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Hotel Transylvania

Hotel Transylvania


a part of Hotel Transylvania, by Melty Cat.

Welcome to Hotel Transylvania! Please report to reception to collect your room key and one of our Zombie Bell Boys will be along shortly to carry your luggage!

Melty Cat holds sovereignty over Hotel Transylvania, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

788 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


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Hotel Transylvania

Welcome to Hotel Transylvania! Please report to reception to collect your room key and one of our Zombie Bell Boys will be along shortly to carry your luggage!


Hotel Transylvania is a part of Hotel Transylvania.

7 Places in Hotel Transylvania:

7 Characters Here

Lady Rachel Princesca [13] Vampiress from deep within the heart of the angel isle
Dracula [7] Manager and Owner of Hotel Transylvania
Snow [6] Head Maid
Sophia Nightengale [5] Female demon
Aello Vindictus [4] A little harpy girl with attitude.
Yukiko [2] Yukiko is a two-tailed kitsune.
Cylix Decario [1] The Orphan

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Character Portrait: Lady Rachel Princesca
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The carriage rolled up to the front of the hotel, the hooves of the horses thundering on the cobbles beneath them. The carriage was made of ornately carved wood and the windows blacked out by red velvet curtains. After stopping outside the driver climbed down from his seat and blindfolded the horses. It was well a known fact that the sight of the carriage occupant spooked them to a ridiculous level and the driver had formed this habit for whenever they ventured out. He didn't fancy having to chase them down again or bury them should they die of fright.

After securing the blindfolds, he walked to the door of the carriage and opened it carefully. He lowered his gaze to the floor just in case and offered his hand to help the passenger out.

Lady Rachel Princesca slipped a leg out and stood on the small metal step on the side of the carriage and hopped down, brushing her dress off and smoothing out any creases that had formed on her dress from her long journey.

"Have my things brough in as soon as you have secured the horses in the stables." Her voice was quiet, but held an air of authority as she peered at her driver from the corner of her eye.

"Yes m'lady."

The driver still had his eyes on the ground as he nodded and began to guide the blind horses away from the front of the hotel.

After another quick check to make sure she was presentable, Rachel slowly walked to the main doors and opened them, stepping into the main lobby.

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Character Portrait: Dracula Character Portrait: Lady Rachel Princesca Character Portrait: Cylix Decario
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Everything was running smoothly tonight. There had been very little “out-of-the-norm” mishaps, and Drac was very pleased. The zombies were working hard, and the guests were delighted. There was honestly nothing more he could ask for. Seeing the main doors open, he glided to the front – leaving a very bewildered slime lady to tend to the zombies.

“My dear Lady Princesca,” He greeted, reaching out to gently take and kiss her hand in greeting. “Welcome back.” He was always delighted when other vampires stayed at the Hotel, and Lady Princesca was one of his absolute favorites.


Cylix smiled softly as he thanked the driver and slipped out of the carriage.
“Have a wonderful time, young master.” The driver cackled before the carriage sped off. The young male smiled and waved the carriage off before turning and looking up to the hotel. This place was HUGE! Adjusting his bag in one arm, he began to navigate his way through the crowd – which wasn’t an easy task.

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Character Portrait: Dracula Character Portrait: Lady Rachel Princesca
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A small grin formed on her face as her hand was charmingly smooched, her fangs glinting in the light of the candles. "Aha... Well, I see you are on top form as always."

Her eyes whirled around the lobby as she saw a random hotel guest that she had not seen before trip down the stairs and land smack on his face. "Hmph... Goblins. You can't take them anywhere." A small chuckle echoed in her throat as she adjusted her dress a little more and nodded towards reception.

"I suppose I still have to go through the usual task of signing in, hm?"

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Dracula's smile widened as he let go of her hand and stood up straight. Reaching into his pocket be produced a glittering golden key.

"No, dear Lady, that has already been taken care of for you." Handing her the key, he gave a slight bow before hurring to attend to the fallen guest.


Cylix grunted softly as he walked through the door, having been pushed rather rudely out of the way by a teenage werewolf. Adjusting his bag, Cylix froze at the sight before him. It was all so grand! Gently running his tounge over his fang (a nervous habit), he began to make his way to reception.

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Character Portrait: Dracula Character Portrait: Lady Rachel Princesca
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Lady Princesca took the key and turned it in her hand, admiring the ornate design on it. "Ah, why thank y..." She looked up only to find he had vanished from in front of her. "Hah... Typical." She clicked her tongue in her mouth, as she turned to see him aiding the fallen guest. Nothing got in the way of him and his duties.

After rolling her eyes, amused inwardly, she began to slowly make her way to the flight of stairs. Her mind wandered quickly to her luggage and she really hoped that they would not take too long in taking it to her room like the last time she visited. Having no clean clothing to change into made her cranky.

When she reached the foot of the stairs, where the Goblin guest was still recovering from their rather epic faceplant, she gave Dracula a little nudge with her elbow before quickly ascending the stairs with a playful cackle. "Dinner is at midnight, yes?"

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"There you are, Mr. Volgerchef, we must be careful of the stairs." He laughed, helping the young Goblin up before turning his attention to the lady. "Yes, Midnight precisely." His smile widened as he watched her go before turning his attention to the reception. It had seemed that there was a bit of commotion going on. His receptionist was arguing with a young man, vampire by the looks of him. Growling softly to himself, Drac made his way over.

"What is going on here?" He asked, causing the witch to jump slightly.

"O-Oh, Mr. Dracula," She stammered, blushing slightly. Motioning to the boy, she gave a soft cackle. "This boy just simply won't tell me where his parents are... I can't give him his key without them."

Cylix looked up to the older vampire, his arms crossed over his chest, and Dracula looked right back.

"Young man," He smiled, bending so he was eye level with the boy. "Where are your parents?"

Cylix glared, stomping his foot.

"Not here! I told her: I made the reservation and I'm paying!"

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Character Portrait: Lady Rachel Princesca
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Rachel arrived at the door of her room. The door was a little larger than most and made of much older wood. It had various carvings in the stone surrounding it and the door itself sported an old vampiric sigil.

Rachel removed the key from within the fabric of her right sleeve and stared at it again... Before being rudely interrupted by the shrunken head hanging from the gold door knob.

"Mmmmhmm. And just what is it that you are grinning about? As if I couldn't guess."

Rachel gave the head a sour look as her smile dropped. "I do beg your pardon... I'm sure I don't know what you are talking about."

"Don't y'all gimmie that nonsense. I know what that silly grin is about."

After sucking on her fangs in an irritated manner, Rachel rammed the key in the lock, opened the door and, without another word, walked in the room and slammed the door behind her as the head continued to rant on.

Solice. The room was beautifully quiet with that heavy wooden door closed. Not even the ambient sounds from the lobby seemed to penetrate the thick stone walls. She took a deep breath in and savoured the deep notes coming from all the wooden furniture, the peppery smell from the old stone and the faint musty scent from the tapestries hanging on the walls. Perfection.This was what she looked forward to every ten years.

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Drac had no choice but to end the situation. Pardoning his guests, he took the young vampire by the ear and flitted to his office. One they were secure, he let go of the struggling lad and crossed his arms.

"Now," He started, his tone firm. "Vhere are your parents, little one?"

Cylix groaned, slumping against the stone wall. Adults never listened, did they? Taking a seat on his bag, he crossed one leg over the other and glared up at the Count.

"Buried under ten pounds of Garlic with steaks through their hearts." He spat, giving a satisfied smirk as the Counts face dropped, turning a bit paler than normal.

After a moment of thought, the Count erected himself and looked to the child.

"Vhat is your name?"

"Cylix Decario."

"Decario...?" Drac's mind retreated back into thought. He could remeber the Decarios, but he could never recall them having a son. They had dissapeared a while back, but he didn't think much of it. Leaning his head back, he gently tapped it against the oak of the door.

"And you are here by yourself?" He asked, his eyes glancing to the ceiling as an odd feeling began to stir in his stomach. This feeling hadn't been felt since before his daughter had run away to Hawaii with her boyfriend. Now what was the name of it again...?

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Character Portrait: Lady Rachel Princesca
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After a moment of shuddering happily from the memories stirred up by the scents in her room she noticed something was a little off. Her eyes wandered around the room in an attempt to discover what the problem was. The thick drapes? No. They were all in place ready to shield her from the morning sun. Was it the ensuite? No... "Oh I am going to hurt something. Where in hades are my bags!?"

With an infuriated snort she swung the door of her room open, bolted down the hallway and almost flung herself down the stairs.

When she reached the lobby her eyes surveyed the crowd in an attempt to find her driver. It was then she was rammed into by the very same goblin she saw fall down the stairs when she had arrived. "Ooyah!" She landed on her butt with a thud.

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Character Portrait: Sophia Nightengale
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Sophia Nightengale

A frigid gust of nightly swept through dark, ominous trees whose branches desperately grasped towards the star-lit blackness overhead. A figure, shadowed by a looming tree, stepped into the moonlight, silently revealing themselves. A young female emerged from the darkness. Her vibrant green eyes glowered in the night. Soft yet sharp black wings flapped anxiously behind her, as she surveyed her new quarters for her studies---Hotel Transylvania. Another sudden gust interupted her thoughts of worry, wisping her sheen, black hair against the dark, pointed demon horns atop her head. She closed her eyes and drew in a shaky breath of air, her demon tail uneasily flicking behind her. Reopening her eyes, she sternly gazed upon the large hotel with newly found confidence. Tightly clutching her suitcase, she began to approach the hotel. Small flowers flourished at her feet with each step and instanteously wilted to dust as her feet lifted off the dry ground. "Come on, Sophia. You've got to make a good impression," she thought aloud, once she reached the front door. Setting her suitcase down, Sophia blew her bangs out of her eyes and sighed nervously. Before she could even knock on the door, it swung wide open. An unexplainable, sudden force immediately drew her inside, flinging her towards a velvety, crimson rug in the dimly lit foyer. Her senses now heightened, Sophia caught her soaring suitcase that too was forced in, as she watched the door eerily close itself.

She swallowed hard, eyes glowering brighter than usual in the darkness. "Hello?" No reply. "Hel-" Numerous candles around the room lit up simultaneously, casting odd shadows around the grand room. Standing to her feet, Sophia's body tensed at the subtle groaning and stench of death from behind her. Silently dropping her suitcase, she quickly pulled out her scythe from an X-like strap on her back and spun around, facing the unknown threat. The sleek, black scythe gleamed in the flickering candle light, an unforgiving glint sharply curving acorss the blade. She firmly held it beneath the shadow's neck, gingerly holding it against their neck. "W-wait! I'm just going to help you carry your belongings!" An antique lamp lit itself in the corner of the room, revealing a zombie standing before Sophia. Its hands were held up in an innocent manner, until one fell to the floor, overwhelmed with rot. "I can still help you though," The zombie sheepishly grinned, waving his remaining hand. Flustered with guilt and embaressment, Sophia hastily retracted her scythe and handed over her suitcase. "S-sorry..." She mumbled, voice trailing off into awkward silence. "Follow me. I'll show you to your room." Sophia gave a bowed her head politely and followed the zombie up several flights of winding staircases and down twisting hallways. Along the way, Sophia was introduced to a few other servants and other guests, before reaching her room. Gently setting down the suitcase, the zombie handed over a worn yet beautifully engraved key. "What about signing in and arranging-" "Your father has already made arrangments for your stay. Please don't hesitate to request anything." The zombie smiled and returned to work, tending to the urgent needs and pressing matters of other monsters. "Bye...I guess..." Sophia waved solemnly in delay to the empty hallway. Exhaling a wavering sigh, she picked up her suitcase and entered her room.

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Character Portrait: Lady Rachel Princesca Character Portrait: Snow
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Hearing the unusually loud clamour in the lobby, Snow abandoned her dusting of an ominous, jagged ornament above the fireplace, without hesitation. "Are you alright, Miss?" Snow extended her hand towards the young lady, her eyes as dull and indifferent as her tone.

((OOC: Sowri it'sh sho short. > < )

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Lady Rachel was busy frowning at the Goblin when she noticed that a hand was being offered. She pursed her lips and took it, nodding in gratitude. "Appreciated. Thank you."

She smoothed out her dress and removed carpet fibres from it before looking over to the reception desk.

"You would not have happened to have seen my driver, would you? Tall, grey attire, pumpkin head?" An eyebrow cocked quizzically as she saw a wolf child run past with a sock in its mouth.

((OOC: It's fine. So long as SOME effort is put in and it's readable, it's all good.))

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Wary of the carefree, wolf child running around the lobby, Snow instanteously lifted the creature into the air by the collar of their shirt, preventing an unforunate mishap with a distracted zombie struggling with a guests belongings. Not bothering to turn her head in the slightest, Snow's harsh gaze stared down at the wolf child from the corner of her eyes. Shafts of moonlight that spilled into the lobby cast a cold glint over her eyes. "Be careful," she said, tone unwavering and dull. The startled wolf child nodded apologetically, before scampering up the stairs, with dampened sock in mouth.

Redirecting her emotionless gaze towards the vampiress, Snow returned her attention to the matter at hand, if it even slipped her mind at all. "Yes, Miss." Although Snow knew the vampiress' name, she concluded it would be impolite and unproffessional to address her, without her even exchanging her name yet. Snow gave a small nod, in the direction of the reception desk. Despite the large, bustling crowd of creatures clamoring about, one could barely make out the occassionaly flash of orange belonging to the vampiress' driver. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have matters to tend to." Giving a humble bow, Snow left the vampiress, without any further exchange of words.

Upon reaching the kitchen, Snow was greeted with the aroma of savory herbs and spices, along with the nauseating stench of questionable ingredients. Although many creatures happily embraced such scents, Snow---a flightless angel---was still somewhat human. Her expression remained blank however, as she approached several monsturous chefs. Immediately, the chefs ceased cooking, in Snow's presence, respecting her position as head maid. "Dinner must be served promptly at 21:00 (9:00PM). Guests may dine in the grand dining hall or in their rooms if requested. It is currently 20:45 (8:45PM). Please resume working." All chefs nodded in sync and continued preparing elaborate dishes specific for every species present.

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Character Portrait: Sophia Nightengale Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Aello Vindictus
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Aello stared blankly at the person before hiccuping and wiping her mouth.

"Dining hall? Pfff yeah of course I do! I'm not stupid." She turned her nose up and instantly regretted it. Her equilibrium was still shot. "HYUUUURK!" The vase got a second dose.

"Maaaan. What was in those cookies..." She stared into the vase and examined the contents with both disgust and curiosity. "Carrots. Why is it ALWAYS carrots!? I didn't even eat carrots!"

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Character Portrait: Sophia Nightengale Character Portrait: Aello Vindictus
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Sophia cringed at the subtle stench, unconsciously turning away her head, face twisted. "H-here. I don't need it." Sophia thrusted a neatly folded handkerchief at the young creature. "Ugh, that sounded really rude. I'm the worst," Sophia thought, as she watched her curiously peer into the vase. "Are you going to show me to the dining hall or what?" Sophia's heart sunk at her condescending tone and choice of words.

((OOC: I think you meant to post Sophia's character in Snow's place. XD I know they both start with "S"'s. Snow is the emotionless, indifferent maid and fallen angel. Sophia is the miserable demon girl who is actually nice, but has trouble expressing such kindness, so instead she ends up coming off as arrogant.))

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Character Portrait: Sophia Nightengale Character Portrait: Aello Vindictus
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((OOC: GODS DAMN IT! I knew I did something odd last night. I was in a medication-induced daze. Apologies.))

After taking the handkerchief, Aello tilted her head. "Uhhh. What is this? What do I do with it?"

She turned it about in her hands awkwardly, unsure what the strange item actually was.

"Do... Do I.. Do I sit on it?"

She then proceeded to sit on the handkerchief like a brooding hen.

"Am I doing it right?" A small drip of vomit trailed down her face as she grinned proudly.

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Head down,A fox figure started to walk to the Hotel luggage in both hands. "So,This is it huh?" Yukiko asked herself her head up and suddenly dropping her luggage and staring at her hands then looking at the luggage accusingly.She let out a loud groan as twirled around before picking up her luggage.Yukiko now ran to the door and decided to push it after a few attempts it worked. "I done it!" Yukiko announced loudly when inside dropping the luggage at once.The kitsune started to look around quickly before picking up her luggage again and running quickly to reception.

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Character Portrait: Snow Character Portrait: Yukiko
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After checking the progress of dinner in the bustling kitchen, Snow briskly walked into the lobby to welcome any incoming guests, before dinner. Her gaze falling upon a two-tailed kitsune, Snow approached the young female. She bowed politely. "Welcome to Hotel Transylvania. Would you like any assistance with your personal belongings?" Her tone and expression was anything but welcoming however. Her eyes stared blankly into the brown ones opposite her.

(OOC: Welcome to the RP ^ ^ What age is your character?))

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"Yes!" Yukiko answered relieved and slightly unsure whether to bow back.Yukiko didn't seem to notice the tone and expression and smiled again. "Could you help me get and find a room too? That would be great." The kitsune asked.

(OOC : Thank you,Yukiko is 125. ^^)

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"Certainly. Please follow me." Without another word, Snow silently picked up the kitsune's belongings and carried them over to the lobby's front desk. The skeleton receptionist didn't seem to notice Snow's presence, until their eyes rested upon her looming stare that gazed down upon them. They flinched in their rotating seat, unable to politely conceal their startled state. "O-oh, it's just you, Snow. Can I help you?" "One room please. Suitable for a guest of fox-like nature." "Fox-like?" "The guest is undoubtly a kistune." "Oh, okay." The receptionist's skeletal fingers reached for a specified room key from behind the counter, before passing them into Snow's up-turned palm. "Thank you." Snow's remark of grattitude could be discredited by her monotone, unmoved facade. She nodded towards the guest, before ascending up the flight of stairs to the kitsune's designated room. Upon the fifth floor, she led the guest down a winding hallway, squeezing past chatting creatures and dodging rushing servants.

Snow abruptly halted at a door at the end of the hall, swiftly turning towards the trailing kitsune. "Your quarters: Room 473." She curtly pushed the suitcase she was carrying into the kitsune's arms, without warning. "Dinner will be served in the dining hall in four minutes. It is located on the ground floor, opposite the lobby, near the kitchen." Not intending to wait for a reponse or at least an exchange of names and grattitude, Snow bowed her head and briskly walked away.

Once at the dining hall, Snow watched over the servants, approving last minute dishes and rearranging plates and cutlery. An antique, grandfather clock sounded on the hour, beckoning guests to enter and enjoy their specially prepared meals. Snow stepped back, surveying the crowd for anyone in need of assistance.

((OOC: Appearance wise, she's 125? Woah XD I was imagining a much younger kitsune. Not an elderly one. LOL. Request for Melty Cat to make you a room as a location to specify your post. You don't need it, but it helps with organization and such. ))

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Yukiko seemed stunned and then turned to her door and unlocked it.When it was unlocked,Yukiko walked inside looking at her room. "Oh." Yukiko threw her suitcases on her bed making them open slightly. "That's done,I guess it Dinner-time now." Yukiko began to walk out of her room and locked it and started to walk and go down the stairs. "Where is it?" Yukiko impatiently started to look around again. "Oh,Yeah." Yukiko remembered after twenty-seconds of looking around.Yukiko kept sniffing and started walking until eventually finding the Dining room.When at the Dining hall,Yukiko started jumping up and down. "Yes!"

(OOC: I always thought of Yukiko as a adult really.How old did you think she was?)

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Dracula groaned softly as he listened to the young vampire ramble on about his trip here. In all honesty, he couldn’t care less. He had a Hotel to tend to, and this little orphan was keeping him from doing that. Slipping a hand over the child’s mouth, he gave a light slump.

“Alright,” He nodded, having made the decision. “I vill keep my eyes on you for now, until I can find you a responsible-…”

“Hey!” Cylix protested, his green eyes glinting. “I ‘m perfmectly respomsible!”

“Yeah, yeah.” Drac actually smiled, removing his hand. “C’mon. Dinner is being served, and I have guests I have to attend to.”

Cylix groaned lightly. Stupid adults… But, at least it was another vampire. Nodding obediently, the younger vamp followed close behind Dracula until they reached the Dinning Hall. It was a grand place, built to sit five thousand comfortably. Already his witches had helped with getting it ready for opening night, and the place looked wonderful. Leading Cylix up to the ‘head table’, he got the child comfortable before heading off to the kitchen to make sure everything was in order.

Cylix, although pretty pleased with himself, let out a small huff. Glancing beyond the doors, he could see some kind of fun happening in the Lobby and wished he could be apart of it.

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Rachel craned her neck to try and see if there was a way through the crowd to get to her driver. The people in the lobby were now beginning to make their way to the ballroom for dinner. Dinner? Without changing from her travel clothes?

"It's just not done!" As she pondered this inconvenience, she began to make her way through the swarm of monsters, but was getting no where fast.

"Ugh. This is really... Really not..."

She spotted her driver, also heading to the ball room for a meal. How he actually ate was a mystery, but her bags were a more pressing issue. Rachel heaved and straigned through the crowd, but gave up as her driver vanished from view, transformed into bat mode and decided that she would have no choice but to go to dinner dressed in her travel attire.

She swooped into the ball room and eyed the array of tables. Nearly every table was filled and there seemed no place that she could sit. Her eyes whirled around with displeasure. It just wasn't her night.

After fixing her gaze upon the hotel owner's chair, she noticed his absence.

"Let's see," she thought. "Control freak, likes things done his way... Kitchen?"

She flew downwards and through the doors to thr right, down the corridoor and through the kitchen doors. It was not proper for someone of her status to be in the kitchens, but she had really had enough of the night's events to really not care a single squashed pigeon about technicalities. She transformed back into her normal self, ablbeit a little dishevled, and cleared her throat in his direction.

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Drac jumped slightly at the small noise, but straightened himself once he discovered who it was.

"My Lady," He greeted, giving a light grin as he shooed away a witch who was trying to serve him samples of the soup. "What can I do for you this fine evening?"

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Rachel's hair was rather messy from all the hustle and bustle. She blew away a strand of hair from her face and attempted to regain her composure.

"It appears I have a problem on my hands."

Her eyes followed the witch who still wanted to offer soup to the Count as she continued to explain her predicament.

"The problem I have is that my driver appears to have droppped off my luggage, but it has not yet been brought up to my suite. I have had no choice but to..." She gestured to her messy travel clothes. "Wear this, which is highly inappropriate for dinner." She gave a small grin, flashing her pearly whites. "Especially in the company of one such as yourself."