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Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea

Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea


As you board the luxury cruise ship, you think of all the breathtaking sights you will see and what a wonderful time you will have, But fate has another, more Wicked, outcome for you...~Accepting~

1,518 readers have visited Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea since stormwolf321 created it.


Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea...

The Oriana.

This is just what you need! A cruise to the beautiful Alaskan domain. On this glorious boat you will have all the food and fun you need. A huge crystal clear pool that goes from 2 feet deep for the children to 6 feet deep for the adults including a hot tub on the side. The pool is connected to several long water slides the whole family can enjoy.

You will either pay for our single room for, of course, people who want to go alone or our double bedroom for a small family. Pay for our optional extended cruise-tour package and you will receive a huge family room with a little kids center with two bunk beds and two stand alone beds on the outside. The family room though is completely your choice. Extended cruise tour package or not.

In our five-star dining room, there is a menu complete with food from the greatest chefs in the world and is served as delicious as how they cook it. But that's not all. Our buffet bar will be serving food from breakfast, lunch, and dinner 24/7!

So board now on The Oriana as we sail the seven seas!



The paper you held was so crisp with calling. It'd only been two measly days... Such a wonderful vacation it would have been...but as your frantic body rushed up to the swaying life boat in the pouring thought otherwise. Some made it to the life boats in time or, so you thought. You never really saw the ship itself sink...You were to exhausted that you couldn't lift your eyes for much longer to see who had made it with you before you pass out of exhaustion...The faint noise of The Oriana's dying moan, fills your eardrum as the very vibe of your being shudders in dismay.

You wake up in your fullest to find your new friends. Those who you are stuck with anyway. You will have to deal with that...How ever many days or maybe hours you drift at sea is fates decision. All you know is that you have little to no fuel, a dangerously low supply of food and water, and your hope is slowly deteriorating. Whoever packed the lifeboats did a terrible job...

At last! Your sights have found the very thing that might be you and your friends savior. A small strip of land only to be known as an island, washes up in view as a small glint of hope flickers in your chest. You and your friends might actually live... As you near shore, the fresh air is all you need. Tired of all the dried up salt on your body and beads of sweat constantly dripping down your forehead, you make your way up the beach and to the flowing palm trees only to meet with the horrible sight of a fresh dead body, of one of the chefs on the cruise boat...

Whoever came here first didn't want anyone else on this island and as much as you and your friends hate to believe it...Your stuck there...

***Fate is seen as divinely planned(Unchangeable), whereas destiny can be influenced by mans actions(Changeable).

*Character Sheets!
Age: (small kids to older teenagers)
Description: (Provide at least a pic. If not a lengthy description, anime pics are preferred highly.)

No godmodding
No marysues
I want you to have fun but take things serious as well
If you do not post within a weeks period, I will PM you and wait for your response. If you do not respond within a weeks period you will be cut from the role play. If you do respond I will wait another weeks time for your post. If you don't post within that period you will be cut.
I am almost always here on RoleplayGateway so if you have any questions please ask me.
Please keep it at a PG-13 level. No R. I will not allow extensive amounts of cursing. This doesn't mean you have to stop swearing all together, it just means don't overdue it. I will also not allow sex. Mentioning of it is allowed if taken lightly. Cigarettes are also prohibited if not taken lightly. Which means only mentioning them and smoking them only rarely will not get you cut out of the roleplay. I will allow beer and other drinks of that sort to be drank. That is all. :)
I will not allow one liners. Five sentences AT THE LEAST! If you are having trouble coming up with a good post and it is clear to me and everyone else that you are, then I will allow that particular post.

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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Character Portrait: Florence Valentine Character Portrait: Harun and Ryder Smith Character Portrait: Sade Naira and Akira Naira
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September 14, 2010

Florence Valentine

Once the small family had arrived at the terminal, Florence was the most surprised to see such a quantity of people. Families with young children, old children, or no children at all. They parked their car and Florence of course was the first to jump out of the car and stretch his limbs and muscles. "*Sigh* What a wonderful vacation this should be, don't you think dad..." He says as he stretches before looking at the terminal. "Oh! Oh! Did you know the first cruise ship was-" "The Titanic?" A girl who appeared to be in her early thirties spoke up as she exited the car herself. Florence just stood there, not believing that he had not only been rudely interrupted, but given the wrong answer as well. He glared at her for what seemed like a few seconds before she actually noticed. "What?" Florence held up his hand and closed his eyes in a gesture meaning that she didn't do anything totally wrong. "Oh nothing..." He says. His voice nearly dripping in sarcasm. He clears his throat. "Now em...Anyways. The first vessel built exclusively for transporting people was the Prinzessin Victoria Luise. Of course it was quite small and not the most luxurious, but after a while they began adding luxuries making them more bigger and more attractive. The Titanic being the most famous because of its sinking..." he says matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, that's nice Florence, now help us carry our luggage please." His dads voice called behind him. Florence turned around and realized he had forgotten all about the luggage because of his ramblings and had started walking away from his parent. They had tried to follow but the massive bags held them in place. "Oh! Sorry!" He apologizes before quickly scurrying to catch some of the luggage they couldn't manage to carry. "Now. Off to the porters!" He says before hurrying to the people who pack the luggage into bins that get sent onto the ship and delivered to your cabin. Course his dad's girlfriend didn't understand this which resulted in extensive explaining from Florence.

Sade and Akira Naira

Sade watched her little sister, perplexed. For the little girl couldn't hardly stand for seconds before she would burst out into fits of laughter or talking and just run around the place. Sade was left in charge over her sister and was getting quite aggravated by her sisters rambunctious behavior. Thankfully, after a while of this torture, her parents took charge. Sade exhaled loudly. She wasn't going to tell her sister straight in the face she was being annoying. Sade wasn't that kind of person. Instead she would just have to handle things. The oldest of course, didn't like to see her younger counterpart cry or start an argument, especially on such an exciting day as this. Akira held the rolling luggage and to everyone's delight, she found this more entertaining than just any other person standing near her. The rest of the Naira family took heavier loads. After a few moments of standing in line, the family was greeted by the porters as they kindly took their luggage and neatly put them in bins to be sent off to the boat. Sades parents then took out a good tip for the two men.

Akira, now having nothing to do, began to skip(At a very fast pace) towards the terminal building quickly behind her in pursuit was her dad. Sade and her mother stayed behind and watched closely at the two and sighed in relief as the parent was seen through the loads of people with Akira sitting on top of his shoulders waving at the two from above.

Harun and Ryder Smith

A tall boy with bright white hair paced back and forth waiting for his grandmother. A boy with a grey hoodie, torn up jeans and black hair watched him intently. He had the same golden brown eyes as his brother but that was the only thing relatively similar. "Dude. You need to calm down. Geez, you worry about everything." he says nonchalantly. The older looking boy stopped pacing and glared at his brother. "Shut up Ryder." He hisses before calming as he sees his grandmother emerging from the crowd. Ryder ignored his brother and instead spoke up, yet again in an almost cool tone of voice. "So...What we doin now." he says as he looks around at the interior of the terminal building. "I think we go through the metal detectors now." Ryder tensed up. "Whoa man. Wait! metal detectors!?" Harun eyed him suspiciously. "Yeah...Did you bring any knifes or bombs haha!" Harun says chuckling before studying his brothers nervous expression. "Oh come on Ryder! Why?!" Ryder held up his hands in protest. "Its just a little pocket knife and a lighter." Harun face palmed. "Ryder? Why on earth would you need a pocket knife or a lighter in the first place?" He says trying in ever way to keep calm. "Well, you never know what could happen." His brother says with a shrug. "Alright, I guess that excuse works for the pocket knife..." Harun says in disappointment. He wasn't particularly worried about Ryder getting caught with the lighter since everyone has one but he wasn't quite sure about the pocket knife. He wasn't going to argue though and decided to let Ryder get in trouble as both brothers and grandmother headed for the metal detectors.


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Character Portrait: Reason Eisner
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Reason Eisner

Reason narrowed her eyes as the sky cast unexpected brightness upon her, seeming to aim directly at her and ignore her parents who happily bounced around behind their pickup truck, unloading their suitcases. The sound of tons of people chatter their excitement assaulted her ears, and though the light and sound stung a bit due to her long nap, the teen couldn't help the butterflies breaking out of their cocoons in her stomach. They fluttered around in her torso, filling Reason with a strong desire for her parents to hurry so they could get to the boat. She slammed closed the pickup truck door and skipped around back, unzipping a pocket on her skinny jeans and pulling a lollipop out. She unwrapped it and stuck it in her mouth, already cherry tinged lips greedily kissing the sugar.
"Another candy Reason? Why not have an apple or something healthy? We have some left in the snack bag."
Reason gave her father a little smile, having had the conversation before about her bad eating habits.
"No daddy, I prefer candy."
He smiled back expecting the answer but still a little exasperated, tugging Reasons suitcase and backpack from the back of the truck. She took the backpack and slung it over her shoulder, thinking happily of entire large pocket the candy she had secretly packed in it. Then she took her suitcase, which was the same fiery red color of her pixie cut hair, beginning to move towards the terminal, her parents trailing behind.
They packed their luggage into bins to be delivered to the ship and set off towards metal detectors. She smiled and engaged in small talk with a young couple who were in front of them with a small baby.
They were pleasant enough until the babe started wailing and the woman excused herself from line to take it to the restroom. The man didn't prolong their conversation from then on.
Reason brought a hand up to first run her fingers through her bangs, which were longer than the rest of her hair and fell to her left cheek. Then she twisted the lollipop out of her mouth, lapping at the melted sugary liquid on her lips.
It was really insane how addicted the girl was to candy. The bad habit had resulted in more than one hospital visit for various reasons, whether it be underrating, high blood sugar, or her low immune system. It was amazing really, that she was as healthy as she was, with no sign of diabetes or tooth decay, and her parents, avid herbalists, always insisted she was going to die early for filling her system with sugar.
"Reason, you haven't eaten any real food since breakfast."
The red-head cocked her head to smile at her mother. She never really ate that much, aside from candy and maybe two good meals a day (if she was forced too). It never seemed to effect her overall health.
"I'm not hungry though."
"Eat once we get on board. Please?"
Her sing song voice rang out like a chime, and her mother couldn't help but relax and smile a bit, though she was concerned. A few people around them gave amused looks.
Reason was like an eight year old in a teenagers body, but not in an annoying way. Just in an innocent and cute fashion.
She leaned out of line to see how close they were. They're were a few families in front of them, including teens, a few younger kids and an older woman. It wouldn't be long.
The red-head almost let out a squeal of excitement. Soon, they would be boarding the marvelous Oriana!


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Coco Perryweather



That was the sound of the door slamming at my Malibu mansion.

I had tried lots of Excuses. None of them worked. I was going on a stupid family holiday. I mean, seriously? I was going to meet The producer Tonight and I'm now stuck with my Horrible younger brother Jack and Big sister Rena. Not to mention my crazy mom and her ancient boyfriend Edward.

"Colette! I'ts going to be fun" Mom protested.

" Yeah, right. Well lets get this over with. come on!"

I got in to my mom's Mini-Van and we Drove away.

" Where are we going anyway?" I ask.

"Well... Edward booked a Cruise ship!"

" Yes! " Edward interrupted " I'ts called the Oriana"

" Great, Just great." Coco whispered under her breath.


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Character Portrait: Nora Shaw and Will Shaw
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#, as written by Grrbot
Nora & Will:

Nora looked at the ship with her big curious eyes. "Oh Will!!" Nora exclaimed as they boarded the boat. "Were going to see Grandma and Grandpa and we get to go on this beautiful ship!" Nora exclaimed. "Woah there Nori. First of all you will behave yourself and not embarrass me! And second of all, go easy on the food at the buffet table, I dont want gran and gramps to complain about you being a piggy princess." Will sighs. Nora scowls at him. "I'm not a piggy princess! I eat normal portions of food and I believe I can pig out on special occasions." Nora stuck out her tongue to Will. "Nori... Your so childish..." Will sighed and rolled his eyes. "But you love me!!!" Nora smiled up at him. "Well you're all I've got... Unless you count gran and gramps..." Will smiles. Nora smiles up at her big brother. "Oh and don't call me Nori.. You know I hate that name!" Nora exclaims. "Nori, Nori, Nori!!" Will teases. Nora gives him a playful smack on his arm. Will smiles down at Nora.


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Character Portrait: Ruben Wilson
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Ruben Wilson

Oriana! Ruben thought loudly in his head as he looked down at the cruise ship ticket and then back up at the beautiful cruise liner, he was accisence to be on a ship like this for the first time. He only brought a small shoulder backpack with some boxers, a book of matches, a pocket knife, extra muscle shirts and basket ball shorts. He was using his mother's credit card to pay for this cruise and all it's expenses, he had stolen it and used it to purchase the ticket anyway. He need to go to visit his long distance girlfriend, his milk-chocolate skin shone under the maginificent sun, he slowly walked up the bridge and onto the luxorious cruise ship, he was led by a crewman to his room, Room 103B, a single room, with a lovely well made bed, a little desk and a port hole to view the outside of the ship, he pushed his backpack under the bed and close the cabin door.
"I can't wait for us to share our first kiss," he kissed the picture of his girlfriend he had saved on his iPod, she and he and met on facebook. And had been dating on there for a whole year, he decided to travel out and see her face to face.
He was nervous but also wanted to meet this beautiful latino girl he had fallen for so quickly online.


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Character Portrait: Dorian and Christian Croons
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Dorian & Christian

Two pairs of awaiting brown eyes gazed up at the Oriana Cruise ship, blinking but otherwise both keeping the matching blank expressions. They were both matching however. They both shared the same matching clothes, both wore the same scrutinizing expression, and both held each other's hand lightly to give each other comfort as they took on a new awaiting experience. The only thing that was not matching was their thoughts which they happily kept to themselves. Whereas the elder twin, Dorian, would think about how he didn't want to leave the comfort of his home, and how mean his stupid parents were for taking him away from his home, the younger twin, Christian, had contrasting thoughts. Christian inside felt quite excited about taking on a cruise. It was certainly something he'd never done before, and he already had the different things he and his brother would do lined up in his head. He managed not to show it on his face however. He managed to keep these thoughts inside whilst trying to keep the same expression of his brother -something he had learnt to do over the years.

"Come come you two, it's time that we board the ship!" Their nanny interrupted their observing gaze of the ship and lifted up their suitcases. The two turned to their nanny, blinking a couple of times, in sync of course.

"But where are our parents?" They asked together, at which the nanny's face dropped and she bit her lip, not wanting to break it to them.

"Uhm, they're a bit busy working today. But they promised to call you once you're on the ship." She said, smiling at the two.

Dorian and Christian frowned at the nanny, before sighing and looking up to the guide who would lead them to their room. They followed on, their hands always held as they looked around the ship as they boarded and headed to room 25C. They came to a large room with a big TV, mini fridge, a double bed, and a single bed and then a window view of the sea. Dorian and Christian would share the double bed, and the nanny would take the single.

"How long until we leave?" The twins asked the nanny, who looked down to her watch and tilted her head.

"I'm not completely sure... I'll go and find out..."

Once the Nanny had left, the twins blinked around before sighing gently. "Hey, Dorian... I thought mom and dad said they were coming with us this time...?" One of the twins asked, frowning at his brother

"They did..." The other replied, sighing gently and squeezing his hand as they both shared the same disappointed expressions.


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Character Portrait: Florence Valentine Character Portrait: Harun and Ryder Smith Character Portrait: Sade Naira and Akira Naira
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Ryder and Harun Smith

Harun watched intensely as Ryder removed his belt and other things that would set off the machine in front of him. Both he and his grandmother had passed through the detector without any problems. Harun wasn't so sure his brother would be so lucky though. Harun tensed as Ryder suddenly walked through the machine...but nothing happened. Haruns eyes widened and his mouth gaped. His brother smirked at him as he put his stuff back on. "B-but...the pocket...knife...i-it-" He was cut off by his Ryder which pointed a finger in his face. "Tsk tsk. I can't believe you thought I would get caught!" Ryder laughs before walking off towards the pier.

20 minutes later

Both boys and grandmother made it too their room by escort. They opened the door and peered inside. "Well boys start unpacking your things." Their grandmother says as she sets her purse down on one of the beds. "Okay, so we paid all of that money so we could sleep in a box...?" Ryder questions as he looks around the rom. It indeed looked like a box. "You'll get used to it." Harun sighs before he starts unpacking the clothes. "Dude you do realize there are like...two beds. So either your sleeping with me or grandma." Ryder says smirking. "Harun stops what he is doing and immediately looks up. His brother was right... unfortunately. "But I dont-" Harun stopped when he realized Ryder was nowhere to be seen. "UGH! I have to unpack all of this all by myself!" Harun complains.

Florence Valentine

Florence breathed the sweet aroma of salt water and the cool breeze. "What. A. Day it has certainly been." He says tiredly. His parents were busy unpacking and they said he could go ahead and 'explore' around the pool area. He turns around and the first thing that catches his eye is a girl...of course. He watches the girl from a distance talk with other hotter girls. "This has just become the best cruise ever..." He says to himself as some of the girls catch him staring and wave at him in which he kindly returns.

This would've all went perfectly until one of the girls boyfriend appears out of nowhere and finds Florence staring at his girl. "Hey!" Florence jumped and looked beside him too see a huge burly man in front of him. "Uh uh Hi there!" He grins and waves at the teenager. "Were you staring at mah girl!?' he asks angrily while spitting in the boys face a little. Florence wipes the spit off in disgust. "Hmm maybe. Oh and a word of advice. Say it! Don't spray it!" Florence growls before realizing what he'd just done. "Whoops." he says as he looks at the very steamed boyfriend. "Well...I'm gonna go. Bye!" he says before dashing off into the crowd of people, the other guy quickly in pursuit.

Sade and Akira Naira

Akira immediately wanted to go to the pool just as they arrived but since the family hadn't eaten yet, Akira had to wait. She still got prepared though and dressed in her purple bathing suit with a loose dress as a cover up. Sade put on her bathing suit as well and had a regular T-shirt and shorts. Both girls were starving so they got to go down to the buffet first instead of waiting for their parents to unpack. Once they had made it at the breakfast buffet, they heard a faint...yelping noise. Both girls looked behind them to see a boy with blue hair had accidentally tripped over one of the chair legs in the dining room and shot right up before running off again. Soon after that, another guy was following right behind and he looked steamed. When that scene wa over both girls just shrugged and disregarded the whole thing before getting some breakfast.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Florence Valentine Character Portrait: Reason Eisner
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Reason turned another corner with a sigh. It was just her luck to get lost as soon as she got on board. Despite the fact that she and her parents had even had an escort.... She was just spacey enough to stop paying attention and make a wrong turn.
She hummed a song quietly to herself while sucking on her cherry lollipop and trying to remember the room number they had been told. Not having a clue to what it might be, Reason just laughed it off, admiring the well decorated hallway. She must have stumbled up to the first class rooms.
After a bit more wondering, Reason decided she would find the front desk and inquire. Well... If she could find the front desk. Then she giggled again. It'd be like a maze, how fun!

Ten minutes later, It didn't seem all that fun anymore, but Reason, ever the optimist, just kept walking, walking, walking, spacing out in thoughts of wondering into a room completely filled with candy-
She was jerked back to reality as a blue haired boy dashed past, nearly knocking the redhead over. Just as she had steadied herself, a muscled older teen shoved her to the side, where she hit the hallway wall and dropped her lollipop.
"Hey!" She squealed immediately. "What's your problem!" She slipped in front of the burly boy, crossing her arms and blocking his path. "That was my only candy on me!" She complained, on the verge of tears. "And because of you I dropped it!"
She starred him down with huge wet eyes, bottom lip pouting. He glared at her, obviously not wanting to roughly shove past.
"I'm trying to chase someone, move it girly."
Reason tilted her head back and upside down, looking at the blue haired boy, who was farther down the hallway. "Who, him?"
"You see anyone else? Move!" He bellowed voice echoing, and the girl twitched back slightly, but didn't move. Reason had a bit of a motto about helping people, and regardless that she didn't know the boy being chased, she decided she would help him make a getaway. She figured this other boy wouldn't deliberately push through her, so, tears drying, she stood firmly, starring him down with a disapproving look. Finally he turned away with a scowl.

"I see you again, you're dead!" He yelled down the hall towards the blue haired boy and Reason stuck her tongue out at his back.

With that, the red head dashed down the hall towards the blue haired boy before he could get to far.
"Hi hi hello!" She chirped brightly. "Why was that boy chasing you?"


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Character Portrait: Florence Valentine Character Portrait: Reason Eisner
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Florence Valentine

Florence was just on the brink of giving up and accepting a pummel when a miracle happened. He turns around when the heavy heaving of someone following him ceases and instead is replaced with a girl. He couldn't really make out what they were saying until the guy shouted at him and walked on. Florence gleefully nods. "Oh trust me. You won't see me again." he mutters under his breath.

Just then the girl comes up to him. "Hi hi hello! Why was that boy chasing you?" Florence looks at her a bit longer and realizes how petite the girl looked. "Y-you...He..." Florence pointed at the guy who had just disappeared down the maze like hallways. "Uh...N-never mind." He says accepting the fact that a small girl saved him from getting a beat down. "Uh, I was caught staring at his girl. I mean it wasn't like I was looking at her wrongly. No no no no, I would never disrespect a lady like that. Not in any way."

He says with a simple nod of his head. Florence studies the girl from head to toe. "Oh! My apologies. My name is Florence Valentine. Might I ask what is yours?" He asks after he gives a slight bow as he says his name.


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The teen couldn't help but giggle at the boys surprise as he stumbled over the unformed question, of how she had deterred the guy. He let it drop after a moment with a never mind, and explained he had looked at the mean boys girlfriend in a way apparently deemed unacceptable.
Reason didn't flinch as the boy looked her over, and did the same to him. He was nearly a head taller than her. Everyone seemed to be,even though she wasn't THAT short....
"Oh! My apologies. My name is Florence Valentine. Might I ask what is yours?"
Reason raised an eyebrow as he bowed.
"You're really formal," She said bluntly with a smile. Then she curtsied in return, though her skinny jeans kind of ruined the gesture. "I'm Reason Eisner. Do you know where the front desk is? I'm kind of lost."
She laughed quietly at herself, then realized there was a sign on the wall behind Florence. She leaned to the side to get a better look and saw it was labeled with room numbers and two arrows pointing either way. No arrow to the front desk.
Pursing her lips, Reason jumped her eyes back and forth the two arrows, reciting under her breath, 'Eenie meenie minee moe, catch a pony by it's toe, if it's not happy let it go, eenie meenie minee moe."
She landed on the arrow pointing the way she had come from. Hm, she hadn't recalled seeing the front desk that way, just first class rooms, but 'eenie meenie' never failed!
Little known to Reason, this was one of those times she lacked enough common sense to continue on the way she'd been going.... *facepalm*


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Character Portrait: Florence Valentine Character Portrait: Reason Eisner
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Florence Valentine

Florence smiles after she says something about his formality. "It's a pleasure to meet your Reason Eisner." He says kindly. Another question slipped from the girls mouth causing the boy to think for a little bit. "Uh heh, I don't know myself. I...wasn't really paying attention as i was being chased by a guy three times my size." He says with a small chuckle afterwords.

Florence son caught her staring at a sign behind him and noticed that she was reciting the familiar 'Eenie Meenie minee moe' phrase that he to used to say when he was a kid. Before he knew it, the girl had begun to wonder off the same way she had come. Florence tilted his head slightly before following her. "Uh, I don't want to sound rude or anything but why are you heading back the way you had come. Didn't you say you didn't see the front desk back down this way?" he asks. As much as he wanted to go the other way, he still followed the girl just in case they ran into that guy again


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Florence Valentine Character Portrait: Reason Eisner
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"Uh, I don't want to sound rude or anything but why are you heading back the way you had come?"

Reason stopped abruptly, mulling that over in her head before her cheeks colored slightly. "Er, right! See, I was testing you too see if, uh, you would notice!"
She spun around and hooked her arm through Florence's, skipping in the right direction, dragging the boy along until he decided to pick up a pace to match her skipping.
"My mom tells me I need to get a brain. She said it'll be my death one day, from not paying attention to anything," She said absently, pausing to peer down a hall to her left. She wondered if they should continue straight or turn. She was about to launch into a mantra of 'hinkey pinky ponkey, my daddy bought a donkey' before she saw another form down the left hall way.
"aha! Maybe he knooows." Reason sang to Florence in an innocent 'anyone would help us out' sort of way. "Do you know what room your in? I don't. Maybe they'll be close! Then we can be friends!"
Despite the fact that Reason didn't even know Florence, well, she acted this way with everybody, immediately treating them like a childhood playmate. Most want to punch her in the face and buy her a candy bar and stuffed animal, at the same time, due to her child-like personality. She could be serious if the time called for it, but not really having an important care in the world, plus the excitement of being on a cruise, left her mind as one tracked as a child. Still she was able to recognize her behavior probably wasn't appropriate with a stranger, and quickly detached her arm.
"Sorry..." She said, calming down a bit, another embarrassed flush raising in her cheeks. "I'm probably scarring you, arn't I?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Florence Valentine Character Portrait: Harun and Ryder Smith Character Portrait: Reason Eisner
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Florence Valentine

Florence yelped as the girl hooked her arm around his and started to drag him through the maze of hallways. He raised and eye brow as the girl talked to him about...well just about anything on her mind. It completely baffled the boy that a girl would trust someone so quickly. It kinda scared Florence a bit, but he kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to hurt the girls feelings. After a little bit more time of studying the girls odd behaviors, Florence noticed her child like personality. A sorta charm she had about herself.

This, plus the awkwardness, balanced out perfectly causing him to have some sort of a mutual attitude towards the girl. Her innocence was something not to detest. Yet her extreme trust towards others and carefree attitude was something she could do without. Florence of course didn't say a word and instead followed the girl with the greatest of interest towards her he had to offer. After about a couple more minutes, the subjects of their room numbers came into mind. "Oh erm...I think I'm room 57..." He says. Before he could ask what was hers the girl had detached her arm from his.

"Sorry... I'm probably scarring you, arn't I?" The boy wanted to say yes...and no. Oh which possible thing could he choose. Florence looked at the girl a little bit longer. "Er...No. In no way are you scarring me." He says simply with a slight smirk. Strange...that was the first time he's said something that didn't hurt someones feelings. Maybe this trip was actually getting to him.

Now at this time, Florence was changing the subject. He runs his fingers through his hair. "I will certainly be surprised if we make it through this maze of hallways." He chuckles. "But really. It's like a labyrinth down here." He says getting a bit more serious. He looks around the halls a bit longer and sees a boy who looked to be about their age. Florence smirks and grabs Reasons arm pulling her towards the figure.

Ryder Smith

Ryder had mindlessly wandered the hallways for who knows how long. He was whistling now and propped up against a wall before a sudden voice broke the silence. Ryder looked beside him to see a boy with blue hair and a girl with red hair beside him. "Uh hi?" he says nonchalantly.

"Hello. I was wondering if you could help me and my friend here find the front desk...or maybe the way out?" The boy with blue hair says. "Ryder raises an eyebrow and chuckles. "Heh, I might know the way out. Come on." he says before pushing himself off the wall and retracing his steps.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mia Hampton and Sasha James
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Mia ran to the boat, bag in hand, twirling and smiling from ear to ear. "Sasha this boat is beautiful!" Her friend Sasha giggled. "Careful or you may trip. Mia frowned. "Quit being so uptight. Have alittle fun." They boarded the boat and went to the desk to get the room number. They went to their cabin and unpacked. Mia layed on the bed, resting after a long car ride. She could feel the baby's obvious dislike of the waves and was trying to calm her stomach by humming. Sasha came and sat next to her. "Do you want me to go raid the buffet?" Mia giggled nervously. "I dont think food is the best thing right now." Sasha nodded and played with Mia's hair.

(Sorry its short...i just got alot going on)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruben Wilson Character Portrait: Reason Eisner
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0.00 INK

Ruben lounged around on a floating raft on the ship's pool, he looked around and saw the guest enjoying themselves, he thought about how his mother must feel about him running off the way he did. But he was getting older and adventorous like most young men.
He dove into the pool, and swam back up.

As he got out of the pool he ran into a young girl who was carrying a lolipop

"I'm so sorry" he said.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Florence Valentine Character Portrait: Harun and Ryder Smith Character Portrait: Reason Eisner
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0.00 INK


"Er...No. In no way are you scarring me."
Reason gave him a satisfied smile, glad he was still in the potential to be her friend. Though she wasn't sure what his smirk symbolized. She followed his hand as he ran it through his hair, liking the blue color. She had never had a friend with blue hair!
"I will certainly be surprised if we make it through this maze of hallways." Florence chuckled then sobered a bit. "But really. It's like a labyrinth down here."

Before Reason could agree, it was her turn to be dragged down the hall a ways by Florence towards the figure they had seen.
"uh, hi?" The new boy said easily.
"Hi!" Reason sang back with a smile, but was slightly cut off as Florence explained their situation.
"Hello. I was wondering if you could help me and my friend here find the front desk...or maybe the way out?"
Yay, we're friends! Reason mentally cheered, suppressing a childish giggle.

The boy laughed a bit and shoved off the wall, beginning to walk. "Heh, I might know the way out. Come on."
"Good! We could have died down here! Unless we found the kitchen I suppose. Or someone else who's help us..." She trailed off and reversed Florence's hold on her arm, tugging him forward so she was walking between the two boys, just behind enough to follow the new one.

"I'm Reason, and this is Florence, and I helped him get rid of a guy who wanted to kill him, so now we're friends." She summarized with a little smile. "What's your name!"


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Ryder grinned, "Hello Reason and Florence." He says before carelessly turning to another hallway. "The name's Ryder." he says, mindlessly walking in another hallway.

"It's nice to meet you Ryder..." The boy with blue hair says kindly. There really wasn't much he could say or to tease of right now so he simply states. "You too." Before turning in yet, another hallway.

After a quiet pause Ryder begins to smirk deviously. He walks up beside Florence who was now beside Reason. "So, your little friend here saved you from a guy who was going to kill you?" He says still smirking.


Florence began to blush more than he wanted to show. "Uh, uh..." He scratched the back of his head. "He was a bit bigger than me. Scratch that, a lot bigger." He mutters enough for Ryder to hear. Ryder chuckles. "That's why I emphasized little in friend."

Florence sighs and jumps at Ryder's sudden voice beside him. "Oh would you look at that. We made it out." he states.

Florence looks up and sure enough, the suns rays hit his eyes causing him to squint. "I guess we did." He says, just happy to be out of the hallways, he turns toward Ryder and gives a small bow of his head. "Thank you very mu-" He was caught off guard by Ryder's hand messing up his hair. "Hey! No probs!" He says.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Florence Valentine Character Portrait: Harun and Ryder Smith Character Portrait: Reason Eisner
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0.00 INK


"Hello Reason and Florence. The name's Ryder."

Reason blindly followed Ryder as he led them confidently through the halls. Reason hoped she would be able to navigate the halls this effortlessly before the end of the cruise. It wouldn't due to get lost every time she set foot outside her room! Speaking of room, Reason really needed to figure that out... but no worries!She would get back to her parents eventually! They did always say she needed to widen her friend base.
The red head looked over as Ryder moved over to Florence, smirking with a glint in his eye.

"So, your little friend here saved you from a guy who was going to kill you?
"Uh, uh... He was a bit bigger than me. Scratch that, a lot bigger."
"That's why I emphasized little in friend."

"Hey, I'm not that little!" Reason protested playfully, though she was rather short compared to the two.

"Oh would you look at that. We made it out."

Reason starred up at the sky and grinned, jumping up and down in a little circle. "Yay, we're alive!" She cheered, then turned to see Ryder tousling Florence's hair. She giggled at them and hopped over, slinging her arms up around their shoulders, taking turns to give them side hugs.
"Thank you both! I don't suppose you could point me in the right direction to the front desk? I don't know what room I'm in!" She laughed a little at her own dilemma, before spotting a pool a little ways down the deck. She removed her arms to clap in delight.

"Ooh! Never mind, my parents can wait, I wanna swim! Wanna come? Do you think they have a candy bar...?" Her voice trailed off as she was already heading over towards the water, tugging off her shirt as she went. She had been sitting in her red bikini the entire car trip, and was happy to finally get to put it to use.
There were people in the pool but it wasn't to crowded, so Reason shed her skinny jeans and jumped in without a thought, hoping the few teens around might be enough to start a game of Marco-Polo or something.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Florence Valentine Character Portrait: Reason Eisner
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0.00 INK


Florence watched the girl leave, all while trailing questions behind her. He chuckles and turns toward Ryder to ask if he would know where the front desk is except Ryder has seemingly disappeared. Florence just shrugged his shoulders and walked toward the pool. Like Reason, he could care less about his parent and his parent's stupid girlfriend. Florence watched as the girl immediately dived in, no questions asked.

The boy looked around some at all of the other people in the pool. A lovey-dovey couple making out in the corner of the pool, a guy flirting with another girl who seemed as if she wasn't interested, a couple of younger kids playing tag or something...Nothing seemed interesting to Florence. Instead the boy just sat down near the pool, taking off his shoes, and dipping his feet in and relaxing.

Florence's eyes scanned the glittering water and different people. He saw Reason looking around for more people to play a game of some sort. Maybe the two were friends now...Florence mentally shrugged. He didn't really know what they were to each other. It looked as if they were friends, but inside he guessed that they were just very well acquainted. He had know idea if Reason felt the same way. All he knew was after she had saved him from that big scary guy, she had become the high light of his day. Florence slumped a little as he watched the girl swim around.

((Sorry if I hadn't been posting. Cross Country has started and it's certainly wearing me out :))

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Character Portrait: Raven Dawn and Jess Dawn
0 sightings Raven Dawn and Jess Dawn played by AshleighC
Music is in the soul. . .
Character Portrait: Dorian and Christian Croons
1 sightings Dorian and Christian Croons played by The*Lucky*Teacup
"May we help you?"

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Sade Naira and Akira Naira
Character Portrait: Florence Valentine
Character Portrait: Harun and Ryder Smith
Character Portrait: Mia Hampton and Sasha James
Character Portrait: Roland
Character Portrait: CO
Character Portrait: Ruben Wilson


Character Portrait: Ruben Wilson
Ruben Wilson

"We Should Build a Raft, and get rid of dead weight!'

Character Portrait: CO

Colette 'Coco' Perryweather

Character Portrait: Roland

" Oh I'm being rude? That's a cool story, please tell me more. "

Character Portrait: Mia Hampton and Sasha James
Mia Hampton and Sasha James

M-"So...looks like your perfect vacation is a bust." S-"Oh you shut up!"

Character Portrait: Harun and Ryder Smith
Harun and Ryder Smith

"I do think that this trip would be good for the both of you..."

Character Portrait: Florence Valentine
Florence Valentine

"So, this is what first class feels like..."

Character Portrait: Sade Naira and Akira Naira
Sade Naira and Akira Naira

"We are going on a real cruise!" A little girl bursts out from the backseat of the van.


Character Portrait: Mia Hampton and Sasha James
Mia Hampton and Sasha James

M-"So...looks like your perfect vacation is a bust." S-"Oh you shut up!"

Character Portrait: Ruben Wilson
Ruben Wilson

"We Should Build a Raft, and get rid of dead weight!'

Character Portrait: Harun and Ryder Smith
Harun and Ryder Smith

"I do think that this trip would be good for the both of you..."

Character Portrait: Sade Naira and Akira Naira
Sade Naira and Akira Naira

"We are going on a real cruise!" A little girl bursts out from the backseat of the van.

Character Portrait: CO

Colette 'Coco' Perryweather

Character Portrait: Roland

" Oh I'm being rude? That's a cool story, please tell me more. "

Character Portrait: Florence Valentine
Florence Valentine

"So, this is what first class feels like..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ruben Wilson
Ruben Wilson

"We Should Build a Raft, and get rid of dead weight!'

Character Portrait: Florence Valentine
Florence Valentine

"So, this is what first class feels like..."

Character Portrait: Mia Hampton and Sasha James
Mia Hampton and Sasha James

M-"So...looks like your perfect vacation is a bust." S-"Oh you shut up!"

Character Portrait: Sade Naira and Akira Naira
Sade Naira and Akira Naira

"We are going on a real cruise!" A little girl bursts out from the backseat of the van.

Character Portrait: Harun and Ryder Smith
Harun and Ryder Smith

"I do think that this trip would be good for the both of you..."

Character Portrait: CO

Colette 'Coco' Perryweather

Character Portrait: Roland

" Oh I'm being rude? That's a cool story, please tell me more. "

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Most recent OOC posts in Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

I wanna apologize for ditching this V_V sorry!!! :/

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

I'm sorry for you, I hope your doing alright!

and mattixz13 i don't mean to disregard your post but Reason's in the halls of the ship with Florence and Ryder, not to mention she dropped her loli a bit earlier haha (: Sorry!

Alsooo, sorry if I don't post regularly this week! I'm going to be busy all day this week until night time, and seeing as I'll either be playing sports or at/helping to run a fair until late, I might be to exhausted to stay up and write! D: I'll try, but don't expect them until like around 10 or 11 depending, or really early ^.^

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

Oh, I'm so sorry! :(

Yes, just boarding.

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

Sorry i have been really busy dealing with a messy breakup n then a divorce n now a far in are we? Just boarding?

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

Meh, it will just make things more interesting. For Florence anyway.

Oh QueenJen! Have you heard from KayEyeEmm yet?

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

It's okay! I would have posted but I didn't want to until some others had aha ^.^
Shall we have all the characters meet at some point on the ship, or save it for the crash thing? lol

Also, Reason is very eccentric, I'd beware getting friendly with her xD

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

Sorry for my inactivity Ha! Been a bit busy.

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

Hey, so I submitted a character, and I was hoping I could join in this Roleplay? It sounds really fun ^^

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

Sure! Your two characters have been accepted.

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

Hi! I'm not sure if you got my last message but I was wondering if I could join? I've submitted my characters and I don't want to just join without being accepted. haha.

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

aha alright, well is everyone else still here? I don't want this to crumble while we're politely waiting for first posts (:

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

Alrighty! That's fine by me! :)

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

Oh, Stormwolf, I was talking to KayEyeEmm and she wanted me to let you know she probably wont be able to get on the site much until Tuesday!

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

Well that's not to many!! :D Shouldn't be long then, yay! xD

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

Hmm...KayEyeEmm, Shaodow, and currently waiting for Addrinvan to make his character. :)

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

this is my third time trying to respond. GR. haha

I can't wait to get into the plot! i hope everyone starts posting faster, because I feel like the whole site is on slo mo for some reason! Aha, but I always find rp's where the creators research and put effort into them way better, so it'll probably be the same with yours (:

I hope everyone can get their first post in, who are we waiting on still?

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

Life's good although all of my role plays I'm in are taking a while for people to post:/

This has got to be the role play where I have to research on the Internet for various amounts of information to come up with the conclusion. So far, I've got the plot pretty straight forward in my head. We'll see how everything plays out. Haha I too am also excited. :)

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

Ahhh I can't wait to get this rolling with ya guys :D Srry if im being annoying im just really excited the last couple roleplays I joined didn't even take of so im deprived of roleplaying goodness D: ahaha sorrrry I'm ranting (:

How's life for you guys? (:

Re: Boarding a Wicked Fate at Sea.

Thanks for accepting muh character