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Deliverance (Post-Apocalyptic Zombie RP)

Deliverance (Post-Apocalyptic Zombie RP)


The end of times has come. A mysterious infection ravages the whole world, turning the populace into deadly cannibalistic monstrosities. In this dying world, can you remain hopeful?

2,668 readers have visited Deliverance (Post-Apocalyptic Zombie RP) since GK061490 created it.


NOTE: The contents of this page is subject to change. Expect more information to be added every now and then.


In the year 2014, an unknown infection started spreading worldwide, turning people into mindless animalistic cannibals that predated on non-infected humans. Chaos descended in every nations and despite efforts to get the infection under control, it ravaged nations and decimated the human populace. Scientists were stumped by the infection's origin to the point where they almost believe that its of supernatural causes. As of 2015, the world has been divided into different zones based on the level of infection.


The Red Zones are places with the highest level of infection as well as threat level. Most if not all of the people in these zones are either dead or infected. After several investigations, reports of "unusual" infected were reported in these areas, said to possess qualities that defy our current understanding of physiology. These Red Zones grow every day as more and more people get infected. The Yellow Zones contain most of the remaining human populace but these areas also have infected people in them though not as dense, numerous, and diverse as those in the Red Zones. Civil war and anarchy are common in these areas so seeing bandits and looters are not uncommon. There are some survivors who have setup shelters here, awaiting rescue from the people in the blue zones. The Blue Zones are humanity's last sanctuary from the infected. These areas are run by the Global Infection Eradication Initiative (GIEI) as well as a part of the government that once existed in the area. State of the art defenses are used to keep the infected away from Blue Zones and every once in a while, the GIEI conducts rescue efforts to yellow zones as well as investigations on Red Zones to further understand the infection.



NOTE: The green line running across the right portion of the map is the quarantine barricades setup by GIEI.

1. St. Claire's Church
2. Dahlia Heights Cemetery
3. Houses
4. Ashcroft memorial park
5. Lucky 7 motel
6. Ratchet and Clank's hardware
7. Rocksteady's wine and bakery
8. Cinderella's
9. Sunny Side Daycare
10. St. Claire elementary school
11. Noah Park
12. City Hall with Statue of the mayor in front
13. Ashcroft Police Department
14. The Big Fish
15. Shell Gas Station (NOTE: The sign of the Shell station on the north part of Raven Road is missing its "S", spelling it as "hell")
16. The Drunken Clam
17. Ashcroft High School
18. Mercy Hospital
19. Ashcroft Water Treatment Facility
20. Ashcroft Water Treatment Facility Office
21. Abandoned GIEI Outpost
22. Ashcroft Power Plant (no longer operational)
23. Park (need name)
24. Free to pay, live to stay inn

The roleplay is set on the fictional town of Ashcroft located somewhere in Central United States in the year 2015. The town is smack dab in the middle of a yellow zone and a red zone and has some of the most dangerous infected activity recorded. There are several points of interests in this town but for a survivor it is St. Claire's Church, the only remaining hospitable safe house for the next 50 kilometers. The shelter is run by a local deacon, Christoper Hale, a kind and ever pious men who opens the church doors for any survivors in need. Deacon Hale is also responsible for the "reclamation effort" for the town in order to expand their base of operations and assist more survivors. This church also serves as a hub for the rescue missions done by the GIEI.

The second point of interest is the Town Square which is occupied by a gang of bandits, The Steel Wolves. They are very territorial of their occupation and refuse any assistance from both Deacon Hale as well as the GIEI. They also cause spme trouble for the survivors at the church since they are responsible for stealing some the supplies given to the Deacon every now and then by the GIEI.

The last point of interest is the slum area of Ashcroft. On the first days of the infection, this part of Ashcroft was the first to be quarantined and many believed that it is the point of origin for the infection in Central USA. This area is filled with far more vicious forms of the infected as well as several "special cases" which the GIEI is currently investigating. Heavy barricades are setup to keep anything or anyone from coming out of the slums though some of them were able to escape through the sewers.

-=The Infection=-

I. Possible Origin

Though no hard evidence exists, scientists speculate that the infection did not originate from our world. They believe that the infection originated in Colorado on July 06, 2014. A meteor shower was reported on that night in Colorado and they think that the bacteria that causes the infection hitched a ride from these meteors. How the first infected came to be is an even bigger mystery since the infection's primary mode of transmission is through bites and body fluids. One popular theory is that one of the meteors have managed to land to the ground in one piece and several people may have come to investigate it, exposing them to the bacteria's purest form from the meteor and it eventually mutated once it was inside a human body. The government as well as the health department had poor management of the situation which caused the infection to spread worldwide. Several infected people were able to flee to different countries before the government was even aware of the infection's existence.

One interesting fact about the infection is that it only seems to affect mammals except for rodents. Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians and other animal species are completely immune to the infection. Scientists are still researching why this is so and hopefully use it in the search for a cure.

Please take note that these are only theories and no concrete evidence has been obtained as of today since investigating the Colorado area is nigh impossible due to high infected numbers.

II. Modes of Transmission

1. Exchange of certain body fluids. This includes blood, saliva, and semen.
2. Bites from an infected.
3. Exposure of open wounds to an infected's body fluid.
4. Some mutated infected are able to transmit the disease through different means. They will be further explained once these infected are encountered in the RP.

III. Signs and Symptoms

1. High Fever accompanied by convulsions.
2. Change of eye color to milky white. This only happens if the patient has completely succumbed to the infection.
3. Uncharacteristic violent behavior and twitches.
4. Swollen and raised blood vessels which can be seen on the patient's skin.

IV. Research and Treatment

As of now, a cure or a vaccine has yet to be developed for the infection. Even powerful antibiotics are unable to fight off the bacteria that causes the infection. However, a recent breakthrough by the GIEI's Research and Development team can slow down the infection to an extent. They developed a suppressant drug called "Daylight" that inhibits the increase of the infection's bacteria for 40-48 hours. Sadly, creating the drug is no easy task and only a limited amount is supplied to the masses. They are not meant to suppress the infection forever... only to give the user enough time to prepare for the inevitable.

Also, a study conducted by the GIEI revealed that different blood types have different reactions to the infection.

TYPE A+/- = Seems to be the best breeding ground for the infection. Patients with this blood type will most likely turn instantly.

TYPE B+ = Somewhat resistant to the infection. Patients with this blood type can expect to turn within 2-3 hours.

TYPE B- = More resistant to infection than B+. Patient may turn after 12-24 hours depending on health before the infection.

TYPE AB+/- = Has the same infection rate as a Type A and are likely candidates for further mutation.

TYPE O+ = Some patients with this blood type may not turn but can still carry the infection in their blood. Otherwise, they have the same infection rate as B-.

TYPE O- = Some patients with this blood type are completely immune to infection. Otherwise they have the same infection rate as B-.

-=The Infected=-

I. Who can be infected?

The infection is only able to affect mammals, rendering other animal species completely immune to it. Once the infection enters the body of an animal other than a human, it dies off within 3 seconds inside the animal's bloodstream. According to a study made by GIEI, 80% of all known infected are humans while the remaining 20% are mostly domesticated animals (cats, dogs, etc). Surprisingly enough rodents also seem to be immune to the virus.

II. General Infected Behavior

Once a creature succumbs to the infection they lose most of their mental functions, retaining only motor functions, sense of touch, sense of hearing, vision and basic survival instinct (feeding and breathing). Self will, memories, and conscience are completely wiped off of an infected's mind once they turn. Somehow, the infection is also able to command its host to attack non-infected individuals, possibly as a mechanism for propagation. The infected has also been observed to have increased aggression and according to the GIEI, this is because the infection somehow causes the body to produce abnormal levels of adrenaline. All infected are generally carnivorous, preferring to eat out of corpses of their victims but any kind of meat will suffice their diet.

When undisturbed the infected usually walk around aimlessly, moaning and gasping every now and then. Their aggression is triggered by any form of noise. Once they hear noise, they will quickly head to the source of the noise and after sensing that a prey is nearby, they will become much more aggressive. They lack any form of self preservation and will run head on to their prey even if the path is paved with potentially deadly obstacles.

III. How do you kill an infected?

The primary way of completely killing an infected is by destroying their nervous system; primarily the brain or the spinal cord. This is usually accomplished by shooting them in the head with guns, decapitation, or heavy trauma with a blunt weapon. Burning them will only work if the brain or spinal cord sustains enough damage from it. Electrocution is also an effective way of dealing with the infected as it messes with the nervous system along with damaging their brain. The infected are also affected by toxins to some degree, neurotoxins being the most effective. Explosives are good for crowd control but they do not guarantee the death of every infected due to their lack of precision.

A more interesting way of killing zombies is through the use of GIEI's suppressant drug: Daylight. When an infected gets one in his/her bloodstream, it causes violent convulsions similar to epilepsy and if applied in heavy doses, it can eventually kill an infected.

IV. Mutation

Infected with type AB blood are more susceptible to further mutation after succumbing to the infection. They could transform into a more grotesque form and obtaining a "special ability" along with it. The GIEI currently has classified 2 mutated infected but they believe that there are more types of mutation that are still undiscovered.

a. The Plague Bringer - This infected has developed a large hump on its back composed of multiple boil like lesions with a thick yellow fluid inside of them. The fluid in the lesions seem to be a mutated form of the infection that can be transmitted through mere skin contact. The plaguebringer slowly crawls on all fours, possibly due to the weight of its hump and has the ability to vomit the liquid in its pustules. When threatened or near death, the plaguebringer has a sort of self-destruct mechanism causing the hump on its back to explode violently to cover anyone with its infectious liquid.

b. Big Tim/Big Berta - For some reason the infection has caused this subject's body to produce more muscle mass, turning it into a muscular monstrosity. It has an enlarge torso and an even larger pair of arms and hands. Its hands can easily wrap around a human and crush them with little effort. It was believed that only men are susceptible to this kind of mutation but was proven otherwise by the GIEI.

c. The Beast- A zombie that gains claws and many toothed mouths all over it's body, with slightly longer tongues that may wrap around a leg and drag you into a random mouth. Like its namesake, it has beast-like strength, agility, and viciousness. Scientists believe that the Beast may not just be a single evolved infected but multiple ones as evidenced by its numerous mouths.


There are several roles and alliances in this roleplay. They are:

[St. Claire's Church Survivors]

a. Deacon Christoper Hale - (GK061490) - A kind pious man who is currently the leader of the survivors operating St. Claire's church. He has good ties with the GIEI and has managed to convince them to send rescue every 6 months for the survivors staying at St. Claire's as well as provide them with supplies. His relationship with the Steel Wolves is somewhat neutral even though the bandits were known to kill off some of his "brothers and sisters".

b. St. Claire Survivors - (CleverCleverFox)

c. The Turncoat - A bandit from the Steel Wolves in the guise of a survivor at St. Claire's. He is responsible for leaking information about the location of supply stacks and other insider information about the operation of St. Claire to his gang.

[The Steel Wolves]

a. Gang Leader - (Scarlet Bullets) - A man who has abandoned the human law and self-enforced the law of the jungle in Ashcroft. His men had taken over the Town Square area of Ashcroft including City Hall. His men are considerable better armed than those at St. Claire's. He doesn't exactly spite the survivors in the church and even enforces punishment to his men if one of the survivors from St Claire's is killed off in one of their operations.

b. The Anarchist - One of the gang leader's underlings who does not believe in his leadership. He believes that they would be better off if they slaughtered the people in St. Claire's and cleaned off their supplies. He is currently trying to start an uprising to bring down the current gang leader and take over.

c. Other gang members - (TwilixDragon, LittlexVamp, Starryskies)

[The Wayward]

a. Ordinary Survivors - (AthenaUndying, The Illusionist, smrtazz13) - Survivors who have found themselves in the city of Ashcroft by chance. Their actions will determine if they will side with the survivors at St. Claire's, with The Steel Wolves gang, or fend for themselves.

-=Profile Sheet=-

Code: Select all
[b]Role:[/b] (choose from the ones listed above)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Anime pictures are encouraged. RL pics or written description are welcome too.)


NOTE: This is only the base profile sheet. Feel free to add more info about your character for a more detailed profile.

Toggle Rules

1. No Godmodding unless you are authorized to do so.
2. No flaming, trolling, badmouthing, or any other undesirable attitude. Keep it constructive folks.
3. Semi-literacy is a must. No netspeak and always check grammar and spelling of your posts before submitting them.
4. When speaking OOC, use these separators: ( ), [ ], { }
5. If you are planning on doing something with your character that will have a big impact in the plot, please inform us on the OOC board or through PM.
6. No Mary Sue or Gary Stu allowed or in layman's terms, don't make your character too perfect.
7. Naughty bits and/or kinky stuff are not allowed in the IC board [Staff Edit: Nor through PM. Please Adhere to RPG rules and Romance Policy )
8. Feel free to post images if you need them for visual aid but remember to resize it if its too big.
9. Please be aware that character death is possible in this RP (but of course, it's not gonna happen to everyone).

-=RP Pointers=-

a. If your character will be moving from one Place to another, please add this at the end of your post: (To be continued in the [Place you'll be moving to])

ex: Character A will be going from his home to school.

(Post Body)

(To Be Continued in School)

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in

The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 by GK061490

As you near the city limits you see a battered fallen sign along the roadside. "Welcome to Ashcroft, where you can escape from all your worries."

The Streets

The Streets by RolePlayGateway

A combination of garbage, burning car wreckages and dead bodies litter the streets. The smell of death is thick and you can hear moans and screeches in the distance.

St. Claire's Church

St. Claire's Church by RolePlayGateway

As you approach the church, you see several graffiti on its exterior wall. One of them reads "God, forgive us."

Town Square

Town Square by RolePlayGateway

As you near the town square, you see several signs mounted on the clotheslines around the area. "Keep out!" "No help here!" "Survivors or Infected not welcome here!". You then hear a gunshot nearby.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


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Dante sat in his chair listening to Glen rant on today. This was one man who made Dante feel like jumping of a cliff. Not because he was the most questionable of all his members, but because haft the time he called him on something, he was right. Today, he had two random strangers come in, one who had supplies, a large amount, and only had to send one member to retrieve it. At the same time, before, they would of captured him, taken his stuff and killed him. That would be it, that was when Dante had recently lost his parents, when the steel wolfs were really steel wolfs. Now, it was different, that and Dante, was starting to worry about his leadership for the past few days. Glen just made it clear to him that it was all so true. Like hell he admit it though, if anyone else had there way there be blood for his men, blood for him.

"Things are changing Glen, we can't just do things like before. There less of everything in this city and we need to think ahead as a unit not a gang."

Dante glared at him, his jaw clenched now. What more could he could say, much more. Dante was looking for a more peaceful, more organized now. The gang stuff was just simply over to him. They needed to gain there own food, maybe a garden, or a farm. They could not do this for ever, and going back to the way things were, where everyone was unorganized, and dead in the head of others. No. Dante was getting soft, he thought it was just being wiser but it was him getting soft. He bottled everything up till it released in different ways, the wrong ways. First, his emotions, into daydreams, mixed with lack of sleep. His leadership, softer, due to his regrets of memories and emotions for others, lack of sleep. His choices for today, the worst in a while, though he always thought that way when Glen did this. Like wanting David to stop thinking like that to Shizel, making Shizel and David with each other for a week? Well keeping them away would not help, he hopped Shizel would just put him in his place. Or, would they break rule number six? ...

Dante mind began to stress quicker than usual, Glen had all ready had him over thinking his leadership, he was going to get fed up with it soon. He took a breath and glared at Glen, anger in his eyes, emotions running fluid, "Look! I not putting up with your outbursts. My leadership is perfect. I don't have a doubt in my mind that the actions I had done today will backfire. The survivors will benefit us, we will gain more food, and there will be no need to be ruthless. Once day, we won't haft to threaten people at the gate with guns, that day would come sooner if I had support in it Glen."

It was an outburst, something he really did not need to have said to Glen. Dante, personally was sick of the way he ran things here, he just held it away and kept moving on. But stress, just overtook him there, an outburst that could be a bad output later on. As far as Dante knew, his members respected him to the point to obey the rules and get a simply job done. As for small events like this, they were all too questionable. How they got like that he only thought was the voice of Glen. If Glen was not happy, then Dante knew that he was in for some stupid shit. He sat there waiting for more criticizing or something else to stress him out. The dark under his eyes made his eyes heavy, he needed to rest and rethink how to move forward. Or maybe Glen was being a bitch and everything is going better than he thought. Either way Dante was in a state of stress, anger, annoyed, and insecurity. Something a leader should never have with one man. Glen seemed to have the words, the tone, the action to get to him so easily it was sad. This only made Dante even more frustrated with himself.


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Glen was amused and at the same time disappointed by Dante's reply. There was no doubt about it... their leader was getting soft, perhaps too soft for comfort. The question now was why? Why had Dante's ruthless efficiency suddenly died down? He didn't believe the reason spouted by the wolf's leader one bit. If there was anything changing in this world, it was Dante; everything else was static. His parent's death? Perhaps... Well that could be part of the reason but being the cunning person that he was, he knew that there was a deeper reason to their leader's drastic change.

"Hah... What? Do you want us to hold hands and sing Kumbaya next? You're starting to sound like that priest..." replied the defiant male. "We don't have to kill those guys at the church. That would be stupid. What would the GIEI be supplying if those guys are all dead?" explained Glen. "We just threaten them, that's all. Scare them enough so that they'll do everything we say. And when the supply comes from the GIEI, we'll be rolling in food, baby!" smirked Glen.

His suggestion was answered by a rather loud outburst from the leader, pontificating his leadership skills and chastising Glen for questioning his authority. Did this guy even listen to his own men? Listened to the sound of their grumbling stomachs? He wasn't the only one who had something to say about this regimen , he was just the one with the most balls to say it to Dante's face. If no one did, nothing was ever going to change and they'll be starving to death or die venturing into the slums for two cans of soup.

"Geez, take a pill and listen to yourself." snorted Glen dismissively. "Or better yet, listen to your people. You might be interested with what they have to say."

With that, Glen stood up and walked out of the office. He gave up with trying to convince Dante into putting things back to the way they should be. If he and the other wolves wanted to change the pecking order here in Ashcroft, they'll need to do it themselves as their deluded leader was no help. He already had a plan and pretty soon he will make his move. He was resolved to put things in order and ensure the survival of the wolves.


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As Shizel looked at the man talking to Dante she couldn't help but wonder what he whispered, it wasn't like she had to know or would insist on knowing but interest, that was a different story. Not that she had to wait long as Dante said something that confused the hell out of her but explained a lot at the same time. "Sense you like her so much, for one week, she is your drill Sargent. She train you like the others had been trained, but more importantly, you do everything she says, you don't eat till she says you can, you don't sleep till she says you can, you don't even step out of place without asking her first, basically as far as I care, she can make you do anything she wants. Your her bitch." At that she just looked at both of the men, Dante and the new guy David as well. Not that she was uncomfortable with being a drill sergeant, she was use to that kind of thing from her time in the military but what did bother her was the fact that apparently the new guy liked her? What the hell, the thought disgusted her but at the same time it was nice that someone thought she was attractive. Not that she cared what this man thought but she wished at least once that Dante would think about her with that, she knew the rules though, she knew he would follow them, it almost made her sad. It was okay though, she knew all of this from the beginning. Of course as the man accepted the offer Shizel just sneered and looked at him with a look that explained just how much she disliked the idea. She then turned to David "How about you go and run laps. I will be out in a bit... Don't stop running until I do..."

She waited a second and left giving him time to start his run, how much time she would be spending with the new guy was the main question on her mind though, she didn't want to spend time with a random guy if she didn't have to. She hoped Dante wouldn't realize she disliked it though, not that he usually got as angry at her as he would some but she wasn't Rivera either, pushing it would get her in trouble as well. Besides, why not just accept it, she could have a worse assignment than this. Of course after saying that she turned and left not waiting for an answer knowing he had things to do and she had to go attend to the new guy. Once she left and made her way outside she didn't look for him yet, instead she just scuffed her shoes against the ground, "Damn Dante... Giving me this guy to look after even after he says he likes me..." She hadn't heard it but she still assumed, her voice low enough where nobody would see her but she looked more like a woman than usual, almost a bit defenseless. It didn't matter though, she would get over it, she had to. With that she began looking around for David, hoping he was doing as she asked, she really didn't want to have to throw him out for disobedience in one day.


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"How about you go and run laps. I will be out in a bit... Don't stop running until I do..." David smirked tempted to mess with her or just ignore the orders and see what she did. Of course he wouldn't, not that he feared a girl but he did in fact know that the leader would kill him if he fucked around, that had been made clear since he entered the camp. When he got outside he began to run, one person seemed to laugh at him but he just smirked, he didn't give a shit about what other people thought about him, especially when they wouldn't even compete with him once he made it in to this gang. He knew he wasn't the most polite person and that he would probably piss of the leader but he would do more than any of them could. As he ran around he did take time to make note of things, how the place was put together such as how the walls were in a few places but buildings and the huge military style barrier was also used. It was a rather smart setup, they used what they could to limit the resources to protect themselves as well as making sure they didn't have to use any more men to defend than they had to. He also noticed something else as he ran though, a few of the people who were probably standing guard at this point looked at him odd, like they were not intending on accepting him any time soon. That made him think about the words Dante had spoken about a slot being open and he began to wonder who in the hell was he filling in for.

It wasn't like it mattered though because he had been told to accept the test by the leader and he had, if he passed this test he planned on becoming an integral part of the group, even if they didn't want him to. It was at this point in time that he noticed Shizel looking a bit annoyed, scuffing her feet against the ground and having this look of something he almost thought resembled sadness. Not the traditional crying type but one that spoke that she was just tired and while he didn't know how he wouldn't mind finding out. In order to get closer to her he would have to try and woo her, Dante could just do whatever he wanted, he would anyways, best to just live life to the fullest. He stopped running when he got near her, his eyes looking her up and down in the most obvious way and once again he took stock of her. She had one of the best bodies he had ever seen, hell even before this damn outbreak she would have turned his head and the look of strength on her face was not lost on him either, the look that told you she wasn't the normal girl and she would take you down. He didn't just stare though, he smiled at her to try and move on from his admiration, "I know you told me not to stop running but I figured I should come keep my new mentor company." he said moving a bit closer but keeping eye contact with her, "Just tell me... What do you want me to do?" he asked but his voice was almost seductive like he was implying he would do anything, not that he thought it would get him far but he had nothing better to do, the worst she could do with him saying it like that would be to punish him with some task or another.

The setting changes from Town Square to The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

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As Georgiana walked through the church, a little behind Ceely, she took in all of her surrounding. She noticed how everyone seemed to help each other, most people had smiles on, and how good everyone looked. They seemed like a happy and healthy bunch of survivors. She even saw some little kids running around and a pregnant woman sitting in a chair. Georgiana smiled at her and it was returned with such warmth. She was glad that she had stumbled across this place. She shuddered to think of what she would have found otherwise--or what would have found her.

Finally, they reached a part of the building that seemed like a makeshift shower room, right near the bathrooms. "Thank you so much," she said to Ceely. "Where do I get towels and clothes?"

((OOC: I know this is short, but I just wanted to get something out here. >.<))

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Danni sighed softly as she obediently followed behind Andrew, her hands held behind her back. As he went on with his list of rules, Danni's head tilted boredly.

"Yes, sir. Be quiet, don't be an idiot, and follow orders." She responded, looking up to him with that goofy little smile. "But, you have to agree to one of my rules!" She said, as she quickly ran around in front of him, arms crossed over her chest.

"We go to my box so I can get my stuff." Her voice had lost all fun to it, taking a stern tone. Though, to anyone, she wouldn't seem a threat. It was true, there where only a few things she would need to get, but she still wanted them if she was going to be moving.

The setting changes from The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 to Town Square


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Andrew Concepcion, Steel Wolves Camp

"Sir?" Andrew muttered confused as she stop in front of him. As she made her demand Andrew smirked and watched as she seemed to try and put on a stern looking expression. It took all that he had not to burst out laughing right then and there although he did manage to nod.

"Sure. But don't call me sir, makes me sound old, I'm only twenty one." He said, holding back a chuckle. "This box in the camp or is it somewhere else in this forsaken town?"

He desperately hoped it would not be the latter. As nice as she seemed he didn't think wandering through this infested place was worth it. Still he had entered this place with one other goal besides food and information, a reliable companion to travel with was just as important. For in the long time he had spent fighting and sneaking his way here from Fort Worth, he discovered that loneliness was a factor just as dangerous as low supplies.

He gave the girl in front of him the once-over and sized her up. She seemed nice enough, and given she was still alive odds were she was capable, although he would needto find that out first hand before thinking about inviting her along.

"Well then," He said bringing the crowbar to rest on his shoulder. "lead the way."

The setting changes from Town Square to The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

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There it was... Another stress filled moment for Dante. The ones that simply made him want to rip his hair out. Why? He simply hated hearing the truth. It was too much to bare. With his parents, he could not avoid it or hide it. He was forced to face it, and with that he broke down into a heartless man. What was happening now? Dante was healing, his event with his parents was slowly being easier to overcome and with that, he become more sympathetic, soft, caring. Sure, it took about two, three years for him to heal his wound of that event, but at least he got over it. Or was it a good thing? Dante sat in his chair, stared at a plank piece of paper, a pen in his hand. He had nothing to write, nothing to say. He found it sad that the only reason he made this community into a gang was for his sake of anger and sadness of his parents. Now that was gone, his leadership was fading as well. It would not be too long before people would gain the courage to speak out against Dante.

"Okay... Think, what would the old Dante do? ... He personally go out with a few others and literally strip everything from anything and make it there's. He show a cruel nature, to those of Innocent, just for kicks. He bring in food, supplies, and everyone praised him... What now? ... What can I do now?" he said to himself.

It was like Dante to talk to himself. At all, even alone, he never do such. Or at least, when he was still intoxicated with hatred. He got up, and walked over to a bookshelf that was filled with nick nacks of his. He spotted an old necklace, it was the one his old freind had gave him before they sperated. That was the time when the wolfs just begun. He smiled at it, think if only he was here, if only they had gotten along. He sighed and put it on, then took out Rivera's necklace and also put it on. A small indication on what he cared most for. With that he exited his room, soon to be outside of the hall once more. To find fresh air greeting him, and the sun as well. Dante took a long view of what his members were doing. The guards, the more stricter ones, were guarding the wall as always. The ones inside either worked at the gas station or at the other buildings. The camps, the tents and other shelters, laid his people. It shocked him, to see them, there exasperation's, were all hurt, hungry, suffering faces. It stung Dante, more to the side that Glen was right once again. I guess he haven't change that much if all he cared about is one person at this point. To prove Glen wrong? Is that all were doing this for? NO... These are your people, they look at you for leadership, and they look at you to show the ruthlessness, cruel state that got them luxuries others only dreamed about.

You can't just become a bad ass over night though. Dante stuck his hands in his pockets and walked down the steps, walking towards the gas station. Once inside, there were three members, working, on what seemed to be scrap, and other random items to no doubt help in some way. Dante only told people that the gas station were to be used as a forging, more of cover spot. Where the plates were made fro the wall, and some other projects that Dante attempted to keep unnoticed, for they all involved helping his work and not benefiting the lower members. Dante walk past the three, they only glanced then went back to there work. He went to another door, a more privet area of the station, inside was the armory. Any weapon they came across was here, organized, and accounted for. He looked at them all, seeing on how some were never even washed and still had blood stains on them. He went to the shotguns, taking the one he had labeled to make sure everyone knew it was his. Took some shells from the ammo boxes and aimed at the wall.

"Idea number one: Go back to the old way." he fired at the wall, the recoil hurting his shoulder. "No, idea number two: raid and threaten the church and there survivors..." he fired twice this time, the pain in his shoulder increasing. "No, idea three: Send out scavengers to find food, risking there skin, in an unproductive way." he pulled the trigger, nothing happened, the gun had jammed. That gave Dante a answer for that. He dropped it the kicked it to the wall in anger. His thoughts, turned to what Glen had said. 'Listen to your people...' With that Dante went to leave the station and off to speak with the hungry suffering faces that disturbed him so.

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Danni's gaze softened as she smiled, standing straight again.

"It’s a block that way." She said, idly pointing her finger towards the east. "It won’t take long, I promise."

She smiled happily as she grabbed the male's hand and shot off toward her box. She had taken his silence as a chance to take a proper look at him. It had been a while since he had a male partner, the last having been an idiot. But… this one looked a little smarter then the rest.

Skidding to a stop, the girl released Andrew’s hand, and crawled inside the small box that was propped against the wall of some crumbling building.

β€œHome sweet home~” She said, more to herself then to Andrew. Quickly, the blonde began to fling small items out of the box; a few bras and under garments, shirts, a worn out bag, extra ammo and a box that read TRADE across the top.
A moment later the girl emerged, a black and white puppy plushie held betwixt her teeth, smiling dumbly she looked up to Andrew, her head tilted softly.

The setting changes from The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 to Town Square


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Andrew Concepcion

Andrew stood guard as she searched through her box. With his back to her crouched over body he cast his cold gaze at their surrondings keeping a sharp eye out for anything not human. He felt a sense of empathy as she referred to her box as "home", but quickly dismissed the feeling by remembering that the situation was bad for everyone.

His gaze faltered for a moment as he felt something land on his shoulder. He quickly snapped his head to look at it and oull whatever it was off his shoulder. To his surprise it was nothing dangerous, just a black pair of young women's underwear. The oddity of the event caused him to go into a minor shocked state as he unfurled the undergarmet and held it in front of him. Turning around as the girl began to climb out of the box. Andrew found himself staring at her with her little stuffed dog and he holding a pair of her underwear.

"Um, cute." He stammered as he crumbled the undergarmet into a ball in his hand and tossing it onto the worn out bag.

The setting changes from Town Square to The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

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Danni smiled softly as she crawled out, stuffing all of her belongings in the worn out bag. Propping the pup up on her shoulder she stood, giving Andrew an all to innocent smile.

"Alright, lead the way~" She said, her coverse gently scruffing the ground underneith her foot. Lookig back to the box, she gently nodded to it, as if giving her own respects. It had been her home since she had come to this accursed place, providing her shelter from rain and wind when most of the others just cast her from their shelters.

Sighing lightly the girl turned back to Andrew, waiting patiently with one hand behind her back, and the other resting idly on her bag, her shoulder holding up the pup plushie. She looked a little childish for a seventeen (and 11/12ths) year old.

The setting changes from The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 to The Streets


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Andrew Concepcion

Andrew nodded back to the girl. Her kind hearted nature seemed like a double edged sword, on one hand she could brighten the spirits of others despite the very bleak situation. On the other it might wind up causing her tobe taken advantage of, or worse.

"This way, should only take us a half hour if everything goes smoothly." Andrew said in a calm monotone. "Remember," He said as he brought the crowbar to a ready posistion. "silence is our security."

Andrew lead the way down the street and headed west. Soon the motel came into sight and they hisin the shadows of an alleyacross the street. It seemed while he was away the street had become flooded with a large group of infected. Andrew sighed silently as he saw they were effectively blocking their path. With another dissapointed glance Andrew triedtosearch for an alternate route. He turned to Danni with a sigh.

"Streets packed, this way is a no go. I have an idea though, we'll cut through the alleys and head south along the Police station. Head into the northern part of the park and cut north to get into the motel from the south side. Think you can keep up?"

The setting changes from The Streets to The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

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Danni watched the group of infected with slight curiosity. Never had she seen them in such a large group before... then again she was never allowed out of the compound much. Looking up to Andrew expectant glance as he talked. Now, he was in charge. Granted, she might have had a little more formal training, he was older, and he seemed to know a lot more about the horde then she.

"Whatever you say." She churred, quietly adjusting the dog on her shoulder as if it was talking to her. "Barley says we'd have to be very careful around the park." She nodded. The older members had told her stories about how the park - once a beautyful place - had now become a wasteland of blood and bodies; a perfect place for an ambush.

"Of coarse I can keep up! The question is if you can lead properly or not!" The girl hissed softly, careful to keep her voice barely above a whisper.

The setting changes from The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 to The Streets


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Andrew Concepcion

Andrew smirked a bit at Danni's response. Half tempted to ask the obvious question: Who the hell is Barley? However he kept it to himself, it wasn't strange to see someone with a bit of a psychological problem after all that happened.

"I'll keep that in mind." He said quietly as he turned to begin walking down the alley. As she hissed at him quietly he smirked a bit more. Could he lead properly? "I don't know," he whispered to her, still facing down the alley as he slowly crept through it. "I've spent all this time survivng on my own. It's been such a long time since I had anyone to even talk to, never mind lead them around."

Andrew grew quiet then and focused on the task in front of him. The moans and groans of the infected on the other side of the buildings ringing through the air as they crept silently through the dark alleys.

The setting changes from The Streets to The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

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Danni kept quiet as the older man spoke, her head tilted softly as she listened. It must have been lonely traveling by onesself... All alone. For a split second the blonde wondered if she could ever do it... No... Definatly not. She craved being close to people, since her family was taken from her all she ever craved was people to be around. Even though the camp only offered minimal socialization, she still felt safe there.

A soft glint of sadness appeared in her scarlet eyes as she looked to Barley on her shoulder. Barley - her stuffed dog - was the only remnense she had left of her old family. Her mother had given him to her when she turned 14, and she had kept it since. When she found out that her family had perrished back in their old home, she turned to Barley for comfort. When she talked to him, it always seemed that those stitched in brown eyes offered the guidance her mother and father once did. She wasn't crazy, not in the least.

"Well, you're doing a goood job so far." She whispered, her voice masked by the groans of the infected. Keeping her eyes glued to the area infront of her, she kept one hand on her bag, scilencing it, and the other on the handle of her Colt, ready to strike when and only when it was necessary.

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The serenity of the church was suddenly stirred when several gunshots wailed outside the chapel, sending shivers down Christopher's spine. The survivors wailed in a frightened manner and scampered for a place to hide. The deacon quickly ascended up into the bellfry to see what was going on, his heart going on overdrive due to fear and worry.

"Juan, what is going on?" asked Christopher to the watchman.

"Brother... The wolves are coming here! They've killed our patrol men!" replied Juan before ducking into a safer spot where he cannot possibly be shot.

"What?!" gasped Christopher, the blood in his face draining.

If that was true then they were in serious trouble right now. He didn't understand this sudden aggression... he thought that the wolves have finally changed their ways. The deacon descended back to the first floor to meet the raiders and stop any further bloodshed from occurring. He just hoped that they were in a bargaining mood if anything else.

"Everyone, remain calm. Stay low and hidden. I'll take care of this." reminded Christopher before stepping out of the large oak double doors of the chapel and letting the men lock it up.

The deacon took a deep breath as he watched the group of armed men approaching the chapel. He mentally prayed to the Lord to give them the strength and overcome this grim situation. When the wolves were close enough to Christopher, they aimed they guns at him to which the man responded by raising his arms.

"We are not here to fight." stated Christopher, lowering his arms as the men did with their weapons. "Why have you come here?"

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Dante had listened to his fellow gang members. He was truly trying to find the source of the problem, his leadership going stale, and he could not bring himself to believe that it was his ruthless nature that brought them here. Most didn't say much, they were to scared to upset him and be kicked or in worst case, hanged. Others, the more stupid and complain kind, told him useless things to fix for they only helped themselves. No one really had anything to say to him, he was the leader he should not be asking for what the followers think. He should all ready know what to do, and when he does it make sure it's for the best. He could not tell which ones were on his side and which ones were not. It was indeed a waist of time but he had nothing better to do but wait and send people for food.

The scavengers had returned, the ones that threw the man out with two others, they only had a few cans and bags of food and some bottles of water. Enough to feed the camp for one more day if there food supplies went to shit. Dante only sighed and grit his teeth in anger, once again he was right. Only a few cans, this can't be the way to live, food would be a memory and his men would resort to eating each other like the zombies. First the papers on the desk, then Glen's rant on how he was a foolish leader, his favorite gun jamming, now they hardly had any food! Dante felt built up anger inside him, it has lingered there for a long time. He glared at the women who was speaking for the rest of the scavenging group, her tone in voice was annoyed with what they had, as if she had something to say to him, something upsetting. The girl took a step to close, beginning to speak out of line, the other three began to look at her in surprise as she started to do a lesser version of what Glen's rant was. He was not about to put up with it again.

Dante raised his hand, she paused for a moment, only to be slapped in the face by the back of Dante's hand. She put her hand on the red mark stained on her face and grit her teeth, she began to yell at Dante only to be smack again, harder this time, bring her to the ground. Dante looked don on her like a bug, the chick reminded him to much of Glen. He was still sympathetic, he turned around and began to walk back to the city hall only to her the girl call him a argent prick. He turned taking a few more steps back to her and before she could get up he brought his leg back and kick her in the teeth, breaking some, leaving her mouth dripping in blood, and her crying in pain. He looked around, the rest of the members were looking at him with smiles and frowns, some liking this and some wishing her had not done such a deed.

He then took this advantage and said, "Listen my wolfs! I am your leader, we will never harm another human being for any reason unless they deserve it! This pathetic little bitch, deserved it for speaking to me in such a manner. Don't cross me ever, then we will thrive again."

With that he approached a guard, "Gather up my sis and are number one soldier."

The guard nodded and ran off into the camp. Dante entered town hall, and his office, only to start tearing things apart in rage, his door shut but still unlocked.

The setting changes from The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 to The Streets


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#, as written by Null10
Nick walked in a systematic pace down the street as his combat boots strutted against the ground his gun firmly in his right hand his eyes darted forward at the several zombies in front of him .He stopped suddenly as he waited for there response. There slow stammering became crazed as they moved faster in his direction . He breathed out slowly as he aimed his gun forward shotting four of them in there temples and looked at the last one with a frown. "Damnit jimmy stop followin me!" he weaved the sudden jump of the nearby zombie as he crouched down and picked up a piece of debris as he threw it at the zombie's head making a clank sound he began his systematic pace up Camelia road hearing a faint moan behind him grinned. "That jimmy does he ever give up" The cop moved his eyes around cautiously as he kept moving up the street this street wasn't too bad he thought to himself a few zombies here and there but it was not nearly as bad as the station. He tripped a nearby zombie as he moved up the street into a hardware store .

He looked around before approaching the door there was no sign of any infected he opened the door slowly as his police instinct came on. He aimed his gun forward as he surveyed the area he made a kick toward a nearyby fallen screw box as he listened for any sudden movements a few minutes passed and he deemed this place safe as he closed the door . His face looked up around to the many "sharp" things he could take as he thought to himself i guess people didnt have time to loot this store. He quickly grabbed what he deemed to be needed bolt cutters , rope and some jerky he found on the counter. He smiled putting his gun in it's holster and leaned against a shelf "looky chief i found us a new HQ I'd be gettin that promotion for sure" His face grew into a frown as he tryed to mimick his bosses voice" Let's not get too ahead of ourselves there kid you'r fresh out of the academy you won't be gettin a promotion any time soon" Nick laughed to himself " The chief such a stubborn old goat..." he leaned onto the shelf into a sitting position as he rested for a few minutes .. His eyes began to close as he opened them suddenly he rose up looking around alarmed i should lock this place up before i do anything else he thought to him self .

He leaned a metal pipe against the door as he looked for the key. If i were a key were would i be he thought to him self as he looked around the strong stench coming from behind the counter he covered his mouth with his hand as he reached down to what was left of the shop owner. How grotesque he thought as he grabbed the key chain and pulled it from the lower abdominal of the shop owner . He locked up ate a piece of his jerk and took a swig of water , he layed down in one of the aisles his head resting on his folded uniform as he closed his eyes and rested.

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The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 by GK061490

As you near the city limits you see a battered fallen sign along the roadside. "Welcome to Ashcroft, where you can escape from all your worries."

The Streets

The Streets by RolePlayGateway

A combination of garbage, burning car wreckages and dead bodies litter the streets. The smell of death is thick and you can hear moans and screeches in the distance.

St. Claire's Church

St. Claire's Church by RolePlayGateway

As you approach the church, you see several graffiti on its exterior wall. One of them reads "God, forgive us."

Town Square

Town Square by RolePlayGateway

As you near the town square, you see several signs mounted on the clotheslines around the area. "Keep out!" "No help here!" "Survivors or Infected not welcome here!". You then hear a gunshot nearby.

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Character Portrait: Andrew Concepcion
0 sightings Andrew Concepcion played by Architect
"I'm just a Dominican guy from Fort Worth."
Character Portrait: David Serrano
0 sightings David Serrano played by The Illusionist
"What makes you think I care who you are?"
Character Portrait: Shizel Aria
0 sightings Shizel Aria played by Starryskies
"Some things are best kept to oneself, for your pain need not become someone elses."

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Deacon Christopher Hale
Character Portrait: Danni McCorvic
Character Portrait: Ceely Cash
Character Portrait: Dante Stronghold
Character Portrait: Georgiana Grey
Character Portrait: Glen Stokes
Character Portrait: Niklas Striimer


Character Portrait: Niklas Striimer
Niklas Striimer

It is my duty to serve and protect

Character Portrait: Glen Stokes
Glen Stokes

"Some leader you turned out to be..."

Character Portrait: Georgiana Grey
Georgiana Grey

"I won't kill you, as long as you don't get in my way."

Character Portrait: Dante Stronghold
Dante Stronghold

"I'll make this clear, if you mess with one of my members I'll personally gut you."

Character Portrait: Ceely Cash
Ceely Cash

"Oh my god... We're all going to die"

Character Portrait: Danni McCorvic
Danni McCorvic

"Well.. We're screwed."

Character Portrait: Deacon Christopher Hale
Deacon Christopher Hale

"The Lord will protect us."


Character Portrait: Niklas Striimer
Niklas Striimer

It is my duty to serve and protect

Character Portrait: Deacon Christopher Hale
Deacon Christopher Hale

"The Lord will protect us."

Character Portrait: Ceely Cash
Ceely Cash

"Oh my god... We're all going to die"

Character Portrait: Glen Stokes
Glen Stokes

"Some leader you turned out to be..."

Character Portrait: Danni McCorvic
Danni McCorvic

"Well.. We're screwed."

Character Portrait: Dante Stronghold
Dante Stronghold

"I'll make this clear, if you mess with one of my members I'll personally gut you."

Character Portrait: Georgiana Grey
Georgiana Grey

"I won't kill you, as long as you don't get in my way."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Danni McCorvic
Danni McCorvic

"Well.. We're screwed."

Character Portrait: Ceely Cash
Ceely Cash

"Oh my god... We're all going to die"

Character Portrait: Deacon Christopher Hale
Deacon Christopher Hale

"The Lord will protect us."

Character Portrait: Niklas Striimer
Niklas Striimer

It is my duty to serve and protect

Character Portrait: Georgiana Grey
Georgiana Grey

"I won't kill you, as long as you don't get in my way."

Character Portrait: Dante Stronghold
Dante Stronghold

"I'll make this clear, if you mess with one of my members I'll personally gut you."

Character Portrait: Glen Stokes
Glen Stokes

"Some leader you turned out to be..."

View All » Places

The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015 by GK061490

As you near the city limits you see a battered fallen sign along the roadside. "Welcome to Ashcroft, where you can escape from all your worries."

The Streets

The Streets by RolePlayGateway

A combination of garbage, burning car wreckages and dead bodies litter the streets. The smell of death is thick and you can hear moans and screeches in the distance.

St. Claire's Church

St. Claire's Church by RolePlayGateway

As you approach the church, you see several graffiti on its exterior wall. One of them reads "God, forgive us."

Town Square

Town Square by RolePlayGateway

As you near the town square, you see several signs mounted on the clotheslines around the area. "Keep out!" "No help here!" "Survivors or Infected not welcome here!". You then hear a gunshot nearby.

The Streets

A combination of garbage, burning car wreckages and dead bodies litter the streets. The smell of death is thick and you can hear moans and screeches in the distance.

The City of Ashcroft - Year 2015

As you near the city limits you see a battered fallen sign along the roadside. "Welcome to Ashcroft, where you can escape from all your worries."

St. Claire's Church

As you approach the church, you see several graffiti on its exterior wall. One of them reads "God, forgive us."

Town Square

As you near the town square, you see several signs mounted on the clotheslines around the area. "Keep out!" "No help here!" "Survivors or Infected not welcome here!". You then hear a gunshot nearby.

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