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Dark Tale

Dark Tale


If you like dark and twisted fairy tales, then this just may be the game for you.

4,559 readers have visited Dark Tale since Sonata created it.


A Dark Tale


We're accepting characters. You simply take a character from an existing story from any of the three below and you give them a dark twist! This is a dark fantasy game. It's not supposed to be pretty. So if the current and open roles don't catch your fancy, then it's up to you to bring your dark creation to this game.

Once upon a time in a land far, far away, there existed a realm by the name of Fantasia. The forests were green, the rivers were crystal, and all sorts of flora and fauna lived in harmony. There were creatures one might have dreamt of or read about in storybooks; and in this land, no tale was ever wrong. In this land, fairytales were real.

There were princes and angel-haired damsels, trolls, goblins, ogres, and demonsβ€”fairies, dwarves, and talking animals and trees. They all existed here. But alas as most tales go, the stories are not always peaceful.

One day, the king and queen of Fantasia discovered a complication. The queen was sterile and the king desired a heir. Although loving his wife more than anything, he was slowly giving in to the suggestions from his adviser to divorce her. A maidservant happened to overhear the discussion amongst the king and his adviser and quickly relayed the news to the queen. Fearful and distraught, the queen called for the most powerful being in all the land unaware that her wish would change Fantasia for several years.

A witch came to the queen with the solution she sought. In a vial, the witch carried a bloody serum that within it held a black seed. She said to the queen that the seed would give her a child and that her king would love her again, but unknowingly to her, the seed was far from normal. Desperately, the queen took the vial and sent the witch away. In just a few days, the queen became round and plump with a child. The king was overjoyed and all of Fantasia celebrated.

As days passed into weeks, to the king’s horror, the queen would not stop growing and soon was crazed and bedridden. The queens condition was kept in tight secrecy from the rest of the kingdom, and any that dare speak of the situation were either killed or disappeared.

One night, the queen was found dead, her belly torn open as though something had clawed its way out. The king was found murdered, and striding back into the castle was the witch, taking the throne of Fantasia as queen. All the creatures of the land were left in ignorance to what had happened that night. Rumors say the queen gave birth to a monster that was now controlled by the new queen. Whatever the story be, Fantasia was no longer the same again.

There was a new monarch that cast her dark hand across the kingdom, destroying or enslaving those who wished to oppose her. Fantasia quickly morphed from a land of milk and honey to a land corrupted by sin.

The Main Plot – The Run Down

There are two main factions that exist in this role play: The White Order a.k.a. The Rebellion and The Dark Court a.k.a. The Queen's Legion. You will plot your character’s story around those factions. As for neutrals, I am only allowing three neutral slots in order to avoid there being more neutral characters than there are characters in either faction. So the three neutral slots are first-come first-serve and the characters that wish to be neutral must have profiles that pass the profile process. If they don’t, then the slots will be open.

In this RP, players will be secretly plotting against other players. Depending on how sides team up against each other will determine if this RP has a β€œhappily ever after” or not. So understand that your characters are capable of making serious mistakes that can lead to the advantage of the other team. Understand that this is just a game, and you shouldn't hate the players that are against you. We're all here to have fun.


The only kinds of characters permitted in this game are characters from: Grimm Fairy Tales, Hans Christian Andersen, and Nursery Rhymes. No other characters are allowed. You can Google these fairytales to get ideas for a character that is not currently listed. The characters listed below must be role played as their gender. I will not allow for there to be a male red riding hood. If they were female in the fairy tales, then they must be female. If they were male in the fairy tales, then they must be male. If the character's sex is undetermined, then choose a gender for him or her. Some of the characters below have set jobs and positions already, so any characters that aren’t listed below that you decide to make, you must run their job by me.

You are allowed to portray the characters however way you like. Characters that are animals do not have to appear anthropomorphic or straight up quadruped. They can be human with animal features. Go crazy with the background history, but to enhance interaction, try to form histories around enemies or other characters. Please avoid dictating another character’s life. If you Rp a character that originally was paired in a fairy tale with another, if a player ever decides to join as that character, I doubt he or she will want to RP what you dictated happened to them. So please write a history focused ONLY on the character you’re playing. That way if another character joins that is related to the fairytale your character is from, THEN you can rewrite the background to fit them in.

Yes, you are allowed to role play a character that will eventually become good or a character that will eventually become bad.

If someone chooses the role that you wanted, you are allowed to compete against them for the slot. If you post a much more creative profile than the person who currently plays the role you desire, then chances are you'll get that role.

The Queen’s Legion - The Dark Court
Roles with stars next to them are very important roles that the game can't start without.
???????? [GM-Run] – The Queen’s mysterious secret weapon. It is the monster that had been born from the previous queen.
***The Wicked Queen (The Witch) – GM-run – Leader – the queen is wise in the art of potions and spells. Magic is her forte as well as her best weapon. She is a clever and devious leader who is not to be taken lightly even by her own subjects. A player wishing to take on this role must be confident in his or her ability to play an evil ruler and LEAD. This role is very important. [Co-GM - by choosing this role the player becomes a Co-GM in this game.]
***The Wolf a.k.a. The Big Bad Wolf – Open – Elite/Strategist – The Master of Disguise.
Goldilocks – GM-run/But open for claim – Elite – Mistress and enslaver of all talking animals. She hates bears especially.
The Frog Prince - Taken - Elite - One of the Dark Elite, he is a foul-smelling champion, and one of the Queen's most dangerous knights. You do not want to be on this villain's menu.
The Little Match Girl - Open - Hitman - She's not so little anymore.
Piper -Open - Hitman - Be sure to always pay the piper.
Lil Bo' Peep - Taken - Chambermaid/Informant - Her sheep wasn't the only thing she lost.
The Dark Court Morale: 3
These are just a list of characters you can choose from out-right. There are still many characters you can think up to be either apart of the Dark Court or the White Order.

NPC Evil Subjects

The Three Little Pigs – Three piggy lords that run a smuggling business. They live in a grand mansion in Brogdin where they plot the next trade. They are fat and wealthy piglets that love to make money and also love to roll in their greed. They are pigs after all. They work under The Wolf.
The Muffin Man – The Muffin Man? Who lives on Dreary Lane? Yes, The Muffin Man. He assists the evil queen by baking her giant Gingerbread Men or otherwise known as Golems. They range in sizes from giant to tiny, ginger dolls. These creations are only out for one thing: blood.
Matilda – The queen’s cousin. Hansel and Gretel would remember her best. She is the old woman that lives in a house of desirable sweets. You don’t want to eat her desserts or you’ll never be able to stop. She loves rounding up fat little boys and girls to bake into delicious cookies. She is a cannibal. Don’t let her sweet and frail nature fool you, she is quite lethal and very frightening. Thought to had been killed long ago, the witch has returned thanks to her cousin’s rise to power.
Trolls, Goblins, Gargoyles, Demons and Gnomes – They are the typical henchmen of the queen. They can be found as soldiers, scouts, guards, etc.

The Rebellion - The White Order
Roles with stars next to them are very important roles that the game can't start without.
***Little Red Riding Hood – Taken – Leader – Perhaps no longer β€œlittle.” She is the creator and leader of The White Order. A once innocent little girl gone dangerous, she swears revenge on The Wolf. A player choosing to RP this character must be confident in their ability to lead. This is a very important role. [Co-GM - by choosing this role the player becomes a Co-GM in this game.]
Baby Bear – Taken – Second-in-Command - One of the three bears, whatever happened to her parents? No longer a cub, the bear has grown up and swears revenge on Goldilocks.
Hansel – Open – Warrior - A long time ago, he and his sister escaped the clutches of Matilda. It was thanks to his sister that he wasn’t trapped under her spell.
Gretel – Taken – Warrior – A long time ago, she and her brother escaped the clutches of Matilda. She freed her brother from Matilda’s clutches and swore they had killed her long ago.
Puss in Boots – Open – Strategist – He’s not just your average cat.
The Gingerbread Man - Taken - Interrogator - An escaped, failed experiment of the dreaded Muffin Man.
Aurora - Taken - Informant - A princess deprived of her right, swearing to regain her royalty again.
Thumbelina - Taken - Healer - A tiny woman with a great power.
The White Order Morale: 6
This list can grow if players come up with new characters. This is the case for the Dark Court and The White Order

NPC Allies of the Rebellions

Talking Animals – These fable creatures are usually enslaved. Animals used to talk, but ever since the rise of the new queen, they have become afraid to. The animals aren’t stupid. They are smart and hear better than you think.
More can be added as the story progresses

[only three characters allowed here]
Snow White - Taken - Boss Woman - She is the leader of the band of murderers known as Seven. She is a tough woman and quite the dangerous dealer.
The Faithful Maiden - Taken - Information broker with a wicked wand and undying obsession over her lover Roland.
Rapunzel - Taken - A lovely maiden trapped in a tower and awaiting rescue.

The Character Code
Code: Select all
[b]Alias[/b]: (as in what fairy tale character)
[b]Age[/b]:  (if applicable)
[b]Basic Appearance[/b]: (pic and brief description if pic doesn't summarize)
[b]Psychological Disorder(s)[/b]: (any quirks or disorders go here)
[b]Background[/b]: (I expect a brief dark story here lol)
[b]Partner[/b]: (if your character comes from a story where he or she is usually with another or whoever you choose as a partner can go here. If no one, then no one.)
[b]Current Story[/b]: (What is he or she doing now or where is he or she?)
[b]Weaponry[/b]: (If he or she carries anything and it can also be natural weaponry such as teeth or claws)
[b]Powers[/b] (I’ll be checking these. I want everyone to at least be sensible with their powers. You can have as many as you think is logical for your character.)

Active Characters
Frosch - The Frog Prince/The Dark Court - Sonata
Red - Red Riding Hood/The White Order - HitoriRaven
The Gingerbread Man - The Gingerbread Man/The White Order - Sonata
Baby Bear - Baby Bear/The White Order - TaniaSoulEater
Vivan - The Faithful Maiden/Neutral - Me_and_I
Ivory Rose - Snow White/Neutral - Orbweaver
Aurora - The Princess and The Pea/The White Order - Wraith
Thumbelina - Thumbelina/The White Order - Yorda
Peep - Lil Bo Peep/The Dark Court - hanybanany
Rapunzel - Rapunzel/Neutral - quizzicallyquixotic
Gretel - Gretel/The White Order - Bashie L. Craft
Death - Talking Animal/The Dark Court - tornadofan2

Inactive Characters
Goldilocks - Goldilocks/The Dark Court - Saken
Princess Pearl - Little Mermaid/Neutral - spirit_is_shining
The Snow Queen - The Wicked Queen/The Dark Court - omigosh01
Big Bad Wolf - The Wolf/The Dark Court - blackwolf
Hansel - Hansel/The White Order - showers in april
Sir Rowan Marquis - Puss in Boots/The White Order - blueAsher
Adeen - The Little Match Girl/The Dark Court - StormtheCastle
Piper - The Pied Piper of Hamlin/The Dark Court - The Loonybin

Current Places

Queen's Castle
Rebellion HQ

Common questions that were asked by players will be listed here.

3/8/2012: Prince Charming - If you RP a handsome prince, then chances are he's a Prince Charming. Prince Charming couldn't be denoted as one character to embody them all because many stories have them. A Prince Charming is a handsome prince, whose bad-assery is powerful enough to compete with the Wicked Queen. Thus, she may have several plots cooked up to assassinate/be-rid of all the handsome princes in Fantasia. There won't be too many Prince Charmings since we need to get the main roles filled, but if you desire to play one, let me know from what story.

3/8/2012: The Four Elite Generals of the Dark Court - There exist four elite generals of the Dark Court: The Wolf, The Frog Prince, Goldilocks, and blank. The generals are very powerful and not to be taken alone, so be mindful when confronting them.


3/18/2012: Nursery Rhyme Characters - I've learned that not many people know anything about Grimm or Hans Christian Anderson besides Disney, so I'm allowing characters from Nursery Rhymes.

Toggle Rules


1. OOC will remain in the OOC thread. That is what the OOC is made for so please do not post OOC bubbles in the IC. If you’re going somewhere or are trying to talk to someone specifically, PM them or use the OOC thread. Thanks.
2. Do not auto-hit another player’s character. There is a correct way to attack the character of another player and that is to write the action as an intention. Meaning it hasn’t happened yet, but depending on the other players response, it can happen. Example: Bob swings his fist at Jay’s jaw. In that statement, the action was never confirmed to have happened. The intention is just there.
3. What I say goes. I try to be as fair as possible, if you’re trying to ask a favor of me that I say β€œNo” to, then please respect that it’s no. Do not argue with me. No is no.
4. Interaction. Do not join this RP if you do not plan on interacting with other players. I will not allow tea parties. Tea parties are when two players constantly post to one another and ignore everyone else. This RP kind of makes interaction very impossible. I don’t see why a tea party would start up when your characters are all working together. If your characters are separated from the group, then that is fine. I’m sure you know what I mean by tea parties anyway, so I’m not going to drawl this explanation on.
5. Do not control another player’s character.
6. Post at least 200 words. This isn’t a lot. I just do not like one-lining. So please try and meet the 200 words minimum.
7. Communication. This is what makes RPs last a long time. If you disappear please be courteous to let us know in the OOC. I can make adjustments to the RP this way. If you quit, then please say you’re leaving. But once you quit, please refrain from talking in the OOC. Once you are gone, you are gone. The OOC is for players involved in this storyline. If you plan to go away for long periods such as vacation, funeral, etc. You don't have to tell me exactly what's going on because that's you're business, but let me know how long you're going to be gone.
8. Have fun. Please write enough so that we can appreciate your character. I am very lenient with this RP, but please don’t give me a reason to be strict. Use spell check, read over your posts, and don’t post for the hell of it. If no one has posted yet, then don’t just post to post because it makes you feel accomplished. That is clutter. Do not clutter up the RP. At the end of the day, when people get out of classes or off work, they want to come online and find something worth reading. Just go find something to do until someone posts a reply.

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in

Fairy Woods

Fairy Woods by RolePlayGateway

All that remains of a once beautiful land. The Fairy Woods are now the battlegrounds between Good & Evil. Will you fight to protect the remains of a once peaceful Fantasia?


Brogdin by Sonata

Neutral ground. A town named after its ogre of a lord, Lord Brogdin.

The Queen's Castle

The Queen's Castle by RolePlayGateway

The castle of the notorious Wicked Queen and her Dark Court.

Rebellion HQ

Rebellion HQ by RolePlayGateway

Secret hideout of The White Order.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 19 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sonata
The Gingerbread Man's black licorice brows lifted when the mysterious woman with skin as white as porcelain cupped the sides of his face and hefted his head off the ground to set it within her lap. He closed his eyes as she brushed crumbs from his face, and then opened them again when she ceased.

The assassin gave her a lopsided grin of candy corn teeth. He was flattered by her compliments. He didn't get them often for people were usually confused or frightened by his looks. When she mentioned the word mayhem, he swore his candy-coated heart started melting. Was this love?

"You know, I was once a man," Gingie informed on a low, flirty air. "If you ever want a piece of me babe, you just open your mouth and say 'Ah.'"

He winked at her before his brows shot upwards again when the woman revealed her identity.

"Snow White? The leader of Seven?" he queried in shock. Back when he wore flesh, he had heard of her gang. He couldn't dodge the rumors even if he tried. In the crime world, she was infamous, but if Tale had been the same, she would be a hero.

Gingie felt like he had candy hearts in his eyes. This was a fated meeting. It was love. She was not only dark and beautiful but violent.

"I'm here with some friends and we're trying to save the animals. I took on Goldilocks by accident and the bitch filleted me. If you can kill any soldier that looks like the ass end of a goblin with a bad case of hemorrhoids, then we'd appreciate that. I'm sure the animals would too. I won't be of much use to you unless you got some candy on you. My body is behind enemy lines, and if I had some sort of sugary substance..." A bit of caramel drool leaked from his mouth just by mentioning sweets, "Then I can pull myself back together. I mean real candy! Not that Le bon bon shit! If not, just keep me close by. I'll watch your back."

He’d watch more than that.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
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0.00 INK

Ivory/Snow White
The Plantation

"Well now, we simply can't let those poor defenseless animals be manipulated by that vulger little girl now can we? It simply won't do," said Ivory girlishly before changing to a more suggestive tone, "Besides, if anyone's going to do any domination around here then it's going to be me."

Smiling seductively at the gingerbread head she set about searching the folds of her dress.

"Oh my, how very forward of you," she said, "We've barely met and you're already asking me for a little sugar. I don't even know your name. What would my mother think of me?"

At last she found it, the toffee apple that Argilla had given her on the way to the forest, it was so sweet how each member of Seven always tried to gain her favour. Apples were her favorite and having them candied made them even better, she had been saving it but perhaps it would prove to be more useful for her new...friend. He'd certainly be more entertaining if he had his entire body rather than just a head.

"Do you think this will do?" she asked, tracing a finger down his cheeks and showing him the apple, "You know, there's a lot of symbolism behind the sharing of an apple, people might begin to talk about us."

Inwardly I vory smiled to herself. She hadn't even begun fighting and she was already having fun. Certainly her gingerbread companion was proving to be a fortunate discovery indeed.

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Add Setting » 4 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Fairy Woods

Fairy Woods by RolePlayGateway

All that remains of a once beautiful land. The Fairy Woods are now the battlegrounds between Good & Evil. Will you fight to protect the remains of a once peaceful Fantasia?


Brogdin by Sonata

Neutral ground. A town named after its ogre of a lord, Lord Brogdin.

The Queen's Castle

The Queen's Castle by RolePlayGateway

The castle of the notorious Wicked Queen and her Dark Court.

Rebellion HQ

Rebellion HQ by RolePlayGateway

Secret hideout of The White Order.

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


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Character Portrait: Baby Bear
15 sightings Baby Bear played by TaniaSoulEater
"Who's been here?"

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Dark Tale. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 24 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: The Frog Prince
Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man
Character Portrait: The Final Death of the Moon (Death for short)
Character Portrait: Goldielocks
Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood
Character Portrait: Big Bad Wolf
Character Portrait: Hansel
Character Portrait: Princess Pearl (Pearl) the little mermaid
Character Portrait: The Snow Queen (Evelia)
Character Portrait: Vivan (The Faithful Maiden)
Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel)
Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
Character Portrait: Puss in Boots
Character Portrait: Little Match Girl
Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
Character Portrait: Piper.
Character Portrait: Thumbelina
Character Portrait: Lil' Bo Peep


Character Portrait: Rapunzel

Sing sweetly, little bird.

Character Portrait: Lil' Bo Peep
Lil' Bo Peep

They both think I'm on their side... But I'm making a whole new side...

Character Portrait: Thumbelina

"I'll help fight the evil!"

Character Portrait: Piper.

"Children are Vermin, I prefer rats..."

Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)

"I'll tell you this much.. They always leave happy."

Character Portrait: Little Match Girl
Little Match Girl

"You might want to close that mouth of yours before I remember that you are highly flammable."

Character Portrait: Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots

"The boots that I wear are the symbol of my sin and my lord....I shall avenge you!"

Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
Ivory "Snow White" Rose

"I'm feeling generous today so I'll give you seven choices of how you can die,"

Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel)
Gretel (Bloody Gretel)

"Together, we'll find her, kill her and bathe in her blood. Together, Hansel."

Character Portrait: Vivan (The Faithful Maiden)
Vivan (The Faithful Maiden)

Oh my dear Roland, look at what you've made me become.


Character Portrait: Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood

Just call me Red. It's easier.

Character Portrait: Little Match Girl
Little Match Girl

"You might want to close that mouth of yours before I remember that you are highly flammable."

Character Portrait: Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots

"The boots that I wear are the symbol of my sin and my lord....I shall avenge you!"

Character Portrait: Rapunzel

Sing sweetly, little bird.

Character Portrait: Lil' Bo Peep
Lil' Bo Peep

They both think I'm on their side... But I'm making a whole new side...

Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
Ivory "Snow White" Rose

"I'm feeling generous today so I'll give you seven choices of how you can die,"

Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)

"I'll tell you this much.. They always leave happy."

Character Portrait: Thumbelina

"I'll help fight the evil!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: The Gingerbread Man
The Gingerbread Man

"Run, run, as fast as you can, you can't escape me, I'm The Gingerbread Man!"

Character Portrait: Lil' Bo Peep
Lil' Bo Peep

They both think I'm on their side... But I'm making a whole new side...

Character Portrait: Ivory "Snow White" Rose
Ivory "Snow White" Rose

"I'm feeling generous today so I'll give you seven choices of how you can die,"

Character Portrait: Big Bad Wolf
Big Bad Wolf

"how can you say such a thing to me? I'm harmless...and innocent"

Character Portrait: Goldielocks

I promise not to hurt you.

Character Portrait: Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots

"The boots that I wear are the symbol of my sin and my lord....I shall avenge you!"

Character Portrait: Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)
Aurora (A Not So Real Princess)

"I'll tell you this much.. They always leave happy."

Character Portrait: Vivan (The Faithful Maiden)
Vivan (The Faithful Maiden)

Oh my dear Roland, look at what you've made me become.

Character Portrait: Gretel (Bloody Gretel)
Gretel (Bloody Gretel)

"Together, we'll find her, kill her and bathe in her blood. Together, Hansel."

View All » Places

Fairy Woods

Fairy Woods by RolePlayGateway

All that remains of a once beautiful land. The Fairy Woods are now the battlegrounds between Good & Evil. Will you fight to protect the remains of a once peaceful Fantasia?


Brogdin by Sonata

Neutral ground. A town named after its ogre of a lord, Lord Brogdin.

The Queen's Castle

The Queen's Castle by RolePlayGateway

The castle of the notorious Wicked Queen and her Dark Court.

Rebellion HQ

Rebellion HQ by RolePlayGateway

Secret hideout of The White Order.

Fairy Woods

Fairy Woods Owner: RolePlayGateway

All that remains of a once beautiful land. The Fairy Woods are now the battlegrounds between Good & Evil. Will you fight to protect the remains of a once peaceful Fantasia?


Neutral ground. A town named after its ogre of a lord, Lord Brogdin.

Rebellion HQ

Rebellion HQ Owner: RolePlayGateway

Secret hideout of The White Order.

The Queen's Castle

The Queen's Castle Owner: RolePlayGateway

The castle of the notorious Wicked Queen and her Dark Court.

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