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Blades Among Chaos

Blades Among Chaos


A Modern Samurai Role Play.

The return of the sword, samurai, and their honor system/way of life... in a modern day setting.

3,299 readers have visited Blades Among Chaos since Streak2K10 created it.


The year is 2023, and years of war has ravaged just about all of the country of Japan, so much so that all modern technology has been rendered useless. During the war, one side managed to use and explode a hydrogen bomb in atmosphere over the country, rendering all electronic devices, with the exception of the car and small battery-powered devices, useless, this side becoming the new rulers of the country. Japan has, once again, reverted to a feudal way of life similar to the Sengoku Era of Japanese history. The use of bladed weapons being all that were available because of the new leader's ban on all firearms. They have been confiscated and burned.

With the coming of this new era, the return of the ideas and teachings of the samurai became increasingly more common, a common ruler of areas of the world with their vassals, the country thrust back into the caste system that the ancient Japanese used to follow.

Now their are clans fighting each other for the throne, even clans trying to take over the areas of other clans. Where will you fit in this new chaotic system? Will you be able to handle it? Only time will tell.

Emperor: Tennō Heika Takahiro

~*The Clans*~
*There will be 2 sub-clans per major clan. Once we have these 2 for each, then all applicants there after will have to apply for one of the sub-clans already created.

Neo-Shinsengumi: This clan is the clan that fights for the current Japanese leader. Much like the Shinsengumi of the feudal period, they stand for justice, fighting to return order to the chaotic land. "Swift Death to Evil" is their motto, just like their ancestors. Though the ruler, or Shogun in which they serve deceives them, being corrupt and greedy.
~~~~Sub-Clan #1: Murakami Clan
~~~~~~Head: Mamoru Murakami
~~~~~~Second in Command: Lei Nakajima
~~~~~~~~~Ren Nishimura

~~~~Sub-Clan #2: Edo Clan
~~~~~~Head: Aimi Edo
~~~~~~Second in Command:
~~~~~~~~~Daisuke Yukimura
~~~~~~~~~Yamada Yuki

Neo-Ishin Shishi: This clan seeks to take control of the government, not caring for the tyrannical rule of the current ruler. They say he is corrupt and operates not in the interest of his people, but of his own interest. They wish to stop him and remove him from the throne so that they may usher in a new era of piece
~~~~Sub-Clan #1: Amano Clan
~~~~~~Head: Kenichiro Amano
~~~~~~Second in Command: Kurenai Masamura

~~~Sub-Clan #2: Shintate Clan
~~~~~~Head: Sakura Shintate
~~~~~~Second in Command: Ryuu Tachibana

~~~Neutral Members (Those belonging to no clan):
~~~~~~Ally Echizen
~~~~~~Shizuka Tachibana


Profile Skeleton:
*Please use the site's application to include this information. If not a field for it, put in one of the fields provided. This is not fantasy, therefore no powers or races other than human.

Character Name:
Age: (18+)
Clan: (Choose one of the 2 major clans, or say none)
Sub-Clan: (Choose one of the 2 sub clans for that major clan. If there is space, create one. This does not apply to those who don't belong to a clan.)
Brief Bio: (About a paragraph should do it.)
Weapons: (Any bladed weapon is okay. NO guns. Crossbows are good though.)
Appearance: (An anime picture, 100 x 100 for the size, please.)

Toggle Rules

1: No God-moding, power-playing, or any other forms of cheating. It's not fair to the other role players.
2: Literacy is a must! No text talk, proper grammar at all times. Also, quality over quantity, though there is a minimum of (one) paragraph consisting of 5 sentences. NO ONE-LINERS! Writer's block is understandable.

3: This is Long-term. Do not join if you're just gonna post for a while and never come back.
4: On that note, tell me if you will be leaving for an extended period of time via PM
5: Please respect me as well as other members. I'm also looking to hire staff that will not abuse their mod powers.
6: Romance is encouraged, but for the love of God, please keep it PO-13. No one wants to see that.
7: Violence is also encouraged, just don't get to out of control. I personally don't mind blood and gore, but some people do, so please respect that.
8: No killing without my, or the other person's permission.
9: Only two sub-clans for each major clan. Once they have been made, all following applicants must join one that is already created. Though choosing a major clan is not required. Samurai and other characters with no allegiance are allowed.

10: This is not a fantasy role play. There will be NO other race than human, and NO special powers and/or abilities. Get over it.

11: Please enjoy yourselves. This is meant to be fun, y'know.

*I reserve the right to add/remove/edit these rules as I see fit.

Taking place in...

Modern Japan-2023 our primary setting

Modern Japan, ravaged by years of war and violence. Though from some spots, the country known for its breathtaking landscapes still manages to retain its beauty.

Modern Japan-2023

Modern Japan-2023 by Streak2K10

Modern Japan, ravaged by years of war and violence. Though from some spots, the country known for its breathtaking landscapes still manages to retain its beauty.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors

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#, as written by Sicroth
Ren's gaze followed as she said her departure, fingers wrapping tight about the medicine in the cloth she had handed him. A smile, a gesture foreign to the man, curved his lips together as his eyes soon fell to the hand that was holding the fore-mentioned items - rubbing his thumb over the purple cloth. A world where a ghost could walk among the light... A wonderful thought it was, to be free of the ties that bind; wonderful, but fleeting. Turning his gaze up towards the female ronin as she walked off, he called out.

"With the coming storm, I'm sure we will have no choice but to speak again." He was about to go his way again, but another thing came to mind.

"However, with the path I walk, I am unsure if it will be this way - or with blades matched." It was a grim truth, for the path that Nishimura seemed to be walking, was that of chaos and fear. Drawing the medicine from the cloth he tucked it into a small pouch hanging from his belt - As for the cloth, it soon found itself wrapped about the hilt of Ko; the defender. Boots scraped against dirt as Ren turned away, his back to the sun, casting a shadow out far ahead of him. Namatame, Shizuka. How was he to explain why he was late when he returned to Lord Murakami's side? He certainly couldn't lie, and not as if she were a part of the Kan...

It matters not. What happens, happens. Ren chuckled quietly to himself, brushing his still soil-stained hands together. Raising them to his lips he blew through them as he started to hum a quiet tune to himself, estimating himself to be about yet another hours walk from the Kan estate and his way home. He wondered how long he could stay up like this, while easy the slaughter had taken quite a bit of energy, and Ren hadn't even slept much less ate since two days ago. 'You shouldn't push yourself to your limits.' He mocked his mothers nagging in a quiet whisper, scowling.

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#, as written by Dandan
Toshio had found a job. he was working for a local money runner and Toshio had to rough up a few people and get the money back. He beat them not to death but enough to get them to give up the money. He brought the money back to the man and he gave toshio 10 gold and a 1/4 sack of rice.
"i dont wanna see you around here again kid you can do so much better." Toshio sighed and he left with the food

"LIttle ones tonight we eat i got rice and enough gold to get some meat." Toshio laughed and smiled

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Sakura nodded her satisfaction with his answer and turned back to the stranger held before them. The young woman, not forgetting the fact that he was the enemy, kept her hand tight on her katana, ready for anything he might do. Walking forward in her tall boots, ones that made her still too tall for a normal Japanese woman, Sakura pulled his helmet off. The leader held it out and one of the guards took it readily from her thin hands. Shintate lifted an eyebrow at him, looking the prisoner over and over again. He still hadn't said anything, which was intriguing to her. What had happened to him to make him first, get caught, second, look so defeated, and third, remain silent.

Her green eyes looked back at Tachibana-kun. She could feel his apprehension, but Sakura's childish curiosity and her bleeding heart couldn't just kill him right there as her people were demanding. Perhaps it was selfish of her, but right now she didn't really care. Her clan would understand sooner or later. Lifting her head, she looked at them all. They were all so intent on this prisoner, filling the great hall with hate and tension. There was no way this would do any good.

"Everyone," she called out, receiving the attention of her people. "Return now to your duties. This is a task for your leader. I will see to it that this man is questioned." A growl of disagreement rose up. It made Sakura feel like she was a traitor and she lowered her head to hide the frown on her face. Would they still trust her? This one instance couldn't make them hate her... could it? Considering the news she'd just broken to them, could they see the good over the bad? Shaking her head, Sakura lifted her eyes back to them.

"Please! Have faith in me!" With a final grunt, the servants and other clansmen filtered out of the room. Even after their departure, Sakura felt the stress in the air. This had better be a fruitful task, or the authority of the Shintate clan would have a great price to pay. But hopefully, Sakura was just over exaggerating the present situation. Sighing, she looked back to Tachibana for his strength.

"Okay," she whispered and looked back at the prisoner, still being held by the two men. "If you so much as make a move, I will kill you." Sakura threatened. She really meant it. If it was one thing Sakura had confidence in, it was her ability to fight and defend with a sword. Taking a few steps back until she was beside Tachibana-kun, she waved her hand around.

"Secure him with chains and cuffs. We will question him when he is fastened."

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#, as written by Sicroth
The sound of an engine shutting off always sent a strange feeling down Ren's spine, it made him feel as if he should be running from the vehicle rather than calmly removing himself from it. He swung his right leg over the left of the black cycle, slipping off it before continuing towards the Estate on foot. It was a good ten minutes from where he had decided to stop, the front gates of the citadel, he could of easily went through there but... He never liked dealing with the guards, really.

He walked in a wide circle about it, about the walls of the structure. He came to a spot on the stone wall, stone brick atop stone brick tightly packed together. Gripping one rock he began to climb up, making the tiniest of mental notes to tell Mamoru about the possible hole in the estate's security. He'd probably push it aside though, as he had a more important question to ask of his Lord. It had come of the conversation with the Ronin, 'Why was he still alive'? He never understood why his life had been spared, when he should of been slaughtered just like his father had been.

He slipped over the wall, landing with a huff in a kneeled position on the other side. Green eyes blinked as they met those of an estate guard as he rose to his feet, slowly raising a hand to give a little wave to the man. He felt kind of screwy, as if his vision were blurring, and the world had started to spin around him. That's when he realized... The guard had smacked him over the head with the bottom of his sword's hilt, sending Ren to the ground. Of course he'd be considered an intruder, half of these guards didn't even know of his existence.

He mumbled quietly his name as he was lifted and dragged along with the guard's hands under his arms, falling into an unconscious state. From what he could barely make out prior to slipping away, was that he was being brought directly to Lord Murakami, or at least, a holding place until the formerly mentioned had returned.

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Daisuke wasn’t paying attention. He was dragged into the mansion and into a large room full of people. He didn’t take any details in, he didn’t even realise the Magpie was gone. The first thing he noticed was his helmet being removed and his hair fell out from under it behind him, coming to rest around his knees.

His strength and resolve deserted him all at once and he slouched in his already kneeling position. He looked up, he recognised them, the two from the car in front of the Amano mansion that had discovered him. But some strange feeling of confusion entered his shattered mind when he saw the man again; he looked too familiar, something about his eyes. Then again, Daisuke was a broken man. He was probably trying to find connections where there were none.

The woman whispered something to him, but Daisuke was not listening, he just knelt there. To some he probably looked dead, they were not far off. Without a purpose, he allowed them to secure his arms and legs and awaited the inevitable actions of him being dragged somewhere else for holding and probably interrogation.

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Character Portrait: Mamoru Murakami
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The car door had been opened as he had finally arrived at the grandiose Murakami Estate. Japanese architecture was of the past as it exhibited every details of a European Mansion. Although, the traditions instilled and happened within its confinement is of the matters of Japan. Takaya, the elderly man who drove him respectfully lowered his head as he exited the vehicle. The soldiers that were guarding the property did the same in fear and respect for his authority. A passing thought played within his mind, it was the repetitive cycle of events in his life. In any case, he was certain that all events in the future would not be as boring as returning to his role as the charming and illustrious Murakami leader.

Entering the mansion, servants lined in proper manner and greeted him in his arrival. It would appear to be extravagant for any person however, he had been entitled to such treatment ever since he was born into this family and so did his kin, who are now dead. Since the change of power in this household, everything around him had been mundane even killing was simply like breathing. Yet, he had felt emotions once again when Aimi had returned. Problems simply kept piling up on him and he had to solve it in the most convenient way for His Emperor. It was never a bother to him, he would get to all of it once he gets himself a bath.

A male servant approached him as he knelt before the young master and offering a signed letter decreed by his favorite person, the Emperor. The man was definitely a slave driver in every sense. He had just arrived at his home and another mission already awaits him. Not to mention, the multitude of documents that needed his attention. Taking the letter, he dismissed the servant who cringed. It cannot be helped. He was infamous for being unpredictable for his actions and adding to his current ensemble, fear was inevitable.

Deciding to read the message later on, he proceeded to his personal bath. Everything had been prepared even his new set of clothes. There was no need for him to say anything to have the people around worked to his whims. It was fulfilling to have those kind of subordinates however, it was also boring to have not someone to be played around. Releasing a sigh, he began to immersed himself to his cleaning rituals and the water changed into the hue of muddy red.

"The blood of the Kan, huh... just like before."

"Why are you doing this Onii-sama!? What happened? Please don't kill me!"

"It is too late for you Mieko. Goodbye."

"Mamoru! No, you did not... How could you betray your family!"

"You always come late my respectable father. Betray? I only learned from the best. I am simply living your expectations"

"You bastard of a son!"

Closing his eyes, he leaned to rim of his tub. Those were the last words of his father to his only son. How fitting it truly was. Enjoying the calming moment, it brought him to a degree of peace despite the turmoil he had surrounded himself. In addition to that, his relaxation was disturbed by a few knocks and the urgency in the tone of a guard. He hated this kind of moments. Some men were certainly born unlucky aren't they? This would be one of the situations where it would be proven true. Finishing his bath, he wore a bathrobe and carried his precious katanas in both hands.

"Come in and be brief."

His voice echoed within the domed room of his bath. The guard entered as he bowed with much reverie knowing the possible transgressions he have done. There was no time to waste when one is before the presence of the young master. So, he immediately delivered his report about the intruder that had been reported to enter the compound. Moreover, the lowly guard knew that it would mean the security still had holes in it which would not be liked by the Murakami Head.

"There was an intruder that entered the estate, Lord Murakami. We have apprehended him and had suspicion he might be of a rebel group. The man identified himself to be Ren Nishimura. What would---"

The katana that was embellished in onyx hue was unsheathed as it pointed the neck of the guard. He really hated people who had no manners and interrupting his moment of peace with a foolish apprehension. Although, he could not find fault in what had occurred. Ren had always been unknown by many even within the ranks of the Shinsengumi. However, it seemed the ghost was loosing his touch in combat. The guard took away his attention from his thoughts as the man mumbled incoherent words of apology.

"Show me your tongue now."

The guard widened his eyes as he hesitated to do so. However, blood red eyes gazed down at him malevolently. In the end, he did so and with one swift movement. The lowly guard had been separated from his tongue. Cringing so painfully, he held his bloody mouth and fell to the tiled floor of the room. The young master sheathed his sword and left without another word. Guards that had heard and witnessed everything waited at his door for any command. Maybe, he should have all of them train once more. It would be wasteful to have such useless guards when war would be apparent in the near future.

"Take care of him. About the prisoner Ren Nishimura, send him to me at once. He is one of us do remember that in your thick skulls."

His words dripped with deadly coldness as the guards shivered and quickly did his bidding. He continued walking along the hallway towards his room. In his current appearance, he appeared to be more of a noble prince as his hair cling to his face due to it wetness. His chest showing barely through the bathrobe as maids that he had occasionally passed by had faint blushes upon their faces. Although, he was not in the mood to be flirty at all. The moment of calm was now over. He is going to return to his life that should be. After preparing himself to be presentable, he arrived at his office. As expected, there were new sets of documents to be worked upon. Furthermore, there was this letter from Takahiro. Taking a seat, he opened and read the order being delivered.

"He is enjoying this situation very much. Good for him, I guess and troublesome for me."

Leaning upon his chair, he would need to have an eye upon the newly proclaimed leader of the Edo clan. At the recognition of her authority, a mission had been assigned to her. He wondered what would she do. Aimi was never the kind to kill anyone despite being hurt. Takahiro seemed to want Aimi to quit her position due to cruel orders being given. This is only his mere speculations. Although, it was never too hard to figure out Takahiro. He was an easy read to him ever since they were children even though there is a huge gap in age. On the other hand, nothing is cast in stone isn't it? It seemed he would need Ren's expertise once again. Now, where was the man.

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Ryuu led the guards through several of the back hallways of the Shintate Estate, coming to stop in front of a sliding door that looked much like the others. Pulling it open without undue haste- it would not be appropriate to seem at all put-off by the situation- he gestured for the men to leave their prisoner with himself and Shintate-dono and leave, which they did, but not before he caught them exchanging doubtful looks.

"Is there something the matter, gentlemen?" he asked softly, staring them down with unnervingly catlike eyes. One of the men swallowed visibly, and the other shook his head. Rarely did Ryuu use intimidation as a method of obtaining anything, but occasionally one had to remind people who was in charge in a given situation. Should these soldiers- Seta and Kuroi, he remembered- be having doubts about Shintate-dono's decision, it was his prerogative to ensure that those uncertainties were met with nothing less than a will of tempered steel. If men doubt your orders, they doubt your strength. You must take pains to remind them of it. These words had been spoken to him long ago, back when he was being groomed to be head of House Tachibana. Back then, "reminding them" would have meant physically; under Shintate-sama's tutelage, he had come to understand it differently.

Ryuu made eye contact with Shintate-dono over the man's head, and then knelt and unshackled his hands, leaving his feet bound in case he should try to escape. Their prisoner was without his weapons, and Ryuu was confident that there was little danger to her in this situation. The man before him did not seem as though he had enough motivation to resist, much less prove an actual problem.

"Please forgive the circumstances of your imprisonment," he said formally, tonelessly. "We were in the middle of passing some unfortunate news to the men, and they were understandably after Shinsengumi blood upon hearing it." He sat across a small table from the man, and slid him a bottle of water from underneath it.

"I don't suppose you would know what I'm referring to, would you?"


Shizuka's step hitched a bit at the mention of crossing blades, but she continued without comment, knowing that Ren was already too far away to hear her. I wonder what you would say if you knew such a thing could only end one way? There was no way she'd be able to harm someone she had spoken with in such a manner. She may indeed cross blades with such a person, but there was a reason Kikuhime had no cutting edge. More than one, in truth. Such a match would most likely end in her death. Shizuka was strong, a good deal stronger than most, but violence was not in her nature. The artistry of the blade, yes, but not the desire to do damage.

A melancholy smile settled on her delicately-sculpted features ans she walked on. Her master had not descended from the mountains outside the city of his birth for over eight years, but she could not help but wonder what he might have done differently. She had met two people today who had seemed as though they were missing something, and she doubted very much that she had been of any help. Then again, it was possible that it was she who was incomplete, seeing herself reflected in the faces and mannerisms of those she ran across.

So, Shizuka, where to now? Or are you so incomplete that you lack even a destination? She knew she was being unfair to herself; part of being a wanderer was having no home but the journey itself.

To drown in self-pity is the most pathetic way to die, She heard her master's voice in her mind and nodded. You're right, sensei. This is helping nobody, and isn't that what I swore to you I'd use this sword to do? To help someone... yes, that seemed right. But to whom should she be offering assistance?

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The only word that came out from her lips as she stood before the courtyard of the former glorious Kan Household. Now, it was nothing more but a ruined illusion. Scent of burned flesh and decaying bodies filled the entire estate. She entered the destroyed mansion as the scene she was presented to was likely seen in horror movies than of reality. There had many instances she wanted to vomit everything that was inside of her stomach. Yet, she stood her ground as she knew that acting such would show how Despite having everything cleaned from corpses, she could still imagine what kind of fear and suffering the people had experienced that night at the hands of the Murakami. The clan ruled by Mamoru who gallantly wore his attire before her bathed in the blood of the Kan. In the years, she was separated from them. What occur for them to do such a despicable thing befitting for a monster.

"This is utter destruction not even a drop of sanity left in here."

Gin had informed of her about the details of the mission given by Takahiro to Mamoru. No one was exempted from the slaughter. She did not want to believe in it and hoped that somehow within the ranks of the Murakami would be a Samaritan that would spare lives that night. Although, it was immediately crushed by Gin saying that no one had survived including the children even though there was no word about their corpses. She asked how Gin was so certain about this and the man who had been always with him merely said that his informant was quite reliable in many ways. There was no reason to doubt what he had told her. He had never lied to her unlike Takahiro and Mamoru. Continuing her sad walk along the ruins, she caught a few glimpse of pictures and certain displays she had remembered when she had last visited the Kan.

"I was only 6 the last time I have visited here. They were kind people and the Prime Minister was recently married. He always remarked that he hoped for a daughter like me. It made me so proud."

Spotting a small paper ball, she could only conclude that it was owned by one of the children. They did not even know what had descent upon them. There was no chance for them to defend themselves. Is this the manner that Takahiro and Mamoru want to rule Japan with? She could never agree to such villainous acts. However, she is the Edo Clan leader and the oath forged in blood dictated her loyalty to the Chrysanthemum Throne. She could only do so much in her own and yet, she is willing to do everything to prevent anymore bloodshed to be consummated. Even if, she would be cut down by the Emperor and his Bloodhound. There was no way she would surrender herself to them. Carrying the ball, she continued looking around still having a semblance of hope for anything to survive in the rubble.

"Lady Edo, we should take our leave now. This place would be burned down soon enough. It is part of the protocol of cleaning this mess."

The young lady of the Edo clan gave a nod as her understanding. She did not want to speak for she might break down. Gin only spoke the truth however, she knew there was no justification to be found in what had happened here. Burning this place was not something it deserved at all. She wanted to spend more time here as long as she can. Her mourning for the Kan had yet to be sufficient for her. Once she leaves her, she intends to leave her old self. She would immersed from the ruin as a new persona. A threat that Mamoru and Takahiro would take notice. It was something she would not allow herself to fail. This is her decision. In that light, she continued deeper to the halls and exited upon the gardens. This was the place she used to spend her time while her father and the Prime Minister would have a talk. Now, the scent of death hanged to this place. It was suffocating to a point as blood washed upon the green grass and soil.

"Gin... I promised the Prime Minister that once I returned. A song... I will sing him a song... He always liked me singing."

Her guardian that prided himself to be stoic in this kind of situations now has an expression of sadness. The pain his lady was feeling radiated from her form eminently. Now, a huge burden had been passed down to her. She could only accept it and walk forward as noble as she is. There was nothing he could do. No words of comfort or flattery could change what happened in this place. The memories now covered with the blood of the people she had hold dear. There was no more attachment to save and restore. No one to say to her, "Welcome Home."

"Then do so. Milady. You never break a promise."

With that said, Aimi felt water dripping from her cheeks. She instinctively touched it and knew that meaning of such thing. Soon enough as if to sympathize with everything that happened. The clouds darkened and not a moment too soon rain had fallen in a gentle drizzle. Gin opted to take Aimi to shelter but he was mesmerized as she began to sing a melody filled with much sadness, hope and gratefulness. She was pouring out all of her emotions in the song similar to the rain falling upon them. A need for her wish to be heard by the Kan. He knew this was something his mistress must do. In addition, the rain should give them more time before the infernal end of this estate. Thus, he stood behind her as he listened to the heartfelt song being sung with much strength and loudness as it echoed in this now barren place. The Young Lady was determined and if anyone would hear such beautiful anguish. He would be here if that person would cause harm to his mistress.

"Even though the day of reunion is still far off
Again today, in this street where I met you,
I watch the flowing clouds
And I think
Of you

Clear sky, fading noise
The memory path that I saw from the top of the windless hill
Moves without any changes

From the far away street that is dyed in warmth
You've surely fallen in a dream with a smile

The tone of seasons, the performing trees
The memory path that I saw from the outside of the train station early in the morning
Moves without any changes

From the far away street that is dyed in warmth
You've surely fallen in a dream with a smile

If only one wish were to come true
Then I wish, to the end of the sky above the clouds, even this one word is good
Please deliver it

From the far away street that is dyed in warmth
You've surely fallen in a dream with a smile

Even if we are far apart, until I reach you
I'll sing my emotions to you countless times

"Thank you"

I greet the morning of the new season
And on this street that has started to become familiar to me,
I watch the flowing clouds again
And I think of you."

At the end of the song, Aimi looked at the sky as the rain feel upon her face. It was as if cleansing her from the sadness she was feeling. Her clothes dripping wet clung to her form and the same could be said about her hair. Yet, she did not care for any of that. Tears fell from her eyes yet no one can distinguished it due to the rain. She stood there reveling in the silent sadness surrounding her. This would be the last time she would cry. She would not have such tragedy happen again as long as she is alive. This is her will and it would not be ended no matter what. Furthermore, Gin had a smile upon his face when he heard his mistress's words even if it was a mere whisper.

"I will be a shield that no one can ever break. This I, Aimi Edo swear. I will protect everyone even if I had to die. Even if, everyone would turn against me. I will still prevail."

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#, as written by Dandan
Yamada felt the rain fall upon him and stinging his unshielded eyes. He could feel the sadness in the rain as he rode for the edo complex. He reached the complex and sat at the door and he then released the horse into the wild. Yamada waited outside the gate for his lady to come back.

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#, as written by Sicroth
He was getting sloppy. Ren's hand rested upon his forehead where a rather sizable lump had formed from the earlier blow he received. He had been stripped of his weapons and armor, he knew that much, left with only a loose fitting shirt and the ragged, hand-made pants he usually wore. He was collapsed against a far cellar wall, peering at the guards which surrounded him, left leg stretched out before him with his right leg bent up; arm resting on the kneecap. But he would never raise a blade to someone he perceived as an ally, so he really couldn't be blamed for what happened, just misjudgment of one of these... Patrols.

It felt as if it were forever that he was confined there, when he saw the messenger stepping down into the cellar. He had started to speak with the guards, pointing towards Ren several times. While he normally could of hear them, his state of exhaustion and slight concussion had made them seem as if they were speaking in long slurs, as if the world had been spinning about him. He mumbled a minor objection when he was lifted to his feet and shoved towards the stairs, barely hearing the mention that Lord Mamoru was looking for the Ghost.

The messenger would accompany him, and for this Ren was glad, as he ended up bracing himself against the others' shoulder as they walked down the halls and through the many rooms of the estate. Green eyes peered about them, picturing what they looked like when the purge had occurred, some of the rooms much redder than others had been. He was soon peering at the entrance of Murakami's office, the messenger having left his side to go about other business. Probably delivering more messages...

He hadn't even waited for a proper sign that he could enter the office, and with a small nod to the Guard beside the door, pulled open the door and stumbled inside before closing it with a soft click behind him. "I'm here." His voice was distant, dimmed.

He hadn't even bothered to try and make himself presentable, much less formal, he wasn't sure where his things were being kept. They'd probably be returned to his room in the far left of the building. His head was pounding, that's all he knew, and all he really cared about right now was assessing what Lord Mamoru wanted. He stumbled a few more steps forward, before falling back on the ground, sitting cross-legged as he peered up at the Clan Head. If Mamoru hadn't of known otherwise, Ren probably would of either seemed to of been a drunkard or a child of a man, frail hand lifted to the air in a tiny wave. Disrespectful, in a way, treating Murakami as if he himself were a child.

"Reporting for duty, Ma... Mam..." Nishimura blinked, he couldn't think of the name of the man before him now. A little smile curled his lips, "Lord Murakami." It took him about three minutes to come up with the name, and in between was only a deafening silence. He bowed his head soon after, mumbling to himself. After about another minute, Ren's gaze slid up to meet with Mamoru's, a sudden look of serious questioning upon his face.

"Why am I still alive, Mamoru?"

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A raised eyebrow was the first expression that Mamoru had upon his face as he had seen Ren entering his office. The alcohol was not the precursor of this since he could have smelled the disgusting scent without trouble. In addition, he greatly resents any drink that had alcohol content even how minimal it could contain. His next conclusion about this man's current appearance before him would be the invisible aftereffects of the events or the words from a complete stranger. In any case, the Ghost never failed to entertain him every time they would meet and here he thought that this day would pass without anything interesting event other than making one of the guards mute permanently. Moreover, it was quite enjoyable to a certain degree to see the stoic and cold assassin acting like a child brimmed with confusion. For now, he would make this gesture of utter disrespect passed him without consequence.

From the facade of a complete dolt, Ren return to his visage of seriousness. His eyes of green met with the blood red of the Murakami leader in that moment his question left his mouth, rain fell from the sky as it could be seen clearly behind Mamoru. It seemed that even nature had its perfect timing on certain occasions. An inquiry that had been asked by Takahiro yet he never answered with a definite meaning. It made the young leader be curious of what kind of interactions Ren had while he was away from his presence. The man had never asked about this ever since he was spared from the bloodbath 4 years ago. What could have transpired to have this man shaken about the interest of being alive?

"Because, you are not dead Ren."

The statement could mean many things in view from different people. It could have mean as a definitive description of his current condition which would appear quite annoying in the presence of a serious conversation. Another one could be the meaning of being spared by a whim or for a reason that was not to be exposed for anytime soon. His words resonated within the confined room as the drops of the rain were the only prominent sound to be heard. Taking hold of the letter that issued Takahiro's order, he threw it before Ren. After doing so, he turned around his chair to face the window behind him. In that position, he could clearly see the tears of the sky cover the entire country while Ren could only see the back of his seat and a portion of his hair. Is God comforting everyone or covering away the sins that had been planted? Well, it would only be known soon enough.

"You are loosing your edge Ren. Being apprehended by the guards showed the decline in your skills. No one knows better than you that a moment of weakness will kill."

Producing the pocket watch to his hand, Mamoru gazed at it with intensity. Silence consumed them once again. If Ren would decide to go rogue then it would be for the better. He would be cut down by him personally if it comes to that point. For now, the answers the Ghost wanted to hear from him would not be said. Soon, everything will be clear from the fog of deceit and the truth will be given to those who deserved it. All that Ren must do until that appointed time is to stay alive as long as he can even if the enemy before him would be the Emperor or Mamoru. This is the confidence the young leader has for the man who still lived through the massacre of the Murakami Clan. Yet, it would not be harmful to direct him to find the answers on his own.

"If you are wavering because of that question Ren. The name you possess as the Ghost is a mere illusion. Yet, if answers to being alive is what you ask. Your next assignment might give you some enlightenment. An order had been given by the Emperor. The next purging is assigned to the Edo clan. However, the new leader is a person of doubt. Keep an eye on that person and report the slightest disturbances to the will of the Emperor to me."

As the last statement was spoken, he turned around to face Ren as his blood red eyes seemed to glow eerily. His face was cast with cold authority that did not leave much for any other questions. Mamoru knew for a fact that the man before him still has the will. It is why he kept those kind of people close to him. The entertainment he received in this monotonous life is truly a sigh of relief for him. Although, it still does not answer why Ren was not killed on that fateful day. Well, he could say but where was the fun in that? People should grasped their own desires without the aid of another. Does the Ghost have that ability to do so? He will see soon enough.

"You should take heed of yourself. Rest and depart for the order you receive at your best condition. If there is nothing else, you could leave now."

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#, as written by Sicroth
"Do not trust anyone. Question anything." The words were carefully muttered under his breath, trailing his fingers up through his long bangs which had fallen over his eyes. He peered now at the back of that chair; having been locked in silence while the other had been speaking. Pushing his hands now against the floor Ren rose carefully to his feet, hands brushing along the front of the shirt those guards had thrown him in the prison. A pre-war blank white t-shirt. How kind of them to be so... Thoughtful of the color. That or they had nothing else on hand.

"The children." Ren spoke in hushed tones while he had glanced over his shoulder to make sure the door of the office was indeed closed. Stepping forward his hands came to rest upon the edge of the desk, leaning somewhat over it to continue his quiet speaking with Mamoru.

"A hill just an hour south of the Kan Estate. You can see it from the front gate that leads to the estate... It over looks that valley." He had almost forgotten to mention it before he left, and as he finished to deliver it, turned his back to his Lord and started to walk his way to the exit.

"But I do have to wonder, Mamoru," Ren mostly whispered to himself as he took a hold of the door, "Do people not perceive correctly the kindness in your soul? There seems to be something else under that Veil... Thank you, Lord Murakami." He clutched the order within his left hand and pushed open the door with his right, slipping out of the room without further sound... Not even the door making it's usual clicking as it closed.

He gave a nod to the guard by the door once more, who watched as Ren left his presence with a look of somewhat dubious disbelief. Was that the same man who walked into the office moments before? Nishimura merely raised a hand to wave at the guard, vanishing about a corner of the hallway. He wondered how the fabled Head of the Clan would take what he had said, as he himself was still running to answer as to why he still lived through his mind.

He'd reflect on it when he arrived at his room, nothing that a good rest didn't solve.

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Daisuke was taken to a room. He didn’t notice anything, it was like was in a trance. They sat him down and untied his hands.

One of the two, the man he guessed from his voice (since Daisuke was out of it), asked him a question, he half heard it and didn’t understand, nor care at this point, what it was he was referring to. He felt the bottle touch his hand but the fingers would not comply and let it slip to the floor. His whole body was refusing to cooperate with him.

After a few seconds he looked up.
“No, I do not know what you are referring to. I’m a Sniper, not an informant.” He said levelly. His voice was odd, it sounded creaky and pathetic, but he held his head in place with a stare of indifference.

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Clasping the pocket watch in his hand, he leaned his entire body at the mercy of his chair and had a small laughter escaped from his mouth. It did not bothered him if the guards might hear him. The words that the Ghost muttered in his presence were quite the source of his illicit humor. It did remind him of a certain person speaking about his kindness. If it was said in a different time line, he could find it a wonderful compliment. However hearing such a trait attached to his person would be disastrous to his current reputation, he should do something to correct that. After all, Mamoru Murakami and the characteristic which is kindness were never meant to be used in a sentence.

"Take care of him for me, Mamoru..."

Finally regaining his composure, he stood from his chair and looked at the window behind him. The rain had yet to stop and he hated the thought of getting all wet because of it. Yet, he had responsibility needed to be done. Ren had done already much for an obligation meant for him. Grabbing an overcoat from the coat rack and his katanas secured around him, he exited his office as the guards quickly acknowledged his presence with a salute and a bow. Fear radiated from them, Mamoru could only conclude that the news about him severing a tongue of a certain guard had already spread. It was nothing to fret about a lot of people lost their body parts everyday. He ignored these actions by simply walking passed them as an immediate servant appeared shadowing his pace. It was good that the people working under him were at least this efficient.

"Prepare the car. I have a matter to attend."

The servant bowed after receiving the order as he left quickly to do Mamoru's bidding. Wearing the overcoat, the young master dreaded the feeling of the rain as he neared the doors that lead outside. The pattering of the rain continued to echo solemnly inside the mansion. A peculiar idea entered his mind which placed an entertained smirk upon his face. Female servants that witnessed this could not help but blush. Despite their master being cruel and bloodthirsty, he was still a handsome man to be fantasize about.

"Does it want to cleanse me. It is useless."

Mamoru whispered to himself which after wards, he noticed the looks he was receiving from the opposite gender. It was interesting to a certain degree and he would have liked to have a few moments of fun with them. However, he was not in the mood to frolic and found it instead annoying. Thus, he glared at them with his deadly red eyes which sent the female servants running to their works. With that, he exited the mansion and watched as Takaya his driver waited for him with an umbrella. The car waited before him as he walked towards it being followed by the elder man ensuring the Lord would not be wet. He would be returning to the Kan Estate. This was outside the interference of anyone. He was going due to his own code of living. Although, no one is certain what certain principles the eccentric Murakami Head follows. Entering the vehicle, Takaya closed the door after his Lord and went to his position at the driver's seat.

"To the Kan, Takaya."

With that said, Takaya drove as they left the Murakami Mansion and headed once again to the sinful purge in the name of the Emperor. Mamoru gazed at the window beside him as the rain tainted it. Everything outside was blurry to his vision because of it. Nevertheless, he found it calming as he closed his eyes whether it was the much needed rest or simple contemplation. The young master did not care as he allowed the sound of the car engine and the rain lull him in a relaxed state. It was something he needed as of now as he relished in the moment of peace he had obtained.

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There was clearly something very wrong with this man. Sakura could feel the brokeness in him. She could feel it, because very often Sakura felt the same kind of brokeness building inside herself. A shattering derived from failure and loss. A little more of her had fallen apart just this morning. By the end of all this, Sakura would very likely be nothing but a shell, just like this prisoner. But as much as she empathized with him, she still had to think of her people and their safety. Having him here was like having a bomb placed just under their feet.

Walking around him to stand beside Tachibana-kun, she gripped the hilt of her katana and knelt down. Tilting her head a little, Sakura scutinized his face carefully as he stared. A distant look in his eyes, no smile or frown.

"You know exactly what we refer to." She claimed, rather calmly. He probably didn't, but Sakura wanted to make sure before they continued on. "You are of the Edo clan, surely you know what the other clans are doing in the Shinsengumi. Do you not communicate?" Sakura tried very hard to keep her eyes on his, but he was so blank and lost. His void was slowly fillng her up. All she could see was herself in her old age. Broken and gone.

If only her parents were here. Maybe she'd feel a little more whole with them around. Turning her green eyes to Tachibana-kun, she felt some of the darkness lighten up. Maybe as long as he was near, she would be okay.

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This time the Woman spoke to him.
“No. I am formerly of the Edo clan, I had only just returned from duty the day before. I have no information from whatever occurred that evening, as I left in the afternoon.”
He attempted a sigh but no air escaped from his lungs and made no sound.
“Like I said, I’m not a Spy.”

Staring at the table now, the reference to Lord Edo filled him with anger, swelling up silently inside his mind. His face made no visible change. None of this would have happened had he not deserted his clan, but to stay would have been the end of him. If the false information reached the Emperor and was found to be false, Edo would have had Daisuke’s head.

He sat motionless, contemplating “what ifs”, as he awaited the continuation of his interrogation.

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Ryuu steepled his fingers together in front of his mouth, elbows propped on the table before him. Closing his eyes, he took a few calming breaths before sorting through the information he had been given. It appeared that this man truly had no knowledge of what had occurred at the Kan estate. Fine. He would run for now on the assumption that this was truth.

So then how to approach the matter now? The man before him may very well have important information, but then again, if he were so behind in the happenings of the Shinsengumi so as not to know of yesterday's incident, perhaps he did not. Opting to take a different tack, he opened yellow-green eyes once again and fixed them on the man in front of him steadily.

"Very well. If you claim no knowledge of the Kan Massacre, I shall not press the point. However, the fact remains that you were caught on Shintate land, without a reason. This is not something we can simply ignore. So tell me: who are you, and what is it you want?" The question was worded intentionally vaguely; how the man took the query was liable to tell Ryuu more about him than the actual answer. Sometimes, he hated the way he had to manipulate, to toy with minds in order to receive the necessary information to make a judgment. And yet... he knew it must be this way. Someone had to do it, and Shintate-dono was far too honest about where she stood and who she was. Which, in truth, left only him.

So be it, then.


Shizuka woke to the melancholy sound of the rain hitting the trees above her with a light pattering sound. Fatigue had at last overtaken her some hours ago, and she had chosen this small grove of trees by the side of the road to take her rest. Camping outside like this was not an uncommon occurrence for her, as she was not in possession of more than a few hundred yen at any given time, and inns were sparse in the countryside between major cities besides. It had not always been this way, she had been told, but now at least people tended to concentrate in the larger metropolises, or just beside them.

The last thought made her remember the Kan estate, and she cringed inwardly. So much seemed to be going to madness, as though the world itself were fracturing, falling apart. She gazed up at the leafy expanse that had served as her ceiling that night. She had smelled the rain coming, and done her best to avoid sleeping soaked. Now, though, she would have to continue in it; not that such a thought bothered her. She was rather fond of the rain, of the soothing sound it made as it fell to the earth and the fresh, replenished feeling it left behind. She loved the smell and the feel of the water on her face, like so many tiny encouragements to continue walking.

A small smile passed over her face, and Shizuka shook her head. She could really be strange sometimes, she supposed. Stepping out beyond the treeline and into the steady fall of water, she was swiftly becoming soaked. Ah well. She wasn't at all concerned with getting sick; such things rarely happened to her, for whatever reason. Rather, she wondered again where she was going.

To help. To make a world where everyone might be as they are- as they wish to be- without fear. But how?

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Gin removed his coat as he placed it over his young lady. It would not be good if she would have a flu or a cold. Furthermore, her clothes adhered greatly to her form. Some men might perceived ideas not acceptable for his mistress. After that, he gazed at her as he sheltered her with an umbrella. Even if, it was now pointless to do so for she was already drenched. Upon stepping in the native land of his lady, the past, present and future were now becoming one entity. It does make him wonder how all of this would end. Shall the bloodshed end or shall an era of peace prevail? No one can tell for certain. If anyone could, then they would not need to struggle with much effort would they?

"Lady Edo, it is time for us to go. Being in such a state is also not advisable for your health." A nod was the only answer from the mistress as she took one final look at the scenery before her. With that done, she turned around and began to walk towards the direction of the car. There was no use staying in this place any longer. She had said her piece and made an oath. Now, it was time to move forward even if she had to sacrifice her own life for all of this tyranny to end. There was nothing that could stop her will as Gin trailed behind her with an umbrella. Matters about the Edo entered her mind as she does need to clean up the mess her uncle had done. In addition, there was also his funeral to attend to.

Soon enough the car was in sight, Gin opened the door for her as she entered. The feeling of being completely soaked did not bother her at all. Somehow it felt refreshing at some point. Although, she would need to take a shower upon arrival at the estate. Leaning on her seat, she felt the car moving as they left the land of the Kan. Closing her eyes, she did not took another look at the ruins that signified the bloody rule of Takahiro. There was no use looking back at things had been done. All that she could do is to ensure it would never happen again.

"Gin. You are by my side are you not." The man addressed looked at his lady through the rear view mirror and had a small smile upon his face. There was no need to ask such silly questions about his fealty. He had come to her side due to his own accord. However, he knew that even how mature and intellectual his mistress is. She was still only a child if age was to be measured. If his answer would ease her turbulent heart, he would say it many times as she wanted to. His entire being solely belonged to her and no one else and even when it comes to a point he is not needed anymore. He would still follow her until death takes her from him.

"Always my Lady Edo." In that answer, Aimi opened her eyes as fiery determination was reflected upon those obsidian orbs. She had steeled herself of the tribulations that would come her way. The Aimi of the past is now a figment of the imagination. She would be the leader of her clan like her father was even greater. This is her decision as she cast her gaze at the window beside her while many thoughts filled her mind. There were a lot of matters to busy herself when she returns home. The possibility of the Emperor sending her an order is highly to be done. She would need to do something about that. However in the midst of her contemplation, she saw a person by the side of the road. They were not far from the Kan and she wondered if this person might be involved or be a survivor. She had to be certain.

"Gin stop." The car halted not too far from the said person as Gin gazed at his lady. Inquiry filled his gaze as the mistress opened the door. Gin not even had the chance to mouth his question or to suggest for the lady to have an umbrella. He swore youth today are impulsive than before. He could only do what was appropriate as he exited the car and followed his lady. It is there he had noticed the presence of person specifically a maiden. Notably, she had a katana with her. He could only guess the girl was a ronin since there was no distinguishing clan marks upon her visage. Furthermore, the Lady Edo approached her as he followed suit with an umbrella.

"Excuse me. May I ask you something." Aimi stood before the mysterious girl. Despite her being soaked in her current state. the Lady Edo was still a beauty to be seen. Although the same could be said about the girl in front of her, her onyx eyes gazed at the female stranger. She wondered if any information would be handed to her or even the relief that there were survivors. It would certainly be a wonderful news to hear in such dreadful times. Silence reigned between them as the rain was the only indication that time was truly moving around them.

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The morning sun was beginning to rise as Shizuka continued her relentless trek through the rain. If there was one thing that could be said of the ronin, it was that as soft as her demeanor may be, there was a layer of steel not too far underneath the pliancy. As her teacher was fond of saying, it wasn't killing that required the most strength. It was having the will to resist the easy solution that killing presented, and tread the harder path, the one that meant your enemies may return someday, stronger and with a vengeance.

But these were dark thoughts, and Shizuka disliked them. She liked to think that she did not have enemies, though how true this was, she could not say. She supposed that any one of the many people she'd met on her travels could have been offended by something she said or did or was, and she might never know. All she could do was hope this was not the case.

A melancholy sigh escaped her. It seemed that today would be filled with grim musings, much as she wished it were not so. Such was the way of things, though. She looked up at the gray sky, still emptying its contents upon the world, refreshing the plants that drew life from the ground and everything else in its turn after them. Some things, at least, still held the same childlike wonder for her that they'd had so very long ago, before she knew of wars and death and pain. The rain that currently ran down her face and dripped off her eyelashes and chin was one of those things, and she would relish in it.

Just as she was thinking this, she heard the unmistakable sound of a car coming up from behind her. Moving to the very side of the road to be sure she was not in its path, she would have simply continued walking had it not slowed to match her pace, and then stopped beside her. Curious, she waited as a young woman, likely not much older than Shizuka herself, emerged from the passenger seats. A man, perhaps of middle age, soon followed from the driver's seat, hastening to hold an umbrella over the already-damp lady.

The woman was, Shizuka had no difficulty observing, quite beautiful in the traditional Japanese sense, with long black hair and eyes to match. She was clearly of upper-class stock, and the ronin could not help but wonder what such a person might be doing out here, in her world of traveler's clothing and roadside dust. Still, she carried herself not only like a noblewoman, but also as one trained in the art of war, and Shizuka understood well that she was not dealing with an ordinary lord's daughter, something she was somewhat glad of.

When she asked if it might be all right to inquire after something, Shizuka nodded sagely, unconsciously folding her hands as she had been taught as a small child, in the manner of one noblewoman meeting another. Should she have noticed, she might have been appalled at the station implied in this, for she was noble no longer, at least not in her own mind. But it was pure reflex, and by the time she thought to correct it, it would have appeared strange to do so.

So she smiled, gently in the way that was all her own, and shook her head demurely. "You may ask of me anything you wish. I have never known a question to do harm," she replied, meeting black eyes with Tachibana yellow-green. It seemed that no matter how fully her mind and heart were Namatame, there were just some things she could not change.

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Subtle yet noticeable, Gin could not ease a certain intuition that the lady ronin in front of them was something more. Despite that, he could not see any dangerous intent about her. It should be safe to assume that this warrior is not a threat at the moment. Still, it would be perilous to lower his guard at the first sign of comfort. Over all, he does not see the current location is appropriate for the two females to speak about. His lady was already drenched and the same could be said to the female ronin as well. He does worry about their well-beings even though the two girls seemed not frazzled about it. Somehow, he did missed the days were ladies were a lot more self-conscious.

"If I could politely intervene, I would suggest for us to take refuge in the car. I could not allow myself to see such young ladies to be damp when it could be prevented." Spoken is a very suave manner, he gestured to the car. He was not sure if the ronin would take the invitation however, they should converse not in the open where the rain falls upon their flesh. It would not be beneficial to have his Lady Edo and the stranger of a ronin to be sick. His conscience would not allow him to simply ignore this. Looking at them with sincerity in his offer, he stood with such pride that one would mistaken him to be of a lord than of a mere servant.

"That is true. Pardon me for my inconsideration." What have been spoken by Gin was true, she was too impulsive which was not like her. She should retrieve her bearing and find a comfortable place for them to talk. The rain was not an annoyance yet, it does gave them a peculiar situation. Furthermore, she remembered something about seeing such eyes. The hue of yellow-green just like of a cat. It was the words of the past which had escaped her. Adding to the enigma, the ronin seemed to be of noble breeding from the way she had acted. Yet, she was not here to pry about the female's origin but about the Kan.

"Would you like to hear my question in the car? If not, let us find a suitable shelter. It would appear the rain has yet to ceased. I would not have the person I am speaking of to be ill." Aimi spoke in an elegant manner which she had been accustomed to. Her manners and movements showed her status as a noble lady. It would be a mistake to conclude that she is not otherwise. Moreover, she could sense a similarity between them. Maybe, it was due to being the two of them as female warriors. For now, she would have her observations about this ronin end there. There are other matters that she intended to know.

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Shizuka dipped her head in acknowledgment of the offer from both fronts. As accustomed as she was to such things as journeys amidst a downpour or even a snowstorm, she understood that this was not necessarily true of everyone; far from it. The offer, she understood, was not made from an assumption of her weakness, but rather a consideration for comfort that she would not speak against.

"It is no inconsideration at all, but if such is your wish, I shall not protest," she replied easily. In truth, it might once again have been wise to display more caution around people she did not know, especially ones with obvious power and wealth backing them. Few could claim such a thing these days; only the greatest among the Shinsengumi and Ishin Shishi, in fact. But then again, it was not such a worrisome thing. She had conversed with two Shinsengumi not long ago, and had not even been required to draw her sword, nor felt particularly threatened at any point. If anything, the encounters had been more polite and cordial than she had come to expect of anyone.

She was slightly apprehensive about damaging the car seats with water, but took comfort in the fact that neither of her hosts seemed to pay much mind to it; indeed, the young woman was almost as soaked as she herself. Shizuka swiveled a bit in her seat to regard the black-eyed warrior once more. "But forgive me. There is something you wished to know. Ask, and I shall answer if I am able."

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All of them were now inside the car, sitting comfortably as much as they could in their respective seats. A moment of silence hanged around them as the rain continued to echo inside the vehicle. The young mistress soon met the eyes of the ronin who had taken her interest. It was very awkward to see two females damped to the skin as water began to pool around them. Gin knew that it would take him a hard time cleaning the car when they arrive the estate. Well, it was all for the benefit of their health and he could not regret his suggestion for that. Soon enough, the silence was broken as the female warrior spoke and in response so did the Lady.

"I would like to ask you if you have any information regarding about the happening at the Kan Estate. It is my conclusion that you might have passed by there since you are on this road. Any information you might have could be beneficial." Aimi had a stern yet hopeful gaze upon her onyx-colored eyes. She hoped that at least a bit of good tidings would be heard by her since the time she had arrived. Although, she had seen the site and what Mamoru was capable of due to his ability to wear the clothes filled with blood without bother. There was little chance that mercy had been issued that dreadful night. Still, there was no harm in believing in that small chance.

"The Kan had been closed to my heart for many years..." She said that much of a whisper. It was not intended to be heard yet due to the minimal space they were in. Her words would hardly be missed. In that simple statement, grief could be seen from her stature. Her shoulders that were impeccable aligned to her straight demeanor were slightly lowered. Her eyes that looked into the ronin with much confidence were now downcast. Despite her facial expression being void of any emotion, she remained as elegant which was inherent in her.

Gin observed his passengers from the rear view mirror and chose to remain silent throughout the conversation. There was no need for him to interject himself in. This was something that his Lady needed to confirm herself with. Once she returned to the mansion, she would be expected to act as fitting Edo Leader like her predecessors were. She must not be swayed by her hesitations and doubts even more by the echoes of her past. He truly wondered sometimes if the adults were simply being lazy. After all, they had placed the fate of an entire country to a bunch of children if anyone would ask him. Over all, he didn't have the right to complain. For. he too had place his hope on the young Lady he is guarding.

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The ronin may have answered the first question, but she stopped as the words slipped straight from her host's heart past her lips, or so it seemed to Shizuka, observer though she was. When she replied, it was soft, and with a great deal of sympathy. "Then I regret for your loss," she said, regarding her hands folded in her lap. "Though I was not present at the time they were killed, I know with certainty that none survived. I, too, have seen what was wrought."

Her head raised to once again regard the other woman, and this time her voice was a bit stronger. "You should know though, that the children were buried properly. There was one who saw to this." She would not say whom, for she felt that perhaps this would somehow be a betrayal of an implicit trust. When one spoke to a wanderer, one did not expect those words to be repeated to another, that much she knew. This was a very rare circumstance, and Shizuka would use what she knew to bring comfort to this soul as best she could, but she would not reveal Nishimura-san's identity without a very good reason to do so.

I am sorry, for I wish I could help you, and yet, I cannot. How she wished dearly there had been but even one survivor to relay to this distraught lady, but Shizuka knew well enough that wishing alone did not make it so. Dreamers might change the world, but only when their tears and blood stained the ground first. I wonder...

"My lady," she began hesitantly, unsure how to address this woman, "might I ask how you have come to be here, and now?" It was a loaded question, she was well-aware, and she left allowance in her tone for a refusal to answer. Shizuka would not be offended should someone choose not to reply to this, but an idea was forming in the back of her mind. She felt a strange similarity with this woman, as though her fate may have been Shizuka's were the world a little different. Depending on how she answered, the ronin may have at last found the beginning of her answer, a way to help more than just one person at a time.

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Character Portrait: Toshio Asai
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#, as written by Dandan
Toshio knew the money would not last for long so he had to get a job. he went to the nearest bar and asked the owner about possible employemnt. "what can you do son."
Toshio laughed and moved his hands onto the counter. "im good at getting rough with people."
The bar owner laughed "son i don't need any of that here but if your looking for that type of work i now a man looking for an assassian to kill some important people."
Toshio sighed "point me in the right direction

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Character Portrait: Toshio Asai
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#, as written by Dandan

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Modern Japan-2023

Modern Japan-2023 by Streak2K10

Modern Japan, ravaged by years of war and violence. Though from some spots, the country known for its breathtaking landscapes still manages to retain its beauty.

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Kenichiro Amano
Character Portrait: Kurenai Masamura
Character Portrait: Daisuke Yukimura
Character Portrait: Ren Nishimura


Character Portrait: Ren Nishimura
Ren Nishimura

The Ghost of the Neo-Shinsengumi, shadowed blade of the Shogun.

Character Portrait: Daisuke Yukimura
Daisuke Yukimura

A former member of the Neo-Shinsengumi.

Character Portrait: Kurenai Masamura
Kurenai Masamura

Second in command of the Amano Clan of Neo-Ishin Shishi

Character Portrait: Kenichiro Amano
Kenichiro Amano

Age 22 Head of the Amano Clan of the Neo-Ishin Shishi


Character Portrait: Daisuke Yukimura
Daisuke Yukimura

A former member of the Neo-Shinsengumi.

Character Portrait: Ren Nishimura
Ren Nishimura

The Ghost of the Neo-Shinsengumi, shadowed blade of the Shogun.

Character Portrait: Kenichiro Amano
Kenichiro Amano

Age 22 Head of the Amano Clan of the Neo-Ishin Shishi

Character Portrait: Kurenai Masamura
Kurenai Masamura

Second in command of the Amano Clan of Neo-Ishin Shishi

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kurenai Masamura
Kurenai Masamura

Second in command of the Amano Clan of Neo-Ishin Shishi

Character Portrait: Daisuke Yukimura
Daisuke Yukimura

A former member of the Neo-Shinsengumi.

Character Portrait: Ren Nishimura
Ren Nishimura

The Ghost of the Neo-Shinsengumi, shadowed blade of the Shogun.

Character Portrait: Kenichiro Amano
Kenichiro Amano

Age 22 Head of the Amano Clan of the Neo-Ishin Shishi

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Modern Japan-2023

Modern Japan-2023 by Streak2K10

Modern Japan, ravaged by years of war and violence. Though from some spots, the country known for its breathtaking landscapes still manages to retain its beauty.

Modern Japan-2023

Modern Japan, ravaged by years of war and violence. Though from some spots, the country known for its breathtaking landscapes still manages to retain its beauty.

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Most recent OOC posts in Blades Among Chaos

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

I am back and I am sorry about my sudden disappearance. I had a lot of problems to deal with but, I am pretty much back on track now. Sorry for the trouble

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Sigh... so I tried to contact all of them. Sicroth replied; I guess he's hoping the GM comes back before he does anything else. The other two messages are still sitting there in my Outbox, which means Misdemeanor and Butterfly haven't even logged on to receive them since I sent them, so... yeah. I'm thinking this is sorta dead. =(

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

It was the first political RP I'd ever been in... And that counts for a lot for me. YOU GET 'EM KIKU!

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Hmm... since our GM has been MIA for almost the entire duration of the RP, I guess I'll send out PMs to the three people that we're missing and ask them if they plan on coming back. I don't want to see this thing die, but since none of us have a way to create or approve new characters, if we don't get the old ones back, we're kinda screwed.

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

i'm still here but one of my chas is in jail and my other is waiting for for lady edo so i have been watching and waiting

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

It certainly does, Derotzka, but I don't think that even Sakura, Ryuu, Daisuke, Shizuka, and Namatame (who I'm waiting to bring in at some point) could run the thing, since none of them are technically Neo-Shinsengumi or anything...

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

I'm still here if that counts for anything. :P

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Yeah... I was just thinking that. Sakura and Ryuu can't make this rp with themselves.... :(

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Is anyone besides Yumiko and I still out there? Hello...?

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

I super suck, I know! The trip wore me out and when I got back on here, I couldn't think of anything (and I mean ANYTHING) to write for Sakura. I've been mulling some stuff around in my head and I should have something posted up by tomorrow (wednesday) ASAP. I hate it when people take forever to post and I haven't posted in FOREVER.

I suck.

Sorry. T_T

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Hey dudes and dudettes, I'm gonna be offa here for the weekend. Gotta trip I'm going on and I'm going to be watching Broadway shows and shopping a LOT, so I won't have time to do the internet thing! I will be back Tuesday night and will check on things then!!! YAY

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

So its been a while... and Kiku, I cannot remember Ryuu's last post, so that I might respond to it! AAH!!! Would you mind PMing the post? If you still have it... if not, please summarize what in the hell happened because I can only remember vague bits and pieces. :/

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

The wonderful world of Magpies..


Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

I dunno. it could work. They seem to be recruiting these days...

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Nah he planned to just walk up to the gates.

...Maybe he should replan that.

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Well, are you staying hidden or going in undercover or something else? Because Gin's still out on patrol at this point...

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

I return! Another chance to carve your skulls!

Anyhow... Not sure exactly how Ren should show up at the Edo-estate.

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Had to edit my last post. I hated the ending... It made Sakura even crazier than I actually want her to be. O_o.... She's pretty nuts as it is anyway.