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Atherea, Age of Peace.

House of Mora


a part of Atherea, Age of Peace., by Mathew Littlepaw.

Welcome to the House of Mora, the castle that houses the New Gods. A place for prayer, learning, and even training to from the gods themselves.

Mathew Littlepaw holds sovereignty over House of Mora, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,026 readers have been here.


The Hose of Mora is a huge temple, that is actuly a castle. The entire castle was made to house the gods 100 years ago, and then a temple for the creatures of the light to come to learn from the gods.
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House of Mora

Welcome to the House of Mora, the castle that houses the New Gods. A place for prayer, learning, and even training to from the gods themselves.


House of Mora is a part of Atherea, Age of Peace..

2 Places in House of Mora:

10 Characters Here

Athos Lorio [44] "Old Gods, New Gods... I see little difference."
Caylim Grace [42] "Even on the darkest of nights, the stars will still shine. Don't lose hope."
Takira [35] "Rest a while, and I shall sing a song for you."
Mora Ven [23] The chief, new, God. Her word is law. Respect her, and she will respect you.
Alexy [10] Alexy's mother is an elf while his father is human. He is good in magic and agile enough to flip through attacks thrown at him. Alexy grew up in the big city and is not good at leading people and usually follows orders from others.
Arktorius Malakath [8] The God of Death and Lord of the Underworld. Beware his icy grasp as he comes for your soul.
Aron [8] An Elder god of peace. Brother of Mora Ven
Luna Duskstalker [6] "My light shall reveal the truth...then I will slaughter the heretics"
Barromier [5] A dwarven Engineer that live his life in the city. He engineers flying airships and all sort of mechanism.
Lord Inglip, Head of the Church of Arktorius [1] Once a scholar now the Top Acolyte Necromancer of the God of Death and the one who freed the Old Gods.

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Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Mora Ven Character Portrait: Zee
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Caylim eyed the young one. Her body signaling she was hiding something. It amused her that she believed her to be gullible. The moon was her aid in judgement of people, since the moon saw all. Even in the brightest of days, the moon still showed it's face.

"I like the color of your locks...reminds me of the Moon and all her majesty."

Caylim laughed at the remark. She could feel the Moon pulsing through her body, giving her a reading on the maroon haired girl. Caylim smirked. "I see," She mused. "Come with me, I think my sister will find you...interesting."

Caylim walked ahead of the girl, her fingers latched behind her back. She felt the beads of her dress jingle as she walked, the Moon continuing to pulse through her. She would have to speak with Mora before speaking with the girl.

The Moon is cautious. Her vibe is completely thrown by her. Something is...wrong.

Taking a glance back at the girl, Caylim saw the girl following. Her eyes darting back and forth scanning all of the Hall. As the neared the Inner Sanctuary, Caylim stopped the young one.

"Wait here," She said. "I must speak with my sister before she meets with you."


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Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Mora Ven Character Portrait: Zee
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As Caylim walked to the door to the Inner Sanctuary, she found that it would not open. Not even when she tried to open it herself.

"O-Oh lady Caylim!" A maid called as she ran up to the goddess. "I hate to break you this news, but Lady Mora doesn't want any visitors right now. But, she did inform me that she trusts your judgement of any of those who wish to go on the 'quest'" The maid said with a weak smile, very unsure how the goddess would take this news.


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Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Mora Ven Character Portrait: Zee
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Caylim smiled at the young maid and thanked her for informing her of Mora's situation. On the inside, however, she was fuming. It wasn't the first time Mora had locked herself away in the Inner Sanctuary.

Granted this time, Mora had been injured and did need to rest. Usually, it was because Mora was being a brat. Goddesses or not, they were still sisters. And they treated each other as such.

Sighing, Caylim made her way back to where she had left the maroon haired girl. "I am sorry, but Mora is not taking visitors at the moment. I guess it falls on my shoulders to deem if you are worthy to go on this quest."

She smiled, even though the situation was not really a happy one. She was still getting a strange vibe from the Moon, but she wasn't getting a clear picture as to what the feelings were.

"I am sorry, young one, but I did not catch your name."


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Takira was singing and strolling along, her eyes on the sky, as they so commonly were. A tickle in the back of her throat made her cough a bit, but it wouldn't go away, and her brain pulled at her, telling her to retreat. Which, naturally, caused her curiosity to grow, and she pushed forward, growing ever nearer to the iron gates.

She froze in her tracks as she saw the root of her brain's distress. It was a man; or, what she guessed a man would look like, based off of stories and Rolaf and all. He just stood, stock still, and if she had continued on, she might not have noticed him. But now that she had seen him, she could not look away. He just stood. And that was more terrifying than anything.

"You," she croaked, and she rushed forward, looking almost boyish in her tunic and sandals, "why are you standing there? What want you in my home?" Her voice cracked, but she tried to stand tall, though her eyes were wide and wavering. Were men truly the monsters that the stories said they were? And where was Caylim, shouldn't she have been watching him?

"Don't move," she choked, and pointed her sacred dagger at him, though she hoped he not look to closely and see her limbs shake, "or I shall call my dogs and you shall be meat." Fear grasped at her throat and belly, yet she stood before him, wondering if a spell or curse would take hold of her once he laid his eyes on her.


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The slayer of men and the terror of the fat and corrupt stood silently. He stood near the knight, the last of The Four. Rolaf spoke not a word to him when he had approached, instead merely giving him a firm nod. The assassin gave the guardian of the Gods a nod in return. Neither too interested in speaking to the other. The watchful guardian and the terror from the darkness had little in common. In fact more often than not these two individuals would be at odds with each other if they were to interact. Rolaf striding through the night hunting down the killer in the darkness while Athos watches from the shadows and stays a step ahead of his pursuer. Yet here, however they were unwilling allies. Standing side by side on a journey to save the world. It was then that Athos sensed the presence of another and their voice confirmed it.

"You," she croaked, and she rushed forward, looking almost boyish in her tunic and sandals, "why are you standing there? What want you in my home?"

Athos turned to face her just as she whipped out an ornate dagger and leveled it at his throat. The girl had a youthful young appearance, with a lithe build and skin white as winters first snow fall. The clockwork like mind of the assassin recognized the woman before him from the words of the faithful.


Athos said in an ominous tone, unmoved by the blade pointed at him.

"Don't move," she choked, and pointed her sacred dagger at him, though she hoped he not look to closely and see her limbs shake, "or I shall call my dogs and you shall be meat."

Athos smiled knowingly at the hollow threat. The Patron of Animals and the Wilds in which they live was shaking like a leaf. Ever the pacifist she was not a killer and therefore feared the assassin for what he was. It amused Athos that here he stood before a God and the deity feared the mortal man. Athos took a step toward her, allowing the blade point to press to his throat. His gaze piercing, his expression cold and hard as a grave stone.

"Still your beating heart young Goddess. I have not come for you or your kin. I am your agent. Recruited by your elder Mora Ven. Now..."

Athos leaned in ever so slightly to emphasize his words. His dark and foreboding tone piercing the heart of the Forest Goddess and sending an icy chill down her spine. A single trickle of blood dripped down Athos' neck as he pressed the blade to his own throat.

"Allow me to grant you a small piece of advice Patron of the Forest. If you wish to kill me, do it with your Goddly powers. For a blade at the neck... is my domain."


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"Zee," she answered, eyes narrowed to the Goddess. "I have no other title."

Caution struck her spine and she nearly dropped to a crouch, almost expecting Caylim to attack her. For some reason, Zee felt she knew the secret, knew what was pressed to her palm less than an hour before.

But also, Zee knew she was safe. The insignia protected her.

"Will you accept me?" she pressed, not liking the need for persuasion. "I can fight and am quick. Provide me with the chance to prove myself to you, Goddess."

Hating her own voice as she begged, Zee forced a smile and watched herself kneel before the girl like a devoted follower. It horrified her, even if it was a lie. Her Master had instilled the rules of life quite plainly her first day meeting him. Don't trust the Gods, being the most enforced. Yet she knelt, knees not liking the hard surface.

"I devote my mind, body and soul to you. I will protect and serve. I will guide. me this honor."


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Takira
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Takira trembled and dropped the blade to the ground, staring at the droplets that ran from his throat. He had made himself bleed, offered himself to her blade, challenged her power...bravery was not the least of his assets.

"You...are here to help find who hurt Sister Mora?" she blinked at him innocently, then stooped to retrieve her blade and scuttle a few feet backwards. A thin yet powerful wolf came running to her side, teeth bared and fur prickling, yet calmed at a single touch from her tiny fingers. "Hush, caatina," the word was foreign, yet seemed familiar on her tongue, "it is peaceful here." Rumors were true, at least--she spoke the druidess language.

Turning her eyes back on the man, she smiled a bit shyly, "If you know my name, call me by it. You do not trust Gods, and the other humans say I should not be one. So treat me as a woman, and if I am too young for that title, call me a girl."


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Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Zee
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Caylim watched Zee fall, concerned that she was hurt, until she began speaking again. "Will you accept me? I can fight and am quick. Provide me with the chance to prove myself to you, Goddess."

The Moon was pulsing through Caylim, so much more powerful than it had been earlier.

"I devote my mind, body and soul to you. I will protect and serve. I will guide. me this honor."

It felt like the Moon had exploded through Caylim. She stumbled back, careful to not fall, as the power coursed through her. It felt like twenty people were talking at once and it was Caylim's sole job to decipher what their message was. She held her head, the pounding getting harder to hide.

Finally, she shook off the feelings. Forcing the Moon out of her body for the brief moment to speak with Zee. "I am sure your skills will be needed." Caylim finally spoke. "Gather all the items you will need and meet me at the gate leading out of the city. Make haste child."

Caylim uttered a farewell as the Moon seeped back into her body. The 20 voices coming back in full force. She stumbled back to her chamber, about ready to explode with pain.


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Athos alowed his eyebrow to arch in surprise at her response. Apparently even from On High the words of the mortals were sometimes heard as made apparent on this young Goddessess view of herself. Seeing herself as barely a woman let alone a God.

"Modesty?... From a God, I'm impressed. So tell me young Goddes-..."

Athos paused and a smile with some uncharacteristic warmth shiined through.


He corrected, using her name as she requested.

"What news from your brothers and sisters in the Pantheon? Who is joining us on this mission? Who do we wait for before taking up the hunt?"

Athos paused and his gaze flicked to the massive iron gates as if he could see through the gates themselves.

"Every second we delay our quarry widenes the gap between us."

He warned, his blood yearning to begin tracking his prey.


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"I know not," Takira looked away, running her fingers absently through the wolf's fur, "I am not told these things. I am too young, they say." A sour expression covered her face; she was too young to do anything. Could not she fight as well as the others, with at least a little coaching? Annoyance clouded her eyes, and she stooped, whispering into her companion's ear, before allowing him to run off back towards the rest of the pack.

"Your name," she said, standing again, "if you said it, I did not hear it. What do I call you?"


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Zee
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Already having her belongings, Zee found the gate easily, a few figures present for the band as well it seemed. She held back, listening for a moment, hood up and golden eyes narrowed. She had never seen the youngest, the girl, though she could ascertain that she was another Goddess based on the aura surrounding her and the way she held her chin. She also recognized Athos, hearing the name a few times before and seeing the man only once in the dead of night. They conversed, the third male unknown to Zee.

Eventually she approached, marked palm placed firmly on the hilt of one of her scimtars under her cloak. She nodded as a greeting, deeming she need not say more unless addressed. The sooner they began the journey, the sooner she could find out what "gift" she would be receiving. Talking provided her with nothing more than inconvenience.

Whoever else they were waiting upon needed to hurry. Zee glanced about, impatience bending her brow.


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Zee
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Athos turned to the newcomer. He had felt eyes upon him but ignored it as a result of being in the busy town. Someone would nearly always be looking in your direction but his senses had proved a tad more atuned than that as the young woman approached verifying his suspicion. Athos turned to look at the woman in the gray and black hooded cloak. Her eyes gleamed with golden brilliance within the darkness provided by her cowl. Beyond that the only definable feature was her maroon colored hair that could only just be seen. She gave Takira and Athos a subtle nod in way of greeting to which the assassin made no attempt to return it. His eagle like eyes studied her carefully. He'd been in his line of work too long to trust strangers who just appeared nearby, pretending to be allies. She said nothing, instead taking up positon near the others as her hand smoothly settled on whatever weapon was hidden beneath her cloak. The move was subtle and casually made but Athos caught it. His own hands slowly went to rest on his belt, his finger tips brushing the razor sharp tips of his shuriken. His mind already moving ahead six steps, planning his moves should the girl deflect or dodge his first volley of attacks. Once his plan and several contingency plans for the bout that may or may not even take place finished which took all of a few seconds the assassin adressed the newcomer.

"You don't have the look of one of the dutiful members of Faithful who serve the New Gods and somehow I doubt someone like you took up the cause out of the goodness of your heart, girl. So what calls you to their aid?"

Athos asked darkly, his words cold. His perceptive nature unnerved many in his day to day dealings. His ability to read someones emotions, intentions, movements neared to precognition and was one of his strongest talents.


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He was intelligent. Outside of the current situation, Zee would silently commend such, but currently, his aptitude for reading others, which she surmised from his words, acted against herself. She faced him, planning her defense while speaking. "Out of the goodness of my heart, I would aid hardly anyone. But you have judged this already."

She took a step closer, hand firm on her weapon, the insignia burning upon her skin as if a warning to not give away anything or she would suffer consequences. She had no intention to give this stranger any information that could be used against her. But, she also had to persuade enough that suspicions would deflect.

"Is it so hard to believe I have curiosity? An assassination of the good Goddess Mora? Does it not strike you as strange?"

She chanced a smile, sweet acid lacing her lips.

"My loyalties may lie outside of this city, but I must admit...I am a sucker for a good hunt."

This was fact and her smile slipped into sincerity for the first time. She loosened her hold on her weapons and stood up casually as a sign of allegiance, not feud.

"I am Zee. I prefer the night, but have managed to forfeit such luxury to join you. Who might you be?"


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She was good. Careful not to give too much information away yet quick to not appear as if she was hiding something either. A skilled deciever. She did however give a tad more information than she needed with the reference of how she prefered the night. Her uneasyness in the sunlight and how carefully she kept to the shadows her massive cloak offered was a tell tale mark. "A Shadow Demon" Athos thought to himself. He'd had dealings with her kind in the past. There were more than a few Shadow Demons who earned their livings as assassins and as a result had run ins with Athos on more than one occasion. He recalled quite well their aversion to direct sunlight. His icy gaze focused on her as he tried to glean her true motives for joining their party. The mystery of Zee had begun and Athos was would unwravell the turth she kept from him. As was his nature. Prepared now to observe her closely for any signs of truth she may inadvertantly set free Athos crossed his arms across his chest and leaned on the gate behind him. He was a patient man but waiting for the Gods was something he'd given up on long ago.

"You ask who I am... That depends who you ask. Ask our stoic friend here and he will say I am just a killer."

Athos said referring to Rolaf.

"Ask the Patron of this city and she will say I am greater than the sum of my actions."

He said referring to Mora.

"You ask me?... I'm just a man stuck in a game he does not want to play.... I am Athos."


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Zee nodded. "The game of life...I knew one who had the same attitude."

Matching his posture, she leaned against the gate as well, fiddling with her cloak but keeping eye contact. "I see it as a game as well...though most see it as a team sport. United entities fighting one another. I choose to side for myself and only myself."

Her eyes scanned the other two at the gate who had yet to speak. She gave a toothy grin, a shadowed smile.

"Caring for others deems one's self vulnerable."

She turned back to Athos.

"You wish to not play however. Here you stand however. A player. A piece on the chess board. A pawn perhaps, your death meaningless in the long run? Though part of the grand picture...You do not wish to play. Why are you here at all? Why not end it?"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Mora Ven Character Portrait: Zee
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When the voices in her head finally quieted down, Caylim had made her way to the Inner Sanctuary hoping to speak with her sister before leaving on her journey. However, the door to the sanctuary was still sealed, with no hopes of getting it open. Sighing, Caylim tracked down a Faithful to pass a message to Mora. To send a message to Caylim as soon as she was capable.

Although she found Zee to be a viable asset, the explosion of voices in her head had her concerned. The message from the Moon was so unclear. What if it was a warning? Packing all the things she needed, Caylim forced the thoughts out of her head. She would write Mora later, when they had made headway on their journey. Now was not the time to dwell on such things.

Slipping out of her standard robe, Caylim changed into leggings and a tunic. It was a very manly ensemble, but it still accentuated her womanly curves. She slipped the strap of her pack over her head to rest on her shoulder, the bag bouncing against her hip. She grabbed her black cloak, the one of legend, said to be made form the night sky, and clasped it around her neck, letting the flow material wrap around her.

Finally, her quiver was strapped to her belt, and her bow was held firmly in her hand. She hardly ever went out in anything but her robes. Considering it was a time of peace, she felt out of place. The last time she had worn this attire was when she was in battle against the Old Gods. Her dear sister by her side, defending the lives of the subjects they held dear.

She sighed, and began her trudge to the gates of the city. Takira was probably already there, tending to the animals. She was hardly ever at the castle, which Caylim understood. Her mind and spirit belonged in the forests, with the animals and the trees.

When Caylim arrived, she was not surprised to find Athos and Zee had already shown up. Rolaf stood, silent and stoic as ever, by the gates her eyes never straying from the spot ahead of him. "Rolaf" Caylim greeted bowing her head.

He made a simple nod in return. The strong, silent type he was. "I am glad to see all of you here."


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Zee
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The shadow of a smile etched its way onto Athos face at Zee's question.

"Because child of the night, If I do not play there will not be a chess board left."

Athos had to admit there was more than a bit about this demon he admired. Her blatant dis-contempt for the Gods. Her honesty about only truly being concerned with ensuring her own survival and good fortune. Her understanding of how to let someone into your life leaves a chink in your armor. All these things verified that her mere curiosity, as she said, was not to the true reason she had agreed to help the Gods. Before the two could speak and any more Caylim arrived, looking ready for battle. She greeted Rolaf first before addressing the others.

"I am glad to see all of you here."

She said earnestly. Athos said nothing, merely waiting for her to give them the go ahead to begin their hunt.


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Takira bowed her head as her sister approached, sadness slowly carving itself onto her face. It was time for her to go, she knew, for she would not be joining them on her journey. She was too young, too inexperienced, too small to do much besides wish them well and disappear. Slowly, she bowed her head and smiled, trying to look happy.

"Now that my sister is here, I shall take my leave. I wish you luck, and I wish you to know that any and all animals that are loyal to me will not harm nor hinder you while you travel. I swear it."


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And so, our mighty hero's readied themselves for the long road ahead. With all assembled, it was finally time to depart as the son started to rise

(OOC Notes: So each "Day" well will consist of about 10 posts per "day". When ever you see a post by me, Mathew Littlepaw, with a new day number next to it, that means its the start of a new day. To stop confusion, put "Day:#" at the start of your posts so we dont all get confused! :3 PS, i know i already have 2 characters in this RP, but do you think i should make a character app for Rolaf? Message me with what you think.)

Day:1Open Road.
The 3, Caylim, Zee, and Athos were surrounded by 10 others. Men and woman of the city here for the journey, all of them talking and conversing with one another.

But leaning on the game, like he had for the past day, Rolaf stayed completely silent. His hand on the hilt of his sword, witch was locked inside its sheath. Finally, ones everyone that was going to come was there, he stood up and turned to everyone, speaking in a loud deep booming voice. "For those of you who don't know me, i am Rolaf. The Knight Commander..." His eyes were totally white, almost as if he was blind. Even though they couldn't see it, everyone could feel him looking at them.

"I have watched over the gods my entire life, and it is my duty to find this assassin and bring him to Mora's Justice. I am going to lead this party to find him." Once no one was around and the road was clear, he checked to make sure no one was around to hear them speak. "You all know why were here..." Suddenly his voice wasnt as booming, but was deeper and FAR more serious. "This thief has taken Banatrix, and we must find him before he reaches the island of Grim Forge. If the sword is dropped into the fire then the souls of the Old Gods shall be released, and they will soon find there body's."

"In your company, is the goddess Caylim. Some of you may be asking why we leave while the sun is setting, this is because Caylim's powers are stronger when the moon rises. Also, sense most of you can smell her already, there is a dark one amongst us. Anyone who lays a hand on her shall have to answer to Caylim. Id advise you didn't do that. She is the other reason we are leaving with the night."

"If you have not been picked by the goddess herself, then you will answer to me. Now, if you have forgotten anything for the journey, you can not get it back now... For Mora's sake, for all of our sakes, we must stop the Old Gods from returning... We leave now."

With that final statement, the caravan headed out. MOVE ALL POSTS THAT CONCERN THIS PLOT TO "The 5 Holds" SECTION OF THIS RP


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Day 1:

Caylim walked next to Rolaf, the power of the moon beating down on her. She walked with a bit more hop in her step, happy to have the Moon on her side. She smiled down upon them, giving Caylim a massive energy boost.

Looking up at the large sphere, the goddess looked upon her with admiration. She could hear the voice of the Moon in her head, clear and unfazed, unlike earlier when she was interview Zee.

Hello, my child.

"Good evening, mother. I hope everything is well with you."

I am full tonight. All my subjects are pleased. And you, are with full strength.

"Yes Mother, I feel it. May I ask, what happened earlier today.

I do not understand. I had not tried to communicate with you at all this morning.

"That's impossible. I clearly was getting something from you. But it was so...distorted."

I am sorry, my daughter, but I have not tried to communicate with you at all this morning. This is the first time I am speaking with you today.

The Moon went silent, leaving Caylim alone in her thoughts. Questions reeled through her mind. She glanced back at Zee, who was walking with Athos, keeping themselves distanced from the faithful. She didn't think Zee was at fault here, but there was definitely something off about the young demon.

Something that was interfering with Caylim's mind. Using her attachments to the darkness against her. Shaking off the worried feelings, not wanting to strike fear into the others' minds. She was a symbol of hope, she couldn't crack under the pressure.

She stepped up next to Rolaf, his head pointed straight ahead. "Where are we off to first, Rolaf?"


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Takira reclined in a large tree next to her bedroom window, eyes closed, and she hummed to herself, a song the wolves had once taught her. It was lovely, and feral, cruel and loving all at the same time. She loved that song, and often sang it to the pups who came and layed at her feet in the forests. Why the song was on her mind now, however, was no passing thought. A bird had reported to her, saying there was a disturbance in one of the villages; a wolf-like creature had attacked, leaving mortals injured, possibly dead.

The young Goddess did not like the thought of it. If it was an animal, hopefully it would come to her, and she could ask it why it would do such a thing. If it was human, she could ask what they had seen. And if it was some sort of creature, caught somewhere in the middle...well, she would cross that bridge when she came to it.


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Caylim couldn't help but feel worry. She had just gotten word from a messenger bird from Tarika, informing her of the attacks on the village. The village they happened to be heading to. She tried to keep her face straight, a blank slate, to keep the others from worrying.

The Moon had already spoken with her about the attack. The creature was definitely a half breed, as well as a creature of the Moon. Caylim couldn't help but feel that the Moon was trying to tell her something. Something that had to do with the sudden spike in creatures of the Moon.

Something to do with the recent attack on Mora, she was sure.

"Is everything alright Goddess?"

A Faithful kneeled before Caylim, the young woman's hair draping down the side of her head. Caylim hadn't even realized that she had stopped walking, too busy pondering her thoughts to focus on anything else. The Goddess smiled and helped the woman to her feet. "Everything is fine my child," She said. "The Moon speaks with me, sometimes she demands all my attention."

Caylim looked to the Moon, almost seeing a beautiful face hidden in the sphere. The Mother whom the Goddess fell deeply in love with. The one who raised her to show kindness to everyone, especially those of the darkness. Whether they wanted it or not, the Moon would always be there, the stars by her side to guide them when she could not.

"Come child, the group is moving quickly."


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Zee
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[posted in the wrong location lol sorry]


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Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Mora Ven
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The day was bright, and clear. Not a cloud was in the sky in Mora. The birds were chirping and the people were busing about. After receiving word from the bird, Takira has been up in her tree talking with the birds non stop. As she talked with bird after bird about what was happening, of the caravan finding the village, the werewolf, and other such news from around the 5 holds, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hmm... Sister... You are to young to worry about such matters as this. Rolaf is there guild, and you know that if anything were to happen, Rolaf can handle it..." Slowly the goddess leaned down next to her sister in the tree house, much like the Druidic houses of Evercrest, and held her sister close to her. There long hair mixing together as she held the younger goddess close to her.

"Today your sister is feeling very good, a lot better than the past few days." She said with a smile and a laugh, holding Takira's hand as she stood up. She was dressed in just her robe, witch was always very unlike her. Mora loved making herself look beautiful, but didnt care for how she looked around her sister. Slowly she climbed down from the tree house, and walked with her sister back into the mouse.

"Come, Takira, its time you learned." She said in a serous, yet light tone. "Learn what, sister?" Takira asked. With a smile, Mora turned down to her and walked her into the inner sanctuary. "Its time you learned how to fight."

As they walked into the sanctuary, the hole room transformed into a training ground. A large circle made of dirt ontop of a slight hill. There was no sound besides the wind blowing, and the sound of the soft steps of Mora walking over to a weapon rack. Around the rased circle were weapons ranging form bows, to daggers, to maces. "Welcome to my private training area... Made just for you, little sister." With a smile, Mora stood of to the side of the hill, holding her scepter in hand.