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Dark Empire - A Code Geass RP

Code Geass


a part of Dark Empire - A Code Geass RP, by Zero Reaper.


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Code Geass is a part of Dark Empire - A Code Geass RP.

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Mikhael 'Ghost' Thermidor [0] Knight of One, and current holder of the title 'Zero'
Lightning de la Rosa [0] Knight of Six
Cyrus Levine [0] The knight of three

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"Student's lives are in danger as Japanese Terrorists take over Ashford Academy."
Morgan watched the news as she finished gathering everything she would need for her mission, including a blonde wig and a pair of blue contact lenses for disguise, when she saw some idiots trying to use a useless method to try and get the emporer to kill himself.

Like he would give up his own life for a few thousand innocent students. That's how Schneizel and many of the kings before him worked. Completely selfish.
She smirked. She was bored and had time to start doing "good deeds." She put on a traditional black knight uniform, but she altered it for her perferance.
She gave it short shorts, thigh-high black stockings, black high heels, and the traditional jacket was embroidered with multiple magical symbols in silver thread.
Then she had a black veil over her nose and mouth with a silver pentagram on it.

She grabbed all her weapons, entered her Knightmare, Arachne, and took off. She arrived at the school, but Arachne was a small and unnoticable Knighmare.
Morgan hid it deep inside of a nearby forest.

Then she got a feeling that she wasn't the only Black Knight coming to this party.


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#, as written by Rarikou
Rose arrived at the school, when he noticed someone who was, without a doubt, Morgan. She approached her, "What are you doing here?... nevr mind, I'm going in. Raise a distraction for me." She said with a mere passing word, and off she went. She charged forward towards a few Japanese soliders. She cocked her wrist, and a black smok bomb appeared. With a ross, smoke erupted, and she launched herself in the air, grapped two kunai knives from her boots, throwing them at the soliders. She landed as they hit their mark, and she continued forward, smiling as she did.

Lightning put his back to a wall, make sure his silenced pistol was on correctly. He used his cell phone to check behind the corner, and lashed out, taking his target out. He walked forward with his gun to his side, ready to use at any second. The route he took had been heavily barricated, and he was one building away from the academy itslelf, so he couldn't waste bullets He would follow orders to the letter, for once in his life.


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Cyrus ran down the hallway trying to scope out the area, he could see that the extremist had knightmares. “How the hell did they get those,” he whispered quietly to him before ducking behind a trash can to avoid being seen by one of them? As the guy turned his back Cyrus took that as the opportunity to strike, carefully walking Cyrus hit the guy with the butt of his gun straight into the skull, knocking him out. He never did like the sight of blood so he didn’t kill him. Taking another gun Cyrus had now two, and was waiting for the Camelot unit Rx-d2 to come with his Vincent. He ran down a few different hallways making sure to stay quiet.

Being slightly pushed back Cyrus aimed both of his guns at Ark before realizing it was him, “oh it’s you.” He didn’t trust the guy for some reason, he knew that they were brothers, but it felt like there was some kind of a wall between the two of them. “What are you doing,” he asked the Ark while quickly putting the guns away.


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“Why would you need to know,” Cyrus asked, his eyes casting a shadow on Ark. It was true he was sent to Japan to see if there was any suspicious activity going on, but he couldn't tell Ark that being a student at Ashford’s was a cover.. Remembering, Cyrus realized that Ark didn’t know he was the knight of three, it was a huge relief to his part.


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Morgan smirked at the young ninja. "Glad to see you too. We should go shopping sometimes."
But none the less, she made a distraction like Rose said. A black mist formed around all the soliders, as then Rose took them out.
Morgan smiled and ran along side Rose.

Another solider showed up and Morgan took out her cane, popped out the blade, and swiftly slit the man's throat, without the slightest sound, or slowing down.


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#, as written by Rarikou
"Sounds good!" Rose called back, after taking out a few more guards thanks to Morgan's help She was a littlse surprised she could fight so well, but it was good to know that was taking on everyone alone.

"Where do you think they're having their base of operations?" Rose asked, because she honestly had no idea. She had never been to this school before, even when Nunnally had been alive, because she didn't have the money. "And I'd rather not go check every classroom in this immense school."

Lightning, after a little while, had FINALLY made it to the academy, after accidentally making a wrong turn. He corrected his directions, and hopped over awall into the school yard, hidden by some bushes.

"Okay the first place ti check would be... the Headmasters room." He thought, making a decent charg towards the building, slowly taking out a few JLF


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Morgan thought. "Most likly somewhere they would feel most in charge."
She pondered for a moment. "When I was about your age, whe you took over another king's castle, I thought there was no better place to celebrate than your fallen opponents throne room."
She snapped and smirked behind her veil. "They must be in the Headmasters room!" as she made this conclusion she saw another solider come out of hiding and shot his gun.
Everything seemed to be in slow motion as Morgan jumped in front of Rose, and threw one of her daggers at the same time.

She intercepted the bullet, taking it in her chest, and saw her dagger impaled in the soliders throat.
She gasped and winced. She felt her blood warming her chest. "Rose." she whispered. "Please come closer."
She pulled the ninja closer and whispered. "Tell Zero... Dying sucks." She gently close her eyes. "I see a light... It's so beatiful. Oh no. It's all going up in flames. There's a man with a mustache and a pitchfork! Noooo!!!" Her body went limp for a moment, but then her eyes fluttered open.

"Well, enough with that nonsense." She got up and dusted herself off. "There's a hole in my jacket now." She looked at the young girl.
"Your the one that's going to pay to fix it."


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#, as written by Rarikou
Rose just stared at Morgan. She knew it was completely out place, and not the time, but she started to laugh, "Oh, that was too good. I;m not going to asked why that didn't faze you, so let's just enjoy the operation. As for those repairs, let's just loot the JLF soldiers." She suggested, as they continued forward. She launched herslf onto the second floor using a vairety of jumps and swings. She grabbed a bedsheet, and tossed it for Morgan to climb up.

Lightning kicked a solider, then shot him in the face.

"It's the dark death of Britannia!" One shouted, and they pulled their guns out, and began shooting

Lightning ran towards them, out of the bullet's path, unsheathing a dagger, stabbing one, and shooting another.

When they were all dead, Lightning wiped his hands and dagger clean, and continued moving forward


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Ark held Cyrus' gaze and in a steely voice he replied. "I wouldn't." They continued staring at each other in silence until the sound of soldiers yelling came from down the hall. Acting quickly, Ark opened the door to a broom closet and shoved Cyrus inside. He closed the door behind him. They stayed silent as the soldiers ran past them. He heard them kicking a door. Then remembered the girl he told to hide in the theatre storage room. He pushed the door open. Aimed and fired. The soldier hit the ground, unmoving. Then he got an idea.

Ark opened the back pack peered at what was inside then at the dead soldier. He turned to Cyrus with a smirk and pulled a a very similar mask of Zero of the black knights and a dark cloak. "Up for a little Role play?"


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Cyrus looked at the mask that Ark presented to him, it was Zero’s mask, and he wondered how the guy actually got it. “Tell me what’s on your mind,” he asked with a sly grin.


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Morgan smiled at Rose.
"Well being a witch for thousands of years has it's perks."

She pulled her dagger out of the soliders throat and followed the ninja.
She climbed the bedsheet that Rose threw down to her.

"How subtle do we have to be, cause being flashy is my forte?"


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Cyrus looked at the dead solider that Ark had shot before he explained the plan, he felt better that he wouldn’t play Zero. Walking over to the dead body he dragged it into the closet and stripped the guy, he had already taken off his clothes, and now began dressing himself in the dead guy’s cloths. Walking out in the JLF clothing’s he looked at Ark.


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#, as written by Rarikou
"Well, I'd like them to not know we're here for as much as possible." Rose said, sneaking behind a solider, and dragged him into a broom closet.

Below them, Rose heard some people shouting, "LOOK OUT! It's thee Dark Death of Britannia!" One shouted, before his cry was muffled.

Rose's eyes widened, "Uh-oh. Lightning? HERE?" She said, knowing full well she would be in trouble of she was seen without her goggles.
"Well, make that super stealthy. I work for Lightning, in my spare time, under Zero's orders... I'm in trouble if i'm discovered." She said.

Lightning shot another solider, slowly advancing forward. He was no preparing to head up the stairs.


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Morgan nodded. "Well damn. I'll be able to mask your appearence if we get caught. I might be able to hold it until we manage to escape."


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#, as written by Rarikou
Rose nodded, reassured. "Okay, we can get moving, then." She said, checking a corner, and dodging out. "That's a useful ability. Wish I had a useful power like that." She laughed, as she she threw a kunai at a poor solider, "Well, I suppose we can get a move on.

Lightning ducked into the shadows of completely open corner, and observed an interesting arrangement: He saw Zero... or at least, he THOUGHT it was Zero, it could have easily have been a fake. He was being escorted by a JLF sol... Cryrus?" Lightning thought, ducking slightly. Cyrus was the only one he knew with those weird eyes...

Lightning slowly followed, like only a master of stealth could. He would follow them, and see what he's up too.

Rose turned a corner, and immediately stopped and hid.
"Damn, that's Lightning right there." She said, looking around for another route.


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Cyrus taking out his gun, stepped behind Ark, he placed it to the guys back. Using his free had he placed it on his Ark’s shoulder, and began walking. He had to admit, his brother did look good in the Zero costume. They walked through a few other hallways until they saw a few guards protecting a door, his military instinct told him that the leader was there. The guards looked confused at Cyrus as he brought Zero to them, “Kare wa jƍshi o mitasu tame ni nozonde iruda”(says he wants to meet the boss) Cyrus said in perfect Japanese. He was learning it from a few honorary Japanese, and knew some of it.


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Cyrus watched the soldiers take Ark to their leader, he wonder what his brother would do for a distraction. Looking around he saw a couple of them talking, carefully gliding he over to them; he heard the conversation that they were having.
“Our leader is great isn’t he? He found a sewer system that allowed us to infiltrate the school” One of them said to the other, while looking smug.
“Yes those Britannia’s are idiots for not having anyone guard that,” the other said with a sly grin at his companion.

Cyrus heard more of the things that they were saying of and remembered when he was reading the specs of the school he saw the sewer system, swiftly gliding through the halls he found the entrance and walked down and kept his mindset on his objective not paying any attention to the things around him. Reaching the exit, Cyrus saw the light from the sun, and sprinted off to his destination.


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Nathaniel was staring at the face of the General who had taken the students hostage. “Look, we can’t force the Emperor to commit suicide and there’s no way that the Nobles would allow him to do so. Be reasonable, you’ve taken children
 Children!... hostage for greivences againt their parents, where is your honor as soldiers of Japan?” Nathaniel reasoned over the screen until the feed was cut off and the face of Ghost was shown.

"All Britannian forces, this is Sir Thermidor, Knight of One. I am assuming command of the situation. Who's in charge here?" the man asked and Nathaniel cursed.

“That would be me, Sir Nathaniel Grant, Baron and Inquisitor of the Realm
” he paused before switching to a private channel. “What the hell do you think you’re doing bringing that monstrosity here? Do you want to make the situation worse? Your timing couldn’t have been any wore, I was about to negotiate for the students in exchange for myself you bastard, who the hell sent you to a mission like this?”


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"No-one less than the Emperor himself sent me on this assignment, Sir Grant." Said Ghost. "The survival of the students is not a priority. His Majesty wants it to be shown that there will be no mercy on those who oppose him."

He then recognised Nathaniel as Nunnally's knight. What's he doing here? Ghost wondered, but said nothing of it.

"We are to commence elimination of the terrorists as soon as I can locate the remaining Knights of the Round in this area. Do you have a Knightmare, Sir Grant?"


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#, as written by Rarikou
Lightning heard lots of shouting in the room a few ways from him, and it sounded like a video communication, and it reminded him that he should probably attempt to radio in, " This is Lightning, Knight of Six. I'm following... zero, maybe? I actually have no clue or not if it's him, so i'm finding out, but I certainly recognize Cyrus, who's dressed in enemy clothing.... what should I do? " He asked


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Morgan smirked as Rose said she wished she had a power like Morgan's.
"Trust me, I used to be able to a lot more party tricks, until those Britanian bastards started to experiment on me."

She cut one soliders throat and her head snapped back when Rose said that Lightning was right there.
Morgan hid and looked for a way out. She got an idea and hoped it would work.

She focused on Lightning's ears and made him hear the scream of a young girl coming from the opposite direction of Morgan and Rose.
"Help me! Please!"


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#, as written by Rarikou
Lightning, as soon as he got through with his phone, heard a loud, massive scream coming from the opposite direction, begging for help of some sorts.

He hesitated for a split second, and dashed off, figuring that, if a woman was in that much pain, he needed to help. He begged god that this wasn't a diversion, and ran in that direction.

Rose whistled, "You simply MUST teach me that sometime. Quickly, let's move, and see what Lightning was doing." She said, turning around, and saw a solider escorting... ZERO?

"Morgan, you might want to see this.


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Nathaniel ground his teeth. How could the emperor say such things? Didn’t he realize that that is exactly the kind of response these terrorists wanted from him? They weren’t here to succeed, or if they were they were fools beyond reckoning, they were most likely there to force the empires hand. But Ghost wanted to wait for his men to get out, which meant there was still a chance, “Unfortunately I don’t know where your Knights are. All I can say is that they aren’t liable to come out without first putting a better end to this incident.”

As Ghost asked him if he had a frame Nathaniel was dumbstruck, “What? Of course I do but- what good will that do? Are you intending to destroy the whole school? You can’t be serious! There’s a difference between not showing concern for the hostages and killing them yourself!”
Nathaniel grabbed his weapons and began walking out of the G1 while still on the line with Ghost, “Look, you’re a first rate Frame pilot, obviously, but I’m the soldier here so why don’t you float over to the G1 and go into stand by for a few minutes and let me do my job. I’ll go in and get the kids out and your Knights, then you can blow the whole damn place up with me in it if you want.” He offered as he approached the gates. “Honestly, you might be under orders from the Emperor but do you really think that if you kill the kids here who many are the children of nobles you’ll come out unscathed? Even you can’t be that Egotistical. Just take command and give me ten minutes.

He removed his gun and knife and dropped them while putting his hands up before he walked forward. “I won’t be able to talk to you once I’m in, Ghost, so you’ll just have to hold on until the kids are released or the time runs out. Just don’t do anything to stupid please. Grant out.” With that he dropped his communicator to the ground and stomped on it. Several guards rushed him and grabbed him pulling him inside.

He could only hope that Ghost wouldn’t be stupid, but that was a long shot. Secretly he wondered how long until the man would just destroy the whole school. He was taken to the General and saw another there, one that made his hair stand on end. The true assumed culprit of Nunnally’s death
 Zero. “You


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Cyrus, arriving at the Camelot unit Rx-d2 walked over to his Vincent, it was a royal guard model except modified to handle an eighth generation Knightmare. He could see that the float system wasn’t added. He looked at the paper that was given to him by one of the scientist, and saw what they had added toward his Knightmare. They had given him one varies hadron, two mvs, a BLS (Blaze luminous sword), and the other equipment that was in the Knightmare. Getting into his frame he thought of saying something, “Vincent Star Blazer launch,” he said loudly. The Vincent was in the same stance as the Lancelot was when it launched and as it sped down, encountered one Knightmare that he dispatched easily with his mvs just by cutting off the arms and legs. He kept moving toward the school.


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#, as written by Rarikou
Lightning turned around in anger, realizing there was nothing there, cursing his ears at a time like this. There were a few new developmental, Nathaniel showed up, Zero got shot... yup, something was wrong here. Lightning grabbed his gun, and popped out behind Grant, "What? I'm here too, you know." He said, "Knight of three... Lightning De Le Rosa." He said, making sure his gun was switched off of safety. "Right. Hands up, punks."