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Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises

Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises


As the years passed the fear and terror that legendary fabled dark prince imposed upon the land of Terra has passed. After 800 years rumors about a group of fanatical worshipers of the dark prince plans his resurrection.

2,021 readers have visited Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises since blacksky created it.


The flow of mana, the energy the fills every living thing, has been controlled by the natives of habitable land of Terra. At the very beginning of the age of man, Humans showed an advanced understanding of the world around them and mana itself. The High Elf's seen the up coming of a new race to be a blessing upon the land, and with the aid of another race called the Larthos they educated, guided and raised the Human race. The two races showed a select few humans how to call upon mana and energies like it from the earth, among these few was a young human prince Draco Arrocard stood proud. A cunning and charismatic prince, Draco showed his mastery over the magics and mana as if it was second nature. Although the High Elf's encouraged the prince to seek out greater magics and to study under the Arch Grand Mage Verion, the Larthos hated this idea they felt that the humans would end up taking over if they were allowed to study such powerful magic .

The Assumption made by the Larthos were correct the young prince and his race quickly rose to become one of the 5 most powerful mana controlling races, and in seeking more power than he already had Draco sought out the power of dark mana. A source of mana untapped and used by anyone alive due to its massive dark properties, after 17 years of searching Draco found his new power. The 500 years following were known as the reign of the Dark Prince, with his wide knowledge on magic Draco basically became an immortal, his face never aged, no matter how many assassination attempts he lived. The Larthos, High Elf's, Wood Elf's, and Nerion's banded together in a last ditch effort to dethrone the Dark Prince gathering their strongest mage's they assaulted the Dark Concord, a palace made of pure darkness. Sitting upon His throne the Dark Prince killed 1000 mages just by ripping the mana from their body's, the seven mages remaining fought for days until the mana around them grew thin. As Draco moved in to finished them off the souls of the dead mages arose and stripped his body of mana slowly, the weakened mages watched as the Dark Prince fell to his knees unable to control the dark mana in the Dark Concord the palace imploded with mana destroying all life in the surrounding area. While being shielded by the souls of the dead, the seven mages reported to the Grand Arch Mage ending the rule of the Dark Prince

The Dark Concord


800 Years later the fear and terror that legendary fabled dark prince imposed upon the land of Terra has passed, but the long lasting effect of his rule had not. With the rise and fall of the Dark Prince, the use of magic has been greatly looked down upon to a point where the practice of magic had been banned by most cities. The Nerion and Larthos races had been nearly wiped out, leaving the High Elf's in control of what goes on in the magic community. Humans kept their place in the magic community just their overall influence has decayed. Even now groups the worship the Drak Prince plan his resurrection, with rumors starting to circulate about a secret group gaining the Rod of Rebirth. The Kingdom of Aerios is growing unsettled about these rumors, and King Verion VII Spreads out a call of arms recruiting any and all to stop this group from completing their goal.

City of Aerios


Toggle Rules

Romance is allowed, but nothing explicit
No texting language
I'm posting first, when everyone's ready
Character death is a possibility. If you don't want your character to die don't do stupid things
Magic use is limited and looked down upon in some places be careful where you use magic at.

Character Skelly



Orc, High Elf, Wood Elf, Larthos, Human, Nerions

List the spells that you know, limited to 8

What other names does your character go by?

Male or Female

19 - 39

Be Creative! As many details as you possibly can.

Brief Description
Detailed description about appearance. Having a picture is no excuse to have no description, as your GMs prefer words.

Abilities or skillsthat your character possesses.

Keep your character balanced. Try to make these equal to your character's strengths, and make them something that could end up in their defeat. For example, being too nice wouldn't be a good weakness.


Anything else?

Orc: large Green physically built creatures with small tusks sticking from their noses. usually very tall and strong.

High Elf: The Tallest of the Elf's, long pointed ears and the glowing blue color of their eyes can easily help you with identifying a High Elf. They are usually have a peach or pale like skin color

Wood Elf: Elf's sticking to the wood land areas, only shorter than High Elfs by a few inches. fair skin ranging from a light to dark tannish color.

Larthos: Winged men that stick to the mountainous areas. Long wings that allow them to fly for great distances, a midsize race in terms of height.

Nerions: Older Demon looking beings. They stick to dark and damped areas, horns sticking out of their foreheads and a long reptilian like tail.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davkul Mire Character Portrait: Aeka Rynaos Character Portrait: Xandun Icehide
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Davkul Mire & Xandun Icehide

Dav was about to apologize for paying the man before consulting with his new companion, however she quickly seemed to accept the occurrence. So he merely nodded at her as she went inside the warehouse. He walked in the entrance behind her, but then noticed a bucket sitting by the entrance. “I’ll be just a moment.” He said as he grabbed the wooden object and headed back outside.

Xandun followed them inside, grunting at his brother’s statement. He was too hungry to care about much else at the moment. Moving out of the way for his brother, Xan made his way further inside. After a few moments of searching, he smashed open a crate and picked some of the stored food out of it. While he chewed, he walked over to one of the walls and set his axe against it. Sitting down on the floor, he munched for a while before finishing and closing his eyes to sleep.

A little ways away, Dav finished soaking his vest in the small bucket as he stood beside the small well in the middle of the street. He looked at it as he wringed it out, noting that most of the dried blood had been washed away. The holes and light red stains still remained, but the clothing was much better now. After hanging the vest nearby, he washed the dried blood off of his skin, then washed out the bucket a few times before filling it with water. He kept from washing his cloak, as it had gotten less of his blood on it and the black mostly masked it anyways. Picking up his vest from were it hung, he carried it and the bucket back to the warehouse.

By the time Dav got back, his brother had fallen asleep. He gently closed the door to the warehouse, hung his vest to dry overnight, and set the bucket of water by the door for in the morning. Sitting down on a few bags of flour, he shifted his cloak around to cover his bare chest then laid down and closed his eyes. Sleep came quickly for him.

The setting changes from Aerios to Terra


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The sound of the chirping birds awoke Mairjra from his deep slumber, with a drawn out yawn he rose from the bed. The king had already forced his survents to lay out new wears for the Royal Arch Mage, a title that the Enverson family has kept since the fall of the Dark Prince. When King Verion I had founded Aerios after the long and hard battle to seal away the Dark Prince, one of the surviving mages was Turen Enverson he remained loyal to the cause to keep the Dark Prince seal away. And Verion the first was the first to make this oath of loyalty, from that day on the Head of the Enverson family remained the Arch Mage of Aerios while pledging their loyalty. Pushing himself off the bed walking toward, the wardrobe that hung up the cape with the Enverson family crest hung along with a new pair of magic armor resembling what he was wearing yesterday. Dressing and cleaning his blade, as he made his way out the door and down to King Verion the VII's room.

Knocking lightly at his door sanding tall and at attention saluting his king with a bow after his servant opened the door. "My Lord" Mairjra spoke kneeling before Verion VII, "Ah well your dressed to impressed boy. How do you like your new wears?" Verion spoke glancing at Mairjra. Pushing off of his knee looking the high king in the eyes, brushing back his golden brown hair "Yes my lord thank you, it was unnecessary to gave it drawn out I would have found it" Mairjra responded trying not to sound rude as he addressed his king. "Stand beside me during the call, for it is starting now I want you to approve the men and women I send,sense you will be going with them." Nodding as Verion the VII spoke, he walked by the kings side has he reached the throne watching the people already gather shaking his head at most of them.

Mairjra needed people to travel with that would be easy to control and manipulate for them to do his bidding, no nobles nor anyone to destructive, they were unneeded and most likey would die within the first few days. Shooting back to the other day, he knew to accept the Larthos she was going to be useful, along with the elf from the night before. With a smile Mairjra yelled "Those who have answered my kings call present yourself in a orderly way, you must be cleared for this task"

The setting changes from Terra to Aerios


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davkul Mire Character Portrait: Aeka Rynaos Character Portrait: Xandun Icehide
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(Give us a sec to get there. I'm gonna need a response or two first. XD)

Aeka tossed herself down on the flour sack, falling into a tranquil, if uncomfortable sleep. True to what she had said, she awoke early the next morning with a groan, sitting up and unfolding her wings. "Damnit!" She cursed under her breath, noting how sore she was all over. A warehouse of flour didn't make a very good place to catch some Zs, after all.

Standing up, she stretched both her arms and wings, glancing around. Several loud rumblings in her stomach notified her that bum or not, she still needed to eat. Quickly, her eyes settled on the broken remains of the crate Xandun had broken the night before. Tiptoeing past the slumbering giant, she removed a small case from the wrecked bin, the last bit of food that was left there. Popping it open, she confirmed her suspicions, removing six small biscuits from inside. Well, she could just divide those up evenly among the whole group, now couldn't she? One for her, one for Dav, one for her, one for big, blue and ugly, one for her, and one for her! Wait a sec, that didn't add u- Aww, damnit, she was going to have to share, wasn't she? That was so lame! She was hungry enough to eat a whale! Or an elephant! Or 42 cubic tons of muffins! Or all of the above, simultaneously!

Oh well. She'd live, she supposed. Now there was just the rather troublesome task of waking up her two companions. Then again, though, she knew just the way of making it easy!

"Soul Manifestation - Arms Alchemy," Aeka murmured, summoning the gigantic Laevatein on her arm. Swiftly, the massive weapon unfolded, its various prongs sliding backward and exposing the main barrel. Concentrating her power, she channeled a Spark Breaker through the gun, and, after letting it build up to full power, used Reinforcement to give herself the strength to turn the titanic, gleaming weapon upward. Then, she fired, letting the spell explode with incredible violence before it could reach the ceiling. She absorbed the flames on their way back down, just in case the warehouse might have caught on fire. Punctuating this loud explosion with her own obnoxious voice, she literally greeted the new day with a bang.

"AAAALLLLLLLLRIIIIIIIIIIGHT!~" She exclaimed loudly, dismissing Laevatein. "Wake up, sleepyheads! It's our big day!"

The setting changes from Aerios to Terra


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Morning came early and Solar was awake before dawn, her dreams were not what she expected and a little irritated she rose early and dressed before she made her way downstairs to have something to eat.
Zoba remained behind after huffing that he was content and wished to remain in bed. When she was finished with her food Solar briskly made way down to the water front, something about the water calmed her and she needed a clear head when she went before the Royal Arch Mage to answer the call of arms. As daylight crept up and the sun although risen hid behind the clouds she sighed.
"Show time," she turned from the water and made her way to the castle.
She was one of many that had entered and made her way to the throne room to await the King's entrance. Some mingled amongst themselves, Solar remained distant taking up a glass of wine one of ther servants carried by on a tray and sipped it earnestly.
Then the doors opened and the King stepped out she drew forward with the others, the wine glass left behind on a table. Her eyes fell upon the one walking with the King and she smirked, it was the one from the pub lastnight. When the man stepped forward and yelled that those who'd come to answer the call present themselves she slowly made her way forward to stand in line and awaited her turn to present herself.

The setting changes from Terra to Aerios


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Davkul Mire Character Portrait: Aeka Rynaos Character Portrait: Xandun Icehide
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Davkul Mire & Xandun Icehide

At the loud noise, Dav half jolted, half rolled himself off of the four bags he had been sleeping on. After tumbling to the floor, he stood as quickly as he could, and grabbed for his dagger. He found naught but air, where his dagger should be sheathed. However, once he glimpsed Aeka , he quickly calmed down as he realized he wasn’t in danger. He also remembered the reason his dagger was missing, having lost it in yesterdays incident on the roof. Straightening his cloak, he started over to where his vest was hanging but was stopped by the voice of his brother.

“Damn it, bird kin! If you must squawk like your chicken cousins, then do it outside like them! Help me Mire Born!” Xandun yelled as he tugged on his horns. The large Nerion had jolted his head back when Aeka had giving her morning wake up call, impaling his large horns into the wall. Now he struggled to pull them free from the wall he was sitting against, cursing all the while. Dav, chuckled a little under his breath as he walked toward his brother.

“The great warrior Xandun Icehide and his battle with the fearsome wall, they will sing of it for ages.” Dav mocked his brother as he began to help the warrior pull on his horns.

“Silence infant horns!” Xan yelled in response as the two tugged and pulled, trying to free him.

“Haven’t, heard, that one, in, a while.” Dav responded with staggered breaths as he tugged. “Though, with, mine-” He was cut off as Xan’s horns came free and the two tumbled away from the wall. “…I won’t ever have to worry about getting stuck in anything.” He finished as the two lay on the ground, catching their breath.

“Aeka…” Dav started as he pushed himself to his feet. “…why did you do that?” He asked the Larthos as he made his way over to where his vest was still hanging. Xan, who had also gotten up, found the bucket of water his brother had retrieved last nigh an began to drink.

(Go ahead and take the three to the summons with the next post Tsukiakari if you want to, so we aren't keeping anybody up.)


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Aeka cackled with mirth at the hilarious scene that unfolded as Xandun smashed his head into a wall, then got his horns stuck there. It took the combined efforts of both Nerions to get him free, something which amused the Larthos greatly through its sheer ridiculousness. Once they were free, Dav came over, and he didn't look happy for some reason. Aeka couldn't venture a guess until he spoke.

"Well, I needed you guys to get up quickly," The Alchemist said cheerfully, Laevatein fully vanishing from her arm. "Here's your breakfast!" She continued, changing the subject by grinning broadly and tossing two biscuits in the general direction of the Mire Born, following this by repeating the gesture toward the hulking blue member of their group. She quickly devoured her own meager breakfast, then rose with a grin.

"Alright, then! We need to get going!" She declared enthusiastically. "Let's hurry to the palace!"


A short time later, they reached the castle, and, with Aeka practically dragging her two new minions, she entered the assembled group of summoned warriors, grinning broadly as she edged her way to the front. She was excited. It was time for some FUN!

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Terra by blacksky

The world of Terra


Aerios by RolePlayGateway

The Grand City of Aerios

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aeka Rynaos
Character Portrait: Mairjra Enverson
Character Portrait: Veida Cyrus
Character Portrait: Solorlinna Malthalthar


Character Portrait: Solorlinna Malthalthar
Solorlinna Malthalthar

Frankly love, I don't give a damn

Character Portrait: Veida Cyrus
Veida Cyrus

"You think you got what it takes to beat me? By all means, try."

Character Portrait: Mairjra Enverson
Mairjra Enverson

"You can't cast that spell? ha how weak!"

Character Portrait: Aeka Rynaos
Aeka Rynaos

"I warned you to leave me alone. Now you'll see what happens when you piss off the Soul Alchemist, Aeka Rynaos! Take this!"


Character Portrait: Veida Cyrus
Veida Cyrus

"You think you got what it takes to beat me? By all means, try."

Character Portrait: Aeka Rynaos
Aeka Rynaos

"I warned you to leave me alone. Now you'll see what happens when you piss off the Soul Alchemist, Aeka Rynaos! Take this!"

Character Portrait: Mairjra Enverson
Mairjra Enverson

"You can't cast that spell? ha how weak!"

Character Portrait: Solorlinna Malthalthar
Solorlinna Malthalthar

Frankly love, I don't give a damn

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Veida Cyrus
Veida Cyrus

"You think you got what it takes to beat me? By all means, try."

Character Portrait: Aeka Rynaos
Aeka Rynaos

"I warned you to leave me alone. Now you'll see what happens when you piss off the Soul Alchemist, Aeka Rynaos! Take this!"

Character Portrait: Mairjra Enverson
Mairjra Enverson

"You can't cast that spell? ha how weak!"

Character Portrait: Solorlinna Malthalthar
Solorlinna Malthalthar

Frankly love, I don't give a damn

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Terra by blacksky

The world of Terra


Aerios by RolePlayGateway

The Grand City of Aerios

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Re: Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises.

well this sucks, i found thiis and made a character before i realized it died. Don't you just love it when GMs dissapear without warning..

Re: Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises.

Nooo! This can't be dead! Playing Aeka is too much fun! X.X

Re: Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises.

Goodnight, sweet dark prince.......DX

Re: Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises.

Hey, is this still open? Sounds pretty interesting and I already have a cool character in mind.

Re: Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises.

Sorry, cant post today. Home internet is derp, typin this on phone. Hope it will be better tomorow, if not just godmod dav and xan to the square where the call is.

Re: Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises.

Supernova would also at least KO Aeka, and would probably at least severely cripple her soul, rendering her incapable of magic until she spent a few weeks recuperating. She might even die. That's why it would be so interesting. Hell's Rage and Supernova are really similar in effect, both on the surrounding area and on the caster. =D

Re: Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises.

That would seriously drain Solar's mana down to damn near nothing, it's be over. But luckily she wont use it unless she's sure she wants to die lol But it will be interesting

Re: Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises.

Oh yea the rp is up and running I've made the first post

Re: Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises.

Mairjra would just watch xD. and wait till one of them were exhausted from mana use.

Re: Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises.

Oh, wow. A battle between Aeka and Solar would be interesting. Especially given that it would probably end with a powerstruggle between Hell's Rage and Supernova, two of the most indiscriminately destructive spells on this thread so far. XD

Re: Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises.

ah, Well I should have done that from the start.

Orc: large Green physically built creatures with small tusks sticking from their noses. usually very tall and strong.

High Elf: The Tallest of the Elf's, long pointed ears and the glowing blue color of their eyes can easily help you with identifying a High Elf. They are usually have a peach or pale like skin color

Wood Elf: Elf's sticking to the wood land areas, only shorter than High Elfs by a few inches. fair skin ranging from a light to dark tannish color.

Larthos: Winged men that stick to the mountainous areas. Long wings that allow them to fly for great distances, a midsize race in terms of height.

Nerions: Older Demon looking beings. They stick to dark and damped areas, horns sticking out of their foreheads and a long reptilian like tail.

Re: Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises.

Err... Could you describe the attributes of all the non-Human races? Kinda in the dark as to whether the char I have in mind would fit here or not.

Re: Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises.

Post any Questions, Concerns and all that stuff here :D

Call to Arms: The Dark Prince Rises.

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You may edit this first post as you see fit.