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Deliverance (Post-Apocalyptic Zombie RP)

Deliverance (Post-Apocalyptic Zombie RP)


The end of times has come. A mysterious infection ravages the whole world, turning the populace into deadly cannibalistic monstrosities. In this dying world, can you remain hopeful?

2,670 readers have visited Deliverance (Post-Apocalyptic Zombie RP) since GK061490 created it.


NOTE: The contents of this page is subject to change. Expect more information to be added every now and then.


In the year 2014, an unknown infection started spreading worldwide, turning people into mindless animalistic cannibals that predated on non-infected humans. Chaos descended in every nations and despite efforts to get the infection under control, it ravaged nations and decimated the human populace. Scientists were stumped by the infection's origin to the point where they almost believe that its of supernatural causes. As of 2015, the world has been divided into different zones based on the level of infection.


The Red Zones are places with the highest level of infection as well as threat level. Most if not all of the people in these zones are either dead or infected. After several investigations, reports of "unusual" infected were reported in these areas, said to possess qualities that defy our current understanding of physiology. These Red Zones grow every day as more and more people get infected. The Yellow Zones contain most of the remaining human populace but these areas also have infected people in them though not as dense, numerous, and diverse as those in the Red Zones. Civil war and anarchy are common in these areas so seeing bandits and looters are not uncommon. There are some survivors who have setup shelters here, awaiting rescue from the people in the blue zones. The Blue Zones are humanity's last sanctuary from the infected. These areas are run by the Global Infection Eradication Initiative (GIEI) as well as a part of the government that once existed in the area. State of the art defenses are used to keep the infected away from Blue Zones and every once in a while, the GIEI conducts rescue efforts to yellow zones as well as investigations on Red Zones to further understand the infection.



NOTE: The green line running across the right portion of the map is the quarantine barricades setup by GIEI.

1. St. Claire's Church
2. Dahlia Heights Cemetery
3. Houses
4. Ashcroft memorial park
5. Lucky 7 motel
6. Ratchet and Clank's hardware
7. Rocksteady's wine and bakery
8. Cinderella's
9. Sunny Side Daycare
10. St. Claire elementary school
11. Noah Park
12. City Hall with Statue of the mayor in front
13. Ashcroft Police Department
14. The Big Fish
15. Shell Gas Station (NOTE: The sign of the Shell station on the north part of Raven Road is missing its "S", spelling it as "hell")
16. The Drunken Clam
17. Ashcroft High School
18. Mercy Hospital
19. Ashcroft Water Treatment Facility
20. Ashcroft Water Treatment Facility Office
21. Abandoned GIEI Outpost
22. Ashcroft Power Plant (no longer operational)
23. Park (need name)
24. Free to pay, live to stay inn

The roleplay is set on the fictional town of Ashcroft located somewhere in Central United States in the year 2015. The town is smack dab in the middle of a yellow zone and a red zone and has some of the most dangerous infected activity recorded. There are several points of interests in this town but for a survivor it is St. Claire's Church, the only remaining hospitable safe house for the next 50 kilometers. The shelter is run by a local deacon, Christoper Hale, a kind and ever pious men who opens the church doors for any survivors in need. Deacon Hale is also responsible for the "reclamation effort" for the town in order to expand their base of operations and assist more survivors. This church also serves as a hub for the rescue missions done by the GIEI.

The second point of interest is the Town Square which is occupied by a gang of bandits, The Steel Wolves. They are very territorial of their occupation and refuse any assistance from both Deacon Hale as well as the GIEI. They also cause spme trouble for the survivors at the church since they are responsible for stealing some the supplies given to the Deacon every now and then by the GIEI.

The last point of interest is the slum area of Ashcroft. On the first days of the infection, this part of Ashcroft was the first to be quarantined and many believed that it is the point of origin for the infection in Central USA. This area is filled with far more vicious forms of the infected as well as several "special cases" which the GIEI is currently investigating. Heavy barricades are setup to keep anything or anyone from coming out of the slums though some of them were able to escape through the sewers.

-=The Infection=-

I. Possible Origin

Though no hard evidence exists, scientists speculate that the infection did not originate from our world. They believe that the infection originated in Colorado on July 06, 2014. A meteor shower was reported on that night in Colorado and they think that the bacteria that causes the infection hitched a ride from these meteors. How the first infected came to be is an even bigger mystery since the infection's primary mode of transmission is through bites and body fluids. One popular theory is that one of the meteors have managed to land to the ground in one piece and several people may have come to investigate it, exposing them to the bacteria's purest form from the meteor and it eventually mutated once it was inside a human body. The government as well as the health department had poor management of the situation which caused the infection to spread worldwide. Several infected people were able to flee to different countries before the government was even aware of the infection's existence.

One interesting fact about the infection is that it only seems to affect mammals except for rodents. Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians and other animal species are completely immune to the infection. Scientists are still researching why this is so and hopefully use it in the search for a cure.

Please take note that these are only theories and no concrete evidence has been obtained as of today since investigating the Colorado area is nigh impossible due to high infected numbers.

II. Modes of Transmission

1. Exchange of certain body fluids. This includes blood, saliva, and semen.
2. Bites from an infected.
3. Exposure of open wounds to an infected's body fluid.
4. Some mutated infected are able to transmit the disease through different means. They will be further explained once these infected are encountered in the RP.

III. Signs and Symptoms

1. High Fever accompanied by convulsions.
2. Change of eye color to milky white. This only happens if the patient has completely succumbed to the infection.
3. Uncharacteristic violent behavior and twitches.
4. Swollen and raised blood vessels which can be seen on the patient's skin.

IV. Research and Treatment

As of now, a cure or a vaccine has yet to be developed for the infection. Even powerful antibiotics are unable to fight off the bacteria that causes the infection. However, a recent breakthrough by the GIEI's Research and Development team can slow down the infection to an extent. They developed a suppressant drug called "Daylight" that inhibits the increase of the infection's bacteria for 40-48 hours. Sadly, creating the drug is no easy task and only a limited amount is supplied to the masses. They are not meant to suppress the infection forever... only to give the user enough time to prepare for the inevitable.

Also, a study conducted by the GIEI revealed that different blood types have different reactions to the infection.

TYPE A+/- = Seems to be the best breeding ground for the infection. Patients with this blood type will most likely turn instantly.

TYPE B+ = Somewhat resistant to the infection. Patients with this blood type can expect to turn within 2-3 hours.

TYPE B- = More resistant to infection than B+. Patient may turn after 12-24 hours depending on health before the infection.

TYPE AB+/- = Has the same infection rate as a Type A and are likely candidates for further mutation.

TYPE O+ = Some patients with this blood type may not turn but can still carry the infection in their blood. Otherwise, they have the same infection rate as B-.

TYPE O- = Some patients with this blood type are completely immune to infection. Otherwise they have the same infection rate as B-.

-=The Infected=-

I. Who can be infected?

The infection is only able to affect mammals, rendering other animal species completely immune to it. Once the infection enters the body of an animal other than a human, it dies off within 3 seconds inside the animal's bloodstream. According to a study made by GIEI, 80% of all known infected are humans while the remaining 20% are mostly domesticated animals (cats, dogs, etc). Surprisingly enough rodents also seem to be immune to the virus.

II. General Infected Behavior

Once a creature succumbs to the infection they lose most of their mental functions, retaining only motor functions, sense of touch, sense of hearing, vision and basic survival instinct (feeding and breathing). Self will, memories, and conscience are completely wiped off of an infected's mind once they turn. Somehow, the infection is also able to command its host to attack non-infected individuals, possibly as a mechanism for propagation. The infected has also been observed to have increased aggression and according to the GIEI, this is because the infection somehow causes the body to produce abnormal levels of adrenaline. All infected are generally carnivorous, preferring to eat out of corpses of their victims but any kind of meat will suffice their diet.

When undisturbed the infected usually walk around aimlessly, moaning and gasping every now and then. Their aggression is triggered by any form of noise. Once they hear noise, they will quickly head to the source of the noise and after sensing that a prey is nearby, they will become much more aggressive. They lack any form of self preservation and will run head on to their prey even if the path is paved with potentially deadly obstacles.

III. How do you kill an infected?

The primary way of completely killing an infected is by destroying their nervous system; primarily the brain or the spinal cord. This is usually accomplished by shooting them in the head with guns, decapitation, or heavy trauma with a blunt weapon. Burning them will only work if the brain or spinal cord sustains enough damage from it. Electrocution is also an effective way of dealing with the infected as it messes with the nervous system along with damaging their brain. The infected are also affected by toxins to some degree, neurotoxins being the most effective. Explosives are good for crowd control but they do not guarantee the death of every infected due to their lack of precision.

A more interesting way of killing zombies is through the use of GIEI's suppressant drug: Daylight. When an infected gets one in his/her bloodstream, it causes violent convulsions similar to epilepsy and if applied in heavy doses, it can eventually kill an infected.

IV. Mutation

Infected with type AB blood are more susceptible to further mutation after succumbing to the infection. They could transform into a more grotesque form and obtaining a "special ability" along with it. The GIEI currently has classified 2 mutated infected but they believe that there are more types of mutation that are still undiscovered.

a. The Plague Bringer - This infected has developed a large hump on its back composed of multiple boil like lesions with a thick yellow fluid inside of them. The fluid in the lesions seem to be a mutated form of the infection that can be transmitted through mere skin contact. The plaguebringer slowly crawls on all fours, possibly due to the weight of its hump and has the ability to vomit the liquid in its pustules. When threatened or near death, the plaguebringer has a sort of self-destruct mechanism causing the hump on its back to explode violently to cover anyone with its infectious liquid.

b. Big Tim/Big Berta - For some reason the infection has caused this subject's body to produce more muscle mass, turning it into a muscular monstrosity. It has an enlarge torso and an even larger pair of arms and hands. Its hands can easily wrap around a human and crush them with little effort. It was believed that only men are susceptible to this kind of mutation but was proven otherwise by the GIEI.

c. The Beast- A zombie that gains claws and many toothed mouths all over it's body, with slightly longer tongues that may wrap around a leg and drag you into a random mouth. Like its namesake, it has beast-like strength, agility, and viciousness. Scientists believe that the Beast may not just be a single evolved infected but multiple ones as evidenced by its numerous mouths.


There are several roles and alliances in this roleplay. They are:

[St. Claire's Church Survivors]

a. Deacon Christoper Hale - (GK061490) - A kind pious man who is currently the leader of the survivors operating St. Claire's church. He has good ties with the GIEI and has managed to convince them to send rescue every 6 months for the survivors staying at St. Claire's as well as provide them with supplies. His relationship with the Steel Wolves is somewhat neutral even though the bandits were known to kill off some of his "brothers and sisters".

b. St. Claire Survivors - (CleverCleverFox)

c. The Turncoat - A bandit from the Steel Wolves in the guise of a survivor at St. Claire's. He is responsible for leaking information about the location of supply stacks and other insider information about the operation of St. Claire to his gang.

[The Steel Wolves]

a. Gang Leader - (Scarlet Bullets) - A man who has abandoned the human law and self-enforced the law of the jungle in Ashcroft. His men had taken over the Town Square area of Ashcroft including City Hall. His men are considerable better armed than those at St. Claire's. He doesn't exactly spite the survivors in the church and even enforces punishment to his men if one of the survivors from St Claire's is killed off in one of their operations.

b. The Anarchist - One of the gang leader's underlings who does not believe in his leadership. He believes that they would be better off if they slaughtered the people in St. Claire's and cleaned off their supplies. He is currently trying to start an uprising to bring down the current gang leader and take over.

c. Other gang members - (TwilixDragon, LittlexVamp, Starryskies)

[The Wayward]

a. Ordinary Survivors - (AthenaUndying, The Illusionist, smrtazz13) - Survivors who have found themselves in the city of Ashcroft by chance. Their actions will determine if they will side with the survivors at St. Claire's, with The Steel Wolves gang, or fend for themselves.

-=Profile Sheet=-

Code: Select all
[b]Role:[/b] (choose from the ones listed above)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Anime pictures are encouraged. RL pics or written description are welcome too.)


NOTE: This is only the base profile sheet. Feel free to add more info about your character for a more detailed profile.

Toggle Rules

1. No Godmodding unless you are authorized to do so.
2. No flaming, trolling, badmouthing, or any other undesirable attitude. Keep it constructive folks.
3. Semi-literacy is a must. No netspeak and always check grammar and spelling of your posts before submitting them.
4. When speaking OOC, use these separators: ( ), [ ], { }
5. If you are planning on doing something with your character that will have a big impact in the plot, please inform us on the OOC board or through PM.
6. No Mary Sue or Gary Stu allowed or in layman's terms, don't make your character too perfect.
7. Naughty bits and/or kinky stuff are not allowed in the IC board [Staff Edit: Nor through PM. Please Adhere to RPG rules and Romance Policy )
8. Feel free to post images if you need them for visual aid but remember to resize it if its too big.
9. Please be aware that character death is possible in this RP (but of course, it's not gonna happen to everyone).

-=RP Pointers=-

a. If your character will be moving from one Place to another, please add this at the end of your post: (To be continued in the [Place you'll be moving to])

ex: Character A will be going from his home to school.

(Post Body)

(To Be Continued in School)

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in

The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 by GK061490

As you near the city limits you see a battered fallen sign along the roadside. "Welcome to Ashcroft, where you can escape from all your worries."

The Streets

The Streets by RolePlayGateway

A combination of garbage, burning car wreckages and dead bodies litter the streets. The smell of death is thick and you can hear moans and screeches in the distance.

St. Claire's Church

St. Claire's Church by RolePlayGateway

As you approach the church, you see several graffiti on its exterior wall. One of them reads "God, forgive us."

Town Square

Town Square by RolePlayGateway

As you near the town square, you see several signs mounted on the clotheslines around the area. "Keep out!" "No help here!" "Survivors or Infected not welcome here!". You then hear a gunshot nearby.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


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Shizel couldn't help but feel useless as she tried to help Dante organize his office, she had never really been the best when it came to being neat and tidy, apparently she hadn't been born with that specific skill. That was why when Rivera came back she just sighed, the part of her convinced that Dante and Rivera were lovers just taunted her saying that she would never beat the woman at this rate. Not to mention what most people would have been severely reprimanded for, leaving the camp without permission, she simply got a pass on, save being told to take a shower which wasn't much of a punishment as far as Shizel was concerned, how she would love to have a shower right now. She didn't say anything though, she had tried to help and that was all she could do in this situation. Not that she would be able to stop thinking about it, she already liked him, that wasn't going to change with so few good guys around, besides she was sure most guys didn't even see her as a girl so the idea of just giving up didn't appeal to her. She didn't have the courage but she would eventually tell him, Rivera be damned...

Fortunately guard soon came allowing Shizel to take her mind off of the failed task and from the less than professional thoughts about her leader. Instead she switched to the matter at hand, a person seeking entrance, it was rare these days. Mainly because most people around here knew of the gangs rather infamous reputation and didn't come near this place because of it. When Dante turned back to them she had a serious look on her face, she may have a crush but she knew when to keep her feelings out of a situation and having a potential 'trespasser' or 'recruit' was one such situation where being the loyal soldier was better than being the dotting girl. Besides, someone actually wanted to try and join up, this could be a chance for them to strengthen their numbers which was always a good thing as long as the new people carried their weight. Her 'soldier' mentality causing her to just stand there, waiting for Dante to tell her what to do, it was obvious she was awaiting orders, every time she got in this sort of a mood her stance became more rigid almost like she was standing at attention, her military background peeking through. Of course she was well aware that he probably wouldn't need her assistance in handling the acceptance or punishment of a person but she was more than ready to do whatever he needed her to do, as someone who cared for him secretly but mostly as a capable marksman and hand to hand combatant if need be.

The setting changes from Town Square to St. Claire's Church

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(Cleverfox: I think you made a teeny mistake there with calling Christopher as Dante X'D)

Christopher let out an amused chuckle when Ceely asked once more who she needed to cheer up. As selfless as she was, she's definitely the one who needs to smile right now. He turned towards the girl and placed a hand on top of her head.

"Haha, you're the one we're cheering up here, Ceely." answered the deacon before drawing his hand away. "You've been through so much and I think its only fitting that we repay you for what you're doing for us." continued Christopher as they continued towards the memorial park. "And with that said, I am all yours for the whole morning. Feel free to talk to me about anything and everything you--"

"Hey there! Is this a safe haven?"

The deacon's attention was quickly yanked away from Ceely as his eyes darted to the direction of the voice. It was coming from the graveyard and it certainly was an unfamiliar one. His heart started to flutter in excitement and delight at the thought of another survivor making it here in one piece. Squinting his eyes to get a better look at who was calling them, Christopher saw a young girl near the barricade set up by his fellow survivors. He raised his voice for his response to make sure that whoever had called their attention would be able to hear him properly.

"It is, we have a safe house here with plenty of supplies. Please come in."

With that, he called out next to the men patrolling the graveyard to let whoever was coming in pass. One of them went over and unlocked the metal gate leading into the church grounds. He then turned to Ceely with a bright expression on his face. That meant that there could be more people alive out there and was a sure sign that life continued despite the fact that the end of days has come.

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The setting changes from The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 to Town Square


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"Well gee, it's nice to see you too." Rivera stuck her tounge out at him. "And if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. You can't keep me caged here. Safe zone or not, it's...well, boring."

She shrugged, noticing Shizel all but deflate when she had walked in. She smiled a bit. So many of the wolves had the wrong idea about them. Oh well. She internaly sighed, and then pulled the necklace out of her pocket. "Here." She handed it to Dante while she spoke, "Figured you'd get a kick outta this." She grinned at them, then looked to Shizel.

"Hey, Shizel! Wanna join me? Dante can handle this. He's not the leader for nothing, right?"

The setting changes from Town Square to The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

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Shizel just watched as Rivera seemed to playfully brush off the worry Date showed for her, something she found a bit odd but he allowed it, his soft spot for her well known by now. Then she gave him a gift and although Shizel couldn't really see what it was she wished it had been her idea instead. She had never thought to look for small little things while she was out, whenever she went into the more dangerous parts of the city she simply gathered food, looking for survivors, and of course weapons and such, never something like a gift. She sighed to herself as she watched on, they were so lucky. She just stood there though, waiting for something to happen about either the man on the outside of the wall.

"Hey, Shizel! Wanna join me? Dante can handle this. He's not the leader for nothing, right?" Shizel just looked at Rivera a bit surprised, she wasn't really the person that Shizel wanted to be hanging out with to begin with but when there was something going on it just didn't seem like the right time. The thing was Rivera knew Dante better than her and if Shizel was going to be useless, which she had slightly assumed beforehand, maybe she should just go with Rivera. Though that was mostly her female side wanting to learn a bit more about Rivera and in turn hopefully about her and Dante. She looked at their leader, wondering what he would say to this and then she did it, "Dante, do you need me?" she asked not including 'or can I go with Rivera' but it was obvious that was what she wanted to do. Of course he probably knew by now but one word from him and she would do as he told her.

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Georgiana felt a huge weight lift off her chest. It was like this one time in her high school gym class when her teacher made her lift 80 pounds (much more than she could normally handle) with no spot to guide her. She got to just eight reps, and then suddenly she dropped it. She still had her hands on it, so not all the weight was put on her ribs, but it was enough. She felt bone cracking and gasped in vain for breath as she started to black out. She remembered everyone around her ran to her aide to get it off here, and it felt like she weighed as much as a feather when she no longer had all the weight pressing down on her. It didn't feel too good back then, but it was a wonderful feeling now.

"It is, we have a safe house here with plenty of supplies. Please come in," the man, priest, said. She watched as he motioned for some other survivors to open the barricade for her and a million thoughts ran through her mind. I can finally sleep safely in a warm bed. And get actual food! And maybe even a shower and a change of clothes! Damn, that would be nice. I smell awful. She grinned and thanked the people who let her in. Then she warily walked over to the more important looking people to introduce herself.

"H-hi. My name is Georgiana Grey. I came from Phoenix, Arizona. Where exactly are we now?" she started to offer her hand but realized it was still clutching her katana, her knuckles white from how hard her grip was. She quickly put it away and blushed. "Sorry about that." She wiped the sweat off her hand and once again extended it to them.

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Christopher was glad to see the relieved expression in the girl's face as she was let in. She looked like she's been through hell and back if her disheveled and weathered look would be a reference. Then again, almost every survivor that arrived in their doorstep looked a lot like this girl right here. Perhaps the only thing that differentiates her is the light that was still in her eyes. That was good as the church could use more balls of sunshine like her.

"H-hi. My name is Georgiana Grey. I came from Phoenix, Arizona. Where exactly are we now?" she started to offer her hand but realized it was still clutching her katana, her knuckles white from how hard her grip was. She quickly put it away and blushed. "Sorry about that." She wiped the sweat off her hand and once again extended it to them.

"It's very nice to meet you Georgina. I am Christopher and this young lady here is Ceely." replied the deacon, extending his hand to accept the handshake only for it to be taken back by the girl. He let out a soft amused chuckle when she went and wiped her hand first before extending it for their interrupted handshake which Christopher gladly accepted. "You're in Ashcroft, somewhere between Colorado and Wyoming." answered Christopher when asked where they were currently at. Sometimes, he too tends to forget where they were as the Ashcroft he once knew was so different from the wasteland that it was right now. "You must be exhausted and hungry sister. Please come in and rest easy. You can be sure of the safety here." smiled the deacon before turning to Ceely.

A thought then came into mind. Georgina seemed to be a good person to be around Ceely. Perhaps she was just what the hurting girl needed to chase away the blues.

"Ceely, can you be a dear and show Georgina around? And I'm sorry if our little stroll in the park will have to wait." requested Christopher, the second part coming out in a more apologetic tone.

The setting changes from St. Claire's Church to Town Square


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Andrew Concepcion, Town Hall, Steel Wolves Camp

Andrew sighed as he brought the crowbar to his shoulder. Fresh blood dripped flowed down the metal tool and onto his hand. As the blood dripped from the hand that clutched the weapon on to the asphalt Andrew looked down at the corpse of a young man. The infected male had noticed Andrew while he waited outside the Wolves's barricade and had gotten much too close. With another sigh and flick of the wrist Andrew tried to remove some of thebloodfrom his weapon. Suddenly their was the sound of a familiar voice. He turned to see the Rifleman behind a gate working on a latch.

"Alright," He grumbled as he opened it "you can come in, Don't try and start any trouble though."

A small cloud of mist appeared on the inside of the plastic paint mask that covered Andrew's face as he breathed a smirk of relief. "Don't sweat it." He nodded to the guard before following him into the camp. After locking the gate securly the guard proceeded to escort him into the town hall. As he was led into one ofthe offices Andrew noticed a pair of feminine figures with their backs to him.

" I interrupting something?" He asked with a calm tone as he removed the mask from his face.

As the mask dangled in his hand at the side of his body Andrew smirked. He was probably a strange sight considering his outfit. Compared to the present company his armored jacket and vest, kevlar helmet, the paint mask that resembled a cheap gas mask, the leatherbandoiler on his waist, all made him seem a bit, eccentric, at the very least. Although he wasn't complaining, while the group of these wolves had been holed up in their camp and survivng in one place, he'd been wandering and fighting his way all the way from Fort Worth, so it was no surprise that he had created an outfit such as the one he wore, it was out of neccessity.

Andrew took the crowbar from his shoulder andreturnedit to it's place on his waist, a few specks of blood that had remained on the weapon flew through the air and landed on his left cheek. As he wiped the blood off he looked at the two women infront of him. Keeping his thoughts to himself he turned to the man who stood in front of the two.

"You must be the the head of this group, correct?" Andrew said to Dante. He tucked his Paint mask behind him between the belt of hispantsand his back. "Name's Andrew, and I'm here to do buisness with you." His hands removed the dark grey helmet revealing his head of dark brown hair. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a content sigh as he felt the cool air on his hot head. "I propose a deal, you give me a room to get some sleep, any information you have on the the GIEI and safe zones and I'll give you the location to a good size cache of food and water. A camp like this needs supplies don't it? What do you say, we have a deal?"


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Dante accepted the necklace gladly, giving his sister a warm happy smile that the some of the wolfs have never even seen. He stuffed it in his pocket making sure to wear it later and simply understood what she was she was going on about. She was right, there was no way to keep her in the safe zone all the time, still he would at least like a heads up. Being that one day she would run off, get in trouble and he had no way of helping her for he would have no clue where to look. That is what he feared. Another, more depressing daydream began to rise in his mind. But before it had it's fool affect on him he heard Rivera ask Shizel to go do whatever.

This surprised him as well, for, as far as he could remember, when Rivera did anything with another wolf it never ended on how he thought it would. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, never the less he was overprotective of her. In this case he only wondered instead of arguing. It was Shizel, she was the one wolf he trusted more than anyone else. That and Rivera, she was still the top no matter what. For what she had done for him in his dire need. He simply nodded at Shizel when asked to leave and gave her a small smile. Not like the one Rivera gets but all the same a simply smile. In case you didn't know Dante suppresses his emotions a lot. There is only a few ways to know how he is feeling or how he feels about something. His expression, his book of secrets, and his body. They were all hard to read, being that he had bad hand writing and good at hiding his feelings, but he would slip up time to time and show how he felt. For Rivera, a love of brother and sister, for Shizel, that was undetermined. All he knew is that he was more fond of her than every other wolf. Begin the leader, it's hard to know just how you feel on a personal level when being stressed with your life.

Just when Dante would see the girls off, the man had walked in asking if he interrupted anything. Cocky... Maybe. Dante didn't like that. He watched as the strangely dressed man walked in and cooled himself off. It was good armor from the infected, Dante never really worried about it. Being that his blood type was the immunity O. Still, being bit would be a bad idea, even if what the military say is so true, he never trusted his immunity. Less clothing, more on guard.

Dante scratched his head a moment listening to the man's deal. His name was Andrew? Seemed like a trust worthy name, never the less, he would not be suckered in so easily by the idea of food and water his men had missed or were to scared to venture to far from the safe zone. He then replied...

"First, I'm Dante, you may call me Dante and nothing else. Second, I can't just amuse that your supplies haven is true. Your going to haft to show proof, and as for a place to stay, only steel wolfs may have a place here. You would haft to join or leave the next day. Sense I'm in a good mood and one of the wolfs were kick out today, I give you a shot on joining. I have all the information you need about the safe zones and military you need but I need an answer, join or stay for the day?"

It fell silent for a moment, Dante never was this polite to the randoms that walked in his hall, but this man was armed, knew how to survive, and if what he said is true, has an idea of food and water, a perfect scavenger. Those were needed in the wolfs, most were good guards and builders. Some were good at the gas station, the barricade wonderland that was the main tech of there camp. As for scavenging, they were lacking. He needed someone reliable like this man to be apart of the big piture. Still, he make things quite clear before this was over. In fact...

"Drop your weapon, Shizel, Rivera, leave now. See if there anyone else waiting by the wall." his voice suddenly firm and demanding.

Every wolf he attempted to recruit had this happen. Alone with the leader, dangerous yes, smart yes. For when alone you can say what you rally need to say, and do what is needed to be done. Dante, needed to know if this guy was simply after there stuff, insane, or the real deal.


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Andrew Concepcion, Town Hall, Steel Wolves

Andrew brought a hand under his chin as he thought. "Hmm, well one at time."

Andrew looked at the two women as he swung his bag around to his front. "First things first, Proof." Andrew quickly unzipped the bagand helditopen to reveal what he had gathered from the supply. The large pack was filled with canned food items and bottles of water. "I took the liberty of grabbing a share for myself, plenty more still there." Andrew gave Dante enough time to get a good look before zipping the pack back up. He swung the bag over his shoulder before looking around at the interior of the building.

"As for a membership into your group here, I have to respectfully reject." Andrew said calmly as he looked backto Dante. "I have no intention of staying in this foresaken town longer then neccessary. I just need lodging for the night, then I'll be on my way."

Andrew sighed and put the helmet back on his head. "Now, as for that info I need, what kind of intel do you have on GIEI activity in the area and how far to the nearest safezone?"

The setting changes from Town Square to The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

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... (fixed)

The setting changes from The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 to Town Square


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Dante simply glared at the supplies. He was right, this was going good. Another guard had been waiting at in the hallway with information of yet another survivor, Dante glared at him, simply saying that if there was anyone else bring 'em here. That or the girls would see that, but that was just to be said so he had some privacy with the newcomers. He didn't really care what they did at this point, they did there work, or at least Shizel did, Rivera is lucky.

Dante frowned when he declined his recruitment. If anyone would of done that he would of took his revolver and shoot them dead. This guy had info that was needed. A small price for a better cause. Instead Dante nodded and said, "As for those guys, there barricade is watched time to time, we use it as an extra for are wall, they tend to have information with the church. As for safe zones, it's here. This town, we are the only ones that give true safety. If anyone asked, the church is unsafe, and no need to bother those guys."

This was a lie, but her didn't need a possibly of those survivors getting info that he had. He sighed, "As for your stay, there is a house on the fare corner, you can have the spare room in there. That house is were we store are food in the basement and where the more helpful wolfs rest but one day... There ya go, now... Where is this supplies?"

Dante had his arms crossed now. Waiting for an answer so he could shoo the man off, under the supervision of a guard of course and deal with the other one that would no doubt be want in there base.

The setting changes from Town Square to The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

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When the man came in Shizel had got a little on guard, not that it was obvious but her eyes moved to him and didn't leave as he spoke and how arrogant he was. He walked in here acting like he was in charge, saying they could work together, it was like he didn't know where he was or who they were which if he didn't he soon would find out. Even when Dante started speaking she didn't take her eyes off of the man, if he made a reach for his weapon or anything of the sort she would be on him faster than he could do anything. Of course when Dante told her and Rivera to leave she looked to him, not really wanting to but simply nodding and turning to walk out, tapping Rivera on the shoulder, knowing she would obey Dante as well but she figured the girl would still want to do whatever it was she wanted a minute ago when she asked Shizel to join her. She didn't wait for the woman, she decided to take care of this apparent other survivor herself. She was wanting to make sure to search this one before she took him to Dante, she would not have him in any sort of danger for his 'one on one' time because of a hidden weapon and while she wouldn't take a persons weapon, knowing she would be more hostile if someone did that to her, she would make her intentions of protecting Dante clear. She made her way to the wall and looked over, seeing the man standing there, he looked youngish, though not too young and he was armed, that she could see from a distance. His stance told her while he didn't look it he was on guard, small little things she noticed such as his hands being near his weapon and of course the way his eyes while staring straight ahead kept occasionally looked to the side.

After looking at him for a minute in observation she went outside of the barrier and walked over to him. She looked at him and looked down as his weapon, her own hand on her knife just in case, the other ready to take his weapon if he tried anything, "Alright, the leader will speak with you and while I will not take your weapon if I see you touch it even look like your going for it when you get inside I will end you..." she threatened in a very serious tone before turning around, "Now follow me..." When she finished talking she went back into the compound and headed towards Dante's office. She was a bit more confrontational when it came to people seeing Dante, he was a bit careless at times, not that he couldn't handle himself but insisting to see a survivor without others was a risk she wished he didn't take. Then again their entire lives had so much risk nowadays. As she walked she didn't bother to check on the man, if he followed then great, if not he would not get a second chance and she would just go about her day without a care.

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As David waited he just continued to look around, he was going to be prepared if anything happened while he waited, not to mention he had to keep his eyes on that wall in case they decided they didn't want him standing around or coming in. Luckily after waiting awhile a person came out of the place and he just smirked, at first he thought it was a guy but as the figure got closer it was just a rather tomboyish woman, not bad looking at that. Of course she was getting right to business, a woman who knew what she wanted, he couldn't help but smirk. "Alright, the leader will speak with you and while I will not take your weapon if I see you touch it even look like your going for it when you get inside I will end you..." David shrugged and followed behind her, making sure to enjoy the small view he got because of that as they approached the town hall, or what he assumed was one because of the general appearance of the building. As they went through the base he saw several people, a sign of good fortune if he could say so himself, it seemed like he had come across the jackpot, a group of survivors with a decent setup who didn't take shit from anyone. Heck he had seen much worse in his time here, especially when the outbreak first broke out. His thoughts were cut short though as they went inside the building and made their way to what he assumed was the leaders office or whatever they called it. Once inside he was led there by the woman and soon came found himself at an office, walking in without hesitation to see two men talking, one in a strange getup, and the other who gave off the feel of the gang leader, not that he was all that sure he was correct.

David didn't speak though, he knew better than to interrupt the boss, be a little cheeky yes, but interrupt no, never make them feel like you had something better to say than they did, he had learned that awhile back when he ran with a gang of his own. Well not really a gang, more of a group of punks but it had been about the same as far as the general do's and don't's went. Instead he just stood there, leaned against the wall, and waited his turn, wondering if he was even being brought here for a chance to join or if he was just going to be shot for his apparent trespassing. Either way, he was in deep now, no getting out clean from this one.

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Danni sighed lightly as she came up to the camp, merely flashing the tag around her collar for identification to one of the guards. As they let her in, her step quickened. Her grumbling tummy hadn't left her alone since she emerged from her box. Making her way around, she was able to snag a few bits of food from a few of the other members, taking scraps for the exchange of her clearing their plates.

When she was done, she had cleared away most of the plates, and her rumbling tummy was satisfied.

Streatching comfortably, she contininued to walk through camp, a roll held between her teeth. Though she was smiling, her scarlet eyes dared anyone to take it from her.

The girl snapped from her thoughts as she suddenly felt something wet sliding down her leg. Taking a look down, she noticed that her leg had been scrapped when the man had pushed her, and it was begining to bleed. She reached down and brushed the liquid away, leaving a few streeks of red on her ivory legs. Shrugging it off she continued walking, munching on the end of the roll that was nuzzled in betwix her teeth. She only stopped when she reached the shadow of a building. Looking up she realized it was Dante's building.

Sighing heavily she tilted her head to the side. Since she had nothing better to do, maybe the Leader of this little group could entertain her with a job or something?

"I am so gonna be marked late..." She mummbled over the bread. She finished it off before she made her way inside.

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( Sorry, missed a day. School's back and all >.< )

Ceely grinned at the girl before looking back at Brother Hale. She didn’t actually expect anyone to find the church of for that matter the whole town. Ashcroft was quite smaller than most towns or states and it didn’t really have any tourist attractions either.

She looked back at the girl and stuck out her own hand to her, β€œIt’s good to know someone my age survived other than me” Ceely was the only one she knew that was nineteen, and was about to start collage. She didn’t even get to become a freshman.

She turned to Brother Hale when he addressed her, then smiled sadly and shrugged. β€œ It’s okay Mr. Hale. I’ll just come and get you if I want that walk” With that said, she turned to the girl and winked. β€œ It’s pretty boring around here, I’m the only source of entertainment”

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Georgiana smiled at the grinning girl and shook her outstretched hand. "It's nice to meet you, too!" It felt so good to be with company again, and she was glad that there was somebody she could talk to her. Especially another girl, about her age, it seemed. She stood as Ceely spoke to Brother Christopher and then turned to back to her. β€œ It’s pretty boring around here, I’m the only source of entertainment” she teased with a wink.

"Well, darn. I guess I'll be downgrading then. At least out on the streets I had some action!" she returned with a beaten expression. Then she smiled and turned to the minister.

"Thank you, Brother. You have no idea how great it feels to be here with other people." She bowed in gratitude then looked down at her blood and sweat stained clothes. She asked Ceely, "I'm looking forward to this tour, but would it be possible for me to take a shower or change or something? I'm pretty nasty, don't want to stink up the place!"

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Chris was glad to see the two quickly getting along with each other. They would certainly benefit each other in the long run and it was a lot more easier to get through these trying times with a friend beside you. When the thought of friendship crossed his mind a pang of pain came over the deacon. He pushed it away for now though when Georgina asked where she could freshen up for the meantime.

"Ah yes. Thankfully we still have running water here in Ashcroft. The washroom is in the back of the church and there are plenty of fresh clothes here that you can change to. I'll have Juana bring you some while you wash yourself." replied Christopher before seeing the girls go off to their destination.

Walking back to the church, his mind went back again to ruminating and reminiscing. Of course, he had plenty of friends here in the church but there was one in particular that held a special place in his heart... a bestfriend as one may put it. He met him during the first days of the outbreak here in Ashcroft and it was completely by chance. They got each others backs and he would not be standing here right now if it weren't for this bestfriend of his. However, a wedge was driven between them due to their different principles and caused a falling out between their friendship. While he was resolute with helping other survivors in need, he was only concerned with their own survival and refused to take chances.

He had to wonder if this friend of his was still alive. If so, where could he be right now? He sincerely wished that nothing bad had befallen his friend and that they would be able to meet again someday. More than anything, he wished that his friend would be able to see this whole thing through and live to see the day when everything would return back to normal. Christopher found himself looking at the ring that this friend had given him. It was a pretty ordinary silver ring that lacked any design whatsoever; just a simple silver loop that wrapped around his ring finger. Despite its simple appearance, it represented the strong bond that he and the other man shared.

He was finally able to locate Juana after a minute or so of asking around. She too was quite the helpful presence here at St. Claire's much like Ceely. She was a teacher at St. Claire's Elementary and one of the first people to take refuge here. Christopher had a lot of respect for her since even though rescue had already come here twice, she never agreed to come along and preferred to stay at St. Claire's to help more survivors.

"Juana, we have a new guest joining us today. Might you provide her some clean clothes?" asked the deacon.

"Of course brother Hale. How old is she?" asked Juana.

"Perhaps seventeen or so. She's a lot like Ceely actually."

"I see. We still have plenty of clothes here for that body type. There's not enough people to wear them anyways." chuckled Juana.

"Wonderful. Thank you so much, Juana." smiled Christopher.

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Dante had opened his book to write a note about the survivor named Andrew staying for today. It what he had to do to remember, and in case anyone else came across this place on day and he was no longer here. That would be the day... He looked up to see the new survivor waiting. No more one on one, this became a simple chat. Though he was still a bit angry that he didn't get Andrew to become a member he said to the new man, "And just what the hell do you want?"

Sure not the nicest way to greet someone but he was pissed, so this guy either be joining or have something useful to say or he have blood on the carpet. He closed the book and slammed it on his desk, eyeing the man now. Dante, was unarmed at the time, and with his sudden outburst another guard came to view in the hallway, with a small handgun. He nodded to Dante, letting him know he had his back. Dante nodded back then turned to the new guy, "My bad, that was rude of me. I'm Dante, the leader of the steel wolfs, speak your deal now."

Being firm, intimating, was it really him? He was told he had a younger look as if her was only a young adult, other see him as the age he was. Still, he felt sometimes people didn't take him seriously, that's when he head an idea. He stored it in his mind and focused on the task at hand. Though he knew that the gang would have a new change soon enough. He examined the man more now, seeing that he looked armed as well, he felt the need to be more on guard. Now that he thought about it, today was not a good day to let random strangers into the heart of the camp. Well, nothing went wrong yet so his leadership must be fine right? He nearly fell into another daydream, till his thoughts came back to Andrew and the other man. He still needed to know where the supplies was.

Just then one of his wolfs came in. It was the late one. Dante glared at her seeing that she was needed earlier. Dante pointed at her and said, "Slacker, go with Andrew to fetch the supplies. Andrew, as soon as I have everything you promised your stay here will be much better..."

The setting changes from The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 to Town Square


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"And just what the hell do you want?" That was not what David expected when he walked in, though in truth he hadn't know what exactly to be expecting. He just stood there for a minute though wondering how best to answer such a question, should he stand his ground as he usually would and show who he really was or let the leader think of himself as utterly superior and probably have a better chance of living? "My bad, that was rude of me. I'm Dante, the leader of the steel wolfs, speak your deal now." David smirked, he had just gotten lucky, apparently the bad mood didn't last so long and he wasn't almost certain to die anymore. With that though in his mind he stepped forward just a bit and looked the man in the eye, "Well I am David. I have been surviving by myself for awhile now and fear if I don't find a group to join up with that I will soon end up like those I have seen fall since the beginning. I happened upon your setup here and it seems safe, organized enough, and well if you don't mind me saying..." he leaned in a bit closer looking over at the female with short hair, "The woman who brought me in was quite fine." he said in a whisper so only Dante could hear him and with a slight wink he leaned back, "That being said I was hoping to be able to join you here, do my part, reap the benefits of a setup such as the one you have going. Of course that is you wouldn't mind. Do ya?" he asked rather nonchalantly but there was hope in his voice if you listened closely enough.

Of course he was just being himself as usual, though as soon as he said that he figured he may have come across a little too strong on that end. Not that he could do anything about it now but it didn't stop him from wanting to slap himself in the face. He didn't move after that, he hoped he had gotten the point across that he was looking to join, hopefully him doing his fair share of the work was also assumed. He was also hoping that his rather forward way of speaking about things would lose him any points with the leader of this gang, but once again, it was too late to really change that now. He looked Dante in the eyes as he stood there, evaluating his chances, hoping to see if he was going to accept him or test him, or on the chance that he was just going to have David eliminated he wanted to at least be ready to try and get away from this place, though there were better chances of the infection all being a dream than him escaping this little base with all of the men with guns, and of course the women as well, the girl who led him in also carried a rifle and he bet she could use it.

The setting changes from Town Square to The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

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Danni had not even put one foot inside Dante's office before his voice drifted through her ears.

"Slacker, go with Andrew to fetch the supplies. Andrew, as soon as I have everything you promised your stay here will be much better..." Danni's face fell as she looked at the new arrival.

"But-!" She started, but decided it was better then cleaning bikes, or any other punishment the leader would have dealt. "...Yes Dante. And the names Danni!" She mummbled, her eyes glancing down at the floor before her arms crossed over her chest. Looking to Andrew, she passed a friendly smile. "Whenever you're ready." She grumbled, before looking back to Dante with respectful eyes.

"By the way, Dante, I think I might have gotten a little bit of blood on the floor outside..." She cooed, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly, a goofy smile gracing her lips once more. "Your Watchmen are lacking in manners. One swerved out of his way this morning just to push me down as he ran past." She pouted, more voicing her opinion. She ofcoarse expected Dante to ignore her, but she was just killin' time untill Andrew was ready.

The setting changes from The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 to Town Square


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"Well I am David. I have been surviving by myself for awhile now and fear if I don't find a group to join up with that I will soon end up like those I have seen fall since the beginning. I happened upon your setup here and it seems safe, organized enough, and well if you don't mind me saying..." Dante was surprised to see David lean closer to him. Not many would get so close to him, but really most the time he was all talk, and when he had to he show action, so this didn't seem to to big of a deal. Still, what had would say that would possibly anger him any more than he was? "The woman who brought me in was quite fine." Dante clenched his jaw a little, giving off a fake smirk to the David. "That being said I was hoping to be able to join you here, do my part, reap the benefits of a setup such as the one you have going. Of course that is you wouldn't mind. Do ya?" See Dante, as calm as he was, tend to get a little pissed when strangers looked at his members like that. It was rule number six: No sex of any kind, children not welcome. Punishment for breaking rule: Male must either shoot the female, anywhere, or if a child was on the way he haft to kill it. It was one of his cruelest rules, and the moment he put it up, he never head to worry about enforcement it. Being that this stranger, David walked in cocky, wanting to stay here, and goes off talking about one of his greatest members like she was meat... Well, Dante tend to get a little more emotional over that than most things.

Dante held Davids comment in the back of his mind for later, then went on to say, "If you wish to stay here, you must become a member, which means you must go threw a small test sense you asked me." Dante simply paused, seeing on that's not how he wanted to say it. "We have one slot open, so I want it filled, you, will be acceptable, but your test... Well let me think..."

Dante brought back his comment about Shizel, this time, having a small daydream of Shizel... He leaned back a bit surprised. Dante never really thought to look at his members like that, being that he followed his own rules, still, this was the first time in a long while he felt an attraction. He glared at David, "Now for your test." His voice went loud so all could hear in the room, "Sense you like her so much, for one week, she is your drill Sargent. She train you like the others had been trained, but more importantly, you do everything she says, you don't eat till she says you can, you don't sleep till she says you can, you don't even step out of place without asking her first, basically as far as I care, she can make you do anything she wants. Your her bitch."

This was different from all the other tests, normally they be gathering supplies, or something productive, but David seemed to be able to be a good member for lasting so long, and it was his way of getting revenge on him for his comment. Dante had rules, posted at the entrance of city hall, and number one was don't piss off Dante. He broke it, he was a recruit of the wolfs now, there for it was more of a punishment than a test. For all he cared, he would of just let him in as long as he was helpful, but he went off saying that. Dante, feeling the small concern to ask Shizel if it was all right, all well. If she really wanted to, she could just send off to do what ever, or make him suffer like he wanted.

Dante said one last thing, grinning at David, "Or you can just leave, and never show your face again. I'm fine with that. Though if you past the test, then you be opened to the food and other supplies freely like the rest of the members. Don't forget to read the rules on how we share food though."

Seeing that there was nothing left to be said at this point, he turned to Danni, who he had ignored up till now. "Well stay out of the damn way and they wont't do that girl! If it's messing with you that bad, after your done go get patched up at the gas station." he said to her. The gas station, being that it was were they got gas, and where they stored there medical supplies as well as tech that could be important at some point. Each corner of the camp had a building, each one used for different things, and making it easier to fortify the walls. Dante sighed now, looking back at what he had said today, was he really doing the right thing? Treating the slacker like crap? Or giving Shizel another small responsibly? Shizel, he nearly went back to a daydream about her, this is when he did something he head not done sense last week, he blushed.


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"Hm hm hm~ Very well played out, Mr. Leader." mused a familiar voice from behind the doorway leading to Dante's office.

By now, everyone had already gone to where they were ordered to go, leaving Dante all alone in his office save for his guard stationed just outside the office. However, the person who just taunted the Wolves' leader was definitely not that guard. No one dared to challenge Dante's authority here, all except for one.

"Mind if I come in?" asked the voice before a young man stepped out of the shadows and made his presence known to Dante.

The young man stood at about 6' flat and had spiky brown hair and cold yet strangely hypnotic crimson eyes. His clothes were noticeably better looking than most people at the camp, a sure sign that he held at least some authority here. He was Glen Stokes, one of the original survivors to form the Steel Wolves and an integral part to the group despite his defiant personality. He has been known to clash with Dante every now and then due to differences in perspective, earning him the distaste of those loyal to him.

"Well well well, picking up strays from the streets again I see. I wonder why we even put up those signs on the first place. Well... I guess we have plenty of food to feed another mouth anyways." sighed Glen in a sarcastic tone as he approached Dante's desk and sat on one of the chairs in front of it. "And striking a deal with a complete stranger in return for food and accommodations. Have we really gone so low, Dante?"

To say the least, Glen was frustrated with Dante's actions. Sure they would benefit them in some way but there was always a price to pay. That was not what the wolves' way... or at least not the one he come to know. The wolves didn't have to give a rat's ass what other people wanted. They take whatever the hell they want when they want it. Letting in random people from the streets, striking deals with strangers, and letting those church pansies get away with mountains of supply was definitely not the wolves' way.

"Seriously Dante, what is wrong with you? Where did the wolves' ruthless and efficient leader gone?"


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Andrew Concepcion, Steel wolves Camp

As he walked with his newly appointed partner towards the exit of the town hall Andrew breathed a sigh of relief. He gave a look to the red and blonde haired teen. She was rather short compared to him, almost a foot difference left the top of her head at the height of his shoulders. A small smirk came onto his face as he felt a memory of an old girlfriend come on. A small shakeof the head prevent him from dwelling and he looked ahead. He walked with her to the camp's south exit where he gathered a couple of duffel bags from the guard.

As they waited for the guard to open the gate Andrew readied himself. He checked the armored parts of his jacket first, then made surethe bandoiler on his waste was secure. As he put puton the paint mask he looked at Danni.

"You got a name?" He asked, voice slightly muffled through the plastic. "You know what, never mind, you can tell me it when we get back." Andrew grinned reassuringly to her. He removed his USP from it's holster on his hip and attached the suppressor. Looking up he saw the guard give them a nod to let them know it was time to go.

"We're heading to the 'Free to Stay', should take us about ten minutes if things go well. I'll tell you something now though, when your with me you are quiet understood?." He spoke sternly. "Any unsuppressed gun shots and I'll shoot you myself. Start yelling and hollerin, I leave you behind. If you understand then your welcome to join me. I've come too far to die now, if you aren't confident about this then you can stay, I'm more then capable of accomplishing this task on my own.

Andrew nodded to the guard who opened the gate. After walking out a few steps he stopped, duffel bags in one hand andcrowbar in the other, and turned to Danni. "However," He smirked to her. "I could use the company."


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David zoned out a bit as Dante began to speak about a test and open slot, he just let the occasional word drift into his mind, of course he looked like he was paying attention, a learned trait which he had mastered over the course of his life. "Now for your test." He began to pay attention then, knowing this was the important part, he had to be ready for whatever the test was. "Sense you like her so much, for one week, she is your drill Sargent. She train you like the others had been trained, but more importantly, you do everything she says, you don't eat till she says you can, you don't sleep till she says you can, you don't even step out of place without asking her first, basically as far as I care, she can make you do anything she wants. Your her bitch." When he heard this he couldn't help but smirk, he got to be around the beauty all day as his punishment, how bad could that be? He had the feeling it was all going to be fun and games to be honest, he would flirt with her a bit, use his charm, maybe get her into bed, of course this was just his fantasy. He couldn't help it though, what guy wouldn't want to get a sexy woman into bed with him after being alone in such an environment, it was like some sort of heavenly ideal in his head. He didn't say any of this though, he had a feeling this assignment was because Dante hadn't liked him having an eye for the woman. Of course he didn't understand that either, the leader doesn't like him looking at another member in such a fashion so to punish him he assigns him to her, wasn't any logic he would have used but hell he didn't mind it either way, he would be fine with it.

With that he nodded, "I think I will stick around, hanging around a woman like her for a week sounds awesome, thanks Dante." he said but inside his head he was cursing Shit shit shit! I shouldn't have said that, I already made him mad once talking about her like that! He couldn't help it though, that was the kind of guy he was and although he would love to have made a better impression he knew he had already said enough and kept quiet. Someone else had it in their mind to talk now though as he heard another man began to speak to Dante, being a new member he didn't know that much about the gang but this didn't seem like the kind of thing Dante would stand for, though he had been known to be wrong in his life before, probably more often than not. Instead of speaking he just took a few steps back and watched, his first day and he would already get to see the leader out for blood if his assumption was correct, if not at least he would get to see who else held a bit of power in the gang because nobody but another powerful figure could get away with something like that. Besides, he couldn't help but look at the way the guy was dressed, his clothing almost like he had first pick, who knew though, once again, he was new, he knew nothing about all of this gang stuff, just that they had what he wanted so he wanted to be part of it.

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Add Setting » 4 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 by GK061490

As you near the city limits you see a battered fallen sign along the roadside. "Welcome to Ashcroft, where you can escape from all your worries."

The Streets

The Streets by RolePlayGateway

A combination of garbage, burning car wreckages and dead bodies litter the streets. The smell of death is thick and you can hear moans and screeches in the distance.

St. Claire's Church

St. Claire's Church by RolePlayGateway

As you approach the church, you see several graffiti on its exterior wall. One of them reads "God, forgive us."

Town Square

Town Square by RolePlayGateway

As you near the town square, you see several signs mounted on the clotheslines around the area. "Keep out!" "No help here!" "Survivors or Infected not welcome here!". You then hear a gunshot nearby.

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Character Portrait: Andrew Concepcion
0 sightings Andrew Concepcion played by Architect
"I'm just a Dominican guy from Fort Worth."
Character Portrait: David Serrano
0 sightings David Serrano played by The Illusionist
"What makes you think I care who you are?"
Character Portrait: Shizel Aria
0 sightings Shizel Aria played by Starryskies
"Some things are best kept to oneself, for your pain need not become someone elses."

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Deliverance (Post-Apocalyptic Zombie RP). Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Deacon Christopher Hale
Character Portrait: Danni McCorvic
Character Portrait: Ceely Cash
Character Portrait: Dante Stronghold
Character Portrait: Georgiana Grey
Character Portrait: Glen Stokes
Character Portrait: Niklas Striimer


Character Portrait: Niklas Striimer
Niklas Striimer

It is my duty to serve and protect

Character Portrait: Glen Stokes
Glen Stokes

"Some leader you turned out to be..."

Character Portrait: Georgiana Grey
Georgiana Grey

"I won't kill you, as long as you don't get in my way."

Character Portrait: Dante Stronghold
Dante Stronghold

"I'll make this clear, if you mess with one of my members I'll personally gut you."

Character Portrait: Ceely Cash
Ceely Cash

"Oh my god... We're all going to die"

Character Portrait: Danni McCorvic
Danni McCorvic

"Well.. We're screwed."

Character Portrait: Deacon Christopher Hale
Deacon Christopher Hale

"The Lord will protect us."


Character Portrait: Deacon Christopher Hale
Deacon Christopher Hale

"The Lord will protect us."

Character Portrait: Ceely Cash
Ceely Cash

"Oh my god... We're all going to die"

Character Portrait: Georgiana Grey
Georgiana Grey

"I won't kill you, as long as you don't get in my way."

Character Portrait: Dante Stronghold
Dante Stronghold

"I'll make this clear, if you mess with one of my members I'll personally gut you."

Character Portrait: Glen Stokes
Glen Stokes

"Some leader you turned out to be..."

Character Portrait: Danni McCorvic
Danni McCorvic

"Well.. We're screwed."

Character Portrait: Niklas Striimer
Niklas Striimer

It is my duty to serve and protect

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Danni McCorvic
Danni McCorvic

"Well.. We're screwed."

Character Portrait: Ceely Cash
Ceely Cash

"Oh my god... We're all going to die"

Character Portrait: Niklas Striimer
Niklas Striimer

It is my duty to serve and protect

Character Portrait: Deacon Christopher Hale
Deacon Christopher Hale

"The Lord will protect us."

Character Portrait: Glen Stokes
Glen Stokes

"Some leader you turned out to be..."

Character Portrait: Dante Stronghold
Dante Stronghold

"I'll make this clear, if you mess with one of my members I'll personally gut you."

Character Portrait: Georgiana Grey
Georgiana Grey

"I won't kill you, as long as you don't get in my way."

View All » Places

The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 by GK061490

As you near the city limits you see a battered fallen sign along the roadside. "Welcome to Ashcroft, where you can escape from all your worries."

The Streets

The Streets by RolePlayGateway

A combination of garbage, burning car wreckages and dead bodies litter the streets. The smell of death is thick and you can hear moans and screeches in the distance.

St. Claire's Church

St. Claire's Church by RolePlayGateway

As you approach the church, you see several graffiti on its exterior wall. One of them reads "God, forgive us."

Town Square

Town Square by RolePlayGateway

As you near the town square, you see several signs mounted on the clotheslines around the area. "Keep out!" "No help here!" "Survivors or Infected not welcome here!". You then hear a gunshot nearby.

The Streets

A combination of garbage, burning car wreckages and dead bodies litter the streets. The smell of death is thick and you can hear moans and screeches in the distance.

The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

As you near the city limits you see a battered fallen sign along the roadside. "Welcome to Ashcroft, where you can escape from all your worries."

St. Claire's Church

As you approach the church, you see several graffiti on its exterior wall. One of them reads "God, forgive us."

Town Square

As you near the town square, you see several signs mounted on the clotheslines around the area. "Keep out!" "No help here!" "Survivors or Infected not welcome here!". You then hear a gunshot nearby.

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