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Blades Among Chaos

Blades Among Chaos


A Modern Samurai Role Play.

The return of the sword, samurai, and their honor system/way of life... in a modern day setting.

3,300 readers have visited Blades Among Chaos since Streak2K10 created it.


The year is 2023, and years of war has ravaged just about all of the country of Japan, so much so that all modern technology has been rendered useless. During the war, one side managed to use and explode a hydrogen bomb in atmosphere over the country, rendering all electronic devices, with the exception of the car and small battery-powered devices, useless, this side becoming the new rulers of the country. Japan has, once again, reverted to a feudal way of life similar to the Sengoku Era of Japanese history. The use of bladed weapons being all that were available because of the new leader's ban on all firearms. They have been confiscated and burned.

With the coming of this new era, the return of the ideas and teachings of the samurai became increasingly more common, a common ruler of areas of the world with their vassals, the country thrust back into the caste system that the ancient Japanese used to follow.

Now their are clans fighting each other for the throne, even clans trying to take over the areas of other clans. Where will you fit in this new chaotic system? Will you be able to handle it? Only time will tell.

Emperor: Tennō Heika Takahiro

~*The Clans*~
*There will be 2 sub-clans per major clan. Once we have these 2 for each, then all applicants there after will have to apply for one of the sub-clans already created.

Neo-Shinsengumi: This clan is the clan that fights for the current Japanese leader. Much like the Shinsengumi of the feudal period, they stand for justice, fighting to return order to the chaotic land. "Swift Death to Evil" is their motto, just like their ancestors. Though the ruler, or Shogun in which they serve deceives them, being corrupt and greedy.
~~~~Sub-Clan #1: Murakami Clan
~~~~~~Head: Mamoru Murakami
~~~~~~Second in Command: Lei Nakajima
~~~~~~~~~Ren Nishimura

~~~~Sub-Clan #2: Edo Clan
~~~~~~Head: Aimi Edo
~~~~~~Second in Command:
~~~~~~~~~Daisuke Yukimura
~~~~~~~~~Yamada Yuki

Neo-Ishin Shishi: This clan seeks to take control of the government, not caring for the tyrannical rule of the current ruler. They say he is corrupt and operates not in the interest of his people, but of his own interest. They wish to stop him and remove him from the throne so that they may usher in a new era of piece
~~~~Sub-Clan #1: Amano Clan
~~~~~~Head: Kenichiro Amano
~~~~~~Second in Command: Kurenai Masamura

~~~Sub-Clan #2: Shintate Clan
~~~~~~Head: Sakura Shintate
~~~~~~Second in Command: Ryuu Tachibana

~~~Neutral Members (Those belonging to no clan):
~~~~~~Ally Echizen
~~~~~~Shizuka Tachibana


Profile Skeleton:
*Please use the site's application to include this information. If not a field for it, put in one of the fields provided. This is not fantasy, therefore no powers or races other than human.

Character Name:
Age: (18+)
Clan: (Choose one of the 2 major clans, or say none)
Sub-Clan: (Choose one of the 2 sub clans for that major clan. If there is space, create one. This does not apply to those who don't belong to a clan.)
Brief Bio: (About a paragraph should do it.)
Weapons: (Any bladed weapon is okay. NO guns. Crossbows are good though.)
Appearance: (An anime picture, 100 x 100 for the size, please.)

Toggle Rules

1: No God-moding, power-playing, or any other forms of cheating. It's not fair to the other role players.
2: Literacy is a must! No text talk, proper grammar at all times. Also, quality over quantity, though there is a minimum of (one) paragraph consisting of 5 sentences. NO ONE-LINERS! Writer's block is understandable.

3: This is Long-term. Do not join if you're just gonna post for a while and never come back.
4: On that note, tell me if you will be leaving for an extended period of time via PM
5: Please respect me as well as other members. I'm also looking to hire staff that will not abuse their mod powers.
6: Romance is encouraged, but for the love of God, please keep it PO-13. No one wants to see that.
7: Violence is also encouraged, just don't get to out of control. I personally don't mind blood and gore, but some people do, so please respect that.
8: No killing without my, or the other person's permission.
9: Only two sub-clans for each major clan. Once they have been made, all following applicants must join one that is already created. Though choosing a major clan is not required. Samurai and other characters with no allegiance are allowed.

10: This is not a fantasy role play. There will be NO other race than human, and NO special powers and/or abilities. Get over it.

11: Please enjoy yourselves. This is meant to be fun, y'know.

*I reserve the right to add/remove/edit these rules as I see fit.

Taking place in...

Modern Japan-2023 our primary setting

Modern Japan, ravaged by years of war and violence. Though from some spots, the country known for its breathtaking landscapes still manages to retain its beauty.

Modern Japan-2023

Modern Japan-2023 by Streak2K10

Modern Japan, ravaged by years of war and violence. Though from some spots, the country known for its breathtaking landscapes still manages to retain its beauty.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors

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#, as written by Dandan

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#, as written by Dandan
(stupid computer sorry guys and gals)

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Hands so dainty and small were clenched upon her lap at the mention of no survivors. The Kan had been thoroughly annihilated and this was done by the Murakami under the wishes of the Emperor. Images of Takahiro and Mamoru flashed through her mind were splattered with the blood of many people. Her disappointment led her more to a path of opposition. It seemed the battle between them would be inevitable as life and death occurs in this world. She had already committed herself to that idea and would continue to travel down that chosen road without regret and resignation. The only way she knew to have just retribution for the lives that had been spilled at the ground of Japan due to the reasons undisclosed to her.

Yet, raven hued gaze met of the ronin's as she spoke of the children being buried properly. A sense of sad relief shown through her countenance. Mercy had been invoked in the very least. She had assumed that everyone had been inhumanely burned akin to slaughtered animals in the pyre she had seen filling the Kan's grounds. At the very least, the children would have graves to remember them by. Although her inquisitiveness asked her to how the female warrior knew about this fact, she had conclude that she had been a witness to the burial, the one who buried the children wanting her identity to remain unknown or, the person that did told her. Any of the deductions she had created, it did not matter to her at the moment. She was more intent on discovering the location of the graves.

The question she had was left to be asked for another time as the ronin had taken the chance to speak again. However, she had heard clearly the hesitation in her voice. It seemed applicable as her intentions were now the focus of inquiry. Grief was now shielded with an edge of seriousness. The Lady of Edo knew the next words she would speak might very well change any impressions that both of them have at one another. In all of the factors inside her mind, there were no strong cause for her not to reveal her appearance. If the female warrior was a spy for the Emperor or the Murakami, she would not see any harm of what she had done. Though, she could not see the ronin not much older than her to be categorized as an informant. This was her intuition working instead of logic. In any case, she would handle the consequence of this properly if it would come to that.

"I am here to be certain," she began as her posture changed to the one expected of a proper leader. Her eyes of dark was now filled with confidence shading with the tint of sadness and despite of her current wardrobe, her nobility emitted from her. "The way my dear friends and I used to walk had now reached a crossroad. They had taken the path I would never placed my feet upon." Onyx orbs gazed at the dangling charm bracelet around her right wrist. In that brief interlude, there was a gentleness of melancholy before she continued with her words. "Thus, I took another road diverting from them yet still enabling me to travel with them while a barbwire fence in between us. In that regard, I have come to my decision."

Lifting her eyes to meet the ronin's with a headstrong gaze, her next statement would mean lethal to her if the one she had spoken to would be a betrayer. Yet, she had become tired of suspecting everyone. Peace and understanding could never be resulted when one is distrustful of everyone. If she continued to be hurt by it, she would accept because this is one of her many decisions since she had returned to her country.

"With all of my power, I would be a shield that would protect my country from any form of bloodshed. Even more, I would be a shield to protect my friends despite the difference of our beliefs. I would still protect them even from their own selves. Although, my actions might be heavily resented, have me gain enemies or call me an idiot. I do not care. I would accept their negativity and continue on my path even if I have to walk naked and broken. My dignity would not be taken from me. I would achieve peace in a path where no lives would be needed to be given."

The rain that heavily poured down upon the earth. slowly came to a halt. Dark clouds were blown with such care as the sun emerged illuminating the lands. It was as if implicating the words of the Lady Edo as the signification of a new era. "It may be called a foolish dream. However, I intend to make it a reality before life escapes from this body of mine. This is why I have come here to finally see the path I have chosen clearly."

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Shizuka understood well that she was privy to something that most people would never be allowed to hear. The noble lady before her was pouring out her resolution and her soul to a stranger, but Shizuka was not unused to this. For whatever reason, people were inclined to answer her questions when she asked them. It was not something she paid much attention to, else she might have begun to ask why that was. Rather, she accepted the confidence of others and kept it always, having decided long ago that to betray trust was among the gravest of sins.

A gaze once uncertain found its way to a pair of black eyes once again, and the ronin willed the lady to have the strength to carry out her decision. There would be more obstacles in the way for one who walked such a path than there would be for anyone else, or at least they would be harder to overcome. The weak, her master had always said, leaned on the option of killing like some kind of crutch, employing death to solve their problems where other methods would not. To cut away from that failsafe was difficult to do; few had ever accomplished it successfully for any length of time. Shizuka knew, too, that it was easier to adhere to this policy as an individual than it was as a leader with real competing interests to be concerned with. In fact, she doubted that it was something that could be done alone at all.

"Let me help you," she said, voice steady and without any of the reserve it had held before. This was the opportunity she had been seeking, the way in which she could see her dream realized. "It has been long since I knew the sedentary world of most, but the road will not be going anywhere, I think. I promise you that the will to do no harm is something I embraced some time ago, and I know that I might be of assistance to you." She knew that she was asking a lot, to request that this woman take her at her word, with no guarantees as to anything about her. She had a history she would not tell, an allegiance that could not be determined, and a manner that, while forthcoming in most respects, was not typical of a warrior. But this last, she decided, was exactly the reason why she needed this woman to accept her offer.

Because here it was, plain as day: the way in which she might have a chance to see the world she dreamed of, incomplete as those dreams might yet be.


Namatame was displeased. This actually tended to happen to the man a great deal, so to the few... well, one, that knew him, it would not be a surprise to know that it was so. The old hermit scratched at his stubble-shaded face, and blinked increasingly-clouded eyes. He didn't much fancy leaving his little alcove in the mountains, home as it had been to him for about eight years, give or take, but it seemed that things had at last gotten bad enough that he must.

He idly wondered if anyone remembered his legend anymore, the fear he had once struck into the hearts of the greatest of men. Probably not. The young were impulsive, and tended to forget to heed the words of the old until it was too late. Sighing, he readjusted the cone-shaped straw hat on his head, which was fending off most of the rain quite nicely from his head. The problem was, his shoulders were so broad that it was doing the rest of him little good. He really should have invested in a modern raincoat. At his age, you didn't want to be taking chances with your health, unlike a certain little girl from memory.

Before he could tell himself off for being a sentimental old fool, he was lost in the recollections, and a small smile curved his usually-scowling visage.

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Directions were followed to a dot and here he was in front of the freshly made graves for the children of Kan. Mental note, he should compliment Ren for picking a good spot. He had already removed his overcoat since the rain had stopped earlier and proceeded to hang it over his shoulder. It was good the weather had improved to his liking. The view from here was breathtaking if anything else could be said. Sun gently shining down from the clouds which illuminating the trails of the rain in glittering ensemble. It made him think that it signifies a new day coming. Although, tedious things like that were never meant for him to contemplate about. In addition, he was not supposed to be here in whatever the case may be. His infamous reputation might be stained due to his unfitting conduct. These kind of thoughts lingered in his mind and the only reaction he had about it was a laughter.

You should never lose to anyone. Because, you should only be defeated by me.

Shaking his head, he knelt down before the graves of the children. In his hands were two toys both intended for a boy and a girl. The one upon his right hand was a porcelain doll and on the other hand was a toy airplane. Placing it respectively upon the tombs, he regained his former position and did not bothered to remove the muddy grime upon his pants. His face was void from any known expression as he stood there gazing at the mere indication that the dead were buried here. The atmosphere around him demanded solitude as he remained much like of a statue yet, the melancholic feel did not dissipate from him.

"Tell me, what do you want as birthday gifts."

"Huh? I.... I want a doll..."

"I want an airplane mister!"

"Good kids. I will give them to you."

Closing his eyes for a brief moment, he could vividly remember the bloody events that occurred in his lifetime. It was like a black and white movie playing without sounds. There was no time to be wasted on his silly soliloquies. His opponent had already placed his chess piece and waiting for his move. Dilly dallying would not do him good and time had never been on the side of anyone to begin with. Time to move once again. Adding to that, he was never the kind to think about something for so long. He rather act and think at the same time. It was more productive and efficient in his own opinion. Well, it did not matter to him what others think truly. Releasing a sigh, he took in his hand the coat he wore and placed it over the graves like a blanket.

"You kids better take care of my coat. I will be retrieving it soon enough."

Walking away from the place, the Murakami Head seemed to receive a resolution. The presence around him was much more refreshing than before. However, it would be a fatal mistake to contemplate he was not dangerous. On the contrary, the man emerged from his lone expedition more resilient than before. Takaya waited for his master and seeing that he was missing a coat did not inquire about it anymore. He knew very well that the Lord was not in the habit to lose his possessions without reason. The Lord Murakami entered the car as Takaya did so after him. Sound of the engine relayed to him that they are about to leave the Kan Estate once again.

"Let the show begin."

After saying that, flames burst from every division of the estate. Walls crumbled down due to the explosions and smoke filled the area. The last process of the clean-up had been done. The Kan had never existed. This was the will of the Emperor as he casually sat upon his seat and gazed at the pocket watch that he had come to hold. His responsibilities awaited him at home and it was time for him to make a move in this dangerous chess board that he was playing. It seemed his days ceased to be dulled and he knew that it would continue on without much doubt. He had no complains about that. After all, his backside was beginning to be in pain for sitting almost all the time.

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Surprised. Bewildered. Confounded. Many words to describe what she was feeling at the words of female ronin. She did not expect such a statement from a complete stranger. The Lady Edo had foreseen the next events as a mere inclination of the female's head and having their ways separated. It was more fitting for them who had met due to a certain situation. At the moment, she had let the silence reigned around them. The offer of help was not filled with doubt or treason. Truly different from what she had observed from the mysterious ronin earlier. However, the fact remains that this woman before her was an enigma. Yet, she wanted to accept her because of the feeling of familiarity or simple maneuver of their fates.

"We should accept her help my Lady. After all, you would need all the help you could get to achieve your lofty goal. Addition to that, a female beside you would be more comfortable more than of a man." The voice of Gin retrieved her from the reflective state. Her eyes of black met her guardian's through the rear view mirror. She had almost forgotten they had another companion within the car. His words were not wrong in any way although, she had sensed a subtle undermining of her capabilities. The man knew how she hated being underestimated due to being a female and having the appearance befitting of a princess. She did not need any prince to save her when she could do it by herself without any troubles at all. In an very lady-like manner she glared at him and even raised an eyebrow for it.

"Now, now, my Lady. I am not saying you are incapable of such great feat. It is why I am by your side always. My belief in you would not fade until I die." Filled with so much sincerity, it could have made almost anyone blushed. However, the mistress of the Edo had heard him said a couple times before. One could say she had become immune to it. After all, Gin had been with her since she had had been exiled from the country before. Still, it does make her feel comfort in his words and declarations, despite how embarrassing it could be. It was something she was not going to tell him anytime soon. Furthermore, she could feel that her burden was being more light than it used to be.

"It is true." She returned her gaze to the female beside her. It was not about her skills or capabilities. The dream she had was not only limited to one person. Many people could have the same aspirations and it would be foolish to refuse them to not be part of making a mere hope a reality. Furthermore, it would not be terrible to start believing again. It is about time she stopped questioning and move forward. "I will accept you help regardless of your identity. I will believe in what had told me here and now. I will expect you to use your blade and skills for the benefit of this dream only. However, I have one condition before I accept you." At the end of her statement, she raised her right index finger beside her face and had a gentle smile.

"May I know the name of person that would be my friend?" Gin smiled at this and knew that his mistress had always been the kind of person that attract people in a positive light. She had a certain charm that makes people want to be around her. He could say the same to the leader of the Murakami Clan however, the man had more of a dark charisma from the way he had observed the guy at the palace last time. Over all, it seemed they had gained another ally to their ranks. He had to be more vigilant in guarding his Lady especially when the two most dangerous people in this country definitely wanted her our of the scene.

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#, as written by Dandan
Toshio went down the alley in which he was told to and talked to the old man which he was also told to. "Here is the information on your first job do it bring back one of his ears and ill give you the pay for it." Toshio took the money and went home he locked his little brother and sister out of the room and the contents of the package along the table. He was a guard at the Shintate estate not a very high guard but a guard none the less. The packet had his route his style of fighting and everything. The packet also said the man owed gambling debts. Toshio sighed and went to sharpening his tools. "I guess that means im not my fathers son."

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The Kan? Daisuke thought. The name sounded distantly familiar. Oh that’s right, the Prime Minister. He never had much dealing with him. And by that, he meant he had no dealing. All of the “official” stuff had been sapped out of him by Lord Edo and then passed onto the higher strands by none other than the Lord himself. Lord Edo wasn’t entirely stupid though; he knew not to take a Sniper to political meetings.

“I have no knowledge of this massacre you speak of. If I had, do you not think I would share it? After all, you seem to know far more about it and you were further away from it than I was.” Daisuke said, not lifting his eyes from the table. He gave a short pause.

“If you want the truth,” He began, “I feigned my own death to remove myself from the Edo clan. I couldn’t stand the bigot and corrupt so called Lord Edo any longer. So, for the time being, I must be a Ronin of some description…” Daisuke still not look up.

“Therefore,” he continued, “I’m up for hire…”

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Shizuka allowed the other tow in the car their discussion; she knew well that they were talking about her, and she could not help but hear the words. Rather than attempt to convince anyone of anything, though, she chose to let those words wash over her as though they had never existed at all. It was the best semblance of privacy she could give the lady and her steward.

When the conversation turned back to her, she was surprised to find that she seemed to have been accepted. The woman would apparently not press the point of hearing her history, though she seemed to wish for some kind of guarantee that Shizuka would use her sword only for the purpose of seeing this dream realized. She could not promise that, not exactly. If there was some person that needed her help, she would not stand by and allow them to be harmed because they were not on the mind of this lady, but she doubted very much that this kind of exclusion was the intent of the words, and so she nodded.

She was unsure if she would be considered a servant, and a small pert of her rebelled against the idea. It is, after all, always harder to chain a free being than to bind again one that already knows the burden of the chains. Still, she supposed there was nothing wrong with agreeing to it for now, at least until this world which allowed the slaughter of the Kan had changed enough for her to be able to wander again in good conscience with herself.

And so it startled her when the woman asked what the name of her would-be friend might be. This, she supposed, was something she could easily accept. Her expression, having returned to passive neutrality while the other tow in the car spoke, softened, and she gave a brief smile. It had been quite some time since someone had called her 'friend' in any capacity. "My name is Shizuka Namatame," she replied without hesitation, "three hundred and thirteenth practitioner of the style called Tenken, and second of the modified forms." She rarely included such information in her introductions to others, but it was probably important for the two of them to know, since they were the ones who would be relying on her, at least in part, to help achieve the world the woman sought. "I swear my blade to your goal for as long as it aligns with my own, and you have my word that if you do not stray from your trajectory, then I shall not depart from mine." It was as close to a full vow of loyalty as she could give, being who she was, but in her mind at least it was more than enough.

"May I in turn ask the name of the one who would call me friend?" she asked in reply. She had a suspicion that this woman might be the exiled Lady Edo, but there was no way to tell. Not many women were as high in status as this one seemed to be, though, so it was a solid guess.


Faked his own death? Ryuu was curious as to what circumstance could drive a person to such an action. Though it was obvious he had not been fond of his lord, the samurai doubted that this man had taken his oaths of loyalty lightly, and he wondered if there was perhaps some precipitating event that would cause this. It did make him doubt the wisdom of taking the man into their service themselves, but then again, it could also prove to be a deft stroke to do so. The decision was ultimately Shintate-dono's, and he made eye contact, nodding towards the man in an indication that he would not question her judgment on this no matter which way she decided. This, too, could be considered an exercise in leadership, an example of the sort of quandary she would be facing on the horizon now that a full-scale conflict seemed nigh inevitable.

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#, as written by Dandan
Toshio left his house and perched himself outside the Shintate compound. He watched from afar his target pace back and forth on the wall. According to the information he had 10 minutes left on his route then he would retire for the night. This distance was to far for the bow to hit so he had to ether find a tree closer or rush in get the ear and escape within 10 minutes not to mention the other guards posted. Toshio studied and came to a decision he moved closer and deftly climbed the wall and sneaks up behind a different guard and knocks the man out with a hilt to his head. He then pulled yumi bow and a single arrow he shot the arrow and struck the man in the windpipe causing the only sound to be gasping and gurgling of blood. Toshio ran up beside the man and dispatched him quickly then proceeded to pull the arrow from his throat and fire it into the woods and cut the mans ear off. As he got up to escape another gaurd caught hold of him "YOu there stop what your doing." Toshio jumped from the wall into the woods and took off running but the guard got a good look at him and sounded the alarms

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The answers was sufficient and acceptable to her in many terms. This is much as she could receive at the moment when two complete strangers form a bond that would reform a country. Finally the ronin had divulged her name to them, Shizuka Namatame. Her name had a familiar ring to it. Where did she heard it from before, she seemed to have a bad memory as of late and this would not do at all. Maybe, she needed to have some form of rest once she returned to the manor. However, there are still matters she needed to attend to. In any case, she must do her duties properly and efficiently. The new addition to her clan spoke once again. This time inquiring her identity. How impolite of her to forget her own introduction.

"Aimi Edo, The 65th Head of the Noble Edo Family under the Neo-Shinsengumi Faction recognized as the Shield of The Emperor." Spoken with much grace and nobility as expected from her upbringing. She doubted it would not be obvious by now of what clan or status she had originated from. In addition to that, her situation being exiled had been quite the news especially knowing her engagement to the current Emperor. It was pure chaos as she had heard from various sources during her stay in another country. Yet, it had remained a true mystery up to this date for what was the reason for the sudden climatic changes in this country. Soon or someday, they will find out the answers to their questions. But for now, they only need to walk forward.

"Oh, You may call me Gin, Namatame-san! It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance! I am glad you don't like killing! Lady Edo does not permit her subordinates and her friends to kill anyone at all. Welcome." Gin said with a gentle smile from the rear-view mirror. It is truly nice to have another addition to the group. Furthermore, a person that could walk the path of light much like his mistress. Because for him, that kind of road is not an option for him ever since that day. In any case, they should get going. Time is an essence that they should cherish. "Well, everything is said and done. Let us return to the Manor now then." He cheerfully said but something caught his attention.

"Smoke... It seemed they had began the clean-up." His tone changed into seriousness as the smoke was visible behind them. It was clearly faraway from their location but the evidence of fire could be seen in the now clear skies. Aimi looked at the window behind her and could only have a look of pain and distress at this. Dreadful and unforgivable. She would never allow this to happen ever again. No matter if she would be scorned. This kind of tragedy should never be repeated again. "Let us go Gin. There is nothing here for us anymore." The young lady spoke in such a sad yet firm tone as she nodded to herself.

"Namatame-san, let us make this so-called foolish dream come true."

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So she is Lady Edo... Shizuka nodded in acknowledgment. Her master had taught her never to show excessive deference to anyone, since by his measure all people were essentially the same, but Shizuka probably would have bowed anyway had there been room in the car for it. For her, such a thing was a measure not of deference, but of respect or in some cases gratitude, both of which she would have been more than happy to display to these two, including Gin.

Her eyes fixed out the window for much of he car ride that followed. She would certainly answer a question if asked, but upon seeing the smoke Aimi seemed to grow melancholy, and Shizuka was for now inclined to give her her space, impossible as that might be physically in the car, she was inclined to do so in other ways.

It appeared that the rain had stopped, at least for the moment. Judging by the sky, it might reappear tomorrow or even later today, but there was little she could say for certain from within the confines of the vehicle. Understanding what incoming weather looked, smelled, and felt like was unnecessary if you had a meteorologist to tell you via newspaper, but when you had no access to those things, it wasn't something you took for granted by any means.

What must have been the Edo estate loomed in the distance, and Shizuka could not help but notice that it was architecturally somewhat similar to the Kan estate, save only that it was perhaps even grander, and the family color was not purple.

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Sakura but on her lower lip as Tachibana-kun made eye contact with her. She suddenly found herself in something of a predicament. He was Ronin. Maybe. He could be a double agent... or at least, looking to be one. Her heart was pounding beneath the leather jacket and the button down shirt. Still in mourning for a lost ally. Her black outfit would be perfect for nighttime battle. She was a shadow in the room. Sakura knew she could take anyone out with only a few gestures, but she could barely make a decision tactically to save her life. Sakura wiped her forehead, even though she was not sweating and sighed.

"I cannot believe you faked your death. How could you leave your clan like that? A man who vows himself to a clan will stay with that clan until his true death. You're disgusting!" Sakura spit out and paced over to the door, swinging it wide open to let in a breeze. She may have sounded hateful, spitting on his cowardice, but in truth, she was still trying to sort her thoughts out. Much like her father used to do, she clasp her hands behind her back, squeezing the fingers tightly. A few times, she glanced over her shoulder at the prisoner, who stayed slumped across from Tachibana-kun. A few more times, she looked to her second in command, just feeding off his stoicism and grace.

The landscape outside their mansion was beginning to feel more and more like home to Sakura. She missed the busy, marketed streets of Kyoto. She missed all the secret paths to shrines that had been forgotten. Sakura missed all the people and the society. Looking back down at her rather plain black boots, Sakura growled. Everything was easier in Kyoto. This forest brought about thinking and reflecting. It brought about hard decisions she wasn't used to making. Turning around, Sakura walked back over to Tachibana's side.

"You should have killed yourself to save us all the trouble." She said coldly, glaring down at the prisoner who was making everything harder. "Tachibana-kun, take him to a secure place on the grounds. We'll deal with him later." Walking back to the door she thought of one more thing and turned to Tachibana. "And make sure the bastard gets something to eat. I haven't made up my mind about him yet." She walked out onto the veranda, just to be caught up by a guard out of breath. He bowed recklessly and made Sakura's eyebrow lift in confusion. What had gotten in his pants?

"An assassin!" He got out quickly, unable to say much more. Sakura's heart flew up into her throat. A what?! On her property? Who was he here for? Her mind was racing even faster now. Stomping back into the room she'd just tried to leave, Sakura looked at Tachibana.

"Pass this assignment on to trustworthy men. We've got a problem."

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#, as written by Dandan
TOshio ran all the way to the man he got the mission from. He hated himself for killing the man but he needed the money. He got paid and by paid i mean paid. He got 20 gold and four bags of rice. He delivered the rice and left his bow to his brother the only thing he took with him is his two swords. He kissed his sisters head and hugged his brother. "take care of each other please." He went to face his deed. he walked to the compound and kneeled in the gateway he then through his swords out of his reach so he was unarmed. It took a few hours from when he killed the man till when he came back but he was already torn so much he felt like crying. He accepted death for his deeds.

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Ryuu would not ever show it, but Shintate-dono's words had stung him to his core. A person should die with their clan, should they? Would you think so if you knew I had abandoned mine for yours, not so long ago? But the thought was too bitter. Shintate-dono was one of the few people who had done so few immoral things in her life that she could still reserve the right to judge others in such a fashion.

He was not, and he regarded the slumped man with something approaching sympathy. The Shintate "prisons" for lack of a better word, were simply secured rooms with no windows and locks on the outside, and the man would be under guard. Taking Daisuke by the upper arm, he helped the other man to his feet and walked him over to the door, sliding it open before motioning to the two guards outside. "See that he is well taken care of, please, he instructed in low tones before releasing the prisoner into his custody.

There was, for the moment, another situation to be dealt with. An assassin? Someone knew the location of the new Shintate Estate, it seemed. For a moment, he contemplated a leak on the Amano end, but there had not yet been enough time for that, unless Amano-sama himself had leaked it, which was unlikely.

So that meant it had come from within, a troublesome matter at the very least. Still, it was apparently a guard who had been the target of this hit, so it was likely they were looking at someone small-time, perhaps a crime lord and a thug for hire. Nodding to Shintate-dono, he led the way outside to the scene. This was common enough; she led in front of the men, but should her life be in any sort of danger, he had taken the prerogative to place himself between it and her. He was far less necessary to the cause, after all.

The men stationed at the gate were all surrounding a young-looking individual with swords, that, judging from the state of the man's clothing, were likely stolen. They were much more expensive than anything on him, though not particularly high-quality as such. He was kneeling before the gate, and the guards had shown great restraint in not simply lobbing his head off right then and there. They could have easily decided that this man was still a threat and done so.

He seemed, however, to have surrendered, or at least chosen not to kill anyone this time. Ryuu pinched the bridge of his nose. First the Kan, then Yukimura's appearance, and now this man. Would it never end? No, he must not lose his calm, now or ever.

So instead of marching over and demanding that this murderer give him one good reason not to execute him right then and there, he simply removed the swords and handed them to one of the guards, who nodded and stepped back from the circle of them. "I hope you understand the degree of mercy our men have shown you by allowing you to remain alive. I understand it is not a mercy you have shown one of their own." Eyes narrowed to dangerous slits, he assumed a stare that had paralyzed men on battlefields, though the one it was leveled at was currently unable to see it.

"Shintate-dono?" he allowed the rest of the question to be implied. The quiet, but not-exactly-neutral tone would speak volumes on its own. Ryuu was rarely ever the type to display anger, and when he did, it was subtle, enough so that you could almost miss it if you weren't watching carefully. But though he might appear to the casual observer to have changed little from the way he was several moments ago, it was definitely there: in his tone, his glare, and a slight stiffening of normally-impeccable posture.


The car at last pulled into the gates of the Edo Estate, and Shizuka had to admit to herself that it was unusual to be back here after so many years. This building had once been part of the Tachibana complex, subsumed into the Edo's holdings when they took over as one of the two main Shinsengumi groups. The building itself appeared to have changed little, though there were extra additions in the form of smaller buildings and fortifications. Not to mention that the colors flown were no longer the Tachibana green and silver. Her eyes trailed over the buildings, and she hoped that there was not too much of the light of recognition in them, but supposed in the end it mattered little.

Still, she could not say she bore any resentment for any of this; she had long cast off any association with the Tachibana, and even the name was no longer hers. The ronin was far more proud to call herself Namatame and own nothing than she had been to go by Tachibana-oujo and have anything she could have wanted.

Unsure what she should do, Shizuka turned to Edo-san and Gin-san, hoping that perhaps one of them might provide her with instruction. She could really use an opportunity to bathe and some sleep, but she would do whatever the two of them thought necessary first.

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#, as written by Dandan
Toshio heard the man speaking to him and he understood very well the situation he was in and in a way he blamed the emperor or his father or maybe this man but he didn't care if he died his sibling were set for a while. "My name is Toshio Asai i am the son of merchant lord Yamashiro Asai. Those blades and a bow the same bow that killed the man were his only thing he left for me and my two siblings when he was murdered by a guard. I do not ask forgiveness cause i know i deserve none and frankly i am torn inside not to commit seppuku upon your drive way. I have disgraced my fathers name and only for the sake to feed my little sister and brother." He lifted his head and his eyes itself seemed to be a battlefield inside. "I will now stop talking and allow you to give me my just desserts." He bowed his head once agian.

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The gates of the Edo opened as the car that carried the Lady Edo and her companions had finally stopped at the courtyard. A handful servants immediately lined to welcome their respectful leader. The true show that the Edo is indeed not only politically strong but also financially as well. Nothing had changed much since the ancient times, the old buildings were not replaced but maintained properly while there were new structures added because of the growing size of the clan but not due to architecture or grandeur unlike the westernized mansion of the Murakami. The Edo had always prided itself to adhere in the ancient traditions even if modern opinions seemed to overwhelm Japan. These kinds of ideals had still remain intact and preserved within the heads of the clan. Colors of brown and white were aesthetically placed within the compound along with the insignia of the Edo clan displayed proudly. It seemed that time had not touched yet however, everyone knew that is but a mere illusion.

Gin exited the car first and proceeded to open the doors for his lady passengers. This was a gesture he must do. First was for the new addition, Shizuka Namatame and lastly was the Lady Aimi Edo. It was quite clear that the guards and servants that were there had surprised upon their faces. They did not expect a guest to accompany their Lady who had a very questionable attire. The same could be said to the other female present. Aimi who had exited the car already gazed at Shizuka and offered a gentle smile. She knew that the drive and the events were truly exhausting both in mind and body. It is only right for them to have the leisure of a bath and a good sleep. Although, she would not be able to experience the latter. There were still urgent matters she needed to attend.

"Namatame-san, please do take this opportunity to indulge yourself in a bath and a rest. I believe you deserved it. Let one of the maids attend to you. If you need anything else, do not hesitate to ask. This is now your home." She said in a manner filled with much sincerity. Now that she remembered, the man named Yamada Yuki had returned ahead of them. She wondered if he was fine. After all, he did protect her when she had recklessly met with Takahiro and Mamoru. "If you anyone would chance see Yamada-san, would you tell him I have return. I hate to make him worry." The servants were a little startled about this. It was a treatment they were not used to. Under the authority of Mishima Edo, they were treated as slaves more than helpers. The Lady Edo was truly different from her uncle.

After saying those words, she decided to take a bath and direct herself to finish the necessary paperworks. Business would not make themselves if she does not work on it. "Now, if you would excuse me. Let us meet later for dinner, Namatame-san." With that said, she went on ahead as Gin followed behind her. After ensuring they were far from anyone's ears, Gin spoke. "My Lady, I have been inform earlier that a Royal Order had been sent by the Emperor's Messenger while we were away." Aimi froze at this information as she gazed her onyx colored eyes towards Gin. It could only mean that Takahiro wanted to have the proof of her loyalty. She had every right to conclude that this order would be something she would not find pleasant. It would seemed problems just keep on piling up after one and another.

"Then it would seem, I have no reason to be dilly dallying around any further. It is not polite to keep His Emperor waiting." Continuing her walk towards her chamber, she would not falter in what she had decided. This is the path she had chosen. It would not change no matter what happens to her. Gin recognized the determined footsteps and the fire in the eyes of his mistress. It seemed the Lady had grown because of the things she had experienced. A small smile appeared upon his face, "I shall prepare your favorite hot chocolate." He spoke as they were now in front of the Lady Edo's bedroom. "Do I need to say more. Meet me in the office in 15 minutes." she entered her room without bothering to hear any word of acknowledgment from Gin who had his head lowered in respect. The man remained in that position for a few moments before he spoke in a very sincere manner, "Yes, your Highness." At that statement, Gin began walking away as he would do as he had said. The battle had just began in this land of the rising sun.

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#, as written by Dandan
During the time of the return of his mistress Yamada was moving his belongings into the Edo compound. He came back with the final load after she had brought the female ronin in and walked to her bathing quarters. Yamada moved his final bit of possessions into the room he had taken and then was confronted by one of the many servants. "The lady is looking for you." Yamada bowed to the man and strapped on his longsword and moved toward her room. He leaned against the wall and knocked against her door "yes my lady?"

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The woman gave him no time to reply when the messenger came in with his news.
“I suppose it’s my fault their guard died, doubtless another thing I’ll be blamed for…” Daisuke muttered under his breath as he was led to the prisons.

He heard the clatter of a plate and the door then swung shut. The distinct sound of a bolt being drawn across and a key turning in a lock told Daisuke what he already knew. He was trapped in here now.

He did not touch the food. Daisuke prided himself on his ability to live on very little and used every opportunity to put it into practice. He missed his bows, the comfort of their wooden limbs and deadly potential was something his often took for granted when he always had them close to hand. He had a hidden arrow upon his person at all times, but he had neither the drive nor means to attack anyone.

Despite this, being sat in a prison cell was far better than being ordered about by Lord Edo.
Well, to Daisuke it was.

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Shizuka dipped her head in acknowledgment of the offer; dinner was still a few hours away yet, at the height of the afternoon as they were. She followed behind a tall female servant dressed in a simple kimono, who led her to a set of rooms that she was informed would be hers for the duration of her stay. When the woman offered to attend to her, though, the ronin shook her head quickly.

"Ah, no thank you, that will not be necessary," she added, so as not to offend her guide. Frankly, it had been so long since anyone had last attended her, and Shizuka was more than accustomed to doing things for and by herself. It would be most strange to ask for assistance dressing or something, though this was not uncommon among the upper classes.

Instead, she bathed and dressed simply in her spare set of garments, not too different from the other. Tying her hair in a ponytail that reached her knees, she contemplated practicing for a bit, but decided that that was an undertaking for later. Still, she would not go anywhere without Kikuhime, so she slid the sheathed blade into her simple obi, and looked around the room.

It was richly-decorated, similar to the way it had been when it was a Tachibana guest room, save that the color scheme had changed. A bookshelf in one corner appeared to contain several volumes of classic literature, and she perused it carefully before selecting one. Being able to have books and read them was the thing she missed most when traveling as she did, so it would be nice to do so in her spare time here.

Remembering that there had been a garden not too far from here years ago, she followed the veranda around behind the building. Lo and behold, it still stood, though she believed that water feature was new. Choosing a shady spot under a cherry tree, she sat with her back against the trunk, legs crossed, and cracked open the book. It smelled old, and a half-smile settled over the ronin's face as she began to read.

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It was as if Tachibana-kun was tagging her in. At least, that's how Sakura felt when he spoke her name so quietly. On the walk to the gate Sakura's blood was on fire. Instead of the red flow of life in her veins, lava pulsed. The young clan leader felt like kicking some one's ass. She could tell by Tachibana's words that he was feeling a rage the same as she. Though she was more open with her emotions and outwardly carried herself offensively, Tachibana would remain calm. If he hadn't stepped up first, she would have hauled off and beat the man to a bloody pulp. At least that would save him the trouble of having to perform Seppuku. But, other guards looked on her for words of wisdom. Some looked on her for justice. Some cried to the ground, trying to hide their anguish at the loss of a dear friend or family member. Sakura's blood was flowing freely with the flame of wrath and she pushed passed Tachibana when he spoke her name. It was the match on the fuse. It was all she needed.

"Son of a bitch!" She screamed and kicked him in the jaw. It was a perfect swing of the leg and the crack of his chin on the toe of her boot made a sickening pleasure run through her.

"Your family does not want food from the dead! How dare you tell us that you had to take a life to feed your family!" She spit on the ground beside his head, hoping his mouth would start oozing blood. If it didn't, she would just kick him in the face again. Kneeling down beside him, Sakura wanted to punch him. This entire day was turning out horribly. Just one piece of good news. Just one pleasant song from a bird. Anything right now... but if that were to happen she would relax. She would break open and the fire in her would be flushed out by the bitter tears of her hopelessness. This thought made her angrier and she decided there was no better time than now to release that feeling.

"You're a coward and that's why you ran back here. That's why you don't commit Seppuku." Her words were quiet. That's all they needed. No one else needed to hear her, maybe Tachibana-kun could, but he was her most trusted. She could tell him anything... almost. Gripping her right leg, Sakura reached down into her boot and pulled out the very plain dagger that she concealed within the pleather.

"Have at it you piece of shit." Something inside her was morphing into a monster. Sakura wasn't normally like this, she knew. Perhaps it was the massacre, the prisoner, the assassin? Whatever was making her change right now, she knew it wasn't good. But somehow, it felt like this thing in her would make her stronger, less of a pushover. Maybe someone would notice? But would they notice the good or bad of it? Shintate-dono almost didn't care, because all she could feel was the hatred making her adrenaline pump.

"Go on, I'm waiting."

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Whatever Ryuu had been expecting, it wasn't quite that. His own sense of justice did not disagree that the man should be punished, but Shintate-dono was behaving in a manner most unlike herself. She was brash, yes, and sometimes forgot to think things out before she acted, but she was not gratuitously violent.

It was enough to allow the second-in-command to subdue his own internally roiling feelings. He could not remove the dagger now and contradict her ruling on the matter in front of the men, but he could place the blame on the kneeling assassin without altering the status quo here. Since the man had made no move to retrieve the dagger, Ryuu nodded to the two guards on either side of him. Now, how to make this congruent? Careful wording would be necessary.

"Clearly, this man is indeed a coward. Take him to a cell, so that we might try him properly. Even if the world is unjust, the Shintate are not." The last statement served two purposes: an ample justification to the men, and a gentle reminder to his leader. He knew that today had been particularly bad for her, and he truly did understand that she was under a great deal of strain, so he would say nothing further on the topic. To have allowed a public execution without a trial would have been most indecent, but seppuku was not the same, and still would have fallen within the realm of acceptable solutions. Whether this was the way it should be or not was something Ryuu did not spare excessive thought towards. Things were as they were and that was it.

When all the guards had dispersed and only he and Shintate-dono remained, he approached her from behind. "Shintate-dono." The statement was perfectly neutral, betraying nothing of what he thought or felt. "Forgive me, but there are things that must be discussed." The matter of the first man, Daisuke Yukimura, still weighed heavily on his mind. It was not so long ago that he might as well have been the man, and perhaps it was this sympathy that urged him to speak on his behalf. Either way, it would be to the clan's benefit to reach an accord swiftly. The other man could be tried, but Yukimura-san had been trespassing only, something that could be dealt with minus the headache and the spectacle.

He had a feeling that accomplishing this would mean telling his own story, or at least part of it, but if that also was something that must be, then tell it Ryuu would.

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#, as written by Dandan
Toshio took the kick to his jaw and let the blood roll from between his lips. He knew that she was upset even hated him and in a way he hated himself. And if the tables were turned he'd probably feel the same. He got dragged off and all he kept doing all the way to his cell was a prayer taught to him by a old hermit he met once. He could see the cells he made no plea for mercy nor did he cry in pain when the guards purposely tossed him on on his broken jaw. He only sighted the prayer. "I am no coward but i am no good man anymore."

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Hearing the voice of Yamada, she took a bathrobe prepared earlier and used it cover herself. It was rather an instinctive impulse on her part. After all, she was stark naked preparing herself for a shower. Thus, she opted not to open the door so; it would not bring embarrassment for the both of them. Approaching the closed door, she spoke through it in an equally modulated voice. "Yamada-san, I apologize if this would appear rude to you at the moment. I am not appropriately dressed to entertain anyone. However, I am glad you have returned safely. If it would not be too much a bother, would you accompany my new companion Namatame-san? I believe, she should be in her room and if not possibly roaming around the compound. That is all for now, I would see you for dinner later on. Thank you, Yamada-san." At the end of her statement, she proceeded to her personal bath and entered the shower area. Removing her bathrobe and allowing the warm water oozing from the noose to ease her frazzled nerves, this day had been very interesting to say the least. It had never been a dull for even a second completely different from her peaceful existence in her time of being exiled. Yet, she had no regrets in returning none at all.

On the other hand, Gin had been ordering a few servants on what to do about security and the various household duties. He had been labeled as the right-hand of the Lady Edo from the observers who had seen how the two would communicate with each other. However, the man had always denied the fact and introduced himself as more of a butler than an assistant in leading the Edo. The main reason is he really did not care about the fate of this lineage. He only cared about the welfare of his mistress and nothing else. That is why; the appearance of Shizuka Namatame was truly comforting. She should serve as equilibrium to his methods. Furthermore, he had a slight suspicion in the origins of the female ronin. It may not be of importance as of now, but he did not like the idea of information being withheld. This is how he operated to ensure the safety of the Lady Edo despite the many protests of his Madame.

Placing the freshly prepared Hot Chocolate upon the tray cart, he directed himself to the office which was formerly own by the Lady's late father. It had not been used by Mishima Edo due to certain rules and decided to have another room that was greedily designed. However, the Lady Edo had already ordered for the extravagant and malicious displays to be removed and to return it to its former state. Gazing at his watch, he had perfectly arrived exactly after 15 minutes. He knocked upon the doors and heard the ever familiar voice of his mistress. With due respect, he entered and smiled at her appearance. "A cup of Hot Chocolate, my Lady Edo." It seemed his Lady had taken a great liking to the clothes of foreigners than the traditional ones. Well, it is more comfortable than the kimonos. In any case, she still exuded this certain aura around her of being noble no matter what she wears. Putting the cup of Hot Chocolate upon the desk of the Lady Edo, he inquired as he could see the seriousness of her face. "What ails you, my Lady?"

Aimi read the contents of the letter of the Emperor over and over again since she had arrived in the office. The contents were too grotesque than she had anticipated. Folding the letter, she grabbed the drink prepared and allowed the sweetness parched her throat. The question of her guardian did not go unheard however; she remained silent for awhile before answering."He commands me to purge the Shintate clan and have its leader be beheaded in public for the crime of Sedition." Gin narrowed his eyes at hearing the order. It seemed the Emperor is planning on a massive massacre to ensure his rule and this was definitely a test of loyalty to his mistress. The Lady Edo placed down the cup and took a blank sheet of paper and began to write her response. She knew that Takahiro understood her nature very well. There was no possibility for her to agree in such an order.

"I will show him that I am not just a mere pawn in this game of his." She had decided to use her privilege as a noble clan to the Emperor. In this case, she could stop the needless killing and have justice be established once again. Takahiro had stripped Japan its law however, she must make used of this to save innocent lives. Aimi would overturn this order by requesting the necessary proof of such crime and if it was not produced, an investigation would be conducted and the accused would be legally trialed. This still showed her dislike for the cruel methods but still remained loyal to the Emperor. If the Shintate clan would be proven of the crime, she would not have no choice but to arrest them. At the least, she would ensure that none of them be slaughtered like livestock. "It would appear you have decided upon something, my Lady Edo."

Sealing the letter of her response, she raised her dark eyes to meet Gin's. It burned with a fiery resolve as she handed him the said letter that had the insignia of the Edo. "Takahiro would be questioned further if, I show doubt about this. He would not have any other choice but to start a formal investigation. Although, I am not certain how he would use Mamoru to his advantage. I know well how those two work together. We must be prepared for any surprises Gin. For now, send that immediately and do send also a formal announcement that I would like an audience with the Shintate Leader." At the mention of her last statement, her guardian looked at him with surprise. It was not a good plan in any way. In many scenarios, she is endangering her life even more identifying herself as the Head of the Edo Clan under the Shinsengumi loyal to the Emperor. "Are you certain, my Lady? This just too much of a risk. It would be better if I or another visit them to gather the information that you need."

Drinking her hot chocolate once again, she had the most serene expression upon her face. It did come to her attention the recklessness of her visitation. If the rumors of sedition were true, the Shintate would have her dead or a prisoner. The other possibility, Takahiro and Mamoru could use this as proof of her being a traitor to her oath if she would not be careful with her actions. However, she had no time to formulate a safer plan than this. It was hard to admit that to beat those two in this mind game was to be an unpredictable piece. "It is impolite to have asked an audience of a leader and have another to replace me. I must go. Do not worry; you would be coming along do you not? Even if I tell you not to, you would still come." Gin released a sigh at this and remembered that his mistress had always been nobly stubborn in many things. This is her pride. "As you wish, your Highness." It was the only sentence he could say with a smile as he bowed much resembling a knight to a king. There was no doubt in his heart that this young Lady would cause a great stir within the dark heart of Japan.

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Image Chilling. It was the word that he could describe the wind blowing upon his form however; it had a certain scent of spiciness. His only conclusion would be the extermination of all evidences in Kan by fire. Mamoru had always prided himself to clean up all the messes perfectly. Because of that, he allowed the man to do his wishes as he wanted to as long it would not interfere with his commitment to the Chrysanthemum throne, to him the Emperor. Nothing else matters anymore, everything to him was expendable. Even this scenery of the garden perfect for a painting did not sway his heart; he had forgotten that he had no heart to begin with since that fateful day. His innocence had been taken and all that was left was a shell. It is why he knew for a fact that Japan would be engulfed in the flames of purgatory as he willed it. He would change this country into a utopia befitting of him as an Emperor. This is his grand vision and would be reality without fail.

"Heika-sama, a message had been delivered from the Household of Edo."

Blue eyes turned away from the scene of green towards the vision of a male servant who was on his knees, head bowed and hands offering the letter to him. These gestures were expected from everyone when it comes to addressing the Emperor. Taking the letter which showed the bamboo symbol of the Edo, he had a theory that Aimi had done something true to her nature. He did expect that much after all where would be the fun in slowly making her regret stepping her feet upon this land, if she would follow his every whim to perfection.

"You may stand now. Thank you for delivering the letter, I appreciate it, you may leave now."

The said servant bowed with much piety as he left his Emperor in solitude. It is quite known that the Blue Emperor is kind to his subordinates even to those menial servants. He ensures to treat them with much respect that they deserve as long as their loyalty remains with him. This was his many characteristics that were truly contradicting on the orders and harsh punishments he had implemented through the Shinsengumi. It is why most of the time the workers inside the Palace were confused about the rebellions towards their gentle Emperor based on their interactions with him. Instead, they believed it was the Murakami leader who pursued the Emperor to do those things. All of these, Takahiro and Mamoru had heard of and they simply allow the people to speculate what is truly happening inside closed doors. It is their advantage to maintain an ambiguous reputation.

"I expected much. Now, it is all up to Mamoru how to deal with her."

Takahiro spoke to himself as he read the contents. He should compliment that her eye for grammar and words were still a marvel to him. Aimi was showing her prowess and he did not doubt this about her. She was an equal contender however; the princess of the Edo was never the kind to have experienced blood upon her hands unlike him and Mamoru. This is an important factor in this so-called life of theirs. He will allow a formal investigation and even have Aimi be the leader of it. This would certainly be an interesting turn of events. She must be careful with her every actions and every words because, she might be ensnared in the webs of death. At that thought, he suddenly noticed a butterfly of ominous color. It was as black as the darkness as it fluttered before his eyes as if inviting him to capture it. He simply raised his free hand and the butterfly perched upon his fingers. A smile appeared upon his handsome face whether it to be eerie, sardonic or malicious. One thing was certain there was loneliness underlying in that expression of his and a words replaying within his mind.

"Why do they say black is an omen of bad things? I like black things... Maybe, they should say that black things are good things... So, they could have good luck just like I do, right my otōto?"

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Modern Japan-2023

Modern Japan-2023 by Streak2K10

Modern Japan, ravaged by years of war and violence. Though from some spots, the country known for its breathtaking landscapes still manages to retain its beauty.

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Kenichiro Amano
Character Portrait: Kurenai Masamura
Character Portrait: Daisuke Yukimura
Character Portrait: Ren Nishimura


Character Portrait: Ren Nishimura
Ren Nishimura

The Ghost of the Neo-Shinsengumi, shadowed blade of the Shogun.

Character Portrait: Daisuke Yukimura
Daisuke Yukimura

A former member of the Neo-Shinsengumi.

Character Portrait: Kurenai Masamura
Kurenai Masamura

Second in command of the Amano Clan of Neo-Ishin Shishi

Character Portrait: Kenichiro Amano
Kenichiro Amano

Age 22 Head of the Amano Clan of the Neo-Ishin Shishi


Character Portrait: Daisuke Yukimura
Daisuke Yukimura

A former member of the Neo-Shinsengumi.

Character Portrait: Kenichiro Amano
Kenichiro Amano

Age 22 Head of the Amano Clan of the Neo-Ishin Shishi

Character Portrait: Kurenai Masamura
Kurenai Masamura

Second in command of the Amano Clan of Neo-Ishin Shishi

Character Portrait: Ren Nishimura
Ren Nishimura

The Ghost of the Neo-Shinsengumi, shadowed blade of the Shogun.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Daisuke Yukimura
Daisuke Yukimura

A former member of the Neo-Shinsengumi.

Character Portrait: Kurenai Masamura
Kurenai Masamura

Second in command of the Amano Clan of Neo-Ishin Shishi

Character Portrait: Ren Nishimura
Ren Nishimura

The Ghost of the Neo-Shinsengumi, shadowed blade of the Shogun.

Character Portrait: Kenichiro Amano
Kenichiro Amano

Age 22 Head of the Amano Clan of the Neo-Ishin Shishi

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Modern Japan-2023

Modern Japan-2023 by Streak2K10

Modern Japan, ravaged by years of war and violence. Though from some spots, the country known for its breathtaking landscapes still manages to retain its beauty.

Modern Japan-2023

Modern Japan, ravaged by years of war and violence. Though from some spots, the country known for its breathtaking landscapes still manages to retain its beauty.

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Most recent OOC posts in Blades Among Chaos

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

I am back and I am sorry about my sudden disappearance. I had a lot of problems to deal with but, I am pretty much back on track now. Sorry for the trouble

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Sigh... so I tried to contact all of them. Sicroth replied; I guess he's hoping the GM comes back before he does anything else. The other two messages are still sitting there in my Outbox, which means Misdemeanor and Butterfly haven't even logged on to receive them since I sent them, so... yeah. I'm thinking this is sorta dead. =(

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

It was the first political RP I'd ever been in... And that counts for a lot for me. YOU GET 'EM KIKU!

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Hmm... since our GM has been MIA for almost the entire duration of the RP, I guess I'll send out PMs to the three people that we're missing and ask them if they plan on coming back. I don't want to see this thing die, but since none of us have a way to create or approve new characters, if we don't get the old ones back, we're kinda screwed.

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

i'm still here but one of my chas is in jail and my other is waiting for for lady edo so i have been watching and waiting

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

It certainly does, Derotzka, but I don't think that even Sakura, Ryuu, Daisuke, Shizuka, and Namatame (who I'm waiting to bring in at some point) could run the thing, since none of them are technically Neo-Shinsengumi or anything...

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

I'm still here if that counts for anything. :P

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Yeah... I was just thinking that. Sakura and Ryuu can't make this rp with themselves.... :(

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Is anyone besides Yumiko and I still out there? Hello...?

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

I super suck, I know! The trip wore me out and when I got back on here, I couldn't think of anything (and I mean ANYTHING) to write for Sakura. I've been mulling some stuff around in my head and I should have something posted up by tomorrow (wednesday) ASAP. I hate it when people take forever to post and I haven't posted in FOREVER.

I suck.

Sorry. T_T

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Hey dudes and dudettes, I'm gonna be offa here for the weekend. Gotta trip I'm going on and I'm going to be watching Broadway shows and shopping a LOT, so I won't have time to do the internet thing! I will be back Tuesday night and will check on things then!!! YAY

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

So its been a while... and Kiku, I cannot remember Ryuu's last post, so that I might respond to it! AAH!!! Would you mind PMing the post? If you still have it... if not, please summarize what in the hell happened because I can only remember vague bits and pieces. :/

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

The wonderful world of Magpies..


Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

I dunno. it could work. They seem to be recruiting these days...

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Nah he planned to just walk up to the gates.

...Maybe he should replan that.

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Well, are you staying hidden or going in undercover or something else? Because Gin's still out on patrol at this point...

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

I return! Another chance to carve your skulls!

Anyhow... Not sure exactly how Ren should show up at the Edo-estate.

Re: [OOC] Blades Among Chaos-A Modern Samurai Role Play

Had to edit my last post. I hated the ending... It made Sakura even crazier than I actually want her to be. O_o.... She's pretty nuts as it is anyway.