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He saw her when she was just a little girl, her light captivated his heart.

2,553 readers have visited Devil since Chihari created it.


Her light can tame the darkness in his heart

Alice Heart is a sweet, caring girl. She's an effervescent spirit who brightens the lives of everyone around her. That's what attracted him. Her pureness of heart drew him to her, and it was at that point--when she was just a little girl, that he was sure he'd fallen in love. Eight years have passed since that day. Alice is now seventeen and living her life to the fullest with her two best friends. Their lives change when a new boy at school takes Alice and her friends back to his world, known as the Dark Kingdom, where he is the demon prince. His parents delivered him an important ultimatum: find someone to marry in a month and take the throne or be cast out of the kingdom forever. With the help of his two most-trusted friends, the prince brings the trio back to his world and explains his plans. Alice's friends are opposed to the entire idea, but she wants to help the prince in any way she can, even if it means marrying him.

Will she return the prince's love? And what will happen when the king and queen find out their son has bought humans into their hidden realm?

The Prince: Taken by Resurgam
His Friends;
1. Taken by Eli the Walker
2. Taken by RainbowCorridor
Alice Heart: Taken by Lovely Spade
Her Friends;
1. Taken by Chihari
2.Taken by Zodia195

Character Sheets;
Appearance:[Anime or Realistic]
Age:[atleast sixteen]
Theme Song:

-Follow the rules and we'll all get along, disobey them and things won't be so pretty.
-Spots will be reserved no longer than 24 hours max!
-Romance is encouraged, duh, but don't scar us for life with anything graphic!
-Violence is allowed, just don't go around mindlessly hacking people up.
-Colorful language, don't go overboard with it.
-No one-liners, you will be murdered!
-Try to at least post a juicy paragraph, more and you get a prize :D
-Don't join, post a little, then disappear! Let's stay together :P
-Let me know if you won't be able to post so I can arrange something for your character!
-Now for the most cliched rule, let's have funzies

Feel free to ask me any questions, PM or post in the OOC for reservations! :D

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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Why was she looking at him?

Incendia's eyes were fixed ahead, but he could still see her. She was watching him, yet not fully dedicating her eyes to the task. She would glance to him, then quickly her eyes would dart elsewhere: whether that be to the teacher, her paper, or somewhere else entirely. To be honest, the Vigil was used to getting stared at normally . . . just not in that way. Most all of the people who stared at him did so out of fear. That was usually because they didn't know what he might do if they disrespected the prince who was almost always near him at those times. He just didn't get admiring glances of any kind, from anybody.

At all.

It just didn't happen.

Yet here it was, happening.

Incendia found himself blushing from the unneccesary attention.

Closing his eyes tightly, Incendia drew a deep breath, and then finally spoke in a low whisper.

"You'll have to forgive me, Ms. Lanston." He leaned over, his eyes still watching the teacher, "I'm new to this whole affair but . . ." He glanced to Satariel, then to Rocky, and back to the teacher as he leaned slightly to Taura, ". . . would you be willing to attennd prom with me?"

Now why had he just asked that?! He didn't know if Satariel was going with Alice! So why had he gone and asked!? What was wrong with him?!?


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Alice looked sideways at Satariel as he spoke to her. Was I that obvious? She asked herself before answering him. "Yeah, I'm not feeling to well." She whispered back before standing up. "Excuse miss Jameson, I'm not feeling well could Satariel walk me to the nurse's office?" The teacher gave her a nod of approval. Alice grabbed Satariel's wrist and led him out of the classroom. Just her luck the nurse's office was quite a ways, which is exactly what she didn't want. The entire walk she felt nervous and her lie was eating away at her, until she came to the conclusion.

"Listen, I'm about to move over to London, and I wouldn't feel right if I liked someone and ended up leaving them so soon." She stopped walking and leaned against one of the lockers. Alice looked up and looked him in his eye's. She was hoping he wouldn't ask any farther about her feelings. She thought she was pretty clear, or so she hoped. "I sorta of like you, which is why I'm saying this to you." She came to the conclusion that she probably wasn't to clear the first time. Her eyes fell to the floor looking at her shoes, as she waited for him to reply to her. Alice was going to feel like a fool if he never really liked her, and was just being nice to her the other night. She was never the one to really be able to read other guys emotions.


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Taura thought she had finally succeeded in paying attention to the class when Incendia leaned closer to her. Oh gees, why did he have to smell so good? What in the world was wrong with her? She never acted this way. It was a good thing her friends were in front of her or she knew she'd be getting it from them. When he asked her out for prom, Taura actually blushed so red that Miss Jameson took notice.

"Ms. Lanston, are you feeling ill as well?" she asked drawing every eye in the classroom on her.

Taura instantly stood up straight and tried to keep her demeanor cool.

"No, I am fine Ms. Jameson." she replied.

This happened after Alice and Satariel left the room and Taura had actually forgotten that. As the class continued, Taura looked at Incendia from the side and considered her request. Her mind at this time was working properly. Maybe having Incendia around wasn't a bad idea. She was still thinking of what Jason might do, and she wouldn't doubt that he try something at prom. She didn't want to admit to herself that she liked him. So with her decision made (oh man please don't let this be a mistake), she leaned towards Incendia before speaking.

"Yes, I'll go with you." she said but she couldn't stop herself from blushing again.


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At last Satariel discovered what was bothering Alice. She had told him in the park that she was moving away, but she hadn't mentioned where. Now that she said, 'London,' a large and important human city that even Satariel had heard of, he saw why she was acting strange, because London was a long way away, and Alice wouldn't be able to see her friends. Her next words, however, took him completely by surprise; she said that she liked him and she was worried about having to break off their relationship.

Satariel could hardly contained his excitement at those words. At last he had some indication from Alice that she felt the way about him that he felt about her, and he found himself filling up with happiness. He felt like doing something crazy.

"Come with me, there's something I have to tell you," he said to Alice, grabbing her by the hand. Together they ran up flight after flight of stairs, past the surprised glances of people in the corridors, until at last they reached the highest floor in the entire building. Satariel ran towards the final door and it burst open as he raised his hand. Still running, he lead Alice out onto the roof, slowing down and finally stopping as the two of them neared the edge.

Taking deep breaths now, he said, "There's something I want to tell you. I like you too. In fact, I came to this school - to this world - for a chance to meet you. I'm not.... from this world. I'm from a place called the Dark Kingdom, like I told you. And I'm not a human. I am a... what you would call a demon." He hesitated to use that word, because it meant something evil to humans. "But I'm not evil, 'demon' is just what we call ourselves. The word 'demon' used to mean a good spirit, before the Enemy started spreading his propaganda." She must think he was losing his mind. After all, the humans were brought up to believe that demons were either fairy tales or invisible ghosts. They weren't used to seeing them in the flesh.

"Alice," he said, "don't worry about moving to London. I can follow you anywhere in this world or the others. Let me show you." Carefully, he moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. There was a snapping sound as his wings unfurled and suddenly they were rising on a gust of wind, soaring high into the sky, leaving the school buildings shrinking in the distance. They drifted high above the clouds, rushing through the endless blue expanse of the sky, the tiny structures of the city and the great shapes of the surrounding landscape spread out between them.

"Do you want to see London now?" asked Satariel, laughing. He focused on an image he had seen once. Crack!

Suddenly it was night time and they were flying over a different city, speeding straight towards the massive face of a giant clocktower. Satariel turned aside at the last second and they sped past the looming tower, the lights of London city spread out beneath them like a vast painting.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he shouted over the roaring of the wind. "And this is where you'll live! But there are places more beautiful." Crack! Crack! Crack!

The Sahara desert by moonlight, the slow dunes shifting in the eternal dance of the sands. A Tibetan mountain range, the great stone peaks crowned by never-melting glaciers and the unbroken silence of the eagle's home. A tropical rainforest in India, the emerald-feathered parrots flocking through the air, elephants bathing by the riverbank in the fragrance of a thousand blooming lilies. "But there are places more beautiful than Earth." Crack!

And now they were flying through a world few humans had seen, a land of jade-green grass spreading out under the jewelled pavilions of lords and ladies of the court. The people here were much taller and more slender than humans, dressed in fine green clothes, with skin as pale as moonshine. They were dancing in circles, their graceful movements hypnotising to the eye. Their fine-featured faces, with pointed ears, sharp noses and and large grey eyes were now turning upwards to watch Satariel and Alice. "This is Faerieland," said Satariel, "but let's not stay, they don't take kindly to visitors." Crack!

Deserts of red, gold and amber sand rolling under the endless sun. Tents of silk pitched far below, the air filled with the scent of spices and rare perfumes, as well as the plucking of stringed lutes and ringing of bells. The people here were also larger than humans, but stockier and more massive than the Faeries, with horns on their heads. "The Jinn," Satariel announced. Some of them were looking upwards, and they seemed to recognize Satariel, because they raised their hands as if in greeting. Crack!

They were flying over the ocean, clear and pure as blue crystal, the smell of salt heavy in the air. There were white beaches, rocks and reefs below, the corals sculpted into seats and thrones for the people who lay on them, basking in the sunlight. From the waist up they resembled humans, but below they had long, beautiful fish tails flashing with dazzling scales of every colour in the rainbow. "The Merfolk," said Satariel. When they saw the demon approach, they raised their tails and smacked the water with their fins, making a sweet drumming noise. Crack!

They were back on Earth, swooping low over the school. They floated gently down to land on the roof. Satariel released his hold on Alice, turning her to face him. He was breathless and flushed with the excitement and exertion of the flight.

"Alice, will you come to the prom with me?" he asked.


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Alice looked at Satariel with wide eyes. She wasn't quite sure of what was going on, but the next thingthey did was run. The entire rime she tried not to trip over her feet. Once they made it to the roof top she looked over the edge. Is he about to push me he looked to happy to? She took a shaky step away from him, and looked him up and down trying to read his emotions. It was pretty clear how he felt. Before she could say anything he told her about where he was from. She truly drew a blank right now. Demons, Dark Kingdom, a different world? Either he was crazy or she was, but whatever was happening was crazy.

What person in their lucid mind would believe this? "What are you talking about?" Her question came a little too late, as he wrapped his arms around her and took off. Alice couldn't even scream or anything from the shock she was in. She was flying actually flying. Something humanly impossible. Her breath was taken away when the London lights shone bright below. How it went from daylight to moonlight was a clear sign they weren't at school anymore. More than anything she hoped he wouldn't drop her or something. As they went from one place to another, she looked at everything in shock. I have gone mad now...

Nothing else was going through her mind right now. When she saw they weren't on earth anymore, it seemed so unreal. Wait til Shay and Taura hear this! They would probably think she went crazy, so she decided to keep it to herself. There was nothing more beautiful than what she was seeing now. Mystical creatures she always thought were real and moving about. Alice couldn't help but to laugh at the marvilous sight. Of course just when she wanted to see more, they were back at the school. She looked at him in awe. There were definitely no strings or anything of the sort. They were flying for sure.

"Satariel...of course I'll go to prom." She gave him a tight hug them backed away. "I should get going, you know I'm 'sick'." Alice gave him one glance before walking away. "What just happened?" It was like it came straight out of a fairy tale book. She felt like she was floating and not walking right now. Alice made it to her car and sat there; pondering on what just happened. When she snapped back to reality she drove off. Finally she made it home and went inside. Her mind wasn't here right now, so she went out back and laid on her hamock. It was turning out to be one crazy senior year. Who would have thought she would like someone who can fly?

Shay and Taura could never hear word of any of this. In a way she was happy, but she would still have to leave her friends in the end of it all. How would she tell her parents that her boyfriend was a demon? This was turning out to be one huge secret she would have to keep.


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Rocky felt the tap on his shoulder, lifting his head and turning to see Shaylin, offering him some bright looking food. He took handful, and looked at it, finding the food to be odd looking. He took a bite of one, stared at his hand for a second, and ate the rest in one bite. "Thanks! This is amazing!" He exclaimed, finding a new love other than the cotton candy. Who knew human food was so amazing?

He watched as Satariel and Alice left the room, and Taura stood up in class. They must have been making their moves. Acting sweet and romantic, and making the girls blush...why couldn't Shaylin be like that? It was frustrating, but he liked it at the same time. It was like she was a challenge for him, even if she was frustrating. He looked at Shaylin and smiled. "Looks like my brothers made their moves." He said, thinking it over as how he would do it. Being sweet wasn't going to work, so being blunt was all that was left. Prom was soon after all, and he was running out of time.

"Look...I know you don't really believe in romance or anything like that...but, would you like to go to prom with me?" He felt like his skin was on fire, but he hoped it wasn't obvious. Actually asking something like that was a lot harder than just thinking about it.


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#, as written by Chihari
Shaylin looked at Rocky and laughed at his reaction to the candy, it reminded her of the first time she had Skittles. Her parents couldn't buy them fast enough. She snapped out of her little trip down memory lane just in time to really pay attention to what he was saying to her. Shay blinked and for the first time and realized that both Alice and Satariel weren't there anymore. She glanced over at Taura and could make out the faintest rosy color on her cheeks. What was she blushing about? She looked away and back to Rocky, her mouth slightly hanging open. "Sure, that sounds like fun."

She beamed her same bright smile and turned her attention back to class. Thankfully it was over shortly after that and Shaylin made sure she was the first person to grab her books and be out the door. In the hallway she started giggling and skipping to her locker. "I've got a date to prom, yes I do, I've got a date for prom how 'bout you?" She stopped abruptly, almost running into her locker and smacked her forehead with her free hand. "What the heck is wrong with you Shay? Jeez, it's just a silly date for prom." Still, she couldn't stop giggling and humming to herself. Then she remembered her phone had vibrated in class. It was a message from Taura.

No need for them now. It looks like you and Incendia are getting cozy :P. Do you know where Ali is?


It was the day of prom and Shaylin was experiencing a mixture of both excitement and nervousness. Why? She could explain the first one, but honestly, she hadn't the slightest idea of why she was nervous. She spent half an hour staring at her prom dress before actually putting it on. Earlier, at an ungodly hour, she, Alice, and Taura had all gotten their hair and nails done. She insisted in wearing her hair down and actually growled at the stylist when she tried to disagree. She was capable of doing her own makeup and opted for a smoky eye look accompanied by a bold red lip. Shay stared at herself in the mirror and finally decided she liked the way she looked.

"Guys when are we leaving?" She yelled on her way down the hall and peeked into Alice's room.


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Finally the day came for Alice to see Satariel, ever since the day he told he was a demon. She wasn't paying attention to anything the entire day. The one thing on her mind was seeing him again. She always thought there was something off about him and his brothers. Of course, the Dark Kingdom doesn't exists in the real world. She had to laugh at the idea of really thinking it was. She went through the prom prepping with her friends and it was fun. She slipped on her prom dress and looked in the mirror.

Her hair was down with a swooped bang in the front. She had glitter in her hair, with a small diamond hair pin pulling her bang back. Alice put on light pink lipstick and put darker make-up around her eyes. I hope he likes it... She spoke to herself giving herself another glance in the mirror. Taking a deep breath, she went down the stairs to meet her friends. "What do you think?" She asked Shay and Taura waiting for their approval. She loved the dress and everything, and hoped they would love it too. It didn't quite matter as long as Satariel liked her in it. Every since he told her the truth, he was all she could think about.


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The week went by too quickly for Taura. She wasn't too surprised when she learned that her friends were going with Incendia's brothers. Taura was rarely nervous, but that day she was. Taura had spent several days with her friends before she had to return home to help with her family's guests. She returned that morning with her stuff. Her prom dress was a couture kind because her mother had insisted on getting her a good dress. She also tried to get her friends to come with them to New York City, but they weren't able to. She paid for their dresses at least. Taura hadn't shown her friends her dress yet for she just got it a few days ago when one of her dress was shipped first class. She hoped it fit. She had a final fitting several weeks ago. She got her hair and make up done first before finally putting her dress on.

She came out with her dress to see her friends finally dressed.

"You look gorgerous Alice. And Shay, the limo should be here any minute. Then we'll get going. Of course, we do have to wait for the guys to get here too. I hope they remembered the way here after we took the time to show them where this house is." she commented.

Her own hair was up in curls and she had a little more make up on than usual. She wore her contacts too.


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Days flew by and before Satariel knew it, the time for the school prom had arrived. The night before the big day, Satariel paid a visit to the gloomy human who worked in the local clothing store, and ordered new human outfits for the three of them.

Satariel was more used to Earth clothing now, and he managed to dress himself without any assistance. After bathing and washing his hair (the pile of dirty clothes in the corner of the pavilion had grown to small mountain now), he carefully buttoned on a black silk shirt with barely noticeable faint pinstripes, looped around his collar a shiny grey tie with flowing ebony lines dancing on it, slipped on a pair of black dress pants, again with faintly noticeable pinstripes, and wore a black pair of formal shoes, polished to perfection. As a finishing touch he clipped a silver human wristwatch onto his left wrist. It looked very handsome, with a black face, a pair of elegant silver hands and tiny diamond stones set around the face to show the hours. He wondered if it was too extravagant for the average human, but he wanted to look his best. Finally he slipped on a black suit jacket and adjusted his collar. He tried to comb his hair, but as usual some tufts of it escaped and stuck up around his head like little horns.

"I believe I'm ready," he said confidently. He was feeling excited."Let's go."

They made their way to house where they'd agreed to meet the girls. It was a cool night and their breaths escaped from their mouths and trailed off into the sky in clouds of steam. Satariel was shivering, partly from the cold and partly from his suppressed excitement. At last they were standing before the front door. Satariel nervously straightened his collar one final time and rang the doorbell.


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"Oh right on time." Taura replied when she heard the doorbell rang.

She hoped it was the guys at least because the limo driver called a minute ago saying he'd be there in 10 more minutes. Taura went to the door and opened it and sure enough, there was Satariel and his brothers. She opened the door for them.

"Well you're on time, I am impressed. Please come on in." she smile cordially.

She tried not to be distracted by how handsome Incendia look. He looked like a lady-killer in his attire. Than again, Taura liked to dress as a man-killer at times. She looked at the Satariel and Rocky. Boy those three did cause a stir during the week. She heard girls talking about them and some started hounding her when they found out she and Incendia were going together. She had no idea how that got out, but she guessed it was someone from their first class that might have overheard them. Of course, that didn't stop a few guys from trying to ask her out though, but she denied all of them, even the few popular ones. Also, through the week, several bad things started to happen to her too, but she didn't want to worry her friends so she kept them to herself. Like one example was one of her tires was slashed. Another thing that happened was some of her things went missing. She kept getting threatening emails and text messages too. She didn't show it, but she was now scared, but she was raised and trained to use that fear and to overcome it. A few times she caught herself looking over her shoulder when she sensed someone watching her. Her friends did ask if she was okay, and she said she was fine. That was true, but not totally.

"The limo should be here soon." Taura replied before waiting for the guys to come in before closing the door.


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Even if he didn't like human attire, Incendia was an excellent Vigil, and so he did what excellent Vigils commonly do.

He adopted to things that brought him discomfort.

They had visited the same clothing store where they had acquired the clothes for the night when they had gone with the girls to the movies. This time they didn't have nearly as much trouble acquiring clothes since they were all relatively used to moving in the human world. So Incendia had stripped down from his normal Vigil attire that he had been wearing (neatly folding it and setting it aside in it's own little corner), and set to work getting dressed. His raven-black hair was always a tangled, curly mess, and so he did his best to comb out any knots that may have existed. After that, he let it hang down to full shoulder length instead of tying it back in a pony-tail as usual (something his parents had never allowed in training, saying it gave an enemy too much of an opportunity to grab his hair). For clothes, he had gone simple, but nice enough for a formal occasion. He wore pressed black dress pants, with black socks, and thoroughly polished black dress shoes. His belt was a dark brown leather affair, with a simple belt buckle of polished nickle (you couldn't get anything too fancy from those kinds of stores). As far as a shirt, he wore a white button-up shirt, a crimson-red tie, and a black dress coat to go with it all. Finally, to top it all off he wore a simple black fedora with a white band around it.

Stepping through, he nodded to each of the girls in turn: eyes settling on Taura.

"Good evening Ms. Lanston. You look . . ." He eyed her up and down, ". . . exquisite."


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"Thank you." Alice replied to Taura as she sat down. She looked around the room impatiently. It felt like the day was going by so long. She tapped her foot, feeling her nerves getting to her. She felt bad for lying about Satariel, but she couldn't tell the truth. No way would her friends let her go near her. Finally the doorbell rung and she jumped up. Alice walked behind Taura, like a kid in a toy store. When Taura opened the door, she was speechless. "You guys are finally here."

She said in an awkward tone. It felt weird being around Sayariel, and lying to her friends. Come to think of it, did she tell them she even liked him? Probably not. Alice stepped aside to let them all in, and smiled at Satariel as he came in. She has been waiting for prom for forever now. Finally it was here and she had someone she actually liked coming with her. Walking in, she sat on the couch and waited for the limo. "You guys can help yourselves to something to drink. She wasn't sure about what demons drink or anything. She tried to google it, but nothing useful came up. Oh well she was just going to have to wing it and see what happens.


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Rocky felt as though as his heart was going to pound out of his chest, and he hadn't even left the pavilion yet. He waited as the others got ready, being the last to get ready.

He bathed and looked at his hair, deciding to wear it as he usually did. Slightly messy. He thought it looked good considering his hair was short. Next he went to his outfit, hoping Shaylin would like it. It was pretty simple, but the way he arranged made him feel as though it would pop. He chose to have black everything, shoes, socks, undershirt, and dress coat. The only exception was his tie, which was an ice blue.

As he followed his 'brothers' to the girls house, he could feel the tension in the air. Prom may be something they weren't use to, but it defiantly made its impact. When Satariel rand the doorbell, his heart raced even faster, even though it was only Taura who had answered the door. He followed the group into the house, eyes going from each girl and then landing on Shalyin. She looked amazing, and his mouth had almost dropped. He didn't expect her to get all dressed up, as she seemed the type to not go for that kind of stuff. None the less, she was beautiful.

He walked up to her, trying to think of something really cool to say. "You look..." He couldn't think of anything to top Incendia's 'exquisite' comment, so he just went with his original opinion. "Amazing."


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Satariel hoped he wasn't staring too much, but the three human girls had left him stunned. He didn't know how they'd managed it, but they'd somehow transformed themselves into a trio of goddesses. Honestly, he half expected them to announce that they weren't humans after all, but some other kind of creature: siren, dryad, faerie or elf. Could humans make themselves look this bewitching and enchanting without any magic at all?

No wonder human females take so long to get dressed, thought Satariel. Whatever it is they do, it must be something very difficult to get results like that.

Shaylin looked dangerous and sexy in black and white dress that wrapped around her figure, showing it off to the greatest advantage. Taura was elegant and glamorous in a purple dress with a jewel-encrusted midriff, split to the mid-thigh to reveal one long leg. But Satariel's eyes were drawn most of all to Alice, who wore a pale pink gown that clung to the delicate shape of her body, looking like she was a fairytale princess who had walked right out of a storybook.

Satariel opened and shut his mouth several times, meaning to compliment Alice on her appearance, but no words came out. It was kind of awkward. Eventually Satariel recovered himself, and when Alice sat on the sofa he went to sit next to her. He still didn't know what to say, but then some half-remembered lines of poetry came to his mind, and he said them softly so that only Alice could hear:

"Death's form I formerly Knew not; but now 'tis plain to me;
He comes in lovely maiden's guise, With soul-subduing eyes.

In sweet simplicity, A woman's gracious form hath she;
But yet those eyes, that drink my life, Are with the form at strife!"


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#, as written by Chihari
When Shaylin heard the doorbell ring she made a sharp turn into the bathroom and looked at her appearance, for the hundreth time, fluffing her hair up and smoothing out nonexistant wrinkles in her dress. She winked at herself in the mirror, her nervousness seemed to dissipate and she went out into the hallway to greet the others. Shay had noticed that Alice was acting strangely, but just blamed it on nerves and brushed her worry off. "Hey guys," she smile and wiggled her fingers in a casual wave. Her hazel eyes fell on Rocky and one word came to mind, s-e-x-y. The word almost rolled off her tongue, but she opted for a better statement. "You don't look half bad yourself," she grinned and patted his shoulder.

After some time standing in the hallway the limo finally arrived. Of course Shaylin was the first out the door, and she gracefully got into the limo, reminding herself that she was wearing a dress. She sat down and giggled, she hadn't been in a limo since...well ever. "Guys this is so awesome!" Shay could hardly sit still on the way to their destination and it was a relief when they arrived at the prom. The committee set the event up on a yacht and she was so excited, her junior prom was in the gymnasium back at school, so this was much better.

"Come on time waits for no one." Shaylin grabbed Rocky's hand and started going up the ramp. "I hope you like dancing, because I don't plan on stopping." She looked up at him and stuck her tongue, lightly laughing. She hoped her senior prom would be amazing.


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((This will be my last day of posting. If I don't post later today, all of ya'll have permission to auto my character. I think I'll just do the attack another time, if I am not able to do it by this evening. See ya'll on the 24th because I should be able to post than. I just better hope ya'll don't go to the Dark Kingdom before that.))

Taura didn't have to be a genius to see that her friends like Rocky and Satariel, especially Alice. The way the two looked at each other, Taura wouldn't be surprised if the two were in love. This did worry since Alice would be moving this summer. If Satariel did make her friend happy, she hoped that their relationship last. The fact though that Alice hadn't told her or Shaylin about what she thought about Satariel though did trouble her. Had they done something wrong? Everything seemed to be a bit off since the brothers arrived and since they learned about Alice's move. She wondered what would have happened if the boys hadn't showed up. She honestly though was glad that she did meet Incendia.

Speaking of the man, when he complimented her, Taura could feel her cheeks blush. Before she could say anything, the limo arrived and soon she found herself with everyone else in the large limo. Taura knew the limo driver and knew him to be a trustworthy driver. When they arrived, Taura shooked her head at Shay's exhuberance. Taura got out next, but didn't bother rushing in. Instead, she waited for the others before going in with Incendia. The first thing she saw was the photographer taking pictures of each couple in front of something.

"Well let's get this part over with." she said before taking Incendia's hand and pulling him to where the photographer was and he took a few pictures of them.

After that was over, Taura looked over at Incendia and asked, "What shall we do now? You want to dance or find a table for the others or what?"


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Incendia was caught off-guard by the sudden rush that over-took the girls as their . . . strange-looking carriage arrived. They were all hurriedly rushed in to it and Incendia found himself sitting beside Taura as they waited to arrive at their destination. During the entire trip he had remained relatively quiet, occasionally smliing, nodding his head, or giving short answers where polite. To be honest, he was almost a little afraid of embarassing himself in front of Ms. Lanston. Normally when he felt that way, it was because he didn't wish to offend a guest present for Satariel, yet here he was with a young girl who was attending with him. Not only with him, but not at Satariel's command either! The very thought of that was so very odd and foreign to the Vigil, even if he had slightly more experiences with the human world than Satariel (enough to learn the guitar, anyways). Once they had arrived at the boat where the party was apparently being held, he headed up the ramp with Taura's hand held in his (a true violation of a Vigil's readiness to fight, of which his father would be ashamed). He looked about as they arrived and when Taura dragged them over to . . . whatever it was that was going on in front of the canvas, he found himself still blinking spots from his vision as Taura pulled them away and presented him with two options: the first to dance, and the second to secure a table for the others.

As a Vigil, he wanted the second to ensure Satariel had a place to relax.

As Ms. Lanston's . . . date (that word tasted odd on his tongue, unreal even), he wished for the first.

"Well, Ms. Lanston." He looked about the dance-floor as a slow tune began playing, "In my limited experience, I have found that the most appropriate thing to do with such a young and beautiful lady such as yourself, is to at least give her the opportunity for a dance."

Thankfully, he recognized the tune. It was an old one that had been written . . . seventy years ago, now? For the sake of fitting in with the Prince's activities when he had been younger, Incendia had not only been instructed in a wide variety of combat styles, but had also been taught a wide variety of dances and steps. He carefully led Taura out with a light hold on her hand and began to lead her in the dance (after throwing his hat on an empty table to mark it).


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Rocky was having a blast. He followed Shaylin, sitting next to her in the limo and then letting her drag him to the dance floor. So she wanted to dance? He could dance. His father taught him, considering his mother couldn't. It was awkward and weird, but he learned none the less.

He glanced around at the humans as they danced to a rather fast paced tune. He'd never seen dancing like that, and he felt a little awkward. Instead of letting on that he felt clueless, he mimicked the dancing. Moving in tune to the music and keeping his eyes on Shaylin. The low light of the dance floor made the her look even more amazing. Rocky had thought it wasn't possible.


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Alice face turned red as Satariel talked to her. Once the limo arrived she grabbed Satariel's arm and walked out. The ride there she had a smile on. Once they arrived she hopped out of the limo. She noticed Jason and his crew looking at Taura. It was something to look out for during prom. Alice looked at her friends, good them being busy with their own dates they would leave her alone. "So what do you want to do?" She had no idea what demons liked to do. She looked down to see her arm around Satariel's.

One thing she felt safe around him, even considering her back ground. She watched the other teens dancing and wondered if he liked to dance. It was a slow song and perfect to dance to. The last thing she wanted to do was to make him uncomfortable. Alice was so excited for her future. One of the first boyfriends she had is not even human? Talk about an adventure. It was a thrill just thinking about it. It was definitely going to be something new for her.


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Once they arrived at the prom, Satariel and Alice were left to themselves as their friends drifted away. Arm in arm, they walked to the dance floor, the crowds of people around them ebbing and flowing to the music. At first the music was fast-paced and strange to Satariel, but then it shifted to a slow tune that reminded him of some of the slow waltzes he had danced back home. It was then that Alice asked him what he wanted to do.

"Would you like to dance, Alice?" he asked, slightly apprehensively. He didn't know what sort of dances were most appropriate in the human world, but he decided that he would try a waltz and hope it didn't look out of place. Gently drawing Alice further into the dance floor, he reached out with his left hand and guided her right hand to rest on his left shoulder, before allowing his left hand to rest on Alice's waist. His right hand took her left and raised it above their heads. Then he began to lead her in a waltz stepping slowly and turning slowly in time to the music, they drifted across the dance floor, his eyes locked on Alice's.


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Alice smiled at Satariel as they walked to the dance floor. "So you like to dance?" She asked as they started to dance. It was a stupid question, but she asked it anyways. There were so many questions she wanted to ask, but she could do only one at a time. "So tell me about your kind. I mean what do they like to do?" Hopefully he wouldn't be offended by her questions. Alice didn't want h to feel out of place by any means. She knew a lot about regular guys like football, baseball, or some other dangerous and useless sports, but not demons.

Did they sacrifice humans or maybe human girls. Maybe that's why he liked her! No, no that couldn't be it. Her eyes traced to his and she looked deep into them. There was something there but she couldn't find what it was. His eyes held somethingore than what she was able to see on the outside. It was frustrating a little not knowing what his kind liked or anything. Basically it wad worse than meeting a stranger in the 'real world'. At least she would be able to tell a little about them. But Satariel was different and Alice wanted to explore him more.


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As they turned slowly on the dance floor, Alice began asking him questions.

"I have danced many times before," Satariel said, "but I can't say that I really liked it. How enjoyable it is depends on the person you're dancing with. I can say that I'm enjoying myself right now, though." He smiled. "Uh... what shall I say about my kind? We're actually quite similar to you." He couldn't tell her that most demons considered themselves a completely different species to humans and would be horrified at the thought of comparing themselves to a lowly human being. "What we do is, well... at the moment we mostly watch and wait, because our kingdom is at war.

"It wasn't always that way. There was a time when demons were free to roam and travel the world. We lived in the Heavens and often came to Earth to mix with the humans. Your ancestors knew about us, but they called us by different names: ghosts, spirits, fairies, elves... but then a new kind of being arrived in the Heavens and threw us out. His armies are very strong. So for the past few thousand years, we demons have mostly lived to do our duty, prepare for war, keep the kingdom going. Of course there are times when we relax and enjoy ourselves. We have duels, poetry, music, dancing and arts. But everything we do must serve the kingdom. It's not like you humans where everyone is so free and full of life, free to be themselves and enjoy themselves."

He looked around and sighed. "I've been... happy here. These past few days I feel like I've really been myself, maybe for the first time in years. I don't want to go back to how things were before."

He looked back at Alice and felt embarrassed for having spoken so much. "But what about you? Tell me about yourself. Lots of things about humans are still strange to me. I didn't even know what a car was until a short while ago. What do you like doing? And what kind of lives do humans have? Do you have a goal or a purpose, or just do whatever you like?"


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It was nice to dance with Satariel. He was a good dancer, better than most guys. "Well that all sounds pretty cool." She smiled at h as they danced. It was mice to have a guy to talk to who wasn't a complete neanderthal. She giggled at the thought. He probably thought she was crazy for laughing when he didn't even say anything. "Your world sounds amazing." It was facinating to hear about a new place that wasn't on earth. "Well...wait you didn't know what a car was?!" She gasped.

It was her sense of life. "Well humans are complex in a way. We all like to do different things. It's hard to say what everyone likes to do the most. I like to dance and Shay likes to swim. We all have different views on different subject. Not one person is like someone else." She smiled as the song came to an end. The music picked up and she looked around. "Why don't we go sit down?" Alice grabbed his hand and lead him to an empty table. There was fresh punch sitting in the cups going around the table.

"Here it's good." She handed him a cup and smiled. She took a sip herself before speaking again. "So from a couple days back it's obvious you have wings. Does it hurt when they come out?" Now she sounded like a neanderthal. Hopefully he wouldn't think she was being stupid, even though she knew it was s dumb question herself.


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((Okay here I go. hehe))

Taura tried to keep track of her friends, but she found herself distracted when Incendia pulled her onto the dance floor. It was like something came over her when the did start to dance. Taura wasn't worried about her dancing skills for her parents made sure her siblings and herself knew how to dance by hiring dance instructors. Her dressed allowed her to move freely too. She was worried if Incendia could dance, but it seemed she worried for naught for he was very good, better than some other guys she had danced with before. Taura was tensed at first but soon began to relax. She couldn't stop looking at Incendia either and wasn't aware of much else. However, after one of the dances, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Hey Taura, it's time to announce king and queen." an Japanese looking male mentioned.

It was their class president, Hiro Johnson. His mother was Japanese and his mother was American and he looked alot like his mother, only he had blue eyes like his father. Taura was vice-president.

"Oh thanks Hiro. Sorry Incendia, if you'll excuse me." Taura said before following Hiro.

The two went onto the stage with several other senior officers as well as the junior officers.

"Okay now, it's now time to announce Prom King and Queen as well as Prom Prince and Princess. The junior officers will announce the Prince and Princess first. He's Junior class president Kasey Wilson and vice president, Trevor Aravis." Hiro announced before the two came forward.

Prince and Princess was announced and the two crowned and given flowers. After that, Hiro and Taura came forward again.

"Okay now seniors had a week to vote for who they wanted to be King and Queen. Here's Taura to announce the winners." Hiro said.

Taura came forward and said, "This year's Prom King and Queen are Satariel Blankenship and Alice Heart."

She was surprised by Satariel being king since he'd only been here for a week. Alice wasn't a surprise since she was the sweetheart of the school.

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Character Portrait: Taura Lanston
0 sightings Taura Lanston played by Zodia195
Don't underestimate the glasses

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Shaylin Keys
Character Portrait: Alice Heart
Character Portrait: Ryan Williamson
Character Portrait: Satariel
Character Portrait: William Ray Rockard (Rocky)
Character Portrait: Incendia Presul


Character Portrait: Incendia Presul
Incendia Presul

My name is Latin. It means "Fire Dancer". Satariel may be the prince, but he wouldn't make it very far without a street-wise pauper to watch his back for him.

Character Portrait: William Ray Rockard (Rocky)
William Ray Rockard (Rocky)

"Satariel, please think about this!"

Character Portrait: Satariel

"Such pleasure took the Serpent to behold... her Heavenly forme, Angelic, but more soft, and Feminine, her graceful Innocence, her every Aire of gesture or lest action overawed his Malice..."

Character Portrait: Ryan Williamson
Ryan Williamson

Male duh. I don't talk much . I show little emotion. Now shoo stop buggin me

Character Portrait: Alice Heart
Alice Heart

"Love finds it's way to everyone."

Character Portrait: Shaylin Keys
Shaylin Keys

"Well...if you do anything to hurt her I guess I'll have to kill you!"


Character Portrait: Satariel

"Such pleasure took the Serpent to behold... her Heavenly forme, Angelic, but more soft, and Feminine, her graceful Innocence, her every Aire of gesture or lest action overawed his Malice..."

Character Portrait: Incendia Presul
Incendia Presul

My name is Latin. It means "Fire Dancer". Satariel may be the prince, but he wouldn't make it very far without a street-wise pauper to watch his back for him.

Character Portrait: Alice Heart
Alice Heart

"Love finds it's way to everyone."

Character Portrait: Shaylin Keys
Shaylin Keys

"Well...if you do anything to hurt her I guess I'll have to kill you!"

Character Portrait: Ryan Williamson
Ryan Williamson

Male duh. I don't talk much . I show little emotion. Now shoo stop buggin me

Character Portrait: William Ray Rockard (Rocky)
William Ray Rockard (Rocky)

"Satariel, please think about this!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Shaylin Keys
Shaylin Keys

"Well...if you do anything to hurt her I guess I'll have to kill you!"

Character Portrait: Alice Heart
Alice Heart

"Love finds it's way to everyone."

Character Portrait: Incendia Presul
Incendia Presul

My name is Latin. It means "Fire Dancer". Satariel may be the prince, but he wouldn't make it very far without a street-wise pauper to watch his back for him.

Character Portrait: William Ray Rockard (Rocky)
William Ray Rockard (Rocky)

"Satariel, please think about this!"

Character Portrait: Satariel

"Such pleasure took the Serpent to behold... her Heavenly forme, Angelic, but more soft, and Feminine, her graceful Innocence, her every Aire of gesture or lest action overawed his Malice..."

Character Portrait: Ryan Williamson
Ryan Williamson

Male duh. I don't talk much . I show little emotion. Now shoo stop buggin me

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Re: [OOC] Devil

Devi:The Beginning <----------------there is the link to the new devil, hope you guys like it ^^

Re: [OOC] Devil

Oh you know I am game. I'll just have to recreate my char. This was one of my fav rpgs.

Re: [OOC] Devil

Sure. I'm game for that.

Re: [OOC] Devil

Hey guys! Wow it has been a while since I was on this forum, but I'm going to remake this with Chi and just wanted to let you all know if you wanted to join it ^^

Re: [OOC] Devil

Zodia195 wrote:ELI! *Glomps* Just glad to see you're doing well.

Yeah. Got back from basic training saturday and it was straight to school again.

Re: [OOC] Devil

I'll ask Chihari what she is going to do!

Re: [OOC] Devil

ELI! *Glomps* Just glad to see you're doing well.

Re: [OOC] Devil

I'd offer to take up that spot, but I don't know if that would help.

Re: [OOC] Devil

Hey Eli! Nice to see you again :)

As you can tell we lost one of our main people, so unless we can find a replacement, then I don't know what to do.

Re: [OOC] Devil

I'm back . . . if that makes any difference now.

Re: [OOC] Devil

Hey guys. Sorry for not posting. My life is really stressing me out right now and I'm overworked with university. I can't afford to do badly because I already failed some subjects. I'll have to withdraw from the rp for the foreseeable future.

Really sorry to do this to you, I struggled with this decision. Because we've already lost Eli and Rain is having troubles, I know that this could wreck the story. It wasn't an easy decision, but I have to do it for my sanity.

Re: [OOC] Devil

Lol, same here.

Ohh Lovely, I love your new icon there. Eye candy!!!

Re: [OOC] Devil

I can't wait for Eli to come back so everyone will be here!

Random fact I posted YAY!

Re: [OOC] Devil

Lol, that's something I would do, I am too clumsy for my own good.

Btw, I checked out when Eli said he'd be back. He started basic on June 15th, and said be gone for 10 weeks and 4 days. So he should be back in a little over a month hopefully.

Re: [OOC] Devil

Haha that's Alice for ya :D

Re: [OOC] Devil

That's fine than. I was just wondering hehe. I came up with a cool idea about Diana. I was going to have her hair color change depending on the phase of the Moon. As it's waxing, her hair will be changing from black to white and during a full moon it's completely white, while during a new moon it's black hehe.

Re: [OOC] Devil

Zodia, now that you mention it, a bow and arrows for the Moon object would have been fitting. But when I made the items up, I was thinking that one should be offensive (sword), one should be defensive/healing (shield or cup) and one should be more miscellaneous/spiritual, so I went with a wand. Taura could grab a demon bow to defend herself if she wants to.

Re: [OOC] Devil

Hey guys, I am going to need players for my rpg. I have just opened up 2 more spots due to the inactivity of 2 players and their failure to respond to my pms. So there's 3 open spots. 2 girls and 1 guy. Not much has happened in the rpg, the chars are just getting to know each other at a festival and that's it. Thanks.

Re: [OOC] Devil

Aw man I get a freakin' awesome sword, sweeeet! I'm off to post!

Re: [OOC] Devil

Thanks Res. I am surprised you didn't make Diana's weapons Bow and Arrows, seeing how it was her weapon of choice.