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Final Fantasy: Dissidia Universitas

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Dissidia Universitas is a part of Final Fantasy: Dissidia Universitas.

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Blakely "Blake" Zeno [0] She is anti-social and dark. Blake can be caring and doesn't really trust people because of her parents.
Olivander Kaine [0] "Idiots."
Jonas Everick [0] "The enemy is on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, and they're behind us. They can't get away this time!"
Kai Kensei [0] You're looking at Blitzball's #1 Rookie.
Caylina Ronayn [0] Summoning's my thing.

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Dissidia Universitas Campus- The Day before the school year officially begins

"Dissidia University, it's a lot less theatric than I had imagined" -The male scrolling up from the sheet of paper detailing directions and layout of the campus , he was notoriously bad at commuting to new found areas, the type to easily lose sense of direction, although he was plenty good at covering vast distances on foot seeing as he covered more than 40 miles in only an hour or 2, a good chunk of that hour spent being sidetracked. Perhaps owing this to some of his viera heritage. Viera are naturally gifted sprinters with knowledge of distances and route-making.

-Arms ascending above head followed by a placid yawn, only showing signs of light exhaustion from the effects of his journey. A duffle bag with essential possessions rested atop shoulder, its contents containing: a blitzball, 4 changes of clothes, 3 pairs of shoes, his favorite type of snack, a few magazines and essential bathroom items.-

-Passing through the campus gateway, his eyes carefully seizing every square inch of the remarkable institution. Upon first glance, the school was definitely a marvel worth beholding. The architecture resembled that of arcades and nibelheim as well as many other towns, sort of like a non-distinct collage that held its own identity , but the landscape itself was lush and very well tended. A unattended chocobo grazing to his very left.

"This here is the headmaster's chocobo Krile. It's coat is deeper and bluer than any sapphire , you new here?" The Chocobo's attendant turned facing Kai . The name is Billy but people call me Chocobo Bill. I can tell you're the athlete type, have you visited the dorms yet? This year students have the option of choosing their roommates or being solitaire. Even Co-ed too...

It's nice to meet you Billy and no, I haven't been by the dorms yet but if I can point me in the direction then that would help a lot.

"well, there are 6 houses in all. students tend to congregate based on similar interest but it doesn't really matter which dorm you choose, it's just all in name. There's the dorms owned by the Student body council, these dorms are very high-end and are for funded through the university. They're sort of like the who's who around here even though they're pretty secretive about how they go about accomplishing things. Then there's the Leonhart and Nova dorms respectively. Physical majors tend to reside at leonhart and magic majors go for Nova. Gearheads graviatate towards Zenith, Stealth majors go to Twilight and those who live in-between two or more worlds or haven't come to terms with their focus tends to go to Cyrstal. That's about it, I think.

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"Wow." Caylina gasped. "This place is huge!" Dissidia University was truly magnificent. Well, in the eyes of a young girl who'd lived in a small village most of her life, it was magnificent. Caylina stood, gawping at the beauty. Her knuckles were white from gripping the shoulder-bag in her hand so tightly. Eventually, Caylina pulled herself together and looked around. The grass was well-tended and all the same length, unlike the unruly patches from her home-village. Statues guarded the University, with such detail that Caylina thought they looked like real life beasts coloured grey. Everything here was so perfect - so un-Caylina. Would a young village girl ever fit into a place like this? Only one way to find out. Caylina breathed in, and walked inside.

Caylina wondered around for a while, hoping to bump into someone to explain what to do. She hoped she wouldn't be left to wonder around, lost. Caylina shook her head. They wouldn't do that.... Would they? Caylina hadn't met anyone from somewhere this grand. She looked in awe at the architecture - That was brilliant - and the features - Which were also brilliant - as she wondered through the hallways. She was pretty sure she was going round in circles. But this place couldn't be empty. Could it? No, not when all the students were to arrive. But what is it was wrong? What if she'd set out a day to early? What if she'd misread the letter? Worries flooded into her head.

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-A high pitch tone ecchoed throughout the university. The campus intercom system chiming in.- "Hello, I'd like to send a personal greeting and invitation to all incomming and returning students. All students please report to the assembly hall for instructions and guidance pertaining to campus policy and orientation, thank you and goodday, kupo. "

"I guess that's me, then." Kai turned waving to Chocobo Billy, he would approach the steps located just outside the assembly hall. He would scale the steps, passing through the double doors. Inside the hall, there was a mass convergence of the student body, and diverse in demography as well and more were filling in by the moment. Kai managed to set aside a space for himself behind what appeared to be a bangaa. "No wonder the campus was empty" Kai thought to himself.

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Caylina sighed with relief, and took out her map. Following the instructions carfully, she walked into the assembly hall. She was shocked how everyone had seemingly just appeared. How did they get here so quick? Caylina shook the thought from her head and sat down behind a Bangaa next to a young boy. She was pretty sure her expression was as lost as her mind. Caylina put her bag on the floor and looked around, careful not to be caught staring.

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#, as written by Skylite
As Talon sat in the armchair of his unusually well-furnished dorm room, listening to classical music, which was probably a bit too loud, drinking a drink that was a bit too strong, he looked out of his window, and saw only two students, which was unusual, considering that most of the students arrived earlier today, in preparation for the first day of school tomorrow. Not Talon, of course, as he lived at the school year-round, he thought, as a high pitched voice was heard through the intercom. Hastily, talon got up, turned off his music, and got dressed. He put on his usual casual attire, which consisted of a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and a white leather jacket. He locked his room, and made his way to the assembly hall for orientation, like every other year. He noticed the two students that were in the courtyard, and sat beside a girl he knew, in the row behind them.

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Caylina fumbled around with her hair bobbles, terrified. She wore a simple black shirt and some skin tight jeans and Converse all stars on her feet. Caylina looked everywhere; The floor, the ceiling, to the door, at the students. All anxiously. She couldn't seem to find somewhere comfortable to look. She hoped this would be over soon. And then she could go to her room and get sorted. She hated sitting here. It made her feel vunerable. She hoped she could just get to her lessons and get some training. She'd need training more than most.

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"What's her problem, she some kind of tweaker?" The bangaa turned speaking directly to Kai. Caylina's nervous display had brought about quite an audience, a few raised eyebrows, whispers had begun to spread through the crowd, which probably only furthered to compound the girls all ready frayed nerves, Kai shifting a glance towards Caylina. Kai knew that he had to divert the attention away from the girl, their stares and whispers would only add fuel to the situation , making her feel even more insecure. Leaning in closer to the Bangaa, Kai uttered "Sorry about this". Drawing his fist forward, he struck the bangaa soundly, the bangaa recoiling against marble flooring. All eyes were now on Kai, he had to play his cards smartly.

"I don't know where you come from but touching a girls bottom is a no-no. No wonder why she's all panicked, it's because some creep is trying to cop a feel.
am I right? -Kai turned facing Caylina now, giving her a nod and mouthing her to play along. he would offer up a hand for her to squeeze if needed, although his hand was a bit sore from punch out the bangaa from earlier. "Nothing to see here people, my girlfriend just got groped but it's fine now. It happens". The crowd eventually averting attention away from the duo. Now setting sight upon center stage where the Dean was set to give his annual lecture. The lecture itself was nothing special for students who attended previously although it was expected that Dean Montblac would address the concerns about the growing campus gang problem.

"Oh yeah, by the way, the name is Kai. Are you a new student as well?"

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Raiden walked along the side of the road slowly, kicking his rucksack across the ground with every step he took. His grey jeans were dirtied with brown dust and frayed along the bottom from his long walk. Hunched over and with his hands deep inside his pockets. "I hate traveling..." He mumbled kicking his rucksack rather aggressively. "I should of stayed at home" Sighed the rather frustrated individual. With a deep breath he pulled his hands out of his pockets and picked his pack back up, holding it loosely by his side he glanced around at his surroundings. "Hey, Would you look at that. I thought it would be bigger." Raiden shouted as he looked around the rather empty courtyard of the university. The plants and fountains were nice but not really what he was interested in. "This place is kind of dead." He pondered out loud as he rubbed the back of his head with his left hand.
With heavy steps Raiden stormed to what he believed was the front door and barged in, the door hitting his shoulder as it closed rather violently. Cursing loudly he glared at the door. Shaking his head Raiden stood up straight before extending his left arm and pointing his index finger at the door. "I dislike you!" He shouted loudly and threw his bag down on the floor. "But i will forgive you, because you are a door and its your job to keep the wind out." Shaking his head he picked his rucksack off the ground and turned before making his way down a short corridor into a large hall.
Raiden surveyed the hall from corridor. He would of attempted to count how many were there if he wasn't so frustrated from his long walk to the blasted location. Raiden leaned against the corridor wall as he searched for an empty seat in the hall, resting his brown and muddy rucksack on the ground with its leaning against his leg so it wouldn't fall over. Eventually his eyes came to rest on a seat, he was mere meters away from being able to sit down before disaster struck and he realized it was smack bang in the center of the crowd. "That's a joke..." He said rather just a little bit too loud before shoving his hands in his pockets and attempting to figure out why everyone was here.

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Blake's car rolls up as she comes in late. She blushes stepping out of the car. Her feet hit the ground she waves to her driver taking two large duffel bags with her. One of the bags was full of women clothes and items along with some things special to her. The other bag was full of male clothes and other important items as well. Her hair was pulled back in a low pony tail as she wore large baggy black cargo pants and t-shirt. Her feet were in black steel toed combat boots that went well with her leather jacket. Under her shirt her breast were bound small under a spaghetti strap crimson tank.
Blake runs into the building and straight into the assembly hall. She blushes looking like a tall man standing at 5'9" without shoes and 5'10" in her boots. She notices every eye in the room turn her way after she caused so much noise running into the hall. She looks around blushing badly as she quickly finds a seat and sits embarrassed.

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Caylina blushed at Kai. "Thanks. I'm Caylina. Yeah, I'm new." She smiled nervously. Caylina straightened up and managed to give a confident smile. That did not go well, Caylina thought to herself. She spotted the Dean getting ready to give a speech so she turned to him and waited. After some time, the Dean began his speech.

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A bright yellow puff pom jibed to and fro with each step the diminutive moogle made. These characteristics were unmistakably excluse to that of Montblac as they were his most striking features, even amongst the other moogle. He had a tendency to have his depth marginalized on account of being perceived as "cute", a very shrewd and sharp man nonetheless. He was definitely not the one to be underestimated. Approaching the podium with a bit of pre-caution , he began his speech. A bit rousing but also measured enough for it to have some substantive content, he was a bit of a pragmatist. The focus of his lecture consisted of an inspirational story from his youth when he attended the school as a student while taking care of his 6 siblings, he also stressed the historical legend of the school, how it had been formed by the warriors of light to bring peace and understanding amongst the various people. He also detailed the functions of the school and what experiences new students had in store for them. His speech was approaching near conclusion when he finally touched upon the growing social gang problem.

"I understand that there's been a lot of speculation of our school being overrun with threats to safety in the form of campus gangs. We do not condone or endorse the this type of behavior comming from students or faculty. I've personally taken measures to prioritize public saftety by appointing a director of campus security. Everyone meet Kira Palazzo, our new campus security director. "

-The crowd grew stone silent at the utterance of the last word, it couldn't be...- A rather well dressed stern looking man approached the podium, he was so much unlike his father in demeanor and appearance-


Could he really have been related to Kefka Palazzo? The same Kefka Palazzo who tried to purge the entire school 30 years ago? -A slight gesture of the hand revealed that the man had belonged to the student body council at some point. The rings crest unmistaken-

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"School I always hated school more or less when no one else knows what they are doing." Nova whispers to himself as he exits a train arriving at the station near the school. Looking around he sighs "late again." Walking towards the university campus Nova notices it is extremely quiet until he arrives at the gates of the school which he can hear a large speech being given in a hall. After jumping over the gate he slinks into the back of the crowd in the hall just missing the speech. "What did I miss" he whispers to a someone near the back of the group.

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Blake sits in her seat her eyes on the new man giving a speech. She frowned not sure what to thick about this series of events. A sigh emerges from her full painted rosy pink lips as she stares straight a head wondering what this man was going to do. Her eyes trail the man named 'Kira Palazzo' he was most deffantly a interesting man. She hoped no one found out she was a woman. Blake sighs again and notices a few girls looking at her. She gives them a charming smile making the ladies blush. A chuckle leaves her as she smirks towards their reactions of the smile. Girls were usually cute and acted adorable which always caught her attention.

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* I never make it to the moogle's speeches on time!* thought Jonas Everick as he ran threw the halls, his jacket flailing behind him as he ran. He had slept in late, due to a drinking game with a bangaa the night before.
"Left? No. Thats an exit... Right? No again... There!" said Jonas, almost yelling with irriation. As he slowed down, he changed his stride, into more of what Jonas hoped was a sneaky walk. He hated sneaking, but his father once told him that if he always tried to break his problems, instead of thinking creatively, he would be munching on pheonix down like candy for the rest of his life.

As Jonas slowly opened the door, he saw a man being introduced to everyone. Jonas didn't recognize the man, but apperently Jonas would have to watch for this Plaza fellow.
*How can we get ready for a life of fighting if we can't start where we are relatively safe?* thought Jonas as he took an empty seat next to a dark haired kid who was asking what he missed.
Jonas tapped the kid on the shoulder. "Nothing much I bet, ol' Monty thinks the students actually like his speeches. He would probably ramble on all day if we let him.", Jonas whispered, then leaned back in his chair.

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-The man known as Kira was set to give his brief statement, however a third party would interrupt before he could even deliver a single word , making their appearance known behind him where the concert-sized telescreen positioned itself, overlooking the stage hall. Judging from the look upon Kira's face, this was not according to the script of his inauguration. A brief moment of tension set upon the crowd as this unforeseen development came to surprise nearly all in attendance. The image gradually began to focus into that of a single form, judging from the build and hairstyle it had most likely been a male student, but the mask he wore and the pitchy streaming quality made it difficult for anyone to identify who it might have been. The masked man finally speaking if not in a distorted auto-tone.-


"Greetings, the man you see before you speaking to you is in fact the leader of the group known otherwise as the necrophyles, you do not know my face, but I know each and every one of yours. You can choose to call me God or you can call me Jester if you wish , but it doesn't really matter because you will all know me as the man who recreated Dissidia Universitas in his own image.

I also recognize the face of the man known as Kira Palazzo , the necrophyles personally see Lord Kefka as a sort of role model. It is thanks to your father that we owe our existence , it was his brilliance that provided the initial spark that drives our purpose. In turn we hope to honor him by continuing the mission he could not live to see fulfilled. It is a shame to see that his son could not follow his fathers footsteps.

I speak to you here today to warn you that the deans plan to rid the school of gangs and by extension shelter the school from threats of violence, will accomplish nothing. You are not anymore safer under Kira's or Montblac's provisions, the only safety you have is in the mercy of the Necrophyles. Heed my words, any action taken to deter our dominance will be answered in the form of a toll calling for an even greater amount of bloodshed. Violence is natural, the strong must eat the weak for nourishment and so shall the necrophyles devour this pitiful pebble you call a school.

They called us delinquents and outcast, but we are the ones who will bring true change to this school. If you wish to join our ranks, the necrophyles will seek you out.

By the way, beneath this very curtain I have a parting present for all of you who had to sit through Montblac's insufferable speech."

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#, as written by Skylite

Talon was shocked to see this figure known as "Jester" interrupt Mr. Palazzo's speech. He was also shocked at the contents of the interruption, surprised at how threatening and out right disturbing it was. Sure, the Necrophyles were a nuisance, but he didn't think the were capable of this. He summoned his gunblade, and braced himself after the mention of "A parting present."


"Everybody! Get back!" shouted Kaine, and a couple other members of the Student Council, who had jumped up from their seats, ready to protect the dean and the students from whatever horror lay beneath the curtain.

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Raiden quietly stood still leaning against the back of the hall whilst he listened to the Moogle speak. His right hand holding his chin whilst his left gripped his belt buckle loosely. He watched as Kira Palazzo was introduced, tilting his head inquisitively to the right. Raiden had no idea what was going on. Most of the people he had never seen before and in his mind he wasn't really bothered and it didn't matter but what did peak his curiosity was the crowds response to the mans name.
As the screen flickered into life Raiden lost his trail of thought and tightened his grip on his rusty belt buckle. "Hey, would you look at that..." He muttered quietly before the mans voice boom out over the crowd. His jaw slowly lowered, leaving his mouth open ever so slightly as the stranger talked about being a god, necrophyles and present. His eyes now wide, Raiden lent over, scooped up his rucksack and turned walking down the corridor for the way he entered. "No way am i sitting around there. What if its a bomb? Or something chemical... I best wait outside" He said loudly as he increased his pace and stormed through the door and into the open air of the uni.

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Kira Palazzo

-A bead of sweat rolled down the expression of Kira, he would call for an orderly evacuation. Turning sights to the curtain and whatever malignant contents that psycho Jester had left in the wake of his hair raising introduction. In his hands would materialize a pair of side arms, a gunner class apparently-

Kai Kensei

"Alright, this is the type of thing I've been waiting for. Time to distingush myself, show everyone how badass I am ." Kai thought to himself, he had a tendency to underrate dangerous situations that bordered on oblivious if not outright foolish, although he was genuinely unaffected by this emotion named fear. Springing up onto the stage in a single bound, Kai would approach the stage curtain. Drawing the curtains open to reveal that it was...It had been nothing, could this Jester guy been trolling all along? Kai would tilt his head back to the others, drawing a sharp discontent sigh. At that unguarded moment a metal appendage sprang from out of the darkness , sucker punching Kai. His body was sent back in a blurry outline, impressively, he managed to catch himself before falling. The blow was enough to kill any ordinary man, but only drew a rivulet of blood which he quickly whipped away with a hand.

"That bastard sucker punched me, I'm gonna clock that oversized toaster" Kai not showing any lack of enthusiasm for battle.

From out of the depths emerged a steel titan of formidable size. -It's eyes radiating a bright glow, it seemed to be charging up for its next attack. Turning its gaze upon the group of leftover students, which ironically consisted of the playable characters.-


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Blake's hand goes into her bag and wraps around her katanas. This event had defantly pushed her guard up higher than before. The young woman's eyes scanned the crowd looking for the response they had to the display. She didn't know Kira Palazzo's father nor what he had been trying to accomplish but she had a horrible feeling about it. The young woman's eyes close as she focuses on all her other senses than her site. She leans back in her chair acting as if she's asleep still looking like a man as she does so.

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-Kira would retaliate firing upon the iron giant. He displayed various acrobatic manneuverring, assaulting it with a hail of gunfire, artfully dodging the reach of the titan whenever its arm extended in his direction, while sprinting up the path of one of its arms reach, he then would fire 5 rounds directly into its face at point-blank range . His display although visually impressive didn't appear to have any effect on the robot monstrosity. He would set aside his guns into their appropriate holsters.

" Damnit, this is one of THOSE battles. This monster appears to be impervious to all types of damage, but it has a specific weakness we need to target for it to be vulnerable to all damage types. " Kira would activate his secondary role, that of the scholar class. Standard to the scholar class was the special ability Libra, which allowed Kira to gain insights on his enemies weaknesses. A graphic appeared within Kira's pupils, signaling the activation of the Libra ability-

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"Okay, so, nothing important ever happens at these speeches." Nova says, right before the mysterious man shows himself. "I stand corrected." Nova says as all hell breaks loose with a metallic golem rising from the stage. Looking around he observes the panic on some of the other student, the I am not dealing with this and the idiots who decide its a good idea to rush in without thinking. Slinking his way closer he watches the giant golem looking for weaknesses or flaws in its armour and operating system.

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#, as written by Skylite

Talon rose out of his seat as the metal giant emerged. He noticed that most of the other leftover students had begun attacking the behemoth, or preparing to, so, with a loud whir, and a few clicks, his gunblade switched to full-gun mode, taking a shape not unlike a modern-day uzi. He opened fire on the giant, his bullets bouncing off the golem with no avail. When Talon noticed Kira's attacks seemed to be having the same effect, he switched his Blazefire sabre to hybrid sword/gun mode, and ran up to the older man. "Do you have any idea how to fight this thing?" Talon asked Kira.

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-The iron giant finally reaching its full charge, turning deadly gaze upon the remaining participants. A bright concentration of light discharged from the titans sockets, blinding those who may have set gaze upon the mech, the effect area of the beams fallout had been contained to just half of the assembly hall thanks to a last minute barrier provided by Montblac, the other half of the assembly hall resembled a war path. A heavy smokescreen lingered throughout much of the assembly hall. A matter of time would tell if there had been any casualties. Smoke finally clearing, everyone safe and sound. At least until the robots next charge.-


"Is everyone all in one piece? If you're able to fight, I want those who can to attack the monsters joints. That's its weakpoint. After each charge, the titan has to cool down. Now's our chance. Find a partner to attack one of its joints.

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-Palming hand into fist, Kai turned to Talon .- "I'll get the right leg , you get the left one". The sound of crackling knuckles filled the hollowed room as he approached the golem with a confident smirk. The teenager standing opposite of Talon, then taking off in a quick sprint, darting towards the path of the giant. Gaining more speed and momentum with each step he made, finally hitting full running pace he would hurl himself as if he were a canonball at the robots leg joint, catapulting himself into a human canonball of destruction as he buzz sawed at the titans leg, his attack possibly inspired by a certain video game mascot, his reckless act turned out to be effectively critical, it was enough to bring the robot down upon a knee on his side, almost destroying the entire knee-joint segment in the process. Taking a glance back toward Talon to gauge the progess on his end-

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"Well finally a target." Nova says withdrawing a large lance and with as chain attached to it from the sheathe on his back. Jumping above the titan Nova throws his lance behind the titan and wraps arm joint in the chain. The titan attempts to hit Nova with the arm tied but the lance and chain prevents it from moving. Slipping underneath it Nova moves and traps his lance preventing it from moving.