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Bioshock -  Would you kindly?

Bioshock - Would you kindly?


Its been 10 years even since this fine place was complete, This is the Place were a all are accepted into life! Were the little sisters find ADAM at every corner! Were death cant go! Welcome, to Rapture!

4,603 readers have visited Bioshock - Would you kindly? since Ghost Chrismen created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


What you hear about rapture is all lies, Its hell down here! I-I tell ya man, them little sisters with the big Daddy's are just Scary! I-i mean, you Can go up to Columbia, B-but the War is still raging, a-and the so called "Heavy hitters" are like the, umm, Umm, the Handy man, and the Silent boys! Plus the Bird! Oh god that bird! I hear that it rips Sirens in half and eats them! Creepy right? Anyway, Rapture has the worst of it all, The Rosie's and Bouncers, And don't forget the Big sisters! The splicers, A-a-and them Mobs, well, im in a mob but, That's not the point! They gots Guns n' a load of ammo! Then they Delta guy, oh yeah, has some anger issues, yeah, yeah, If you want to survive then you need Plasmids or Vigors! Y-you can like, gat Fire shoot out your hand or Pick up stuff with your mind! Its cool right? Anyway, guns are Vital to your Survival, you should find one of them, umm. . . what are they called? Oh yeah! Go to a Shop and get a pistol with stuff ammo, Its a start but you'll need it. The so called "Master" of Rapture is Andrew Ryan, Friends of Sander Cohen, Plus that insane doctor, uh, I can't remember his name, anyways, Ryan is dead, some jack-ass killed the bastard, And as is The Atlas guy, the others are too. Tenenbaum Came back, but just for the god damned Little Sisters. The Daddys will get her some day, anyway back to what I was sayin' Go find Tenenbaum and what ever you do, I dont care if its anything else, just don't Touch the little sisters. Ever. You hear me man? Now go find er!



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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Character Portrait: Mr. Thumper Character Portrait: Alice
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#, as written by Raidose
"Daddy..... Daddy won't you please come home?" was the tune that played eerily through the dank halls of the plaza. It's source, a barely functional radio, flickered to life every now and again to play out that same lyric. Much like everything here, it too was trapped in a perverted vision of a single moment in time. The radio died once more as the dust and sediment around it began to ever-so-slight stir. A new rhythm echoed throughout the plaza. Glasses tinged and clanked, loose chairs wiggled and wobbled. A sound soon followed the tiny tremors. A sound like that of a marching drum, or perhaps like tiny beats of rolling thunder. In truth, this ominous thudding came from something much more horrible. Through the dead air, striding past the many scattered corpses, a behemoth marched to it's own rhythm. Clad in iron and painted in blood, it's eerie yellow gaze poured over the macabre surroundings of this, the rotting carcass of Rapture. No man, sane or spliced, would believe that something as wretched as this abomination of flesh and ADAM would carry something so innocent. This was Poseidon's Plaza. The monster was known as Mr. Thumper, and the girl it carried on it's back was Alice.

This bogeyman trudged his way through the still, foul smelling courtyard, with his stomps as a clear warning to every living thing of his presence. Nothing wanted to cross Thumper, and even the most insane of the Splicers always gave a second thought about attacking this walking death-wish. But he wasn't here for them, no. He was here for the new needs of his charge. The beast let out a low, ghostly moan in response to it's eyes landing on a vending machine, seeing it as a means to accomplish his goal. The machine sensed the presence of a potential customer, and began spouting out it's various recordings to try and draw their attention.

"Β‘Bienvenidos, SeΓ±or! Me llamo El Ammo Bandito!" *Smash!*

Apparently not one for a sales pitch, Thumper simply brought his drill down on the machine, splitting it in half as several bullets and shotgun shells began to pour out of it. The Machine could do nothing but voice it's final complaint, "Hey, I've got a familia to feed", only to be completely ignored as the Big Daddy picked through the various ammo that scattered across the floor.

"No, Mr. Thumper, no! I told you the other one has the food in it" Alice chimed in.

Mr. Thumper gave a drawn-out moan as a sign of his obedience, as he stomped his way to the opposing machine on the other side of the hall. The familiar clown-face was badly beaten, showing signs that someone had already tried to break in. Thumper was sure he could be more successful. The light behind it's creepy, glass face flickered and sparked as he approached, not uttering a single word. Unusual for these often annoying advertisers of random crap. Alice peered over his shoulder, leaning in closer with curiosity.

"Do... do you think it still works.....?"

Thumper's hand inched towards it, giving it a light tap. The machine suddenly sprang to life, and made the horrendous mistake of startling Alice, causing her to let out a tiny shriek.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Welcome to the Circus of Val-" was all it got out, before having it's big, annoying smile impaled with an enormous freaking drill. To Thumper, this was simply cause and effect. Creepy-ass clown scares Alice, creepy-ass clown gets drilled through the face. Clearly, his logic was flawless. The machine sputtered and sparked, as if trying to cling to it's fabricated life as it slipped away.

"Wel-Wel-Welcome-come to the Cir-Cir-Circus of Values-ues-ues-ues-uuuueeeeesssssss......."

It's contents began spilling out of the slot at the bottom, as Alice merrily hopped off Thumper's back to rummage through the spoils for edibles. Satisfied with her findings of a few bags of potato chips and some pep bars, she clambered her way back to "her spot" on the combustion engine attached to the Big Daddy's back. His mission was accomplished, and so he moved on. All the while eyeing all those doors into the Plaza. He never liked doors.

Doors let things in. Sometimes those things are bad. That means doors are bad. Doors might be bad for Alice. I should kill those doors.

With that, he was completely for the idea of going over and killing those doors. However against his better judgement, he decided against it. The doors weren't doing anything right now, so he didn't worry. If it really came down to it, he could always just kill whatever came through them...... and then kill those doors. With that comforting thought, he proceeded on his way. Completely ignorant of the vending machine, which was still impaled on his drill, that he was now dragging with him.

"Uhh...... Mr. Thumper?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Little brother Character Portrait: Mr. Thumper Character Portrait: Alice
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The little brother and his guardian, the big brother, found there way to a Big daddy and a little sister. "Who are you? I haven't seen you before." Said the Little brother. "Yes, You are in our side of Rapture, So please leave or we will have to force you out." Said the Big brother with a Robotic like voice.


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Jack and 4 of his men finally reached the one of the places where they leave bodies for big daddies which was located near Poseidon Plaza. After dumping the bodies jack ordered his men to take positions on a nearby catwalk and watch for anyone and if they say a big daddy to go back to base. Jack finds a chair and places it a bit away from the bodies and sits down. As he lights himself a cigar while he waits he wondered what happened to the days when all was peaceful and he didn't have to fight for survival. "I hope the first person we see is a big daddy this time instead of more hostile splicers." Jack says to his men. upon hearing loud footsteps and a child's voice he decides that they probably won't have to wait long.


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Mitchell's eyes simply couldn't drag themselves away from the display in the Atrium of Fort Frolic. It seemed so terrifying, and so artistic at the same time. A photo display of death. Something as terrible as such could only be the work of Sander Cohen.

"A proper maniac..." he mumbled, glad to have never met the man himself. Why a Splicer like Mitchell was looking at art like this seemed odd, him being a big muscular badass that he was. However, Mitchell was still one to admire art, or at least pretend to admire it, as art was considered 'intellectual'. And if there was one thing Cohen had, it was an artistic vision.

Though, then something caught his ear. "Oi!" he called, "Mice be scamperin' around?!" He looked around, trying to find his possible attackers. "Hey! Big guy! You appreciating the art?" A voice from seemingly nowhere called. "The fuck are you?!" Mitchell yelled, looking around frantically, hoping he wasn't fighting a ghost. Those were terrifying. "Above 'ya, fatass!"

Mitchell looked up to see three Splicers hanging on the ceiling by hooks, unmistakably a Spider Splicer trait, all three jumped down from from their perches and faced the bigger Brute Splicer, their likely disfigured faces covered by masks.

"I see you take a liking into a nutcase's work," a fox-faced Splicer said with a sneer. "Well, I happen to have an artistic view not too different from his, if you know what I'm getting that," Mitchell answered with a grin, cracking his knuckles. "Then you ain't gunna be having any problems with what we're up to, are 'ye?" A bird-nosed Splicer asked. "We're gunna be gettin' some ADAM off a little munchkin, you wanna join?" A cat-faced female Splicer asked.

"I've seen the bloke, you all be speakin' about that thing with the bigass drill, Thumper? Won't stand a bloody tick against that tin-head." "And that's why we found you," Fox-face said, "Figured a meat-head like yourself could put 'im in it's place." "I don't like this deal," Mitchell said, frowning, "I ain't kickin' that thing in the arse only to get a quarter of the slug shit." "The matter, you big pussy-face?" Bird-nose asked him, "Lard to scared to get his shit together? Rather would look at art than get some ADAM?"

Mitchell's face turned into a scowl. "You wee dandies better not be prancin' aboot in my way, else I might just use 'ya as a diaper for the 'lil one. More ADAM for me. Where is the stupid bloke?" "Poseidon's plaza," Cat-face answered, "Get you and yer bubbly arms over there before we take the ADAM to ourselves." At the, the three Splicers scampered off, jumping onto walls and running off like ants on ADAM. Mitchell then too ran up the Atrium stairs as fast as his ADAM depraved legs could take him. He'd killed daddies before, so this time wouldn't be any different.

"Better get ready for me young lass, Daddy's comin'!"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Little brother Character Portrait: Mr. Thumper Character Portrait: Brendan Mitchell Character Portrait: Alice
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#, as written by Raidose
Strange, these beings, these unfamiliar abominations that stood before the two. Alice hunkered down, disturbed by the little boy that began proclaiming this as "their" territory, not liking the erie tone in the child's voice or his empty, souless stare. Thumper didn't even register them as living things, walking right past them while wondering why his arm felt heavier than usual. This was his place of dominance, his turf, and so long as these things didn't make a move for Alice, the giant could care less. Had he been of mortal mind, he may have asked why it gave off an unfamiliar smeel, not like that of a normal Daddy, or why it's little sister was dressed weird, but he wasn't.vMr. Thumper danced on the borders of being an automaton and drone, with occasional spurts of free thought popping into his steel-incased head. So he merely groaned deeply as he plodded past them,and while Alice was scared of them why should he be? She was with him, she was safe. After all, he'd never fought anything that could rival the undisputed King of Rapture.....

Not even ten feet away, two metalic clanks echoed within Thumpers helmet, along with Alice shrieking and leaping into his hand. Something was on his back, something alive. It wouldn't be for long. "Ello there, lil' darlin'! COME 'ERE!!! A bloody hook arked out for Alice, as Thumper let her fall to the ground to evade the strike. Challenge Accepted. The Splicer on his back seemed to have jumped the gun, succeeding only in getting it's head crushed by Thumper's hand as he tore the Spider off his back. Now he could hear them, the clanking and cackling. Alice bolted for the best hiding hole she could find, an overturned Vita Chamber, as Thumper turned to face his attackers. His heart began to race, his ADAM enhanced muscles flexed, his breathing escalated, and his External Adrenaline Suppliment began pumping the fluids straight into his veins. The bioluminescent chemicals in his helmet reflecting the haze overtaking him, burning with a shade of red torn straight from Hell. The monster roared out a deefening whaal, the sheer intensity causing several street lamps around him to burst and shatter. Thought left him, replaced by endless rage and demanding instincts. There was no need for anything else, things just....... needed to Die!

With might surpassing that of any creature in Rapture thus seen, the Big Daddy swung his drill forward, dislodging and flinging the remnants of the vending machine at the biggest of the Splicers. this also served to free his drill for the upcoming backhand. The airborne Spider hadn't had time to react, being swatted out of the air by a tornado of teeth and sparks which decimated his body into bloody fireworks of gore, the meaty ribbons of remains spraying through the air back towards the oncoming group. No one threatened Alice, nothing ever would, and He was the reason why. Letting loose with another bone-shaking roar, his drill spun wildly and spat out torrents of sparks as it's teeth chattered and engine screeched angrily. The Tin Daddy charged, drill forward and Hell following with him.....


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"Argh, bloody doors," Mitchell complained, finding the door mechanism to Poseidon's Plaza was shorted out. Mitchell had seen the wires for these things before, and only the newer ones were fully waterproofed. Theory was that with vault doors, the automatic mechanisms were perfectly safe from major water damage. Nope, just a splash and everybody suffocates. It didn't help that Rapture was always wet. Why? Because it was under bloody water! Not to mention the whole city breaks down all over the place. Didn't help that the door was frozen as well. Now, Mitchell could easily fix the problem himself, switch up the wires a bit, no problem, if his fingers weren't so blooming big!

"I swear," he muttered, "I'll kill every last one of these doors one day, if somebody else doesn't." After a couple blasts of Incinerate and Electro Bolt, the door finally opened. As soon as it had, the other Splicers just 'climbed' in from of nowhere.

Mitchell had only just walked in when the first Bird-nosed Splicer flung himself at the Big Daddy, only to get himself killed. Head squished and all, gruesome sight. Then the thing, though it didn't look like it had any way of doing to, made the most god-awful sound Mitchell had ever heard, covering his ears not being enough to block the noise out.

Then it revealed it's shining weapon, but not before flinging crap Mitchell hadn't been able to identify right at him. Mitchell brought his arm up to his face to block the incoming debris, it literally deflecting of his inflated arms. At the same time, the Cat-faced Splicer made a lunge, but was discombobulated before she had the chance to spell it.

And then the ungodly thing looked at him, if looking was the term. The third Splicer had already taken to the ceiling, so it was only Mitchell. They way he liked it. He'd once messed with a Bouncer, and got a nasty wound from it. Would'be killed him if his chest wasn't a foot thick with meat.

"Alright, come on then, Whirly! Giv' me a spin, won't 'ya luv?" On command, the brass-assed creature ran at him, drill revved up like a coffee-junkie, ready for a proper ass-whoopin'. Injecting himself with a blue fluid, Eve Hypo, Mitchell's fists sparked with arse-plasma, and he readied himself for impact. Then, stepped to the opposite side of the drill, and gave the ol' Daddy a classic Plasmid Punch in the Pan, shocking and staggering the thing at once. Then, Mitchell came down on it's forehead with both of his fists, and then kicked the can back. "Daddy's quite the masochist, ain't 'ya Daddy?!" Mitchell yelled, "'Cause if 'ya tryin' t'stop me, then blimey, your bloody awful!"


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Character Portrait: Jack Warner
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Jack sees splicers fighting a big daddy down the hall. After thinking for a bit Jack decided that if the big daddy dies he'll save the little sister. Jack ordered one of his men to come to him and grabbed his soldiers sniper. Aiming down the hall he headshots one of the spider splicers. Giving the gun back him and his soldier went up to the catwalk and joined the other 3 in watching the rest fight.


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(well this seems dead so I guess I'm done with this thread forget about all of my posts Bye everyone)

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Character Portrait: Jack Warner
1 sightings Jack Warner played by ragnorokhellfire
Being a mob boss pays off

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Mr. Thumper
Character Portrait: Alice
Character Portrait: Peri
Character Portrait: Brendan Mitchell


Character Portrait: Peri

Subject Delta of the prototype program for Big Sisters, 'Big Momma's.

Character Portrait: Alice

"Please don't get close, Mr. Thumper will get angry...."

Character Portrait: Mr. Thumper
Mr. Thumper

"The meanest son of a bitch in Rapture...."

Character Portrait: Brendan Mitchell
Brendan Mitchell

"I'll crush your wee lil' bones to make me bread!"


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Re: Bioshock - Would you kindly?

Well, I'm posting when anybody else does...

Re: Bioshock - Would you kindly?

Soooo........ There anyone else here?Or is it just me and Lloyd now? Cause nobodies posted in a while, so I'm kinda wondering if this is dead.

Re: Bioshock - Would you kindly?

Well, guys. Yesterday, my hard drive crashed majorly. My PC is down and out for good I fear. I'm having to use a straining combo of my PS3 and local library to keep going on here, so if I can't post every day I do apologize. I'll try my best though.

Re: Bioshock - Would you kindly?

Yes its alright! This is rapture my friend! oh, and you all can start posting now.

Re: Bioshock - Would you kindly?

So, I was thinking of making a character relating to Sander Cohen. Not blood related, I mean just of his prodigies or something. Same powers as a houdini splicer, would that be alright?

Re: Bioshock - Would you kindly?

Well, I suppose it's about time you make your character and tell us when to begin.

Re: Bioshock - Would you kindly?


Re: Bioshock - Would you kindly?

Oh, trust me, you don't have to quote Bioshock lore to me, I'm quite familiar with it. Mr. Thumper is a dumb, SEMI-Mindless berzerker. Alice, his little sister, is what guides him. Basically, I always wondered what would happen if a little sister got turned in to Tenenbaum and cured without it's Tin Daddy dying first. This one remained loyal to her, and with a LOT of hypnotize plasmids, Tenenbaum was actually able to open some of his neural pathways. So now he's about as smart as a beagle, with some very set logic. Something get's close to Alice, it dies. Violently. I can send in the sheet (may need some editing to this new sheet), and if there's an issue I'll resign myself peacefully.

Re: Bioshock - Would you kindly?

I'm sure the GM is fine with it. Although, the thing about Bouncers, like all other Big Daddies, is that they don't have any free will or thought, as opposed to the ferocious Alpha series, like our favorite Subject Delta. Though, I can't be entirely sure about that, as the wiki only refers to them as 'mindless drones' and doesn't exclude Alpha series in that statement. However, I could imagine that a sentient creature wouldn't have to be shot to sense danger. Maybe you'll have to ask somebody else about that.

Re: Bioshock - Would you kindly?

Is this still accepting? If so, I'd like to throw in a Bouncer Big Daddy from an old Rp in here. Just please...... no Alpha series? I had a huge argument with an alpha series player and, well starting with plasma's, big daddy strength, and a crap-ton of super guns is not very balanced.

Re: Bioshock - Would you kindly?

Its after Bioshock one and before bioshock 2, I hope you enjoy this Rp!

Re: Bioshock - Would you kindly?

Wow, this RP seems pretty attractive to me. This entire month is the month I got interested in the BioShock series, and I've seen playthroughs of BioShock, BioShock 2 and BioShock Infinite, and they were all pretty awesome. Though, I like researching games, The Half-Life/Portal series being the one series I've studied more than any. BioShock, however, is one I'm still studying, but I understand most of the stuff. Anyway, just to be clear, does this RP take place before, during or after BioShock 2?

Bioshock - Would you kindly?

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