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Nicoletta Celeste Ardente

"I often find myself thinking that my life might just be easier if I were to isolate myself from everyone I love, so they don't get hurt."

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a character in “From Light to Shadow”, originally authored by Jakuri-chan, as played by RolePlayGateway


Nicoletta Celeste Ardente

Role: Ignis

Gender: Female
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Nico, Cole, and Letta
Age: 16
Love Interest: ”I’m not interested in dating.”

Appearance: Nicoletta is a rather slender figured young woman, her form is slight. She’s not too tall nor is she too short, simply, her height is average whilst her body weight falls on the low end of what is considered healthy, so she is built to match her height to weight ratio. Despite being of a somewhat healthy weight, Nicoletta looks like she weighs less than what she really does due to the fact that her body build focuses her weight more into her hips, giving her a very lithe, and slender pear shaped body. She has a figure, but she is slightly on the flat-chested side, so what build her body possesses is mostly only notable by the transition from her thin waist to her hips. Because more of her weight is focused at her hips than anywhere else, Letta has a bit of a bony appearance. Her ribcage is clearly visible through her skin, her collar bones seem to nearly stick out of her skin while her wrists and hands are thin little things.

Because of how she grew up, Nicoletta’s got a few scars on her body from the usual, mundane childhood happenings—falling, tripping or having small accidents. Her parents were loving in regards to her, and her siblings treated her well, so she doesn’t have any markings or scars from anything like abuse. Really, the only places on her skin that are marred are areas on her right hand from developing blisters and calluses from writing too much, discolorations on her knees and elbows from the times she fell or scraped up her joints. Though, from just looking at her, it’s pretty apparent that Nicoletta’s never had to do hard labor in her life to get by, even if she has some mild scars upon her body, they are nothing truly noteworthy, and overall, she looks like a normal young woman with fair skin.

Due to her rather low body weight, Nicoletta is a girl who possesses a rather slim face really, but it still has some baby fat on it, so she looks every bit of her age of a mere sixteen, if not younger. You can make out her cheekbones, but they’re not very defined due to her face still being a little bit round like a child’s, overall, her facial features are rather childlike when you give her a good looking over. She has a small nose, and large grey eyes that really stick out against her rather light colored flesh, and a small mouth as well. Her cheeks are often flush with a healthy bit of color, gained from the time she spends outside in the sun.

Her slightly round face is framed by her blonde hair due to how it’s kept. Falling to just below her shoulder blades, Nicoletta has thick and wavy blonde hair, similar in texture to her father’s, which she tends to keep parted in the middle of her head. Normally, she’s found keeping it back in this kind of weird style, leaving a bit of her hair free on each side of her head, Nicoletta allows those parts to frame her face while pulling the rest of her hair back into a ponytail, having braids woven into her hair on the sides of her head that end as soon as her hair is secured in the back. In truth, it’s rather rare to actually find Nicoletta letting her hair down at all, as she seems to prefer to keep it up so that it doesn’t really get in the way.

As far as Nicoletta’s expressions go . . . she’s pretty ordinary, in a way. She’s someone who cannot hide how she is feeling from the world at all, every sentiment she feels is fully displayed upon her face, from happiness to anger to sadness. If there is anything she cannot escape from—it’s the fact that everyone is privy to how she’s feeling. Really though, her face is rather lively when you think about it, the fact that she’s such an expressive girl gives Nicoletta the appearance of someone who is just full of spirit and vigor. She smiles, laughs, frowns, pouts, glares and grimaces like every normal girl does in the world, at her heart, Nicoletta is like every other girl in her age range. Her smiles are sweet, her sullen expressions are heart moving, and her glares are bone chillingly potent.

Overall, Nicoletta is a somewhat small girl who really just looks pretty ordinary.

Preferred Clothing: What you see is what you get—Nicoletta tends to wear whatever she feels comfortable in, and that being said, you’ll normally find her in some odd getup of a dress with something over it, leggings, boots and a long coat over it. She hates showing skin, so no matter what she’s wearing, you’re not likely to see much out of her.

Height: 5 ft 2 ins (157.5 cm)
Weight: 100 lbs (45 kg)
Measurements: 34-23-35 (86-58-88)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Steel Grey

Personality: Defining her personality in a few words, Nicoletta is a young woman who is persistent, understanding and honest. She’s not exactly unique in the aspects that define her person, but Nicoletta is simply as she is, she is human and because of this, she has human emotions like everyone else in the world, but how she expresses these traits and such are what set her apart from other people. While most people in the world hold their emotions back, as well as any thoughts or opinions that would potentially irk or rub someone else the wrong way, Nicoletta does not at all do this. The opinions of others do nothing to defer her and her feelings—she claims though, that this is not intentional. Nicoletta says that she doesn’t hold back her sentiments or beliefs because she is simple minded, and that she does not at all think about what she is going to say in some situations when she gets fired up about something. If she feels the need to say something, then it’ll happen, her mouth will fly open and something will come out of it. . . .

The fact that she tends to just say whatever comes to mind rather than think about it first, is something she’s trying to work on, because she knows having such a loose jaw can get her into sticky situations in the coming days if she doesn’t watch it. But really, she’s not a bad person, she just happens to be on the clueless side of things at times. At the same time, she’s also very much a hardheaded young lady, even if she’s not thinking about what she is saying when she’s fired up, often enough the things she says reflect her views and are really what she feels. Honestly though, some of her views are so simple that Nicoletta really seems like she might be naïve and silly, it sounds like she has very little life experience to back up what she feels. This is true, Nicoletta is a rather naïve girl in many aspects. While her life hasn’t always been normal, and she has had a few experiences in it that set her apart from others, she is still lacking in a lot. There are many situations she’s never had to face first hand, and as such, she doesn’t really know how she should handle them. Still, despite her lack of experience, Nicoletta does her best and often sticks to what she says about it. And, if she feels like she doesn’t know what to say or do, she’ll simply provide a shoulder to cry on or lend an ear to someone who might need to just vent.

With all of this in mind, Nicoletta is also a girl who has a rather odd temperament—that being said, she’s naïve in a way, and also simple minded in a sense, she also has an odd way of going about how she gets angry. There are not a lot of things that get her angry, but the things that do push her berserk buttons set her off in a snap, to say it simply, she has utterly no patience for the things that tick her off. That simple mind of hers will break upon the first bit of irksomeness and she’ll go on a tangent more than likely. . . .

But still, she is naĂŻve and silly in regards to a lot of things, and because of this, she seems rather lighthearted compared to other people when it comes to dealing with serious stuff.

Because of her naĂŻvetĂ©, Nicoletta comes to trust others very easily. She approaches others with her heart on her sleeve, a smile on her face and no doubts about them; she figures that if she knows nothing about someone, why should she be judging them? This is not to say that she doesn’t have a few shallow thoughts enter her head when it comes to people’s outward appearances, but hey, she’s only human and it’s an unfortunate aspect of human nature to judge others by appearance. Even if she still does fall victim to this, Nicoletta often just brushes it aside and does her best to put her faith in someone until she has a legitimate reason to not. As she is, Nicoletta really gets attached to people easy and comes to trust others at the drop of a hat . . . and also, she’s rather hardheaded when it comes to her opinions on people in general. When she’s formed some ideal of a person in her head, it is very hard to defer her from it. This means that if she sees a person as being good, she’ll stick to believing in this, almost indefinitely. You can barely shake her thinking like this, and it would take a near traumatic event to turn her views on a person she has deemed good. This also applies to her seeing a person in a negative view. . . .

Nicoletta is like many girls her age in the sense that she has a developed view of what she sees as right and wrong. Her sense of ‘justice’ is powerful and etched very deeply into her heart and mind, these ideals though, are not like her views regarding people, Nicoletta’s sense of what is proper and such is rather flexible. The world is not black and white, and she believes there are many shades of grey, which is part of the reason it is so hard to defer her opinions of others. . . . If an action by someone she sees as good falls into the grey area of her views, then she’ll begin to try to rationalize the act immediately by thinking about possible reasons it was carried forth. It causes her to enter a time of denial about the person, until she eventually returns to seeing them as she did before—as being good.

Because she feels like she gets attached to others at the drop of a hat, Nicoletta is liable to latch onto others when she feels like it. Really, it is not uncommon for her to get like this, and to act like a goof around them. Nicoletta can be rather mindless around others without meaning to be, and she’ll say the wrong words or just wind up murmuring something extremely random. She likes glomping and attaching herself to people. Also, it’s actually pretty common for her to go ahead and play rather minor pranks on her friends, and family.

Also, Nicoletta is a lazy girl . . . seriously, she doesn’t always seem like it, but she really IS. She hates having to exert herself and such, and it often causes her to want to just stay at home and watch television. Her lazy ways rub off onto her temper as well, while Nicoletta does get angry with people, she can’t stay mad for too long. She finds it hard to hold any sort of grudge for more than a day, and often when faced with the person she might have gotten upset with before, she’ll simply just put a smile on her face and tell them to forget about it all and that she just wants to move on with her life. As far as she is concerned, it takes too much effort and energy to stay angry. Life’s short isn’t it? Why waste good time upset and being negative?

Oddities: Nicoletta is a major sleepwalker/talker. Her family often finds her wandering around their home after she’s gone and zonked out for the night, and even after they direct her back to bed, they’ll sometimes find her snoozing somewhere else in the morning after waking up. She’s even been found out cold, lying on the kitchen table in the morning. Also, some rather odd things will slip from her lips when she’s like this, no telling exactly what will be said.

For being as small as she is, Letta has an unusually large appetite, she gets hungry often and tends to eat so much food, you’d think she’d be making herself sick. This couldn’t be further from the truth though, as Nicoletta always seems perfectly content after a meal despite having consumed enough food for someone twice her size. The girl is a food lover, and appreciates a good meal, always being polite about it and showing her gratitude whenever she’s served or cooked for.

She has this tendency to half drift off into la-la land at random points in time, though she doesn’t mean to, Nicoletta will sometimes be in a total daze when someone’s talking to her and will miss every bit of the conversation.

Even though it terrifies her, as well as makes her feel rather faint when left to see blood, Nicoletta is someone who will do her very best to aid someone who has been injured—this doesn’t always pan out so well though. . . .

After experimenting with her powers some, Nicoletta has gone and given names to the various different techniques she has either developed or discovered while tinkering about with her pyrokinesis and thermokinesis.

Likes: Books, writing, her family, sleeping, daydreaming, moon/stargazing, being lazy, animals, people, flora, peace, friends, shopping, sweets, good/breakfast food, and dozing off in the sun.
Dislikes: Pain, suffering, her powers, bitter/spicy foods, having to think too much about anything she doesn’t want to, excessive labor, blood, burnt things, pitch darkness, rain, insects, being alone, injustice, Portum Animas’ reigning government, being confined to a small place, and math.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, stargazing, daydreaming, and book shopping.


Achluophobia – Complete darkness
There’s no rhyme or reason for this fear, Nicoletta simply suffered from the normal childhood fear of there being a boogie man under her bed as a child, and that of course led her to being afraid of the dark. While her belief in the boogie man certain faded as she got older, the fear she felt of the dark did not. She can bear darkness now, but she still really doesn’t like it, and she still sleeps with a light on.
Aquaphobia - Deep water
This is simply explained; she can’t swim, so deep water scares her. Nicoletta fears drowning.
Claustrophobia - Tight spaces
Self explanatory, Nicoletta just doesn’t like the idea of being stuck in a small space and having something happen that keeps her trapped there.
Hemophobia – Blood that is not her own
She has seen people get hurt right in front of her before, one of the people she loves the most. And seeing the blood of someone she loved spilled scarred her, and left her frightened of seeing blood that’s not her own. Nicoletta can deal with seeing her own blood, because she knows that it is her that is hurt, but if someone else is bleeding; she doesn’t know how bad that person might be hurt, and the fact that they could be fatally injured scares the Hell out of her.
Necrophobia - Death and dead things
Simply put; Nicoletta doesn’t want to die and she doesn’t want to see anything that’s dead.
Autophobia - Being left alone for too long
Nicoletta doesn’t like the idea of having to be on her own for too long, she’s never had to be alone for more than a few hours before, so she’s never had to deal with too much solitude. The idea of pure solitude is a concept which sends terror right to her very bones.

Skills/Talents: Cooking breakfast foods. Even if she is not the most skilled of chefs, by ANY means, Nicoletta is extremely good at making any sort of food that is breakfast related; omelets, French toast and pancakes, all that.

Nicoletta is rather fleet of foot, though she is not the quickest person in existence, she is rather flighty on foot considering she’s not using any sort of power to enhance her speed. While she is a bit of a little speed demon all things considered, she’s only able to maintain her full sprinting speed for more than a minute, but considering what she can do, that one minute can get her some distance and really get her where she might need to be.

If there is anything Nicoletta might be excellent at doing, it’s writing. Often enough she says that the one area she was given a gift in was in literature, this girl can write up a storm if nothing else.

Preferred Weapon: A small revolving handgun that she keeps on her for emergencies.

Pyrokinesis – Power to control fire.
Thermokinesis – Power to alter temperatures.


Burn Blaze
This is something pretty basic; Nicoletta simply holds her hands out and produces a large stream of fire from them, basically it turns her into a moving, human flamethrower. There is a problem with this though, if Nicoletta produces too much fire, or the streams get too large, she loses control over them and they can engulf her and anyone or thing around her.

When doing this Nicoletta has to hold her hand outward of her body, and focuses on condensing fire into a rather dense ball before she launches away from herself. The fireball explodes upon making contact with something; this is a very dangerous technique as if it touches something it burns and harms them. Nicoletta has no control over the flames when they leave her, so she can burn something or someone without intending to.

Spiraling Flare
This is an extension of Nicoletta’s ability to create streams of fire from her hands, only it involves her focusing on extending flames outward from one of her hands into an ever changing, fluid line. This technique requires her full concentration, and she is unable to actually use any other sort of ability while using this. She prefers not to use this because Nicoletta honesty is afraid of it, she still lacks good control over her abilities and creating a fluid line of fire like this, she can’t always tell where it will move or what it will do. She doesn’t want to hurt someone with it by accident.

Hellion’s Shield
Perhaps the technique Nicoletta favors most out of her derived abilities. Nicoletta is not a girl who likes to fight, so if she, or her friends, are put in danger, she conjures up a tall wall of flames to guard herself or those she cares for. She’ll use it to seal off an area around herself and others to act as a barrier, after all, not many people are going to run through scorching flames. This ability can be a very draining one considering she has to keep the flames going herself, and focus on what they are doing in order to keep them under her control; she can only keep it up for under an hour, at most.

Angel’s Inferno
Nicoletta uses her power over fire to summon up flames from her feet and hands and propel herself into the air-basically she’s using her powers to act like a jet pack so she can fly. Problem with this is though that Nicoletta lacks the actual control to use this ability to its full potential, so if she tries using it to fly for extended periods, she might wind up flying into something or spiralling out of control. Normally she’ll just use it for a few seconds so she can gain some distance on a jump or get to the top of a building so she can hop across the roofs.

Although she is able to conjure her flames out of thin air, if Nicoletta focuses enough she is able to control pre-existing flames and bend them to her will. Also, if Nicoletta winds up getting emotional around fire, the fire will react in line to how she feels. Angry or excited, it’ll spike up, and if she becomes drained or sad, it will grow weak.


Heat Control
In line with her abilities, Nicoletta is able to control the heat in substances to an extent. She can heat up liquids, solids and melt things if she can get the heat hot enough. Once more though, Nicoletta isn’t very great at using this because she lacks great control over her powers and she can let the heat go up to much and burn something, or cause it to evaporate. At the same time, Nicoletta is also able to suck the heat right out of things and cause them to cool down. She can’t at all control water or any other sort of liquid, but she is able to both heat them up and freeze them.

Breath of the Divine
This is something Nicoletta has yet to fully master, this ability allows her to induce a rapid sort of healing on someone's wounds. By using her powers to control heat, Nicoletta is able to use to force heal an injury by stimulating a person on a cellular level. This causes cells to divide and replace themselves at a much quicker rate than they would normally. However, because she is still lacking sufficient control over her powers, she is only able to actually use this power to the extent that someone might have a non-life threatening injury, to heal that up, and even then she is only able to seal the wound, not make it go away completely.

Personal History: To be frank, Nicoletta’s life started off normally. She was born a perfectly normal and healthy baby girl to a set of loving parents, Csilla and Aelius Ardente. There really wasn’t anything noteworthy about her early life, Nicoletta was healthy, happy, had loving parents and a set of older twin siblings who loved her. Her father was a researcher and scientist who worked for Portum Animas’ science department, he did research looking into the strange ruins dotting the city while Csilla ran a sundries shop in Horizon, right below the family’s home. Nicoletta was never a lonely girl, she always had Isolde and Vincente there to keep her company when she was young, of course her older brother and sister had their moments of teasing her and they would bicker about like siblings do, but they were always there for one another. Nicoletta never showed any signs of being anything but a normal little girl. . . . And her family always seemed to be the same, just ordinary by Portum Animas’ standards.

Instilled with her parents beliefs and views from a young age, Nicoletta began growing up to be a bright and spirited girl as she attended school. The family had their moments of struggling financially if sales were bad in Csilla’s shop, but they always managed to overcome it, and in the end, were stronger and closer together for it really. And, it wouldn’t be until the birthing of Csilla and Aelius fourth child, Nicoletta’s younger sister, that the family’s lives would become worthy of mentioning. . . .

Her name would be Aylin Ardente, and she was a treasured member of the family. A frail thing from birth, Aylin had the whole family’s attention and adoration. She was a loved little girl, and especially cared for by her elder sister Nicoletta. Nicoletta was utterly attached to her younger sibling, and took on the role of her elder sister especially seriously—she was happy to be a big sister just like Isolde was to her. Nicoletta wasn’t much older than Aylin was, only five years, but she was very loving toward the child, and always did her best to make sure Aylin was safe, and happy. Despite the family’s happiness . . . things would of course take a turn for the unfortunate. After four happy years as a whole family, it would be discovered that Aylin was one of the few in the population to be . . . ‘gifted.’

Only four years old, and she came to develop rather potent healing capabilities unlike many others. Her gift was strong, strong enough to catch the attention of Portum Animas’ government. Nicoletta and her family had been living happily together, aware of their daughter’s abilities, but mindful not to reveal it to anyone for knowing what might happen otherwise. . . . But, while Csilla was out and about doing her shopping, Aylin was with her, trailing along behind her mother like children do, when she came across an injured bird. Now, she didn’t understand what was so wrong about using her powers in public, or letting others see what she could naturally do, and being a young child . . . she quickly brought herself about to heal the poor bird wounds so that it might live. So, she did it, Aylin brought the bird in question back to full health in front of the eyes of many people.

Csilla panicked of course, and instantly drug her young daughter back home, praying that no one would report the incident and have Aylin detained and taken away. . . . Of course, it would happen though. Someone, whom exactly is unknown, relayed news of the child’s powers and in the middle of the night only some days later, the detainment team came knocking on the family’s door for her. Of course, Csilla refused them, she refused to let them take her baby away, but it was to no avail, no matter how much the family resisted, they were simply restrained and Aylin was taken away from her home, screaming and crying all the while. Nicoletta had been told to stay in her room by Aelius, but had disobeyed her father out of sheer childhood curiosity. She’d snuck out before everything unfolded and hid in a cabinet . . . where she witnessed everything. Only nine years old, and she saw her sister being taken away by the government’s detainment team while her mother and father were powerless to do anything to stop it. Watching her baby sister getting carried away, screaming and crying, that would be the last time in her memory Nicoletta would find herself every seeing Aylin.

The incident and loss of Aylin drove a rift in the family. Aelius became more consumed by his work, and drove head first into it while Csilla became somewhat distant to her other children without meaning too. . . . Isolde developed a hostile sort of attitude toward everyone, becoming rebellious to the point of eventually leaving home against the wishes of her parents to become an adventurer, so to speak. VIncente might’ve changed the most though, he lost his carefree attitude and became a rather protective lad, losing his connection with his own twin after Aylin was taken, he became rather attached to Nicoletta instead. He took to having a strong urge to always protect her, and to always keep her safe. Nicoletta herself however, well, she was young enough that the memory still does haunt her, and it fills her with bitterness toward Portum Animas’ leaders, but it doesn’t do much to deter her natural personality. Growing up, she was still able to grow and change into a strong, relatively normal girl as far as her emotions and personality go.

While life began returning to normal for the Ardente family however, something else would unfurl that would again stir up trouble and angst . . . Nicoletta herself would begin to awaken to her powers. Her role as an elemental would just begin to become known as she herself wouldn’t understand any of it.

Whenever Nicoletta found herself becoming emotional, she noted that strange things started to occur around her; things would start to get hot, and heat up. Nicoletta didn’t understand it at all, she just noticed that things were changing, she herself would sometimes seem to run unexplained fevers when she otherwise felt fine, her parents had her assessed by several doctors at different times, but none could ever seem to form a positive theory about why it was she was always so hot. Besides the fevers, Nicoletta was perfectly normal!!

Eventually of course, the truth would surface during a rather traumatic and uncertain incident, one that would always live on in Nicoletta’s heart and mind. She was at school, still burning up like always, but it was now normal, when it happened. A fellow ‘gifted’ child lost control of their powers, ones they had been concealing, and it threw the classroom into utter chaos, the child developed powerful telekinesis and in losing their grip, they’d begun to throw everything and one around the room as if they were rag dolls. Nicoletta ultimately became frightened, and panicking, she curled herself up into a tight little ball against the wall while crying, the heat in her body seeming to grow ever worse. It was then that her brother, Vincente, burst into the room without any warning . . . he was in the same school as her, just ahead of her by a few grades when the new had come through about the ‘gifted’ child’s freakout. Knowing Nicoletta’s schedule and knowing that she was in that same room, he came for her, to try to protect her.

As he’d burst into the room, Vincente startled the telekinetic child and caused them to hurl a broken piece of a desk right at him . . . it was a sharp, splintered piece of wood. Hearing her brother’s voice, Nicoletta craned her head up just in time to see it happen, her brother getting impaled right through his chest by the debris. The look up shock on his face, the spattered blood, and the sight of seeing her sibling go limp, and collapsing to the ground caused everything to just stop for her. With her body going numb, and the heat suddenly leaving her, Nicoletta found herself screaming out in protest to the incident. In that instant, she awoke herself. Her powers came alive in full force, and fire engulfed the classroom, and the child who’d harmed her brother.

After the fire had passed, and everything had gone quiet, Nicoletta remained sitting where she was, a detached look upon her face, her clothing and hair smelling of smoke and covered in ash. Everyone but her in the room had been burned by the unleashed flames she’d ushered in. The shock of seeing her brother nearly killed just sent Nicoletta into a state of utter shock. The telekinetic child who’d lost control over themselves and had harmed Vincente was ultimately detained, and the whole matter of the sudden ‘explosion’ in the classroom was chalked up to a leaky gas line or something else, allowing Nicoletta to go undetected as a ‘gifted’ child herself. Csilla and Aelius were nearly driven insane by this event, nearly losing Nicoletta and Vincent in the same day. In the end, the parents wound up withdrawing their children from the school and the brother and sister never finished.

It wouldn’t be until Vincente wound up coming out of the coma that was induced by the near fatal injuries he suffered, that Nicoletta herself would regain her sense of self, and come to understand just what it was she’d done, and could now do. The joy at seeing her brother smile again, and hearing him speak was short lived as a certain horror hit her. If she were discovered, then she’d be taken away, just like Aylin had been. She didn’t want that, she didn’t want to lose her family—so she kept it a secret as best she could.

Eventually, Vincente did recover from his injuries, and was able to come out of the hospital, returning home while Isolde remained unseen. . . . Happy to have her brother back home, Nicoletta found herself taking care of and doting over him much like a mother instead of a younger sister, it wouldn’t be long until things returned to normal between the two though, Vincente assuming the position as the protective older brother and Nicoletta being his younger sister who was often annoyed by his antics. Still, it wasn’t much longer before Aelius would come home with something of a . . . surprise for the family. A set of ‘twins.’ In reality, the children were actually artificial humans he’d discovered during the exploration of a ruin in the city, and while he thought that the two were lifeless and utterly useless, he’d found himself soon wrong when the two began to move about.

Knowing well what would happen to the two if they were found by anyone but him, he quickly drug the two along and away from the site, and back to his home to join his family so that they might live a normal life. The boy humanoid was deemed Momchil while the girl was given the name Amalia. . .. Accepted into the Ardente family in a rather haphazard manner, the two humanoids soon enough became treasured, and very much loved.

As time went on, Nicoletta’s weird family came to a rather stable standing, her parents were distant, but she loved them, and Vincente could be overbearing, but she loved him, and while the twins were odd humanoids, she came to care for them deeply, all the while, she was keeping her powers a secret. In time of course, that secret got out. While she wasn’t able to control it again, Nicoletta accidently caused fire to develop around herself again—in front of her family. She became very scared, because she remembered what happened with Aylin. Nicoletta didn’t want her family to reject her, and she didn’t want to be taken away. But, by some miracle, in her mind at least, her family; while shocked, fully accepted her with her powers. Of course, they wanted her to be mindful of herself, keep it a secret from everyone outside their home, but they didn’t love her any less for what she could do.

Nicoletta was ever thankful for this . . . and has lived on to the current date while maintaining her secret, and holding onto the love of her odd family. . . . All the while, she doesn’t know what fate has in store for her.

Theme Song: Falling Awake ~ Tarja Turunen

Other: In regards to matters romantic, Nicoletta’s sexuality isn’t really defined well. She seems to display no real interest in either sex, and is never on the lookout for anything love related. She is basically asexual, but at the same time she has revealed the fact that while she’s not out seeking love or romance, she’s not against starting a relationship with someone if she finds herself interested in them in that sense. She’s not aromantic.

So begins...

Nicoletta Celeste Ardente's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Syd Lastern Character Portrait: Alex "Alexi" Reed Character Portrait: Nicoletta Celeste Ardente
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Alex had fallen into a state of sleep momentarily after passing out. At first, he could see a face. A strange face. But he couldn't quite make it out. Also, his head hurt a lot. His mind also seemed a bit...blurry...or clouded.

Heal. Health. Blood. Wind. Nicole. Blurry. Family. Blurry. Street. Blurry. Blurry. Textiles. Explosion.

Alexi woke back up. Alex tried to get up, but at this point, the adrenaline was gone, the pain was kicking in, and he had a good amount of pain. Alex then noted "May I suggest we get to someplace with proper healing supplies......just a thought....". Alexi then coughed up a hacked cough, and Tammy tried to help him up. Thats when Alex added "I think....there is a place close by..."

Alexi then started to get a headache. Tammy took off his sweatshirt and let Alexi use it as a sort of bandage kind of. Alexi then started to fall over, but Tammy caught him. Alexi noted "Ill be fine, im alright", which was blatenly obvious that it was a lie. Although, he was actually much better then everyone thought and then how he looked.

Just then, Alexi became aware of what everyone else was saying and doing, including the necklace of bullet casings, although he didn't really register that as strange or anything important. Thats when Alexi also was about to say something, but then decided against it, instead saying "Tammy, I think Nicole needs your help more....". Alexi was fairly clueless about how bad his own injuries were, so he really had no idea if she was more wounded then him or not.

(Beta, this place would be where your characters long lost sister is? Or you want that to be later)
(Meh, my head was foggy during this post, so It might not be as good as my others >.>)