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Dark Empire - A Code Geass RP

Code Geass


a part of Dark Empire - A Code Geass RP, by Zero Reaper.


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Code Geass is a part of Dark Empire - A Code Geass RP.

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Mikhael 'Ghost' Thermidor [0] Knight of One, and current holder of the title 'Zero'
Lightning de la Rosa [0] Knight of Six
Cyrus Levine [0] The knight of three

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Nathaniel was taken to the General, who was about to shoot Zero. But as much as he wanted to let the man go through with it he had to hold up for a moment. He was still being held by to guards. And the room was full of people who had guns pointed at several persons of interest to him. Of course lightning came into the room as well, bad timing was a disease for the Knights of the round.
Of course it was Lightning that was making threats with his gun pointed at the General. But Nathaniel wasn’t stupid, “Light, you’re a first rate pilot… and a great soldier but… you’re not a good enough gunman to win this one.” That was a stupid thing for him to say. “Besides, they have the students as hostages… we’ve lost this one.”

The JLF began to take aim, reassured. Of course they were wrong to be. Two pops echoed slightly in the room and the guards holding Nathaniel fell away. “But… most of them are dead now… and while the Knight of three isn’t a CQC specialist.” His arms shot up as two barrels slid out his sleeves and flashed as he fired. It took him on shot per soldier, each man either dropping his gun or hitting the ground passed out. They had not searched him as he had seemed to relinquish all of his weapons as he had and thus he had kept his hidden guns. Now each of the guards were down, but none of them were dead, Nathaniel’s aim was scary outside of the Frames where he was good but not like this. “I, however General, am…”

The general had managed to grab the student in the confusion but had dropped his gun the process. He looked at a nearby weapon and Nathaniel’s eyes narrowed. “I promise you I’m faster… now tell them to release the students…” the general wasn’t happy but as he reached for the radio Nathaniel stopped him, “Not you… him.” He gestured to one of the soldiers who seemed more cowardly.

The man spoke through the radio in Japanese, telling the men to release the students on the General’s orders. “Good… Light, help me secure the room.” He said as he kept both weapons on the General, he wasn’t stupid enough to think that a man like him would be so easily discouraged. While the students might be set free there was still the matter of Zero to contend with, and if he was here the Black Knights wouldn’t be far behind. This place was about to become the battle ground between three factions. In a word, Not good.


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#, as written by Rarikou
Lightning looked at Zero, keeping his gun trained on the false Zero. "Oh Really?" Lightning said, taking a few steps back, "Do it, then. The great and proud Zero could not simply sacrifice his life. You are FAR too self-righteous. So go ahead. Press the button, if you can stomach it.... what, that didn't go as planned? You made a fatal mistake, Zero. I will not bow to a terrorist like you. Go ahead. Do it."

He acted a lot calmer than he felt. But he felt as if he had encountered Zero before, and he was POSITIVE that he wouldn't sacrifice himself just to take out two knight of the rounds, and Nathaniel as well, at the cost of his own lives, maybe even other Black Knights who was in the area.


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"So, you've called my bluff, then. I would expect nothing less from a Knight of the Round." Zero said. "I suppose that I'll have to use my contingency plan."

With that, he pulled up one of his costume's sleeves, revealing a small computer. He tapped a few buttons, and without warning, a flurry of spherical Hadron blasts slammed into one of the class buildings, destroying it. A small echo of screams rebounded around the courtyard for an instant. A second later, the Shinkiro lowered into view outside the window, being controlled remotely.

"That's one building full of students dead, Knight of Three. I believe that that is Check."

(AN: The Shinkiro was on station in case Zero would need to pilot it... or need to do exactly this.)


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#, as written by Rarikou
Lightning looked to one of the dead soldiers... or, more precise, the one that had been filming everything. Sure, he was dead, but he had been on a live broadcast.

"...I'm afraid the check is on you, Zero." Lightning said. "Exactly how much do you value the life of your... slave, shall we say? A deal: You leave... far away, and I release this fake. Heck, I won't even remove his mask? Say no, and I shoot. It's as simple as that. If you don't think I won't, just remember, I'm the Dark Death of Britannia. One terrorist is nothing to me. Or... are you STILL willing to kill numerous innocents on your quest? Make your choice, terrorist scum."

Lightning's mind was racing. He had called Zero's personallity perfectly... could he use that?

There was suddenly smoke in the air, and the last thing Lightning felt was a swift pain in the face.

Rose landed after her swift spin-kick, KO'ing Lightning. "That's Check-mate." She said, glad her appearance was masked by Morgan. "So, Zero, shall we head out? You're out numbered, Knight of Nunnally." She said, reading a flash-bomb and a kunai. "I suggest you go."


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Finishing the last Knightmare frame Cyrus watched as a building full of students were destroyed by a flurry of spherical Hadron blast. His eyes went wide when he saw the Shinkiro a thought went through his head, he just killed a building of innocent students you have to destroy kill him now. Charging his Vincent the MVS was already out and Cyrus yelled, “Zero!!!!!!!!!!” He made a strike at the Knightmare, hoping to destroy the hands first.


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Ark was trembling. He couldn't believe what he'd just saw. His superior, the one he'd put all his faith into, had murdered a building full of innocent students. How could he? it wasn't possible. It was insane. of course they were Britannia, but the terror they were capable of hadn't been wrought yet. His stomach lurched as f he was about to wretch. He stumbled to his feet. Everything around him felt like it was spinning. To bring himself back to reality he reminded himself of the danger he was in. He jumped through the hole in the wall and grabbed Zero's hand who pulled him into the Shinkiro. Ark looked back into the building staring back at Rose, When they were bombarded by a knightmare.


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Nathaniel watched as Zero’s bluff was called, but when the computer appeared it took him less than a second to turn to Milly’s desk and hit a statuette which folded over connected to the desk. He heard the screams from the other building, as well as screams from every building in response and his blood turned to ice. But as Light was taken down and Zero began to escape he came back to reality.

His left hand aimed at Ark, his right at Zero. He fired, but didn’t have a clear shot on either, instead of hitting Ark in the shoulder and Zero in the head he had to aim lower, one round perfectly aimed to put a bullet into the real Zero’s right shin bone. The left gun fired at the arm of ark, but it wasn’t as clear a target as the leg had been.

He spun about, content to leave the situation of the Shinkiro to the men outside, and turned to aim at Rose. But his guns were empty. He moved forward, the bar pistols still out like tonfas as he approached. She may have found it easy to knock out Light, but he wasn’t going to go down so easily. His right knee flew up toward the girl as he came flying at her. His arms held in a perfect defensive position. Neither had the element of surprise, it was going to be a fight os skill and skill alone.


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#, as written by Rarikou
Rose nodded, "I radioed the o-kay for the Helel to get here, so I'll cover our escape." Rose said with a nod. "Sorry, big boy, I'd like to engage in combat with Nunnally's knight, but I got things I myself need to handle. We'll meet again though." She said, throwing the flash bomb she concealed in her wrist, and used the split second to jump out of the window.

She ran to a Semi, witch opened up to reveal the Helel, in all of it's glory. It was already running, so she hopped in, and launched it in a fluid motion, flying next to Shinkiro, pulling out a keyboard, readying the ADT. She laughed, "While this holds no major weapons, the Helel is the worlds best defensive unit. That knight won't be touching us anytime soon. Let's get out of here, Zero."

Lightning jumped up, swiftly waking up. "Damnit, who does she think she is?." He said, holding his face, sure his jaw was broken. He looked at the camera, and waved, "That's all folks." He said, and promptly headed out.

There was a beep, "Izanagi Okami is fully operational again, my dear devicer! Meet us outside, and catch those terrorists! We have the Lancelot Conquista too, if dear little Nathaniel is there, too."

Lightning hopped into Izanagi, and roared it off, flying into the air like one would enjoy a new-car smell. Flying high-above Shinkiro and Helel. "I've heard of that unit, the Helel. That was Rakshata's last development, before she ran off. No weapons to speak of, but she has the highest defensive ratio, period.... Nathaniel, we may have lost this one


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Morgan watched as everything happened.
She smirked, until Zero destroyed a building. Didn't the title, Zero, stand for something?
Wasn't he suppose to protect the innocent? Morgan wasn't an expert on innocence, but she knew that children were the most innocent out of all people.
She growled in her throat until she felt an electric current go up her leg and into her body.

She fell over, stunned, and saw that a JLF solider she thought she killed dragged his body over to her and used a taser on her.
Her body shook and she wasn't able speak, or yell for help, as her fellow knights left without her.
'Shit.' she thought as she fought for breathe.


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#, as written by Mat_z6
Darkness. There was a soft click and then silence. Only a low humming and the sound of Soma's breath broke the unnatural silence of the giant space. Soma put his hand in front of his face but it was so dark that he couldn't even see it. "Where the hell am I?" His soft whisper reverberated throughout the dark space echoing back to him. Without thinking he took a step forward. There was a loud beep and there was another blinding flash of white light. Soma had to rub his eyes to get adjusted to the abrupt change in the lighting and when he finally found that he wasn't blind his mouth fell open at what was before him. A massive room spread out before him and he couldn't believe how high the ceiling went. This must be far underground the house for a room this size to fit in. But what struck him was not the gigantic room but what was in it. Kightmares.

Dozens and dozens of them perfectly lined up in countless rows computers and display screens scattered around them that looked like they have not been touched in ages. Soma went and walked slowly to one of the front computers. As soon as he touched it, everything suddenly came to life. All the monitors flashed on, displaying specs and the condition of the knightmares. It was unbelievable. How could his father have a underground kightmare garage under their house without him having the slightest inkling of its existence. There suddenly was a sound coming from the far left wall. It was a continuous beeping sound that came from a large monitor screen attached to the gigantic metal wall and Soma went over to inspect it. The wall towered above him and then a face appeared on the screen. Soma took a step back and almost fell over.

It was his father. "Hello Soma." This fathers clam face spoke and he seemed to be looking directly at him. "If you are watching this then that means that the Britanians have finally found this place. I'm sorry I haven't told you about this sooner but i wanted to make sure you were ready. The time has come were you will need my help to stay alive. If the Britanians get a hold of certain Knightmares in this facility then they will certainly be very hard to take down and you will almost certainly be dead. Soma. Everything I have taught you, every little piece of advice I have ever given to you. You will need all of this knowledge to seek your revenge." Soma couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was all to much. "Dad." "Now what I am about to show you is of the utmost importance.

Stand back please." There was a loud screech and the whole wall in front of him, monitor and all began to separate. Another click and the wall had completely separated leaving a large opening before Soma. Another monitor blinked on in the darkness as his father's face appeared before him once again."Come in Soma."


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Nathaniel was shocked to see Zero produce such a blade, but remembering that the Zero who had killed the demon Lelouch had done something similar he shook it off swiftly. It took him less than a second to turn from his female opponent and place the Barrels of the guns intersected to block the sword. The strike was powerful, and almost dislodged Nathaniel from his stance, but he stayed planted as he pressed back.

He grunted at the effort needed to push his opponent back, but this was a battle in Nathaniels court. Every time he got into the cockpit of a Knightmare he was heading for a losing battle. IT was simple. He often managed to survive enough to stop the enemy from killing others but he always took the most damage. This was different. His skill was a Knightmare ended at the point of the Knights of the Round, but here on the ground he surpassed them.

Zero had made an error, as Nathaniel told him, “You’ve picked the wrong fight, Zero!” he roared as he pressed forward and parried the first strike against him, using the reinforced barrels of his gunsticks (they don’t have handles up his sleeves, they are straight) like tonfas as he advanced. He launched into the air and spun once, bringing the metal plate on the back of his boot down toward Zero’s head. The sword was sharp, but unlike the movies this was reality, and that wasn’t an MVS, it wouldn’t cut through the barrels of his guns or the few metal plates he had placed on his feet, knees, elbows, and shoulders. Ironically these plates aren’t armor, but weapons so he can use his body like a mace at several points.


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Cyrus watched the Shinkiro dodge his attack, he would have gotten a hit if he had his Susano’o. Still this Vincent was above all of the others, it was powerful enough to take on eighth generation Knightmare frames. He knew about the Absolute defense territory, but it required incredibly complex calculations to form effective barriers, he wondered Zero was able to create them. He had seen videos taken showing the Shinkiro in action so he would proceed with caution. Aiming his varis he shot ten blasts at the Shinkiro while using the blaze luminous to shield from the attacks.


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Cyrus returned his varis to the Vincent’s back, he managed to dodge and block all except two blast; he lost his left arm to them. You may be good but your fighting a knight of the round. He kept out of the way moving around the Shinkiro, he couldn’t get past the Absolute defense territory. Use the sword, huh who’s there, no response came, the mvs wouldn’t work but what about the BLS it was a upgraded version of the Excalibur. Unsheathing it from the guard, he charged at the Shinkiro. When he was right by it he powered up the sword, a green glow swept through the outside, the middle looked like a green river glowing. He swung right side, he had to bet that the sword would destroy the shield.


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Nathaniel ducked low, making to sweep the man off his feet as he came at him again, but to do that he had to feel the pain in his right shoulder of a blade cutting through his skin. It wasn’t deep enough to do damage to the bone, but it hurt like hel;l. But Nathaniel wasn’t about to let that go. He countered by bringing both of his arms down on the blade as it had slashed him, the metal tonfas crossed. He would try to hit the hand guard hard enough to knock the blade from Zero’s clutches.

Regardless of the success of this attack or not, he left foot did continue its path to the right knee of the man. An object in motion stays in motion until acted upon by an outside force. In this instance, that force would hopefully be the kneecap of this Zero before him.

Outside a large truck came barreling around the corner as a man with brown hair came up on the screen of the pilots. “Hey there boys and girls, Lloyd you old dog, looks like you could use some help” he said as he pulled the large truck over to the side of the school near the Izanagi. The trailer of the truck opened as a large silver object raised above the vehicle as if presented to the Izanagi. “Take this, Knight of Six, and go for the throat of these child murdering bastards!” the young man said before the feed cut out.

The youth was none other than James Operthand, the personal engineer to Nathaniel, and the weapon system he had just presented consisted of a large MVS and a Blaze Luminous System with an Auto VARIS. James got out of his truck and crossed swiftly over to the truck with Lloyd and Cecile, “Sorry I’m late, it took a few minutes to tweak the Arms System to match up with the Izanagi…” he stepped up to the computer and called to Light, “Knight of Six, this is James Operthand, that weapons system should let you peirce their defenses, but be careful, you’ve got only two minutes of an operating time with it.” He warned. The weapon wasn’t known to the Black Knights so they wouldn’t have there shields tuned to it yet. But the unit uses a lot more power than even a Ninth Generation could produce. It would drain his system fast, even with his multiple fillers.


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Cyrus grinned with joy as he saw the shield be destroyed and the sword tear the arm of the Shinkiro off, good were even now die Zero. He saw that the green glow died down, it had served its purpose. He returned the blade back to the Vincent’s back while taking one mvs out, he charged again hopping to close the small distance between the two KMFs. Cyrus launched a single jab but he knew that it would be a miss, it seemed that he only had a few minutes of operation time before he needed a new energy filler.
(But he's not Zero he's ghost.)


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#, as written by Rarikou
Lightning nodded, hopping in Izanagi. The energy would last slightly longer if he took out the blaze luminous out, so he did so. He checked the filter's and roared it to life, readying his MVS sabers, and his new AUTO V.A.R.I.S, and dashed off at maximum speed.

As he reached the Helel, Rose gave a slight laugh, clicking the correct keys faster then sound as her reinforced ADT blocked the first VARIS shot, but soon, she became nervous. Her shield... was actually CRACKING. Taking it to the extreme defensive, she focused on dodging and weaving, stalling to find out what she should do. However, Izanagi was still the world's fastest unit, and she simply could not dodge him forever. He span kicked Helel, using the rebounding motion, to jump higher (he had the wings off), and rain a score of VARIS shot's from above, landing with his sword attempting to pierce the ADT. There were a few cracks along the edges of the shield, cracks that were growing in size by the second.

Rose cursed, and activated her only weapon: The bombardment type radiant wave surger, aimed, and took a shot. Izanagi danced out of the way, piercing the shield as he rolled out of the way.

Lightning laughed, he still had a full minute on the clock, more if he powered of the varis, witch he did, granting him another minute of life. He jumped, corkscrew over the helel, and did a rolling slash, and the ADT finally gave way with a massive "CRASH!"

Lightning laughed, piercing Helel's legs, so it could not run away, and he sliced the face of the cockpit off, revealing the black knight, still struggling to reactivate her ADT "You're excellent at normal combat, but I have the upper hand at k nightmare combat.

He disconnected the combat, Izanagi still holding them in place, and he drew his pistol, and clicked the safety. "Now, hands up, you're under arrest."


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Kira looked down from his position, he was sent by Rakshata to see how well the Vega did in combat. A fight from the looks of it was coming to an end; he could see that the Izanagi was finished with the Helel. He knew one person who piloted a fast unit and that was Lighting. Grinning with joy as he was about to test out his old comrades abilities, it would be a battle to see who is better. He aimed the two Super VARIS rifles, from the side near the air gilder system two large things moved to the side, they were Chaos blasters. The chaos blasters were like a VARIS but different they fired off radiant surge beams similar to that of the guren's but stronger. He aimed and fired, his shot wouldn’t even scratch the Helel. The four beams went straight at the Izanagi heading for the back, and the arms. “Let's see what you’re made of Lighting,” Kira said within inside to himself. Switching to a different channel he spoke to Rose, “Listen I’ll handle him while you make an escape.”


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#, as written by Rarikou
"Damn it." Lightning said, back flipping to avoid the shots fired at him. He got back in Izanagi's cockpit, worried. He had very little time left, he would need to make a refill.

"Lloyd, how fast can you get the original equipment on?" He asked, through his comm.

"oh, one minute, 30 seconds tops." Lloyd said, "We brought it all with us, just in case."

He nodded, "I'm coming." He said, quickly loading into the trailer.

"Initiating swift conversion of Izanagi Okami unit." Cecile. "Commencing energy conversion, synchronizing original parts." She said.

There was a swift part of his limbs detaching, the original screwing on rather easily. His monitor flashed, to show that the conversion had been successful. He flexed Izanagi's arms, and nodded.

"45 seconds... meh, we should have gone faster... ah well, I'll run a simulation later." Lloyd complained.

"That's slow?" Lightning wondered, and shook it out. He had an attacker to face, "Right, Izanagi Okami, LAUNCH!" He said, as the great machine took off into the sky, speeding through through the air, his wings flying on with a white ripple. "Right, are you ready?" He asked, charging, firing his knee-hadrons.

Rose of course, was long gone. "Great. I'm in Kira's debt now." She muttered, running through the forest, until she hopped on a motor bike, hot wiring the engine, and dashed off to lightning's manor, switching into her maid outfit, and burned her BK one, and set some tea on the kettle. No one would ever know she left...


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Nathaniel felt the clank as the plates impacted, but smiled as the sword was withdrawn. Zero had been arrogant, and now he would pay for it. Nathaniel rolled forward and spun on his lower back so that his two feet came around like a helicopter and kicked the sword from his hands. The first kick knocked off his stronger grip as the second put the blade into the air and away from them. The next motion was him fluidly moving upward as a as he spun to his feet and made to punch the man several times.

He made to hit him twice in the abdomen as the man was off balance, before advancing slightly. He was pushing him back in the office, “Don’t…”. Two more strikes, higher up, “Get…” Finally a third strike in the right shoulder with the tip of the barrel, “Cocky!” Nathaniel roared as he leapt into the air and spun to the left, his right foot cocked until he rotated so that he could thrust it into the man’s chest. Forcing Zero back even more as the man stumbled into tha large floor to ceiling window behind Milly’s desk. Nathaniel landed but didn’t rush him again, instead he looked shocked to the side of Zero, who’d find out why very soon.

Milly was standing, with tears streaking down her face with a strange piece of metal raise over her right shoulder. “Get the hell out of my school!” she screamed as she swung the weapon, which turned out to be Zero’s own Sword. Unfortunately she had closed her eyes as she swung and didn’t notice that the blade was turned to smack him with the broad side of the blade. Regardless the kick from Nathaniel earlier had forced Zero into the glass and cracked it and now as Milly struck him high on his body she sent him backward and heard the glass shatter. She kept hold of the blade as she breathed heavily with the wind flowing through the room as the shattered window let air pour in. The Headmasters office was on the fourth floor of the building and would not be a pleasant fall.

Nathaniel was unable to think as he could only blink in surprise at what had just happened.

(There was a lot of auto hitting in that post and I’m sorry for it, I normally don’t do that unless I’ve been told to finish a fight. I was going to have her hit him with a chair, but I think the sword adds a nice piece of irony.)


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Kira watched as the Izanagi Okami shot at the Vega with knee hadron cannons, he saw the white wings and knew that he would need to retreat from the battle. The Vega was made to handle knightmares at long distances not short it did have mvs fork knife similar to that of the guren’s, but close combat was not it’s area of expertise. Hands flying onto the keyboard, shield of violet hexagonal shapes blocked the hadron blasts, but there was one that actually did hit. The Vega took a graze to the left arm but all in all the KMF was still good. He aimed to the right side of the Izanagi while aiming the second to the left side, he pulled the trigger and they went, streaming through the air. A person with a trained eye could tell that the beam going to the left side of the Izanagi would barely miss. Preparing the chaos blasters they fired above the KMF. It would have been fine if Kira wasn’t so judgmental about the Knightmare, he wanted the Vega to have missiles on it and he would talk to Rakshata about that.


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#, as written by Rarikou
Lightning knew that the blasts would hit his left, so he prepared accordingly. Rather the dodge, he allowed them to clip his arm, and zoomed forward. His opponent was not suited to close range combat, it would seem, so, he would have play that. He dashed towards the knightmare, zigzagging in random patterns as he did, to make his moved unpredictable. As he neared, he readied his Mvs pole, firing beams of energy from his wings, to cover his movements. He stated with a standard thrust, but disconnectd to sword mode after that first assault. Flipping one over, he attacked in a circular motion, launching missles as he did.

A beep alearted him that Requiem was nearby.

"Now that's terribly convectional." He said woth a suspicious glare, but continued to focus on his target


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#, as written by Mat_z6
Now this was to much to take. Right in front of Soma were two knightmare frames. Both he knew all to well. The one on his left was none other than the personal knightmare of Zero: Shinkiro. "What the hell is this doing here?" Soma wondered aloud running his hand over the cool metallic leg. He walked over to the other knightmare and chuckled. He had always wanted to pilot this one and he had seen it used by the Black Knights when he was a child. His father used to bring in knightmare simulations home from 'work' and he had let Soma try them out. Soma had no idea that his father was actually 'training' him to use a real knightmare. He remembered all the functions, controls and specs of the machine and it was his personal favorite. The Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. Eight Elements. One of the first ninth generation knightmares. Soma favored the intimidating look the machine had and especially the motorcycle shaped cockpit.

"Now, Soma. These two knightmares are my pride and joy. Some of my best work was put into them. When Rakshata, the person I worked for when I was with the Black knights, asked me to construct these I said that only by a miracle that these could be made. Well, that miracle happened and now, standing before you are truly works of art. But you must be wondering why these are here. This Shinkiro is the rebuilt original. After it was destroyed, Rakshata told me to quickly salvage the parts before they got taken away. It has been fully restored and ready to use. As for the Guren, I had to aslo rebuild it as it was horribly damaged with it's fight with the Lancelot Albion. My, my. That was some fight. If only you could have seen them! Well, enough of that for now. You may have already noticed that it's wings are missing." Soma walked to the back of the knightmare and sure enough, the two energy wings were not there. In their place was a standard red air glide system. "Rakshata had them removed to keep the technology with her since it was such a breakthrough. I didn't like seeing the Guren with it's wings clipped so I installed its old air glide system used on the previous model. I knew you would be pleased to see the Guren. Remember those knightmare simulations I would bring home? You used to love those didn't you? I hope you still have them. They aren't cheap you know." Soma smiled. Of course he had them, how could he ever throw those away? "Soma. What I have shown you is only the door to what you have to do. You are the one who has to open that door. Now I must tell you what you must do. I wouldn't be surprised that the Britanians will be sending in the police to investigate. The only way you could have gotten down here was if the emergency sensor was triggered. But the only thing they can see on their scans is a large underground space for this area is concealed by ordinary radar and scanning devices. If they were to come, you must leave quickly." Soma blinked, confused. But what about the knightmares? "Don't worry about the knightmares. I made sure that no one could use them except you and the people you choose. Now beside this screen is a small table. Do you see it?" Soma looked and saw the table. Was that there before? "On it is a large red armlet. In it are the codes of all the knightmares. It is like a master key to all of them. I'm sorry it's so bulky but I was in a hurry making it. In every knightmare, it's key slot is replaced with a slot for that armlet. All you have to do is put your hand with the armlet in it, and the knightmare will be active. The codes are already installed on the armlet so you won't have to worry about memorizing them." The thing was bulky, but fortunately it wasn't heavy. It snapped shut on Soma's right wrist and it made a small beeping sound as a white light flashed on at the top part of the center.

"There is one last thing I must show you." On the screen, another man's face blinked on. "This... is the man who is coming to kill me this very second. Right now he is on his way and I must end this video soon." Soma stared at the man. His ice cold eyes stared back and Soma hated the man instantly. A long scar ran down the side of his face and Soma could have sworn that he had seen this man before. "This is Mikhael Thermidor. The Knight of One himself." That's who it was. The man who killed his father. The one who took everything away from him. Soma clenched his fists. That was the man he needed to kill. "Now the first thing you must do is to contact the Black Knights. They will be able to help you. Being a Britanian you may have trouble gaining their trust. Second, you must find Rakshata. The Guren needs its wings back for it to fight at it's full potential. I don't know where she is now but i'm sure you will be able to find her." Soma jerked his head up as he heard a loud rumbling.

The Britanians were here. "Damnit!" Soma scrambled around grabbing what ever he could find as useful. He ran back out to the knightmare garage and something caught his eye. Some clothes were neatly folded on a table nearby. They were wrapped in a clear plastic and Soma tore them out furiously. A yellow shirt, black tie, pants, boots and a large dark blue jacket. "The old man was really on top of the ball with this." Soma slipped on the clothes, rolling up the right sleeve of the jacket for the armlet. Something clattered to the ground. Had that just come out of the jacket? On the ground were two hand guns snug in a pair of chest holsters. Soma smirked. This was getting to good. Grabbing the guns he headed back to the Guren and Shinkiro. He heard yelling from the ceiling as the bangs got louder. They really were searching were they? On the far wall he saw a switch that read "Door release". Soma ran over and pulled down not expecting what would happen next. The room suddenly lit up and lights ran down what looked like a long runway into the darkness ahead. The Guren and Shinkiro started turning as both their landspinners fell to the ground ready to go. Soma's father was still talking but he had no more time. There was a loud screech. They're in the elevator. Soma sprinted to the Guren running up the cockpit stairs and kicked them away as he jumped in. The cockpit was dark but it smelled new. "Where is that damned hole!" An explosion rumbled through the room. They were here. The shouting was louder and was getting closer by the minute. "There!" Soma jammed his wrist into the slot and the Guren exploded to life. Readings, specs, weapons were all operational. "Energy filler full. Weapons online. Engaging air glide and land spinner systems." Soma took a deep breath. Behind him he could see soldiers closing in on the room. They began to fire. "Crap! Shields online!" The bullets were disintegrated by the radiation shields like they were paper. "Let's go!" Soma thrusted forward on the controls and the Guren jerked forward violently gradually gaining speed leaving the shouting soldiers behind. "Whooaaa! How long does this runway g-GWAHHHHH!!!!" He got his answer. The Guren flew off the pad over the ocean as the air glide system took hold. It was just like the simulations! When Soma found that he wasn't dead he looked out. So the hangar was in the cliff hear the house! Soma's house was near the ocean and he looked back and saw the military encircling the large house. Sighing he remembered all the memories he had had with that house. Now it was all gone. The only thing he had left were his clothes, two guns, and a knightmare. But the real problem was, where to go from here?


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Morgan eventually recovered from the attack.
She climbed the stairs and made it to the roof of the school, where she tried to signal for a black knight to pick her up.
She used her head piece to contact all the black knights in the school.
"Hey, it the Witch. Someone needs to pick me up, I'm on top of the school."

She heard foot steps behind her and she whipped out her sword, just in time to block an attack.
It was another solider, and he had just tried to kill her.

"I really don't want to die again, so sorry." She said with a smirked and took out her gun with her other hand.
Before she pulled the trigger, he tackled her, screaming "DIE YOU FUCKING WITCH!"

They fell off the building together, and Morgan screamed as she tore the man off of her.
In the proccess, she somehow started to fall head first.

She hit the floor, feeling her neck snap and her skull crack.
Morgan managed to press her head piece again. "Help." she groaned, and passed out.

Most of her bones fixed themselves, but the damage done to her brain would take a few days for even Morgans powers to heal.
She got herself up and looked around.

Where was she? What were these awful metal monsters trying to destroy each other?


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#, as written by Rarikou
"Help"... came a weak whisper, over Rose's comm. Though she was back at Lightning's place, she beat herself for forgetting about Morgan. She hopped on a motorcycle, and sped back to go assist her, cursing herself. She had been incredibly selfish, thinking only of her own escape. She no longer had a Black Knight Uniform, only the shades, so she would have to risk it.

She sped off towards the academy, breaking every traffic law in the book to do, and ramped off the highway, landing on the academy grounds in minutes, to where she found the KO'D Morgan, who had seemingly taken a nasty fall of the building, She gently picked her up, and straddled the motorbike awkwardly . "I'm here, Morgan." He said with a whisper.


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Kira using Rakshata version of a blaze luminous, managed to block all of the wings bolts that were heading his way. He had to admire the things she made able, this blaze luminous seemed to be of her own design. Reverse-Engineering a blaze luminous from parts of his old Knightmare was pure genius. He did see the mvs pole arm, are trying to get in close Lighting? Firing the chaos blasters they shot down most of the missiles while one was blocked at close range by his Blaze Luminous, the blast did damage partial parts below the BL but it wouldn’t be too bad, the Vega still had a lot to fight. As the Izanagi Okami went in a circle his Absolute defense territory was activate. It only left a few small openings small openings; some could say it was close to perfect. He fired constantly at the Izanagi the shots rained in front of it while some went toward the fast moving Knightmare. Putting the Vega at full thrust, he was moving away from the battle. If this didn’t work then he would have no utter choice then to use the Zero beam.


Rakshata looked at the specs; she had been working on the hadron revolving blade ever since Zero left. All in all it was coming together quite nicely. Hearing a noise from a computer she saw that she was receiving data from the Vega, it was one of hers heaviest units. One that could easily defeat that old Mordred in a single blow, she did make it to be a powerful unit, but that did cost its speed. Sighing the woman slid back in her chair, tobacco pipe in her mouth while looking over the data.
