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Dark Tale

Dark Tale


If you like dark and twisted fairy tales, then this just may be the game for you.

4,556 readers have visited Dark Tale since Sonata created it.


A Dark Tale


We're accepting characters. You simply take a character from an existing story from any of the three below and you give them a dark twist! This is a dark fantasy game. It's not supposed to be pretty. So if the current and open roles don't catch your fancy, then it's up to you to bring your dark creation to this game.

Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there existed a realm by the name of Fantasia. The forests were green, the rivers were crystal, and all sorts of flora and fauna lived in harmony. There were creatures one might have dreamt of or read about in storybooks; and in this land, no tale was ever wrong. In this land, fairytales were real.

There were princes and angel-haired damsels, trolls, goblins, ogres, and demonsβ€”fairies, dwarves, and talking animals and trees. They all existed here. But alas as most tales go, the stories are not always peaceful.

One day, the king and queen of Fantasia discovered a complication. The queen was sterile and the king desired a heir. Although loving his wife more than anything, he was slowly giving in to the suggestions from his adviser to divorce her. A maidservant happened to overhear the discussion amongst the king and his adviser and quickly relayed the news to the queen. Fearful and distraught, the queen called for the most powerful being in all the land unaware that her wish would change Fantasia for several years.

A witch came to the queen with the solution she sought. In a vial, the witch carried a bloody serum that within it held a black seed. She said to the queen that the seed would give her a child and that her king would love her again, but unknowingly to her, the seed was far from normal. Desperately, the queen took the vial and sent the witch away. In just a few days, the queen became round and plump with a child. The king was overjoyed and all of Fantasia celebrated.

As days passed into weeks, to the king’s horror, the queen would not stop growing and soon was crazed and bedridden. The queens condition was kept in tight secrecy from the rest of the kingdom, and any that dare speak of the situation were either killed or disappeared.

One night, the queen was found dead, her belly torn open as though something had clawed its way out. The king was found murdered, and striding back into the castle was the witch, taking the throne of Fantasia as queen. All the creatures of the land were left in ignorance to what had happened that night. Rumors say the queen gave birth to a monster that was now controlled by the new queen. Whatever the story be, Fantasia was no longer the same again.

There was a new monarch that cast her dark hand across the kingdom, destroying or enslaving those who wished to oppose her. Fantasia quickly morphed from a land of milk and honey to a land corrupted by sin.

The Main Plot – The Run Down

There are two main factions that exist in this role play: The White Order a.k.a. The Rebellion and The Dark Court a.k.a. The Queen's Legion. You will plot your character’s story around those factions. As for neutrals, I am only allowing three neutral slots in order to avoid there being more neutral characters than there are characters in either faction. So the three neutral slots are first-come first-serve and the characters that wish to be neutral must have profiles that pass the profile process. If they don’t, then the slots will be open.

In this RP, players will be secretly plotting against other players. Depending on how sides team up against each other will determine if this RP has a β€œhappily ever after” or not. So understand that your characters are capable of making serious mistakes that can lead to the advantage of the other team. Understand that this is just a game, and you shouldn't hate the players that are against you. We're all here to have fun.


The only kinds of characters permitted in this game are characters from: Grimm Fairy Tales, Hans Christian Andersen, and Nursery Rhymes. No other characters are allowed. You can Google these fairytales to get ideas for a character that is not currently listed. The characters listed below must be role played as their gender. I will not allow for there to be a male red riding hood. If they were female in the fairy tales, then they must be female. If they were male in the fairy tales, then they must be male. If the character's sex is undetermined, then choose a gender for him or her. Some of the characters below have set jobs and positions already, so any characters that aren’t listed below that you decide to make, you must run their job by me.

You are allowed to portray the characters however way you like. Characters that are animals do not have to appear anthropomorphic or straight up quadruped. They can be human with animal features. Go crazy with the background history, but to enhance interaction, try to form histories around enemies or other characters. Please avoid dictating another character’s life. If you Rp a character that originally was paired in a fairy tale with another, if a player ever decides to join as that character, I doubt he or she will want to RP what you dictated happened to them. So please write a history focused ONLY on the character you’re playing. That way if another character joins that is related to the fairytale your character is from, THEN you can rewrite the background to fit them in.

Yes, you are allowed to role play a character that will eventually become good or a character that will eventually become bad.

If someone chooses the role that you wanted, you are allowed to compete against them for the slot. If you post a much more creative profile than the person who currently plays the role you desire, then chances are you'll get that role.

The Queen’s Legion - The Dark Court
Roles with stars next to them are very important roles that the game can't start without.
???????? [GM-Run] – The Queen’s mysterious secret weapon. It is the monster that had been born from the previous queen.
***The Wicked Queen (The Witch) – GM-run – Leader – the queen is wise in the art of potions and spells. Magic is her forte as well as her best weapon. She is a clever and devious leader who is not to be taken lightly even by her own subjects. A player wishing to take on this role must be confident in his or her ability to play an evil ruler and LEAD. This role is very important. [Co-GM - by choosing this role the player becomes a Co-GM in this game.]
***The Wolf a.k.a. The Big Bad Wolf – Open – Elite/Strategist – The Master of Disguise.
Goldilocks – GM-run/But open for claim – Elite – Mistress and enslaver of all talking animals. She hates bears especially.
The Frog Prince - Taken - Elite - One of the Dark Elite, he is a foul-smelling champion, and one of the Queen's most dangerous knights. You do not want to be on this villain's menu.
The Little Match Girl - Open - Hitman - She's not so little anymore.
Piper -Open - Hitman - Be sure to always pay the piper.
Lil Bo' Peep - Taken - Chambermaid/Informant - Her sheep wasn't the only thing she lost.
The Dark Court Morale: 3
These are just a list of characters you can choose from out-right. There are still many characters you can think up to be either apart of the Dark Court or the White Order.

NPC Evil Subjects

The Three Little Pigs – Three piggy lords that run a smuggling business. They live in a grand mansion in Brogdin where they plot the next trade. They are fat and wealthy piglets that love to make money and also love to roll in their greed. They are pigs after all. They work under The Wolf.
The Muffin Man – The Muffin Man? Who lives on Dreary Lane? Yes, The Muffin Man. He assists the evil queen by baking her giant Gingerbread Men or otherwise known as Golems. They range in sizes from giant to tiny, ginger dolls. These creations are only out for one thing: blood.
Matilda – The queen’s cousin. Hansel and Gretel would remember her best. She is the old woman that lives in a house of desirable sweets. You don’t want to eat her desserts or you’ll never be able to stop. She loves rounding up fat little boys and girls to bake into delicious cookies. She is a cannibal. Don’t let her sweet and frail nature fool you, she is quite lethal and very frightening. Thought to had been killed long ago, the witch has returned thanks to her cousin’s rise to power.
Trolls, Goblins, Gargoyles, Demons and Gnomes – They are the typical henchmen of the queen. They can be found as soldiers, scouts, guards, etc.

The Rebellion - The White Order
Roles with stars next to them are very important roles that the game can't start without.
***Little Red Riding Hood – Taken – Leader – Perhaps no longer β€œlittle.” She is the creator and leader of The White Order. A once innocent little girl gone dangerous, she swears revenge on The Wolf. A player choosing to RP this character must be confident in their ability to lead. This is a very important role. [Co-GM - by choosing this role the player becomes a Co-GM in this game.]
Baby Bear – Taken – Second-in-Command - One of the three bears, whatever happened to her parents? No longer a cub, the bear has grown up and swears revenge on Goldilocks.
Hansel – Open – Warrior - A long time ago, he and his sister escaped the clutches of Matilda. It was thanks to his sister that he wasn’t trapped under her spell.
Gretel – Taken – Warrior – A long time ago, she and her brother escaped the clutches of Matilda. She freed her brother from Matilda’s clutches and swore they had killed her long ago.
Puss in Boots – Open – Strategist – He’s not just your average cat.
The Gingerbread Man - Taken - Interrogator - An escaped, failed experiment of the dreaded Muffin Man.
Aurora - Taken - Informant - A princess deprived of her right, swearing to regain her royalty again.
Thumbelina - Taken - Healer - A tiny woman with a great power.
The White Order Morale: 6
This list can grow if players come up with new characters. This is the case for the Dark Court and The White Order

NPC Allies of the Rebellions

Talking Animals – These fable creatures are usually enslaved. Animals used to talk, but ever since the rise of the new queen, they have become afraid to. The animals aren’t stupid. They are smart and hear better than you think.
More can be added as the story progresses

[only three characters allowed here]
Snow White - Taken - Boss Woman - She is the leader of the band of murderers known as Seven. She is a tough woman and quite the dangerous dealer.
The Faithful Maiden - Taken - Information broker with a wicked wand and undying obsession over her lover Roland.
Rapunzel - Taken - A lovely maiden trapped in a tower and awaiting rescue.

The Character Code
Code: Select all
[b]Alias[/b]: (as in what fairy tale character)
[b]Age[/b]:  (if applicable)
[b]Basic Appearance[/b]: (pic and brief description if pic doesn't summarize)
[b]Psychological Disorder(s)[/b]: (any quirks or disorders go here)
[b]Background[/b]: (I expect a brief dark story here lol)
[b]Partner[/b]: (if your character comes from a story where he or she is usually with another or whoever you choose as a partner can go here. If no one, then no one.)
[b]Current Story[/b]: (What is he or she doing now or where is he or she?)
[b]Weaponry[/b]: (If he or she carries anything and it can also be natural weaponry such as teeth or claws)
[b]Powers[/b] (I’ll be checking these. I want everyone to at least be sensible with their powers. You can have as many as you think is logical for your character.)

Active Characters
Frosch - The Frog Prince/The Dark Court - Sonata
Red - Red Riding Hood/The White Order - HitoriRaven
The Gingerbread Man - The Gingerbread Man/The White Order - Sonata
Baby Bear - Baby Bear/The White Order - TaniaSoulEater
Vivan - The Faithful Maiden/Neutral - Me_and_I
Ivory Rose - Snow White/Neutral - Orbweaver
Aurora - The Princess and The Pea/The White Order - Wraith
Thumbelina - Thumbelina/The White Order - Yorda
Peep - Lil Bo Peep/The Dark Court - hanybanany
Rapunzel - Rapunzel/Neutral - quizzicallyquixotic
Gretel - Gretel/The White Order - Bashie L. Craft
Death - Talking Animal/The Dark Court - tornadofan2

Inactive Characters
Goldilocks - Goldilocks/The Dark Court - Saken
Princess Pearl - Little Mermaid/Neutral - spirit_is_shining
The Snow Queen - The Wicked Queen/The Dark Court - omigosh01
Big Bad Wolf - The Wolf/The Dark Court - blackwolf
Hansel - Hansel/The White Order - showers in april
Sir Rowan Marquis - Puss in Boots/The White Order - blueAsher
Adeen - The Little Match Girl/The Dark Court - StormtheCastle
Piper - The Pied Piper of Hamlin/The Dark Court - The Loonybin

Current Places

Queen's Castle
Rebellion HQ

Common questions that were asked by players will be listed here.

3/8/2012: Prince Charming - If you RP a handsome prince, then chances are he's a Prince Charming. Prince Charming couldn't be denoted as one character to embody them all because many stories have them. A Prince Charming is a handsome prince, whose bad-assery is powerful enough to compete with the Wicked Queen. Thus, she may have several plots cooked up to assassinate/be-rid of all the handsome princes in Fantasia. There won't be too many Prince Charmings since we need to get the main roles filled, but if you desire to play one, let me know from what story.

3/8/2012: The Four Elite Generals of the Dark Court - There exist four elite generals of the Dark Court: The Wolf, The Frog Prince, Goldilocks, and blank. The generals are very powerful and not to be taken alone, so be mindful when confronting them.


3/18/2012: Nursery Rhyme Characters - I've learned that not many people know anything about Grimm or Hans Christian Anderson besides Disney, so I'm allowing characters from Nursery Rhymes.

Toggle Rules


1. OOC will remain in the OOC thread. That is what the OOC is made for so please do not post OOC bubbles in the IC. If you’re going somewhere or are trying to talk to someone specifically, PM them or use the OOC thread. Thanks.
2. Do not auto-hit another player’s character. There is a correct way to attack the character of another player and that is to write the action as an intention. Meaning it hasn’t happened yet, but depending on the other players response, it can happen. Example: Bob swings his fist at Jay’s jaw. In that statement, the action was never confirmed to have happened. The intention is just there.
3. What I say goes. I try to be as fair as possible, if you’re trying to ask a favor of me that I say β€œNo” to, then please respect that it’s no. Do not argue with me. No is no.
4. Interaction. Do not join this RP if you do not plan on interacting with other players. I will not allow tea parties. Tea parties are when two players constantly post to one another and ignore everyone else. This RP kind of makes interaction very impossible. I don’t see why a tea party would start up when your characters are all working together. If your characters are separated from the group, then that is fine. I’m sure you know what I mean by tea parties anyway, so I’m not going to drawl this explanation on.
5. Do not control another player’s character.
6. Post at least 200 words. This isn’t a lot. I just do not like one-lining. So please try and meet the 200 words minimum.
7. Communication. This is what makes RPs last a long time. If you disappear please be courteous to let us know in the OOC. I can make adjustments to the RP this way. If you quit, then please say you’re leaving. But once you quit, please refrain from talking in the OOC. Once you are gone, you are gone. The OOC is for players involved in this storyline. If you plan to go away for long periods such as vacation, funeral, etc. You don't have to tell me exactly what's going on because that's you're business, but let me know how long you're going to be gone.
8. Have fun. Please write enough so that we can appreciate your character. I am very lenient with this RP, but please don’t give me a reason to be strict. Use spell check, read over your posts, and don’t post for the hell of it. If no one has posted yet, then don’t just post to post because it makes you feel accomplished. That is clutter. Do not clutter up the RP. At the end of the day, when people get out of classes or off work, they want to come online and find something worth reading. Just go find something to do until someone posts a reply.

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in

Fairy Woods

Fairy Woods by RolePlayGateway

All that remains of a once beautiful land. The Fairy Woods are now the battlegrounds between Good & Evil. Will you fight to protect the remains of a once peaceful Fantasia?


Brogdin by Sonata

Neutral ground. A town named after its ogre of a lord, Lord Brogdin.

The Queen's Castle

The Queen's Castle by RolePlayGateway

The castle of the notorious Wicked Queen and her Dark Court.

Rebellion HQ

Rebellion HQ by RolePlayGateway

Secret hideout of The White Order.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 19 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thumbelina Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess) Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel) Character Portrait: Hansel
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#, as written by Wraith
They were leaving. How very..unfortunate, and just when she was getting comfortable. Aurora lifted the goblet of white wine that she had ordered and touched it to her lips, a taste. Only the barkeep would witness the faint shadow of distaste that colored the psion's expression. She should have known better than to expect quality in Brogdin's slums. Why had Anton brought her here anyway? The Professor never did anything by accident.

She set her glass ware down again with a gentle thunk on the rough wooden surface, a slender laquered fingernail tapping an unconscious meter onto its clear surface. The richly lined chololate colored hood had either fallen or been lowered, and the proud lines of her profile might have been visible to others in the room. And yet she did not turn to face them, pausing only long enough to gift a faintly polite smile in thanks for less than average offering, as she bid farewell with one of her own.

"It is hard to serve quality, when you do not know it..mhmm?" she murmured. There was a fluid shift of fingers then, to uncurl from a seeming fist to display a token uniquely crafted for such favors as this. "On the house.." she qualified. The Tumbler served only the best fare, on the table and between the sheets. Lashes dropped to hood amber irises, amused for his befuddlement when he stared, blinking her way. He would find out, soon enough, or some fool would kill him for the prize of forgetting for one night.

At no time during this exchange was she unaware of what was going on in the room behind her. The swirl of energies had abated some, had become less scattered and more focused, and all she had for her quiet drink, was the murmur of voices and the impression of intent. It was that intent which intrigued her, but she had to know more..before she might declare her hand. Fingers rose, lifting her darker hood over sable locks again, and it was as she turned in a sweeping arc toward the door, that she allowed her golden gaze to drift over the bodies clustered at the table. The girl was already gone, but that was not who had her interest currently, anyway. The rodent whose words came with the cadence of intrigue, and his winged companion did, as well as the cluster of chips that lay for a brief moment now, in the midst of gathering yet to break apart.

She was already seeing as she completed the turn and headed for the door, no pause given to indicate that she had noted the chips as she walked with the lazy sensual stride of a woman used to being watched as she did so. Almost like a spinning wheel she saw them; bodies in places and words spoken for access, a blur of precognition that had her frowning slightly with attempt to focus in on one reading. It seemed almost inevitable when it surged to the fore; a twinned energy..a bonded purpose and near inseparable life force. The pair. They would be her unwitting guides-if she could manage to stay hidden.

She would follow them to the answers she wanted, and the first teasing promise that was her own purpose.

For an instant she saw him, in that arrogant, laconic half bow that he'd once graced the barely worthy and her lips pinched on an intake of breath. She had been so close. Now all there was, was IT.

But enough of daydreams. If she had the right of it they would be emerging shortly, and she would have to find a way to remain either unobserved, or unsuspicious if she was to make it as far as the place she had seen in her mind's eye. A task that was not nearly as difficult as it might have been otherwise, when the 'suggestion' that she not be minded could be so much more than mere small talk, if they became aware of her.

Not for the first time she thanked what gods remained for the gift that the professor was nurturing in her. Then, she melted into the shadows of the pub's exterior walls, and waited.

The setting changes from Brogdin to The Queen's Castle

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper. Character Portrait: Little Match Girl
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When Adeen saw Piper, she saw a flicker of movement as Gren'del dove into Piper's pocket frantically. Correctly guessing that it was an action of fear, she put it aside, letting her gaze meet Piper's. She did not tense as Piper let his hand rest against his rapier and reach the other towards his pipe, but her palms tilted minutely away from her body, ready to call out her blades. She would not attack - Piper was another of the Dark Court, and so an ally against the rebels - but she would not stand if he decided to attack her.

The tension did not reach the threshold of any sort of danger and passed like a light wind. It had been nothing more than a breath of awkwardness - wariness. Gone. Piper spoke, a light touch of humor coloring his voice. "Good day Adeen... It is nice to see you -so- eager to welcome me home..." He bowed.

The edge of Adeen's lips curled upward slightly. Deciding to play along, she widened her smile and her eyes so they shone cerulean in the light. "Indeed," she said brightly. She had no dress, but she reached out, grasping invisible cloth and answered Piper's bow with a mock curtsey. "The castle inhabitants have missed your presence so much, that we all had to come and welcome you back with open arms."

Adeen straightened and she dropped her bright grin, settling for the more comfortable almost expressionless face with just a faint remainder of a smile. She could stand only so much wide, bright-eyed innocence, especially when it wasn't necessary... for other means. Her eyes, while not as open and bright, still gleamed with quiet, half-hidden amusement as they regarded Piper and Gren'del's head. "I know you have been... 'busy' staying at Hamlin," she said evenly. "But I don't suppose you might have caught anything regarding the growing rebellion?" Any information would be helpful, after all. And of course, she would be able to inform him of what had happened during the meeting earlier. Maybe the Queen would even let them both go deal with the strange black unicorn and the attempt to free the animal labor camps. Adeen was feeling twitchy and wanted - no, needed - something to do. Now.

The setting changes from The Queen's Castle to Brogdin


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel) Character Portrait: Baby Bear Character Portrait: Hansel
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Lexi frowned, irritated. How could anyone wish to leave the Rebellion? It served the biggest purpose - to destroy everyone's enemy, the witch. Though they did not know it, the witch was everyone's enemy. They were only being used by her. Anyone stupid enough to think that they would stay by her side forever deserved to be destroyed by her.

Lexi leaned forward as Red placed the pieces of wood. She leaned forward and studied the others' faces intently. How many had surprise flashing across their faces? Any spy would be amazed at the magic involved in this operation. To her disappointment, their faces showed no change. Lexi sat back and listened closely to Red's words. "As soon as you step outside, you will be watched." Lexi grinned. Who would she follow back?

Lexi debated for a moment. She'd always found animals like herself curious, and had half a mind to follow the cat. But Hansel and Gretel were interesting as well...

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Red nod at her, then incline her head towards the candy man. Oh well. One less person to worry about. She only hoped that Red would be safe, and find herself a new loyal follower.

Finally, Lexi decided to follow the siblings. They certainly were curious. Siblings that acted like lovers; was it a front or was their passion real? Lexi waited as they finished their drinks, then casually stepped out of the bar. Positioning herself around the corner, she waited for the pair to come out. Lexi knew that there was only one exit to the bar, and that the siblings would be forced to exit the way they came in.


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The setting changes from Brogdin to The Queen's Castle

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper. Character Portrait: Little Match Girl
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Inwardly he studies her in silence, watching her for physical reaction. Checking to see if this is the same, twisted little girl he remembers. She was tense, and slightly edgy, eager to do something, anything... twitchy. Yet she maintained her Demeanor, she didn’t show much worry as he reached over the pipe, he hadn’t expected it, few among the Court could truly understand the power held the the instrument, and if he had his way, they never would. Her voice and smile only cause him to grin softly.

"Indeed," she had said with mocking joy. Answered his own bow with a mock curtsey. "The castle inhabitants have missed your presence so much, that we all had to come and welcome you back with open arms."

He straightened up slowly his hand falling down to rest at his side, the right hand remaining formally on his blade as he speaks aloud, thickening his German accent simply to amuse himself as he speaks. β€œWhat joyous news. Sound the horns, the bells, the drums and the choir. Clear the halls, ready the guests, and start cooking the feast, for the Piper has returned.” He speaks the words with -deep- sarcasm, but there is little meaning behind it all, little voice. Softly rolling his eyes as he says it, he is under no impression that he was really missed. Her next words cause him to blink, and Gren’del to softly poke his head from the pocket of The Pipers Coat.

"I know you have been... 'busy' staying at Hamlin," she said evenly. "But I don't suppose you might have caught anything regarding the growing rebellion?" At first, it was mention of Hamlin that caused him to blink, rarely was it mentioned in his presence, the slaughter of every man, women, and child. The stories and rumors that fallowed. Few spoke of it without disgust, or fear, let alone in his presence, then again, she was of the Dark Court, chances are, she had done her fair share of slaughter as well.

He blinks softly and tilts his head to the side, speaking with soft curiosity as he starts to take a few steps closer, ending the formality of their distance.

”What rebellion, among the people? No... they would never have the wit or the power to challenge the queens rule.” He pauses and thinks for a moment, before a small and coy smile crosses his lips. Possibly... just maybe.... the Toad has lost control of his flock?” The Frog Prince, or Toad has the piper called him. Was not a creature the piper enjoyed the presence of, drowning in his own power, corrupt and greedy. He had once held the vermin of these lands under his control. Like he did all animals, but they had left him for the Piper, a man who many of the rats and mice, viewed as a king in his own right.

Despite his humor. a cold, and dark seriousness resides in the mans deep eyes, and expression of cold Who are we going to have to kill to fix this? that anyone who knew him would know.

The setting changes from The Queen's Castle to Brogdin


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Final Death of the Moon (Death for short)
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Death opened her eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the light after they had been closed for so long. It seemed like she had been sleeping for some period of time. She hardly could remember what had happend before she fell asleep. She could only remember her dreams about torturing. About her past, her father, her siblings, her mother. How they died and how the anger had built up inside her, never able to be released. How she thought about the words of her father. How he told that she had been born to kill him and then the rest. Just because her fur had a different colour he said the things that made her. Those words still echoed in her mind, her fathers voice and himself, always telling her the same story about how different she was and what her purpose in life was. It all seemed through.

Death pushed herself up, leaning her side against a tree. Apperantly she had wonsered off and found herself a lone bare tree where she had crashed down and fallen asleep. She couldn't really remember but she didn't really care either. She had to do something else first, remembering her orders again as she finally stood, barely though. Her legs were shak. She hadn't stretched them in a while so they were a bit stiff and they hurted a bit. Pain was nothing to her though.

After stretching, eating and gathering a few Talking Animals Death was heading towards Brogdin. She had been having weird dreams about something rebelling against her Mistress and the Queen. She wanted to see if she could gather some information, pick up some rumors about it with the other three animals behind her. If she would hear any rumors about it, she would report it to her Mistress and the Queen. That was her mission for now.

Death told the three Talking Animals what to look for as theu roamed around the streets in Brogdin. She told them to listen carefully, especially in crowded places like bars or something. She made sure that they knew what to do before leaving them alone. Death was going to the Tipsy Fairy Club.

The setting changes from Brogdin to The Queen's Castle

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper. Character Portrait: Little Match Girl
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Adeen kept her gaze on the other as he stepped closer and answered with quiet curiosity. So he had not heard or seen anything about it. His path through the forest probably missed crossing any of the labor camps or the path of the black unicorn then. Piper's expression changed and he acted as if he were trying to hide eager anticipation in asking, "Possibly... just maybe... the Toad has lost control of his flock?" His eyes told of something different though. They were serious and understood that, whatever the rebellion, their expertise in killing would be needed. Adeen inclined her head in response.

"The animals," she half-agreed. Then, clearly and concisely summarized the events of the meeting. "They seem to have found a leader and are currently going to attack Goldilock's labor camps in order to free their brethren." Adeen's lip curled minutely. Not that more animals on their side would help the rebellion that much. Still, defeating them even on something as simple as an attempt to free labor camps would make their growing despair something quite delicious. She would get to And any damage to the forest would only lead back to damaging those animals' homes. Just another good thing to add to the list. "I think it will be quite entertaining to go help defeat that sad attempt at a rebellion..."

"Don't you?"

The setting changes from The Queen's Castle to Brogdin


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Snow Queen (Evelia) Character Portrait: Goldielocks Character Portrait: The Frog Prince Character Portrait: Lil' Bo Peep
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#The Queen's Castle **
Catherine walked up to the Queens chambers but was stopped by a guard. "Your highness!" She yelled as the Queen slightly turned her head. "I have news of the animal rebellion... They are..." She couldn't decide whether to lie or tell the truth. She loved her friends from the animal rebellion and didn't want them to die... But she didn't want to die either. "They are almost at the camp. We should get there as soon as possible. Those useless creatures need to be stopped, I know which area of the forest they are coming from, we can get them before they even strike." She explained. She felt so powerful, just being in the Queen's presence. She pulled on a piece of curly hair hanging by her face. She felt as though the Queen was her mother at that moment and she was just being her perfect daughter. She knows she has no other family than the Queen, so she looked at the guards by the doors and they opened the doors. "Shall we?" She said showing the way of the opened doors.

The setting changes from Brogdin to The Queen's Castle

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Frog Prince Character Portrait: Lil' Bo Peep
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#, as written by Sonata

Resting her hands upon the table, the blonde slid from her chair as the Queen concluded the meeting and started for the doors of the War Room. Her blue dress bounced along with her fat, golden curls. She resembled a little girl, but she was much older than she appeared. She stopped when she heard the low voice of The Frog Prince, it sounded like two stones grinding against each other. Her sapphire eyes rolled like two orbs to the corners of her eyes as she turned one over her shoulder to regard the putrid creature seated like a stinking bridge-troll upon the table. His title as a prince was the only thing she would agree with. A prince of frogs and toads and nothing more seemed to suit his status.

β€œAnd frogs should remain in the bog, not trouncing around claiming to be princes,” Goldilocks retorted sweetly in her child-like voice.

If the frog prince had brows in his frog form, they would be furrowed as he still managed to retain his smug smile.

β€œThe rebellion is nothing but a game. My pets have bitten the hand that feeds, and they will now be punished.”

Goldilocks marched past Peep without a word. What was the servant going on about? Did she think she was participating in the battle? The Queen had not commanded her to go.

Frosch watched Goldilocks leave and then arched a froggy brow at Peep. β€œWhat use is a chambermaid in a battle? The scum around my pool needs to be scrubbed.”

The Frog Prince hopped down from the table and with his amphibian servants springing behind him and took his leave. He uttered a deep croak and yawn. A nap was in order.

The setting changes from The Queen's Castle to Brogdin


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#, as written by Sonata
Time Skip

The scenes with the meeting of the White Order have been concluded. All White Order characters are officially White Order members. We have decided to move that SL along because it was lagging behind the other threads, and taking too long to conclude. All White Order players now know where the HQ is and should have been informed of The Talking Animal rebellion by the mouse Ro. What the White Order needs to decide is who is going to volunteer to help free the animals from Goldilocks? What the Dark Court needs to decide is who is going to go as reinforcements once the court learns of mysterious heroes appearing in the battle? (These decisions need to be made in the OOC, Collaborative Discussion thread)

The setting changes from Brogdin to Fairy Woods


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#, as written by Sonata
The Talking Animal Rebellion

The plantation was like a large, ugly stamp in the middle of the lush forest that made up the Fairy Woods. Mules were pulling plows and dogs were digging holes for chickens with their precise beaks to drop seeds in. There was plenty of food being grown by the animals on the plantation and as much as their tummies growled to savor it all, it wasn’t for them but for The Queen. Goldilocks’s plantations kept the castle’s kitchens full of food. The creatures with the lowest status on the plantation were the pigs as they were fattened and slaughtered on Matilda’s sweets. It made the ham sweet just the way the Queen liked it.

The cows were milked endlessly until their teats were sore and red, and they were forced to give up their children to be raised for beef and sometimes veal. Domestic creatures weren’t the only animals that inhabited the place. Birds and bunnies cleaned the inside, dusting the mansion with their wings and changing the sheets. Beavers worked in the kitchen, preparing all of Goldilocks’s meals and wolves, lions, and tigers prowled about the perimeter, keeping guard. The plantation was a zoo with demon and ogre overseers keeping an unforgiving whip against their backs.

A wolf guard released a howl of alarm as a black unicorn and three hundred freed animals marched onto the plantation. The animal slaves paused in weariness and confusion, and the monstrous overseers turned toward the group of beasts with raised brows.

β€œWhat the hell?” a demon hissed.

β€œBrothers and sisters!” Midnight, the black unicorn hailed. β€œDo not toil for the Gold Witch any longer. Raise your claws and hooves and join us and be free!”

The enslaved animals made no motion to listen to the majestic creature as they slowly blinked their eyes and aimlessly looked toward their overseers. The demon’s lips rolled back to present his jagged teeth. Black smoke leaked from between them as his body shook with laughter.

β€œGet back to work before I snap your spines with me whip!” the demon growled. He then pointed a black, clawed hand at the unicorn. β€œI heard of you. You’re that pesky horse, goin’ about stealin’ Ms. Locks’s pets. You gone too far. I will have your meat for dinner!”

Midnight’s nostrils flared in anger to see the animals so broken that they had given up hope. Tossing his mane, the stallion stomped his hoof and yelled, β€œHow long will you continue to sacrifice your pups, kits, calves, and piglets for this wicked queen? Ten years ago, Fantasia was a place of light, and now it has fallen into darkness. These woods are the last remains of the light that once existed. We must protect it! If you do not have the will to fight, then do not fight for yourselves but for your offspring!”

Again, the animals didn’t budge. They glanced fearfully at each other until a bovine roar sounded from the barn. The black unicorn’s ears perked in surprise to hear guttural yowls and then charging from the slaughter barn was a black bull. A golden ring was hanging from his nose and his white horns were dark with blood. His red eyes were gleaming with rage as he raised his chin defiantly and exclaimed, β€œAh’ve been waitin’ since ah was a calf for this moment!”

Snorting, the bull raked the ground with his hoof and bellowed, β€œYou wanna take me meat, then you best fight me for it!”

The bull then lowered his head and charged one of the demon overseers, impaling his backside with his horns. The demon sprang into the air with a pained screech and Midnight broke into irresistible laughter, β€œFor one, we will fight. If one wishes to be free, then he shall. Charge!”

The three hundred animals swept the plantation like a wave, swallowing the grounds and taking with it the animals that had plowed the fields. The overseers were immediately overwhelmed. The plantation hadn’t been prepared for an ambush for none had been attempted in ten years. They swept the mansion clean, destroying everything within. The attack had been simple enough.

The black bull that was to be known as Strong Horn laughed jubilantly once the plantation was in shambles. The enslaved animals were free and their hope restored. Dogs tended to the sick, doing their best to ease their wounds.

β€œWhat an easy triumph that was!” Strong Horn exclaimed.

Midnight stood on the balcony on the second floor, gazing suspiciously into the woods.

β€œToo easy,” the unicorn muttered.

It was then from the tree line, a seemingly little girl in a bright, blue dress skipped into the unicorn’s vision. The animals that were outside tending to the wounded stopped to face the woman.

β€œIt’s Goldilocks!” a cow screamed in terror. β€œShe’s come to kill us!”

The animals began barking, whimpering, and moaning in fear.

Strong Horn roared from the second floor balcony, β€œShut your yaps! Let’s hear what the little bitch has to say!”

Midnight frowned and called to Goldilocks. β€œWe have taken all of your plantations. You no longer have your animals to hide behind. They are now free. Surrender and I promise your execution will be pleasant even for the likes of you.”

Goldilocks raised a hand to her lips to stifle a giggle. She then pressed two hands to her mouth as the giggle continued to build and grow into outright laughter. She crossed her arms over her belly and bent over in shrill mirth.

Midnight’s ears folded back at the sight. The bitch was crazy.

Straightening, Goldilocks brushed a hand down her dress and cupped a golden curl in her hand. She patted it gently before she gazed up at the balcony with eyes as cold as ice. Her lips were no longer curled in amusement as she regarded the beasts that had trashed her home.

β€œLet it be known that if any of you survive that I want my mansion back to the way it was before sunrise. That is all,” Goldilocks announced. She turned back towards the woods and spoke to the shadows, β€œKill them.”

A myriad of whistles sounded from the forest as thousands of arrows were released to soar through the air like a swarm of deadly hornets.

Midnight’s ears perked as he yelled, β€œGet inside!”

He and Strong Horn then fled from the windows as arrows pierced the glass to imbed into the floor. Pained and fatal cries filled the air as the injured were murdered and those not dexterous enough became as unlucky as a porcupine. The mansion had already been filled with injured and sick and there had been too many to try and squeeze into the mansion.

Demons and giants wielding axes, swords, and clubs charged from the woods with a frightening roar, seeking to overtake the mansion.

β€œDefend the mansion! Don’t let them get inside! Move the sick and injured to the basement!” Midnight ordered as he galloped through the halls.

The setting changes from Fairy Woods to Brogdin


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#, as written by Sonata

The Tumbler

Brogdin was an entirely different culture from the kingdom of Evergreen. The kingdom had once been lively. The Prince Beyer threw parties once a week and everyone in the kingdom was invited to attendβ€”that was before his unfortunate transformation. Heinrich had made sure the Captain of the Guard kept the prince’s absence a secret. No one was to learn of his disappearance or his condition. If any word was to leak about the Evergreen throne being empty, then the darkness that shadowed the land of Tale would seek to consume the Evergreen kingdom.

The loyal servant, Heinrich, had since been on a journey, tracking the prince’s whereabouts and seeking a cure for Dark Fairy magic. A message had been sent to the surrounding kingdoms but Fantasia. He didn’t want to risk sending a carrier pigeon there for what would return may not be a pigeon but something gruesome. It was the prince of the Southern Throne who had responded, speaking of a monster that had entered his bedroom in the middle of the night. Heinrich travelled to the Southern Throne to speak with the prince in private and learned that the same dark fairy that had cursed Prince Beyer had threatened to place her curse again. The dark fairy was devoured by the monster, who then fled into the night.

Since the incident, the prince of the Southern Throne had his informants investigate the dark fairy’s background. They had learned that she had been a prostitute working for the Queen of Fantasia whose duties were to go from kingdom to kingdom corrupting the princes with her magic and morphing them into hideous beasts. The bread crumbs finally came to an end.

Heinrich, wrapped in a brown cowl, wandered the streets of Brogdin appalled by the stench and filth that caked the place. There wasn’t a clean hand in the town. Why, even the street urchins were devilsβ€”desperate to pick a pocket or risk a limb trying to steal a loaf of stale bread from a troll running a shop. The good food had been for those wealthy enough to afford it, and good food wasn’t going to be found in market stands but in special restaurants.

It was upon nearing a brothel that a prostitute standing in the doorway hailed him down.

"Lost, Handsome?" she called.

Heinrich stopped and faced the woman who was draped like a flower in layers of skirts that were teasingly split in an arch to show off her creamy thighs and the stockings that did little to veil them. Brogdin was a culture the servant wasn't accustomed to and seeing beautiful women flaunting their skin without any sign of dignity...well, he didn't think even the strongest warrior could turn the other cheek.

"I am looking for someone. More like, some thing," he replied.

The prostitute smirked and curled her fingers in a come hither gesture. "Step inside Honey. You just might find what you're looking for."

The older man hesitated, knowing full well that the harlot was trying to make some coin; but then again, she may have been right. Prostitutes had many clients and were full of information.

"All right," Heinrich agreed.

He followed the woman within the brothel known as The Tumbler. She sashayed past several characters: trolls, goblins, ogres, and dwarvesβ€”creatures he had never seen in Evergreen. There were women sitting on the beasts' knees as they roared and grunted their drunken tales.

"I'll check you in with our mistress," the prostitute told him. They weren't allowed to lure men off the streets without the mistress knowing about it. Brogdin wasn't the cleanest of towns and it wasn't the safest either.

The setting changes from Brogdin to Rebellion HQ


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#, as written by Sonata
Time Skip

The scenes with the meeting of the White Order have been concluded. All White Order characters are officially White Order members. We have decided to move that SL along because it was lagging behind the other threads, and taking too long to conclude. All White Order players now know where the HQ is and should have been informed of The Talking Animal rebellion by the mouse Ro. The White Order members are now here in the HQ having learned of The Talking Animal Rebellion. Red Riding Hood needs to make her decisions on who she would like to send to the rebellion and who to send where on special orders. The Talking Animal Rebellion plot has now begun, so the focus is on that. Once that plot has concluded, then I can write a Chapter Summary because then that will be the conclusion of the first chapter of this game.


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#, as written by Wraith
Aurora wasn't particularly comfortable. A painted nail reached up to flick something that may or may not have been a crawling creature from the more luxurious material of her hooded cloak; except she knew it was not a creature, for the lack of life energy she could sense. Dirt, then..or some equally barbaric reminder that she was well and truly out of her comfort zone. Caverns in the heart of the forest were not her idea, partiularly of a good time and she found herself faintly envying the barkeep that she had granted access to the Tumbler with her gifted token earlier. He was probably enjoying his evening more than she.

It was all Anton's fault, she'd decided. He'd known what she would run into in that pub, and that it would lead her here, to this. Which only begged the question why? She didn't particularly care for the plight of Fantasia, or its talking animals or about anything beyond her own comfort and pleasure..making a profit, and if she was lucky, landing a prince. Rebellions were entirely beyond anything that she had on her list of priorities, and yet here she was.

Was she really so desperate for access to the Queen's court that she would submit to playing wheel on a wobbly wagon fated to fall apart, if reason and logic were to be upheld? It would seem the answer was yes. At some time, and some point..their little game would lead them right to the lion's den as it were..and it might be far easier and quicker to get there as a group, than alone. So far she had made pitiful progress trying to find end him, alone.

Aurora could not help the reflexive twitch to her hands when she thought of Emanuel. It was still so hard to accept that he had slipped beyond reach to a monster's body and soul; perhaps made more so by the fact that the frog prince was so elusive. More rumored than seen, his minions more evident, at least in the circles in which she worked, than the creature himself. Sometimes even she could not believe what she knew in her heart to be true; could not believe what he had become.

Distateful as it might be, she was tied to this fledgling attempt at revolt. That did not mean, however, that she could not do what she could to mitigate its cost to her interests.

"While I appreciate the drama of huddling away in the forest to whisper enigmatically of strategy.." she murmured dryly into the gloom. "It might be of interest to some present to know that the situation of our forest companions has escalated somewhat past the bounds of what might be survivable without some measure of intervention.." It had been powerful and clear, when it came, the vision of that attack and the animals fleeing in chaos.

"The queen, it seems was expecting trouble. There are reinforcements at the camp. Big ones..with arrows.." Her fingers waggled idly to demonstrate their flight.

Aurora was no front line soldier, but there was something to be said for the tactical advantage of knowing what and how the enemy was prepared to act.

The setting changes from Rebellion HQ to Fairy Woods


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Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
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Ivory/Snow White
The Plantation

Ivory had been about to reintroduce her fist to Vivian's face when she had been interupted by Gale, one of the members of Seven. Whispering in her ear she had revealed news that started a spark of excitement deep within her. Rumour had it that something big was going down in the forest and she hadn't been invited. Well now, that just made things more entertaining, didn't it.

Without a word she had left the shop and gathered the remaining members of Seven, they wouldn't want to miss out on the show. Once everyone had been found hey had all headed to the forest, hoping to encounter whatever it was that was meant to be happening.

Along the way though, Ivory had been distracted and ended up seperated from her band of merry murderers. She had found a pond with water as still as glass, to her it was like finding an enormous mirror. She lost track of time as she gazed into the the image on the surface, not her reflection but her sister, Rose Red.

She could have stayed there for an eternity, never had the image of her sister been so strong but in the distance she could hear a disturbence and she was sure its source was what had drawn her to the forest in the first place. Hurridly she headedin the direction of the noise, only looking back once.

Soon she came across the Plantation, a place she had never been before an honestly, a place she didn't care to visit again, everything was a mess but the fact that there was what looked like a small army of demons and giants trying to get into a mansion full of animals certainly did give it at least a few points in its favour.

Smiling Ivory watched the scene just waiting to throw herself into the combat, but first she needed to decide which side to help out, it really was a tough decision. Bringing out her coin she looked at it with distaste, that would be one way to solve things but perhaps she'd wait a little longer to see what happened. After all, if one side didn't have a chance against the other then there would be nothing more thrilling than helping the underdog win.

The setting changes from Fairy Woods to Rebellion HQ


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thumbelina Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
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#, as written by Yorda
As she sat on the table next to Ro, Thumbelina tried to sooth her friend. She ran her fingers through his fur as she spoke to him. "Do not fear, Ro dear. I'm sure she'll try to save them all.. Or we shall try until we fall." It was worrying to know that their animal friends where in so much trouble. She had spent so much time with them in the forest. And poor Ro... they were his friends and family as well. The tiny girl hoped she would be able to go with the group. She was sure, weather it was by healing them or snooping around a little, that she could help free her friends.

Ro was curled up next to thumbelina like a guard dog. His head was up, eyes and ears alert for anything unusual. Even in the HQ, one could never bee too careful. It was something the still Slightly Naive Thumbelina needed to learn.. and learn quickly. Both of the little creatures looked up when Aurora spoke. She was an Odd one, in Ro's mind. Her information would be useful though. At least if it turned out to be true. New recruits, any new faces in the HQ, where always suspicious at first. However, Ro trusted Hood's judgment. "A head on assault would be folly in any case. We'll need a way to take out as many as we can as we can. As quickly and quietly as possible." Best to put off their being noticed as long as they could. Though a distraction of some sort as a smaller group crept in could also... Well, surly Red would have something planned. Ro was smart, he'd like to think so at least, but he was not a strategist.

Thumbelina didn't say much now as she listened to the others. This was a whole new world to her. She never thought things would end as they did If someone had ever told her that she would be helping a rebellion while her mother and prince where alive, that darkness would over take their happy land, the tiny girl would have thought them mad. They had to win though. They had to stop to stop this evil before more innocents were hurt.. Freeing the animals was a good start. And, as many of thumbelina's friends were animals, she couldn't think of a better place to start.
NPC's : Ro, the gray mouse scout.

The setting changes from Rebellion HQ to Brogdin


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#, as written by Wraith
Nell's Mistress was halfway down the polished, spiral stairwell that led up to the second floor of the brothel and the rooms that lined its hallways. She made a habit of a drifting patrol, usually escorted by one of the burly men she paid well for the extra security, listening for sounds of distress. They were often near indistinguishable from the sounds of pleasure, in a world as dark as Tale had become, but the woman knew her craft. And knew her girls. If there was one cardinal rule that could get a client banned from ever showing face in the Tumbler again, it was doing unwanted damage to one of Rora's girls. If the men found it uncanny that the Madam had the habit of showing up just when things might have gotten out of control, they passed it over for luck.

Aurora preferred to think of it as the result of disciplined training. Within these walls the bastard royal was ever in tune with those extra senses she honed with her mentor, and there were more times than she could count that she had seen an injury before it could occur, or the ill intent of another before he even crossed the threshold. It was one of the reasons that she insisted on the check-in process. It was so much easier to get a read on a soul's energy, or the chance of a flash of precognition when standing in their actual presence.

As she drifted down the stairs, the almost white creaminess of of the sheers of her empire waisted gown, set the perfect contrast to the sun kissed bronze of her flesh. Thin, capped sleeves almost dripped off the smoothness of her shoulders, as if in invitation for the nudge that could send them tumbling further, and the soft swell of her clevage over the plunging neckline of the gown was enough to distract even men who already had a consort on their laps. The lazy sweep of her gaze crossed the downstairs parlor and froze, when they came to rest on the servant. For an instant blood drained from her face, and fingers flutterd to her stomach. The hopefuls of Evergreen may have been nameless faces in a crowd to the prince's court, but any woman in persuit of the prize knew who Heinrich was. Gods, bloody damn. What was her doing here?

"I'll take it from here Nell.." she murmured, recovering her equilibrium in two strides. By the time she reached the foot of the stairs there was nothing to indicate that she had been surprised.

"Welcome to Brognin, stranger.." He was fairly obviously that. "If you're looking for a pleasant evening, you've certainly found yourself in the right place. You've an interest in spending time at the tables, or wish to rent a room?" A chocolate rimmed, amber gaze was fixed on his as she sought to make that connection.

What did he want?

The setting changes from Brogdin to Rebellion HQ


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Character Portrait: Baby Bear
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Lexi stopped at the entrance, flanked by two guards. The secret question was asked, and Lexi rolled her eyes. Seriously, who else could pose as her? Rolling up her sleeve to show her brand, she replied, "A no one with a hood." The guards stood aside, and Lexi walked in without another word.

Sitting at the table, Lexi waited for Red to come back in. For some reason, she had been faster than Red. Closing her eyes, Lexi thought back to the time when she trailed Hansel and Gretel from the Tipsy Fairy Pub.

Lexi had found the siblings very intriguing. Although they were brother and sister, that did not stop their love for each other. Under any other circumstances, their relationship would have been considered incest. But really, who cared? In this world of chaos, no one cared about those things anymore. Only when she was bored, would Lexi play back and forth with her words like that.

Perhaps I am going mad... Lexi mused. She'd never believed in this madness that came with the witch, but it seemed that she herself was falling under its spell.

Bored, Lexi got up and started to walk around the HQ, looking in all the cupboards, tables, and drawers. She ignored the other members of the Rebellion, and they didn't take any notice of her either.

The setting changes from Rebellion HQ to Brogdin


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Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
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#, as written by Sonata

Heinrich’s head was bowed and nervously fixed upon the floor. There was enough chatter and laughter in the brothel to mute the cries of pleasure ringing from the upper floorsβ€”or so he thought. They had become so quiet that he thought he might have been imagining them. A white figure then descended into his peripherals causing his blue eyes to raise to gaze upon the fair-skinned mistress that descended the steps like a queen. He caught his eyes darting to her cleavage and tensing in his fright, he forced his eyes to remain on her regal ones.

I’ll take it from here Nell…

Heinrich glanced to the whore who took her leave without protest, hardly bothered that her mistress decided to take her money for herself.

Welcome to Brogdin, stranger…If you're looking for a pleasant evening, you've certainly found yourself in the right place. You've an interest in spending time at the tables, or wish to rent a room?

Heinrich regarded the voluptuous woman before him, looking almost frustrated. He first took hold of his hood and lowered it to reveal the gold and silver of his hair. For being an older man, he wore his silver well.

β€œI am not here to seek a good time but to seek information, my lady. I am Heinrich, loyal servant of Prince Beyer of Evergreen, and I have been sent to find a monster that may have come to this town. It is a monster in the form of a great frog. Have you heard of such a creature since you’ve been here?” he questioned.

He refrained from telling her that the frog was his prince. Brogdin, the stoop of the dark castle, was no place to reveal such information. Why the harlot could have sold the information to the queen herself, but he didn’t think that she would make much. In fact, she would probably lose her life for knowing it.


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Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
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#, as written by Wraith
I know who you are

Aurora almost spoke the thought aloud, but the soft lines of peach lips stayed sealed in that faintly amused, welcoming curve. Her amber gaze flitted briefly to the silver touched crown. He was not an unattractive man, if of the servant class and automatically beneath her notice-save for play, if she was in the mood. His connections to Beyer, and the mention of the frog moster that he had become may just have sapped at the notion for a game that had momentarily teased. It had been some time since she had indulged, and she had not missed his appreciative look. If there was a weakness in the princess' armor, it was to the right kind of flattery, reasonably made.

She smiled. "Who is to say that both cannot be achived in reason, Heinrich.." His name all but dripped off her tongue. "There is nothing so tedious as not enjoying your work..I've made mine, my life's joy.." Not that she was talking about prostitution.

"Follow me..please..And we'll see if we can't find that knowlege you seek, over the right vintage.."

She slipped past him, the feathered touch of her fingertips just brushing at the line of his jaw, before she walked ahead of him without a backward look, assuming he would follow. The back of the dress plunged even more wickedly than the front, into a deep v that almost reached the dip of her waist, revealing a smooth expanse of naked back that was broken only by the trail of a fine trio of gem crusted chains that spanned her shoulder blades. She moved with a grace as regal as it was alluring, almost floating over the surface of the sloon as she crossed in front of the bar and indicated her need for service with little more than a shallow nod of her head.

Pausing before the entrance of what seemed to be a private lounge area of some sort, slender fingers drew back heavy curtains to reveal the gloom of a candle lit and lightly perfumed seating area.

"Please..Come in.." She extanded a palm toward the shadows with a polite smile.

"Some conversations are best had in private..I'm sure you will agree.."


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#, as written by Sonata

The older man’s blonde brows lowered just as his eyelids did to make himself look as though he were gazing through a haze. The woman’s purrs were hard to ignore even for a man of his discipline. His heart was racing within his chest as he struggled with his will. He didn’t desire the lady’s gift, but her knowledge. If she knew more than tricks, then she would win his ear.

Heinrich’s jaw tensed when her fingers brushed it and she would feel his stubble gently pricking at her tips. His eyes went to her back, his sapphire orbs rolling down her exposed skin and even after the gown had started again some inches ago, his eyes had met her bottom. She was a very attractive woman and also very young. He may have been old enough to be her uncle if not her father.

Reinforcing his walls of willpower, Heinrich followed the woman to a private lounge obscured by a curtain. She drew it back and the single candle, gleaming on the table made the mood feel very secretive. He glanced at her suspiciously before he stepped inside and took a seat. His hands went to rest on his knees as he gripped them almost anxiously. He felt angry with himself. It had been awhile since he had been with a womanβ€”he knew it, and his libido knew it. The prince had always tried to thrust women his way, but he had always refused. He just wasn’t as sexually promiscuous.

The prince…Heinrich closed his eyes as a painful memory overtook him. He was taken to the last night he would ever see Emmanuel. He was weeping in his room and Heinrich had wished to see him and try to comfort him like a father. Emmanuel had refused even his entrance, fearing his reaction. Heinrich had promised that he wouldn’t be afraidβ€”and boy did he underestimate that situation. The prince had permitted him to enter and he could faintly recall that what he saw was not a prince. It hadn’t been anything he had ever seen. It was putrid and hideous, and Heinrich had been so horrified. He wasn’t even sure if what he saw was the prince at all. Heinrich had screamed in his terror, which brought the guards running immediately. The prince had been chased from his own kingdom, and all because he had betrayed him.

Heinrich’s fists were clenched tightly in his emotional anguish. The memory had been painful, but it empowered him. It filled him with strength that no longer did he feel swayed by lust. He was here on a mission, and once the mistress returned, Heinrich stared sternly across the table, the candle light glinting in his eyes.

β€œDo not waste my time any longer. I must know if you know of this monster in which I speak. If not, then I will take my leave.”


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Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wraith
Aurora didn't need to see the man's clenched fists to know the anguish that he was enduring, she could feel it.

She could feel it all; the guilt, the pain and how it empowered him with a sense of purpose. What she didn't know was what that purpose was...and that was what she would find out; today or another, by whatever means she had at her disposal. If she was fortunate he might not even be inclined to hide what she already knew to be true, but she had her doubts. A faithful servant could not betray his lord for being the monstrosity that the prince had become.

The woman leaned back on the couch and crossed her legs, a reach made for the stem of one of the wine glass that had somehow, discretely appeared in their settling. The sheer material slid back over the toned expanse of a creamy thigh almost fully to her hip. Aurora seemed almost unaware, or careless of the fact; her amber gaze was fixed idly on the servant in front of her.

"I never waste time, Heinrich.." her smokey voice drifted over him. " they say, in my money.." Her lips curved faintly again.

"How is Beyer, anyway?" She'd make no effort to hide that she at least knew -of- him. There was no point, when she would some day have to go through the servant to get to the prince- if such a scenario were ever to present itself. "Evergreen is not what it used to be.." She touched a fingertip to her lips, teasing an escaped drop of the sweet wine onto her tongue.

"You've not touched your drink.." There was a faint reprimand in her tones. They had an agreement, of sorts, for wine and a chat. There would be no chat forthcoming without him living up to his end of the bagain. Still, she would give him just enough to ensure that he stayed. She was beginning to think she might have her uses for him, as well.

"The creature you speak of is here. A foul, hidious thing that I am sure is the cost of more than one lost soul in this black place.." Her voice hardened slightly, talking about the frog prince. "He is believed to be a minion of the Dark Queen, and is likely found where the stench is foulest, and his followers abound." Frogs.

She lifted her eyes to touch his, again. "What purpose a servant of Beyer might have in seeking out the must wonder.. Has Evergreen fallen so low as to seek alliance with the queen?"

Aurora should really be more careful with her choice of words- such attitudes to the dark court were treason, but she had never been much of a soul for playing by the rules.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonata

Heinrich’s eyes were cast down upon the table top. While she relaxed and drank, he sat upright and ready, ready to leave to be exact if he felt his time was not only wasted but presence threatened. He didn’t trust brothels. Yes, they were full of information but they were also full of treacherous women. As the mistress inquired about the prince, Heinrich said nothing. It was like a cloud had condensed in his throat and he couldn’t come up with any excuse for how the prince was doing…even he wanted to know that.

The servant was silent for awhile even as Aurora had noted the untouched wine glass. How could he indulge when the prince was suffering?

β€œNo wine for me thank youβ€”just water,” Heinrich said.

After another period of silence, the mistress finally spilled the beans. When she mentioned the monster being in Brogdin and aligned with the Dark Court, Heinrich glanced at her with eyes wide in dread. The prince was exactly where he shouldn’t be. If the wicked queen ever learned that he was actually a prince, his life would be in danger. What was he to do? He couldn’t request an audience with such a treacherous woman.

Before the wine could be removed, Heinrich took the goblet and drank the brew down in three gulps. He then lowered it and sighed heavily, his breath quivering with the fear and confusion that had ensnared him.

β€œThank you, but I must go now,” Heinrich spoke. He rose from the couch and refrained from looking the mistress in the eyes. Somehow, he would need to fix this problem, and he didn’t trust a single soul in Brogdin. He would have to seek help from outside. Perhaps the lands of the Southern Throne or to the north; anywhere but Brogdin and the lands surrounding the throne of Fantasia.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wraith

Her words were a soft spoken request, and a masked, deliberate suggestion that wrapped around his mind and had the power to blur his focus. She could feel his distress, and knew why he felt it. Though she didn't care so much that the servant was alarmed to discover that what had been Beyer was in Fantasia, she was far more so, with what he intended to do with that information. She could feel his desire to help, to save, and it fed the licking flames of a dying hope.

Aurora rose after he did, and despite the servant's effort not to look at her, was closing the distance between them. Her heat and scent might drift into his sensory awareness as her body settled against his back if he had not managed escape, and fingers lifted to trail into blonde locks where they rested at his nape.

"There are some burdens that don't have to be carried alone..Heinrich" she whispered. Her lips touched the shell of his ear.

"I know what he is.." The heat of her breath rippled along his neck. "I know who he is..." The palm that was not busy with his nape would attempt to slide around his chest to settle against his heart and linger there, her intent that he be fully molded to her body.

"I can help you find him..for a price.." For a few, long heartbeats she remained silent, then. She would not show all her cards yet, would not name the cost of her aid.

"Tell me why you want to find him Heinrich. Tell me he is not lost forever.." Her words held the focus of suggestion again, and she would hedge her bets with the dipping of her petal soft lips to his throat, and the grazing of her tongue to the skin there in a distracting torment.

"There is no help to be had..but mine.."


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonata

The servant had been in a hurry to leave but froze when slender digits splayed against the back of his head. He felt her warm palm upon the back of his neck; her fingers nestled in the small, downy curls of his hair. Heinrich closed his eyes, his brows knitted as she whispered wantonly into his ear.

I know what he is…I know who he is.

They opened then as he stared nervously at the curtain before him. The mistress coiled her arm around him. He felt her hand upon his chest and her breast like pillows against his back.

I can help you find him…for a price.

The servant frowned. Of course. What did this nameless whore know? Heinrich was no fool. This woman knew nothing of the prince’s ordeal. Heinrich recalled the dagger he had sheathed upon his hip. His hand went to discreetly rest upon its hilt as he warned, β€œWoman, I am a kind man and know not of murder, but do not force me to defend myself. I don’t need the help of a whore who dares not offer her name. The prince is well and his business with the monster is none of your concern. You have already told me of its whereabouts, and I thank you, but I must now be on my way.”

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Fairy Woods

Fairy Woods by RolePlayGateway

All that remains of a once beautiful land. The Fairy Woods are now the battlegrounds between Good & Evil. Will you fight to protect the remains of a once peaceful Fantasia?


Brogdin by Sonata

Neutral ground. A town named after its ogre of a lord, Lord Brogdin.

The Queen's Castle

The Queen's Castle by RolePlayGateway

The castle of the notorious Wicked Queen and her Dark Court.

Rebellion HQ

Rebellion HQ by RolePlayGateway

Secret hideout of The White Order.

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Character Portrait: Baby Bear
15 sightings Baby Bear played by TaniaSoulEater
"Who's been here?"

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View All » Add Character » 24 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: The Frog Prince
Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man
Character Portrait: The Final Death of the Moon (Death for short)
Character Portrait: Goldielocks
Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood
Character Portrait: Big Bad Wolf
Character Portrait: Hansel
Character Portrait: Princess Pearl (Pearl) the little mermaid
Character Portrait: The Snow Queen (Evelia)
Character Portrait: Vivan (The Faithful Maiden)
Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel)
Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
Character Portrait: Puss in Boots
Character Portrait: Little Match Girl
Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
Character Portrait: Piper.
Character Portrait: Thumbelina
Character Portrait: Lil' Bo Peep


Character Portrait: Rapunzel

Sing sweetly, little bird.

Character Portrait: Lil' Bo Peep
Lil' Bo Peep

They both think I'm on their side... But I'm making a whole new side...

Character Portrait: Thumbelina

"I'll help fight the evil!"

Character Portrait: Piper.

"Children are Vermin, I prefer rats..."

Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)

"I'll tell you this much.. They always leave happy."

Character Portrait: Little Match Girl
Little Match Girl

"You might want to close that mouth of yours before I remember that you are highly flammable."

Character Portrait: Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots

"The boots that I wear are the symbol of my sin and my lord....I shall avenge you!"

Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
Ivory "Snow White" Rose

"I'm feeling generous today so I'll give you seven choices of how you can die,"

Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel)
Gretel (Bloody Gretel)

"Together, we'll find her, kill her and bathe in her blood. Together, Hansel."

Character Portrait: Vivan (The Faithful Maiden)
Vivan (The Faithful Maiden)

Oh my dear Roland, look at what you've made me become.


Character Portrait: Piper.

"Children are Vermin, I prefer rats..."

Character Portrait: The Snow Queen (Evelia)
The Snow Queen (Evelia)

Her soul is as cold as ice.

Character Portrait: Lil' Bo Peep
Lil' Bo Peep

They both think I'm on their side... But I'm making a whole new side...

Character Portrait: The Frog Prince
The Frog Prince

"Bow to your prince..."

Character Portrait: Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots

"The boots that I wear are the symbol of my sin and my lord....I shall avenge you!"

Character Portrait: Rapunzel

Sing sweetly, little bird.

Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel)
Gretel (Bloody Gretel)

"Together, we'll find her, kill her and bathe in her blood. Together, Hansel."

Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man
The Gingerbread Man

"Run, run, as fast as you can, you can't escape me, I'm The Gingerbread Man!"

Character Portrait: Big Bad Wolf
Big Bad Wolf

"how can you say such a thing to me? I'm harmless...and innocent"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Big Bad Wolf
Big Bad Wolf

"how can you say such a thing to me? I'm harmless...and innocent"

Character Portrait: Little Match Girl
Little Match Girl

"You might want to close that mouth of yours before I remember that you are highly flammable."

Character Portrait: Thumbelina

"I'll help fight the evil!"

Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)

"I'll tell you this much.. They always leave happy."

Character Portrait: Rapunzel

Sing sweetly, little bird.

Character Portrait: Goldielocks

I promise not to hurt you.

Character Portrait: Lil' Bo Peep
Lil' Bo Peep

They both think I'm on their side... But I'm making a whole new side...

Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel)
Gretel (Bloody Gretel)

"Together, we'll find her, kill her and bathe in her blood. Together, Hansel."

Character Portrait: Vivan (The Faithful Maiden)
Vivan (The Faithful Maiden)

Oh my dear Roland, look at what you've made me become.

Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood

Just call me Red. It's easier.

View All » Places

Fairy Woods

Fairy Woods by RolePlayGateway

All that remains of a once beautiful land. The Fairy Woods are now the battlegrounds between Good & Evil. Will you fight to protect the remains of a once peaceful Fantasia?


Brogdin by Sonata

Neutral ground. A town named after its ogre of a lord, Lord Brogdin.

The Queen's Castle

The Queen's Castle by RolePlayGateway

The castle of the notorious Wicked Queen and her Dark Court.

Rebellion HQ

Rebellion HQ by RolePlayGateway

Secret hideout of The White Order.

Fairy Woods

Fairy Woods Owner: RolePlayGateway

All that remains of a once beautiful land. The Fairy Woods are now the battlegrounds between Good & Evil. Will you fight to protect the remains of a once peaceful Fantasia?


Neutral ground. A town named after its ogre of a lord, Lord Brogdin.

Rebellion HQ

Rebellion HQ Owner: RolePlayGateway

Secret hideout of The White Order.

The Queen's Castle

The Queen's Castle Owner: RolePlayGateway

The castle of the notorious Wicked Queen and her Dark Court.

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