her hand she looked out the window and softly sang the song that Reggie made for her.