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Escape... And Remember...

Escape... And Remember...


You begin your story... when you wake up... [dead]

2,281 readers have visited Escape... And Remember... since Ashes-6695 created it.


You begin your story... When you wake up...

How many hours since your consciousness had failed you? You remembered some kind of pain. A hurt that still stung in the back of your head and caused you to struggle to keep still to lessen it. What could you remember? What was it that was missing? You remembered... grass... sky... and suddenly, that thud of pain. The pain you felt now, but more sudden and strong. After that, your vision had doubled and the ground suddenly grew closer. You felt yourself pulled against the grass by gravity, feeling heavy. Now, you could only feel your own body, cheek against cold, damp, cobblestones. You let your hand brush out around you, trying your best to move without stressing your head injury. Dirt. Grass. Cobblestones. It began to cross your mind that perhaps you were in a ruin. But... how did you get there? Your memory was only of an open field. Not a soul in sight. No noises, no warnings. Nothing. You strained your mind, digging through your mind for anything, a memory, a place, a name. But it is all lost. Your mind is infinite darkness, all you can recall is that final moment. The mere seconds before you fell to blackness.
But what could you do? You let your eyes flutter open, adjusting to the low light of your surroundings. The pain in the back of your skull struck you has you sat up, trying to make sense of your doubled vision. It took moments of stillness for you to regain the calm, to understand what you saw. Your vision cleared and you eyed your surroundings. Ruins. Yeas, you'd been correct. And yet, partially in correct. You hadn't expected these ruins to be mostly intact. Grass grew through cracks and dirt through the cobblestones, and light peered through cracks in a ceiling far too high for you to reach. How would you escape? You couldn't even see the closest wall. Who knows how large the building could be. Your eyes adjusted to the light just a bit more to focus. These cobblestones were creating a dangerous terrain. Columns, platforms, trenches. Forget escaping. How would you survive? How would you remember? You stood, trying to keep a grip on your new-found consciousness. The world felt as if it were spinning as you straightened. This was only the second scenery you could remember seeing, but you could see how wrong it was. This was not where you were meant to be. People were not meant to be here.
You began to take steps. Small, distant. You felt so dazed. The world seemed to echo all around you with each step. Your hold on reality was slipping each time you put your foot down. How long had you been out? You stopped at the crumbling edge of a gaping trench. You couldn't see the beginning or the end of it, and you most certainly couldn't see the bottom. Platforms went across to the other side of the large trench, but they were spaced too far from each other to actually pass between them.
You gave up on the trench for now, stepping back from the edge. You couldn't go that way. Your pain seemed to finally be dulling. And the world seemed to start moving at a normal speed. Something in the back of your head told you that this place was far to big, far too complex, for there only to be you inside. You began to walk onward, heading in whatever direction you simply turned to. There had to be someone else. There had to be others. But how long would it take to find someone in this mess? But what else could you possibly do? There was nothing else. No other options.

{up to 12 people} have been abducted mysteriously from their villages and awoken to find themselves within the confines of a vast ruin. Memories have been lost, and pasts are missing. No one can remember who they are or where they have come from. They've simply all found themselves in the same situation. They are trapped. And somehow, they need to escape with their lives...

Characters & Story Progression. I'm limiting the Amnesiacs {since the term "main characters" is a little harsh toward any other characters that will come up later in the story} to 12. Its a nice even number, so we'll have 6 boys and 6 girls maximum. I know i probably won't get that many characters, so i figure that the role play can start once the amount of amnesiacs reaches 4. The story will need certain milestones, since this is a direct storyline, not just a general one. In order for the story to progress, the main characters will need to meet up, and find a way out. First challenge being to meet up. After that, we'll need to establish "Supporter" characters. These will be temporary, not very deep characters that cause problems. The bad guys, the clue-givers. And thus, masters of Supporter characters will need to do a bit of collaboration with me. Long term characters that don't exactly count as Amnesiacs, are "Companions." The story isn't about them, yet they contribute plenty, and help the Amnesiacs constantly. Within the Ruins, the Companion characters are mythical animals; things you wouldn't imagine to be real in the world, but still seem to fit in with evolution. Like dragons? No. Some kind of evolved reptile larger than life? Sure. But Dragons are a little far fetched. Especially the fire-breathing kind. After escaping, Companions will turn into girlfriends, siblings, and friends of the Amnesiacs. People who meet them or remember them, and want to help them remember their past. Not to mention once escaped, the story isn't over. Memories still need to be found, and the Amnesiacs need to understand why they were taken, and why the bad guys are still after them.

Amnesiac Names. One of the first things you need to notice about Amnesiacs is that they have no names. Well, they do, but they just can't remember what their names are. Instead of names, one of the first pieces of business for the Amnesiacs before the story actually starts is to come up with little code names for themselves. No middle names, last names. The names they actually pick might not even be actual names. Though the name Amnesiacs will eventually pick is placed on their skeleton, they don't actually decide until they're asked a question along the lines of "Who are you?" or "Whats your name?"

The Villains. Oh yes, no story is complete without the perfect badie. The bad guys here? Imagine a dark, fantasy video game soldier. The kind who's on the wrong side, but doesn't have the care enough to switch over. They're obviously not the one in charge, and don't give really any information. These guys are just trouble with a capitol T. They show up at the worst points, and though in places like the Ruin they show up mostly as guards, once outside, they appear in small armies and attacks. Later on, i will need collaboration for creating or ultimate bad guy- the one in charge of it all.

Amnesiac Skeleton

Age: {11+}
Relatives/Relationships: {Unknown until later}
Crush: {Do not start with one. If you pick someone right away, you may not get that great a chance with someone else later.}
Companions: {Will not be a person at first. When inside the ruins, the only companions to be had are fantasy creatures}
Character's Journal: {This is the spot where you should catalogue what your character does in the role play. Just take a time out once in a while to make an entry, that way you don't forget whats happened, and if you decide to quite and your character goes up for "adoption," people know what the background has been. This is just convenient for everyone. Put links to certain posts, ect. In the long run, this will help. But it is... optional...}
Image: {can be real, anime, or description. Just remember, this is a little... mideval based. So many real pictures won't be very exact. Add a little explanation, perhaps.}

Companion Skeleton

Name: {if human, it will be a full name. But human companions won't come into play until a certain part in the story.}
Age: {Most fantasy species can have outrageous ages. Just be aware of that.}
Species: {Human, or a fantasy species. As for fantasy species; be creative! Make up an animal!}
Relationships: {Will be developed as time passes.}
Crush: {Only for humans.}
Image: {If you can find a suitable image for a fantasy creature, that's great. But i think a description allows you to be a little more spontaneous with your creature creating.}

Supporting Character Skeleton

Name: {Can be simple, vague, repetitious. After all, this character won't be forever}
Age: {Doesn't need to a distinct number. Clue givers can be old men or young ladies, scary young children or old witches. They most likely wont be reoccurring. I would suspect our badie soldiers to be Young adults.}
Purpose: {Badie or Clue giver? Help or Destruction? A Challenge or a Hint? It cant get much simpler than that.}
Active or Inactive: {Is the character being used? or has this character already served his or her purpose?}
Image: {Real, Anime, or description doesn't matter, blah blah blah.}

Toggle Rules

1. Respect. Yeah, i do have to mention this. Respect me, respect the other role players.
2. Literate to semi-literate. I want description. Don't just put a sentence or two. I want all the detail you can write.
3. No god-modding, you can't just dodge every hit. You can't always win.
4. No mary-sues. That wouldn't make sense in this story line.
5. Please, if you have any questions, just ask me! This role play requires collaboration.
6. Please be sure to read everything. This role play is a bit complex.
7. As for skeletons... Be specific... Thats a little piece of your writing skill. I give people the benefit of the doubt, but... I want to see that you can be literate!
8. Be appropriate. No questions asked.
9. I believe that the role play can function without swearing. But if its necessary, just star it out.
10. Be inclusive to anyone you can! I know i tend to quit role plays when i'm left out...
11. Be active in the role play. No one likes a quitter. But if you do plan on leaving, let me know! I'm not going to get mad or upset. But especially if it's an amnesiac character, its important to know and work this out in the story line.
12. If you're one of the people that feel like you're getting left out of the fun, just let me know. I don't want anyone to get left out of the conversation or the action.
13. {lucky thirteen!} Have fun! Please?

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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Roku stopped walking a moment to examine his surroundings. His feet settled uneasily on a couple broken cobblestones and he had to take a moment, repositioning his feet to keep from tumbling over as a result of the lack of balance and still being quite dizzy from the thrashing pain in the back of his head. Despite the fact that he was much better than he'd been when he first found himself to be lying against a damp ground of cobblestones, its was still difficult for any type of movement, and he still wished that he'd lied still more than just a few moments. He let his eyes gaze all around the new segment of the ruin that he'd entered. It astonished him that the place was so large that he had not seen this area when he had first been walking, and yet he still could not catch a glimpse of any of the walls. He noticed that an enormous tree was uprooting many cobblestones into a huge mound beneath where light shown strongly through the gaps in the ceiling. If only he could have gotten up there, then he'd be able to crawl right out, rather than wander aimlessly through here. He sighed, one of his hands reflexively lying upon one of the empty sheathes that sat at his hip. What if he was stuck here all alone? Surely he'd die of dehydration or starvation before possibly going insane from being trapped. He supposed that if worst came to worse, he could always take his own life....
He shook his head, as if trying to shake the ideas loose from his head. What was all that crap? That was a terrible observation! Roku began to wonder if perhaps he'd been some kind of pessimist, and for some reason, he really didn't want to be. But he wasn't seeing a bright side here. It wasn't exactly a happy-go-lucky situation. He started walking once again, keeping vigilant and walking silently. It was amazing how quiet he could be while wearing boots. Roku bit the inside of his lip, beginning to rub the tattoo on the back of his left hand anxiously. As comfortable as he felt in this low lighted, calm ruin, he needed to get out. He needed to figure out who he was. And that wasn't going to happen if he just stayed put...


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#, as written by Abalyth
I need to stay calm.
Talon crashed into another wall, sending a loud echo in the tiny room-like structure he was trapped in. The fitful sound pounded inside his head, and he gripped it with his free hand, crushing his temples with his middle finger and thumb. He had stopped trying to remember things once he realized he couldn't- his loss of memory was clearly a weapon being used against him, to distract him from escaping. He wouldn't give whoever did this to him the satisfaction of an easy victory.
When the pounding stopped, Talon stood on his feet again, keeping an arm on the wall for support. His muscles ached, and for some reason that idea was not foreign to him or his body. His hand passed over a crevice in the wall, that gave way to a narrow passage. After examining the size of the hole, he determined it was too small for him to fit through, and kept going. For a short while, he considered yelling, calling out, to see if he was alone. But a voice in the back of his head scolded him for such an idea- if his captors were around, they would know he was awake. While he doubted he could sneak up on them, he could still have the element of surprise on his side. If he could stop making so much noise!
Sighing, he took his hand off the wall and ran it through his hair. White and gray dust brushed into the air and made him sneeze; he had to hold the wall for support. Silently, he cursed his captors for the millionth time. Not only had they stripped him of his mind, they also seemed to have taken his clothes and left him in dirty white cloth. He would have done better with... anything. Even a sword sheath. Something to give him a sense of belonging or a trace of identity. But, no, all he had was a basic covering of thick, filthy white cloth. He cursed them one last time for distracting him from freedom.
Finally he reached a passage that appeared wide enough for him to go through. It had a downward slope, but it was the first passage he saw that led out of his current dead-end, so he took it. With a hand on each side of the wall- one of them still gripping the pointed rock he had found earlier- he slowly made his way down. When he was about halfway through, a cobblestone gave way under his weight. He fell on his back and more stones came loose, they carried him with lightning speed and thunderous sound down to the cavern below.


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#, as written by Mat_z6
The sound of his own breath was the only thing he could hear. Alaric lay there on the cold cobblestone gathering his wits. Allowing his eyes to get adjusted he observed his surroundings. The darkness above him was actually a long stone ceiling that stretched right and left until it disappeared into the darkness. 'So i'm in a hallway of some sort.' Judging from the temperature of the place, Alaric judged that this hall probably had never seen the light of day. It was extremely cold and there was no signs of life whatsoever. Alaric looked but not even spiders could be seen. How did I get down here? 'Wasn't I falling? Strange...' Finally finding the strength to get up, Alaric groaned and got to his feet dusting himself off. Something crunched in his pocket. Looking down, Alaric reached into the left pocket of the black, torn, slim fitting pants he was wearing. It was a small piece of paper. Alaric strained his eyes to see what was on it but it was to dark to see. Letting out a frustrated sigh he stuffed the paper back into his pocket. Whatever was on the paper could probably wait. He needed to get out of there, or at least get out of this tunnel. Finally making a decision, the boy decided to go to the left. 'Am I the only one here? There has to be someone else besides me in this place.' Placing his hand on the cold stone wall, Alaric let the wall guide him.


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Jolting up, Anne stood crookedly taking in her unfamiliar surroundings; her body crying out in protest as pain shot up her spine. With a sharp inhale she let out only the tiniest of whimpers. Help. She thought. More or less she had wanted to say it, but her mouth was dry, her head pounding, and her throat sore. It was apparent her attempt would have been in vain. With a racing mind and an aching body she couldn’t even fathom what was going on. Her feet carelessly stumbled on unleveled ground sending her into a wall that she was relatively grateful for as she instantly rested against. The ground was damp, the room was pitch, and there wasn’t another soul in site. Anne’s mind began to race as she tried to figure out where she was and what had happened, but she couldn’t even remember who she was. It was frustrating. Her heart dropped as she struggled to recall sitting for minutes in a mental war, melancholy quickly set in, but after a few minutes more she shoved that off, not allowing the harsh reality to fully hit her, she just needed to get out of here, she told herself. That was her priority. She had to survive, sitting in this dark spot was no way to go about finding your identity, food and shelter. She opened her mouth to call out, but she instantly hushed herself…then fear set in. She’d lost her memory but she felt that she was no stranger to emotion as she had suffered from a range of them in the short amount of time she’d been conscious. Nevertheless She staggered to her feet, and clung to the wall, afraid of what else could be out there, and with that she began to slowly eek through what appeared to be a physical and mental maze, but she refused to stop as she wanted to live.


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Roku sighed, rubbing at the back of his head as he walked. He kicked a stone in front of him and winced as the sound of it hitting the ground echoed through the vacant space he was in. Did that... hurt? He covered his ears with both hands, the sound of the loud echo having hit him right where the pain still throbbed in the back of his head. "Ow..." he murmured almost inaudibly. He tried to convince himself that it was just the headache that was causing such a sensitivity. But something in the back of his consciousness told him that it was always like that to some degree; the headache just made it worse. He lowered his hands slowly as the ache died down, back to the steady pain he was putting up with. He made a mental not to himself not to make any loud sounds. Not to drop anything or step too loudly. Not that stepping loudly would be an issue - he was silent. But he wanted to eliminate the pain in the back of his throbbing head, not make it worse. And it seemed that noise was only going to be a problem.
Roku sighed, beginning to walk again. What was he going to do? These stupid ruins seemed to be never-ending. How had he even gotten there?? He bit down on his lip hard. Would he be stuck wandering around for hours? He began climbing up a large mound of loose cobblestones, his feet having trouble keeping a perfect footing, but he was doing exceptional to not create any noise as he made his way up. Making it to the top, he gazed around, trying to see if he could spot any exits. But all the walls were so far that they weren't visible. With yet another quiet sigh, Roku made it down to the base of the mound and held his hands over his ears to try and lessen the pain he'd just received after making all that noise on the way down. The loose cobblestones knocking against each other and sliding down along with him, their sounds echoing slightly in the vacant area. It hurt his head so much, as if a spike were being driven through the back of his mind. He shook his head, begining to walk again. When he found out who the hell did this to him, he'd kill them. Chop their freaking head off...
He paused his line of thought. What an attitude. Was he always like this? He suspected that perhaps he had a bit of a violent personality. He sighed. He was learning plenty of little personal ticks and bad sides to himself. Did he had any good attributes? He looked around, trying to focus on what he was doing. It was hard to spot anything, in this overgrowth and low lighting. But had to just keep going. He was bound to come across something or someone sooner or later. He had to...


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#, as written by Steffix
Rina sighed while she slowly walked further. It was horrible to see in this darkness and the pain in her side, didn’t make anything better. β€œI have to continue walking and I have to stop thinking about the pain…” she slowly whispered to herself to give herself some courage. It was rather cold in the ruins and Rina had to place her left hand on the wall so that she wouldn’t lose her way. The walls were also far too cold to Rina’s likings. But she had to survive this. It was silent… Rina could only hear her footsteps echo trough the ruins and she could even hear her own breath. The silence was a little scaring but Rina had better things to think about then scaring things. Getting out of here for example or finding someone. Then suddenly she heard a loud noise. As if the ceiling somewhere fell down. A feeling of joy went through Rina’s head but that feeling was quickly sent away by the pain in her side becoming worse. β€œI can’t even be happy without feeling pain.” She thought a little sad. This was the first noise she could hear not made by herself and it would surely not be the last one. She started to walk faster. The sound gave her hope. Maybe she was not the only one here. But then suddenly she stopped. β€œWhat if the people who captured me made that sound?” She thought. Rina sighed again. β€œGuess I can’t stop now.” She thought while she slowly started walking again. It became silent in the ruins again. Rina tried to look further ahead but it was too dark to see even a little. She was lucky that she didn’t fell over something yet. It didn’t take long anymore before she forgot the loud sound of the ceiling and before she became depressed again. β€œIn what kind of situation have I worked myself into?” she thought. The pain in her side got a little better again so a smile appeared on her face. β€œI just have to get out of here and everything will be alright.” She said out loud in an optimistic tone. Then she heard another sound followed by a cold silence. It was the sound of something hitting the ground. Again she wanted to walk faster but she stopped herself thinking about the pain in her side. β€˜I have to find a way to make contact with whoever made those sounds.” She thought. β€œBut then again would it be wise to make contact with something I don’t know.” She slowly walked further thinking about this for a while but after a minute or 2 she decided to make contact. If those people where the β€˜bad guys’ then she would probably not wander around freely for long anyways. She didn’t know the way and these ruins where like a mace to her. But how would she make contact with them? Screaming would worsen her pain in her side and she couldn’t lift anything heavy because she was rather weak. This was a problem. She started to make small noises hoping anyone could hear them. She walked with heavier steps, thrown small stones here and there and she hit the wall a couple of times. But because of her weakness those sounds where not so loud which made her give up hope. β€œI guess no one will find me here.” She said. She cursed herself for her weaknesses and she cursed the wound in her side. β€œWho would ever want to hurt someone this badly anyway?” she thought said angry. β€œIf I would only not have this wound…” She then decided to make enough noise even if this would be the last thing she would do for a while. She knew that screaming would result into an inhuman pain but she had no other choice. Rina mentally prepared herself for the huge pain she would feel shortly. She took a deep breath and started to scream. β€œSomeone… please help me!” She shouted and not much later a huge pain flew through Rina’s body which caused her to faint.


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#, as written by Abalyth
Talon's eyelids fluttered open. He was on his stomach, arms sprawled out over his head. His heart was pounding still, so he determined he hadn't been out long since the ground gave way beneath his feet. But he just wanted to lay a bit longer... his muscles cried out in protest to any and all attempts at motion. His face was bleeding, he felt the cold puddle of blood forming.
Is this how I die, then? He wondered grimly. He wished he could see his life pass before his eyes. His head hurt. His legs hurt. His chest hurt. The pain was overwhelming. There was a nagging in the back of his head, a voice with only words. It told him to get up. Told him that laying and doing nothing was lazy. Told him he would never amount to anything if he gave up so easily. But my muscles... He argued back, pitifully. Even clenching his fist sent jolts of pain down his whole arm and to his shoulder. The voice told him that it didn't care how sore he was. If the enemy cuts off your legs, stab his feet as he runs by. That made him chuckle hopelessly.
Give me a reason. He countered diplomatically. I'm here alone. That crash was deafening; if someone else were here, they'd have heard it. I am alone. Give me one reason to get up.
"Someone...please help me!"
Her voice echoed into the cavern where he lay loudly- as if she was close. A need suddenly filled him to protect this woman. Internally, the voice nodded with approval, cheering him on as he shook the rocks off of him and stood up straight. He touched his hip, knew not why, but nothing was there. He didn't hesitate; he walked through where he thought her voice came from.
There were a few passages in this room, none of which were wide enough for him to fit through. Determined, he stuck his face into each passage, trying to see into the one beyond. It drove him crazy that he couldn't find the woman who yelled. She could be hurt. Or dying. Or... his captor. He pushed the last suspicion out of his mind. Finally, through one passage, he saw an arm. Like the girl was laying on the floor. Passed out. Or dead.
Talon's mind raced. He had to save her. He needed to save her. He thought he saw blood on her hand, but from the distance it could have easily also been dust. Talon gripped a cobblestone and yanked it out of place. The ceiling shifted, and through the passage he saw more dust fall on the fainted girl. No, he couldn't have that.
There had to be another way around. He didn't want to yell, and he knew his running through all the caverns would make plenty noise enough. He went back into the cavern where he awoke after the fall. That whole passage up was now completely blocked. After mentally battling echo patterns, he went in the passage that was on the other side. After a few more strategic turns, he found her.
She was laying on the floor with a gross wound in her side that was bleeding out quickly. First, he checked her pulse. She was still alive. Without delay, he ripped off a long strip of his shirt and gently tied it around her stomach. It was stained, and would probably cause an infection, but it was better than dying from blood loss. After a second look down at himself, he realized he looked very silly in a shirt that only covered the top half of his torso, so he took the rest of it off and tucked it in his pants, in case he needed more bandages later.


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Still painstakingly walking through the dark and unforgiving corridors Anne hadn’t made much progress, she had found walls that lead to nowhere, and almost slid down a slope of rubble in; she was convinced that whoever stripped her of her memory had left her to die, because there was far from the essential necessities down here in this labyrinth. She wondered what home was like, was it better off here? Did she have a family that missed her? Was she someone important? Or a nobody choose for some wild experiment? Why had she been kidnapped? These thoughts had been flooding her mind in a mad frenzy for the past hour, but she had to turn it off. She had to think of her survival first. She had to get out of here. Although little progress had been made, she was now being greeted by the occasional glimmer of light through cracks in the ceiling, a small win for the very lost girl. She had been walking, wincing in pain, contemplating how she got her; which still turned up with no answers, and struggling to keep her balance when a faint yell seized the room.
β€œSomeone… please help me!” It was soft, and almost in audible, from where Anne was, she struggled to think of her reaction to the now astounding fact that someone else was down her. Her heart jumping, Anne almost lost her breath just thinking about someone possibly being down here, she considered that maybe she had been imagining it, but reached the conclusion that she was certain she had heard someone else’s voice. β€œHello?” She whispered just to test her voice out, she was frightened by it for a moment, but she knew if other people were down here she had to find them, or them to find her, she didn’t really care, she just didn’t want to be alone in a place that one could go missing, and no one would notice.
β€œHello!” She called out again, this time her voice strong, her headed pounded in pain, as she shouted, she suddenly wished she wouldn’t have shouted so loud as her head pulsed in pain, she winced and whined but carried on trying to find where the noise had been, she picked up her pace as much as she could, she found herself taking lefts and rights and running into walls, and heading back, she grew more and more frustrated. With each step she took, but she pined to find anyone else down here, whether they are good or bad, she just wanted answers.


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#, as written by Mat_z6
Alaric began to worry. He had been walking through the hall for hours and still nothing. 'Am I walking in circles? I could have sworn that I saw that same patch of cracked wall.' Sure enough there was a familiar patch of white on the wall where a large crack ran. Alaric stopped to consider his options. 'Well.... I could make some noise for someone else to-' Alaric's thoughts were cut short as a scream, faint but loud enough for Alaric to make out the words. It was someone crying out for help. A girls voice? Alaric began running. 'I don't care if its my captors or a random girl! I just need to find out what's going on!' Alaric's hand left the wall and he was now running completely blind in the darkness. The boy's feet kicked loose stones here and there as his breathing echoed throught the ruins. 'Thats funny.... did the ceiling collapse?' Alaric stopped to catch his breath. Looking around he found that he was now in a dimly lit cavern. Looking up, he saw that the ceiling had collapsed. There were two passageways in front of him but one was blocked with large stones and rubble. It would take forever to get through all of that. Looking to the other option Alaric decided to keep going. He needed to find out whoever that was, and fast. With a huff, Alaric took off into the darkness once again, but this time he was stopped short. "Gah!!! What the-?" Alaric had run into something. Something BIG. The impact threww him backwards and he was now on the ground looking to see what was in his path. As his eyes adjusted Alaric could make out the shape of a large man in front of him. Surprise and panick shot through him. Inching backward on his bottom Alaric tried to get a bit of distance between him and the towering figure. "W-who are you?"

OOC: so sorry for the sloppy post but I'm typing from mah phone right now... :(


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#, as written by Abalyth
Talon had been sitting cross-legged on the ground next to the woman, who was still passed out on the ground. He periodically checked her pulse, her breathing, to make sure she was alright. He had even managed to gather a bunch of dirt for her head to rest on. She probably wouldn't appreciate the vast amounts of sand in her hair, but at least it wasn't so firm beneath her head any longer. He placed himself on her right side, and when boredom finally set in, he had pulled out his journal to write. The activity was boring, but for some reason he felt that doing so was important.
He had heard another cry for help, but it was so faint he thought it was just in his head. Shortly after, Talon heard the frantic footsteps running down the hall- a hall. He couldn't tell where it was coming from.
Not until he felt something nudge him, and then heard a crash shortly after a cry of surprise. He turned around and saw a lanky young man down on the floor.
"W-who are you?"
Talon's eyes narrowed suspiciously down at him. "I could ask you the same question." Then, after looking over the young man, determined he was clearly no threat to him, and smiled. "Honestly, I don't know. I don't remember anything."


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#, as written by Mat_z6
Alaric got to his feet and dusted himself off. He was puzzled at the man's reply but he realized that he himself was not better off. "Really now?... unfourtunately I cannot remember who I am as well." The light in the hall was a bit better and Alaric could clearly see the man's face his smile calmed him down a bit. "So what do I call you then?" The man didn't seem to be a threat so alaric could at least ask for a name, if he could remember that is.


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Anne continued through corridors, lost, baffled, and concerned. What's the point of yelling again? She thought. Eyes welling up Anne fought off all emotions, but she couldn't help but succumb at least once as a tear trickled down her cheek. 'I must love the melodrama.' she thought, curious as to why she was the way she was, but at the lowest point, rock bottom in sight, another voice was heard, and Anne's hope was momentarily rekindled. Anxiously stepping in the direction of now continuous sound Anne's hope gave her the feeling of excitement. Her pace picked up as she stared through the irritating maze once more, but this time she was met with better luck, she could barely, barely make out mutters, whispers really, but it was something.
"Hello?" She called out again this time making the right turn. She exited a corridor and found herself in a modest room, in one side there were two entry ways one open, and one blocked, but Anne honestly could care less about the corridors, she was more or less concerned about the people. People. She thought silently to herself. Her mind raced with questions again, who were they? Did they know each other? Were they god or bad? Her eyes widened spotting a wounded girl laying down on the ground, just looking at her wound was enough to make Anne wince, she thought she was beat up, but she wasn't close to the critical condition the girl was in. She then turned her gaze to the right where she saw a tall strongly built man and a shorter man, she attempted to examine their body language and figure out the situation, but there was no point in that, they were going to see her soon enough, so she made her presence know with immense thoughts of hesitation.
"Hello." She said a third time, this time it was not a shriek, but a statement, Anne had found people, she just prayed they were the right kind.


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Roku's head tunred toward the sound of a cry for help as it sounded. He could hear it clearly, though something in the back of his head told him that the sourse had been far away. He bit his lip, considering his options. It sounded as if it would take a while to find the spot where this cry came, but... Then again, it was barely a direction change than the way he had already been going. He wrestled with with his own mind, though. Something told him that he didn't need to seek out anyone else, that he should do things on his own rather than bother with others. What kind of attitude was this, though? He bit his lip, convincing himself that he would just go to see who it was, and what was going on. If it were his captors causing a problem, he figured he could handle himself. Anyone else, well... He was convinced that he could handle himself.
Roku started walking slowly, watching hist step when terrain got loose, and instictively making no sound. His right hand clutched at an empty sword sheath at his side, gripping it tightly out of an old habit he had no memory of. Whoever his captors were, he guessed they had the weapon that was meant to be inside. Something in the back of his mind told him that he wanted it back desperately.
Sighing silently, Roku focused back on the task at hand. The voice sounded distant, far away, but he'd heard exactly what direction it had come from. After many moments after the cry had left the air, he stayed on the same path, knowing exactly which direction to go. He figured that if he'd heard this person, someone else must have as well. Someone, closer, probably. Maybe someone knew what was going on. But he told himself not to be in any sort of rush. His head still throbbed, worse now, after some noise. His feeling was still distant, and, though he knew he was injured somewhere else, he ignored it. He could still move, that was enough for him.


Yuurei bent down on his front limbs to get a drink at a clear blue spring that flowed in through a crack in the ceiling, down a waterfall off a crumbling pillar, of which the top half had fallen to the ground. The water flowed constantly into the spring, through a stream, and off the cliff side of the large trench in the ruins. The crystal clear blue water seemed so pure and surreal against the dull colors and low lighting. It sparkled in the glow of the noon-time sun pouring through the cracks. Yuurei straightened up from his drink, the fur on his muzzle now damp from dipping into the water just a bit too much, and took a look around. His ears perked up suddenly, then flew back to their usual position on his head; back. He shook his torso for a moment, followed by a repositioning of his wings, a new settling of weight on his feet, a flicker of his right ear, and finally a twitch of his tail. Body settled, he began moving, pressing into a swift run, the sound of his talons and paws thudding solidly on the cobblestones and dirt. For what seemed to be such a hefty creature - being the size of a small horse - he made a quick pace. He was, after all, quite aerodynamic.
But Yuurei could not have cared less about what an odd creature he was. He'd had a hundred and forty two years to do that, and it had not crossed his mind once. What he felt needed addressing at the moment was a scent that was unmistakably human - paired with unusual sounds of movement. And not the same ones that he'd normally come in contact with - the guards, who seemed to feel it necessary to shoot arrows at him, one being still lodged in the thick skin of his flank, despite him not bothering them once - but new humans. Humans with scents he'd never smelled before. Oh yes, they were new to the ruins. And as the curious creature he was; he must investigate.


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#, as written by Abalyth
"I don't know." Talon shrugged. Then the full situation hit him, and he paused. I didn't know. He looked over his shoulder at the woman lying on the floor. Her bleeding had mostly stopped, fortunately. Did she know who she was? She hadn't stirred, and he was hoping she would have by now. Something caught his eye, a black mark on his shoulder, and he stretched his shoulder forward and his neck back trying to see it. "What... what is that?" He asked finally, turning his back to the guy who ran into him.
"Hello." The voice made him jump- a huge motion.
"Hi." He said in return. Suddenly, he became suspicious, "Who are you?" It seemed an easy question to ask, but the answer behind it was complicated.
Something felt odd about the whole situation. His mind was busy, he kept thinking about where the nearest weapon was. That rock over there. Then he thought about the helpless girl on the floor, he had to protect her at all costs. Why? He had no idea. Then this other girl, he had to protect her, too. The other guy, he was no threat. But he liked him, there was something in his... aura that Talon just liked.


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Well, Anne wasn't attacked on site, so she felt just a little bit safer. Her emotions were clouding her mind as she wanted to feel relived that she had found other people all of whom seemed like they weren't going to strike, thank goodness. The question sunk in and she was silent for a little longer, but she feared if she stayed quiet any longer the question would be asked again, "I'm sorry,' She stated shaking her head looking at the lot of them with a sympathetic expression, "I don't know." She looked at the two of them, then to the girl...Everyone here appeared just as lost as the next person. "What's going on?" She asked hoping that maybe one of the two of them would know. She took this brief moment to fully take in the room, like a child examining their surroundings for the first time. The ruins were desolated , it seemed like the only organisms there were the four of them. The walls were covered in unfamiliar writing, Anne was scared, intrigued, and cautious all at the same time. She wondered if, and how they were going to find their way out.


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#, as written by Mat_z6
Alaric spun at the sound of another voice. It was a girl, who looked to be about 15 or 16. She looked distraut but relived that she had found other people besides her. The big man exchanged a few words with her and it seemed as if, she was in the same situation. Something caught his eye. Alaric was shocked at what he saw. A girl with a nasty wound was behind the man. She looked pale and Alaric sensed that she could not go for much longer. 'So he must've been taking care of her.' "What's going on?" Alaric turned his attention back to the girl who had just asked the question that was probably running through all of their heads right now. "We are as much as in the dark as you are. We've completely lost our memories and can't even remember our names. But if we-" Alaric stopped short. At the mention of memories, he remembered the small note in his pocket. Pulling it out once again he found that he could read it in the dim light. Alaric blinked. It was only one word. "What does this mean?" It didn't make any sense. Why would there be only one word on a piece of paper in his pocket. It made no sense but it almost sounded like a name. The boy cocked his head to one side as he spelled it out. "A-L-A-R-I-C....... al-ar-ic? Alaric. What's that supposed to mean?"


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He felt brushing up against his neck, caressing him against the darkness. He tried to ignore it, but the deed had been done. He began to open his eyes; slowly at first, as his eyes had yet to readjust to the new environment and the lack of usage over the time he had been out. Once they finally got use to the new lighting, he slowly sat up. The brushing against his neck had been by a little patch of green grass, which contrasted the dark, cold and stony ground. He put his hand to his head, hearing chains click against each other as they did. His head did not feel so good, and he felt something. A couple indents in his skin, making some form of mark. He did not understand it, but why should he? The last thing he remembered was a beautiful meadow. For some reason, he shuddered at the thought, as if he wasn't supposed to be able to marvel at its brilliance, like he was unworthy. Which made sense. He felt unworthy of that only memory he had, for which he did not know why.

But, with a sobering thought, that was all he could think. He did not remember a thing about himself, nor did he understand where he was. He looked at the black, cool chains. There were red marks against his wrists, as if the cuffs had been rubbing against his skin for ages. He lowered his hand, and stared ahead. He slowly pulled himself up, using the wall as his support, until he finally stood up. He took a shaky step forward and stopped. There was no use walking into this place even farther. He would be dead soon anyway, this place was bound to have some hungry or tormented soul, waiting to murder his body. He shook his head, wondering why he thought in such a manor, then stopped once again. He needed to call himself something, he needed some form of identity to continue. He stared at the chains on his hand.



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#, as written by Abalyth
While the other guy explained that everyone present was in the unknown situation that they were all in, Talon nodded in agreement. "I just woke up here. Once I figured out I couldn't remember much, I sorta quit trying, tried to focus on finding a way out, instead." He saw him glance over at the young girl still unconscious on the ground. That odd sensation came back through him- that voice or whatever- told him to protect her. She was vulnerable. Or something. Talon shook his head. "I slipped down a passage, nearly brought the whole roof down with me. Then I heard someone scream." He gestured to the girl on the floor. "I think it was her. So I found her, laying there. I banded her up and, from what I can tell, she's still alive." He watched with interest as he pulled something out of his pocket.
"It sounds like a name." Talon said, after musing it over shortly, then nodded in self-confirmation. "Alaric." He slammed a hand down on the young man's shoulder. "I like it." At that moment he had a very giant-teddy bear aura about him. Warm and friendly.
"Now, please..." Talon turned around and pointed to his right shoulderblade. "Tell me what that is."
The black lines were intricately woven around each other, like a Celtic knot, but it wasn't any larger than the palm of a hand and fit rather snugly right in the very center of his shoulder blade. Perfectly centered under the knot were letters in perfect, solid black calligraphy: TALON. The tattoo was ominous to look at.


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#, as written by Mat_z6
The tattoo was stunning. Intricately draw, it formed the letters TALON on the giant man's shoulder. "Talon.... It says Talon... Is that YOUR name?" Alaric cocked his head to the side. He turned his attention to the girl once again. He didn't notice it before but she was actually quite......attractive. Alaric shook his head. It was no time for that. They needed to get her somewhere so she could be safe and rest. Alaric looked back to Talon. "We need to find a better way to take care of her wound. Bandages aren't enough. We need to clean it somehow."


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#, as written by Steffix
The world went black before Rina's eyes. Making her forget her wound, her memory loss, the darkness of the ruins and all her other problems. Those worries made place for a strange dream. In this dream she could see a girl that looked exactly like her walking through a small town. The girl seemed to be happy when some of the villagers started to talk to her. But Rina could see that it was a fake happiness. As if this girl forced herself to be happy and forced herself to smile to everyone. Then a loud sound could be heard. Rina wanted to run to this girl to ask her about every possible question she had. She thought that the girl who looked exactly as her knew the answers for all the things that happened. But it was too late... everything went black again before Rina could even run in her direction. And once her vision became fully black again, her vision stayed black. Suddenly she felt a huge pain in her side but she couldn't do anything about it. It was as if her body was far away but her mind and her feelings where here. Unable to move Rina tried to scream but even that didn't work. After the pain went away it made place for a thankful feeling. Rina wondered why she would feel so thankful even if she couldn't see anything yet. While it stayed black before her eyes she could think about all the things that happened up to now. She woke up on the strangest place on earth, well if that was actually earth, with a painful wound on her side. After that she had investigated her surroundings she had no other choice then to go in this dark ruin. A little later she heard all kind of noises so she screamed for help hoping that she would be found... And now she is here. Then she started to hear voices. Those voices seemed to be a far away and she could hear what they actually where saying. First it seemed to be 2 voices but later another voice joined. "Am I going to die here?" She shouted for answers but in reality she just whispered that very slowly. A tear flowed of her cheek. Rina forced herself to move. She couldn't see yet but she had to move to make sure that she was still alive. It was in vain though. Rina couldn't move yet in fact trying to force to move made her wound bleed heavier than before. Rina started to feel the pain again. For once it was a relief to feel the pain flow through her body. It gave her hope and confirmed that she was still alive. β€œI have to wake up!” Rina thought β€œIf not I might die…” After a few seconds trying Rina finally but slowly opened one of her eyes. She still had a blurry vision and couldn’t really see what was going on yet. But she had a feeling that she was save…

(ooc: Sorry for this bad made post :( I don't have a lot of time atm you see...)


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"So no one has their memory," Anne whispered quietly under her breath as she watched the two interact their names were Alaric and Talon. Anne had noted a gold chain bracelet she had been wearing, but hadn't been able to read up until this point, but she was honestly more concerned with the wounded girl, to die with out a name, in darkness, and surrounded by unfamiliar people, an undesirable way to go Anne thought.
"We need to find a better way to take care of her wound. Bandages aren't enough. We need to clean it somehow." Alaric stated with a determined glance to the girl, Anne agreed in her head although she wasn't trained in the medical field anyone could see that the girl was in critical condition and needed the medical help that at the moment seemed worlds away. It was then that a question arose that made her just a bit nervous to think about.
"How are we to go about finding water?" She asked certain to help as much as possible, but still terrified of what their answers may be. The ruins were dark, possibly infested, and all together dangerous. Sending any of them out in a search would be a risk that made Anne sick to her stomach with anxiety. She didn't want to get lost again.

(OOC: Sorry for the lameness DX Little to no time in the morning ;-;)


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#, as written by Abalyth
"Well, I don't know for certain... But for now, any kind of identity will work. So, sure, call me Talon." Whenever that word- or name- was spoken, a jolt of pride surged through him. It made him feel invulnerable.

Anne's question pierced the air with grim hopelessness. A thought formulated in the back of Talon's mind; the voice again: A person can live a week without food. If you're ever stranded, the first thing you want to find is water. This time, the voice brought a throbbing pain to his temple, and he attempted to suppress it with a heavy hand and tightly squeezed eyes.
"Alright, we need to make a plan." He decided. "I want to bust us out of here, and I think I am strong enough to. But I don't want to send the ceiling crashing down on anyone. If there are three of us- well, four- there might be more. As far as finding water goes, I don't know if we should go upwards or downwards- moisture gathers at the bottom but up towards the sky it might rain. Assuming this thing has levels, at least. But I do know that we need to stay together, or at least have a way of coming back."
He also didn't want to leave the woman still on the ground. She clearly wasn't fit for traveling. If they were going to search for water, one of them would have to stay here with her. But then the others would have to find their way back. His eyes fell on the helpless woman on the ground. A thought began to stir in the back of his head.
Another jolting pain surged through him, making his temples feel as though they were crushing his skull. You have no one. You are no one. Put nothing before... The voice faded out, he couldn't hear- remember?- the rest of whatever it was going- supposed?- to say. He groaned with frustration as the pain subsided.
No. These people were in need of protection. He would see to it that they were protected. That was all.
Talon scanned the area and picked up two medium sized rocks. He began rubbing them against each other until they were jagged to as good of a point as he could get. He scraped one against the wall, and to his odd delight, a white streak appeared. He wasn't expecting that.
"Haha!" He cried happily. A plan fell into place almost instantly in his mind.
"You." Talon pointed to the girl. He handed her one of the pointed rocks. "Stay here with her, take this in case you need it. Alaric and I will see what we can do about finding water and-or other people. We'll mark the walls with arrows pointing back to this room, in case we get lost and if anyone else comes by."


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#, as written by Mat_z6
Alaric watched as Talon picked up two rocks off the ground. It appeared that he was making something to defend himself with. He handed one to the girl and told her to stay with the wounded girl on the ground. "Is she going to be alright?" Alaric was worried that if they left, the two girls would be vulnerable to anyone, or anything that lurked about in this place. There was no telling what creatures or people might be here. The place had that feel of danger. 'And where did that girl get that wound?' That wasn't something that you got from just being clumsy. Alaric blinked. 'Did she just open one of her eyes? Maybe it was just my imagination. It's quite dark in here anyway.' Alaric spun around. They were being watched. He could have sworn that he saw something move in the shadows far off. He couldn't tell what it was but it was big. Over where Alaric spotted the figure, he eyed stairs tucked away into a corner that if one was not careful, they would have missed it if they were not paying attention. "I think we should head that way. We are probably at the very bottom of the structure we are in and we might find water, or other people if we make our way up." They had to be cautious. Alaric sensed that trouble was just around the corner.


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#, as written by Abalyth
He had been so busy focusing on figuring out how to protect them that he quit noticing the small signs of recovery that the girl on the floor was making. When Alaric commented on the darkness, Talon was baffled... he could see finely. He was overjoyed for her, and thought about hugging her- then the pain came back. Alaric expressed his worry for the girls, and Talon listened carefully.
"You have a point." Talon thought for a moment, then turned to the girl. He looked her over in an analyzing way, as though he was determining what she would be best fit for. If someone, like the people who captured her, came back she wouldn't stand a chance. Then he nodded in compromise. "I will stay here and watch her. I'm pretty sure no one would want to start something with me." He handed his rock to Alaric, but before they turned to leave, he grabbed him by the shoulder.
"Listen. If you think you run into trouble, just run back towards me. Yell if you have to. You're tiny, you can probably outrun most people. Pick your battles." He spoke with the utmost seriousness. "I like you like a little brother, and keep her safe." Then he turned to the girl. "Watch his back. Going in pairs is so both of you have someone to watch your back." It was almost like the voice talked through him.

After they left, Talon turned to the girl on the ground. He felt like he should say something, just in case Alaric was right and she was among them.
"You're among friends." He said lowly, putting a finger on her neck to check her pulse. It was faster than before, that was good. He turned his eyes to her face and saw a wet streak on her cheek. He cursed. "Hey, listen, if you can hear me... take your time. I'm watching over you." Whatever comforting thing he could think of saying, he said, but only as much as a soldier would say to a dying companion. Anything he thought of saying that was beyond that brought the pain back. He wished it would go away.


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#, as written by Mat_z6
Alaric handed the stone back to Talon. "Thanks. I don't know why but I feel as if I won't be needing this. You'll find better use for it that me." Alaric motioned to the girl. "C'mon, let's go." Alaric ran towards the stairs and shook his head. " I wanted to be the one to stay with her." Alaric muttered under his breath. He knew that he was being a little immature and focused on what he had to do. 'Don't worry. She will be alright. Talons with her.' As they neared the stairs Alaric felt a faint breeze. 'Wha? That's funny. There shouldn't be a breeze down he-" In that instant a giant sword crashed down right in front of Alaric. "What the?!" Jumping back he looked over his shoulder. "Get back!" A large figure appeared and loomed in front of Alaric. It was a giant man in a suit of armor. The soldier stepped in front of the stair well but didn't come after them. "Who are you?" Alaric tensed as he watched for his enemy's next move. The person didn't say anything. "Answer me!" "You shall not pass." That was the only thing it said. 'That must be a way out!' "C'mon!" With a yell, Alaric lunged at the man in armor. The man thrust his sword out and Alaric sidestepped to dodge it. With blinding speed, the soldier swung the sword to the side Alaric stepped. 'Crap!' Without thinking Alaric shifted his weight forward, lightly placed his left hand on the flat side of the sword and launched himself over the deadly blade. Alaric landed on his feet, spun around and kicked the man's hand. The long sword fell from his hand and the man quickly drew another short sword. Alaric was a blur as he knocked the man's feet out from under him with a low kick. The man kept a tight grip on the sword and swung at Alaric's feet. Alaric jumped up, the blade missing the bottom of his boots by centimeters and brought his foot down on the man's helmeted head. The man finally let go of the sword and Alaric went in for another kick. The man suddenly caught hold of Alaric's foot, literally sung him around his head and threw him against a nearby wall. Letting out a cry of pain, Alaric fell hard to the ground, struggling to get back on his feet. The armored man stood still. Then, as if nothing happened he stepped into the stair well. There was a grinding screech and a stone wall slid over the entrance of the stairs. The breeze was gone. Alaric heaved a sigh of relief as he lay back on his back, catching his breath. 'Who the hell was that?! Gah! It doesn't matter, the stairs are gone!' Sure enough, the space where the stairs used to be looked like it was just another part of the wall, no flaws or spaces to tell that there was a passageway. Alaric tasted blood in his mouth and his body ached all over. They had lost their way out.

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Character Portrait: Rina
4 sightings Rina played by Steffix
"Don't come any closer!"

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Character Portrait: Roku
Character Portrait: Talon
Character Portrait: Nanase (Nana) Sailif
Character Portrait: Alaric
Character Portrait: Azarin Hiyaitsu
Character Portrait: Chain
Character Portrait: Thane
Character Portrait: Lynx
Character Portrait: Yuri Peach
Character Portrait: Vixoria "Vixen" Annek


Character Portrait: Yuri Peach
Yuri Peach

I'm the sunshine in the middle of a thunderstorm.

Character Portrait: Lynx

Not remembering, burns me inside

Character Portrait: Thane

I've made my decision. It is up to you to understand it.

Character Portrait: Chain

I'll do what ever you want, just take me home...

Character Portrait: Azarin Hiyaitsu
Azarin Hiyaitsu

"It's do or die."

Character Portrait: Alaric

I-..... I can't..... remember....

Character Portrait: Talon

I have to get out. That is my only priority.

Character Portrait: Roku

"please be quiet... You annoy me"


Character Portrait: Talon

I have to get out. That is my only priority.

Character Portrait: Roku

"please be quiet... You annoy me"

Character Portrait: Lynx

Not remembering, burns me inside

Character Portrait: Chain

I'll do what ever you want, just take me home...

Character Portrait: Alaric

I-..... I can't..... remember....

Character Portrait: Azarin Hiyaitsu
Azarin Hiyaitsu

"It's do or die."

Character Portrait: Yuri Peach
Yuri Peach

I'm the sunshine in the middle of a thunderstorm.

Character Portrait: Thane

I've made my decision. It is up to you to understand it.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Talon

I have to get out. That is my only priority.

Character Portrait: Chain

I'll do what ever you want, just take me home...

Character Portrait: Lynx

Not remembering, burns me inside

Character Portrait: Roku

"please be quiet... You annoy me"

Character Portrait: Alaric

I-..... I can't..... remember....

Character Portrait: Azarin Hiyaitsu
Azarin Hiyaitsu

"It's do or die."

Character Portrait: Thane

I've made my decision. It is up to you to understand it.

Character Portrait: Yuri Peach
Yuri Peach

I'm the sunshine in the middle of a thunderstorm.

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Most recent OOC posts in Escape... And Remember...

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

Yeah, im kind of worried that it might have died again.... *sigh*

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

Well, I'm back... And it looks like nothing has happened D:

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

@Abalyth, do you mind god-modding chain while Joker is gone? The role play has been quiet, and im sorry i didn't say anything sooner, i just think we need to get the ball rolling again.... >.>

Speaking of which, i just have been barely on this site lately, but i'm gonna get back on track...

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

Oh my god.
I'm so sorry, guys.
I'd like to say that I got really busy and tied up with things, but to be perfectly honest... I completely forgot to re-post!

*runs off to re-post* I suppose that I will god-mode Chain until Joker comes back ? unless someone else wants to do it...?

*EDIT: yeah I can't post until I know what we're doing with Chain xD I wrote myself a million notes so I won't forget this time!

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

Wow, that sounds like a ton of fun! I hope you have an awesome time in Europe ^-^

But no worries, i'm sure something can be arranged for any action that goes on while you're away. Thanks for letting us know ahead of time.

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

Guys, I have some bad news (Depending on how you handle it.)

On Thursday, I will be heading out for the March break to Europe for a school trip. (WHOOOOP. I'm Canadian, Europe is kinda far away, so I'm pumped.)
This trip will last until the 20th, so I won't be on until then (8th to the 20th.)

My request is that you either Godmod Chain through that timeframe, or somebody just control him for me. I was just starting to get pumped about the new people as well..

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

Not sure if I should post now or wait for the other 2 guys to arrive hehe. Well I am going to bed. (I'll read the response tomorrow lol)

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

Apparently it as a commonly-occuring issue when they did their server-changes the other day. *Shrug* I'm just still kinda aggravated about it cause it was almost 1k words, lol. And I have some other role playing things to attend to, so I plan to re-post tomorrow.

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

ugh, i hate when i type something long and then it just goes...... That happened to me with something yesterday, but my issue was that my computer froze.... All my issues with losing stuff has been entirely my fault tho..... I wonder why it keeps logging you out, though O.o

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

*Throws table across room*

So I just wrote this 800 word post and clicked "submit" and the fucking site just logged me out for no apparent reason. Not a 'site down' mishap- just logged me out randomly. That's the THIRD time today- wtfh?

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

Oh please no worries xD we're all sorta pretty lazy about this plot, but it seems to work out :3

*EDIT: Be careful, Reina and Alaric, we kind of have that setting on hold until Chain and Vixoria get there so they all can escape at the same time.

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

I am not home now so I am unable to post but i'll make sure to keep up with the storry :/ Sorry.

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

lol my uncle introduced me to coffee when I was in 5th grade O.O I've never been the same thing, since. Thank GOD for decaf... otherwise I'm pretty sure my heart would explode.

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

@Abalyth, Oh, well....... ha ha ha ha........ COFFEE....... ha ha ha ha...... ^-^; i..... i've never had coffee............... I'll make due with my tea, ha ha

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

@Ahses: It sounds like you need more coffee in your diet. I drink like 5 pots a day! AND I GET SHIT DONE!
... most of the time. If not, I'm dancing around and singing horribly off-key, but hey, that's what happens when you're tone deaf, eh? EH?
Then, you know, got that whole "school" thing- whatever the crap THAT'S all about...


@Joker: yes yes yes I was just poking fun at you. Believe me, I understand busy! Take your time. So long as we're still alive in OOC and w/e I won't leave or anything.

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

@Abalyth, i know, i know. That was on my list of things to do.... I'm just incredibly lazy. I was going to do it eventually.

@Iloveroleplay, oh yeah, i saw your character. If you can resubmit the character using the skeleton i have on the intro, that would be great ^-^

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

Workin on it. Ive been bogged down over the weekend, should have it up for tomorrow though! :D

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

lol yeah it's kinda nice, isn't it? lol so are you going to reply?

Re: [OOC] Escape... And Remember...

YAY! Somebody to talk to!!! :DDD
