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Do I Have To?

Do I Have To?


What do you do when you are forced into a political marriage with the one person you hate more than anyone else.

1,250 readers have visited Do I Have To? since AlyxtheStubborn created it.


My name is Belladona Elliryana Levienne Lidalia. It really is a mouthful, but it's the type of name that's supposed to befit the Princess of the Vivadel Kingdom. And for the past century, there has been fighting on and off with the Kingdom Nitalian. Yes, it actually is called the Kingdom Nitalian, not the Kingdom of Nitalian. We used to be at peace with them, up until I was six years old. I'm seventeen now, and considered an adult, at least in Vivadel. In the Kingdom Nitalian, you must be nineteen. There I am considered to be just a child. Not even teenaged!
The wars eleven years have resulted in thousands and thousands of deaths. It was in this war that my oldest brother, heir to the throne, died. And then I became heir to the throne, with my three younger brothers next in line. The twins, Sunny and Alec, fight in the war. Will is too young, which does much for the peace of mind of my mother. He's only thirteen, and the baby of the family. Losses have been becoming greater and greater each year, and the people are wearied of the fighting- in both Kingdoms.
Finally, my father and the King from the Kingdom Nitalian, Aric, agreed to meet, and they agreed on some sort of truce. No one knew the full details. Father set aside a large estate on the eastern side of Vivadel, and King Aric set aside a large estate on the western side of the Kingdom Nitalian. The walls of the border were torn down there, and new ones were built, around the properties, making them one. They tore down the buildings, and made new ones. They called it the Vivalian Land, because it was partly of Vivadel and partly of Kingdom Nitalian. That is when I started to get a feeling.
A few weeks before completion, my parents asked to see me. I figured it must be some kind of speech. Like now-that-you-are-heir-to-the-throne-you-must-start-behaving-more-like-a-lady. It wasn't. My parents broke the news to me: I was to marry the Prince of the Kingdom Nitalian, the one who would become King when his parents both died.
I was angry. I raged at my parents and screamed at them, and threw things. I had a full temper tantrum then and there, and tried to walk out. My parents, used to my antics, had had the door locked from the outside. They were adamant that it should happen. It was part of the truce, I was the one who had to stop the war. Why not Sunny, or Alec, who are interested in girls? Because they aren't the heirs. Then I wanted to abdicate. My parents wouldn't let me- they said that Sunny and Alec were too young to have to have the weight of the responsibility, and also that they were inseparable twins.
And you may be wondering why I am so angry about this marriage. It's because the boy I swore was my enemy, eleven years ago is... you guessed it, heir to the Kingdom Nitalian. I hate him! I actually have more reasons to hate him than one might think:
1. He killed my favorite puppy when I was five. Right in front of my eyes (he said he thought it was a rabbit!).
2. He was always the brat. He used to complain that I was the one that got inkstains all over his clothes, but really, it was his younger sister, who tried to draw all over him.
3. In the Kingdom Nitalian, women are expected to be docile, especially in positions of power.
4. He was the one responsible for my getting pneumonia and nearly dying when I was four. He pushed me into the river, and when they asked him what happened, he said that I had tripped.
5. Although he doesn't know, he was the one who killed Quince and got me tangled up in this mess. The only thing he knows is that the man he killed must've had a child, because they told us about a handkerchief, terribly embroidered, found on the body of Quince. It was what I had made, because he asked me to display that I could be a lady.

I have a lot of reasons to hate him. But I don't know at all what he thinks of me, and I don't want to! He is already someone who I have grown to hate. He is older, by three years. He will lord it over me, if he is anything like he was when he was young. He comes from a kingdom where women are supposed to attend to the affairs of the house and be good at embroidery.

We are going to stay at the Vivalian Land, together, for a week to get reacquainted. A week for me to get him to change his mind. Because after that week, we are engaged, and will be expected to do things as if we really were married, and not just engaged. To me, this means I have a week of freedom, and after that, I am stuck with the Crown Prince of the Kingdom Nitalian- for life.

Belladonna, when she was young, was a wild tomboy. She acted like a boy, dressed in breeches and shirts, and hid all her hair in a hat. That's the only thing the Prince of the Kingdom Nitalian remembers about her. He doesn't know what to expect. But we can be almost positive that he doesn't expect her to be the same wild girl that she was.

Character Skeleton
Position: Heir of the Kingdom Nitalian
Age: (Already known to be 20)
Love Interest: (It doesn't have to be the Princess)
Opinion of the Princess: (Both before he meets her and when he does:

Have fun!

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors

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I sighed and glared at my mother again, who just smiled innocently at me.
"It is absolutely necessary? There is no possible way out of this?" I asked for maybe the seven hundredth time during this carriage ride, and the million and fourth time since they told me that I had to go marry His Royal Pain, the Annoyingness Raiden Azrael Nealan.
My mother sighed and carefully pulled some of my pale hair away, the color, like always, somewhere between a light lavender and lilac. "Bell, darling... you know that the only to get out of this would be to have the war continue on. Would you want Sunny or Alec to suffer the same fate as Quince?"
My eyes blurred with sudden tears. I impatiently shook them away. "And why does he have to be the one who murdered Quince?"
My older brother and I had shared a special bond, deeper than that even of the twins. Sometimes, it was rumored by the people that Quince and I were halves of the same person. I certainly felt that it was true enough. When Quince died... for days I'd shut myself in my room, refusing to see anyone, eat anything, drink anything. Finally, my parents had had the door torn down. By that point, I had given up.
My parents forced me to go out again. It took a long time to return to someone like who I used to be. I had been entirely driven by revenge and now I had to be put together with him, stay with him for all my life?
My mother sighed again, and quietly murmured. "Fate can be incredibly cruel sometimes. But at least think. You are the hope of the entire kingdom."
I growled. "I don't see why! Can I at least change into other clothes, and go riding?"
I was wearing a gown, a short one, and had flowers as ornaments (OOC: The gown she wears in the picture for her profile).
My mother laughed at me. "We spent so long just to get you fixed up, sweetie. I'm afraid not." I scowled, and the rest of the ride passed in a miserable silence.
I was sketching, and as always, my thoughts turned to Quince. I drew his face, again, with his glimmering, intelligent eyes, and ready smile, and serene face. His ridiculously long hair falling over one of his eyes. That was where the rumor had started. We were trying to meet each other halfway- Quince by wearing his hair long and wearing flowing clothes was somewhat girly and I, with my breeches, shirts, and attitude, was somewhat boyish. I don't know if it was true, though. I just knew that we had been close, and the bond had been broken by someone who wasn't one of us, and now it could never be repaired.
I looked out, and saw that we had passed through the gate. I waited impatiently, and finally burst out of the carriage like the wild person I was. "I'm free!" I cried joyfully, my sketchbook tightly held in one hand.
My mother laughed again. "Bell, I sincerely hope you never grow up right now."

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I looked out the window of the room I was currently sitting in. It was actually quite nice, but only if I'd been here in other circumstances, and not learning that I had to be married to Bella. Not that I didn't like her or anything, but I didn't want to get married, period. So in a week, I have to convince this girl to not want to marry me, and she has to tell her father while I tell mine and they can work out another solution besides war and besides marriage.
Suddenly, I see a comfortable, simple and yet elegant carriage roll into view, pulled by four jet black horses. Quite showy and also quite beautiful. I also noticed that the driver didn't carry a whip. How odd. How extremely odd.
My butler smiled. "That would be the Princess's carriage, Prince. She trained those four horses and many others herself. They can be driven without a whip."
I looked at him, surprised inside, though I managed an "I see."
I walked outside, ready to greet Bella. She's probably turned into a right proper princess by now, all her tomboyish attitudes gone.
As I walked into the courtyard, I saw a pretty purple haired girl climb out, a book in her hand, and shout. "I'm free!"
A laugh was heard from inside the carriage. "Bell, I sincerely hope you never grow up right now."
My mind only processed the first word, and I stared at the pretty- no, beautiful purple haired girl. What had happened to the Bella I knew? She seemed so girly...
She was wearing a short, fitting dress, with a layered skirt that swirled around her as she twirled. Her hair had flowers in it, with a matching anklet. She wore pink flats.
It's quite amazing what eleven years can do.
"Hello, Bella. How are you?" I asked in my normal cold voice.

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I glared at him as I walked up to him, arms crossed over my chest. "Prince. You lost the right to call me Bella a long time ago." I said grimly, angry, clutching my sketchbook tighter without realizing it.
How could he... how could that arrogant ass still call me Bella after everything he'd done to me? "And I am as well as one can be when learning they are to be suffocated and killed." I was referring to how the Kingdom Nitalian thought men were superior.
I stomped on his foot, hard. I knew that it must have to hurt; there's no way it couldn't have.
I turned back towards the carriage, and helped my mother out, the way a gentleman would, it was how I was used to acting.
"Have you and Prince Raiden exchanged friendly greetings?" My mother asked pleasantly, unaware of the tension.
I nodded. "Yes, of course, Mother."
I moved off to reward the horses each with a sugar cube. "You were great, my lovelies." I whispered, spending a little quality time with each of them. Cody was the quiet, peaceful one. Then Belle, a mare with high spirits and a sweet nature. Sweets, a horse which sometimes could be a bit unruly, but was still my favorite, and Selene, who was devoted, faithful, and loved her food.
I smile a little bit, careful to keep my sketchbook away from them, not caring about the back hairs bound to end up on my dress.

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I stared as Bella, no-the Princess, suddenly changed emotion and became angry. She couldn't be holding grudges from when we were children, could she? All I remember is that we would get angry, and later make up and I would forget why we were angry. Bella had been easy to please back then: the littlest things would make her happy.
Okay... she feels like she's going to be suffocated??? This Bella, no-the Princess, is so much more confusing! What does she mean, suffocated? She's not going to be choked at all!
I kept my blank face up as she stomped on my foot, but it really, really hurt. She was angry... This Bella is more than just a little creepy. She's very, very, very strange.
Friendly greetings, my foot. Literally. I snorted quietly.
"Hello, Your Majesty." I greeted the Queen.
She smiled. "Hello, Raiden."
I followed Bella, watching her with the horses. She still loved animals, huh. I noticed that the black hairs were getting all over her dress and snorted quietly.
"Bella, oh sorry, Princess, I see you still love animals like you did before. Memories..." I drifted off, remembering all sorts of crazy adventures we'd had. "Say, how's Lucius and your brothers, and everyone else?"

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Who knew adulthood would come with such heavy responsibilities? I had always assumed following my father's footsteps would be simple; he made it look so easy. Though I'm no stranger these verbal roundabouts known as: politics, the day-to-day activities were immense. Essentially, I was serving as one of the many voices of the King to the people. The man, though powerful he may be, cannot govern his entire kingdom alone; he needs governors, and nobles to manage the villages, and tend to the castles. My chambers were located near the royal palace, so the his majesty could send messages to me easily. I would have preferred a calm governor position, but because of my quickly gained status, I was the de facto "leader" of the various governors. The Corella family had always been brilliant politicians; I was no different. I don't think I'm ready for this responsibility yet; my father's early retirement was unexpected... I had to fill his position. It was my duty to the sovereign. Still, today was a calm day, slower than usual.
"Excuse me, Sir?" I turned my head to see my assistant: Nero, standing in the chamber doorway. He always had a habit of quietly entering my chambers. He had the silent footsteps of an assassin, it would seem. "You have a meeting in forty minutes with the ensemble of blacksmiths about the taxes."
I sighed. "Are they not aware of how low the taxes are now?" One of the main frustrations of politics: you can't please everyone, and no one is ever fully pleased.
"I suppose not, Sir, but you know you can speak circles around them. I'm sure you will have no difficulties appeasing them." He was right, nothing I couldn't handle, but I'd rather not have to travel just to calm down a group of blacksmiths.
"Tell me, where is Bella?" I asked him, he always knew where the important people were. I'm quite lucky to have him in my service; sometimes I feel he'd be a better spy than a political assistant.
"The Princess is en route to meet with Prince Raiden of the Kingdom Nitalian, most likely regarding the marriage." I clenched my fists. Not only did I fight against them in the war, but their prince was now set to marry Bella... I still couldn't believe that; she was set to marry someone she despised. I had never met the Prince on the battlefield, but I knew of his actions. The man had no sense of compassion. Poor Bella was to marry a man who murders innocent animals and people alike. I couldn't imagine how Bella must be feeling; marrying the man who killed her closest brother. Quince was one of the bravest men I had ever met. I missed him dearly.
"Are you not feeling well, Sir?" Nero could notice I was not very happy about the situation. Thinking about it only made it worse; she's going to be Raiden's now... I can't have her, and I have to accept that.
"I'm fine, Nero... I just haven't been sleeping well." Only a partial lie, I had actually been losing quite a bit of sleep because of the announcement of the marriage. I'm sure Nero could tell I wasn't telling the complete truth. There was business to attend to, and I couldn't stand around looking depressed.
"Let us depart, Nero. Those blacksmiths won't calm themselves down. Ready my horse."

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I couldn't help myself, I turned around and slapped his apparently pretty face. Mama is going to be so awfully displeased with me.
"Funny you, of all people, should have the audacity to ask how my brothers are. Quince is probably doing well now..." I paused as my voice became choked up. No, he will not get the satisfaction of making me cry!
I swallowed and continued. "Sunny and Alec are busy being young men, and Will is lovably babyish."
My voice grew warmer as I talked about Lucius. Besides Quince, he was the person I had been closest to. But then, since Quince was like part of me in another body, Lucius is really the person I was closest to, and now, he was still the person I was closest to. "Lucius is the same as always. A genius, wonderful, and remarkably caring. Unlike you." I spit in his face and turned around.
I was going to go find the messenger birds, to send a message to Lucius. He was probably worried about me. Well, he was like another brother, so I don't blame him.
I examined the finished letter.
Dear Lucius,
How are the twins and Will coping? Is everything going all right? How is your job?
I met His Royal Annoying Bastardness today. He's still the prissy jerk of before. I cannot stand him. Cheer with me, will you, when you read the next sentences? I stomped on his foot, hard. Ruined his "pretty face" with a slap, and later, spit on it. I do not know how I am going to stand being married to the arrogant jerk, but I have an idea: make myself undesirable. Not that I have far to go, with the way I already acted. And then I'll come back and we can have a big reunion.
I miss you and everyone else. Take care of my brothers.

I tied it up gently and put it in the small cloth bag around the bird's neck before letting the bird go. Slightly happier, I left to go change out of these annoying clothes.

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Another day, another meeting, another debate, another solution. The blacksmiths were easy to calm down. The aftermath of the war did not help the economy.
"The economy is fractured, but not broken. Just as a fractured bone, our financial infrastructure shall heal and become stronger than ever before." I remembered those strong statements during my public address to the people. They were afraid, and they needed reassurance. I promised I was going to bring the Kingdom through this deficit; I had no intention of breaking that promise.
I had managed to convince the nobility to pay slightly more on their taxes so the commoners' taxes could be lowered. This will only be temporary, of course; despite their high status, I couldn't overtax them if it wasn't necessary.
"You see, Nero, anyone can be reasoned with. These people are all intelligent and determined. Their fear creates irrationality, but that is not their fault." Nero and I were walking through a small village where the blacksmiths gathered. The people seemed quite happy to see me. I decided to visit the local baker; I enjoyed the bread produced by local bakeries. Nero and I approached the wooden stand; assortments of breads and baked goods covered the stand. The baker seemed shocked to see us.
"What a pleasant surprise to see you here in our village, Master Corella! Would you like a sample of my finest bread?" I smiled and placed a few gold coins in his hand.
"No, no, I'm going to pay, just as everyone else does." I picked up the first bread roll I saw. This brought me back to my days trying to bake bread in my father's kitchen. The head chef would give me advice whenever I visited him. I would like to bake more often, but my schedule always seems to be full.
I turned to leave the stand when, in the corner of my eye, I saw a boy creep up to the stand. The baker was still happily smiling at us; he didn't notice the boy as he grabbed a bread roll from the table and started sneaking away. Luckily I wasn't a lazy politician.
I made a dash for him before he could turn to see me staring him down. I caught him as he was starting to run. I grabbed him by the arm and lifted him to my eye level. He began to squirm and cry.
"Please let me go," he begged "I just want to feed my mom... Dad didn't come back from the war." My heart sank as he explained himself. I lowered to the ground and knelt down to look him in the eyes.
"You have to understand that stealing is illegal." I placed my hand on his shoulder. "I know you want to feed your family, but you must do this by legal means." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small handful of coins. I placed about ten coins in the boy's hand; more than enough to feed him and his mother for a few days.
"Now please, find the right way to earn your coin. Talk to some of the blacksmiths, I'm sure they could use an assistant." The boy's eyes sparkled as he looked at the coins in his hand. He placed the coins in his pocket and jumped towards me, hugging me tightly. I returned his hug. I felt very happy to have helped him... I knew too well the horrors of war.
The boy scurried off with excitement. I knew he'd fine his way in life.

(OOC - I'm going to do two posts, cause mine seem to be very long!)

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(Okey dokey! I'm pretty lenient about things like this)

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"You were pretty generous today, Sir." Nero and I were sitting in my chambers, enjoying some Vivalian spiced tea. "The people seem to really adore you."
"It is far greater to be loved than feared, Nero." I smiled as I stared at my tea.
"Oh, I almost forgot!" Nero set his tea down and walked out of the room. He came back with a piece of paper. "This letter arrived for you, I don't know who it is from, though I was tempted to read it." He set the paper down in front of me as he let out a slight laugh.
"Thank you, Nero. You can head home if you like." He nodded and exited my chambers.
I was curious to see who wrote this letter. I recognised the handwriting: it was Bella's! A huge smile stretched across my face; I was overjoyed to see she was still thinking about me.

Dear Lucius,
How are the twins and Will coping? Is everything going all right? How is your job?
I met His Royal Annoying Bastardness today. He's still the prissy jerk of before. I cannot stand him. Cheer with me, will you, when you read the next sentences? I stomped on his foot, hard. Ruined his "pretty face" with a slap, and later, spit on it. I do not know how I am going to stand being married to the arrogant jerk, but I have an idea: make myself undesirable. Not that I have far to go, with the way I already acted. And then I'll come back and we can have a big reunion.
I miss you and everyone else. Take care of my brothers.

I was laughing to the point of tears as I read through Bella's antics. I couldn't believe she slapped him, and stomped on his foot.
"She hasn't changed a bit," I muttered under my breath.
Her plan to escape her marriage with Prince Raiden was rather well thought out. There was no way she could make herself undesirable; that was impossible... but the prince never looked at Bella the way I did-the way I still do. I hoped she could keep her hostilities up till Prince Raiden grew sick of her, and then she could return. I fetched myself a piece of paper to write her a letter in return. Every time I thought of her, memories of our time spent together flowed through my mind like water down in a river. Thinking of her helped me escape my frustrating, political life. After jotting down my response, I was pleased with my letter.

Dear Bella,
The twins and Will are upset about your departure, as am I, but they are managing. Life in the Kingdom is as it normally is, but I miss you heavily, we all do. The Kingdom is not the same without you.
Like I've told you many times before, my field of work is a frustrating one. I work day & night to ensure everything is functioning within your father's land. Despite my complaining, I do like it. At the end of the day, I am happy. I have a story to tell you when you return; I believe I saved a small child from a life of crime.
I hate the idea of you being around that man, but I don't have to tell you how I feel about him. I was overjoyed as I read what you did to him. I was laughing hysterically. I almost took up your request to cheer but during the evening, many people are sleeping... I don't want to wake them. We can cheer of your endeavours when you return.
As long as you keep up with your plan, you should be able to cancel this marriage. I'm going to remain hopeful about this, but making yourself seem undesirable is going to be difficult. I know how determined you can be, and I have faith in you.
Just remember: I miss you, and the entire kingdom misses you too. I will look after your brothers, just like when we were young.

I paused for a moment; I still couldn't decide how to end my letter. I sighed; even if I wrote how I truly felt, she would see it as something strictly platonic. I wrote down the last couple words to finish my letter.

Love always,

I stepped over to the medium sized bird cage in the corner of my champers. My own personal messenger dove had the cage all to herself. Rose was an excellent bird, and a great messenger.
I opened her cage and extended my arm to her. She hoped and eyed my letter with great curiosity. I rolled the paper and delicately tied it around her neck. I brought her to my balcony held my arm out. She flew away into the night.
"Stay strong Bella, stay strong."

(OOC - again, I apologize for the long posts!)

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Well, at least I can say that it should be fairly easy to wiggle out of this marriage, with the way she dislikes me now. I press a hand against my burning cheek. It was the first time I had ever been slapped by anyone. To tell you the truth, I hope it never happens again. As weak as Be- the Princess looks, she is quite strong. I wiped the spit off my face with disgust. She was immature, but did she really have to go spit in my face?
So, her brothers and Lucius all seemed to be fine. I remember Lucius vaguely, but I definitely remember Quince. He was a year older than me, and back then, him and Bel- the Princess stuck to each other like glue, the only reason I saw so much of her when I was little.
I wondered where she was going. Knowing her, and the current idiocy she's displaying, she did something foolish again.
I didn't see her mother when I stepped out from beyond the horses, thank goodness, so I set off wandering the castle, wondering what was here. Turns out, a lot of stuff. Pools, for bothing and entertainment, a combat area, an archery range, an accessible rooftop...
Finally, as it started getting dark, I decided to find the Princess. I looked around until I found a page. He looked nervous when I beckoned to him.
"Have you seen the Princess?" I ask coldly.
He nods and points towards the dovecote. "Aye, a while ago, Sir Prince."
I might have known... she was probably homesick. Good, the more, the better, and the sooner I can get back home to Aoi.
By the time I got there, it was dark, and the Princess wasn't there. I lit a lamp, carefully. There was a dove looking anxious. I took the pouch off its neck and took the paper out of it. Well, the Princess can't expect that I won't want revenge after her various ways of hurting me...
I opened it.
Dear Bella,
The twins and Will are upset about your departure, as am I, but they are managing. Life in the Kingdom is as it normally is, but I miss you heavily, we all do. The Kingdom is not the same without you.
Like I've told you many times before, my field of work is a frustrating one. I work day & night to ensure everything is functioning within your father's land. Despite my complaining, I do like it. At the end of the day, I am happy. I have a story to tell you when you return; I believe I saved a small child from a life of crime.
I hate the idea of you being around that man, but I don't have to tell you how I feel about him. I was overjoyed as I read what you did to him. I was laughing hysterically. I almost took up your request to cheer but during the evening, many people are sleeping... I don't want to wake them. We can cheer of your endeavours when you return.
As long as you keep up with your plan, you should be able to cancel this marriage. I'm going to remain hopeful about this, but making yourself seem undesirable is going to be difficult. I know how determined you can be, and I have faith in you.
Just remember: I miss you, and the entire kingdom misses you too. I will look after your brothers, just like when we were young.
Love always,

I clenched my jaw. She was starting to become a real nuisance. She found it a laughing matter fit to be shared? I scanned the letter again... she wasn't undesirable, she was simply... bothersome. I wondered if it was possible that Lucius and the Princess had a relationship. No, it wasn't that. This wasn't that type of letter. If only I could have seen the one the Princess wrote! Though it seemed to be more of a brother to sister type of letter. An overly possessive brother? Bella had a lot of those, but she never minded.
I smirked as I hid the letter in a pocket of my waistcoat. Now, to actually find the Princess.

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I couldn't sleep, yet again. I had spent all day cooped up in the hay loft of the stables sketching, then finally went out and back to my room, locking the sketchbook in a chest for which the key was around my neck.
After that, I just sat for a while in the dark, trying to fall asleep. I hadn't been hungry and I didn't care what the other person here did. No matter how much I adjusted myself, I just couldn't fall asleep. I must have lain there for a few hours, just trying to fall asleep. It didn't work, so I slipped out of my bed and stood at the window, looking at the moon.
I stretched my arms and massaged my hands, still slightly sore from the sketching. Mother had left earlier today, leaving me with His Royal Ickiness. I didn't want to be married; I wanted to grow up to be an old maid. No man I'd met really cared for the true Bell except for my brothers and Lucius, who was practically a brother.
Speaking of Lucius... I wondered if he had responded yet.
Well, it was something I could do. I went down the stairs, creeping almost as if I didn't belong here. And I didn't. I belonged back in my palace in Vivadel, surrounded by my family! I walked slowly towards the dovecote, anticipating a reply from Lucius, knowing that he probably had received the letter. After all, for the bird it was only a few hours here and back.
As I walked into the Dovecote, I noticed a shadowy figure there. Who...
I hadn't taken a lamp, which I now considered idiotic. And I wasn't wearing shoes. I was wearing a short nightgown, as a matter of fact, nothing on me that could be used as a weapon.
"Who are you?" I challenged, trying not to sound scared. But my voice was slightly shaky, making me sound weak.

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I had been waiting for a while, not wanting to leave the serenity here in the dovecote. Suddenly, I heard a very slight noise outside and immediately, all my senses were on alert.
A figure entered the dovecote and then moved back slightly. "Who are you?"
I smiled. I hadn't expected her here now. Her voice was shaking a little bit, but her voice was still unmistakable. It must be quite late, I had heard the midnight bells toll a while back.
"Shouldn't you be asleep by now?" I asked calmly. "Nevertheless, you sound afraid, dear Princess."
She had moved back a bit, and I could see her a bit more clearly. She was dressed in a short nightgown, plain, a little flimsy looking, exposing a lot of her legs. Her long hair was unbound and fell down her back. And she had no shoes on. In the faint light from the moon, she almost looked angelic to me. And it was clear she had no weapons on her at all.
"You are quite overconfident, are you not, by challenging me when defenseless?" I asked, deliberately moving forward. "And also quite a gossip. Do you find it necessary to tell everyone the events of your life?"
I was unhappy. I had been unprepared, and I had let her get to me. Next time, she wouldn't be able to.

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I recognized this voice as I took a slight step backwards. I had been hearing much too much of it this past day. Or rather, yesterday, as it was well past midnight already.
I scowled. "I choose when I go to sleep!" I refused to tell this miserable, pathetic excuse for a prince that I had trouble going to sleep sometimes. In fact, it was something she never told anyone; they found out about it. Her scowl turned darker as he pointed out that her voice had sounded like it was afraid. Why was he so perceptive? More to the point, why was he tormenting her?
I looked up as he moved forward, all of my nerves on edge. I had made a mistake. I was dressed in a midthigh white nightgown made of a fabric that tore easily. I wore no shoes. My pale hair, stretching till my ankles, was loose. I must look incredibly vulnerable. And I couldn't find without being indecent in these clothes, especially since they would rip.
I stared down, not meeting his eyes. "Overconfident I may be, but attacking is always better than defending." I whispered.
His next comment took me of guard. "What do you mean?" I looked up, meeting his silvery eyes.
Suddenly, I knew. "You didn't!"
His face told it all. "How dare you! How dare you read my letters!"
I attempted to punch him in the stomach.

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I fought the urge to shake my head and cluck my tongue. This girl was ridiculous and crazy and immature to no end. But her scowl could be just the slightest bit scary. If it weren't for the fact that she looked so cute at the moment.
"I hope you realize that you look like a sulking child." I informed her calmly.
She seemed rather interested in her feet as she said that attacking was better than defending. Well, it was true. Defending got you nowhere.
She looked up, and I just gave her an infuriating slight smirk, waiting for her to figure out what I meant.
Bella did, soon enough. She lets rage rule her head whenever she gets angry. Her rage, or maybe her, tried to punch me in the stomach. I say tried because I was already out of the way at the point.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Bella. You could just ask for your letter. But now you'd have to beg and grovel and plead before I'll even consider giving you the letter from Lucius. In fact, I took the liberty of writing a letter to him in your handwriting."
I hadn't really written a letter. It was a blank sheet of paper which I rolled up and put in the pouch. "We'll see how Lucius likes it when he finds out you hate him."

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"Do you think she received my letter, Nero?" I asked impatiently. It had only been a day and I had already begun worrying. "She's not very far, and my pigeon is quite fast." Nero and I were filing through some military papers: remnants of reports from the war
"You worry too much, Sir," chuckled Nero, "you must not concern yourself; Princess Belladonna will return your letter soon."
I hoped my assistant was right; I'd been worrying about Bella's safety since she left. I didn't trust the prince around her-I didn't trust him at all. It was bad enough that he hated her as much as she hated him. A thought occurred to me thought: what if he started to desire her? Or even... if she started to desire him? The thought disgusted me to the core. I had always wanted Bella to be my bride, but that time has long passed. If she couldn't be my bride, I wanted her to be anyone's but his!
"If I didn't know any better, Sir," said Nero, interrupting my thought pattern, "I could swear you fancy Princess Belladonna." I looked up from the papers to see him smiling at me. I couldn't work out a response to his accusation. With the anger towards Prince Raiden, my concern for Bella, and my new thoughts of potential romance between the two, I was speechless... I didn't know what to say to him. I was use to just shaking off those accusations; this wasn't the first time someone became suspicious of my hidden feelings, but I couldn't say anything to Nero.
His smile disappeared and he nodded. "I see..." I suppose he figured me out. Thankfully, he was trustworthy. Maybe it would be nice to confide in someone for once.

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I didn't care if I looked like a sulking child! How can he even call me a child when he's only three years older than I am!
When I heard about the fake letter, it took a while for the full meaning to sink in. When it did, I was furious.
I growled at the annoying, partially albino prince. "I will murder you. I would murder you even if it meant another war with your kingdom, and probably even if it meant Quince has to die another time... I will murder you even if-"
Suddenly, my face turned pale and I broke off in the middle of my tirade, in the middle of a sentence. I had just told the Prince that Quince was dead. I really don't think he knew that already. Oh... what have I done! What have I done?
I just gave away one of the bigger secrets! Oh no, oh no, oh, no! I stared at the Prince, my eyes unwillingly blurring with tears. "You got what you wanted. You've made me cry. It takes an awful lot to make me cry. I hope you're proud. You win, I lost. Just please, give me my letter from Lucius." I held out a hand, hoping against all hope that he would give me my letter so I could run away and hide in a hole somewhere.

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I watched her realize what I meant with a slight smile on my face. I like pushing buttons.
She growled. She actually growled. Did she expect me to be frightened? She started a rant about how she would murder me even if it meant war again, and even if Quince died again-
What?!?! Quince was dead?!?! How was he dead? He wasn't the kind who would die easily on the battlefield. He had been a respected swordfighter even in the Kingdom Nitalian. It would have to have been someone really good.
Bella stared at me, her eyes horrified and filling with tears. I gave her the letter from my pocket, stunned out of my mind. I've only seen Bella cry about her puppy. I've never actually seen her cry for herself, which is what she's doing now.
I knew how special Quince was to her. He was her. That's the only way I could describe the closeness that they shared.
I looked at her carefully. "Bella... I'm sorry he's gone." Quince I had respected, he was one of a kind. I had never ever met anyone who acted or even thought quite the way Quince did. Bella I had found to be an annoying nuisance who tagged along. Right now, though, I pitied her. I pitied her to an extreme.

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I clutched the letter tightly. "Don't call me Bella!" However, I heard the respect in his voice for Quince and relented a little bit. "But I am too." I suppose the way to my heart is through Quince. I grabbed a sheet of paper and an ink pen, a tear slipping down my cheek.
I walked outside, and sat down at the base of a tree, opening my already-opened letter. Then my tears started falling heavily.
Dear Bella,
The twins and Will are upset about your departure, as am I, but they are managing. Life in the Kingdom is as it normally is, but I miss you heavily, we all do. The Kingdom is not the same without you.
Like I've told you many times before, my field of work is a frustrating one. I work day & night to ensure everything is functioning within your father's land. Despite my complaining, I do like it. At the end of the day, I am happy. I have a story to tell you when you return; I believe I saved a small child from a life of crime.
I hate the idea of you being around that man, but I don't have to tell you how I feel about him. I was overjoyed as I read what you did to him. I was laughing hysterically. I almost took up your request to cheer but during the evening, many people are sleeping... I don't want to wake them. We can cheer of your endeavours when you return.
As long as you keep up with your plan, you should be able to cancel this marriage. I'm going to remain hopeful about this, but making yourself seem undesirable is going to be difficult. I know how determined you can be, and I have faith in you.
Just remember: I miss you, and the entire kingdom misses you too. I will look after your brothers, just like when we were young.
Love always,

I smiled through my tears, and started a new letter.
Dear Lucius,
I hate that everyone's upset about me! Go to my room and open up the chest at the foot of my bed. I put things in it for all of you, to take out at various times if you miss me too much. There are two wrapped packages labeled 1. Those are for Sunny and for Alec. Tell them to be careful... it's glass murals of all of us. Quince, Sunny, Alec, Will, you, and I. The package labeled 2 is for Will. It's one of Quince's old daggers. I have the one he gave me, Will's is Quince's first one. The package labeled three is for you. I remembered how much you love rivers, and I remember how much you love this painting. It's the silk one of the time we went down to the river in the woods during fall, three years ago. The package labeled four is a set of combs for Mother; give them to her for her birthday. And make sure you scatter dried cherries for the birds, please!
Tell me your story, please! I'm dying to hear it (not literally of course). It's so disappointing you couldn't cheer!
Anyways, I'm already working at my plan.
See you soon!
Love, Bella
P.S. You should try to come over one of these days to alleviate my boredom!

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I couldn't sleep tonight, too many thoughts clouded my minded: thoughts of Bella's safety, thoughts of the Kingdom, thoughts of the prince. I'd been tossing and turning for hours, and I had to find something to occupy my mind till my body forced itself to sleep. I looked to the end of my bedroom at the large tank adjacent to my bed; Lola was fast asleep, curled up with her tail laying gently beside her.
"You up, girl?" I asked, hoping she would wake up. She didn't mind being woken up in the middle of the night, as long as it was by myself. Nero had almost gotten himself stung quite a few times by disturbing her. Not too many people in the Kingdom understood how a man could own a wild Moralaghian scorpion as a pet. About the same size as a large dog, Moralaghian scorpions were native to the deserts of Moralagh, and usually very aggressive. I found her at a travelling "circus" as they called them. A touring band of the absurd and the odd, essentially. She was confined to a small cage with barely enough food to keep her alive. I had to purchase her. I've tried many times to explain to Nero how I could see the sadness in her eyes, but he finds the concept ridiculous. Moralaghian scorpions are more intelligent than we give them credit for, its unfortunate that they're mostly hunted for food.
Initially, her training was very unsuccessful: she refused to eat, she constantly attempted to claw me and sting me. Though if one feeds an animal long enough, they usually begin to trust her. After I broke down her trust barrier, she opened up to me like a puppy would. It was months before I actually let her come within stinging proximity, but now I trusted her enough. Six years later, we're the best of friends. Other than Bella, Lola is my closest friend.
Lola poked her head up and turned to face me and she immediately began her usual attempt to climb the glass tank wall. I eventually figured out years ago that this wasn't an attempt to kill me. I climbed over the eight foot tall tank wall and landed a few feet from Lola. She instantly knocked me over and scurried around me excitedly. She most likely wanted to play fetch, and tonight would be a good night to distract myself with a simple game.

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Bella didn't seem to be as angry this time when I called her Bella. She still ran out the door, which was all right with me. Then I started to worry a bit, because that child is crazy, and when she's like this...
I followed her at a distance. I feel guilty about resurrecting the past for Bella. She was crying hard right now, under a cherry tree. I winced. I hate tears. I hate seeing anyone cry, no matter how much I may hate them. That's part of the reason I changed. People cry too easily, and I hate dealing with it, especially when it's my fault. I only ever make things worse.
I watch her write a letter back to Lucius. After she finished, she just sat there. I got a little worried. It was cold...
I stood in front of her. "Get up right now. You'll get sick." I didn't wait for an answer. The girl was contrary and she'd refuse. I picked her up and went into the dovecote. I grabbed her letter and sent it off, this time without looking at it. I don't think I should do that again. Not with what just happened.
"Where are your rooms?" I asked, heading back inside the palace.

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A loud knock on my chamber door disturbed me from my long-awaited slumber. I stumbled out of my bed and pulled myself towards the door. "Who disrupts my rest?" I grumbled.
"A thousand pardons Sir, but it's urgent!" I recognised the voice of Nero. I swung the door open and shot him a enraged gaze.
"You've never awoken me at this hour before," I said, "this better be worth waking me." I stumbled towards my wardrobe to dress myself. I took my usual attire: my tunic, headband, and cape. Nero stepped inside my chambers after I mentioned I was fully dressed.
"The King requests your presence immediately," announced Nero, "he did not give a reason." That was extremely peculiar of him. His majesty was never a man a secrecy, but I had to oblige to his request.

As I entered his royal quarters, the King stood up to greet me. "Ah, Lucius, it is nice to see you, my friend." I lowered myself to one knee and bowed my head.
"Greetings, your majesty," I stated, "to what reason have you requested me at this hour?" I raised my head but did not stand up, as tradition dictates to servants of royalty... we kneel to them. I would never bow to Bella though. I'd never give her that gratitude. She would often tease me and claim I was her slave and had to do as she commanded. True as that may have been, she was always joking.
"Lucius, you have been bestowed with an honor," the King started, "seeing as we've watched you grow and seen how you've treated my daughter and others, it with my wife and I's great pleasure that we proclaim you Ambassador of the Vivadel Kingdom to the Kingdom Nitalian." I clenched my fists: this was not what I wanted to hear. Not only was the woman I loved wedding the man I despised, but now I have to play nice with him and his kingdom.
"You will cement this new peace between the kingdoms and ensure the succession of the royal wedding. I can only trust you with this position, Lucius. The rewards and benefits shall be grand, I assure you." I didn't want riches or jewels... I didn't want this.
"I am honoured, your majesty," I lied, "I shall uphold my duties as a humble servant of the crown." The King was extremely pleased. "Excellent news!" He exclaimed. "Preparations are being made as we speak: all of your possessions and belongings are being packed and shipped to your new permanent residence in your own private suite within the Vivalian Land."
"I shall not disappoint you, my lord." I wanted to tear the entire room apart.
"Even your pet will be moved to your new residence." The only piece of news I was joyed to hear. I couldn't bear to leave my Lola behind.
"Your carriage awaits Lucius, you should be arriving by midday!"

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I growled as he asked me where my rooms were. "Do you expect me to tell you?" I clawed his face, twisting enough to drop out of his arms and land in a crouch. "I'll go back myself."
I was angry he had caught me crying. I thought I wouldn't cry anymore, but apparently I was wrong. I could always find more tears if anyone mentioned Quince.
I ran to my room, turning corners and almost tripping my way up the stairs before throwing myself onto my bed. Why? WHY, WHY, WHY? Why did we have to go to war? Why did I have to marry a murderer?
I screamed into my pillow repeatedly before finally falling asleep, sometime after midnight. I didn't realize that I would be sleepwalking at all. I woke up in another wing, near the library, and sighed. I was still mentally different, and I don't think I'd ever be cured.
"Might as well go to the dovecote." I said quietly, making sure I had a dagger with me this time. I don't want to be surprised anymore.
A dove was waiting, but this letter had the royal seal on it. It was from Father. I ripped it open, scanned its contents, then laughed. Lucius had been appointed Ambassador, and he would be staying here! The news was delightful.

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The voyage to the Vivalian Land was eerily quiet. Nero had stayed behind to manage my duties whilst I took on my new role as the Ambassador. I still couldn't believe what had transpired. I was too young to be an ambassador, too young to even be a politician of this calibre. Still, a change of scenery could be beneficial, and this way I'd be able to keep a close eye on Bella. Protecting her was going to be my number one priority. Not only was she the key to cementing the peace between the two kingdoms, but I couldn't lie to myself about how I felt about her. As painful as it will be to see her wed another man, I'll make sure he doesn't hurt her... even if I risk my position as Ambassador.
I had been looking forward to seeing Bella since I left my home. She brightened a room like no other woman could. Prince Raiden was the luckiest man in the known world. He was destined to be king of what could possibly become the Vivalian Kingdom: the union between the two kingdoms. It was only a thought, but many peasants were beginning to worry that the future of our kingdom's independence could be a stake. A hostile takeover from the Kingdom Nitalian would soon be a possibility. I cringed at the idea of Raiden ruling over an enormous empire.

By noon, I had reached the Vivalian Land, as expected. It seemed peaceful and tranquil. A independent body of soldiers from both kingdoms guarded the land. They worked surprisingly well together, but they were all very young; meaning they did not fight in the war. Other than the commanding officers, no soldier seemed to be over the age of twenty.
"Greetings, Ambassador," said one of the soldiers, "your new chambers are being prepared. We should have all your possessions unloaded by daybreak. Feel free to familiarize yourself with the surroundings. Welcome to the Vivalian Land: Peace and Prosperity be with us all."
"Thank you, soldier." He seemed rather pleased with his duties. I took his advice and decided to memorize the Vivalian Land. I had to visit someone first.
After some brief navigation throughout the inner halls before I found her chambers. Her door was wide open. My light walk turned into a quick jog.
"Bella!" I shouted as I entered her room. She was stunning. I had to struggle to keep my jaw from dropping to the floor. I had never wanted her more than right now. Maybe it was the absence and fear getting to me. Revealing myself to her would complicate things at this point. For now, it would still be my secret. I often wondered if I hid it well or if most people could see through my charade.
Bella turned to face me and I embraced her in a tight hug. "I've missed you, Bella!"

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The voyage to the Vivalian Land was eerily quiet. Nero had stayed behind to manage my duties whilst I took on my new role as the Ambassador. I still couldn't believe what had transpired. I was too young to be an ambassador, too young to even be a politician of this calibre. Still, a change of scenery could be beneficial, and this way I'd be able to keep a close eye on Bella. Protecting her was going to be my number one priority. Not only was she the key to cementing the peace between the two kingdoms, but I couldn't lie to myself about how I felt about her. As painful as it will be to see her wed another man, I'll make sure he doesn't hurt her... even if I risk my position as Ambassador.
I had been looking forward to seeing Bella since I left my home. She brightened a room like no other woman could. Prince Raiden was the luckiest man in the known world. He was destined to be king of what could possibly become the Vivalian Kingdom: the union between the two kingdoms. It was only a thought, but many peasants were beginning to worry that the future of our kingdom's independence could be a stake. A hostile takeover from the Kingdom Nitalian would soon be a possibility. I cringed at the idea of Raiden ruling over an enormous empire.

By noon, I had reached the Vivalian Land, as expected. It seemed peaceful and tranquil. A independent body of soldiers from both kingdoms guarded the land. They worked surprisingly well together, but they were all very young; meaning they did not fight in the war. Other than the commanding officers, no soldier seemed to be over the age of twenty.
"Greetings, Ambassador," said one of the soldiers, "your new chambers are being prepared. We should have all your possessions unloaded by daybreak. Feel free to familiarize yourself with the surroundings. Welcome to the Vivalian Land: Peace and Prosperity be with us all."
"Thank you, soldier." He seemed rather pleased with his duties. I took his advice and decided to memorize the Vivalian Land. I had to visit someone first.
After some brief navigation throughout the inner halls before I found her chambers. Her door was wide open. My light walk turned into a quick jog.
"Bella!" I shouted as I entered her room. She was stunning. I had to struggle to keep my jaw from dropping to the floor. I had never wanted her more than right now. Maybe it was the absence and fear getting to me. Revealing myself to her would complicate things at this point. For now, it would still be my secret. I often wondered if I hid it well or if most people could see through my charade.
Bella turned to face me and I embraced her in a tight hug. "I've missed you, Bella!"

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I didn't see the Prince at all today, much to my relief. I could barely wait for Lucius to arrive, though I noticed my father had neglected to write what time he would arrive. I had resorted to pacing and staring out the windows, or playing with the folds of the elegant deep green dress I had been forced to wear. At least it wasn't too ridiculous.
Finally, a little after noon, I heard a familiar voice in the doorway of my room. I turned around and grinned, hugging Lucius as hard as he hugged me.
"Lucius!" I was practically shrieking. "You're here, you're here, you're HERE!!!"
I finally let go and stared up at him, unable to keep a smile off my face. "Did you grow taller, did I grow shorter, or has it been too long?"
It hadn't been too long, but it did feel like I hadn't seen a friendly face in a long while. A very, very, very long while. Especially with that annoying prince around. He would probably end up being a horrible king, anyway, and going to war with some other country. Why did I have to marry him and risk my own life? Well, the plan would probably work and I'd be able to go home and either find an unconventional husband to love me, or grow up and be an old maid. I wouldn't mind doing either.
"How has everyone been? What's the story you said you'd tell me? And how is Lola?" I asked my questions all in a rush, gesturing for him to sit down. I remember his pet scorpion with a fond smile. Not my favorite, but she was kinda cute... and Lucius definitely loved her.

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Character Portrait: Belladonna Elliryanna Levienne Lidalia
Character Portrait: Raiden Azrael Nealan


Character Portrait: Raiden Azrael Nealan
Raiden Azrael Nealan

"What have I done to be dragged into this?

Character Portrait: Belladonna Elliryanna Levienne Lidalia
Belladonna Elliryanna Levienne Lidalia

"Mama! I'll never be a proper lady. Too much fuss and feathers!"


Character Portrait: Belladonna Elliryanna Levienne Lidalia
Belladonna Elliryanna Levienne Lidalia

"Mama! I'll never be a proper lady. Too much fuss and feathers!"

Character Portrait: Raiden Azrael Nealan
Raiden Azrael Nealan

"What have I done to be dragged into this?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Raiden Azrael Nealan
Raiden Azrael Nealan

"What have I done to be dragged into this?

Character Portrait: Belladonna Elliryanna Levienne Lidalia
Belladonna Elliryanna Levienne Lidalia

"Mama! I'll never be a proper lady. Too much fuss and feathers!"

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Re: [OOC] Do I Have To?

I love the way this RP is progressing so far, especially with Raiden finding the letter before Belladona does! ^.^

Re: [OOC] Do I Have To?

Sounds interesting, I might be up for it.

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