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Lenore Sullivan

"The hardest question to answer, I find, is 'who are you?'"

0 · 205 views · located in River Lake | Fictional USA

a character in “Delilah's Gourmet: Blood and Pastries”, originally authored by Dynamite, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Lenore Sullivan's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Markovic Character Portrait: Arya Character Portrait: Arianrhod Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Virgil Solomon Character Portrait: Ephraim Solomon
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“Once more into the flames.”

Evading the squad sent by the Court had not been easy, but she’d done it. It had been Lenore’s turn to throw off the pursuit of her coven this time, and it was a duty which she took very seriously, using decoy vials of the members’ blood to create a false trail, manufacturing paperwork and airline tickets, and so on. The goal wasn’t to make the Court’s agents think anything in particular, only to obscure the truth with alternative possibilities. They would be found eventually—they were always found. What mattered was that it wasn’t so soon that they would have no time to recover. Perhaps this time, they would even be able to settle for a few decades or so. It was unwise to remain in one area for more than ten or fifteen years, because eventually it became impossible to hide that they were not aging, but lately, the Court had been finding them even sooner than that.

It wasn’t that they couldn’t handle a truly nomadic life, only that it was hardly a life at all. Sometimes, she did not understand why Ephraim did not simply choose to stand and fight them—it was well within their capabilities to do so. The Court would have to mobilize more of its resources than it should be wiling to risk to pose a threat to the twins, and even then… it was hard to say what the result would be. That was probably why he never pushed it; he had no interest in knowing, not when it could get one of the others killed.

He was really quite a bit kinder than he generally gave himself credit for. Lenore released a breath, straightening her shirt absently. She wasn’t exactly in formal festival attire, or at least not compared to some of those humans she’d seen so far, but the jeans, leather jacket, and red shirt were not inappropriate for the setting, either, so it would do. She needed to find Ephraim and Virgil eventually, and make her report, but right now, she would be quite contented if she could simply see any of them. It had been a good two months since they’d parted ways, and she found no shame in admitting that she’d missed them.

The town was still wholly unfamiliar to her, so Lenore simply wandered, picking up occasionally the scent of this or that Coven member—Ari and Morgan seemed to be the closest, but so was a peculiar human scent, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to interfere with… whatever was going on. She couldn’t tell from just the smells alone. Ephraim was further off, but she tracked him anyway, because Virgil and Arya were further still. The tall woman wound her way through the crowd with a sort of easy grace that she’d had even as a human, but refined simply by observing Virgil—he could touch everyone or nobody in a crowd as he moved past, depending on what he wanted, though she erred always on the side of decorum, slipping past those who stood or strolled with the ease of a fish in a river. What on earth was Ephraim doing around so many people? He hated people, generally speaking. There was another strange human-smell around as well, and she caught sight of his retreating back over the heads of the crowd, a human woman walking in parallel.

An intended victim, perhaps? It was most unlike him to select one from a crowded place such as this—Ephraim preferred a bit more of a physical challenge when possible, and tended to go after hunters or those hiking, making their injuries easily ascribable to accidents. This was not his method, so she was left to conclude that perhaps he was here for another reason. Blinking, she shook her head and decided to leave that alone for now. He would doubtless have detected her presence by now, and she would leave him to make his own decisions about what to do about that.

Turning instead to a vendor, she ordered a cup of tea, scrunching her nose faintly when what she received was a teabag in hot water, but she would drink it all the same. Waste was not something she liked, however inconsequential the matter. Wrapping her hands about the paper cup it came in, Lenore picked a spot against the side of one of the stalls and leaned comfortably, embracing the opportunity for a small respite. Like any of her kind would, she gained substantial attention for her mere presence, but she was used to ignoring such things by this point. Humans were naturally curious, and their aesthetics were generally similar—vampires had adapted to that. This fact was neither here nor there, really. She was a little curious herself, honestly, particularly about these odd scents she was picking up. The woman with Ephraim had one, as did someone—a male, she thought—near Ari and Morgan. Virgil was at least in the vicinity of another, probably much more overt about his interest in such a smell than she would ever be, and there was yet one more, wandering seemingly without aim through the shifting mass of the crowd somewhere nearby.

How very peculiar.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Liam Breville Character Portrait: Lenore Sullivan
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"Life... it never ceases to confuse me. How wonderful..."

There was another splatter of color upon the evening sky. The Festival continued on with vibrancy. He rather find that normal, although, he found it odd the Sheriff allowed it. Well, there was the concern about the murder. That overbearing man who had issues with peace and order, but mainly, with his employer. In truth, he could hardly care about the past which connected the two. Yet, he was dragged into it at one point when that Sheriff considered him a threat or something. He really ought to question the man's though process, but that would be a waste of time and breath on his part. Still, he would commend the man for being a reliable protector of justice. There is nothing he could say against that.

In any case, he sifted through his thoughts as he walked among the crowd. He was rather noticeable with the red umbrella he held. Thus, people did not only second-look at him they did multiple times. Well, he could tuck it away. However, he had done this purposely to have people create a visible distance from him in an effort to dodge the umbrella he held. Just like that, he continued to look for any familiar faces in the crowd, and by that, he means his bakery compatriots. Knowing them, they would be "enjoying" this event separately. There was no problem about that, but it does make locating them a bit harder. Not to mention, the townspeople who thinks that he was a sociable person would start meaningless conversation with him.

As such, he was in that kind of situation again. People should just let him be. Did it not occur to them that he was busy? Well, he shouldn't have those high expectations about them. It was then from the corner of his eye did he notice someone. Long black hair gently fluttering to the light breeze passing through. Carmine orange eyes steadily gazed at him. He was certain this person... this girl was looking at him. Their eyes met much like a magnet to metal. Among the people who continued to walk passed by, he did not understand why he had this faint notion, that he singled out that girl without difficulty. As if, there was an unknown force propelling him to find her.

Then, a smile decorated the mystery girl's lips. She seemed to be saying something. But, he couldn't hear it due to the clear distance between them. Still, he seemed to read her lips. "Hello Liam, found you." This statement widened his eyes. He was surprised about the implication of those simple words. Yet, he was snapped from his daze when someone patted his shoulder. His eyes naturally turned to look at the one who did. Ah... yes, he was having a talk with this woman. She was asking if he had time to accompany her. The said woman looked at her with concern. He probably looked out of it. As such, he released a sigh and then looked at the direction where he saw that hauntingly unknown girl. But, there was no one there, not even a trace. From that point, he felt in some kind of cheap thriller movie.

Well, he returned his attention to the woman requesting his companionship. "Sorry, I have something to do. May be, next time." With that, he went on his way without looking back. His thoughts filled with that bizarre encounter. That girl knew him and apparently was looking for him. Was she sent by his relative? This was truly confusing to him. He needed a moment to gather his wits, and process the bits of information entering his brain. It was then he took noticed of a stall selling some tea. Well, it would be good to have something warm in his system. It might also help him think. Without further ado, he approached the stall and ordered a cup of tea. The man beamed at him and noted that he had not been at town. Ah yes, there it was again. Every one knew almost every one here.

"Ah, yeah. Some business to tend to." Liam stated with nonchalance. He really did not like being prodded more than that. Thus, he took the tea he ordered and simply went on his way. Of course, he did not leave without a simple gesture of goodbye which was a nod of the head. Unfortunately, it did not take long for him to have another encounter. Some children ran through the streets as if it was a vacant playground. He stepped aside to avoid the rushing children, but there was yet another one incoming to his current direction. This one, he did not count on. It then happened. He was pushed to the side as the small body hit his frame which made him collide to another person. The tea he held was now but a steaming memory as it fell on the ground and even some were on his clothes. Well, it was hot. He would admit that, not openly though.

The kids apologized profusely as he narrowed his eyes in annoyance and, "Don't run in crowded places." After stating that, he gestured the kids to leave. Well, he can't truly blame them that much. Those children must be excited about the festival in all. He could remember how dazzled Calleigh was at his first Festival which was the complete opposite of Sasha. It was then he addressed the person he had collided with. It was a woman with black hair and grey eyes. Her face was unfamiliar to him. This means she was not from around here. It was not strange, she must be a tourist or something along those lines. "Sorry about that. Did you get hurt?" Liam inquired with a hint of concern tinting his tone. He should lecture those children later. It would be fine if it was just him involved. But, there was another and someone not from this town as well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Virgil Solomon Character Portrait: Ephraim Solomon Character Portrait: Senka Nero Character Portrait: Calleigh Hollins Character Portrait: Liam Breville Character Portrait: Lenore Sullivan
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“If I am to be a prince, we both know what that makes you, do we not?”

Virgil had decided that he liked the sound of her voice—it had something faintly musical about it, none of that high-pitched, whining nonsense that came out of some people he’d met. An unfortunately-high proportion, if he were to think about it any more than he already had—but he wouldn’t. He was having far too much fun to spend much extra time considering things that didn’t merit his attention anyway. The girl had decided to use his first name, and had of course naturally requested that he eschew the formality in her case as well. Such were the common manners of the day, of course.

He was well-aware that he came across as a bit… archaic, but that was simply one more part of the persona he’d assumed. It certainly wasn’t the only one he had; Virgil wore faces like other men wore shirts: for exactly as long as it was convenient and comfortable to do so, after which point he would shed them for new ones that better suited his designs. This one was as close to what he’d used to be as he ever got anymore, and that was because only a minimum of acting was really necessary around the members of his dysfunctional little “family.” Even humans didn’t require guises particularly exotic—it was enough for him to lay on the manners and the charm, and that was as he preferred things.

She really was a little darling, wasn’t she? Precious, in all honesty, and such an unusual thing, with the light pink tinge to her face and the completely oblivious earnestness to her words. He could have easily given things a very different tone by turning on the various and sundry interpretations of service and ‘good times,’ but it would rather defeat his purpose. He wasn’t a vulgar man unless he had to be. There was a line between this and sensuality that was to be walked, and he spent most of his life balancing on the wire suspended between them. More fun to be had that way.

“I assure you, Calleigh, I will be quite fine,” Her concern for his condition was amusing in its own right, given how little he had cause to notice the temperature around him, but of course, he did not expand the explanation to its full breadth. There was something to be said for having secrets, and simply refusing to invite questions in the first place.

As for his speech patterns… well, there was a reason he chose to use them when he could very well use more modern parlance. There was a certain elegance missing from the recent couple of centuries, and Virgil considered this a genuine and disturbing loss. He felt no particular compulsion to be forced into a certain kind of behavior by the temporal situation, and so while he blended from time to time, he did allow himself certain liberties. It also had the occasional benefit of appreciation, as now. He softened his expression slightly, she cheer in his smile melting into something with a more tender aspect to it, and he sighed slightly under his breath, barely audible. “Well, that is one way of taking it, I suppose.” His tone suggested that he was a bit flattered, and he looked from her extended hand to her face with a slight furrow to his brow, as though contemplative.

“I’d not like to presume…” he started, but then the smile returned, a small thing, with just the faintest edge of slyness, and he took her hand with the wrong one of his; instead of holding it directly, he used his gentle grip on her fingers to thread her arm through his own, another old-fashioned gesture not used nearly often enough. Her palm, he placed on his forearm, reducing the distance between them to a bit less than half a foot. “But that should be much warmer, should it not? The least I can do is act as I sound, I believe. I’d hate to disappoint you, after all.” And indeed, though the manner of dress was all wrong, they did look rather like something from another century at the moment, considering. It was thus that they set off for the nearest of many beverage stands in the area.

“So, Calleigh, if you do not mind my asking, how did you come to be in this rather charming town?”



“I don’t really understand you.”

Miss him terribly? It was clear that she’d never actually met Virgil, but then, part of him was honestly glad of that. His brother was, for better or worse, his only living kin in the oldest sense of the word, but he was not the kind of person cruel enough to wish Virgil upon anyone else, especially not people who seemed not to deserve the trouble. Ephraim didn’t often like people, and indeed perhaps the word would be too strong to describe his inclinations towards Senka, but he’d decided he didn’t dislike her either, and that was rather something, at least for him.

Her story was a bit surprising. She could not be more than a quarter-century of age; it was not often that human had lost siblings by that stage of their life. Parents, sometimes, but rarely siblings. He shook his head faintly, glancing sideways at her. “The story is yours to keep or tell, but you would not bore me with it.” As always, he spoke perhaps more bluntly than was strictly called for, but at least it was the truth. He might be generally misanthropic, but it was a not-very-well-hidden secret that Ephraim had a soft spot for those he was surrounded with, at least most of the time. He was willing to put up with and overlook quite a bit for their sakes, and so in some sense, he supposed that “family,” broadly construed, was important to him. He could not fault anyone else for thinking the same way.

The story with the Sherriff was honestly about what he was expecting, but this Nikolai character sounded immediately suspicious. Given the likelihood that this was one and the same man he’d smelled with her earlier, chances were good that he was the other vampire in the area. That would need to be addressed. Not now, of course—it would look very strange indeed if he suddenly took his leave to deal with an unrelated matter, but eventually. He made note that Lenore had entered the area, returned at last from her diversion exercise, and he supposed he’d put her on the task, after she’d had a few days to rest. Morgan was another possibility, but he wouldn’t give the job to any of the others. Arianrhod wasn’t socialized well enough and was too trusting of vampires in general besides, Virgil was too good with such matters and might not act in the way Ephraim wanted him to, and Arya was like as not to simply kill him and be done with it, something they did not need.

He was drawn from his thoughts by the sudden emphatic motion of Senka’s hands, and he wondered what thought had seized her this time. She was very expressive, this human. It was a quality he usually found a bit tiresome. But her expressiveness was unlike Virgil’s, so it didn’t provoke his irritation in the same fashion. He blinked once, slowly, as the offer made itself clear: she was willing to provide complete strangers with employment? At an establishment she clearly cared a great deal about? Was that not unnecessarily risky?

“That is… generous,” he said slowly, unsure what else to call it. “I will inquire of them.” They had, of course, no need of the funds, but perhaps one or two of them would take it up simply to have something to occupy themselves; that much was something he tended to encourage. It was unwise to be wholly mysterious to one’s neighbors—even Ephraim knew that much of psychology.

“You… smile a lot,” he observed frankly, without much clue that this might not have been the most excellent thing to say to another person. But then he shook his head, as if to say that he offered no opinion on the matter, simply observation. “I suppose if there is anyone else I should know about, then it would be helpful of you to say, but I have no questions in particular.” He felt slightly odd, like maybe he should find a reason to leave, but at present, he simply didn’t see one, leaving him in the strange place of having no real idea what to do.



“This scent... what on earth?”

Lenore had allowed her thoughts to get the better of her for a while, and as such, the surroundings had faded around her until the voices and the fireworks overhead were all just a faint buzz in her ears, and all the scents had blended together, slightly below her notice at the moment. It would have been easily describable as daydreaming, for most people. Whether the term was still appropriate when you hadn’t seen the light of day directly in more than a century and a half was debatable, but probably didn’t matter in the long run.

It was a bit unusual of her to drift off like that, at least in public, and she was reminded why when something collided with her left side, sending her stumbling sideways. She quickly righted herself, but the same could unfortunately not be said for the hot tea in her hand, which sloshed a bit, spilling out over the hand which was holding it. She hissed softly under her breath as it burned, not because it hurt particularly, but because it was leaving a red burn-mark, one that would disappear in all of a second if she didn’t suppress her healing factor right now. So she did, and then it started to sting in earnest, but it was far better than the risk of someone noticing it disappear. Most people weren’t that observant, but… she noted with some trepidation that she’d been a bit too slow, and half the burn had disappeared.

Well, that was unlikely to be a problem. The next thing she noticed was that her reawakened awareness of the world included an overpowering smell—and it was coming from right beside her. She turned in the appropriate direction, swallowing and trying to breathe only shallowly, pinpointing it to a human male, dark of hair and eye, but very fair of complexion. She could have almost mistaken him for one of her own kind, except she’d never met a vampire that smelled like that. If the rest of them were just as bad up-close, she feared for the life of the one nearest Morgan and Ari. Ephraim and Virgil were too old to lose control in that fashion, and Ari probably was too, but not Morgan and herself.

His question registered a second or two after it had been asked, and she looked reflexively down at her hand, still half-burnt. “Ah, a bit, but nothing intolerable—please don't worry.” She noted that his own spill seemed to have been a bit worse than hers, and smiled sympathetically. “It appears I could ask the same of you, sir.” Lenore wondered if perhaps there was some location nearby at which one could secure first-aid supplies… or at least a towel or some such.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Markovic Character Portrait: Arianrhod Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Liam Breville Character Portrait: Lenore Sullivan
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"This is why my work never gets done..."

Liam followed the female's line of sight. It seemed that her hand was smeared by the hot beverage she carried. There was the reddish coloration upon her skin and it was rather noticeable due to her skin complexion. His eyes ever slightly narrowed at this. Upon instinct, he took out his handkerchief from his pocket and then looked at the nearby stall. "Some cold water." He stated in his casual monotonic voice. Still, it had a certain timbre which sounded much like a hymn. The elderly vendor understood what he wanted and took the offered cloth. It was soon returned to his hand wet. He then closed the red umbrella he carried and leaned it upon one of stall's counter. "You should tend to this quickly. It would be bad if it makes a mark." He spoke in such a manner which held a certain decorum of gentleness and strictness. While doing so, he unwittingly already held the slightly burned hand in place and the other covering the burned mark with his damped handkerchief.

Their distance between each other shrunk which would make others, who happened to pass by them, conclude they were more than acquaintances or even friends. "You have beautiful skin." He continued before finally lifting his eyes to look at the girl's face. From this position, he could say that she is beautiful. So, it was good that this was the only injury she had. It would be regrettable if anything else happened. He should have been aware of his surroundings as well. There are better places for him to lose focus in, like his own room. In any case, he finally heard the words directed at him. That was only then, he remembered his current apparel. Looking at his clothes, there was a rather noticeable stain upfront. Well, it was not much of a problem. "It's fine. I just need a change of clothes." He said in a rather unimportant tone. Well, he could care less about his situation in such a given scenario.

"Liam!" Hearing his name, he turned to look who was calling for him. He could not remember the name of this girl. But, he was certain that he had seen her. The girl soon stopped before him in an almost breathless fashion. She seemed to be in a great hurry. Somehow, he could guess that something happened. It was probably related to bakery or to his co-workers. There are particularly two trouble-magnets employed there. But, he was leaning to one individual more. "It's Sasha!" There it was, he was correct in his assumption. Releasing a sigh, he looked at the female he had collided with. Actually, he was still holding her hand which he finally noticed. He let go, but did not took his handkerchief. "Sorry." He stated while he scratched the tip of his nose. Yes, a habit of his when he is embarrassed. The apology can mean about the incident or about the hand-holding, it was up to her what to think about it. "Because of my carelessness, you got hurt." He started.

"When you have time, visit Delilah's Gourmet." Stepping away, he picked up at the red umbrella which he had set aside earlier. "It will be my treat." With that said, he looked at the girl who was called his attention. She seemed rather annoyed about the presence of him being with another female. This is rather frustrating in a sense. "Take me to where he is." He simply stated and soon, the girl lead the way. Following behind, he stopped a moment to look back at the female he had invited over at the bakery. He did not say anything and simply gave a nod, a gesture of simple goodbye and acknowledgement. Soon enough, he was out of her sight as he meshed with the crowd. Thinking about it, he had forgotten to ask for her name. Well, it would be fine. He has this feeling that they would meet again. Who knows. For now, he needed to concern himself with Sasha.

Upon arriving at the scene, Liam could tell that something bizarre had happened. He was just gone for a few weeks and this happens. Sasha was pinning a girl, rather, a child on the ground. There seemed to be a game of chess earlier as the board and some pieces were scattered on the ground. There was also an unknown man not far from Sasha. He stepped out from the crowd in which the people made way. "You're making a ruckus, Sasha." He stated indifferently as his eyes bore down on the younger male. Actually, he could weave what happened here, but he did not make any final conclusions. For he knows, Sasha does not retaliate without a provocative reason. "Let her go." He spoke in a simple manner. For him, he simply did not want to ignite this situation further. He has a feeling that a certain Sheriff won't be pleased which would cause unwanted situations and this would also cause a great headache for Senka. To that fact, he knew that Sasha would comply for those reasons.

"We'll talk later." He continued as he reached out his free hand to Sasha, whether the younger male took it or not, he would not be offended. It was then he took his attention to the girl being pinned down. Well, this was a scene one would not witness around River Lake. "I have no idea what happened between the three of you. But all the same, I apologize." He declared with a lithe bow of the head while also looking towards the direction of the other person involved. He noticed that Sasha had some blood on himself and instinctively reached for his handkerchief. But, it was not there... Oh... He left it with her. Well, there was not much which could be done. In any case, he was completely calm and ease in the situation. Perhaps, this was also why he had been designated as the security of the bakery. He had this stillness which could not be mistaken as weakness. Rather, it was like refined strength untold. "Sasha, wipe your blood. I don't want Senka or Calleigh to worry."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Markovic Character Portrait: Arianrhod Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Virgil Solomon Character Portrait: Ephraim Solomon Character Portrait: Senka Nero
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“Even small things are often best not forgotten.”

This human was rather peculiar, she thought. She has interacted with many of them, both before and after her changing, and perhaps it said more about her than him that she had not often encountered any who would demonstrate this level of concern over what happened to a stranger, especially considering how minor the injury really was. Still, it was not as though she could offer her guarantee that no mark would be left, for if she were indeed what she pretended to be, it may. So she canted her head slightly to the side, amused beneath her gentle expression to be on the receiving end of such ministration. She’d been a doctor, and now she was something else, a healer of a more supernatural kind, and as such, she’d always treated herself. Even in her distant childhood, she’d been the caretaker of her siblings, all eleven of them, so this was almost surreal in its strangeness.

It had at least given her a sense of how to be a good patient, and so she did not shift or stir uncomfortably as the handkerchief was applied to her burn, and accepted the compliment with grace. “My thanks—it is kind of you.” She allowed her meaning to remain ambiguous between the comment itself and the general nature of his present action, as in truth she referred to both. Lenore felt a vague sense of bewilderment, but took care not to let it cross her face. Occasionally, people still surprised her, even after this many years. It was not wholly unpleasant, but she would never grow to expect it, by any means.

Regardless, she was a woman who paid her debts, a trait engrained in her by some combination of disposition and following Ephraim Solomon around for more than a century, so she made note of this one. She would find a way to repay it—while it was true that it was only a small thing, that was not necessarily obvious, and did not count against a certain reciprocal obligation. Small things could be quite important, as well.

A feminine voice broke into the scene, so to speak, and she was reminded quite sharply that the world still moved at the same pace around them. How curious. Judging by the fact that this human responded without hesitation to the name, it would logically be his. Liam, then. She would not forget it until she could find some suitable form of recompense for this kindness. What would happen to it after that was not her concern—they were all too nomadic, and human lives too transient, to allow for any other attitude. She did not know the third person to whom they referred, and it was hard to smell anything else at all when Liam was in such close proximity, but now that she was actually paying attention, she realized that the situation at hand may not be so far beyond her as she’d initially supposed.

She managed a half-smile at his apology, and shook her head faintly. Her mind was half-elsewhere, but that did not stop her from replying. “Think nothing of it,” she replied mildly, inclining her head in response to the offer. It was at least a clue about how to go about paying this debt, and she lifted her uninjured hand in reply to the silent farewell. If she noted the fact that the other woman was apparently less-than-pleased with her presence, she gracefully ignored it. Was it a function of the brevity of human lifespans that they were so quick to jump to conclusions? If so, there was nothing she could do about it, and she refused to correct every misunderstanding or explain every action she took. People would think what they wished to think anyway.

She waited a few moments before striking off in another direction, sensing that perhaps Virgil would be better-equipped to smooth over what might be a very uncomfortable situation than Ephraim would—and she simply lacked the authority. Ari and Morgan had no particular incentive to listen to her, assuming she would even know what to do in the first place.



“There is more than one way to be immortalized.”

If he weren’t so absolutely sure of her relative innocence, he would have taken her for a tease at present. It would have naturally been interesting in its own way, but not quite as novel as the idea that she was speaking purely from naiveté. He could do so much worse than disappoint, and in truth, one day, he likely would. But that day was not today, and so he only smiled, his silence an easy invitation for her to continue speaking, and in this respect, she did not disappoint.

Certainly, he was a man who did not care much for others. Most of these humans could die before him at this very moment, and he would hardly bat an eyelash. Perhaps he would be miffed that such a gruesome event would rather dampen his present amusement—she would be much less arresting dissolved into hysterical tears or something of the like, after all—but it would not extend beyond the kind of care one had seeing a wild animal hit by a car. It would not necessarily be pleasant, but he could thereafter continue his day entirely unmoved. They concerned him that little. This did not mean, however, that he was uninterested in them. Some of them had fascinating stories to tell, some of them had dull ones, but they all had a certain merit as far as Virgil was concerned. He tended to collect information like other people collected precious gems, and even the ones that seemed initially to have no use for him were prized to a certain extent—and why not? Iron might forge a sword with which to kill, but a sapphire would serve for nothing but pretty baubles and ornaments.

Analogously, useful information was his weapon of choice, when he had a choice, but the useless little tidbits were the ones he liked the most. Perhaps, to someone of his nature, the story of her life, of any of these lives, was trivial, but that did not make it worthless, nor beneath his attention. Indeed, it was just that there was no need for him to know it that made it interesting to know. Ephemeral, short, and often brutish were the lives of humans, but in his mind, each story was truly immortal, for it would live as long as he did.

He inclined his head at the conclusion of this one, an acknowledgement (even if she did not understand it) that this story, too, now lived as he did, and then he paused, as though giving her question some consideration. “I do not know,” he conceded at last. There was a smell he knew in the area, and it lingered close by. Nikolai was near, but Virgil’s presence was stopping him from carrying out his intent here. He would simply have to go elsewhere for his ends. “Not all of the members of my family are well, you see. My brother believes that being in a peaceful location such as this will help, but we are also far from the resources of a larger city, and that is something of a risk.” It was so close to the truth it was actually funny, but what afflicted his dear family was no disease.

He almost chuckled at the expression on her face when she let him go to slide her shoes back on, but he was prevented from answering by the appearance of Lenore. He’d sensed her coming, but had not thought she would emerge to greet him. He supposed he did have to be responsible eventually, didn’t he? A shame, when he was having so much fun with the diverting human. “Lenore,” he greeted warmly, “Does our dear brother require our presence already?”

She’d picked up on the fact that a human was present, obviously, and so her words matched the act he was putting on, rather seamlessly in fact. “Not as such,” she said, flicking her glance to Calleigh for a moment. “But I think Morgan and Ari might need your help.” Nodding to the human, she turned on her heel, wisely leaving him to do the explaining.

With a put-upon sigh, Virgil turned to the human girl and put on his very best sheepish grin. “I am afraid I will have to delay my acceptance of such a delightful suggestion,” he said, reaching out quite deliberately to tuck a lock of light brown hair behind her ear. His fingers trailed through the length of the strand, and he let it fall only when he reached the end, something almost wistful on his features as it settled back against the front of her shoulder. “Perhaps I shall pay you a visit at your place of employment?” Though inflected as a question, there was a certain finality to it which sounded more like a promise than anything. Crossing an arm over his chest, he bowed extravagantly and rose again, smiling mischievously before disappearing into the crowd.

Quite intentionally, he’d refrained from taking his surcoat back.



“Is it truly necessary to remind you of the concept of discretion?”

To say that Ephraim was enraged by what he saw upon following Senka to the location of what appeared to have been a confrontation of some kind, only to find two of his coven at the center of it, would perhaps be a slight overstatement. He was not, as a rule, an emotional man, and did not tend to react with great fanfare to the things that went on around him. There was no mistaking, however, the heat of the glare he leveled first upon Morgan and then Arianrhod—they should both by now understand why it was that blending with humans was necessary, and clearly, they were doing a poor job of remaining beneath local suspicion this way. He didn’t know exactly what had happened, and he didn’t honestly care: the fact was, they’d made a spectacle of themselves with some human in the middle, and he was not going to allow the farce to continue.

“Morgan. Arianrhod. Go home. Now.” His tone did not deviate from the monotone he normally used, but it was so perfectly without inflection that it could only have been concealing something else. Unlike them, however, he knew how to keep himself in check. Regardless of whether a human held a certain appealing smell or was lower than the dirt beneath their feet, there were certain things they had to do, for the sake of their own survival. He doubted this would be enough to alert anyone to their location, but given that there was already another vampire sniffing around, it was best not to take chances.

He could smell Lenore and Virgil incoming as well, but they at least seemed to know how to blend. Arya was around, but the problems she presented were wholly different. It rankled him to apologize generally, and moreso on behalf of other people, but he would do it now, because it was what logic demanded. If only others could answer its imperatives with the same regularity. “I am sorry about my relatives,” he said, directing the statement to Senka and both of the males she seemed to know. “I do not know what provoked them to whatever actions they took here, but it will not repeat itself.” So saying, he inclined his head slightly before turning to leave himself. They would be heading back, if for no other reason than he would drag them bodily if they did not, a capacity he had but did not particularly want to exercise.

A week later, Ephraim cracked open the morning newspaper, currently seated at the impressive redwood dining table the house had been furnished with. There was a mug of coffee to his left, but aside from this and the occasional whim of Virgil’s, the kitchen was the most useless room in the entire house. Outside, the sun was just setting, which of course meant that his day had only begun.

The murder story had been moved back to page three, after spending most of the intervening time on the front. It was not often that violent deaths occurred in the area, and two in such close proximity was inherently suspicious, and, he supposed, frightening to humans. He didn’t like it either, but for different reasons. Unlike the last victim, this one had been a young woman, Peony Huang, sister to one of the members of the town’s small police force. She had also been staff at that peculiar establishment that Senka ran, one of those humans who smelled so unusual. That the two murders had taken place immediately after the new residents moved into the manor home on the outskirts of the area was so coincidental he hoped it would be seen for the obvious frame-up it was. But he’d long ago lost faith in the reasoning capabilities of humans—and most everyone else, honestly. He waited for the suspicion without hurrying it along.

Thankfully, most of the coven had stuck to the house for the previous week, save Virgil, who was always doing who-knew-what, but Ephraim had stopped bothering to track his brother’s exact movements years ago. Virgil did what he wanted, when he wanted, and as long as it didn’t amount to stupidity, his brother cared not what it was. Morgan and Ari had received a rather stern reminder that, while humans might be both lower beings (Ari) and tempting (Morgan) they were not to be harmed or consumed in public. Lenore had stayed his hand on anything further than reminding them, but that did not mean it had been a pleasant experience for any of the people involved. He preferred to let his family do what they wanted, but there were limits. There had to be.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Virgil Solomon Character Portrait: Calleigh Hollins Character Portrait: Lenore Sullivan
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"If I'm able to reach beyond sorrow, I will not need to feel anything beyond this anymore."

So, there was nothing definite. He could either be staying for good or temporarily. Sad... She feels sad... It's rather odd, but it seems just right to feel that way about the thought of him leaving and the prospect, they will not see each other. Then, it also tickled her fancy about the concept of meeting each other again. She was a complete sucker for such things. Her thoughts stopped at that point when she heard about his relatives not being well. "Oh my, that sounds so saddening. Her voice did not betray the meaning of her statement. Her eyes reflected concern and sadness. "I'll wish for them to get well soon." She stated with great earnest. It's true that she has no idea what kind of sickness his relatives could have and she doesn't know them personally, but she wants to help even if by small ways. "If there's anything I could do to help, please don't hesitate to ask." She nodded with a passionate desire to help.

It was then someone showed up. It was a woman, she guessed around her age, she can't be certain really, but she couldn't help but speak the first thing which came in her mind. "So beautiful..." She really didn't mind if anyone heard her say that. It was the truth in her opinion as her eyes held a glint of amazement. She was only taken from her daze when this woman named Lenore, she heard it from Virgil spoke. It seems Virgil has a brother. Wow... She wondered what the brother looked like. She wondered if this girl was his sister. Virgil's family must be a very beautiful one. She noticed the look Lenore gave her and gave a small smile as a greeting before Virgil's relative left. It seems Virgil was needed by his family. She couldn't hold him back from that.

Virgil spoke about not being able to take up her offer. She did ask him if they could hold hands again. "Please, don't worry about it! Your family needs you. I hope they're all right..." Her voice filled with concern. He then took a lock of her hair and tucked it behind her ear. She would admit there was that mysterious heat once more. It seemed to happen every time he would touch her. She should moved away, but it was not unpleasant in the first place, so she didn't. His actions does remind her of a prince in such olden times, and she find it very intriguing, not because of how princes are depicted in most stories. It was because there was something more to them than meets the eye.

He asked if he could drop by at the shop. She brightened at that thought. She really would like to see him and serve him. It would be the least she could do for such a delightful time tonight. "Yes, please do come. I'll be waiting." She said with a cheerful smile and watched as Virgil disappeared into the crowd. She felt a bit cold. That was odd. She was not feeling that earlier. She then wrapped her arms around her form and felt an unknown cloth around her. This was Virgil's surcoat. She pulled it to her closer and somehow, the warmth returned, but not as strong as she would expect. "He forgot... I should return this to him." She decided instantly, forgetting the fact that she could just wait for him to come by at the shop.

Calleigh ran through the crowd, hoping to catch up with Virgil, but she didn't. She spent most of her time searching around town. The festival was apparently done, since there were only a handful of people left. She was very disappointed at the outcome and pulled the surcoat closer to her than before. It was then she saw something from the corner of her eye, a flower? It was a hairpin. It was familiar. She went towards it and picked it up. "Is this Peony's?" She asked to no one as she found a red stain on it. Curiosity won her over and soon, she found herself in a semi-lit alley. There she screamed with all her might not because of fear, it was because of the overwhelming sadness.

And... a week had passed. Calleigh was thoroughly depressed, but she did not let it show as clear as day. It's because, she didn't want to add to the grief of her friends. She couldn't believe what happened to Peony. She was not weak-stomached about blood and all of the other gross stuff that people might guess. What tripped her off was the fact that Peony was dead. Her friend was killed and for what? There were a lot of things going through her head, but she chose not to put it out for everyone to see. Because frankly speaking, every one was already sad and had their own problems to deal with. She didn't want to add to that. So, she took a deep breath and pucker up. She left the locker room and began to greet the customers at nearby table with her ever dependable bright smile. "Welcome to Delilah's Gourmet! What can I get for you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arianrhod Character Portrait: Virgil Solomon Character Portrait: Ephraim Solomon Character Portrait: Calleigh Hollins Character Portrait: Lenore Sullivan
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“Sometimes, it seems like nothing ever really changes.”

Virgil swept into the kitchen in his usual fashion, but his serially-unimpressed brother mostly ignored him for a little while. He’d been out of the country again—Ephraim could smell the faint trace of French wine still on him. It helped that he was carrying two bottles of it, which he packed away in one of the cupboards. When one was Virgil, one did not bother purchasing imports. One went right to the source. Turning another page of his paper, Ephraim pulled a pen from a pocket and started in on the crossword. “How was Paris?” asked in his usual monotone, still not glancing up from what he was doing.

Virgil was used to it, and took one of the other seats at the table, crossing one of his legs over the other and toying idly with the ends of his hair. A secretive little smile played at the edges of his mouth. “As I expected to find it,” he replied, a hint of playful wistfulness suffusing the answer. Ephraim grunted something unintelligible in response, because it was a nonanswer, and they both knew it. Honestly. Sometimes, Virgil wondered if they’d have any reason to talk to each other at all were they not brothers and mutually involved in this little coven endeavor. Well… he might. He tended to enjoy prodding people who resolutely did not like him. It was a habit he may have encouraged too much in Morgan as well, though the boy had always been like that to an extent.

“It’s not as if much ever changes, Ephraim,” he said knowingly. “They have no plans to leave us alone. They never have, and they never will. What we are scares them, and rightfully so. It should.” There was a rare chill in Virgil’s tone when he said it, and from the way his eyes narrowed, it might not have been so hard to tell that they were twins, after all. But he blinked, and sat back a little further, throwing one arm carelessly over the back of the chair, and the resemblance was gone. “Where have the others gone off to, anyway?” He had a feeling he already knew.

“Arianrhod has taken it upon herself to apologize to the human for her conduct. Lenore has gone to escort her. Morgan is probably prowling around the same place, and you know as well as I do that Arya is rarely far from him.” He sounded bored with the recounting, but Virgil knew better.

“It bothers you, that they’re magnetized to those humans.” If possible, his brother’s scowl deepened. “And of course, you’re hardly an exception, are you, dear Ephraim. It’s been, what, centuries since you spent an evening in a woman’s company… well, family excepted, of course.” The tightening of Ephraim’s jaw was the clue that he’d gotten the reaction he wanted.

“You’re testing my patience, Virgil. I’m not like you, and neither of us lacks control the way Morgan does. We’re also not going to do something as stupid as Ari did.” There was little point in trying to convince his brother that it wasn’t as he was implying, because Virgil was always going to be like that, and what he said an what he believed could never be relied upon to be the same anyway. The sound of tenor laughter faded from the kitchen as his brother departed, but somehow, not even that made him feel any better about this. Because he was wary, just not for the reason Virgil had implied.



“This is not what I expected.”

Lenore stood demurely behind Ari, a much taller shadow of sorts for the older vampire. She wasn’t here to interfere, after all, merely to make sure that everything went all right, and then also provide “adult supervision,” as a child wandering about by herself at night would have been unacceptable. She had not missed that their destination was one she’d heard about on numerous occasions, not least of all as it was the workplace of someone to whom she owed a debt. Virgil had also intimated that the place was curious for other reasons, and standing inside it, she could easily tell why. The only thing more enticing than the smell of tea and danishes was the smell of the staff. It was a wonder any of her kind could stand it for long. Perhaps they could not.

Spotting the girl at the counter, another piece clicked into place. This was also the place that had recently lost an employee to a murderer, and another was apparently missing. It seemed an awful lot of tragedy for one place, and she could come to no other conclusion than that they were being targeted for some reason. It was hard to imagine that it had nothing to do with the unique staff, but the first murder victim had not been as they were, from what Ephraim had conveyed. Lenore’s lips pursed slightly, and she regarded the smiling girl with sympathy. She’d worn enough false smiles of her own to know which ones were real and which were not.

“Hello again, Calleigh,” she said gently. Virgil had imparted the young woman’s name upon query, along with one of those bright-eyed smiles that meant he was definitely up to something, as the saying went. “I was very sorry to hear of your loss. I hope it’s not an inconvenience, but my sister has come to apologize to another person here. This was the only way we knew of to find him. If it isn’t too much trouble, could you help us find the right person? He’s blond and somewhat tall, I believe.” Unfortunately, she had never caught his name, and she wasn’t sure Ari knew either.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Markovic Character Portrait: Arianrhod Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Calleigh Hollins Character Portrait: Lenore Sullivan
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"This is the only thing I can really do, smile."

At the very least, Calleigh needed to do her part at the shop. A tap on the shoulder momentarily took her attention and made her smile sweetly. It was Sasha and despite his rough exterior, he was really kind. He might have noticed her sadness and tried to remind her that she was not alone on that part. There was also the chance that was only her own opinion, but it couldn't hurt to believe in the goodness of others. She used that as an inspiration and served the customers more energetically. She also noticed Liam watching over her from time to time. She found it rather endearing and would occasionally smile his way. Speaking of which, Liam had been rather watchful of her and even Senka. There was also the issue with Ciara. She really hopes and prays that Ciara is safe. A flashback of Peony's lifeless body entered her head which caught her off-guard. She dwindled in her stance and luckily, there was a counter behind her.

She shook her head in fear and felt herself sweating very coldly. Then, a voice called for her attention which made her regained her bearing. She was thankful for that as she took a deep breath and looked at the customer. It was a little girl and very delicate in her appearance. She was very cute in her opinion. "So cute..." She caught herself and smiled awkwardly. "Sorry about that, Good evening, what can I help you with?" It was then she noticed the young girl was not by herself. She was accompanied by a familiar face which she had met at the beach before. Something then clicked. "You're.... Lenore!" Calleigh exclaimed in great accomplishment. She remembered Virgil calling out her name before. It was her luck she remembered it without much trouble.

Her actions gained the audience of the other patrons in which she quickly smiled apologetically and there was also a noticeable blush staining her cheeks. "Sorry..." Her eyes conveyed her apology clearly as she went outside the counter. She sensed that the little girl was having a hard time peeking at her. "It is nice to see you again." She said with a warm and welcoming smile. This one was not something done out of hiding, but out of the pleasant knowledge of meeting again. Then, she gave a rather sad smile when she heard Lenore's condolences. This was a small town. Everyone would have probably heard what happened with Peony by now. "Yeah, thank you... I'm sorry too..." She softly answered, but immediately released a deep breath and returned to her cordial personality.

It seemed they were looking for someone at this store. She decided to focus on that than depressing thoughts. Sister...? She was not sure of the resemblance, but they were both beautiful, so that must be it. Taking that aside, she began thinking about the description which Lenore had given. A blond, tall, and a male. There was only one fitting that description and there was only one person which came into her mind. "You mean Sasha?" She said with wonder as she blinked her eyes a couple of times. "I'll get him for you. He's just out back taking care of the trash." She said with her usual cheerfulness. "Why don't you two take a seat first?" She offered them an empty table, once they were settled, she went out back to call for Sasha.

"Sasha? Sasha!" She called out and found him talking to a cat. Wait... Is that right? There is a cute cat. Her eyes if it was possible would turn into heart-shaped ones. "What a cute cat!" Within seconds, she was before the cat and had a brilliant smile on her face. "Sasha! Sasha! Can I keep him?" She asked with such childish and cute manner while looking at Sasha for permission. She really likes cats above all animals. It was then she picked up the cat into her arms and cuddled the cat lovingly. "He is so cute! I want to keep him!" It was then she remembered the reason for her being out here. "Oh, Sasha someone is looking for you. It's Lenore and her sister. They seemed to know you." When she said that, she continued to pat the cat affectionately with a bright smile on her face. Little did she know that the cat in her arms was not exactly what she think it is.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Markovic Character Portrait: Arianrhod Character Portrait: Senka Nero Character Portrait: Calleigh Hollins Character Portrait: Liam Breville Character Portrait: Lenore Sullivan
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"My friends are truly wonderful people."

"Of course not. I'd like to think of all of us as friends, or perhaps our own little family," Senka responded, rubbing her forehead where Liam had poked it. Or rather, where he flicked it, but it wasn't much concern for her. She knew how he was, and it was his own way of comforting people. She sighed softly when he said he didn't need anything. She hadn't meant it the way he thought it came out as, or perhaps she was mis-reading that as well. "I only meant that if there was anything I could do to help out in any way with anything," she replied softly before slumping her shoulders, however; she was caught off guard when he placed his hand on the back of her head.

She blinked into his shoulder, confused for a second before he began speaking. Everyone will always worry, that was true, but she didn't like when people worried about her. Death, it was something that would be a part of every day life, and those she loved would always die. Whether it would be from natural causes or not, death would always be for certain. And she didn't mind it. When it came for her, she would not want those she loved crying for her. She would want them smiling, celebrating her life and remembering her for the light and hope she hoped she brought to their lives. She wanted to make everyone else happy, even if at the expense of her own happiness.

"You really are a good friend, you know that," she spoke into his shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him, leaving her head in his shoulder and took a deep breath. She wouldn't cry, she refused to. She had cried too much already and not only did she feel she had no more tears to shed, she knew that Peony would not want them to be sad about her death. She would want them to do what Senka hoped they would do for her someday: be happy and remember the joy she brought to them in the shop. Peony was always bright, always cheerful, and she always brought a smile to Senka's face, even when she was feeling down. There were no words to express what she was feeling.

Then, Liam told her to not hold back. She wasn't holding back, or was she? She couldn't tell, but she refused to cry. And it didn't matter if he would see her cry or not. She cried in front of others before, she wasn't one to hide her emotions. She always let them show, and that was the reason why she loved her employee's so much. They had accepted her for who she was as she had them. Though they were all odd in their own ways, she still loved them as if they were truly her real family, as if each one of them were her siblings. Sasha and his mouth that tended to get him in trouble; Calleigh and her sweet, innocent ways; Ciara and her odd tendencies; and Liam and his odd comforting qualities. She loved them all.

"Thanks Liam, I needed that," she stated, releasing him from her embrace and pulling away. She did feel a bit better, and it wasn't so hard to smile. "But I think we should check on the shop. I think I saw Sasha go towards the front," she almost seemed like she was joking, however; Senka wasn't known to have a sense of humor. She was being quite serious though. She liked having Sasha in the back simply because his mouth tended to run away with him, and she had made arrangements for him so that he could spend as little time interacting with customers and people alike. It was a mutual beneficial arrangement. He could stay away from people and he wouldn't chase them off at the same time. Not that she didn't like Sasha, she truly did. But she also didn't want him to get in trouble either.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Markovic Character Portrait: Arianrhod Character Portrait: Senka Nero Character Portrait: Ciara Character Portrait: Calleigh Hollins Character Portrait: Liam Breville
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“Fear cuts deeper than swords.”

“And you've double-checked?” The voice was a soft one, undeniably masculine, but with a lilt to it that suggested European descent, too cosmopolitan to place as one nationality in particular. The woman at his side nodded shortly, then bowed. His response was to wave her off with a dismissive gesture and as soon as she left, his rigid posture relaxed slightly. “I can’t fathom why he wants me to do this…” he said to no one. He wished no ill upon the girl, human though she may be. But when he spoke, the man’s only option was to listen, and obey. So much was at stake, and if even one of the pieces on this board moved other than it was supposed to, the whole thing could come crashing down around them.

He hated to think of it that way, as a game, but his Lord’s fancy was to refer to it as such, and in some ways, the extended metaphor did fit. A deadly game, though, and the only way he would survive it was by being careful, and more useful than the other pieces. That, he could do.

This matter was almost concluded. He was grateful for that—the girl’s scent was distracting, enough almost to induce headaches, and she tasted better than was really safe for her. Others of his kind did not have the same restraint he did. That was why he’d been given this job, and he knew it well, but he did not want it to continue forever. He had too much mercy in him for that, and he was afraid the human would break before long. That was not the intent, but she had to know, to understand what her kind was generally too realistic to believe. He was giving away the Secret in order to protect it—and only he could ever have convinced him that such a paradoxical situation was possible.

He pushed open the door to her room, darkened as it was. Human eyes could make out only his general shape, though he wore a hood to cover the finer details of his face, just in case. He did. After all, have to get rather close to bite her. “Miss,” he said, still without raising his voice much. He didn't really know why—it was not mandatory to warn her of his presence. He did not have to speak in order for her to figure this out. Nobody else came or went from this chamber. Perhaps it would have been better not to speak at all.

Ciara wasn't sure how long it had been, nearly a full week perhaps? The man came in every other night - or was it every night? She couldn't tell - and the maids had only entered once, but they didn't return again after she threatened to gorge their eyes out with her bandaged fingers, she wasn't sure if it was out of fear or respect. It didn't really matter to Ara, she just wanted to get out, she would spend hours banging on the door, yelling at them, but as more time passed she yelled less, and took to curling up on the bed, under the sheets. She felt safer there.

She was scared. Her fight was leaving her, all in less than a week, perhaps that was the worst part, then again, nearly every night a stranger would come into her dark dungeon - she just called it that, even if it was a fairly nice room - and latch onto her neck until she passed out, it was horrifying, the dark, the pain, the white hot fear, and the anger. She had never hated someone so much in her life.

Now the only sleep she got was when she passed out, and she was forming a plan, slowly but surly. Every day the maids would bring in food for her, good food, and she ate some of it sometimes, but it was when they brought in a stake with a stake knife that she gave, kicking the tray to the ground and telling the maids to tell 'M' to go f*ck himself. None of them had noticed her snag the knife before they scrambled from the room. Ciara hadn't gotten any food today.

She was laying under her sheets, curled up into a ball, the knife clutched tightly to her chest, when the door opened. Her heart jumped into her throat, and for a short moment she hopped it was the maids, she hopped they would be there to give her more food or just take the knife, but it was not. “Miss,” Ciara shook as she slowly sat up, keeping one hand under the sheets with the knife, her other hand held a pillow out in front of her as if it was a shield. "Please," Her voice broke, her hand shook. She was scared. It didn't help that the dim light from the open door and his hood made it so hard to see who he was.

"Just kill me already." Her eyes were wide with fear, her legs tensing up so she could scoot back, further away from him if needed. She was still in her light pink - now ruined, blood stained - dress that her now dead friend had lent her, her hair was dirty, un-kept, and matted with blood and sweat, and her normally pale complexion was paler than usual. Her features looked worn and tired.

He didn’t understand why she hadn’t taken advantage of the bathroom attached to this one to cleanse herself, nor why she sometimes refused her food. If it had been him, he would have wanted to remain as strong in captivity as possible. It was only the wise course of action to follow. But humans were irrational creatures, and he supposed that fear was a powerful thing. He was consciously playing to hers, anyway. Unlike her, he could see perfectly well in the dark, and he had a guess as t what she was hiding from him. Resourceful, but ultimately pointless. He sighed, the sound almost too soft to be audible, but not quite.

“I am not going to kill you, miss. I have no desire to do that, and I do not think that you really wish to die, lest you would not be so determined to fight for your life.” Sooner than she could blink, he was in front of her, holding the arm with the knife down at her side in a grip like an iron vise. It was not painful or tight, only firm enough to ensure that the limb was immobile. He drew in a breath, his nose close to but not in contact with the crook of her neck, but ultimately, he did not do what she was expecting. “Whatever else happens, hold onto that determination. It is a better weapon than the one you hold in your hand, especially against those like me.”

He released her, and stepped back, taking his leave of the room and nothing from her. Once he was out and the door locked behind him, he ordered one of his underlings to go ‘accidentally’ leave the window in her room unlatched. She was resourceful; he did not doubt that she would discover it and escape. That was, after all, the intention of this little charade. “The things I do for duty,” he murmured to himself, shaking his head a bit.

A sigh could be heard.

“I am not going to kill you, miss. I have no desire to do that, and I do not think that you really wish to die, lest you would not be so determined to fight for your life.” Ciara didn't have time to process his words, one minute he was on the other side of the room, and the next he was towering over her, the pillow fell from her grasp and down into the bed, and her arm was pinned to her side by his hand, not hard enough to leave a bruise but not exactly soft either. She withered beneath him, trying to get away, but his grip on her arm held her in place. The man leaned in. Ciara's breath hitched and she froze, her eyes automatically slamming shut as she waited for the pain to come.

A whisper of warm breath washed over her skin instead, sending chills down her back. “Whatever else happens, hold onto that determination. It is a better weapon than the one you hold in your hand, especially against those like me.” Ara was released, and he was gone in an instant, and her world was dark once more. Her head spun and she lay stiff, in the same position, for a long time, until panic rose to her chest. Was that it? Were they just going to leave her in this room to die now that the fun was over. Her stomach hurt.

In a dazed panic, Ciara blindly jumped up from the bed and stumbled around the room until she found the door, there was no way to open it. She moved to the window, and grabbed at it blindly, tears forming in her eyes, she had to get out! Something creaked, she froze, hope rising in her heart. Ara dug her nails into the panes, and pulled with all her might. They gave away easily, and light flooded the room, blinding her. She wasted no time in stumbling out of the window and running as far away as she possible could, not looking back. Ciara ran. The knife still lay on that bed, and hadn't even looked back to see where she had been held, or looked at the room she had been trapped in, no, she ran until she fell from exhaustion.

In the town, a young man was running down the street, his heart pounding in his chest. He did not stop until he reached the cafe. He threw the door open and stumbled inside, his breathing heavy. "She's been found! Ciara was found!" Behind the young man, a ambulance flew down the road, the sirens roaring. A police car followed. They were heading towards the hospital.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Markovic Character Portrait: Arianrhod Character Portrait: Calleigh Hollins Character Portrait: Lenore Sullivan
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“Is it always so…eventful here? I fear that this is rather our doing.”

Calleigh offered them a place to sit, and while Lenore was inclined to take her up on the offer, Arianrhod did not move, and so her ostensible guardian did not, either, simply folding her hands together in front of her and choosing not to comment on the fact that she could smell both Morgan and Arya outside. She presumed the one with them must be Sasha. Liam and Ephraim’s friend Senka were both around as well. The last thought was had with perfect awareness of what her coven leader would think of being called friend to a human. It amused her, though she was brought from it quite abruptly by the entrance of the person they were looking for.

What followed was… not as she would have chosen to handle things, had she the choice at all, but Ari was making the attempt. Sasha, perhaps understandably, was not feeling terribly charitable about it. When he met her eyes briefly, Lenore shook her head slightly, almost as if in sympathy, or at the very least, a bit of shared frustration.

It made little difference, in the end, but she wasn’t the sort to allow hostility to rile her. What need was there for that? Instead, she accepted the suggestion and chose the table Calleigh had pointed out to them earlier, indicating to Ari with a slight canting of her head that they should move in that general direction. “As you say,” she told Sasha, but she took it that he would not be interested in collecting an order, so it was probably best to wait either for Calleigh to return or someone else to emerge. Once she was seated, Lenore turned to Ari. “I hope you do not mind? Virgil did say that the items here were worth the consumption.” She knew Ari had something of an issue taking blood in the normal way, but it occurred to her that she’d never seen the girl consume anything else at all. Ever. Even Ephraim had the occasional cup of coffee, but as until very recently Ari had not been living in the same house as the rest of them, Lenore had no idea as to the girl’s preferences.

No sooner had they been settled for a few moments than a young man burst in through the door, shouting that Ciara had been found. Lenore had never met Ciara, but she connected the name with the missing person from the staff, and smiled. That should bring Calleigh a bit of relief, and the others as well. She hoped it would be so—human lives were too short to be passed in misery, and it was always unfortunate when they were made artificially shorter.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Markovic Character Portrait: Arya Character Portrait: Arianrhod Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Calleigh Hollins Character Portrait: Lenore Sullivan
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"Life is really surprising and that's why we endure."

Hiss... Calleigh looked at the cat in wonder. It isn't because she was offended. It was because, she wondered what the cause of such an reaction. The answer was shown to her in a form of another person. A woman with sun-kissed complexion and riveting golden eyes, she was exotically attractive, but there was something predatory about this person, maybe the way this woman gazes. Maybe, it was all in her imagination also. She assumed that this person was the cat, Momo's owner because the cat was taken from her arms instantly. She was a bit disappointed but, it was nice that Momo has an owner who cares. Then, there was a shift in the conversation about someone named, Morgan. She blinked at this information and glanced at Sasha. She was not prying, but she was happy that he was meeting new people and being friends with them. If she only knew what really happened, she was left out of the loop on that one.

Stopping the topic, the cat forcefully got out of the woman's arms and bounded to Sasha's leg. It seemed the little feline was attached to him which Calleigh finds very adorable. She smiled at this and then looked at the woman who identified herself simply as Morgan's sister, but what caught her attention was that dangerous presence about her. It was not aimed at her directly but more towards to Sasha which worries her. "Sasha did something happened with this Morgan person?" She asked with a worried tone. She didn't want anything to happen with her friends anymore. There was Peony's death and now Ciara was still missing. It was personally nerve-wracking. Sasha appeared not to have heard him and simply told her that she could keep the cat and went inside.

She sighed at this and then pouted in slight annoyance. It wasn't because of being ignored but about dismissing Momo like that. She shook her head and then lowered herself to pick Momo once more in her arms. "Sorry about that, he's really sweet when you get to know him more." She defended Sasha to the cat and then looked to the place where Momo's owner disappeared to. She was never the kind to judge, so she didn't at all and simply looked at Momo once more. "I don't know what happened between you and your owner, but you can stay with us for now." She smiled brightly and then entered the shop too. She was thinking of giving Momo a bowl of milk. So, she was headed to the kitchen when she noticed a rather awkward scene at the lounge which made her sigh again.

"Sasha!" Calleigh fronted as she went to where he, Lenore, and the cute girl were. Her amethyst-colored eyes held reprimand for the boy because of his rough words and from her position, it seemed the little girl was apologizing for something. She has no idea what for, but when someone was bowing like that. It couldn't hurt to be a little soft for him. "What did Senka and I told you when talking to customers?" Her eyes narrowed and leaned forward to emphasize, she was a bit upset, but it was rather comedic in a sense as she carried Momo in her arms. "Be more cordial, okay?" She said and then looked at Lenore and the girl who was apologizing. "I'm sorry about that, but please do take time to enjoy our pastries here." She smiled sweetly at the two girls before returning her attention to Sasha. This time she tiptoed to whisper in his ear. "Please take their orders and be nice? Okay? Please..." She said in a hush-hush voice with a little reprimand, but with more of a plead as her eyes also sparkled like that of a puppy.

"I'll excuse myself for now." She said and looked at Momo in her arms which she held gently yet firmly. "I'll just get Momo something to drink and eat." She said to them, but before she could leave. The doors to the shop opened with such urgency. It wasn't what truly caught her attention, but what was said next. Ciara... Ciara... Ciara... has been found... The emotions which she had been keeping in regards to the gloom surrounding this town and shop finally came out. Her tears slowly began to fall. It was not out of sadness, but of relief. "I'm so glad... so glad... I'm so happy." She instinctively lean on Sasha's chest to cover her face as her shoulders continued to shake and mind you with Momo still in her arms. Let's go see her... I want to see her..." She managed to say in between of her sobs.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasha Markovic Character Portrait: Arianrhod Character Portrait: Morgan Alistair Character Portrait: Senka Nero Character Portrait: Calleigh Hollins Character Portrait: Liam Breville
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"It had been a while since, I heard a good one."

It was pleasant to hear such words from her personally. They were not simply an assemble line of people that needed to do something. It was far deeper yet a simple connection. They were an odd sense of a family. He will not have it any other way. Perhaps, that is what he was truly yearning for. Of course, he would openly admit it to anyone. It goes against his nature and he also does have a reputation to uphold. With that in mind, he simply gave a curt nod and then listened to Senka's words about him being a good friend. Well, it seems he was doing what he had intended better than he had anticipated. In truth, he was not certain if such comforting methods do work. Somehow, he managed in the end.

There were no waterworks from Senka. However, Liam was grateful for that. In the end, he really was not sure how to handle crying women. He did wonder if Sasha would have any idea. But thinking how he is, it would probably be not of a great help at all. Well, she responded to his gesture by embracing him. It was not romantic nor passionate. The action was comforting and soothing. Somehow, he had this feeling that she was taking much needed time to recuperate. Thinking about it, he was more like a refueling or recharging station. Well, it was not bad of a thing as long as it was her and the others whom he recognized as his friends. Then, there was the silence. It was not deafening or filled with tension. Rather, it was fitting and warm. As such, he did not see any reason to break it.

That was when Sasha entered. Frankly speaking, Liam did not see any reason to be embarrassed with what he was doing. For that fact, he found it odd. Perhaps, the reason was that he was more concern about Senka and he could really care less about what Sasha might think otherwise. There was also the loophole that he really did not mind being seen like this if it was only the small crew of this bakery shop. He wondered if Sasha was going to say something. Because, it was odd for him to simply remain quiet. He believes Liam always had to have a say in everything even if he portrays he did not give any concern about it. In the end, he is more affected than he had what other made to believe.

Peculiarly enough, Sasha went to the front. It was then Senka finally pulled back from him as he looked at her. The smile she presented was better than the previous one. She will be fine soon enough. With that fact, he was glad. She then stated that she noticed Sasha going to the customer area. He knew well-enough when she was joking or not. Right now, they both know there were no traces of humor in that statement. Sasha never had the gift of courteousness especially in his words and actions. Although, he knew the guy was only rough and there was nothing he would change about that. "I agree." He nodded and then lead the way to where he found a face familiar to him.

"What is going on?" Liam started as he approached the group which comprises of Sasha, Calleigh, and two females, one of which he had seen during the festival. But before, he could complete his approach. He sneezed. Covering his nose, his eyes instantly looked around for the possible source of this action. Soon, he found it. The creature which Calleigh was holding. It was a cat. He slowly stepped back as his sneezed once more. It is true that among them. He had been the one always dependable, strong, and calm. It is why moments like these were rare and very enjoyable to bear witness to. "Call-eigh-- ge-t th-at thing out." He managed to say through the series of his sneezes. It was fact he could not handle fur which included animals with one. It was nothing personal.

That was when the doors to the store opened. His eyes went immediately to it. Liam wanted to know the reason for such an entrance. Sirens echoed as the following entourage of the man who stated that Ciara had been found. Without a delay, he went towards the man and manages to contain his sneezing fit to say coherent words. "Where is she?" His eyes held a very serious intention. It had been a week since Ciara disappeared. Everyone was worried for her. As such, he was glad that Ciara was found, but he wanted to be certain she was fine. He wanted to know what happened to her and make anyone who cause her suffering pay dearly.

In any case, he looked over his shoulder to see Calleigh now crying while leaning to Sasha. She finally broke down and he found that to be a positive thing. It was not really good to hold back. She seemed overwhelmed with joy and wanted to see Ciara as well. He returned his attention to the man and then looked at the passing ambulance. Ciara has been taken to the hospital. She was alive, but her condition is to be determined which concerns him greatly. "Don't bother answering." He noted to the man because, he already knew the answer to his earlier query.

Liam looked at Senka and waited for her decision. They were opened and it would not be good to leave the store unattended. Moreover, they still do have customers to attend to. It would be against courtesy to ask them to leave. Perhaps, Calleigh and Sasha could go to check on Ciara while he and Senka attend to the shop until closing time. Then again, it could be Calleigh and Senka. As for them, the boys they can handle the fort in the mean time. "What do you want to do Senka?" He stated with his ever calm visage but, it was destroyed instantly with another sneezing fit. Covering his nose once more, he looked at Calleigh. "G-et i-t out of he-re." And, another sneeze followed that.