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Atherea, Age of Peace.

House of Mora


a part of Atherea, Age of Peace., by Mathew Littlepaw.

Welcome to the House of Mora, the castle that houses the New Gods. A place for prayer, learning, and even training to from the gods themselves.

Mathew Littlepaw holds sovereignty over House of Mora, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,027 readers have been here.


The Hose of Mora is a huge temple, that is actuly a castle. The entire castle was made to house the gods 100 years ago, and then a temple for the creatures of the light to come to learn from the gods.
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House of Mora

Welcome to the House of Mora, the castle that houses the New Gods. A place for prayer, learning, and even training to from the gods themselves.


House of Mora is a part of Atherea, Age of Peace..

2 Places in House of Mora:

10 Characters Here

Athos Lorio [44] "Old Gods, New Gods... I see little difference."
Caylim Grace [42] "Even on the darkest of nights, the stars will still shine. Don't lose hope."
Takira [35] "Rest a while, and I shall sing a song for you."
Mora Ven [23] The chief, new, God. Her word is law. Respect her, and she will respect you.
Alexy [10] Alexy's mother is an elf while his father is human. He is good in magic and agile enough to flip through attacks thrown at him. Alexy grew up in the big city and is not good at leading people and usually follows orders from others.
Arktorius Malakath [8] The God of Death and Lord of the Underworld. Beware his icy grasp as he comes for your soul.
Aron [8] An Elder god of peace. Brother of Mora Ven
Luna Duskstalker [6] "My light shall reveal the truth...then I will slaughter the heretics"
Barromier [5] A dwarven Engineer that live his life in the city. He engineers flying airships and all sort of mechanism.
Lord Inglip, Head of the Church of Arktorius [1] Once a scholar now the Top Acolyte Necromancer of the God of Death and the one who freed the Old Gods.

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No word has come out of the house of Mora, sense the Elder Goddess had been attack and stabbed. The only word from any of the gods has been that she is fine, and the city is "safe" from any threats. No one has heard from Mora herself sense the attack...

That is until Mora's squire Came before the people holding a piece of parchment. To the surprise of the people, the squire stood atop a box in the middle of the city for all to hear his words, witch went;

"Attention People of the city!

The house of Mora is closed, until further inspection of the attack on the goddess! The house shall remain closed until we have more information on the attacker, and who he or she may be working for! I understand, some of the roamers around the country say the Old Ones are responsible for this attack, but i assure you my fellow men! The Old Ones are nothing more than a group of rebels, lost in there belief of the Old Gods!

BUT! This does not mean that they aren't responsible for the attack on Lady Mara's Life! From the other gods to you, we ask that if you see ANY signs of Old God Worship, please inform the guards! Now, i have THIS letter, written by the goddess herself, addressing the people of Mora!

'This message is to all creatures of the Light, to be spread far and wide across the land of Atherea. The Old Gods are gone, and so too shall be the last of there followers. My attacker underestimated my power... And i believe that he is still somewhere in this city. I shall spare you the details, but know, the assassin is missing an arm. At least, now he is. Also, in a fight with the assassin, he was stabbed through his left thigh, just below his stomach, near the ball of his hip.

If you see anyone matching this description, please bring this knowledge to the guards... May the light guild you, my brothers and sisters.'

And with that, i bid you farewell, and to the assassin... We will find you, and you shall be brought to justice! LONG LIVE THE LIGHT!"

And with a final cheer of the people, the squire scrambled back into the castle, closing the large door behind him.


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Character Portrait: Takira
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Takira was inconsolable, tears streaming endlessly down her face as she sat outside Mora's room. She was hunched on the floor, her forehead resting on her knees and arms wrapped around herself. She couldn't believe it, she simply couldn't! Who would attack Mora, who? She was so kind! Whoever it was, they would be brought to justice! She quieted for a moment, glanced over at the door, and burst into tears again, her tiny body shaking as she sobbed. Takira couldn't even find the strength to hobble out to the stables and see her horse, she was far too upset by the attack on her sister. She hadn't eaten, had hardly slept, she could barely drag herself off the floor despite her need to appear strong for her messenger birds that came to bring her news. It had to be one of the Old Gods, it just had to be!


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Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Mora Ven
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Slowly, the door to the Inner Sanctuary opened, and out walked Mora's guard, Rolaf. Slowly he walked to the goddess, his armor reflecting the light as it hit him, and leaned over. Softly picking up the hand of the sad goddess to kiss it.

"Lady Takira... Lady Mora wishes to see you, but i must ask... that you leave your weapons here. We cant take another chance my goddess." Slowly he stood up, holding her hand still, and took her into the sanctuary.

The Sanctuary, a massive sphere of light created by Mora as her personal home. Inside it can be anything Mora wishes but, because of her weakened state, she chooses to only have a bed, nothing more, and there she lied.

In her bed she held the hand of the her younger sister, Takira's older sister, Caylim. With a weak smile, Mora held out her other hand to Takira. "Young one... It pains me to have you look at me in this state... Come to me... Come to your big sister." Her face was pale, with the scars truly showing now more than ever. Underneath she wore nothing but what she needed, for the uncomfertability of cloths was something she didn't want to hassle with right now, and as Takira walked closer, she saw for the first time, the stab wound in Mora's left side, exposed to help the wound breath.


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Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Mora Ven
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Tossing her dagger aside, Takira ran to her sister's bed, forgetting all nobility, and threw herself to her knees beside the bed, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Oh, Sister Mora, Sister Mora!" she sobbed, holding Mora's hand tightly, "I swear, I shall find who did this to you, I swear it! I may not be strong, but I will ask all of my creatures to search far and wide for your attacker!" She felt foolish, being reduced to such a state before her sister's, but she could not help it, her heart burst with such feelings of sadness. "They shall not escape my fangs, my claws!"

"Oh, Caylim," she turned to her other sister, hiccuping her tears, her eyes swollen and red, "you will help me, won't you? You must, oh, please Sister Caylim!"


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Chachare Vann Dorff Character Portrait: Mora Ven
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"Takira...Stop." Mora said placing her hand atop her little sisters head. "The thief is long gone... But before he was able to leave the temple i delivered him justice. He will never be able to use his right arm again, or walk for a while with his left leg, but notice how i say thief. He wasn't here to kill me, he wasn't trained to kill, he was trained to steal his target, and escape..."

"I fear he is one of the Old Ones, and has taken Banatrix..." She says with a blank stare, her eyes closing shut as she try's to channel her energy for a moment to look for the sword. With a sudden gasp of pain she grabs her side, letting out a loud shout from the pain. After regaining herself she grips Takire and looks down at her sister. "Listen to me young one... You were to young to remember the war with the Old Gods, but this time they will come back even more powerful... What you must do is go to Grim Forge... To the Black Anvil... Gather a group of humans and the other gods, sisters. If Banatrix is dropped into the fire's, the Old Gods will be released, and we will lose our only weapon to stop them.."

With a sigh, Mora softly closed her eyes and let go of her sisters hand, then turned to Caylim. "Sister... We can not lose the sword. Find my apprentice, Chachare, and a man named Athos, and bring them both to me. Athos is a shady man, but we can trust him. If he fights back, you know what you must do Caylim." With a smile Mora softly closed her eyes and lied back in her, soon falling asleep.

"Please my lady's, Lady Mora needs her rest. You may come back to see her tomorrow Lady Takira..." Rolaf says picking up the still sad goddess, slowly walking with her in his arms to the door. "That goes for you Lady Caylim." He says with a soft look into your eyes before walking Takira out of the sanctuary.


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio
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The assassin sat alone, enjoying a quiet drink with the sun warming the nape of his neck as he observed the goings ons in the streets. People rushed around in near panic after the attempt made on the life of the Goddess Mora Ven. The word assassin was tossed around so carelessly these days. It almost insulted Athos. Any man could hold a knife but that did not make them an assassin. To become one with the shadow, to ascend past the shackles of humanity and forge yourself into a force of nature, to draw on the fears of those before you thusly ending their life before you ever draw your blade. That is the true definition of an assassin. That is who Athos was. A mere man, with incredible skill, who made himself more through sheer force of will. He listened in silence as two women spoke near him in horror as they recanted the attack on their beloved Goddess.

"...And then the villain just vanished! Just like that! Stuck a knife in our Lady before fleeing like vermin."

One said, the anger evident in her voice. The other agreed whole heartedly.

"They will, mark my words. Justice will be brought to the villain and with luck Mora's forces will wipe out all men who deem themselves murderers for hire."

The comment brought a slight smirk to the face of the assassin as he sipped on his tea.

"Now that... would be an interesting day..."

He whispered to himself.


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Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Mora Ven
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Caylim watched with soft eyes as her sisters spoke. She thought it better to remain a silent listener. Takira, although Caylim loved her dearly, was so quick to seek revenge. It was unwise to go running around the city looking for a one armed limping man. Caylim could only imagine the hysterics the people would get in to.

Mora gave them instructions on what to do, and Caylim nodded understanding her purpose. "If he fights back, you know what you must do Caylim."

Indeed she did. She hoped it wouldn't come to that, but she nodded. She was about to speak when Rolaf reappeared taking Takira with him. She was inconsolable to the point of being unable to walk. She loved Mora like a mother, which Caylim understood. Although the Moon Goddess looked older, Mora was the first New God. The one who banished the Old Gods and brought on the age of Peace. Caylim couldn't ask for a better older sister.

"Rest sister, we will be back soon." Caylim finally managed to speak. She released her sister's hand, releasing three yellow butterflies to keep her sister company. "Don't lose hope."

She stood from her knees and gave her sister one last farewell before exiting the room. Takira immediately ran up to her, crying into her shoulder. "It will be alright Takira. Now is not the time for tears. We must gather the townsfolk."

"Rolaf, send a messenger. We're looking for able bodied citizens. Don't reveal how dire the situation is, but tell them it is a special quest from Mora herself." She explained. "Quickly, we don't have much time."


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio
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"Listen one and all!"

Came a voice from a short distance away at the end of the street. Athos turned in his seat casually to gaze upon a young herald shouting out to those around him as they went on about their business.

"Citizens of our fair city! Our Blessed Lady Mora has issued a call to all those who would champion her name! Too all able bodied who would see justice done to honor our Goddess and Patron!"

Athos arched an eyebrow as he watched the town crier shout his message to the people.

"The Goddess of Light calls all to answer her call! She..."

The crier's words trailed off as Athos stopped paying attention and instead turned back to his table with his tea as he closed his eyes while he tried to drown out the sounds around him by retreating into his own mind for the solace it provided him.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Mora Ven
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Takira took Caylim's hand quickly, trying to smother her sobs, and stared up at her, "I know I am not strong. I know I cannot deliver justice, but...they've hurt her. I can't forgive them...I won't!" She remembered hearing Athos' name before; the birds often sang it on the wind, telling stories of how he hated the Gods, all of them. Takira sniffled again, and sighed, trying desperately to regain her composure.

"I shall...go and bathe before the guests arrive," she softly whispered, then dodged away towards her chambers, biting her tongue to stifle her cries of anguish.


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From the center of the city, voices converged and echoed down the side streets. Zee glared to the window, half covered by a tattered cloth hung on a rod. The daylight made her so tired, so she slept during the time of the sun, but those bellowing idiots were interrupting her slumber indeed. If she could silence them all with her darkness spells she would. Give them a nice long session with beetles in their ears and rapid dogs on their tails. At least they would perceive such while they writhed on the ground in shock and agony.

Attempt of Mora's life? That was a new one. She wondered who the brave soul had been and why he had done it. Whoever they were, they had a hefty price on their head now. Thoughts sparking at the idea of gold, Zee listened more. A description, somewhat. Limping, arm cut off. He didn't get away from swiftly did he? Zee giggled a little, wondering how easy a target he was at this very moment.

Sadly though, the sun hindered her. She glared to the window once again and curled back into her corner. She was stowing away in someone's home while they were away visiting relatives across the valley. It served it's purpose well the past three days, except where the sun hit the side of the house.

Grumbling, Zee hurried out of the bedroom and sat down on the floor in the main area, trying to find sleep as she leaned against a chair. Perhaps tonight she would hunt the scoundrel.

Able bodied...seeking justice? Was there a reward for participating? Zee would gladly join in any party that would feed her. Even if she had to travel during the daylight. She wondered though who the company would be, those seeking justice and all. She never sought justice, except for herself, but she doubted that would count to the Goddess. Though she wasn't truly in a position to complain, right?

Despite the plans Zee compiled in her mind, she was too tired to tread into the sunlight and act upon them. Lying flat to the ground, she closed her eyes and tried to find sleep.


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(For Zee)

As she looked through the window, the class suddenly shattered from a blast of sound, strong enough to cause her to fall back and hold her ears in pain. But, from somewhere inside her own mind she heard a voice. A deep, booming voice that echoed in her own head. The voice came to her as if a war hammer had struck her, crippling her defenses so she couldn't fight back. That was when the voice spoke;

"I smell immortal blood...Mhhh... The mere smell makes my heart race with anticipation. Hear my voice demon, and listen well." As the voice spoke, images started flooding her mind of an island, the sands as black as her hair. Lava poring from almost mini volcanoes. "This is the island of Grim Forge... There, you will find the "assassin" . Mora has put a very high bounty on his head, but not for the reasons you think."

"Here, you will find power. Unlimited power. The ability to craft your destiny into what ever you wish it to be... Join with Mora, darkling. Lead the humans to the island. And i will grant you this power, no strings attached. You know my words are true, and my promise shall be kept, but only if you bring the others to the island. Once there, you will find the assassin. Kill him. He is no longer of use to me. But you, my dear, are full of unlimited potential. I grant you this, a gift from my..." The voice paused for a moment to think before speaking again. "...Armory..."

Use this power to guild them to the island, and that is all you must do. Then, i shall name you my champion, and shall grant you my power... Do not fail me..."

As the voice stopped, a burning went through Zee's hand, as if it were on fire. As she lifted it up to see, she found her veins were corseing with a thick black ink, and she felt stronger. As if the ink increased her powers, possibly giving her new ones. Finally, the ink stopped corseing and what was left was an emblem branded at in the palm of her hand. An ancient symbol, yet a familiar one. That is when it hit her, it was the symbol of the Old God, Baron Praxus.


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Staring at her hand, Zee tried to recollect her thoughts. The voice...of course she didn't trust it...but a gift...power...

Grim Forge.

Somehow she knew the path to take, head aching as she envisioned the route, the trails, trees, valleys, rocks, mountains, all of it bleeding together. Nausea overtook her, but she fought against releasing the contents of her stomach to the floor. Once she had settled, she focused on the symbol in the palm of her hand, still burning faintly like an echo. Baron. Praxus. The Old God. Why would someone contact her about him? Was it the God himself that had branded her?

Her Master's voice rang in her head. Don't trust the Gods.

Zee held her hand, cradling it to her chest. She had to go, she knew the way, she had to lead them there...and find the assassin. Something was off about all of this, culminating to this moment moments after the Goddess had been attacked.


She had been taught to disbelieve any talk of destiny, especially from Gods. It mattered not what path the Fates had chosen, but what the heart chooses, the soul. Zee knew her soul in and out, or so she thought, until this very moment. If she joined the band, she would be leading them on their quest for Justice, something she admittedly despised from them. But on the other hand, the journey would prove fruitful for her.

Could she trust the voice? One with obvious power would be prone to manipulate, surely. Zee carefully stood and checked that all of her belongings were securely fastened to her belt. Somehow, she knew she had no choice. This was where the shadows were calling to her, the image of Grim Forge permanently scarred into her eyelids.

Pulling her hood over her face, she braved the sunlight even in her weak state, to find the band and pledge her allegiance to them in any way that she could.


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Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace
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Caylim sat in the marble tub, the clear water washing over her body. It was always important to clean oneself before being in the company of the humans. The goddess shuddered at the idea of them seeing her with greasy hair and muddy feet.

The smell of jasmine wafted into her nose and she sank into its sent. All flowers bloomed during the day, releasing their scent into the world. To be enjoyed by all. Except for jasmine. A beautiful flower that only bloomed at night, under the moon's watchful gaze. Caylim surrounded herself in it, giving her a piece of the moon even on the sunniest of days.

After a good long soak, Caylim climbed out of the tub, immediately donning a long dress with beads coming off the shoulder straps. She pulled a headband around her forehead, letting her wavy locks take the shape they chose.

Takira was still not ready. Probably crying in her tub, trying to clean her feet. They were always dirty from her adventures in the forests. Caylim stood in the hall between their rooms and waited.


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Takira lay under the water of her deep tub, breathing easily through gills on her neck, staring distrustfully at her feet. They always seemed to slip out from underneath her whenever she wore shoes, which was why she was usually bare foot; however, if there were to be guests in the house, she had to appear actually goddess-like.

As she climbed out and dressed in a simple tunic and wrap-around sandals, she thought about what rumors were being spread about her through the human villages. People said that she had no right to be a goddess, since she did not stand for anything, like her sisters. She did not stand for hope, or justice; she was merely a glorified druid. Takira couldn't really argue with the things they said.

She walked out into the hallway, her hair still dripping and hanging heavy around her head. With an embarrased smile, she runs her fingers through her hair, smelling like forest air, and looks at her sister.

"Caylim...? I know I'm old enough to do it myself now, but...can you do that braid thing you used to do to my hair when I was younger? Pretty please?"


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio
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The killer of men, beasts and demons sat in silence as the noonday sun began it's departure from the sky. Athos always liked the night better. That was his domain. The shadows were more than his friends. He was the shadow. The level of skill he'd achieved had allowed him to sneak up to and end the lives of even the darkest of creatures from vampires to wraiths and everything in between. Now he sat, the master of murder, enjoying the last of his tea when a young girl approached him. Her hair coiled down her shoulder and caressed her shapely bosom in a neat braid. Her honey colored hair seemed to shine in the orange glow of the afternoon sun. Athos looked up and her bright green eyes locked onto his icy blue ones. Her face broke out into a polite and adorable smile as the young girl approached his table.

"Athos Lorio?"

She asked with a sweet, melodious voice. Athos turned his head back to his table as if uninterested.

"Never heard of him."

Her cheerful demeanor shifted for a few seconds as confusion set in.

"But I... I was certain...'

Athos couldn't help but allow a chuckle to escape his lips. He was never one to divulge his identity to a stranger he wasn't expecting. Historically this was a good way to find a dagger in your spine but something about this spirited young girl ensured him that she posed no threat. She was no assassin, he knew it. He had an uncanny ability to read people. While it wouldn't be uncommon for someone to use a pretty young girl as a hired killer, capitalizing on her youthful and innocent appearance to allow her to get close to her target but she had none of the marks of a killer. With the flowing and elegant sun dress she was wearing Athos had a good view of her curvaceous body and saw not a single scar or war wound. No matter how good every assassin made mistakes and they showed on their body. This girls skin was pristine. His eyes flicked to her hands, which at the moment were wringing together nervously. Smooth with a milky flawlessness. Not tempered in combat like the rough hands of a killer. His gaze finally settled on her face, more importantly the bridge of her nose where he noticed the faintest crease in her otherwise flawless skin. A clear indication that she wore spectacles, most likely to read countless scrolls and tomes with or she'd be wearing them now. She had all the tell tale marks of a scribe or chronicler not a paid killer. Athos allowed the hint of a warm smile to etch it's way onto his face before he used his foot to push out the chair across from him.

"Please, sit."

He said calmly. She looked at him curiously, unsure of her next move.

"But I thought you said..."

"A precaution of my profession, my apologies. Please have a seat."

Her pixie like cheerfulness returned and she plopped herself down across from Athos.

"Oh of course, I understand Mr. Lorio."

She said politely. Athos nodded as if accepting her reply before setting his cup down and leaning back in his chair.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Athos Lorio, sir."

She replied smartly. Athos nodded again, signaling she was correct.

"Do you know what I do for a living?"

She shook her head with a polite shrug.

"No sir."

Athos considered her response for a moment before leaning forward, resting his elbows on the table.

"That is probably a good thing.... What do you need from me?"

"Oh nothing sir, my Lady the High Goddess has need of you."

Athos sighed and leaned back once again.


The assassin said despondently. Sweet and adorable she was indeed but also perceptive. At the slight show of distaste for her blessed Goddess her tone switched to stubborn and defensive.

"Excuse me but is there a problem Mister? The High Goddess is the champion of light and justice. She is the protector of the people. Without her we..."

Her words were cut off as Athos raised his hand silencing her.

"Calm yourself. I meant no offense. I'm just... tired. What does your lady want from me?"

The lie worked and her cheerful disposition returned though was a tad reserved.

"I was not told Mr. Lorio, only to inform you of your summons to the House of Mora."

Athos rubbed his forehead with the tips of his forefingers and thumb in frustration as he let loose a sigh. The blatant sign of distaste was once again caught by the young messenger but she said nothing, perhaps still citing his earlier explanation as reasoning.

"Very well... tell your lady I will see her shortly."

A wide smiled exploded onto her face before she rose from her seat.

"Glad to hear it sir, I shall inform Our Most High Chief Goddess immediately."

And with that she was gone, skipping off into the crowd to do her duty. Athos remained seated for a few more minutes, silently pondering this new development. "So... The Goddess of Light and Justice seeks to enlists the aid of an Assassin. Now that is interesting. Things must be worse than I thought..." His mind still mulling over the meaning of the summons Athos got to his feet and headed to the tiny room in the inn he'd bought the night prior and the location of the majority of his equipment. After fully stocking up he stepped back out into the failing light and made his way to the majestic house of Mora. High ivory steeples reaching up to the clouds as if singing the praises of the Goddess herself. Immaculate and ornate statues and depictions of the New Gods in all their heavenly glory could be found on the walls and hanging tapestry as well as the surrounding courtyard. The assassin had to stifle a groan at the sight. "Larger than life standing well above the heads of the poor pathetic humans... typical." Athos thought to himself as he reached the massive door and stepped inside to be greeted almost instantly by one of the faithful.

"Tell your Goddess I've arrived."

Athos said darkly.


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace
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"Caylim...? I know I'm old enough to do it myself now, but...can you do that braid thing you used to do to my hair when I was younger? Pretty please?"

Caylim smiled at her and nodded. Takira was definitely old enough to do it herself, but it still pleased Caylim that her younger sister would still come asking for her help. Although Mora was the mother goddess and took care of everyone, Caylim couldn't help but feel like she needed to take care of her two sisters.

They were always off, doing who knows what, and it concerned the middle sister to no end.

Grabbing Takira's hand, Caylim headed to her bed chamber. Setting her little sister down at her vanity, Caylim immediately began working on her sister's tangled hair. It was always tangled, and covered with twigs and leaves. Caylim combed through the locks, careful not to cause her sister too much pain. It was difficult, since every five seconds the comb would catch a snag and Takira would wince in pain.

It took far too long to comb through Takira's hair, but once it was down Caylim immediately got set on braiding it. Takira's hair was longer, so the braid always stretched down her back. Caylim wished her sister would braid it more often, it would make it so much easier for her to take care of. Plus, it would be in a better shape after her runs through the forests. There might still be twigs and leaves in it, but at least there wouldn't be so many knots.

Caylim tied the end with a a dark ribbon to contrast her sister's white hair. "There, try not to lose this ribbon, okay?" She mused.

Their laughter was interrupted by another one of the faithfuls stepped into Caylim's chamber. "There is a visitor for Mora, but I though it be best that you saw him first." The young girl kept her head bowed as she spoke, afraid to look up.

Caylim squeezed her sister's shoulder and stepped over to the faithful. "Look at us when you speak, young one." Caylim smiled lifting the girl's chin. "It is disrespectful."

Exiting her chamber, Caylim was immediately greeted with a unfamiliar face. He seemed to completely contrast with the brightness of the castle, his darkness standing out.

"Can I help you with something young one?"


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Caylim Grace
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The assassin waited, something he was used to doing yet this was different. Lying in wait on the roof of a building in the pouring rain on a winter night was preferable to this hell in the lobby of the Gods. The seconds passing by were like torture. Then an elegant almost angelic voice echoed out down the stairs to reach his ears.

"Can I help you with something young one?"

Athos turned to lay eyes on the beautiful Goddess of the Moon, the champion of hope, the patron of the stars, Caylim Grace. Long, silken robes hung off her well defined frame. Ornate beads accented her ethereal attire and the light sound of the beads clinking together could be heard as if drifting on the wind. The cold gaze of Athos finally came to rest on her face. While beautiful she proudly bore a long scar along her left cheek. Instead of sullying her appearance instead it added character the face of the Moon Goddess. Framing the home of those swirling blue and purple gems that were her eyes was white silver colored hair that seemed to almost shimmer. Athos stepped forward and gave the stunning Goddess a respectful nod.

"Caylim Grace, Goddess of the Moon. I've only ever heard of you from your faithful. This is our first meeting. I am Athos. Your Elder Goddess Mora Ven has requested my presence."

Athos said respectfully but hardly with the blatant kindness of most mortals in the presence of a God.


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"Thank you Caylim... That shall be all." The deep, yet gentle voice of Mora Ven echoed from down the hall, where she stood holding her staff in one hand, and the hand of her younger sister Takira in the other.

Slowly she walked down the long hallway, shakily holding onto the staff. "Thank you... For coming Athos...This matter is more grave than you know." Slowly Mora walked to the assassin, looking into his eyes with her deep white ones. "Please... Takira, secure the area, i sense theirs a spy amongst us... Athos, come with me to the Sanctuary."

(Resumed in the Inner Sanctuary)


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Mora Ven
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"I am Athos. Your Elder Goddess Mora Ven has requested my presence."

He spoke with respect, but not like the faithfuls did. Caylim could feel his emotions towards the gods. They were not of pure hatred, but she could sense the edge. Something happened to him, long ago, that caused him to be angry. She couldn't help but ponder over what could have happened.

"Ah, so you are Athos." She mused walking around the tall man. "My sister was not kidding when she said you were shady." She couldn't help but laugh, whether the young man understood her joke or not.

She stopped in front of him, keeping herself a fair distance from him. She eyed him, up and down. His black hair sat untidy on top of his head, but his blue eyes seemed to pierce straight through Caylim's body. He had pain hidden behind those eyes. She made note of all the scars on his face, there were so many. And no doubt there were plenty more hidden elsewhere.

"The moon shines down upon you, Athos," Caylim said as more of a question. Most of the faithful believed that Caylim was the moon in human form. Able to walk upon the earth and smile down upon her subjects. But that wasn't the case. The Moon was a Goddess within itself. Caylim was the daughter of the Moon. Reborn again under her strength and power.

The Moon was a part of her, but all and all they were two separate beings. Often times, Caylim found herself questioning her mother's choices and ideas. But she smiled down upon this man. Staring at him long enough, she found herself realizing why.

"You are an assassin," She mused. "Using the darkness of night as your cover, and the moon as your guide. No wonder she likes you so much."

Their conversation was interrupted by Mora's voice echoing through the chamber. Caylim nodded. "I hope to see you again in the future." She smiled stepped aside to let Athos make his journey to Mora's chamber.


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Mora Ven
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The assassin stood in the inner sanctuary, beside the Chief Goddess Mora Ven and Caylim Grace the Moon Goddess. The one place Athos never thought he'd find himself is in this most holy place surrounded by two deities. Athos flicked his gaze to Mora for the briefest of seconds, noting her uneasy stance and the hint of pain in her face. The blade cut deep it seems." He thought to himself as she spoke. His brilliant mind still trying to acurately guess the motives of the divinty around him but that was proving difficult fruit to bare. The simple answer would be for him to track down the attacker but something about this entire meeting seemed off. There was no reason any of the Gods needed to actually meet with Athos in person if they were merely hiring him to kill a thief let alone bring him into the inner sanctum. Remaining silent and reserving judgment Athos said not a word as Mora dissapeared into the mist that opened. Before following after her his mind shot back to Caylim still unsure of her meaning when she commented on his profession. You are an assassin," She mused. "Using the darkness of night as your cover, and the moon as your guide. No wonder she likes you so much." She had said, her words echoed in his mind. "Who was she?" He wondered but said nothing as he took a step after Mora and entered the mist.


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Character Portrait: Athos Lorio Character Portrait: Takira Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Mora Ven Character Portrait: Zee
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(For the plot conserning Mora, Athos, and Caylim, please post in the Inner Sanctuary. From here, the plot conserning Takrie, Zee, and the orgenization of the party to find the assassin.)


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Character Portrait: Takira
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Takira paced the outer confines of her home, pouting slightly. She wished to be included with her sisters. She wished to see the man. The animal goddess never saw many men, the stories about them were terrifying. A group of wolves and blood-hounds ran to her feet, and she knelt down to send them off in search of this spy. Her creatures would find anyone meaning evil in her home, and she would certainly know about it if they did. As the pack dispersed to search, she edged towards the wall, calling vines to lift her up to a window, hoping she might see something interesting.

Nosy, Caylim called her, and curious said Mora. It wasn't either, really, it was just that Takira felt often left out of things since she was so young and small. She had not battled, being that she was too young and foolish; she had not been allowed into her sister's meetings because she was too young to understand; some elder animals still took longer to respect her, since she was young. She was definately a "New" God, and everyone made sure she new that.

Sometimes, she wondered what life would have been like had she not been adopted by Mora. Would her life have been peaceful, or full of hardships? Would anyone have hurt her, a simple forest druid? Would she have ever fallen in love?

Love certainly intruiged her. It seemed like such a mortal emotion, but she wanted to feel it. She loved her sisters, of course, but she wanted to feel true love, love that beat from her soul for another being, on she could hold and laugh with Completely preoccupied, she sighed gently, seeming to have forgotten what she was supposed to be doing in the first place.


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Character Portrait: Zee
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Zee approached the House of Mora, skin crawling with unease. The sun's strength of light didnt help and she kept her eyes down, fearing to even open them too wide. Her hood shielded her face in enough shadow that she could see her feet and the ground around them. Sweat built on the back of her neck and as her toes hit the bottom step leading inside the Goddess' house, she paused, took a breath, and lifted her chin as much as she dared.

"I'm here to respond to the summons made earlier today. I wish to aid the Goddess in her search and on her journey."

Zee made sure to keep her palm against her thigh so no one would see.

She waited for a response, an allowance inside. Specifications were not told so they couldnt be picky with who chose to join, yet she felt her dark appearance was less than trustworthy. She had to show her face.

Hands curling into fists so that her fingernails bit into the skin, Zee lifted her head high, hood falling back and sunlight striking her face harshly, but she kept her lips tense and kept her golden eyes direct, refusing to blink even as she felt the burning begin to set in.

"Will you have me?"


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Character Portrait: Caylim Grace Character Portrait: Zee
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Zee eyed Caylim, Mora's sister, trying not to show disgust. By the standards of the culture surrounding the Gods, she would be deemed beautiful: curvy, nice hair and eyes and such. Zee rolled her eyes when the girl wasn't looking. Her attire barely held any surviving attributes about it. What a waste.

"Thank you," Zee replied as politely as she could, keeping her hands hidden of course. All she needed was for Caylim to see the insignia on her palm. "The Goddess made a summons. I intend to answer it and lead the way to Grim Forge. I know the path and hope that I may aid the Goddess in anyway that I can."

Hoping her voice sounded sincere, which it always did because of her extensive training with the Forest Rogues, Zee felt safer within walls. The sunlight's attacks faded and she relaxed a bit more, the burning gone. It was hard to read Mora's sister's expression at first, but she was a gentle thing, easily persuaded. Zee put on a smile, sweet as honey, and nodded to Caylim's hair.

"I like the color of your locks...reminds me of the Moon and all her majesty."

Internally, Zee groaned in frustration. Sucking up never felt nice.