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Amaris Hamilton

"I am where I am, not because of my past, but in spite of it."

0 · 2,574 views · located in Miami, FL

a character in “Another Year at Fulton University!”, as played by chanelindistress




☽ β€œShe made broken look beautiful
and strong look invincible.
She walked with the Universe
on her shoulders and made it
look like a pair of wings.” ☾

Unsteady || X Ambassadors /|\ Bet || Tinashe /|\ Desperado || Rihanna

Fᴀᴄᴇ α΄„ΚŸα΄€Ιͺᴍ ✦ Jordyn Woods
DΙͺα΄€ΚŸα΄Ι’α΄œα΄‡ Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✧ #E8ADAA
TΚœα΄α΄œΙ’Κœα΄› Cα΄ΚŸα΄Κ€ ✦ #985D5A




"Not gonna lie and say that there aren't a lot of things that can piss me off, because there are, but the number one pet peeve right now is when people mispronounce my name after the second time that I've corrected them. It's Am-uh-Reese. None of that complicated mess where you try to exotify shit."

Amaris Francine Hamilton


Amy, Mare, Marie {Most common} || Reese's Cup {Common; tolerated; mostly by friends} || Madam President {Common; again, only tolerated} || Franny {Least Common; Hated; Only by birth mother}


21: May 31rst










Political Science & Gender Studies Double Major on Pre-Law Track || International Studies & French Double Minor


Law Office Assistant at Akerman LLP






180 lbs


Full-Figured : Voluptuous


Honey brown




If you've been privy to Amaris' baby pictures, since she does still have access to them as she stole one of her birth mother's photo albums, you would know that Amaris has naturally curly and black hair, not the "[insert derogatory term used for African-Americans by white slaveowners] hair," as her birth mother used to lament that she herself had while her daughter had what was considered "good hair." Amaris has never thought she had good hair; she just had hair, like every other child, and so she has never actually felt ashamed of her hair texture. She just liked using protective styles for her hair, particularly because her adoptive mother used to perm her hair until Amaris was fifteen and Amaris was old enough to tell her that that was no longer an option. Up until junior year of college then, she had rocked sew-ins that typically ranged between brown, ombre, and full on honey blonde that looked and felt so natural most assumed that it was her natural hair until those moments in between weave installments where she would either have her hair straightened to whatever length it was at the time or had her curls pinned to the top of her head. However, just before the last first semester of her undergraduate career, Amaris deemed her own hair ready to be released to the world, as it had grown to a length much like her typicall sew-ins. She likes it much better now because it makes her look more sophisticated, older in a way.


Amaris is a realist and she will stand by that title until the end of time. Because she is a realist, Amaris will keep it quite frank with you - she's fat. There's no sugarcoating it, no need for choosing a much more "politically-correct" (mind you, she hates the term "politically-correct" for its bourgeiise connotations and she has an entire speech planned out as to the other reason why it's a horrible term) term as there really is none. At the end of the day, she is fat and knows that she damn well makes the word look good. She is the actual definition of voluptuous since it's definitely not what those rich Instagram girls tell you it is with their fake asses, fake boobs, botox, and plumping creams. And she's perfectly fine with that - has been since understood that genetically, she has always been meant to be the thicker friend, the fat one. What one would be remiss to say is that her plumpness takes away from her attractiveness because that is simply not true. One thing to pay attention to is that for a woman her weight and height, it is evident that Amaris puts in the effort to care for her body. In the last year, she has definitely toned up a little, which attributes to a slightly smaller waist line and strong calves. Her arms are definitely smaller in bulk that petty bitches would tell you and her thighs, while thick, are soft and luscious. Amaris is curvy. She likes how round and perky her butt is, how full her bust can be (even though, as most large-chested women are, she can get annoyed with bras and the boobs in general), and she's perfectly fine with her stomach because she puts work into it and knows that she is what she is. That there is nothing to be ashamed of. More than that, she has never been a sloppy fat girl, if she would say so herself. Which she would definitely be the first to tell you. Her curves have never been unsightly and she loves every dip and valley on her body. Amaris has always been able to say that she never had an acne problem and with water being her main drink, her skin has always been rather smooth and blemish free with cinnamon-colored freckles being most prominent on her cheeks and across her nose. In fact, those same freckles she hates are the same ones people claim make her seem more younger, innocent. Pretty. That's one thing Amaris has heard her entire life. "You're awfully pretty for a fat girl," a friend would say. Or "damn, you've really got it going on for...ya know, a girl your size." Which is highly undeniable when you've got those warm brown eyes (that don't need no extra tweaking with makeup to almond-shaped, unlike some girls) with gold flecks like Amaris has, naturally plump and kissably-soft lips, high cheekbones on a rather rounded face, and curves for days. However, as much of a realist as she is, even Amaris would tell you that pretty is too one-dimensional of a term for her. Why not be sexy? Irresistible? Stunning? All of which she knows for a fact that she is.


Amaris' style is fashion and since fashion changes every single day, Amaris seeks to retain a timeless elegance even with her more casual outfits. To put it plainly, she likes looking good and people can make comments about her weight and build all day, but even they cannot ever say that she does not look good. Because she does, every single day that she can. When she was much younger and still living in The Bayou of Louisiana, there was no mistaking Amaris' socio-economic background. However, she had a neighbor who was exceptional at a needle and thread, Amaris found money to give, and she'd at least be able to look as presentable as she could during those earlier years. So, when she moved in with her adoptive parents, she still had a penchant for looking good - she just had more access to brands as opposed to hand-me-downs. Her style has even improved more now that she pays for mostly her own clothing as opposed to having her adoptive parents spend money on her, thus enabling her to choose for herself when, before, she had to deal with them telling themselves that they knew how to dress her. More specifically, how to dress her frame. Which only Amaris knows how to do and do well. While her adoptive parents thought she needed looser fitting clothes, Amaris does not shy away from bodycon dresses or bodycon skirt and top sets beneath her blazers and jackets as she knows what it means to be tasteful. She does not hesitate in wearing crop tops over high-waisted jeans with strappy heels. All because she knows her body and knows what looks good on it. And if it just so happens that, unlike the stereotypical Theta Chi sweetie, she happens to have a few luxury designer brands (all mostly on discount from her various online retailers and even coupons she has been able to gather, not to mention the occasional gift from her adoptive parents) like Gianvito Rossi, Givenchy, Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen, well, it's not like it's really anyone else's business but her own.



She has been diagnosed with a caffeine addiction and must have at least two cups a day in the largest size or else she will start having withdrawn. Headaches, fatigue, anxiety, a lot of irritability, a depressed mood, difficulty concentrating ✦ She stress cleans. Even when she was younger and lviing with her birth mother, when times would become quite stressful or she couldn't figure something out, she would clean and be very efficient about it. The piney scent somehow soothes her and it's rare to see her room in a disarray because of this. Others say that she's OCD but Amaris doesn't acknowledge this. ✧ Has an obsession with sticky notes and always has them on her person. She keeps them in several different colors to put down on certain pages in text books or on particular files to make sure that knows what she's coming back to and she has a color system so that she doesn't get confused. ✦ Speaks rather "proper" and without a hint of an accent most of the time, but when she's particularly angry, her Southern accent comes out and since it's a mix of both Alabama and Louisiana, not many people can tell which state she's from. Which is the entire point. ✧ Can always pin a face to a name. Something she was forced to do when residing with her birth mother. So, nine times out of ten, if Amaris is saying that she doesn't remember you, she's more than likely being a bitch. ✦ Feels absolutely bare without her Chanel N°5 Perfume ✧ Always carries at least one-hundred dollars on her person in case she sees homeless people on the street.


The Thetas: Before pledging and even before just coming to Fulton, Amaris has never really had a family. She's lived with a drunk and somewhat abusive mother, gotten minor assistance from a deadbeat father, and then lived with lying "business people." To say that none of those instances can be classified as familial is an understatement. And so, when she says that she loves the Thetas, Amaris isn't saying it because she's predisposed to saying it. It's because she genuinely feels this. They're her sisters; they remind her to take a break and relax every now and then, they go on trips together, and she even takes the time to cook for these girls. They've been more of a family than anyone else in this world has ever been. ✦ Helping People: Say what you will about Amaris - that she's only trying to become a lawyer to build her own wealth and to build up her own self, but the truth is that she just wants to help. To be that voice and beacon for that mother who just wants to protect her kids from the man beating on her, or the big sister fighting for her younger siblings because she knows that that girl deserves custody of them over their deadbeat parents. Amaris knows how it feels to need someone to come to her rescue, didn't really get it since she had to fight for herself, and wants to do for someone what others didn't do for her. ✧ Coffee: More specifically, since she's finally found her favorite blend, Lavazza's Intenso Dark Roast. Considering she's a caffeine addict, of course coffee brings Amaris so much joy and it's just because the caffeine interacts with her brain and all that. Literally the smell of coffee first thing in the morning is comforting and the warmth is soothing. She can't go a day without coffee. ✦ Doing for herself: Of course, being treated every now and then is wonderful, sure, but there's nothing like when Amaris can afford to pay for those pairs of shoes she's been eyeing or that dress that she's known for the longest while was going to look good on her. It makes her feel she can distance herself from that little girl that she used to be.


Letting her guard down: While her Theta sisters might see a softer side to her, there's no denying that there's still a wall between them and all that Amaris is. She erected that when she was ten years old and put into the foster system, and just the idea of allowing herself to be as vulnerable as she was back then is terrifying. She was weak then, weak and poor and needed someone to come and rescue her. And she hated it. So, getting herself to that point with any one person, let alone multiple people, is not something she's ready for. ✦ Never amounting to anything: Because if Amaris does not succeed, then she's back to where she started. If she doesn't get into law school and work with a firm, then she's literally better off going back to New Orleans because she doesn't think she can handle having to reinvent herself again for another shot at something more. She doesn't want to be that "fat, ugly, black bitch" her birth mother called her the last time they had a conversation face-to-face that did nothing more than put on the many faces needed to get as far as she has. She wants to actually feel like she belongs here, there - anywhere that she has worked her ass off to get to.


Straightforward ✦ Intelligent ✧ Cunning ✦ Passionate ✧ Compassionate ✦ Confident ✧ Ambitious ✦ Independent ✧ Resilient ✦ Witty


Cutthroat ✦ Guarded ✧ Deceitful ✦ Perfectionist ✧ Competitive ✦ Relentless ✧ Manipulative ✦ Critical ✧ Proud : Stubborn


"If any female feels she needs anything beyond herself to legitimate and validate her existence, she is already giving away her power to be self-defining, her agency." - Bell Hooks



If there is one person that you might not ever catch slipping, it's Amaris Hamilton. From the second she stepped onto Fulton University's campus and caught the eye of a Theta Chi representative, it was obvious that she would in no way conform to the stereotypical mannerisms of the Theta Chi sweetie pies. In fact, if you ask Amaris, she's not conforming for no one and especially not any time soon. One look at Amaris and it seems as though she has it all figured out from her what appears to be salon-styled hair (though, make no mistake - with her As I Am hair products along with a wicked flat iron, she'll have you thinking she stepped fresh out of a salon even if she actually can afford to go and abstains from doing so) and down to her immaculate Steve Madden shoes (that she hustled out of a discount). And, from that outside perspective and maybe in the eyes of those around her, she actually does have everything together. After all, she's a neurotic control freak - an insecure one at that, but that's not what matters and you would hardly be able to tell that even if you told yourself that you knew her the best. The point is that Amaris thrives on appearances - on perfection - and she wouldn't have it any other way. Which is why she has perfected her social skills, resulting in a well-formulated and precise rhetoric coupled with an icy charm and an easy-going smile that sublimates the occasional appearance of a Southern twang and use of colloquialism that she pretends doesn't exist. So what if it seems like she could care less about the plethora of haters and admirers whispering behind her back because she's not meekly surrendering to the dominant aura of Alphas or allowing anyone to talk to her any sort of way simply because of their expectations? The point is that she seems a certain way and that's fine with her. After all, she is in control of the image she has put out there now , in control of your opinion of her, and that is all that matters. Hell, because of the confidence she exudes and the naturally unbothered, hold-my-head-high-before-you-haters disposition, you would think this extremely intelligent and ambitious young woman was an Alpha. And her answer would be that she's not; she's something better.

And perhaps that's a bit of a self-righteousness within her that lays dormant, unexposed much like the rest of who she is and what she comes from. Because that's the big thing about Amaris: no one has a particularly concrete, raw perception of her. The most that anyone knows of her is what she allows them to, like the fact that she has parents in Alabama and that she just doesn't want to go home because that's boring. Which is a bit of the truth, but not the entire truth. Amaris has built up several walls around herself and you might be able to tell yourself that you've jumped over one only to find that there is another one whose foundation is constructed of iron. Let's be clear - Amaris is not cold, unfeeling, and mean. She has a bite and she will never deny that. Whether it's because she's simply a rather witty young woman who is always ready to exchange banter or because she's simply keeping things from getting personal, the answer is truly up to whatever you want to think it is, but the truth is that she's not some mean girl who happened to make it into the nicest sorority on campus. As her sisters and those who call her a friend would tell you, Amaris may hide her feelings for you behind unimpressed eye rolls and light smirks, but she's one of the most loyal and secretly loving people you will ever meet. She's one of the few people you can trust with private information, someone you can trust to be in charge without taking their power for granted, and can get things done. Needless to say, a lot of fundraising and connections were established when Amaris started her journey to presidency last year and it's no secret that her charm and hospitality are two of the reasons why she served as Fulton University Homecoming queen last year. To some, she's taken on the maternal role a much younger version of herself only dreamed of having; she cooks a lot of the meals (albeit, they usually are within her dietary restrictions), she's always ready to spit fire and even lay hands in defense of those she cares about, and Amaris dishes out affection depending on the situation. She is critical and not easily impressed, that much is certain. She walks with an indomitable air of confidence that borders on vanity, sure. She's usually quite sure of being the brightest and most hardworking mind in the room, you can't deny that. Yet and still, there's something redeeming about a person who will turn on that near iciness and callousness onto another being just for your sake. Or show up to your room with baked treats and a warm smile, with just a little pragmatic advice that she gives just before forcing you to go on a Netflix binge.

What most people fail to see, though, is that Amaris has all of her negative traits because she had to develop them. She was born into a disadvantage and for half of her life, she grew up in that disadvantage. She wore several different places if they warranted her different outcomes. She's worn the understanding daughter who wiped vomit away from a drunken mother's mouth so that she wouldn't have to face a verbal assault, sat patiently to a deadbeat father's mansplaining and tears just so that she could get money that would never pay her back for all the years and mental abuse that landed her in the foster system, the crocodile tears and helpless baby to get into the foster system so that the abuse could stop, and so many more just to feel like she belonged with the family that chose her. And that's the thing - Amaris wants to choose this time around. She never got to choose what she wanted other than in the minuscule things such as possibly that dress her adoptive mother would buy her, and she is adamant about choosing her future. Her destiny. Making the choice to have a life where she's happy and she's getting what she deserves. And not feeling used and abused. So, yes, she'll be a damn good perfectionist who works her ass off for what she wants and sure, that means that she has to uphold a certain image of herself. Has to deny herself a sign of vulnerability and allowing others to see the insecurities and hurt that she has welled up inside of her. All because she may not think she's really as gorgeous as she'd tell you all she is, but that she damn sure deserves better than what she's been given.



Theta Chi and all of the sisters its given her ✦ Coffee ✧ Law and crime shows {Law and Order: SVU, Criminal Minds, Castle and HTGAWM mostly} ✦ Winning ✧ Reading ✦ Solange, Cynthia Erivo, Beyonce, Jhene Aiko, Jojo, Emeli Sande, and Ciara ✧ Shoes and lots of them ✦ Dramas with Black Protagonists {Queen Sugar, Greenleaf, Empire, The Haves and Have-Nots, and Pitch} ✧ Sticky notes ✦ Italian cuisine ✧ Bell Hooks, Audre Lorde, Toni Cade Bambara, Beverly Guy-Sheftall, and Alice Walker ✦ Politics ✧ Art and museums ✦ The music heard in the streets of New Orleans ✧ Red wine ✦ Cruises and being on the water ✧ Treating herself ✦ Learning ✧ Yoga ✦ Cosmopolitans ✧ The satisfaction of finishing an assignment or project ✦ When she can afford to travel ✧ Debates ✦ Being in charge ✧ Law ✦ Sex ✧ Cats ✦ Chadwick Boseman ✧Watching the news ✦ Driving ✧ The beach at night ✦ Dates with some thought behind them ✧ Black-owned businesses ✦ Scented candles ✧ Low lights ✦ Shades of brown ✧ Bodycon Dresses ✦ Her natural curls ✧ Crochet blankets ✦ So Delicious Dairy-Free Ice Cream ✧ Sorority life ✦ Classy bars ✧ Kale ✦ Finding new recipes ✧ Mimosas ✦ Going to nail salons ✧ J. Cole, Childish Gambino, Hazel Grace, Bryson Tiller, and Kendrick Lamar ✦ How she looks without makeup ✧ Chocolate-covered strawberries ✦ Stuffed Animals ✧ Old school R&B


Cigarettes and smoking in general ✦ Close minded people ✧ Her alcohol tolerance {It's too high, in her opinion} ✦ Fat girl jokes ✧ Seeing homeless people, in general, but specifically children ✦ Liars, cheaters, and players ✧ Any reminders of her birth parents ✦ Abuse of any kind ✧ Leaving any project or assignment unfinished ✦ Her adoptive parents ✧ Being late for work ✦ Most group assignments or projects, especially if she can't be in charge ✧ Losing ✦ Deviating too far from her current eating habits {She primarily has a gluten-free, lactose-free diet} ✧ Going a morning without coffee ✦ Dishes in the sink first thing in the morning ✧ Questions about her childhood ✦ Being compared to other people ✧ Stereotypes ✦ Any hint of her accent ✧ Sushi ✦ Going out every single weekend ✧ Feeling too full or extremely stuffed ✦ Holiday breaks ✧ Being underestimated ✦ Having to ask for help ✧ Not being able to have cheat days ✦ Getting sick ✧ Vodka Straight ✦ Social media ✧ Hangovers ✦ Bold or neon colors ✧ Feeling like she's being judged unfairly ✦ Wearing too much makeup ✧ Her freckles ✦ When guys think they need big girls for the winter ✧ Having a lot of different people style her hair ✦ Dairy ✧ Cake



"Believe it or not, I had always wanted to join a sorority. I used to be on the step-team at my high school and we met so many different organizations, so my goal had always been to join a historically black sorority. Obviously, I didn't go to an HBCU and Fulton doesn't have those, so I almost decided against it because I was specifically going for the culture of those Greek organizations. However, the group I fell in love with are my Theta Chi sweetie pies and I've never regretted that decision. It helps that there are so many lawyers, politicians and even doctors who are chapter members, but the girls I have met are literally the loves of my life. I don't save up money to go with a set of girls, including my Kappa guys, on a cruise just because, after all."

While the rivalry between the Greek life organizations make Amaris roll her eyes, she does have a lot of love for the friendships she has formed, particularly within the Theta Chi sister hood and the corresponding relationship with the Kappas.


"My next plan, as I have been talking about with my counselors since high school, has always been law school. I didn't spend all this time studying law and becoming as involved in the field as I have been to not attend law school, and I took the LSAT back in September. It was a 176, if anyone's asking, which sucks in a sense because I really wanted the highest score you can get. At the same time, I'll be proud because I worked my ass off day and night to study, reading whenever I could and getting friends to quiz me on information. Nick and I already talked about moving to California together so Stanford's been where I've set my eyes on, but there's no denying that if Harvard accepts me, I'm going. One of my counselors, though, apparently got Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, which is weird because I never even know it was an option, but I'm applying."

As far as Amaris is concerned, she's undoubtedly attending a law school once graduating from Fulton, preferably at either Stanford University or Harvard University, and then she'll hopefully be able to work with as a criminal defense lawyer. The number one goal is to gain a large enough clientele that she can own her own law firm because as much as she understands that partnering with a firm is realistic and doable, Amaris wants to own her own and be on her dime.



✦ Terry-Ann Moreau ✦ ↣ Biological Mother ↣ Status Unknown

✧ Francois Hamilton ✧ ↣ Biological Father ↣ Status Unknown

✦ Deborah Castillo ✦ ↣ Adoptive Mother ↣ Living

✧ Richard Castillo ✧ ↣ Adoptive Father ↣ Living

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA {Newborn-10} || Dothan, Alabama, USA {10-17} || Miami, Florida, USA {17-Current}


What Amaris' background, if she were to give you the full and unedited version of it that is, would tell you is that if this girl is anything, it is smart and strong. Definitely a fighter because only those with the strongest of willpower can get out of a situation like hers and not be broken by it, like she hasn't allowed it to do. There was no positive start for her, if we are being completely honest. No beginning that consisted of both of her parents being together, there being some stability that was shattered upon some unexpected tragedy, and there are scarcely any happy memories that consisted of either of her parents. Terry-Ann and Francois were both relatively well-off kids at one point. Neither of them had come from much money, but what they had both had, their families had made it work. Granted, his family had more wealth than hers, but when you tell yourself that you're going to become a musician in a city filled with musicians from birth band streets brimming with art, it's really hard for anyone to believe that you're really going anywhere special. Especially when your parents had at least thought that you could make it as a teacher, considering how well he commanded the attention of those younger than him and succeeded really well in school. Even Terry-Ann, for all of her wild girl tendencies, had something to be proud of as her mathematical and problem-solving skills had been phenomenal in those younger years. They could have made her something...if she hadn't followed in her own father's footsteps and turned to alcohol to drown out everyone else's expectations. Or, more importantly, fallen under the illusion that was Francois. He had come off as slightly older and being a member of and up-and-coming band that was eventually going to go on tour, they had said. And she ate it up. Came to every live performance on the French Quarter and at various bars, had kick-back acoustic sessions as various homes, and even more-so fell for Francois' charm. The two of them were never in love, but it didn't stop them from falling into bed with one another several times. But his obsession with chasing a limelight that was never meant to be his and her own obsession with the Hennessy bottle would be what kept them apart. And it would be those nine months that followed that kept Terry-Ann shackled to Louisiana while Francois went about his business, never knowing about the little girl he helped create.

Of all of her parents, Amaris is loathe to admit anything about Terry-Ann other than the fact that she had given birth to her. Terry-Ann never fed her breast milk because she drank as much alcohol as she could the second she had been informed that it was technically okay, as long as she wasn't planning on breast-feeding. What Amaris will admit is that she appreciates that Terry-Ann cared for as much as she could, in a sense, if you call leaving your child in the care of your next door neighbor of your apartment complex the best you could do while you went off as if you were still 21. A lot of Amaris' fonder memories consist of jazz and blues players in the French quarter playing the saxophone to the tempo of heavy feet along the cobblestone, powdered sugar getting stuck up her nose from the big bite of the freshly prepared beignet she had bitten into, grooving into a lindy hop during the Fleur De Lindy, and using the big spoon to stir the huge pot of seafood gumbo her neighbor, Mama Bartee, taught her how to make during one of their many after school cooking lessons. But those, despite how much she would love to return to the lively city, can't fully overshadow the memories of being locked out of their apartment because Amaris had come home late from the library for doing her homework instead of immediately returning to start the dinner Terry-Ann didn't want to make. The constant leers from the men her mother brought to their apartment instead of doing their business in the streets, forcing Amaris to lock her door and eat her stress away or hide away at Mrs. Bartee's. The ridicule from Terry-Ann for her subsequent weight gain and the fact that by nine, Amaris was first starting her period and gaining a "fat enough ass that they both could make money off of." There had always been police intervention at some point, enough so that Amaris was teased during school - when she could attend - because of Terry-Ann's drinking. Public nudity, public intoxication (which said something serious in a city where whiskey was passed as commonly as water), and the occasionally verbal outbursts. Most directed at Amaris and others, rarely, at Mrs. Bartee for being too nice or Terry-Ann being bitter. Amaris had long since dispelled the naive idea that her mother would one day become an actual mother, but it was one particular night when she had thrown a glass bottle at Amaris that sealed the deal. To this day, she shuts all the way down and shuts you out if you mention the permanent scar on her right ear from where the glass had cut her deeply and had bled for as long as she had cried. It was also the night she had decided that she needed to get out of that house. Mrs. Bartee had done all that she can, but no one had ever come to Amaris' rescue. Police had known she was an endangerment, but it wasn't like Terry-Ann was bad every single day. That her drinking was a particular problem every day. Sometimes she was too passed out. And Amaris had had a roof over her head yet, food to be cooked in the house, etc. But she had realized that the only one who could truly help her was herself. So, she had to turn on the crocodile tears she had learned to hide behind stony expressions and went to the cops. She exaggerated some of the less spectacular episodes of her mother's alcoholism, like the time she had been trying to get into Amaris' bedroom and had passed out after yelling. Instead, in her story, Terry-Ann had banged on the door and Amaris had feared for her life. She did what she had to do to get out of a bad situation. To survive. And she didn't regret it in the slightest when Terry-Ann was relieved of her parental rights and Amaris was placed in the system.

Amaris had seen her birth father once before getting adopted by the Castillos and it hadn't exactly been some grand first time meeting. Even though she was a ward of the state, Amaris was allowed to attend school still. It was one particular evening when she had walked by a mechanic's shop on the way to an ice cream store with a few of the older orphans when Francois called to her. He had said that he could recognize Terry-Ann's eyes anywhere, asked how she had been and told her that he hadn't even known Amaris existed until four years ago. To which Amaris promptly and bluntly responded by telling him that if he had been any type of man, he would've come then instead of hiding out. And that she was no longer with "that woman" because she was an abusive drunk that he left his only child with. Amaris doesn't waste her time thinking about the tears Francois had shed that day since the interaction had taken up the time she could have gotten back to the orphanage to start her homework, but she did remember being a bit pleased when she hid away the one-hundred dollars he had given her then and there. He didn't try coming for her and as much as little Amaris had hoped that he would, the woman that she is now (albeit, bitterly) acknowledges that she was better off not having interacted much with him. Besides, despite how much of an aversion she seems to have towards returning to the home she has in Alabama, the Castillos were nice. Granted, Amaris didn't think she would have gotten them to pick her over some tiny toothpick of a child if she hadn't put on the tortured big brown eyes routine, but she had gotten them. It was another mask, sure, but it gained her a new home and well, it was a good home. From the beginning, Deborah and Richard were this ideal couple, both in respect to their careers and their passion for one another. There was never a day Amaris didn't see Richard snatching his wife up by the waist and laying a kiss on her that made even Amaris' heart swoon with longing for something like that in her future. Deborah was a really successful coporate lawyer and Richard was a stockbroker who had gotten a really decent job in a growing company a few years back. And once he had drawn up some proposals his employers couldn't ignore because it would gain them a substantial amount of wealth, life had been made for them. However, with Deborah barren due to medications she took at a young age, they could never have a flesh-and-blood-child of their own since Richard didn't want a baby to be born when Deborah was the one who wanted to give birth to his babies. So, they had agreed upon adopting and while she doubts this, they had loved Amaris from afar for awhile. More than that, she was a good...distraction from the government.

You see, as Amaris would soon discover and become disgusted by, Deborah and Rick, along with this 'good company' he had worked for had been fraudulent and laundering money. Of course, it wasn't like they had flat-out told this to Amaris the second she had come into their home. It took years for her piece it all together on her own and Deborah had managed to do a pretty decent job with distracting her from their secrecy. They had bi-weekly nail shop sessions, she filled Amaris' closet up with as much clothes as she could to ward off the unpleasant stirrings of feeling undesirable due to weight she had a hard time accepting as her own, made sure her hair was always together and really influenced the desire for bigger and better within her, and she even got Amaris all the books her little heart could want. Deborah had made her want to become a lawyer with how much Amaris had admired her. And Rick...Rick for a time, made her his own little princess. They planned out her possible future. It wasn't always perfect. Amaris had to paint on smiles during dinner parties or various holiday events so that people didn't know how fat she felt and how much she wanted to dig into an appetizer platter so bad, play nice with kids who complimented her dress while lamenting her unattractiveness in the same breath, and there were so many instances where she had to pretend. But she had sucked it all up because where she was at the time was so much better than where she had been. However, it was during her junior year of high school when she had decided help straighten up Rick's office for him since he had caught the flu that she had discovered some paperwork and Amaris? She may had needed a few summer school sessions to really catch up, but it wasn't long before people realized that she was an exceptional student, particularly a reader. And so it wasn't hard to put two and two together and eventually, she made Deborah and Richard explain the hush hushness of everything. The secrecy, the frequent trips away, the fact that they would have guests over late at night. And even why they adopted her, which was really to make them look good, like a seemingly successful couple who only needed one missing piece in their life. A little girl.

Amaris had been absolutely disgusted. She refused to go into corporate law like Deborah anymore and she worked her ass off to not have to depend on them for much. And when she had gotten accepted into Fulton University on a full-ride since Spelman didn't offer much money because of her parents, it was no longer a competition. She was going to a large university and she was doing for herself. She had immediately found two jobs during her freshman year, built up her resume and got involved with as much as she could, and was even able to get the car that Rick had bought her in her own name. And if people question why she gets reluctant to return to her Alabama home in favor of staying on campus or going with a friend, Amaris politely tells them to mind their goddamn business. As much as she appreciates Deborah and Rick giving her what they gave her, she didn't want to be associated with that. With their lies and their robbing people of their money. Which is why she's so adamant about being a successful criminal defense lawyer. She'll gain her money, sure, but it will be for the right reasons. And she'll actually be able to sleep with herself at night afterwards.



Jordyn Woods



M I S C .


So begins...

Amaris Hamilton's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ya Ya Silva Character Portrait: Amaris Hamilton Character Portrait: Benjamin Cardoso Character Portrait: Nicholas Reyes
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chandz

Location: Yaya's Room
Outfit: Suit
Mood: Content
Hex: #005566

The sun peaked through the curtains in small slivers where they didn’t full cover the window. The air in Ayala’s room was warm, to a comfortable degree, and quiet. Ben’s eyes slowly peaked open; his right eye struggled to open to it regular capacity as it was swollen from the punch that had landed itself right by his right temple. His body ached, but he wasn’t planning on moving just yet, so he had time to work through the pain. Ben was alone in the girl’s bedroom. Without moving his body, or head, Ben’s eyes wandered through the familiar bedroom, searching for where Ya could have been. Ben was sprawled on Ayala’s bed, lying stomach down, but in somewhat of an L-shape, folding at the hip. His head rested on a pillow that was on the side of the bed Ayala usually slept on whenever they shared the space. He came to the conclusion he must’ve been draped over the girl while they slept together.

Slept together. Ben’s head pounded with the thoughts of everything that happened the night before. He was groggy and sore, so the fight wasn’t just a dream. Ben moved his arms under his chest, pushing himself upright and into a seated position. He touched the parts of his body that hurt the most – his neck, his eye, his lip and his cheek. With each poke, a stinging feeling arose and Ben would suck in a sharp breath of air as he winced at the pain, β€œFuck,”he muttered quietly at the stinging sensation. Slept together. Ben’s mind went back to the events that transpired after the fight. The part of the night where he and Yaya came back to her room, stripped themselves bare in terms of clothes and soul. The part where they climbed back into the same bed that they first had sex in, first kissed in, first fell in love in. A shy smile spread itself slowly on Ben’s lips as he thought about their night together.

As he waited for Yaya to return from wherever she was, Ben contemplated getting out of bed to get dressed. He searched the bedroom floor for his clothes, his shirt and pants were laid out on the floor right by his side of the bed, Ben leaned over to grab his phone. He sat back in bed, with the blanket covering his lower half that only sported his boxers. On the screen was a notification of a text from Nick which read, Meeting in an hour. Getting lunch now, but Mare has the verdict from the board. Ben groaned at the thought of having to deal with the fight situation right now. It was still too early for this shit, regardless of the fact that the day was pushing well into the afternoon. Ben tapped back on his screen, responding to Nick’s text, Do I have to? Ben clicked back into his text archive and opened the recent conversation he had with Amaris and tapped her out a message, too: Does this meeting require a physical presence or can you just lemme know what my punishment is now?
He did not want to get out of bed for this.

Ben sat, staring at his phone, waiting for a response from either Nick or Amaris as Yaya came back into the room. He was holding what he could only assume was his breakfast. Good, I’m starving, he thought to himself. Ya placed the food down at the foot of the bed and crawled back into bed with him, wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a kiss. Ben leaned into the kiss with a smile, β€œMmm,” he gently moaned with pleasure at the feel of her lips being back on his. He pulled away and pouted when she noticed the phone in his hand, though. β€œWhat’s up? Do you need to go?” Ben shrugged at the question. β€œI don’t know. There’s a meeting in an hour to decide our punishment. I’m trying to find out details about whether or not I have to physically be there.” Ben leaned back into Ayala and placed another kiss on her lips. β€œI’m not trying to leave this bed with this beauty of a queen for a meeting that can be reduced to an email or text.” Ben smiled against the girls lips. He knew this was a serious matter so it wouldn’t be an easy thing to get out of, if at all, and he especially knew that Ayala would probably force him to go regardless. In order to avoid talking about it, however, Ben quickly changed the subject. β€œDo I smell blueberry pancakes?” He asked, pulling away from her lips and putting his nose in the air, taking a deep breath in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaris Hamilton Character Portrait: Benjamin Cardoso Character Portrait: Eliza Li Character Portrait: Hayden Burr Character Portrait: Nicholas Reyes Character Portrait: Weston Cullen
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXP E R F E C T I O N I S T _____

Outfit: Here
Location: South Campus Entrance
Dialogue Color ✦ #06916C
Thought Color ✧ #985D5A

_____ T H EXG O O DXG U Y _____

Outfit: Here
Location: South Campus Entrance
Dialogue Color ✦ #FF5100
Thought Color ✧ #AF0100

While Nick set about ordering his Angus beef Kalbi soft tacos and ginger brussel sprouts and waiting for them to be finished, Amaris received a few text messages, notably a few from Theta girls wanting to make sure that the joint event with the Kappas was still on for the week. It was an understandable concern. They had all put in work for things to play out and their partnering as brothers and sisters was instinctual. However, it was no surprise that there was concern as to whether or not whatever punishment the Kappas would receive could affect the likelihood of any event that they might have planned, to mentioned the Theta livelihood since both houses were a reflection of one another. After reassuring her baby sisters, Amaris had to roll her eyes at Hudson's very typical and arrogant response, opting to respond to his last in the string of messages she had to overlook.

To: Blake
Might have to get a burner phone to go over the details, do some deleting with this one, but I might actually take you up on that.

To: Liz
Been out of class all morning. Heading to the Kappa house soon to have a talk. Did you need something?

To: Hudson
Right, because the majority of the felons who actually belong in prison don't walk around in Armani suits and Givenchy watches, tucked safely behind Fortune 500 companies, huh? Funny how a capitalist society you benefit from works, isn't it? But please, continue to coddle your boys behind your Daddy's money and his generous ventures. I mean, that's the only type of work they'll be good for, unlike mine, right? Getting knocked down and running back to Daddy Warbucks to fix it?

It was a bit harsh and Amaris probably should have went back to edit her response. At least, if she wasn't the relentless individual that she inwardly was. Rolling her eyes one more time, she turned back to see Nick closing his containers of food and slid her phone back into her bag. "So, what are we doing? Eating outside...going back to the house?" She asked, hand waving to one of the benches nearby and then back to the campus. Nick pulled his own phone out, frowning upon seeing an actual text from Weston. At the forefront of his mind was a strong desire to respond in the positive, exclaim that he was available tonight - now, really - so that they could at least talk. Now, the why for his compulsion to acquiesce to the sophomore was still a question Nick didn't want to answer. At the same time, he felt what seemed like an irrational desire to ignore Wes, despite being given a reason - though, half-assed, if the Amaris in his head had anything to say about it - simply because of the fact that he himself had been ignored for days. Or, at least just plain not spoken to at all.

"Err, home," he answered uncertainly and Amaris quirked an eyebrow at him, a resounding soft click coming from her mouth at whatever her tongue did to make it. It let Nicholas know that her patience was growing more and more thin. So, he hurried to acknowledge his other responses, notably from Hayden, Danny, and Ben. "Ben wants to know if he actually..." One look at Amaris and Nick was trailing off quietly on the second half that he finished up, "...had, come." Amaris whipped out her own phone in the next second.

To: Benny
Lovebug, you showed your ass yesterday. There's no bargaining. I better see you soon.

"So, how long are you going to pretend like that boy isn't the reason you've been acting weird?" Nicholas sighed, sending at least a response to Hayden and a reluctant one to Wes before putting the device away entirely. "Can you stop referring to him like that? You sound so..." Amaris shrugged as she chipped in, "Patronizing? I know. I'm doing so, purposefully. Mostly because he's the only explanation as to why you're acting like this." She gestured to Nick's form with a casual wave of her hand and he had to roll his eyes, though cursed how much he really didn't have a poker face. If something bothered Amaris and a few of his other friends, they were good at pretending like it didn't bother them, Amaris in particular. An entire week had passed from an argument she had had with her mother and Nick hadn't even known she was as bothered, other than the occasional bout of snapping, until he realized that she had been stuck on a file that normally would have never given her issues for that entire week. Nicholas, on the other hand, couldn't particularly lie. At least, not in his facial expressions. He could go on and say that he was alright, and he was good at brushing off people's concerns, but there was no denying the hurt in his eyes or the set tension in his jaw. It was frustrating, to say the very least.

Amaris seemed to continue without much thought to his internal musings, undeterred and unrepentant. "About a week or two ago, you were basically frolicking through the woods, singing to the birds and the squirrels - " Nick chipped in an indignant, "I was not!", but again she continued as if he hadn't said a word. "Now, you've been moping like a little lost puppy. And it's sad, it's really sad. What's worse is that my intelligence is being questioned. It really is if you really thought I didn't notice. You've been more sullen and self-deprecating than you normally are, and I'm 100% positive that boy has something to do with it." She turned to him piercing brown eyes that made Nick wince at their quiet demand that she followed with an, "Out with it.". Nicholas sighed again, cursing to himself the fact that he had been doing that a bit more often since the whole Beta house debacle. "Can we like, not do this here?" Amaris stared at him a beat longer, seemed to make a decision in her own head, and then nodded once, tightly. "Ice cream and wine at my place then. Tonight." There was no room for arguing, particularly in the undoubtedly tense silence that followed as they returned to campus. It was probably a good thing Nick said told Wes to get with him tomorrow. It didn't look like Amaris was going to be in a negotiating sort of mood.

To: Hayden
Don't think Mare's gonna care about ur state of dress

To: Wes
Tmrrow, b4 the carnival.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaela Vaughn Character Portrait: Amaris Hamilton Character Portrait: Cyrus James Character Portrait: Eliza Li Character Portrait: Maddox Rei Izumi Character Portrait: Daniel Alexander
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0.00 INK

Location: Fulton University Campus
Outfit: here
Dialogue color=#88a899

Eliza looked down at her phone as it buzzed a few times. Mickey, Amaris, Daisy and Danny. She felt a tightening sensation in her chest at the last two names. She sighed and read through the messages.

Afternoon ok? I have a class at 2 xxx

No, it’s fine. I wouldn’t wanna get in your way. I need to talk to Danny anyway. Catch you later, yeah? xx

Eliza tapped her phone against her lip as she pondered her reply to Daisy. She didn’t want to completely blow her off, Daisy was still one of her closest friends and she didn’t have any evidence beyond this gnawing in her gut that something had happened between Daisy and Danny. Not that it really mattered, she told herself. It wasn’t like Danny was her boyfriend or anything, so he wasn’t cheating on her. But still, if there were ever two people who needed to define their relationship, it was probably Eliza and Danny. Although judging by the way Danny was acting, there wasn’t even a relationship for them to define. Eliza shook her head. She was over-thinking this way too much. All she had to do was ask Danny. This was only between her and Danny.

I’ll catch you tonight, yeah? Apparently I’m popular today and I’ve got classes. I don’t want to feel like we’re getting rushed x

She hesitated again before she text Danny, her nerve momentarily failing her.

I have time now. I’ll see you in 20 minutes? At the cafe on campus.

Before she could read over the text, Eliza dropped her phone in her bag and headed to the cafe. She grabbed one of the smaller booths by the window, so Danny couldn’t say he had turned up and hadn’t been able to find her. It was reasonably busy as students poured out of class to the counter for a much needed caffeine boost. She spotted Maddox across the way. ”Oh God…” she whispered to herself, offering up a silent prayer that he wouldn’t see her until Danny had left. Eliza placed her water on the table in front of her and pulled a book from her bag, shielding her face from curious glances. So far Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy hadn’t been the most enthralling read, but she was determined to finish it, even if the book seemed determined to distract her or bore her to sleep with the amount of time it spent meandering over details that didn’t even matter. She wasn’t even reading it properly, she realised as she skimmed over the same paragraph for the fifth time. She just didn’t want to be seen, which seemed to be working as Maddox left without noticing her.

Location: Fulton University Campus
Outfit: here
Dialogue color: #593c59

Blake picked his phone up as it buzzed, signalling Cyrus’s reply. He smiled as he read the reply. It was like Cyrus to be that cocky. He was about to start typing out a response when-

"Couldn't stay away from me, huh? I have that effect on people."

Blake tensed slightly as Cyrus sneaked up on him. ”Jesus Christ, Cyrus. Give me a heart attack next time, it’ll be quicker.” Blake studied Cyrus while the blond boy scrolled through his phone. His voice had sounded rough when he spoke. That, combined with his bleary expression belied the tell tale signs of a hangover. Blake pressed his lips together, resisting the urge to shout. They were in public anyway, that was Cyrus’s only saving grace. If they’d been back at the house, Blake might have just had to belt out show tunes at the top of his voice. He pushed the untouched coffee on the table towards Cyrus, saying nothing. Maddox walked past them and seemed way too keen to get away from them...or more specifically, the blond boy who had just joined the table. Blake looked over to Cyrus for a moment before looking back down at his textbook. Blake might not be the best with his own emotions, but he could see where Cyrus and Maddox were headed, and very quickly if they didn’t get over themselves and actually talk to each other.

His phone buzzed again with a response from Amaris.

What’s wrong with good old fashioned face to face? Is having me that close to you too much of a distraction? I could always wear a mask. Unless you’re into that?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ya Ya Silva Character Portrait: Abigail Chu Character Portrait: Amaris Hamilton Character Portrait: Benjamin Cardoso Character Portrait: Daniel Alexander Character Portrait: Hayden Burr
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chandz

Location: Kappa House
Outfit: Here
Mood: Indifferent
Hex: #005566

Once Ben was finished with his blueberry pancakes that Ayala had gotten for him, he quickly finished dressing himself back into the suit he wore the night before. Ben hurried his way back to the Kappa House. Before anyone could spot him, Ben slipped his way through the front door and up the stairs to his bedroom. He stripped and rushed himself through a hot shower. No matter the heat though, nothing would wash off the shame he feels from last nights actions. He won't lie and say it didn't feel good to land a solid punch on Archie, but there's a time and place for everything, and Ben knows that yesterday's event was not the time nor place to kick Archie's ass. But man, did it feel good.

Ben dressed himself in a casual attire, time was of the essence here and Ben wasn't going to waste any of it, knowing that Amaris was waiting on him. Especially since she held the fate of Ben's near future. A ping came from Ben's phone as he finished dressing himself to see a notification from Amaris. Speak of the beautiful devil, Ben thought. Ben groaned ever so slightly when confirmation of his physical presence was in fact needed for this meeting. He replied back stating he'd be there. He sent out another text to Ayala, reading: How's everything going on your end? and next sent a text to Abby. Ben had to be okay with Yaya going to coffee with Archie, so there was nothing stopping him from doing the same with Abby. Can we talk today? Coffee maybe? Upon hitting send, Ben slid his phone into the pocket of his jeans and made his downstairs.

Much to Ben's dismay, he didn't even have to leave his own house to get yelled at, by his little no less. Ben rolled his eyes as he entered the kitchen to see Hayden going off on Danny, only for him to throw Ben into the mix once he appeared. Ben wasn't really in the mood to be scolded by the sophomore, "Hayden, cool your jets. It's being dealt with, stay out of it." Ben tried to seem kind and nonchalant about it, but truth was it annoyed Ben when someone tried to tell him how live his life. Ben grew up making mistakes that could've easily resulted in prison or death, so to him, this little fight was irrelevant. It wasn't anything comparable to what he's lived through - not that many people knew that. Ben turned his attention to Danny, "Let's just go into that meeting with heads high and egos low. We fucked up, and there's no denying that. Let's not drag this process out."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaris Hamilton Character Portrait: Benjamin Cardoso Character Portrait: Daniel Alexander Character Portrait: Nicholas Reyes Character Portrait: Blake Tyler
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXP E R F E C T I O N I S T _____

Outfit: Here
Location: South Campus Entrance
Dialogue Color ✦ #06916C
Thought Color ✧ #985D5A

_____ T H EXG O O DXG U Y _____

Outfit: Here
Location: South Campus Entrance
Dialogue Color ✦ #FF5100
Thought Color ✧ #AF0100

To: Danny
Sure, u try 2 rush Mare & tell me how that works out 4 u

Nick had to smirk when he sent the text, but definitely still managed to withhold the other Kappa's request from Amaris lest the guy wanted to get the chewing out of a lifetime. He was going to get it, regardless, because it was Amaris and it just wouldn't be her without some delivery of some kind. But still...adding fuel to that flame wasn't exactly a goal Nicholas wanted to fulfill, especially if she wound up turning any of that negative energy on him for her already preexisting frustration with him. Nick wasn't pushing any buttons that he didn't need to. Amaris wasn't even paying attention to her friend considering her attention was on her own phone. Not being at work didn't exactly mean she didn't have work to do, like making sure case files had been delivered to where they needed to be and that the documents Attourney Miller had her looking over were in the exact spot she had left them last Friday. In the middle of rescheduling a meeting for her attourney, since the WI-FI seemed iffy during the lunch hours, Amaris switched back to her text messages, smirked, and then typed out a response to Blake.

To: Blake
Hmmm...I'd go with more of a temptation than distraction...especially since you and I both know how familiar you are with what I'm into.

Before long, the two were approaching the Kappa house and, out of sheer luck, one of the Kappa seniors was heading out, so he held the door until Nick got to it. Briefly smiling at her friend for holding it open for her, Amaris entered the Kappa house, glancing at the top of the stairs to see a few guys talking along the banister. Not even bothering to send a text or look around to see if the ones she was looking for were about, Amaris yelled, "Danny, Ben. Common area, please." Her voice echoed off the walls of the newly renovated but old house followed by the click of her heels against the polished linoleum. Nick exchanged a "what can you do?" shrug with another Kappa and followed her into the main living room where he didn't even hesitate to plop down on an armchair. "Try not to go too hard on them, Mare," he requested, shooting her a pleading look. Amaris fixed him with an expressionless stare, but her face was notably softer than it had been when Ben had earlier tried not showing up, so Nick took that as a win.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaris Hamilton Character Portrait: Benjamin Cardoso Character Portrait: Eliza Li Character Portrait: Daniel Alexander Character Portrait: Hayden Burr Character Portrait: Nicholas Reyes
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0.00 INK

Location: Kappa House
Outfit: Sweat pants and a long sleeve t shirt
Hex Code: #804080

"Let's just go into that meeting with heads high and egos low. We fucked up, and there's no denying that. Let's not drag this process out."

Ben was right. Danny nodded towards him to make sure Ben knew that he was in complete agreement. He glanced down at his phone to read Amaris's smart ass text, laughing inside his own head. As he waited on Amaris and Nick to show, he let his thoughts wander to his impending conversation with Eliza. Truth was, if there was any girl at Fulton Danny actually would settle down for, it was Eliza. He hoped that sleeping with Daisy hadn't ruined that.

The front door shut, causing Danny to jump from his thoughts. Nick and Amaris walked in. Upon entering the kitchen, Amaris let out a loud, forceful yell, "Danny, Ben. Common area, please." Danny glanced at Ben, once again nodding in acknowledgement of their plan to accept their punishment, no arguments. Ben and Danny had went into the fight as brothers, and they would do the same with whatever punishment. Walking into the common room, he let seriousness over take his expression. Danny spoke first, "So, what's the damage Mare?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michaela Vaughn Character Portrait: Ya Ya Silva Character Portrait: Abigail Chu Character Portrait: Archie Hervieux Character Portrait: Amaris Hamilton Character Portrait: Charlotte Arnault
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0.00 INK


Location: Miami, Florida, USA
Time: 6:30 PM
β€œThe area was encompassed in a bubble of warm, fragrant steam from the funnel cake deep fryers. It smelled like sweet vanilla cake batter you licked off a spoon.”

~ Sarah Addison Allen, The Sugar Queen

There was something about carnivals that brought out one's inner child. The whimsical surge of energy combined with various food stands packed with every sugary, fatty and downright delicious delicacy coating the sticky sweet air that surged upwards into passing group's nostrils. Screams from passengers aboard rides echoed all around, little beeping noises from won games filled people's ears. The playful ambiance of such events welcomed couples holding hands, students and even families, all searching for a little bit of fun after a long day. Carnivals were places to have fun, to relive just a small piece of one's childhood. It was also a place where anything could go and perhaps, where certain rules no longer apply...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaris Hamilton Character Portrait: Nicholas Reyes Character Portrait: Blake Tyler Character Portrait: Jack Decker
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXP E R F E C T I O N I S T _____

Outfit: Here
Location: Annual Carnival
Dialogue Color ✦ #06916C
Thought Color ✧ #985D5A

_____ T H EXG O O DXG U Y _____

Outfit: Here
Location: Annual Carnival
Dialogue Color ✦ #FF5100
Thought Color ✧ #AF0100

As Amaris had told her Kappa boys, she wasn't here for the excuses, sob stories, and the run-down on insignificant things like how the situation at the black-tie event had escalated. Nope, she hadn't cared. What she did care about was that no one who represented both of their houses was going to be in a situation like that any time soon, particularly this week. Which meant that they were to limit their interactions with the Betas and Alphas altogether, at least for the rest of the week. As Amaris had reasoned, there was absolutely no reason to push the limits of their "good-guy-good-girl" position on campus after the fight that never needed to happen. To aid in keeping that minor beef to a minimum so that it wouldn't escalate again, her solution was limited interactions. As stated by the board, they all had to be welcomed to one another's events to promote unity and all that good-feel-good-even-though-we-wanna-wring-each-other's-throats-bullshit. That was do-able. But other than that, the boys were not to poke the bear. Especially if that happened to reflect badly on Amaris and the Thetas, and in turn, affect any of their plans and reputations. And it would have also included Nick...if he hadn't been stood up.

"But is he here though?" Amaris demanded sharply, striking each mole's head in quick succession to the cadence of her own question. They were at the whack-a-mole and while the idea had been for the two of them to just have fun and be big kids, Nick made the conscious decision to stand a little away from Amaris in light of her show of aggression. "Not if you're doing that," he deadpanned and Amaris paused in her game, uncaring of the heads that popped up from their slots, to shoot her friend a glare. "Lucky for him, you wouldn't even know if he was because somebody hasn't text you. Like, at all." At that point, there was no point in pretending like she was even really playing the game anymore, so Amaris dropped the mallet back into its original place. "Like, who the hell even does that?" Nick didn't really have an answer for her, not one that she would like, so he simply acquiesced to her movement to link their arms as they walked away from the game. "Look, I'm not saying I'm not mad, I'm just..." A heavy exhale left him and Amaris raised an eyebrow as he went on, "I-I-I just...I get it...if you know, he's not...into this anymore. I just...wish he'd say it already instead of...whatever the hell this is." The dejected expression was enough to make Amaris frown.

When Nick had first told her of this thing between Nicholas and Weston, he had not told her much so all she had pried for were salacious details (ie. when they had hooked up, was it great sex, where they hung out, etc). Which was fair of her considering all that she had gotten from him from previous hook-ups and relationships. But just the fact that Nick - who was, by no means, a secretive figure - was adhering to some weird ass request to keep their relationship-but-not-a-relationship a secret had her hackles raised and her protectiveness on high. It wouldn't be the first time that Nick was used because someone wasn't willing to be honest about their sexuality, which was what the situation was beginning to feel like. What made it worse was that after years of helping to spoil his younger siblings when his mother was dying, Nick was far too indulgent for his own good. "Well, help me get it cuz I don't get it. I don't appreciate this kid acting like an overdone Katy Perry bop with his hot-n-cold mess." A ghost of a smirk crossed Nick's features and he bumped her slightly as they walked. It-it's kinda...well, my fault," he admitted slowly and Amaris stopped both of their walking, raising a pointedly demanding eyebrow. A slow smirk formed on her face as Nick's cheeks began to redden, her lips pulling back into a bright grin once he nervously tried to avert his gaze before realizing that she wasn't going to let up. "Uh uh, no sir, you have to tell me now if you're going to turn into a cherry in the middle of a carnival. Out with it." Nick's gaze fell on a pair of children begging their mom for a teddy bear at one of the other games before he turned back to Amaris with a sheepish smile. He took a deep breath before blurting out rapidly, "Imayormaynothavesuckedhisdickandoneofhisbrotherswalked
Amaris' mouth dropped open.

It was only a few mortifying seconds of silence on her part, but it felt like ions for Nick because Amaris' blank, wide-eyed stare could only go a number of ways. Then a strange sound emitted from her throat, mirth filled her eyes, and before long, Nick heard the telltale sign of Amaris snickering before she actually started laughing, releasing him to hold her belly as she did so. "Oh come on, really?" She didn't even answer, just continued to giggle, one of her hands covering her mouth to stifle the sound. However, the shaking of her shoulders was too much of a giveaway for him and Nick rolled his eyes, walking a few paces ahead of her out of frustration. Amaris couldn't really be held responsible for this reaction, partly because she could envision Nick's reaction to being caught. She herself had walked in on Nick having sex, which wasn't disturbing as it was absolutely hilarious considering how spooked he was then, so she could imagine it all over again. Not to mention the fact that the Betas had a history of heteronormative thinking and predilections, resulting in far more "undercover brothers" and Beta alum who had mid-life crises for identities they failed to accept during their formative years. It was all deliciously messy, despite her still lingering sense of protectiveness and vindicated contempt for anyone she deemed was treating one of her closest friends wrong. The fact that Nick was the one - out of all of her friends - to be in such a predicament made it all the more entertaining. Giggling to herself, Amaris caught up in a few, grinning as she asked, "Did you just say - ?" Nick hurried up to say, "I am not repeating myself." Amaris bit her lower lip as another wave of laughter threatened to spill forth, linking their arms once more so that they could match each other's steps. It took a few minutes for her to get herself together, but when she did, Amaris sighed. "His dick must be magic for you to be acting this reck - " Nick cut her off, "Mare..." His cheeks were still pink. "Don't be mad. I'm just...I didn't think I'd have to say this, but you Kappas really do need to stop fucking with these Betas. You all do dumb things when they're involved."

Nick sighed too, not even attempting to look at his phone. He already knew Wes hadn't text him and he didn't really feel up to deluding himself into thinking the other guy would. Besides, even if he was loathe to admit it, she was somewhat correct in her statement. Staying away from the Betas (Weston, included) was probably for the best. For his sanity and that of his brothers "To be quite honest, I'm pretty sure not many Kappas are fucking Betas as much as you think, let alone wanting to be involved with them in the first place." Amaris appeared to think about it for a moment, before casting him a sidelong glance. "True. As stereotypical as it is of me to think it, I'm pretty sure most of you wouldn't be doing the fucking considering I envision half of you as bottoms in the - Nick, wait!" By the time her plea for Nick to not leave her left Amaris' mouth, he had already slipped out of her grasp with a "I'm done!" and was petulantly stomping away. He had already known that Amaris had far more of a scandalous mouth and mind than those who knew her as the prim and proper former Fulton University Homecoming Queen and Theta Chi President would think, but even he couldn't help the telltale sign of his flustered embarrassment and ignored the sound of her outright laughing. Pulling out her phone and Amaris stopped only to text Blake and Jack, before jogging up to where Nick was so that she could continue to tease him since, after all, that was what best friends were good for.

To: Blake
And where are you, lover boy?

To: Jack
Sober enough to get your ass get kicked at carnival games or am I too late and some floozy's got her claws in you for the night?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaris Hamilton Character Portrait: Cyrus James Character Portrait: Eliza Li Character Portrait: Daniel Alexander Character Portrait: Blake Tyler
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0.00 INK

Location: her bedroom
Outfit: here
Dialogue color=#88a899

Eliza closed her book, unable to maintain her concentration on the words. Her phone buzzed and she saw Danny’s name flash on the screen. Eliza sighed and dropped her book in her bag before she opened the message. She rolled her eyes as she read. If he’d been any other guy, she knew she wouldn’t be waiting. But, as her mind was so fond of reminding her, Danny wasn’t just any guy. He was exceptionally fortunate that she liked him, something that he didn’t seem to realised most of the time. Or he did, but he was taking advantage of that. Either way, she needed to talk to him.

Fine, I’ll wait. But not a minute more.

The half hour mark ticked over and nothing. No word from Danny, nothing. Still, she waited another few minutes. The clock ticked over. Eventually, Eliza grabbed her bag and left. She looked at her phone for a moment before she pocketed it. β€œAsshole.”

Carnival Day

Eliza lolled in her seat. She had nothing to do. Well, it wasn’t that she had nothing to do, but her brain had decided that it needed to dedicate some time to not doing anything before it would so something. She had already shaved her legs, so she couldn’t do that again, she thought as she ran her hand along the smooth skin of her leg. She hadn’t heard from Danny yet. It bothered her that he hadn’t even text to apologise. It bothered her even more that it bothered her. If any of her friends were getting played around like this, she would have told them to ditch the guy’s ass and move on. Yet here she was, looking at her phone every five minutes, hoping that his name might just light up the screen. Eliza sighed. Apparently if she wanted to hear anything from him, she was going to have to text him first.

You alive?

Eliza swung her legs over the arm of her chair and padded down the corridor, her feet slipping in her slipper socks. She took a small run and skidded along the hallway to Amaris’s room. She knocked on the door. ”Mare? You in?”

Location: his bedroom
Outfit: here
Dialogue color: #593c59

Blake ran his hand through his hair, sighing as he did. It was carnival day and he was determined to have fun, but there was something nagging in his mind. Ever since...well, ever since the alumni night, Cyrus hadn’t been himself. He’d been evasive, to the point of locking himself away. Half his mind wanted to find Maddox and shake the truth out of him. Blake was fairly sure that Maddox had something to do with Cyrus’s mood, but since he couldn’t get anything out of Cyrus, or even find Maddox, Blake had to remain in the dark.

Blake checked the time on his phone and decided to head out. The carnival had already started, but he never liked to arrive on time. He opened his door and called down the hallway, ”Hey Cy-” He stopped when he noticed the note on his door. He took it down and read over it. Blake cursed and crumpled the note. He grabbed his jacket. ”Don’t wait up kid,” he said as he passed one of the younger brothers.

People were already milling around the carnival, being happy and carefree. Must be nice. Blake looked around for a familar shock of white blond hair. It took a while, but he eventually spotted Cyrus, tucked away at a table in a far corner. As he approached, he could see that Cyrus’s eyes were glassy. ”You gonna tell me what’s going on or not kid?” Blake asked as he sat next to Cyrus. He wasn’t sure who he was more annoyed at; himself, Cyrus or Maddox. ”Or do I have to guess?