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Beyond the Known

Beyond the Known


1x1 RP between CharlotteV and I based in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

1,818 readers have visited Beyond the Known since Kaname_Takashi created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


There is more to life than the simply, four walls that surround you…

Despite the efforts of Harry Potter and his companions the wizarding world hasn't changed that much. Sure it's a safer place for witches and wizards, but they aren't the only group to make up the magical community. Strives for equality and understanding shake the Ministry as traditional values and perceptions are being fought against.

This thorn in the British Ministry of Magic's side doesn't stop them from doing what they must. A dark witch name Lessinia is on the run. Charged with several counts of murder, use of two of three Unforgivable Curses, as well as the use of magic in front of an against Muggles. There is something unique about this witch though, she hides where the Ministry has little say: in areas inhabited by other magical creatures. Still, someone as dangerous as she needs to be taken in, so a joint task force between an auror by the name of Maxximilian Tiberius and an expert in magical creatures, Avalon Wright, are forced together to track her down.

In a journey filled with peril and a need for acceptance, will these two clashing personalities be able to accomplish their task or will they risk the lives of man and allow a killer to go free?

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors

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Maxxie Tiberius


The wizard in question was a lanky boy, spinning between the cubicles of Level Two of the Ministry of Magic, brown trench coat swaying around his form. He looked up at the sound of his name, pushed both hands through his unruly brown hair, and popping one hip on the edge of a random desk. The witch seated there gave him a glare, but it was completely lost.

His brown eyes racked up the older woman standing in front of him, she did not look pleased at all, but that didn't stop Maxxie from winking at her. "Damn Jenkins, looking good." Of course, by this point in his career, with a mouth like his Maxxie had long ago stopped being written up for sexual harassment. At least by his superiors. The boy was gay as gay could be, and the flirty comments had become more than ignored.

Jenkins was an older witch, a retired auror herself who only left the business after starting a family. She took care of most of the paper work now, bringing in the new cases and whatnot. Whatever the news was today, however, she did not look pleased. At all. "You've been assigned to the Lessinia case."

Maxxie flailed, there was no other word to describe the movement he made. He nearly tripped over his own feet as the entire room went dead silent. Despite the general regard his co-workers had about Maxxie, no one could argue that he wasn't one of the best at their job. So for a case to reach be assigned specifically to him. "Has it really gotten that bad?"

Jenkins gave him a curt nod, motioning with her head for him to follow before she turned on her heels. Maxxie let out a low whistle, shoving his hands deep in his coat pockets before following her. Chatter slowly returned, but in a way that said people were gossiping rather than working.

"Penrose has all of the information ready for you in his office but first you're going to meet your partner. They've brought in an expert in magical creatures--"

Maxxie had gotten stuck on the word 'partner'. It wasn't unusual for him to work with others, but usually they were lower profile cases. This kind of stuff was new. "Wait, partner?"

Jenkins nodded as she lead the way down one of the many halls. "Avalon Wright. The faster you can track Lessinia down the better. There are only a handful of people in the world who can help in this area of expertise. Good luck. I'm sure she'll absolutely loathe you."

Jenkins held open the door to Penrose's office, giving him a smile that he had to wince at as he walked passed her and into the room. He'd done this enough times to know what was coming next. Soon, he'd be meeting Avalon Wright. His new partner. He could already feel his stomach churning.

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Character Portrait: Avalon Wright Character Portrait: Maxxie Tiberius
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Avalon Wright

It had been a really long day for Avalon as the young witch waited patiently for a wizard by the name of Penrose to arrive. She had taken a portkey early in the morning to get to the British Ministry of Magic. It turns out they had requested her mother, but unfortunately for them Anita was much too engrossed in studying Veela culture to spare them the time. Therefore they had to settle for second best, at least in their eyes. in the form of Avalon. They had been as excited about the turn of events as she had been, apparently they didn't appreciate her outspoken tone, but Ava suspected it had much more to do with her pedigree.

"Ms. Wright?" A wizard called as he approached from down the hall. Avalon stood, brushed the wrinkles out of her skirt and held out of her to shake his own. She had chosen professional wear over the standard wizard attiar, which was probably a surprise for the older man. "Pleasure to meet you, come right this way."

"Are you Mr. Penrose?" She asked cautiously as she followed after him. The man gave a hearty laugh in return.

"Oh no, dear. I'm Augustus Hawthorn at your service, I'm another Auror. Was on my way to my own case when I was ordered to come and get you. Seems Penrose had some things he needed to take car of." Avalon simply nodded to his ramblings. The guy was friendly enough, he just talked too much. "With you luck, by the way." He said cryptically as they headed into one an elevator. Ava simply gave him a confused look.

The doors shut before them and it took Augustus a moment to start talking again. "You're being paired up with Maxximilian Tiberius, he's a bloody prat, but he does what he has to." She had no idea what a 'prat' was exactly, but considering 'bloody' came before it, it must not have been good. "You're a yank though, so I'm sure you'll be able to handle him just fine."

From that moment on all she was able to think about was the moron she'd be spending the next few days consulting with. Before long they were in front of a door, Hawthorne told her this was her stop before bidding her ado. Ava took a second to brush her bangs from her eyes before reaching a hand out and knocking on the door. A muffled voice told her to enter and she soon found herself stuck in a room with two men, one older and the other younger.

"Ah, Ms. Wright, so glad Augustus was able to find you all right." The older wizard announced as he stood from behind his desk. He walked around to shake her hand and Avalon gave him a professional smile. She had no doubt in her mind that this was Penrose. "Max this is Ms. Wright, Ms. Wright this is Max." He introduced the two, Ava sent a nod in the younger man's direction.

"Uh, Mr. Penrose, I was told you needed my input about magical communities. What have you gotten so far?" Her question was a valid one, but the confused face that Penrose was making bought on her own uneasiness.

The man wrung his hands together in a nervous fashion. "I think there was a bit of miscommunication when we asked the American Ministry for assistance. You see, Lessinia is a danger to every member in the magical community…" The more her talked, the more Ava realized he was giving her a spiel. Spiels never lead to anything good. "And you see, you were asked her specifically to aid our auror. Tiberius over there, as he tracks her down in the communities she's hiding in." The speech was longwinded and rather unnecessary.

Ava reached a hand to rub at her forehead. "So I, who am not an auror in any way, shape, or form, am supposed to help track down a powerful dark witch and be some kind of political liaison to the nonhuman communities she's hiding in?" Penrose nodded. She hated when plans changed, Ava liked to keep things in a certain order and traipsing around with an auror on the hunt for an evil someone was not in her job description. Really, what could she do though, leave? She'd never hear the end of it from the Ministry back home. "Fine."

Her answer brought a smile to Penrose's face. "Wonderful, just wonderful." He clapped his hands together in relief at the agreement. "Now Max, Jenkins has the files you'll need. Max sure Ms. Wright is comfortable and do try and keep yourself in check." Penrose knew it was a request made in vain, but he still needed to say it anyway. "Now off with you two." They were ushered out of the room without further notice.

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Character Portrait: Avalon Wright Character Portrait: Maxxie Tiberius
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Maxxie Tiberius

There was a knock at the door not long after it was closed, and Maxxie gave it his attention with eyebrows halfway up his forehead when it was opened again. Female. He'd been debating for the last few moments on that. With a name like 'Avalon' one really couldn't be sure.

"It's Maxxie," he corrected under his voice, turning his attention from the girl after the introductions were made. She was beautiful, but he could tell from the way she held herself that she wouldn't be any fun. If anything, she'd probably be stern and uptight if that jawline had anything to do with it. He chuckled lowly at the obvious lack of communication between the ministries. "Sounds about right..."

Maxxie was immediately distracted, spinning around the room before a bowel of hard candies caught his attention. He stood a little straighter, pulling himself on his tip toes and thus a few inches higher in his already staggering stature. His black fingernails danced over each brightly packaged sweet. Candy couldn't always be trusted in the wizarding world.

His head tilted in interest as he listened to her speak, a slew of words that weren't particular on their own, but formed in a sophisticated manner. Clearly she was upset. "What's wrong?" he wondered. "Afraid of adventure? Don't worry, I can protect you." He shot a wink, but it was rightfully ignored. Penrose was way too used to him by now.

He unwrapped a chosen candy, popping it in his mouth and grinning delightfully as the thing burst into a slew of liquid flavor. Delicious. "Jenkins doesn't have her own head on her shoulders," Maxxie grumbled, picking another candy to shove in his mouth next. Chocolate. Wonderful. "S'e al'edy 'aid yo'd ha've dem."

He choose another candy, one that made his face screw up as a too strong cinnamon powered touched his tongue. "Think she got hit one too many times on the head, hm?" Penrose was physically pushing him out of the office now, telling him to behave. Psh right. "Maybe I should have been looking for the forms earlier instead of cleaning gum off the bottoms of desks! No need to make our guest wait!"

The door slammed behind them and Maxxie shrugged. He'd put the gum on the bottom of those desks anyway. He popped the last piece of stolen candy in his mouth, something that tasted wonderfully like a jolly rancher, but was slowly turning his teeth emerald green while he sucked on it.

"This place, I swear, can't do anything right," he shook his head and then grinned at Avalon, green ball of candy still in the center of his mouth. "I got this though."

He lead her back towards the Auror department, through the cubicles and down to the very end of the room, where he nudged open a door with his hip. Harry Potter was in his seventies, though most people wouldn't guess. Like many great wizards his physical age hardly gave him away.

Maxxie swept his arms under his coat, dropping into a bow the moment he entered. "Mr. Potter, sir." Despite all of his theatrics, there was nothing in his tone except for respect. He smiled as he stopped in front of the mans desk, who looked stoic except for slight amusement around his eyes. They'd always had a good relationship, even if it was rare for them to cross paths. "So, you assigned me the Lessinia case..."

"The Minister agreed that something needed to be changed," Harry answered before smiling kindly at the woman standing next to him.

Maxxie nodded, taking a moment to suck on his candy before running a hand through his hair. "Jenkins and Penrose are giving me a runaround on the files I need. I'm a little hurt, you know how I like to study." The put he gave was full on puppy dog, and Harry shook his head almost fondly before reaching below his desk.

"I know, Max, but I also know you need something to do during the trip or you'll end up putting someone in St. Mungo's." The man reached under his desk, retrieving a brown wooden box not much larger than a suitcase. "Here is everything you'll need, Hopefully there's something in there you haven't already heard through the gossip."

Maxxie grinned, taking the offering before sweeping out another bow. "Thank you sir." He twisted on his heels before stopping again, turning his attention back on his superior. "I really hope that St. Mungo's joke was a stab at my personality and not my magic."

Harry chuckled lightly, simply making a motion with his hand for the two of them to get going.

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Character Portrait: Avalon Wright Character Portrait: Maxxie Tiberius
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Avalon Wright

So…first impression of Max (or Maxxie as he preferred to be called apparently): he was an absolute moron. It was obvious from the first moment that Avalon saw him that things were not going to run as smoothly as she'd hoped they would. And this was the impression she got from him even before he opened his mouth. Actually speaking made him seem worse.

It had been bad enough that she'd have to stay in Britain for a rather indefinite period of time, but considering the intelligence level she was picking up from her new 'partner', Ava was guessing this was going to take longer than necessary. He was childishly popping candy into his mouth and speaking with it full. The moment he grinned at her with teeth turned a shiny shade of emerald, a look of disgust in the form of a smile turned her mouth awkwardly. She could feel another headache coming on.

Luckily for her, Maxxie actually knew where he was going. As they passed through the numerous cubicles in the room, Avalon was rather surprised by the familiarity of it all. Some things were apparently universal, including the layout of the Ministries of Magic, at least in the States and the UK. Really though, she had a bit of trouble trying to keep up with her companion, rushing and heels were not a good combo.

And then pure magic happened. Low and behold, Avalon was standing before the Harry Potter. He was worldly famous for both his defeat of Voldemort as well as his work in his youth as an accomplished auror. It was well known in the magical community that if the Dark Lord had taken root in Britain than his practices would have spread world wide. In other words, Avalon would not have been born along with many of the friends she had growing up.

At least Max had the decency to talk to the elder man with as much respect as he deserved. Alas, the encounter would be short, but Ava was determined to make the most of the situation. "It's an honor to meet you Mr. Potter." Avalon spoke up as the two British aurora finished their banter. She stepped forward so they could shake hands over his desk. Harry fixed her with a smile and stood as well, laughing at her words.

"The pleasure is all mine Ms. Wright, I've worked with your mother a few times and she's had only good things to say about you." She smiled at that, but just nodded her head in reply. "I do hope you can keep Max here in line well enough, he's a bit of a prankster, but he does his job with pride." For some reason, Avalon was having a hard time believing that. These words were coming from Harry Potter though, so they had to have some kind of truth, right? And then her mind wondered back to the picture of his bright green teeth and….nope, Harry must have been going crazy in his old age.

With a polite thank you and goodbye the she and Max finally exited the room. Max had the box Harry had give them in his hands as he lead Ava through the rows of cubicles once more. He eventually stopped at one in particular and dropped the contents of the box out onto the desk.

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Character Portrait: Avalon Wright Character Portrait: Maxxie Tiberius
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Maxxie Tiberius

Maxxie stayed quiet while Avalon and Harry Potter spoke. The elder man had been his boss for years and he still hadn't gotten over the feeling of standing in front of such...power. Of course pretty much everyone from the Second Wizarding War was still famous as hell, so Maxxie respected her having a moment.

He only grinned wildly at being dubbed a prankster. That was probably one of the best compliments he'd ever received from someone of status. Well, that wasn't work related at least. And people usually praised his work begrudgingly. Not that he minded, really. When they finally left, it was with the parting sentence of, "Oh, and Max, your teeth are green. Let me guess, Green Apple?"

He cursed under his breath, one hand covering his mouth as he lead the way back to his own little space. A mumbled spell, and he was sure the effects were reversed. Not that he minded, but it was quite distracting. He stopped in front of his desk, turning the box around and watching everything drop haphazardly down onto his mess of papers.

"Oh! Here take a..." Maxxie trailed off, looking at his only empty chair. It was covered with papers and books and clippings from the Daily Profit, the pictures of which were looking irritable at being smashed. He held up one long finger to his partner before gathering everything up and dumping it in the corner, offering her the chair before the threw his trench coat back and fell down into his own.

"Avalon, right? That's a cool name, unique. Although that's kind of a thing right, unique names. 'Round here it's almost more unique to be normal, ya know? Am I saying it right? Where ya from, anyway? You talk a little funny. Or do I talk funny? I've always wanted to have an accent. Yours is pretty cool."

Admittedly, Maxxie wasn't really giving her a chance to talk at all, he was mostly just running his mouth as he sorted through everything he'd recently dropped on his desk. He picked something up, glancing at it in confusion before tossing it over his head somewhere. Finally he seemed to have what he wanted, sitting back and throwing his feet up on his desk as his chair went up on two legs.

"Anyway, here's where they want us to start. Goblins. I don't know shit about goblins. Huh, maybe I do need a partner after all..." He shrugged as he turned his attention up to her, then finally shoved the papers he was holding in her direction. "You wanna look at any of this?"

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Character Portrait: Avalon Wright Character Portrait: Maxxie Tiberius
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Avalon Wright

The man was messy to say the least. On the bright side he was polite enough to clean up the second chair in his work space. Avalon looked over the chair skeptically for a moment before tentatively sifting down in it. Of course it didn't take long for Max to start in on the rambling. On train of thought barely left his mouth before he starting in on another one. Ava recalled seeing a Muggle shirt with words 'I have Attention Defici- Oh hey, look a butterfly". She knew what the ADD was because of her studies, but she was sure it wasn't going to translate over well into the world of Maxxie Tiberius.

Frankly, Avalon wasn't sure where she should start. Answer his questions, ignore them, ignore him? She supposed the latter wouldn't be professional so she opted for the middle on instead. Instead she began picking through the pile of papers that Max dumped out of the box.

There was little to go on really. Lessinia was a virtual ghost when she wanted to be. Her paper trails were almost nonexistent and what she did leave behind didn't point to anything in particular. It was a little frustrating. Just as she set her third paper down, Max spoke up. The papers he had been looking over were shoved her way and Ava sent the wizard a frustrated look.

"Of course I want to look them over." She replied, organizing the pile rather quickly. Her brown eyes scanned over the words on the pages. Apparently, Lessinia's last known associate was a goblin by the name of Krokevar. According to his profile, he was a worker at Gringotts Bank. She supposed that made it rather easy, but actually dealing with goblins was much more difficult than locating them.

"The relationship between the wizarding world and the goblins has been strained for a long time." Ava began, flipping to the next page as she spoke on. "Both wizards and goblins contribute to this friction. They're a highly intelligent groups of begins and are skilled in two main aspects: finances and metalwork. I don't speak much Gobbledegook, but I know enough to make a sort of ice breaker. It could help us to get Krokevar talking."

The witch stood up and removed her want from her pocket. On the top of her priority list was to change into something more fitting for the situation. That could wait though, at least for a little while. "If you're ready, I think we should head on out."

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Maxxie Tiberius

Maxxie held up both hands in mock surrender. Avalon didn't reply rudely or anything, she was just so...he wasn't sure what the word was. Stick in the mud? She was too sophisticated and responsible and the longer he was around her the more he was beginning to realize this was going to be no fun. At all.

He rolled his brown eyes as she began organizing the papers, pulling his feet off of his desk and sitting criss-cross in his chair before he started spinning it. He knew a lot about Lessinia already, but when it came to the dark witch 'a lot' was also mostly 'nothing'. She covered her tracks well. Well enough the lower fractions hadn't felt a need to follow her more closely before she was deemed this dangerous.

The close four corners of his little area were beginning to close in more and more the longer he spun, and he was about to get unrealistically fast before Avalon's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Despite his ADD mind he could stay on one strain for awhile, but that usually involved locking out the real world. Like just then.

He shot out a hand, grabbing the wood to bring his spinning to a stop as he focused on her again."I went to school, ya know," he muttered after her little history lesson. Though after reflection he decided he had actually used the words I don't know shit about goblins so he supposed that wasn't actually fair.

He dropped his feet to the ground, twisting in his trenchcoat to pull his wand out of the back of his pants before he stood up. With a wave of his wand everything in his area went back into order, stacking neatly to show a well lived in area and not the rats nest it had been when she had arrived. It never stayed this clean for long.

He tucked the long, slender piece of wood behind one ear and rummaged in his drawers for a moment, grabbing things he need to shove into his coat pockets. Before they left he grabbed the box Harry had given him and motioned for her to lead the way. "Ladies first."

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Avalon Wright

In Avalon's eyes Max appeared to be taking the situation rather carelessly. Spinning around in rolling chair like a two year old didn't scream 'profession' at the witch. she was seriously starting to question the standards of the British Ministry's Auror Department.

On top of that, her mind had to wonder to the thought of why the hell had it taken them so long to actually do something about Lessinia. It's not as though she went from doing petty magical crimes. There was no escalation in her actions, just the outright brutality of the information they had on her. Ava found it strange is all.

Maxxie's abrupt stop caught her attention. Before her eyes the desk worked itself into a relatively clean state. Unfortunately, that included the papers she had been reading. Ava felt her mouth twitch in annoyance. For the sake of preventing a fight, she ignored him instead.

She stood with grace, fixing her jacket over her blouse and smoothing out her skirt. On hte bright side, the Goblins would appreciate her attire. She looked professional and would blend in easily to the bank setting. Max on the other hand...her eyes racked over his form. Sure he was dressed decently. His outfit was definitely one that an auror would wear. Still, if he looked like her 'muscle' it could help their cause. He certainly looked like the proverbial thug.

"Ladies first." At least he was being polite. So Ava simply nodded her head and lead the way to the elevators. They'd need to head to the main entrance of the Ministry so they could apparate out and be on their way to Diagon Alley.

She had been to Diagon Alley in years, her mother having taken her there one summer while they visited Anita's parents. It hadn't changed much since then, maybe the addition of a shop of two, but beyond that it was still the same bustling and crowded place it had always been.

Gringotts Bank sat in the North Side of Diagon Alley. It was an imposingly large structure made up of stark white marble. The entrance was probably more so. It was beautiful really, minus the goblins that occupied the room.

Max stood behind her as she headed up to the head of the counter. The goblin was a particularly nasty looking one, small angry eyes and a long think nose, and the look he sattled Ava with only put off the witch even more. Not that she would treat him and less civily.

"Hello, I need to speak to a Kokevar in your employment. the Ministry has a few things they would like to speak with him about. The goblin's face didn't change, but she was sure he grew uncomfortable under her American 'accent' (she didn't think she had one).

"And what is a halfling from America doing working with the British Ministry of Magic." The goblin asked in return, his own eyes looking her up and down. Avalon personally hated the turn halfling, some liked to use it as an insult.

Ava cleared her throat before speaking. "I'm a representative from the American Ministry's Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures." It wasn't a lie, she was employed by that particular department, she just didn't work there all the time. "It's a joint task and like I said, we just need to ask Mr. Kokevar a few questions." It was really safer to mention the exact reason they were there, they didn't need Lessinia to know about their snooping before they'd even found anyhting.

The head goblin gave her a glare before stepping down from his podium and walking away, mumbling under his breath. Sometimes goblins were such fickle creatures. It was as though they needed to make things difficult for no reason.

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Maxxie Tiberius

Diagon Alley was one of Maxxie's favorite places. As a kid he had spent a lot of time there, shopping and eating and generally messing around with his friends. He liked it, the busy street reminded him a lot of London, and some part of him just felt more at home there.

He was mildly surprised to find out Avalon knew exactly where she was going, but he didn't say anything about it, just let her lead. Despite her obvious American accent he figured it wasn't much of an assumption to think she hadn't been to his own side of the tracks before. Especially with how they could travel. Maxxie had been to the States multiple times, for example.

He stayed a good step behind her when they entered Gringots. It was less busy in the middle of the day, which always seemed to make the Goblins a little more grumpy than usual, go figure. Maxxie stuck his thumb in his mouth as Avalon made her way to the front, gnawing on the pad of his finger but keeping his eyes trained on the situation.

He wasn't paying attention to the conversation, his mind already spinning the way it often did, but he could vaguely hear her being all professional. Until the goblin spoke up, the word 'halfing' catching him. Maxxie's head tilted as he looked Avalon over. He hadn't pegged her for a half-breed, but anymore these days it wasn't that rare.

"Why do goblins always have to seem miffed about something," he wondered aloud as he folded his arms across his chest and leaned back against the podium. His eyes fixed on Avalon. She still seemed to be far from fun but he wasn't going to be stuck with her for awhile. He might as well attempt being friendly. "So, you're a halfie, huh? Anything interesting or just happen to have a muggle parent?"

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Avalon Wright

She was hoping that a comfortable silence would lapse between her and the Max, but alas, Avalon was once again disappointed with the turn of events. Apparently the other wizard wasn't keen on the whole 'silence' thing. Her eyes turned to him as he started with the comment about goblins, but really she knew where his topic of conversation was going.

"Goblins are just naturally unsociable to anyone who isn't a goblin. And yes, I have one parent that isn't a wizard." She concluded, effectively avoiding a deeper answer to his last question. It wasn't that she was ashamed at being something other, it was simply that Max didn't have the privilege to ask such personal questions. They weren't friends or anything.

Luckily, Ava didn't have to evade too much. The head goblin returned to them soon after, mumbling something in Gobbledegook to the other goblin he was walking with. She wasn't able to catch on to too many of the words, but from Avalon could make out they were talking about Kokevar. She did distinctly hear the words 'leave', 'back', and the name Knockturn Alley mixed into the conversation. She knew that it wasn't a good sign.

The witch watched as the goblin went departed from his companions' side and climbed his way back onto the podium. "I'm afraid that today is Kokevar is off for the day, now if you have no business here at Gringotts then I suggest you move along." The words were rude, but Ava had expected no less.

She fixed the goblin with stare before sighing. "We'll be back tomorrow then." The goblin looked like he was about to argue, but Ava had already turned on her heels and walked over to Max. The wizard looked confused and would have probably said something if given the chance, but Ava was quick to grab him and lead him out of the building.

"We don't have much time." She whispered to him, pulling him to the left towards Knockturn Alley. "Kokevar's making his escape through her." Ava suspected that Maxxie would have argued, but once they were down the dark stairwell and into the alley, it was easy to make out of the short and stout form of the goblin in the distance. "You're up, go catch him. I can't run in these heels."

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Maxxie Tiberius

Maxxie held up both of his hands in surrender for the second time, letting out a low whistle as he looked at pretty much anything other than her at that point. He wasn't that surprised though. Maxxie didn't make friends easily. Especially outside of his little auror bubble. He was just 'too much' for some people.

And apparently little Miss Higher-Than-Thou was far beyond being amused or even slightly friendly. He folded his arms, focusing on picking black nail polish off his butchered nails, hearing chatter around him but not really paying attention. Until the goblin was back at his podium, which Maxxie immediately got off of.

He sighed deeply at the evasion, which was something he was beyond used to, as he turned on his heels and opened his mouth to voice his arguments. Before any sounds came out, Avalon was speaking. "Yeah," he answered, this his brain caught up with what she said. "Wait, what?" his entire face turned towards her, confusion clouding his eyes, mouth still mostly open. Her hand wrapped around his upper arm and he stumbled over his feet three or four times in every ungraceful way possible as she drug him out of the building.

She still had a grip on Maxxie's arm as she turned towards Knockturn Alley, his long legs a mess behind him. "Through here?" he asked, exasperated. Because of course. She dragged him down the dark stairwell before he shook her grip off, giving her one more blank look. "Fine. Wait here. Don't stick your pretty little neck out."

In typical theatrical fashion Maxxie stepped away from her, shoving his trenchcoat off his shoulders. The brown flew off of him, disappearing in midair, the tattoos surrounding his body shivering and twisting like he'd woken them up or something. "Damn it," he muttered under his breath.

Goblins were fast, he knew that much, and they had their own magic. Pulling his wand from his back pocket, he took off, weaving in and out of shifty witches and angry looking wizards. He was gone a good five minutes before he came back around the corner. This time people were obviously avoiding him, and the angry moving bundle in the brown bag on his back. "Done."

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Avalon Wright

At least he was compliant enough. Max was a bit snarky about the whole thing, but he did as he was told. Of course, he needed to make a theatrical show before he gave chase. That, Ava could have done without. Still, the man did manage to get results. Catching a goblin in a bag wasn't exactly conventional.

Avalon walked leisurely towards the the auror. meeting Max about halfway. "I've never seen someone take down a goblin using a sack." She commented, letting her eyes skim over the area. Knockturn Alley wasn't exactly known for its law-abiding occupants. For the most part, the unsavory characters were avoiding them, ducking into the various shops surrounding them. The witch signaled for Max to dump out Kokevar and he did so, albeit begrudgingly. Ava was starting to think that her partner didn't enjoy being told what to do.

The goblin ended up falling butt first out of the bag. Kokevar was a very unhappy being, cursing at the two wizards as he stood and bruised himself off. "The hell do you think you're doin'?" He asked angrily, pointing a gnarled finger at Maxxie in particular.

"We heard you weren't working today, Kokevar." Avalon began, her voice very nonchalant. Kokevar turned froze for a moment before turning his anger towards the witch.

"I wasn't, just doing a bit of shopping is all. There some kind of new law preventing honest goblins from purchasing things they need?" His needy eyes studied Ava for a minute before switching over to the auror. "I have rights and I certainly don't have to put up with a daft brute like him."

Ava raised one hand to rub at her temple. "We just need to ask you a few questions Mr. Kokevar and then you can be on your way." She had a plan if things were heading down a very noncompliant path, but she'd hold onto that secret for a moment longer.

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Maxxie Tiberius

Maxxie had a bit of a bounce in his step as he walked back over. The goblin on his back was fighting considerably but he was used to that. Avalon didn't seem amused, but he had a feeling she wasn't the kind that laughed a lot. He rolled his eyes at her, pulling the bag off of his shoulder and dumping it upside down. "Hey, I do what I need to get results."

He was well known for his sacks. Some Aurors had signatures, that was Maxxie's. One time he had drug a wizard almost through the entire Ministry in a sack. It was amusing and convenient. The bag disappeared the moment it was empty, and he wiped both hands on his pants before sticking his wand in his waistband.

The moment an accusing finger was pointed his way, Maxxie recoiled, hand on his chest and eyes widened dramatically as if to say: Meee? "You're the one who ran! Do you think I wanted to chase you? Nooo." Especially not in Knockturn Alley. The wizard shifted slightly, looking around. He had about fifty too many enemies in this one alley alone, but no one was bothering them. Yet. Thank Merlin for reputations.

Maxxie rolled his eyes at the goblins words, especially when he got called 'daft'. Rude. "Don't be an arse, mate. We just gotta get some facts straight and we'll be on our merry way. You wanna get back to our shopping maybe you be...what'd you say? Honest?" He raised his eyebrows halfway up his head before turning his attention on Avalon.

She seemed to like being in charge. And hell, she was the expert, so he simply smiled and gave a wave of his hand, gesturing for her more or less to ask the questions. After all, he was just the brute in this situation. Ok, maybe he was a little temperamental.

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Avalon Wright

"Are you threatening me?" The goblin asked, angry accusation in his voice. "Wait until I get back home, the Goblin Liasance office will be hearing about this." The situation wa s going to a place that Avalon hoped it wouldn't. She duely noted to bring better shoes the next time they were chasing someone, she wouldn't be trapping them in a sack.

"Look, Mr. Kokevar," She began, trying to diffuse the situation with a calm voice. The goblin simply turned to her and began yelling in his native tongue. None of it was pleasant and none of it was worth transalting back to Max, though the goblin was sure going off on the wizard. Calmly, Ava reached into the pocket of her jacket and removed something chiny. The goblin went silent, his eyes widening once they caught sight if the metal.

"Is that...?" He asked, taking a step towards her. Ava lifted the locket higher, making sure that it was well out of the goblin's reaching range.

"A locket forged in goblin silver? Why yes, it is. How observant of you." She replied nonchalantly, spinning the locket between her fingers. Goblins were easy to deal with if you knew them well enough. The items that goblins forged were concidered the property of the it's maker and those that bought it were meerly renting it in the eyes of goblins. If something goblin forged was passed down in a wizarding family, the goblins considered it to be theft. The item remained stolen until returned to it's owner, or, in some cases, goblin hands.

Now that Kokevar was silent, Ava began to speak. "We're going to need you to accompany us to the Ministry Mr. Kokevar, just for a few questions to be answered and in return," She dangled the trinket in front of his face teasinly. "I will return this to you, who can then return it to its rightful owner."Kokevar's face twisted unhappily at her conditions, but after thinking it over for a moment he agreed. With a sense of relief filling her, their small group moved out of Knockturn Alley and were on their way back to the Ministry.

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Maxxie Tiberius

Maxxie rolled his eyes the moment Kokevar started complaining about his rights and shit. He never cared much, people complained about him all the time. And then there was bickering in another language and his focus snapped. Just like that. He shook his head, turning his attention towards just about anything else.

His fingers were twirling around pointlessly, proof of the fact that he just couldn't sit still long, as he window shopped. Without his trench coat he actually kind of fit in there, all dressed in black, tattoos, fingerless leather gloves. He looked shady enough that he could easily be a shopper and not an auror.

He didn't care much for what she was talking about, or the fact that the golbin had suddenly gone quiet. Actually he was now up on his tipoes, fingers splayed across glass, looking at an opal colored instrument in the shop. He was departing actually buying something when Avalon said his name, snapping him out of his trance. He sighed deeply, but left.

They had rooms for this kind of thing in the Ministry, which was where they were now. Kokevar was in his own seat, knobby little goblin legs hanging off in a way that looked uncomfortable. He was a mean little shite, but Avalon mostly dealt with him while Maxxie sat in the corner of the room, chair up on two legs, picking at nail polish again.

Avalon was being polite, the goblin selective and brief, only answering exactly what she was asking which was a pain. They weren't really getting anywhere though. In fact, what he was saying was mostly useless. Finally, Maxxie dropped his chair back down and fixed the goblin with an unamused stare. Which probably would have been taken more seriously if he hadn't already shown that he was a complete idiot.

"When was the last time you saw her?"

The goblin smiled cheekily, folding his long fingers. "The last time I saw her."

Maxxie felt his anger spike. Everything in him wanted to throw the creature onto the table and beat the answers out. But things hadn't gotten to that extreme yet. His jaw pulsed but he sat back, running a hand through his hair. He rephrased the question, being much more specific.

Kokevar, who obviously preferred Avalon over Maxxie, spoke to her as he answered the question. "I haven't seen Lessinia in exactly six months, two weeks, and four days. The last time I saw her was with a werewolf. In Ipswitch."

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Avalon Wright

Kokevar's answer hadn't been the one that Ava was expecting. Lessinia was definitely an interesting character. After her crimes she jumped from group to group in the magical community without spooking any of the members in those comunities. Werewolves would have definitely noticed a difference in her, but then again not all werewolves cared.

Since Remis Lupin died in the Second Wizarding War, the stigma that werewolves had gained had lessened. Still, despite this fact, he wizarding preferred to think of werewolves as having only a few good in the many bad. It was sad, specifically because most lyncantrhopy victims weren't in control of themselves during a full moon. It's not as though these peopel went around giving other werewolves the oppritunity to bite them, they didn't offer themselves up as a free meal. Circumstances that most held no power over resulted in infection.

Purebloods were still probably the biggest contributors to the prejudice. Ava had gone to school with a girl who caught lyncanthropy as a child, her family had been pureblood and dumped her into an orphanage once she caught it. The girl had been lucky though, a wizard and his Muggle wife had adopted her and taken care of her. Attitude like that is why Avalon had a hard time understanding why Lessinia, a known pureblood, would willing cohabitate with them.

Slowly, the witch stood. Kokevar's eyes imidiately turned to her and she held out the locket she had been keeping from him. The goblin eagerly grabbed it, examinning it carefully. "Thanks for the information Kokevar and as an added bonus, the Ministry will be keeping you in a safe house until Lessinia is caught."

The goblin's features visibly paled and as he spluttered in protest. "That wasn't part of the deal!" He yelled, standing and marching his way over to Avalon. He reached to just above her waist, so he didn't exactly reek of intimidation.

"Now, now Kokevar, we want to keep you safe. Imagine what such a dangerous witch would do to you if she learned you squealled." Ava signalled for Max to leave the room first and in the mists of the goblins loud and vulgar protests, Ava followed after her partner.

The door behind her shut and the witch relaxed at knowing Kokevar was no longer her problem. "So, how do you want to handle this?" It was probably the first real question that she had asked Max pertaining to the case. "In America, out werewolves tend to live on reserves that the Ministry provides, just so there are no accidents. Not that accidents don't happen. I know you guys have a registry, but I don't remember there being a designated place for werewolves to go." As far as she knew, in the UK werewolves lived in little more than poverty thanks to the crimes by beasts like Fenrir Greyback and the wizarding community's fear of them.

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Maxxie Tiberius

Maxxie was out of his chair the moment it was obvious they were done with this fun little talk. He leaned on the wall by the door, twirling his wand between his fingers just to give him something to do before Avalon joined him. He tilted his head back on the wall, gazing at her through the corner of his eyes.

He nodded along before going back to twirling his wand. "Yeah we registrar every one that we find, especially packs. But for the most part we leave them alone. If they feel like telling us where they've decided to live we keep it on record just in case. The only designated areas are for werewolves that have proven they can't interact with society."

Maxxie fell uncharacteristically silent as he seemed to think over a plan in his head. Even so, his wand only continued to spin between his fingers faster and faster, the only hint at just how quickly his thoughts were obviously swirling. "I think the best thing to do would be to listen through the grapevine. Werewolves aren't exactly chatty, but they gossip like nobodies business. I know a few places."

As far as he was concerned, all creatures had their own kind of 'black market' system, but the one between werewolves and wizards was very popular. Some of them would trade a family member for a supply of Wolfsbane Potion. He stepped off the wall finally, rolling his shoulders before glancing at her. "Blimey, you have got to change."

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Character Portrait: Avalon Wright Character Portrait: Maxxie Tiberius
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Avalon Wright

It was a little unnerving to know that Britain basically let their werewolves do whatever. Werewolves could be a danger, to both themselves and others. At least in America they had a safe place to change and roam during the fully moon and the peace of mind knowing that they wouldn't be hurting anyone when they lost themselves to the transformation. Britain's way almost seemed like psychological torture in Ava's eyes knowing that many of the werewolves there didn't have that same peace.

Avalon watched nervously as Maxxie twirled his want furiously between his fingers. The last thing she needed was to need a trip to the hospital after he accidentally shot her with some kind of spell. Reckless wand movements always made her uncomfortable.

A sigh left the witch as she fixed Max with a look that clearly said, 'are you kidding me'. "Wait and listen? Seriously?" The plan wasn't exactly exciting and it was all based on a matter of luck. They were screwed if nothing turned up in these 'places' Max claimed her knew.

But then their topic turned to her wardrobe and Ava found herself slightly offended by the wizard's tone. Sure she wasn't exactly dressed to galavant around in shady places, but her outfit was nice and professional. He didn't need to sound so put off by it was all. Instead of arguing though, Ava fixed him with a glare and then took out her wand. With one quick movement and a simply spell her clothes changed.

Now, instead of a skirt/suit combo, Ava wore skinny jeans, a black design shirt, and a short, black leather jacket. "Happy now?" She asked, even giving him a little turn about in exasperation. "What about that place that Kokevar mentioned," The witch mentioned after a second of thought. "I think he mentioned the werewolf she was last seen with being in Ipswitch with her…"

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Character Portrait: Avalon Wright Character Portrait: Maxxie Tiberius
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Maxxie Tiberius

Maxxie rolled his eyes at her, but was thankfully she didn't really argue with the idea of changing clothes. He made a big show of looking her over when she gave her turn, and nodded his approval. "Ipswitch," he muttered at the same time she did. "It's a little town a few hundred miles from here. It gets the most blackmarket activity, which makes sense..."

He twisted his wand around before shoving it in the waistband of his jeans, crossing his arms over his chest and giving her a more exhausted look now than he had before. "You're welcome to throw out suggestions. But the werewolves around here are bloody moody. They aren't going to want to sit down and just have a friendly little chat."

Maxxie stepped off the wall finally, taking off down the hall and just assuming she would follow him. He was beginning to get hungry and they had this nifty little machine in the lobby that would spit out hot meals for a handful of gallons. Apparently the idea had come from a muggle machine. It was the best thing ever, in Maxxie's opinion. "Even if they did, chances are they'd deliberately give you the wrong answers. Blending in and playing nice is the best way to do it."

He turned into the lobby, his face breaking into a grin the moment he saw what he was looking for. He stopped in front of the best invention ever, glancing over his options, his fingers doing that dancing thing they did whenever he had clearly been still for two long. "Night is usually better to, when it's crowded..."

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Character Portrait: Avalon Wright Character Portrait: Maxxie Tiberius
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Avalon Wright

Ava was sensing a kind some condecending attitude and that was the moment that she realized that Max may have been a pureblood. Not that she would judge...much. The wizard had some nerve calling werewolves moody, it was like a pot calling a kettle black.

"You do know that werewolves are people too." She commented, following him into the lobby. "They just get furry once in a while." The witched watched her partner with a touch of annoyance. In a passive aggressive manner, Ava pushed one of the buttons on the vending machine. Max let out a loud protest. Out popped a large bowl of beef stew, a glass of butter beer, and a snack portion of Every Flavored Beans. It looked edible.

Avalon waved a hand in front of Max's face so that he'd look at her instead of his food. "You sound like you have a bad view of werewolves. A little prejudice even." She commented nonchalantly. The brunette ran a hand through her hair, just to give herself something to do. "You shouldn't penalize them for a few bad eggs in the bunch. Bet you don't condemn all of the wizarding world because of the few crazies in it, like Voldemort for example." The minute the name left her mouth she could feel eyes on her. Apparently, it was still taboo to say that particular name.

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Maxxie Tiberius

Maxxie could hear her talking, could hear the words she was saying, but he was deliberately keeping his attention on food because she was beginning to piss him off. It took a lot to make Maxxie angry, in fact through out his entire life he had only honestly been mad a handful of times.

A lot of Auror's had anger issues, it was actually the norm, people like Maxxie who still had a smile on his face and a bounce in his step at the end of the day were the minority. Needless to say, it was very, very rare for something to actually ruffle his feathers. He was doing fine until she decided to push the button for her. His protest came out in almost a growl, which was ironic considering the conversation at hand.

He was glaring at what hit the bottom of the machine before there was suddenly a hand in his face, and then she had his attention. His jaw practically pulsed at the word 'prejudice'. He was done. He didn't even care if they had an audience. "And you, Miss Wright, sound like a pretentious little twat, just assuming that everyone in the world who might not be of half-breed status has a prejudice. But I wouldn't say that, normally, because I make it a point to get to know someone before I judge them." He gave her the sweetest smile he could muster, which was probably cavity inducing, before he leaned down and swiped his food out from the machine.

He walked across the lobby which had now gone deadly silent before looking back at her. "This is my city, these are my people, and this is my case. If you don't like my lack of professionalism or my opinions, feel free to resign. No one is keeping you here."

And then he twisted down the hall and back to the auror department, intent on enjoying his meal in his own little cubicle.

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Avalon Wright

The use of the word 'twat' wasn't the one that bother Avalon. Half-breed. It sounded like he said the word with disgust. Most people didn't have the balls to admit that they didn't like someone or something. Ava made sure that people knew she was cautious and skeptical about pruebloods. She made them work for approval from her. She didn't do friends with them right away, no, too many bad experiences. As the saying goes, 'fool me once...'.

Her face reamined blank as the wizard turned on his heels and walked away from her. She could feel the anger, bubbling just below the surface. It wasn't a good sign, but Ava like to think of herself above childish name calling or yelling. So instead of causing a scene (unlike one childish asshat) Avalon simply walked away.

And into Penrose's office.

Finding a bar that catorred to the magical community wasn't hard in London. There were a lot of them with various cliental and of course, Ava found herself among less...human companions. It was a nice, lively bar, albeit a little on the sketvhy side. Then again, many of them probably lived sketchy lives.

In one fell swoop, Ava downed her shot, slamming the glass onto the counter as the wizard beside her did the same. He was a huge fellow, really huge, and if she remembered correctly, his grandmother had been a giant. Didn't matter though, he was nice enough to pay for a few rounds.

Goblin fire whiskey was good and it hit like a couple of Bludgers. Apparently the stuff was hard to make, made with anchanted fire, and left a person with smoke coming out of their mouth. Ava could certainly atest to that last bit as a bit of smoke escaped from between her lips. Her head was definitely cloudy. "Another round, on me this time." She said to the bartender as she slapped down a few galleons. "And keep them coming."

The woman tending to her said nothing, instead just poured her and her giant friend one more shot each and then left the bottle right in front of Ava. The withc threw it back with ease. Her companion on the other hand gave the shotglass a look of contempt before swallowing it and biddind her adieu. As he staggered away, Ava couldn't help thinking that he had some horrible alcohol tolerance for someone with Giant in their blood.

Now drinking buddy-less, Ava poured herself another shot. So, quitting hadn't gone so well. Penrose had been extremely unhappy and frantic. He calld her ministry who then called her. In the end she had been barred from taking any means of transportation back home until the issue was resolved. Which meant she was essentially being kept prisoner on foreign soil. This made her unhappy and thus getting smashed appeared to be the only move left available.

She downed her shot.

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Maxxie Tiberius

People were avoiding him. No one knew how to deal with him angry, never had. So he sat in his little cubby with his feet thrown up on his desk, digging into his food. Jessica three roles down, the angle, had traded him some chicken so he ate that instead. She was the only one whose head he didn't end up biting off.

He wasn't surprised at all when Avalon turned out to be a tattle tail. Go figure. It was Jenkins who showed up at his desk though, arms crossed over her chest and looking highly irritated. "Let me guess," Maxxie ripped off a bit of chicken and looked up at her. "Penrose too much of a scared little arse to come deal with me himself?"

"I think you well remember what happened last time we were all put in this situation." Maxxie smirked to himself at her words, turning his full attention back on his food. "Tiberius." His head snapped back up, eyes narrowing only slightly. "She tried to quit. I wonder why?"

"Because she's a judgmental hypocritical little priss?" he guessed, leaning forward a bit to swipe his butterbeer off the desk. Jenkins only took it right back out of his hand before he managed to get a drink. "I can do this on my own, you know. I've never been much of a team player anyway."

The woman sighed heavily before handing his drink back and leaning over the desk, palms flat on the wood, making eye contact which only seemed to agitate him more. "Maxxie, this is a serious case. We're all well aware of your skills, that's why you're here, but you will need some help. Maybe not yet, bu eventually. As smart as you are, other creatures aren't your specialty. What if it becomes Giants? Mermaids?"

His wince was enough to answer her question. "I don't like her," he grumbled. Another thing which was incredibly rare for him. Maxxie liked everyone. Jenkins stood up, ruffled his hair, and walked away. The order was unspoken, but it was still there. He whined, kicking his feet for a moment, then sighed and focused. He disappeared out of thin air.

Finding her wasn't hard. London was a surprisingly small city, the magical subculture within even smaller, and Avalon was a beautiful woman with an American accent. She stood out like a sore thumb. The bar was one he had been in many times before, because he fit in and it was a good place to gather information.

"Zela, my love!" He pushed himself over the bar, ignoring the complaints of the people sitting around it, so that he could place a kiss on the bartenders cheek. "I'm looking for someone, was hoping you could help a bloke out? Beautiful witch, brunette, American?"

Zela rolled her eyes slightly, but there was a smile on her face as she pointed with her bottle towards the absolutely smashed woman sitting a row down from him. "Piss," he muttered under his breath, followed by a thanks before he dropped back on the ground and slid into the empty stool by Avalon. "'Ello love."

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Avalon Wright

Ava could drink...a lot and usually she'd be able to handle it failry well. Then again, she probabaly never drank as much as had been. Just one shot after another, one more turned in the almost the entire bottle. At some point she had cursed to herself that she had bought that thing and goddammit she was going to finish it. Looking at the liquid inside of the bottle, Ava knew she was well on her way to being done.

Of course, things don't always work out the way she hoped them too.

Her sense were rather acute, even in her alcohol consumed state. The minute she heard that voice she knew that her nice peaceful time was going to go right down the crapper. One more shot and there he was, just as she set the glass down. All smiles and annoying voice. His greeting only annoyed her more.

"What's that you Brits like to say," She began, eyes turning slowly in his direction. "Piss off?" With that she reached for the nearly empty bottle of Gobling whiskey. She didn't bother with a pouring herself a shot this time, instead just bringing to bottle to her lips and taking a large gulp. Smoke billowed out of her mouth. Good thing she didn't care about impressing him.

Tired of his company in the few seconds he had sat next to her, Avalon stood up from her seat and took a step away from the bar. The room spun. She knew she was official wasted if she could barely walk. She staggered and Max made to grab for her.

Despite her drunken state, Ava was fast and pulled away before he could make contact. The witch ended up against a table, one hand on its surface for balance as she turned to glare at Maxxie. "Don't touch asshat." When alcohol was in the mix, her maturity left with her sobriety. Avalon cursed to herself at the name calling.

Her eyes were feeling weird, dry and her contacts were making her uncomfortable. She rubbed at them with the back of her hand before looking back at Max. "Leave me alone." She just wanted to drink in peace.

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Character Portrait: Avalon Wright
Character Portrait: Cassius


Character Portrait: Cassius

"Most wizards aren't worth my time, but for you I'll make an exception."

Character Portrait: Avalon Wright
Avalon Wright

"There's more to this world than you think there is."


Character Portrait: Avalon Wright
Avalon Wright

"There's more to this world than you think there is."

Character Portrait: Cassius

"Most wizards aren't worth my time, but for you I'll make an exception."

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Character Portrait: Avalon Wright
Avalon Wright

"There's more to this world than you think there is."

Character Portrait: Cassius

"Most wizards aren't worth my time, but for you I'll make an exception."

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Re: Beyond the Known

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"Don't be such a sourpuss"

Maxxie Tiberius

Full Name: Maxximilian Tiberius
Nickname(s): Goes by Maxxie, will answer to just Max; will usually gasp dramatically if his full name is being used
Birthdate: October 5th
Age: 25
Ancestry: Pure-blood

Height: 6'2
Maxxie is literally covered in scars because of a reckless youth and an even more dangerous career path. His collection Includes:

  • One down his face, right side, that stretches from below his eye to his jaw.

  • One that could pass for a burn of some kind on his left calf.

  • Just below his ribcage he has a horizontal slash that curves around and ends at his spine.

  • His lower abdomen is covered in a thin array of marks, most of them masked by a tattoo that reads RECKLESS.
    He probably has just as many tattoos, some which weren't even acquired legally...or professionally. Most of them are to celebrate occasions, even if the tattoo itself doesn't mean anything. The important ones are:

  • A snake that curls down the inner side of his right forearm, including the words Or perhaps in Slytherin ~You'll make your real friends ~Those cunning folk use any means ~To achieve their ends.

  • A skull on his shoulder that he got when he graduated the Auror program. He also has multiple marks as 'rewards' for reaching goals during his career and school achievements.

  • A small cross in the center of his chest that he got after the death of his mother.

  • The others are, for the most part, simply reminders of his impulsive personality. Markings such as the word 'mischief' on his knuckles, a mustache across his pointer finger, countless initials or symbols, and it's rumored he even as a crude drawing of a dick on his leg.
    Despite all of this, he only has two piercings:

  • both ears, which he keeps black studs in

  • his tongue, a silver ball that he has an annoying habit of tapping against his teeth.

Wand: Length: 12 3/4in, Wood: Acacia, Core: Dragon Heartstring Flexibility: Extremely Bendy
Special Devices: An antique pocketwatch made out of white gold. It has the phases of the sun and the moon around the edges, six hands, and has been known to lie. He's never seen without it.
Skills: He's an extremely good problem solver and liar, and also very good at charms.

ImagePersonality: Maxxie has the kind of personality that isn't easy to be around if you can't be on his level. He's loud, hyperactive, always seen with a smile on his face and a ridiculous joke on the end of his tongue. He probably has ADHD, at least.

The words unpredictable, mischievous, impulsive, and reckless often come to mind when describing him. He has a general carefree attitude with enough of a bite that people have honestly worried for his safety more than once.

Despite all of this, he's actually very mature and responsible. He takes his job seriously, even if he spends most of the time spinning around in his brown trench coat or acting like he looks cooler than the rest of them. Or setting of joke items inside of the office. Most likely, if anything goes wrong in the most annoying way possible, it was probably his fault. Especially if he looks offended when singled out.

He's loyal to a fault and really sweet when he needs to be, but he also has no filter. Anything and everything will come out of his mouth without abandon, which mostly happens when he likes someone. It's rare for him to be in a relationship where outside people don't feel like they have way too much information about it.

Maxxie is probably one of the most honestly happy people on the planet. He has amazing self-confidence (that sometimes even needs to be brought down) and an overall highly positive outlook on life. He loves being alive, he loves magic, and he hates being sad. Because of this, despite the good friend he is, he doesn't really handle serious moments well at all.

His favorite excuse for the way he is is that life is short. Especially the kind of life he has. He doesn't want to miss out on anything or have any regrets. He's a leaper, either all in or all out. He never thinks things through.

History: Maxxie was born and raised in a wizarding city not far from London. He was an only child and lost his mother shortly after turning sixteen. He was extremely found of her and talks about her with utmost love. His father is a dragon trainer, always off in some foreign place, but Maxxie seems to have a good relationship with him too. The pocketwatch he carries around has been passed through his family for generations, landing on him when he was seventeen. It seems to have an odd attachment to him.

He attended Hogwarts like everyone else in his family. The first hatstall of his year, whatever was being whispered to him during his Sorting he has always kept to himself. He was eventually placed in Slytherin, a fact that he is still very proud of to this day.

Most people can't argue that Maxxie was sorted wrong. Despite the fact that he never showed a lot of ambition or determination during his school years, once he sat his sights on something he would see it through to the very end. A lot of the house qualities he never showed until he was out of Hogwarts, such as leadership qualities and resourcefulness. One thing was for sure though, he is definitely clever and cunning.

Maxxie was a little shit back at school, he was a well known trouble maker and very rarely did any of his work. He passed solely so that he could play Quidditch (seeker -- an achievement he marked with a golden snitch tattooed between his shoulderblades), because it was really the only thing he cared about other than breaking the rules.

Despite his lack of effort, no one could doubt he wasn't smart and crafty. He especially had a knack for getting around loopholes in rules to do exactly as he pleased and escaping getting in trouble. It was when he was fifteen that someone mentioned it was a skill he could easily put to use as an Auror.

Even though the comment was originally muttered sarcastically, Maxxie took a liking to it. For the first time in his school career he became grounded, working hard to pull his grades up to what it took. He managed to pass his N.E.W.T's with an Outstanding in Potions, Defense against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and Charms. His lowest score was an Exceeding Expectations in Herbology.

The popular idea was that he would grow bored before finishing the Auror program, but he surprised everyone by actually passing. He worked hard all three years of training, excelling especially in stealth but lacking slightly in transformation. Some people suspect a blind eye was turned towards his overall personality in favor of his skills.

Perhaps the biggest surprise was that he managed to pass the criminal background check.

Other: He has the entire collection of chocolate frog cards


Kellen Grey

Full Name: Kellen Grey
Nickname(s): Kel
Birthdate: unknown; guesstimated
Age: 28

Height: 5'11
Kellen only has a handful of scars from childhood, nothing special, usually caused from friendly play-fights with pack members.

He has a shorter stature, but his body is mostly beefy brawn and broad shoulders. He keeps his hair grown out almost always, sweeping over his forehead just above his eyebrows. It's extremely rare to see him without stubble covering his cheeks and neck, and if he's clean shaven it's probably for a reason.

His eyes are bright blue, a trait he keeps in either form. His wolves fur is the same color brown as his hair, mixed with a few streaks here and there. It stands at a total of five feet when on all fours, but makes up for it's lack of height in stance.

Species: Kellen is a very rare form of werewolf that takes the form of an actual wolf during the shift. Despite it's own added strengths, the shift itself is increasingly painful, each bone having to break and rearrange itself.
Special Devices: He keeps a locket around his neck, the chain long enough to compensate for whatever form he happens to be in. The pictures inside are of his birth parents.
Skills: Kellen actually has the rare skill to be able to turn at will. He still has no choice when the moon is full, but otherwise he has control. Thanks to an intake of Wolfsbane Potion throughout his entire life he's rarely known to completely ose himself.


For the most part Kellen is a pretty laid back person. He has a naturally calm exterior which is very rarely ever wavered. Most people who don't know him describe him as stoic, but that's not necessarily true. He mostly doesn't see a need to wear his emotions on his sleeve. He has a bit of a sarcastic nature, which usually shows up in a way that most people aren't sure if he's joking around or not.

Kellen loves to travel, work with his hands, read, and drink. He's extremely found of people who can hold an intelligent conversation and likes people even more if they can surprise him with knowledge of their own. He's open minded and always willing to learn new things. He leans towards people who are independent, but oddly enough likes to be in a group as often as possible.

He does have certain personality traits that stem from his wolf, such as wanting a 'pack' like feeling and being extremely territorial. The full moon will change him the night before it rises, often making him a little agitated and snappy. Usually that's the worst of his side effects. Though his anger can prove to be a problem, it's difficult to get through his laziness and bring a rise from him.

ImageHistory: Kellen was born and raised in a small little town to a big family who really couldn't afford all the mouths they had to feed. They were simple folk, mostly farmers and ranchers who kept to themselves. He was three when they were attacked by werewolves.

Only a few people in the entire town survived, and those who did originally didn't all take to the bite. Kellen was one of the youngest few who did. At some point, the attack was reported and the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures stepped in. Kellen doesn't remember a lot of it, except that he's in the Werewolf Registry and that he was 'adopted' by an outside pack.

He was moved across the country without looking back to a place surrounded by hills and forests. Originally extremely frightened of what he had become he resisted his new found family. He didn't make it through the year before he found himself forming attachments, especially to the alphas of the pack who had pretty much claimed him as his own.

Pack life proved easily adaptable for young Kellen. They lived simply, somewhere between humans and wolves all the time, living off nature and having a give-and-take lifestyle with the rest of the pack. He adopted the last name Grey when he was ten and never once felt like an outcast, even if he was a different species than the others.

He doesn't feel resentment or regret about the life he lost, instead he actually very happy about the one he gained and feels as if it was where he was always meant to belong. Still, he keeps the locket of his parents around his neck, a form of respect and remembrance for those who loved him first.

The pack happened to be made of traders and his mother, a skilled glass maker, traded most of her work for potions of every kind. Thanks to her Kellen has been on Wolfsbane since he was a child and has even developed a way of blocking the taste. His own particular skill is wood carving, a special talent for miniatures.

At the age of fifteen Kellen left his pack and began traveling, little by little at first and making it to other countries by the time he was in his twenties. He moves between worlds with ease, not one to hold prejudices thanks to his own upbringing. However, he knows not everyone is so fortunate and has learned to deal with it.

Beyond the Known

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