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Jayson Goldsworthy

"Beyond the perfect image lies the darkened truth."

0 · 187 views · located in Boston, MA USA

a character in “Macabre: Debello's Return”, originally authored by ShadowedxLove, as played by RolePlayGateway




Species: Witch

Age: 21

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5'5

Weight: 110lbs


Personality: Jayson is loyal and caring to those she feels deserve it. She does not trust easily and will rarely speak of her past with someone she does not trust. She is kind and protective to those she cares for and will always look after them more than herself. To people she does not know she is known to be cold and distant unless she sees something in them that differs from the ordinary person. Jayson has never verbally said to anyone that she loves them not even to family. Jayson also has a bit of a wild side that not many know her for. She likes to drink, party, and have a fun time if she gets the chance. Even so she can easily become sophisticated and elegant if she needs to be.

She loves too easily, secretive, angered easily, and hurt easily. Jayson can be known to engage in reckless behavior but doesn't much care about that. Jayson hates to bring her past up. She is the type of person to end up in jail trying to help her sisters or for fighting someone. Jayson is also not afraid to talk about her criminal record but as far as speaking to an ordinary person thats as far she's willing to go into her past.

She's usually fun-loving and caring but if angered she may become violent. If someone she cares for is in danger she'll put herself in the line of fire to save them. Jayson is not one to talk about her past especially not with someone she doesn't trust. She's a tad prideful and therefore rejects help from others most of the time and also refuses to cry in front of others. Jayson's bad at expressing how she's feel and doesn't know much about affection or love as she's never witnessed nor felt it. Jayson keeps things bottled up as she is already used to it though if she's pushed too far to the edge it could have a bad outcome. She has had a history of suicide attempts. Jayson tries to keep her distance from others for fear that she may be betrayed or hurt.

Jayson is a girl with a troubling past therefore may be cold to those she does not know for fear of getting too close to them but if she feels they are genuinely a good person she will show her true side. She likes to be independent but is known to get into trouble easily. Jayson has no problem fighting someone but she doesn't like it. She suffers from depression but dislikes admitting it. Jayson still cuts now sometimes but makes sure to make sure it isn't obvious.

  • Pain illusion- She is able to make someone feel excrutiating pain and yet no real damage is happening to them. She can also make someone feell perfectly fine or ven high when really they're not and could be in immense pain.
  • Telekinesis- She is able to move and destroy things with her mind.
  • Spellcasting- Jayson like any other witch is able to cast spells and rituals either off memory or from a grimoire.
  • Inhuman speed- She is faster than humans but slower than vampires and werewolves.
Horseback riding
Writing songs
Composing music
The color red
Writing lyrics
Playing Piano
Playing acoustic guitar
Caring for animals
Listening to music

Those who wish for nothing more than money
Being lied to
Fighting with her sisters
People who are stuck-up
Judgemental people

Hand-to-hand combat
Creating music


  • If she uses telekinesis too much or lifts havey or destroys too many objects at once she's prone to fainting, nose-bleeds, or collapsing.
  • She's unable to use the pain illusion on herself and if she uses it on too many people all at once she can pass out and the illusion will be gone.
  • If she casts a very powerful spell on her own she may pass outdue to too much energy exertion.


History: Jayson was born to a witch and a warlock and from a young start she was abused by them they also had a hatred for vampires due to the history of their ancestors. Unfortunately an altercation with a vampire left her father to become one. Jayson's father hated what he had become and took out on his wife and Jayson. Jayson was beaten more severly along with her mother until her mother fought back using her magic. Jayson's father drained her of all her blood while Jayson was forced to watch beaten and bloodied. Jayson managed to get away but it was too late for her mother. This was when Jayson was thirteen and she has lived on her own ever since then.

Other: Jayson has trust issues but will not show it and also won't let herself cry in front of others. She also just wants to be loved and cared for as she hasn't ever felt that.

So begins...

Jayson Goldsworthy's Story


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Jayson walked down the subway stairs slowly. She held her hand to her neck ans blood dripped from two puncture wounds. The simple entertainment of the thought of becoming a vampire seemed horrible to her. She shook her head slightly as he aproached the tracks. From the corner of her eye she caught sight of a a blue haired-boy and a brunette speaking. As Jayson approached the tracks more she heard somewhat of what they were saying but didn't pay much mind to it as memories of that day plagued her mind.

For right now she only acted on impulse and didn't think her actions through. She walked to the edge of the tracks still having her hand cover the wounded part of her neck. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she genunely thought she would become a vampire. Just a few minutes before she entered the train station she had caught by a vampire. He had managed to whisk her away to some rooftop and quickly overpowered her, temproraily paralyzing her with the feel of his fang lodged in her neck. After she had snapped out of it. She made the vile creature feel as if all of the largest bones in his body were suddenly and mercilessly shattering.

The screams of the creature she guessed could be hear from a good distnce away judging by how loud he screamed. She got away quickly, running down the stairs of the building and rushing out of there. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the incoming train. 'This is it.' she thought and one of her feet were suddenly off the platform and she had now had her back towards the tracks. She was purposefully was about to fall when someone had rushed up to her and abruptly pulled her away from the platform completely.

Jayson was sobbing loudly now. The blood loss finally getting to her, and she felt her knees give out. The stranger still held onto her and kneeled to the floor with her. Many people crowded the distraught girl as the person who stopped her yelled "We need help!" after eyeing the blood coming from her neck. Right now she was still scared that she'd become one of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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As Sam was walking, she felt someone is distraught. The feeling of panic and confusion was overpowering Sam. She looked around and saw a girl, not that much older than her, standing near the tracks. Sam looked at her more closely and realized she was going to jump. Sam took one step towards her direction, and the wonderful to some, but repulsive to her, she could smell blood. Sam eyed her and saw she was holding her neck. Sam thought for a moment and knew that she was attacked by a Vampire. She then thought to herself, '' What Vampire could it be? I don't know any Vampire that would go in broad daylight. Then again it is raining today, but still. Who would be so stupid and go and attack someone?'' She was about to run to the girl and save her, but before she could do anything, a stranger came and grabbed the girl and pulled her away.

Sam looked at Ethan and said, '' Let's take a look.'' She ran towards the girl and saw that a group of people started to swarm around them and see what happened. Sam pushed and made her way past and through the group of people, until she got to the front of the crowd of people. Sam looked at the girl and studied her from head to toe. Sam then felt some kind of aura coming off of this girl. She didn't know what, but Sam knew that this girl wan't human, she was far from it. She then heard the man cry out for help. Sam walked up to her and said, '' What can I do? I'm pretty well trained in first aid, and other kinds of healing processes.'' She bent down to the girl and said, '' My name is Sam Larson. Who are you? I'll need to know your name and age.'' Sam then grabbed her back pack and started to look through it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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Sam really seemed like she wanted to get away from Ethan. This made him sigh. He walked with her for a few moments, before deciding that he should just say bye and leave. But he froze, mid-step. His nose wrinkled. The stench of blood overwhelmed his senses as his head whipped around, looking for the source. Suddenly, there was a bunch of commotion near the tracks. Bingo.

“Let's take a look.” Sam seemed to have the same idea as Ethan. He darted forward, wiggling his way through the crowds. He squeezed out from in between two husky fellas and sort of dropped to his knees mid-stride, and slid next to the girl.

Ethan’s eyes, and nose, were drawn to the famous two holed puncture wounds in the girl’s neck. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, moved her hand out of the way and pressed the cloth to the wound. He bent over and muttered into her ear. “Don’t worry… we’re different…” Ethan then nodded in Sam’s direction then looked back at the girl. He didn’t know if telling her that right now was that great of an idea, but he did it anyway.

Ethan looked back at Sam and whispered, “What can we do? She’s been bitten!” He made sure no one else would be able to hear. It wouldn’t be long before an ambulance arrived. He could hear the sirens already, and they were approaching fast. “We need to go. Now. Ethan hissed under his breath.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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Sam looked at Ethan and said, '' I'm not leaving her. Go, I'll be behind you. Go!'' She said to Ethan. Sam knelt down to the girl and said, '' Don't worry, I'll make sure you stay safe.'' She sat next to her and waited for the ambulance and the Police to arrive. Sam looked at the girl and didn't say or do anything, she knew what was going to happen to her. Sam didn't like it, but she had to accept it. She stood up when the Police and Parametics came. Sam looked at them and said, '' She's been hurt, make sure you keep her safe. And others.'' She looked at the girl and stayed there. She was going to keep her word and stay with her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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''I'm not leaving her. Go, I'll be behind you. Go!''

"That's not what I meant-" Ethan called as Sam sat with the girl in the ambulance.

Ethan was going to go with them, when a paramedic stepped in his way. "Sorry pal, not enough room." Ethan let out a quiet growl.

"Alright." He looked over the man's shoulder at Sam. "I'll meet you there. I might even beat ya." Ethan winked and darted into a dark alley. As soon as he was obscured from others, he clenched his fists and concentrated. Hard. His muscles flexed and relaxed as he grinded his teeth.

His hands changed to large meaty paws and his legs and feet changed as well as he pulled off his sneakers to reveal another set of furry paws. The fur crawled up his legs until his entire lower half was covered in pitch black and sparkly white fur. A tail grew from his tail bone and it lashed for a moment. A pair of ears appeared on the top of his head. His body was now covered in fur. Powerful muscled rippled under his pelt. Letting out a gasp, the change stopped when he looked something like a mixture between human and tiger with a human face that was standing on two legs.

Ethan stood catching his breath, then shook out his pelt, loosening his muscles. "Alright Ethan. Its go time." He cracked his neck and took a few steps back, then ran at the side of the building, scaling it quickly. His paws beated on the roof of the building as he sprinted forwards, leaping from roof to roof with ease. His sensative ears could pick up the sounds of the Hospital. He would be there in moments.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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So much had happened all in just a few minutes. A girl around her age had asked her a few questions and when the boy that was with her explained that they were different like her she answered. "I-I'm Jayson, I'm 21." she stated. When she heard the ambulance farther away she begun feeling afraid. Why now of all times? She didn't understand it and wanted to be left alone but she knew now that was going to happen. By the time she made it into the ambulance she had fallen completely unconscious from the blood loss and all the overwhelming things around her. The last thing she remembered was seeing paramedics sitting near her asking her questions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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Sam looked at Jayson ans smiled. She then said, '' What can I do?'' The paramedics looked at her and said, '' Do you know how to do an I.V. needle?'' Sam looked at them and nodded, they then said, '' So, do it now.'' She cleaned her hands and took the I.V. needle, she swallowed hard and slowly put the needle into Jayson's arm. Sam then looked at the others and said, '' What else?'' They then said, '' You can help stop her neck from bleeding.'' Sam grabbed a blanket and brought it up to Jayson's neck, Sam looked away, then looked back at Jayson and pressed the blanket against her neck to stop the bleeding. Sam almost puked when she had to do that, she doesn't like the smell, sight, taste, and the look of blood. She felt a little sick, but kept the blood from coming.

They got to the hospital about fifteen minutes later. The paramedics jumped out and rushed Jayson into the hospital. Sam got out and walked over to the nearest trash can and puked. She then quickly finished and walked over to a bench and sat down. She then started to shake from nervousness and the thought of what is going to happen to Jayson. Even though Sam had just met Jayson, she felt like they had known each other fora life time. Sam didn't know why, but she just had that feeling. She then started to panic since she didn't see any signs of Ethan around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ethan Orozco Character Portrait: Sam '' Sammy''  Larson Character Portrait: Jayson Goldsworthy
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''Uh, what do you want?''

Ethan crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. She walked over to him and he could smell something foul about her, well, besides the smell of vampire. He was going to say something, when a sudden smirk creased his lips. He took note of her blush.

“So… do you like what you see?” Ethan teased, flexing his enlarged biceps. He chuckled and stuck out his tongue from in between his large canines. His clothes still fit him well in this form, just a bit… snug. Plus, he was about another four inches taller, towering over Sam. His tail tip twitched with amusement.

“I told you I was going to meet you at the hospital. Someone has memory loss…” He joked, poking her head with his paw.