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Fusion Fantasy Neo

Rotten Rabbit's Tavern


a part of Fusion Fantasy Neo, by Karasz.

A bar for the gruesome people.

Karasz holds sovereignty over Rotten Rabbit's Tavern, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,216 readers have been here.


Theme of the Tantalus - Final Fantasy 9

An old bar owned by the infamous Old Sam. This bar is infamous for bar fights. Bandits, thieves, and even the biggest villains come here to chat and discuss their devious ideas.
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Rotten Rabbit's Tavern

A bar for the gruesome people.


Rotten Rabbit's Tavern is a part of Corona.

8 Characters Here

Old Man Sam [69] Mute owner and bartender of the Rotten Rabbit Tavern
Captain Jonathan Bones [61] Who said dead men tell no tales? Yarr.
Derpy Hooves [52] Ponyville's wall eyed delivery pony
Lara Croft [9] "Grand entrances are always impractical, that's what makes them grand."
Renna Hedroth [9] "Adventure for me please!"
Chelle [9] "................................."
Copernicus Leslie Qwark [7] The leader of the Q-Force, but a big egocentric palooka.
Saelph [1] A ferran with no past and a mysterious future.

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4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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Derpy looked at the funny little mushroom man and frowned. She put her letter back in her satchel and then placed her hands on her hips. She glowered at the thug trying to punch Ramses, and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and she humphed at him. "Dat's not hoow you doow a bwohoof! DIS is hoow you doow a bwo hoof." She then closed her eyes happily, a grin on her face, and intending to hit the thug's fist, she accidentally hit him in the face knocking him out. She looked down at the big unconscious thug on the floor, a hoof to her chin, her wall eyes wobbling. "Awre youw owkay?" He didn't reply due to being knocked out, but Derpy didn't need an answer. She bounced on top of the thug, his beer gut acting almost like a trampoline. "Wakey wakey mistewr!" The thug awoke with a yowl and ran to the opposite end of the tavern, clutching his stomach. Derpy watched him go then turned back tothe mushroom man, shrugging. "I juwst down't know what went wrowng!"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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Ramses, in the meantime, gets an idea to get any other would-be aggressors off his back.

"I'm afraid I don't know either," said Ramses, pushing another thug to Derpy. "Why don't you try again on this fine gentleman?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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"Goowd idea mistewr!" She smiled happily, and closed her eyes. She then clonked her hoof with the thug's fist. Very hard. The large man yowled, and jumped up and down in pain, massaging his broken knuckles. Derpy giggled. "Dat's a funny dance mistewr!" She stopped flying, and copied the thug, jumping up and down on another thug's foot. He cried in pain, stumbling backwards, hitting a table and knocking himself unconscious. Derpy looked down at him, and scrunched her nose. "Why is evewryone so sweepy today?" She giggled and jumped onto the man's beer gut. She bounced on it like a trampoline, shouting as she did so. "WAKE UP MISTEWR!" The man did wake up. In pain. He ran to the opposite end of the tavern as fast as he could with a sprained foot, and sat in a corner, clutching his stomach. Derpy looked at the mushroom man and shrugged.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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0.00 INK

Any thugs that are still standing, seeming to think that Ramses has some kind of arcane control over this grey flying pony, quickly go back to bothering people that aren't him. Ramses looks out the window to see where Dr. Y might have gone, but he's long gone. Muttering something in Shroob under his breath, he turns back to Derpy.

"So," said Ramses. "Thought of what your question is yet?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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Derpy watched the other burly men scurry off and waved happily at them. She heard the mushroom man mutter something strange, and she turned to him. When he asked her whether she remembered her question. She frowned, and laughed. "Oh! I remembewr now! Doo youw know Owld Man Sawm? I've got a wetter fowr him!" She pulled out the letter from her satchel and held it high. But a sudden gust of wind from the hole in the door blew it out of her hoof. She squeaked, and zipped after it. She caught t, but lost control and crashed into the bar, hitting her head hard. She sat, silent, and a tear welled up in her crooked eye. "Ow..." Her lip wobbled, and she limped over to the mushroom man.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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"Well," said Ramses, resisting the urge to chuckle. "Old Man Sam is behind the bar, like always."

Ramses points over to Old Man Sam. Being the jerk of a bounty hunter that he is he made no move to try and get the letter back for Derpy. Then he reconsidered, thinking that a mail pony, no matter how... inexperienced... may still be of some use for tracking Dr. Y down. It might, then, be a good idea to get her to like him.

"Hey," said Ramses. "Don't cry. I can take that letter to him if you're having trouble."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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"Oh, I'm not gowing to cwy, dis happens a wot, it just huwrts." She looked over at the bar, and saw the old man behind the bar. She smiled, finally understanding why he was called Old Man Sam. She looked at Ramses and be beckoned with her hoof. "Come oown!" She looked at him with her wall eyes, and started to hover in the air, smiling happily, her face filled with an expression of innocence and happiness.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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Ramses heads on over to Old Man Sam, leaning an elbow against the bar.

"Sam," said Ramses. "It seems this young mail pony has a letter for you."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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#, as written by Sockie
Sam looks at Ramses, then at Derpy, then back at Ramses, and raises an eyebrow.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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"I know, I know," said Ramses. "But she's been so helpful in calming down those who would mess up your bar that I thought I might throw her a bone."

Ramses takes the letter addressed to Old Man Sam and hands it to the old Kremling.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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#, as written by Sockie
Taking the letter in his rough hands, Sam begins carefully reading it.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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Derpy watched Old Man Sam read the letter with her wonky yellow eyes. She scrunched up her nose and tried to peer over the counter to see the letter, but wasn't tall enough to see the letter. She was truly disheartened. She scratched her head with a wing, and remembered that she could fly! She slowly took off, and started to try and read the letter upside down. The problem was that she wasn't very good at reading in the first place. But she was curious, and wanted to know what the letter she had delivered was all about.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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0.00 INK

Ramses, also curious to see what the letter says, looks over it. Whatever it was, surely it was important if the pony flew into the middle of a bar fight to deliver it.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
Leilanie Sowanaga enters the tavern to get a drink. It was due to her conflict with her ex-fiance and decided that she broke up with him. Perhaps the best way to drain her sorrows away is to drink a couple of beverages... More if she's still depressed. She calmy sits on the stool and orders a drink from Old Man Sam.

"....Bock please..." Leilanie spoke as she placed her money on the counter, "...I don't feel too well. I don't care if you put ice in, just... give me a bock..."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
Sam sets the letter down for a moment, and then pours and a slides a glass of bock over to Leilanie. (ice included)

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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#, as written by Karasz
"Thanks..." Leilanie drank a glass of bock in one gulp and lay the glass down, "...Need more..." She placed more money on the table, "Don't ask why... I... I rather not talk about it."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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Everyone ignores Leilanie rather loudly announcing that she doesn't want to talk about it. Meanwhile, Ramses decides that the letter isn't worth his time and begins packing up his gear.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
Sam immediately slides another glass over to Leilanie.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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0.00 INK

#, as written by GBA
By now, Jonathan has seemingly passed out, meanwhile; having been drinking pretty heavily, if the numerous steel flasks either clutched in his hand or strewn about on his table have anything to say about it.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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0.00 INK

Derpy Hooves looked at the purple haired human as she sat down, seemingly upset. Derpy felt bad for her, she knew how it felt to be upset, it happened a lot to her. It was the human that had distracted her from flying, Derpy realised, as she lay on the floor, wings spread out, some feathers ruffled. She shook her head and got up, still a little dizzy. For a second her eyes reverted to a normal position before sliding back into their usual mismatched positions. Derpy looked up at the purple haired woman, head cocked to one side. She clambered up onto a stool next to her, and just leaned her head on her shoulder.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
Leilanie drank another cup of bock and slammed it down. Her vision is starting to feel blurry around her, and she's more aggressive than usual. "I... I don't need your symp..ha... *hic*... Goddamn... it...!!" Her drunken nature is showing. This is not a good sign at all. "In fact-- I ...*hic* I don't need... love.... fuck tha *hic*.... argghh..." She slammed more money on the counter and giving Old Man Sam a frightening stare, "MORE!!!!"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sockie
Sam gives a look at Leilanie that screams "I think you've had enough," then turns back to the letter:

"To the proprietor of the Rotten Rabbit Tavern

As you have no doubt heard, the group called the White Platoon is now wanted for crimes of terrorism throughout all of Unitas. It has come to our attention here in Haven that your tavern is frequently visited by the White Platoon and their allies, and we thereby request your support. It would be very helpful if you were to cooperate with us in capturing the Platoon by contacting us if you see any of their members within your tavern, as well as alerting your various bounty hunter patrons of the large bounty on their heads. Haven needs the help of everyone within every region to bring these criminals to justice, and I'm sure we can count on you.

Congressman Sean H. Uldrich of Haven

Sam looks at the letter for a few more moments... then crumples it up and tosses it into a nearby garbage can.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Karasz
"I'll-- tell you when *hic* I haserth... enough...." Leilanie slurred.

"Hey, that chick is drunk! Now's our chance to get laid!" said one of the perverted bikers, "I call dibs!"

But their opportunity soon cuts off when Leilanie breaks an empty bottle and threatens the bikers with a threatening glare in her face. Shocked by her attitude, the bikers withdrew their action."

"Holy mother of shit! Calm down, lady!" The biker pleaded for mercy, "We were just kidding! Really!"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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0.00 INK

Derpy frowned, puzzled as to why Leilanie would break a perfectly good bottle on purpose. Derpy had broken bottles before, but not purposefully. Before Leilanie broke it anymore, Derpy snatched it and threw it away, aiming for the bin, but instead it hit the floor near the bikies, smashing into lots of small pieces that sprayed outwards, catching many of them in the bikies' legs. They yowled in pain, and had learnt their lesson, so they waddled off to get the glass shards out of their bottom half. Derpy smiled at Leilanie, not knowing fully what she had just done. Her eyes drifted up and down in opposite directions, and she was going to say something, when every media device in the bar changed from what they were playing to playing Renna's long speech to Monokuma. Derpy was puzzled as always, and Renna continued to explain that the message was broadcasting across the galaxy, and she turned the camera off, finally stopping the video playing on phones and tvs, but the audio still continued.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leilanie Sowanaga Character Portrait: Ramses Character Portrait: Derpy Hooves Character Portrait: Old Man Sam Character Portrait: Captain Jonathan Bones
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0.00 INK

Ramses notices the letter that Old Man Sam tossed into the trash. Just to have a distraction, he sneakily shoved one of the bikers into the others. Hard.