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City Strays

Modern Day New York City


a part of City Strays, by Arxi.


Arxi holds sovereignty over Modern Day New York City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Sophia Sight [152] 19 years old Sophia was raised to the the alpha her blood dictates

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A look of dread came to Jukka's face as they approached the stairs. He was already exhausted enough and now they had to climb up stairs. Ugh. The young man held onto the dusty railing as he hobble up the first step, then the next, and the next. He stopped halfway up to give himself a break and rubbed his sore hip. Jukka lifted his hand and took a puff of his cigarette before throwing it on the floor and stomping it out, then he continued on his way.

It didn't take long for him to fall behind the others and he was very relieved when they finally made it into the apartment room. He leaned back against the wall and slid to the floor, resting his hands on his knees. Jukka watched the other silently and was taken by surprise when Sophia transformed. Though, he couldn't figure out why he was so surprised. She was large and threatening, like an alpha should be.

Much to his relief, she didn't stay in that form for very long.

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Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri
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Felan had stayed behind Jukka the whole while continuing to rummage through her bag finally finding what she was looking for when they finally make it inside the apartment room. It was a nice green apple she had found recently. She held it out to the skinny male just as Sophia changed and the look of shock crossed his face. "... Apple.. " She says to Jukka and holds it closer to him looking at Sopia a second after doing so then smiles seeing Mistress Sophia Shift for the first time.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West
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As Connor watched the group walking along, he suddenly stopped. "What was I doing again?" He asked himself as he rolled up his sleeve to show his notes. He read the note clipped on top of the others which read 'Follow the group of strange people'. "Ah yeah, that's what I was doing." He looked back down to the group to notice that they were all entering a building.

"Damn, I would search the building. But that will be a waste of time, who knows where they went. I guess I'll just wait for them outside." With that, he updated his top note to: 'Wait for the group of strange people outside the building. Be sure to engage in conversation if met with them'. He then jumped down from the building, landing perfectly on his feet. It didn't hurt, he was used to crazy movements and actions, allowing his bones to grow stronger than usual.

He walked towards the building and stood at the door which the group walked through, he stopped at a conveniently placed bench located opposite of the door. Instead of sitting, he jumped up onto the bench and squatted down, still on his feet but in a comfortable squat position. He stared at the door, waiting. But soon he began to question himself, "What was I doing again?" He asked while looking at his notes, "Ah, yeah..." He pushed his sleeve down and pulled a notebook out of his pocket. He began drawing his surroundings in a panoramic view, outlining every single detail he saw.

"Dang, if online someone was around to order me around. Life would have more meaning if I was told what to do. I know!" He sighed to himself, but as he came up with an idea he rolled his sleeve up and added to his main note; 'Be sure to ask to join the group, ask the leader. See notebook 1 page 57'. Of course, page 57 was the page containing observed information of the person who seemed to be the leader.

As he waited, Connor kept asking himself every now and then the same question: "What was I doing again?" Only to remind himself after looking at his notes on his arm.

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Jessie watched as she saw Sophia forming into her wolf state. Jessie noticed that her heart started to race, like Sophia's transformation had to involve Jessie in some way. Jessie just shook her head and looked at the others. She sat down on a small wooden chair and then watched as Sophia shifted back. Jessie looked at her and said, '' No biggie, I usually shift in here as well. The others know of me and they protect me, that's why I stay here. If I could leave this place and be safe, then I would without a second thought.'' Jessie sighed and stood up, she walked over to the window passed Sophia and looked out. She looked at the others and said, '' I've lived here for about five years, got no where to go, so why bother leave? ''

She walked back to the chair and sat down, she looked at Sophia and said, '' Since you're obviously the Alpha and we're your other pack members, what are we gonna do? I mean, we must carry on with our daily lives, but act as a unit and work together. Working together is the only option we have to surviving the other packs. They're all stronger and we need to know each others weakness's and strengths, that way we can help each other out, and make a better pack. We also need to find out what our ranks our, so we know where we stand and where we don't.'' Jessie looked back at Sophia and nodded, she wanted he to put her own input on what she thinks of Jessie's ideas, and she was ready for whatever her alpha had to say, since Jessie wasn't always the type to disobey orders from a higher power that she had to follow.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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#, as written by Arxi
Sophia stared at Jessie, 'You're my pack?" Sophia thought back to watching her parent's with they're pack. They had dominated others by force, strays that wandered into their City and were caught were quickly added to the numbers. That was one of the reason't Sophia was so hesitant, one of the reason's she left. Her parent's pack had never been kind to her, for most of them had never wanted the pack life. Sophia raised her hands and smiled nervously, "I never had any intention of creating a pack Jessie, I just figured as we're all good people we could work together to get rid of the bad people." Sophia looked at the others, questioning eyes looked right back heightening her nervous embarrassment, "I mean if a group asked me to be their alpha I would do it, I was trained since I was just a pup, but I'm not going to force anyone, that's bad for a pack, sooo's not for me to say if we're a pack...." Sophia laughed a little bit. If these wolves wanted to be her pack she would gladly take on that responsibility, but she was nervous, the male on the staircase had obviously been angered by the presence of authority, "I figured wolves in this part would prefer the loner life, I don't mean to force anyone, I will only have a pack of those who choose to be with me." She looked at the floor to scared to meet the eyes of the others, what if they were judging her like the pack of her past.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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Jukka blinked and watched as Felan offered him an apple. He wasn't sure if he should actually take it or not. The female seemed shy and had stated one word. According to Jukka, when people used few words it mean't that they were either uncomfortable or something else was going on in their mind. However, Felan didn't seem to be all that threatening, and so, Jukka slowly took the apple from her and gave her a small smile. Lifting it to his mouth he bit into the hard fruit, biting it in half. After chewing the first piece he finished the second. Two bites and he was done. Of course, crab apples were small anyway.

"Thank you," he replied quietly.

Jukka's attention then turned to Sophia and Jessie. It seemed as though they were not being forced to become a pack, and he appreciated that. He had only been in a pack once before and it hadn't ended well. The young man's attention turned to the window as the rain began to pour down. A shiver wen't up Jukka's spine as he watched it. After a moment he leaned back against the wall, his hair slipping away from his left ear.

Even in human form, half of his ear was missing. The scarred edges were a dark red and gruesome in appearance. I an attempt to calm himself, he closed his eyes. However, he kept his other senses up, just in case anyway moved towards him in a threatening manner.

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Character Portrait: mark william
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as i continue to sit in my chair watching the camera monitors i realized it had been a whole hour without a single person besides me as i gave a deep *sigh* i get up from my chair to get a snack from the store and pay of course i walk out side the small security office into the cold shopping store "at lest it didin't rain, i'm thankful for that" as i skim through the sandwiches looking for a ham and turkey one to occupy my hunger and a news magazine to hopefully pass time as i continue to find that one sandwich "man are they all out of ham and turkey the rest have mustard on them and i hate mustard" as i go back to the small office with my magazine in hand and sit back down in the small chair and continue to look back at the monitors and that's when i see one of the trash cans tipped over though i aint no garbage boy i had to pick it up because rats and other creatures could come near the store so i stand back up and walk outside the security office and walk to the main door with keys in hand and before unlocking the door i look at the sky and see it is still getting darker so as i unlock the door and re-lock it i head to the left side of the store and walk up to the garbage can to lift it up "wonder how it fell" as i said in my mind walking back out to the main door and reaching in my pockets to try and find the keys and that's when i spot and just the corner of my eye i see the keys on the floor in the inside of the store "oh come on" as i said face palming my head in the process "its bad that i dropped the keys on the floor but now im stuck outside while on guard duty and a chance it might rain man this just gets better and better" as i slump next the the main door and realizing that im gonna have to camp outside for the whole bloody night.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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Alexander didn't even really make it outside before he stopped walking, sniffing the air quickly. The rain made it a little harder to discern what he smelled, but he could still smell it. He bit his bottom lip and turned around, heading back up the stairs quickly, using his nose to follow the group up the stairs, stopping for a moment to look at Connor before continuing into the room the group was currently in.

He entered the dumpy room and looked around, blinking slowly and allowing his dark green eyes to adjust. He looked at each member of the apparently newly formed pack before looking directly at Sophia again. "I didn't think that forming a pack would have to take place somewhere like this..." he said calmly.

He then shook his head. "But that's not what is important. What is important is a single question: Do you have what it takes to protect those that can't fend for themselves?" he asked Sophia calmly. "I can smell your Alpha blood, and I am aware of what an Alpha Wolf can do. But I'm asking if you have what it takes in here." he said, gesturing to his chest.

"In this city, you're going to need to be able to kill in order to protect both humans and werewolves from each other."

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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#, as written by Arxi
Sophia was caught off guard by the male male she and the others had passed on the stairs, "We haven't formed a pack, no one has agreed to it and I'm not the type to force my will unto others." She thought about the other half of what he said, "I understand this city is dark, that's part of the reason I'm here. I left my comfortable life with my parent's pack to make my own life as well as escape a badly created pack." She looked down, "I wanted to make myself worth my blood, and after hearing of cold blooded murders, rapes, and other crimes committed by our kind in this city I decided I would head here and make a difference, however small." Sophia locked eyes with the male, "Don't think I haven't killed before either." Sophia felt her expression go dark, "Every wolf is expected to at some point. My parents trained me to fight my entire life. I was attacked one night shortly after my twelfth birthday, a young male alpha sought to keep me until I was old enough to become his mate." Sophia fell silent in memory of that night, it didn't happen often but it wasn't as rare as it should be for alpha males to take mates by force, "He died like the desperate mange he was." Sophia sighed, softening her expression, "However if I had known he had a pup with no mother, I would have had my parents take it in in a heart beat. It'n not about what happened between you and the guilty, it's about whats right and wrong, and understanding who to punish and how badly to do so." Sophia smiled, "Does that answer your question?"

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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Alexander blinked slowly as he listened to what Sophia was saying, staying absolutely silent while she spoke. As she finished her story and gave the moral of it, he blinked again, breaking his intense focus. "It does answer my question." he said. He then looked to each of the other wolves in the room before looking back to Sophia. "You'll make a fine Alpha. But I will not be joining you." he said.

He then quickly reached into the pocket of his overcoat and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, scribbling down an address on it before walking up to Sophia and stopping mere feet away and extending his hand to hand her the paper. "However, if I am required to help save our kind from killing itself off, you can find me here." he said calmly.

Even though he stood well within arms reach of an Alpha who's blood was nearly boiling earlier, he did not appear intimidated at all. In fact he seemed quite calm, almost as if he were holding back his negative emotions. His particular scent was much stronger than any normal lone wolf, but it was not that of an Alpha. If he were in a pack, it would almost appear that he would be equal to the Alpha, be directly under the Alpha, or, somehow, above the Alpha. There was just something... unnerving about him.

He then turned, the tail end of his coat swishing behind him, stuffed his hands in his pockets and started to leave the room, looking at each and every werewolf within the room again before finally leaving the room.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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Felan smiled warmly at Jukka as he took the apple relaxing and watched as he ate it in two bites. She sat to the left of him catching sight of his ear but decided it was best to keep quiet. " It he wants to talk about he will " She thinks to herself then turns her head to the side thinking " I do wish to join mistress Sophia... but what about?..." She continues to talk in her head, glancing at Jukka a little worried. " Sophia... " She begins but jumps and snaps her mouth shut as the new male enters and begins to speak spooked at the sudden and new wolf. A few minutes after the male left she looked towards Sophia and looked like she was struggling for words " Sophia.... I'll follow... Sophia." She stared at her for a few minutes before the stress of the sudden appearance almost became to much and she stood quickly bowing low to Sophia " I-I'm sorry pl-please excuse me.." and she ran out of the room and blindly running out the door running and jumping over the bench not noticing the man squatting there at all and hides in some bushes right before she transforms into her tiny wolf form barely bigger than her five foot human stature curling up and trembling waiting for her sudden panic attack to stop.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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As Connor was finalizing his drawing, a sudden figure ran out of the building, jump over the bench just missing his body and fall into a bush behind the bench. "...The fuck?" He spoke to himself, looking back at the bush. He just noticed the trembling wolf through the hole made by the person. "Oh it's one of the wolves."

Connor jumped onto the backrest of the bench, still squatting down. He faced the bush, staring through the strips of hair covering his face. His eyes seemed to glow green, they seemed like the eyes of insanity. But the tension of his stare was soon broken by his voice. "What are you doing?" He asked to the bush, ignoring the strange looks from people as they wondered past him. Must look like he was talking to the bush.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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The little wolf jumped at the voice whimpering softly then looks up her eyes filled with frustration and distress. She locked eyes with the man and scooted back cautiously not knowing what to make of the man squatting on top of the bench. After a staring him down for a minute she slowly scoots closer confused by this curious person and lifts her snout to sniff at him her ears pricked forward with interest. Little by little she scoots closer while sniffing; being careful to not come out of the bush. She tilts her head to the left yipping quietly in confusing at his strange smell.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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"Aha, that's pretty cute." Connor giggled to himself as he slowly reaches his arm out to pet the wolf.

"Anyway, please transform back. It would be nice to speak to you." Connor spoke out with a very calm voice. His words were dragged out, he watched the reaction to every syllable which left his mouth. This wolf is obviously not the leader, but befriending it will bring him closer to being ordered around.

Ah, the thought of being ordered around brought a smile to Connor's face. He would finally gain control of his life again, he will have meaning to living. And of course, he will have fun.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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She touched her nose to the palm of his hand before pushing her head into it changing back her head still pushed into his hand nudging it comforted. " H-Hello... " She says staring down at the ground. Looking up at him she speaks again quietly " ... You smell weird.." Tilts her head " Who are you?.. and.. um.. How're you doing that?.." Pointing indicating him squatting on the back of the bench.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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Connor giggled, it was quite amusing for this to happen. Plus this person seemed nice, maybe a good master. "I smell weird? I think I showered this morning, can't quite remember." He gave a friendly smile as he returns his arm to rest across his knee.

That damn question, always the same. "Who are you?". This question changed Connors expression to thought, "hm, wait there." He pulled his sleeve up to show his metal bracelets with several pieces of paper stuck to them. On top of the paper was the most important note to Connor. He read what the note said out loud; "I am Connor Gateworthy, 18 years old, Male, Human. Nice to meet you." He lowered the sleeve over his arm again and gave another smile.

Noticing where she was pointing Connor still had no idea how anything he does works. "That is a good question though, I have no idea."

"Anyway, who are you? Do you need help with anything? Can you be my master?" Connor suddenly grew desperate to find a master, he was just loosing any feeling in life, there is no point in life unless he had someone to lead him and order him around.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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Felan stares at him a couple minutes while she processes this. "Conner..." She says then smiles "It's nice to meet you too! I like your name. Oh.. I'm Felan.. I don't remember my last name or my age but I feel like I knew a Conner once.." She scratches her head trying to think then sighs giving up " I dunno if I'd be a good master but I can help you as a friend or something.." Her shoulders slump and she smile fades "I don't really know if I need help I've always been a baby.. I don't even really know how to fight just run away.." She looks down and says " I think it would do you better to ask mistress Sophia to be your master, I'm a low ranking wolf anyways and mistress Sophia is very strong and really pretty too." Looking up at Conner "Would you like to meet mistress Sophia?"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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As Felan spoke, Connor noted every important detail said. Especially updating his information on her. "If you have met me outside of this city then don't bother trying to remember. I throw out my notes every time i leave a city" Connor gave the little warning, it was the only thing that was implanted into his brain, of course reading, writing and language was also there.

"I don't need help, I need a master." Connor noticed Felan's body language before she explained her cowardness. This gave him an idea. "I don't usually serve the strong, I serve the strong willed and needy. If you accept to become my master, then you will not need to fight or run away. I'll do anything for you." Connor jumped down off of the bench, his height from floor to head stayed the same. He was slightly bent forward with his legs bent a little. His arms hung limply before he placed them into his pockets.

"I do not know who this mistress is. But I am on a self mission, I think." He checked his arms again to remind himself. "Oh yeah, I gotta wait here until a group of werewolves leave the building."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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Felan peeked out from the bush before crawling out over the bench if there was one thing she had it was her agility. She stood in front of him sizing him up for the first time " It must really hurt to stand straight if that's how you always are." She frowns before continuing, " Well.. If you really do need me... hmm.. Alright but could you.. maybe.. " she looks down " Maybe help me learn how to fight?.. I want to be able to defend myself and become strong! " her hands clinch into tight little fists, " I want to be able to protect those I care about.." She holds her hand out to him " and Mistress Sophia is leader " Points up at the third floor " Everyone is up there, I can take you to them or if you still wish to wait I can sit here with you till they come down."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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The sound of many feet shuffling around drew closer and closer to the old apartment building. A single figure flew through the gates of the building and into the main courtyard. It was Alexander. He got up and let out a loud, low snarl as five figures entered the main courtyard.

Alexander charged the group with a growl and started to attack them, but whenever he gained the upper hand, one of them would manage to hit him and knock him to the ground. The entire thing was just a tangle of bodies with barking, growling, snarling, and screaming loud enough to be heard by even some of the most hard of hearing within a few blocks. That obviously included the group of the werewolves in the room with Sophia.

The pained cries of Alexander echoed throughout the courtyard before he let out a loud howl and transformed into his wolf form, his bones snapping and reforming, joints and tendons rearranging themselves and muscles tightening and loosening as needed as his body morphed.

When he was finished transforming, in his place was a great black wolf with glowing green eyes. Werewolves are naturally large, and Alpha's are unnaturally large even among werewolves, but Alexander.... He was something else. Even without a drop of Alpha blood in him, he was huge, almost as large as Sophia's wolf form.

The werewolves he was fighting also transformed and were all torn apart in the next series of attacks by Alexander as his teeth sank into them and flung them at each other. When he was done with the group, who now limped away as fast as they could, he let out another loud howl of triumph before shifting back into his human form. As he shifted back, the black fur of his wolf form turned into a mist and circled his human body, forming his clothing again.

Once done with his transformation back to human form, he fell onto his back, panting hard. He was exhausted, and even though his wounds were healing, he was in immense pain. He continued to lay there, motionless except for the quick rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.

With his breathing was a pained whine that was coming from him. Something wasn't healing right, and he needed help.

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Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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Jukka watched his new friend Felan jump up and run out of the building. She was gone before the young man even had the time to reacr. Jukka wished that he could have done something to comfort her but he had not had time. With a frown he sat back against the wall and crossed his arms across his chest. He was exhausted but didn't dare to close his eyes with the other wolves around.

Whe Alexander entered the room Jukka automatically wen't into watch mode. He kept a close eye on the other man who was there the speak with Sophia.He then gave her a paper and left. Jukka looked away from him as he walked by, a wolf's way of saying "I am not a threat." It wasn't long after Alexander left that Jukka heard him scream. The sounds of a fight soon met his ears. A shiver ran up the young man's spine.

As much as Jukka hated rain, he felt as though he needed to check on the other wolf. As soon as the sounds of the fighting stopped he turned into his wolf form and limped on out the door. It took Jukka some time to get down the stairs and out the back door, but once he did he stopped in surprise to see Alexander laying on the ground. He trotted over slowly, his ears back against his head, and sniffed the man cautiously.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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#, as written by Arxi
Sophia heard the noises of fighting down below, every bone in her body wanted to rush out and help, but a wolf like Alexander would not take kindly to being helped and Sophia didn't want to loose such a powerful ally. She could hear Alexanders cries of pain and his tormentors laughs of victory, then it went silent. When noise continued Sophia knew it was wolf form on wolf form, and Alexander was winning. Soon after Alexander's howl of victory filled the air before more silence.

Sophia noticed Jukka shift and head downstairs, and she could feel why, something wasn't right with Alexander. Sophia followed Jukka silently, but stayed in human form as to not seem challenging to Alexander. When she and Jukka got out the door she saw exactly what was wrong. Alexander was laying on his back barley breathing, he needed medical attention, and quickly.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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Felan heard the fighting right after she finished speaking to Conner and terror filled her eyes but forced herself to not show more than that. The memories of the night she lost her family flooded into her mind and she curled into a ball on her feet covering her ears to try to block it all out "No no no no nononono..." she stayed this way until the fighting finally stopped but the memories remained when the shiver passed through her " Somethings not right here... " she whispered to only herself and Conner. She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the building, past the stairs and out the back door. A momentary look of panic crossed her face but she forced it away as she let go of Conner's hand and knelt by Alexander's side " How can I help? " she says worriedly having only really seen him in her panic and past. " It'll be okay, we'll get you some help. " She looked back at Conner " He needs help so please.." She says to him " I have a first aid kit but I don't think it'll be enough "

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Jessie and the others were talking until they heard howls and fighting coming from one of the floors below. Jessie waited until the fighting ended, and everything went silent. After she couldn't hear anything, she just stood there, frozen in place. The sounds of carlitage and bone snapping and being torn and the sounds of howls of pain and victory only brought back memories into Jessie's mind. Memories of that day when she killed her father's boss and caused her parents arrest cuased her her to go silent and still for a few moments. Remembering all those nights she was left alone, hungry and cold, wanting a place to stay and be safe. But not having a mom and dad at her young age caused her to be tough and ruthless and not showing much kindness to others.

Jessie finally blinked slowly again and looked around the room to see that everyone was out of the room and down stairs to see Alexander. Jessie's protective wolf instincts kicked in and she quickly and painfully shifted into her wolf form. As the transformation took place she could feel and hear her bones snapping and breaking and forming into place, she could feel her cartilage shifting and moving into the right places for her wolf form. Next was her hands, they started to shrink and go from flesh covered and human like, to shirt, stubby, bigger brown fur covered paws that were the size of a three year olds' head. Her eyes changed from being a brown to a gold like color and her skin changed from flesh to a coat of dark brown fur. And her weight and height increased. She was now instead of being a normal looking girl, what was left in her place was a hug, hulkish like wolf, that was about at least five foot three inches and weighed about two hundred and fifty pounds.

She shook her coat and hurried after the others. She bounded down the stairs, taking five steps every stride until she was on the last floor where the wolves were. She came to a stop when she saw Alexander on the floor, his breathing was obviously off and he couldn't move. Jessie pushed past the others and painfully but quickly shifted back into human form. Her cloths thankfully coming back as well. She bent down in front of Alexander and lightly put her hand on his chest, she laid her head ever so carefully and lightly on his chest so sh wouldn't cause anymore damage than was already done to this poor guy. She noticed that his heart beat was off, as well as his breathing. His heart beat was weak and his breathing raspy and sounded like it could be fatal.

She lifted her head back up and looked at the others, She looked up at Felan who was standing right beside her and said, ''Felan, can you back up? I'm going to need to carry him and it will be difficult with you standing right here. '' Jessie looked at Sophia and said, '' I will gladly join your pack,but only one condition. You don't treat me like dirt, and I'll follow your commands without a second thought. We just need to get Alex away from here and out of human sight.''
Jessie took her hands and carefully lifted Alexander into her hands. She used her wolf strength so she could carry him, it was obvious that none of the surrounding males could lift him, since one had a limp and the other couldn't even walk right without being in pain.

She looked at Sophia and said, '' We need to take him to a hospital, but not a human one. Humans won't recognize this kind of injury and if they do they'll say it's a gang related one and he'll be arrested after he heals. We need to take him to a friend of mind, she's a healer and knows how to heal injuries like this, do you all trust me?'' She looked around the room as to see what the others would say, and of they didn't answer soon, Alexander would most likely die in the next two hours if he didn't get the right help he needed, and Jessie knew that and her wolf instincts were kicking in so she wasn't herself for the moment since the regular Jessie would just stand by and let one die. But since it was a fellow wolf, she was not about to let him die if she could help it.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: mark william Character Portrait: Sophia Sight Character Portrait: Felan Character Portrait: Connor Gateworthy Character Portrait: Juka Holkeri Character Portrait: Jessie   West Character Portrait: Alexander Holt
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"Of course I can help you learn to fight, Master. But I will always protect you." Connor answered his new master's request. A howl was heard not too far away, this caused his master to fall to the ground and mutter to herself. Connor didn't comment, he just wrote down a new important note stating about his new master and clipped it over his name. It was more important.

After being dragged suddenly to the scene, Connor was met with pain. The body automatically attempts to stand straight when only using the legs to run, of course he still couldn't stay straight he was wincing and slightly moaning in pain until they stopped. This instantly allowed him to return to his hunched state, but instead he squatted down instead. This removed the pain and allowed him to view the injured being on the floor. "Hm..."

After being asked by his master to head off to get some help, Connor quickly turned around and lay his hands on the floor between his legs, ready to leap forward and run off. But he stopped when he looked back to see yet another person carrying the injured being. "Do you still need me to get help, Master?" Connor asked, still in the position to leap into action.
