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Necropolis: Underworld City

Necropolis: Underworld city


a part of Necropolis: Underworld City, by DA_SHADOW_PHOENIX.


DA_SHADOW_PHOENIX holds sovereignty over Necropolis: Underworld city, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Necropolis: Underworld city is a part of Necropolis: Underworld City.

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Cain [16] "Heh, if ya think this is all it takes ta' kill me, look again, I'm still laughin' at ya..."
Durzo Blint [15] They call me a Scout....I prefer Master of Information.
Arelyn Velle [9] "Pesky humans. Go fix your own corrupted world."
Iracabeth "Racey" Krill [8] "Creepy? Why, yes, yes I am!"
Rin [7] who was I
Mahvan [4] "Sing for me... Sing for me, my children from the grave..."
Verza Juno [4] "This Vile race will be exterminated."
Nero Thron [3] "Go back to your own world humans"
Hans Krieger [2] Give me a target and I'll smash it.
Jikal Boccab [2] "For the Horde!"

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"Look at us, two Templar scouts trudging through hell's sewers, one with a swollen ankle and the other with a crispy arm. We'd make a mighty meal for some lucky Demon... Well, maybe just you... And not to mention that a pitiful sight like us will be what brings the downfall of the lich bitch and her city of freaks."

Cain grinned maliciously at the thought of what was to come, but he knew it wouldn't be the end of his crusade, far from it, the debt he owed demonkind was far too large.
"The anticipation's killin' me..." He muttered to himself.
The pair carried on in science for a while before they reached the stairs. The chute had taken them quite a ways down, but there was still a bit to go.
"This is gonna be a bit o' a both'r..." Cain announced, studying the narrow staircase which had been built with no railings, and with the intention of only letting people descend it one by one. His arm was beggining to sting as the adrenalin from before left his system.
"We'll have ta' go down sideways."

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rin stops and thinks " the city ruler would be the one to send forth the army.... we need to find her and fast" he looks arond for some who might know where she would be, he the sets his sights on a guard passing by. Rin grabs the demon holds him high.

" i shall ask this once and only once and you shall tell me the truth or you will pay for your lie" he said with a fire in his eye. the demon begains to shack in fear of rin
he the mutters " I... I..I thinks she is in the tower .... the tow ..err " Rin then drops the guard the the demon runs away. " the tower now where is that ???" rin looks around then at racey " nothing can be done with out the city rulers say so we need to find her and tell her what you found"

he takes a deep breath through his nose and his picked up an odd scent in the air but is was faint and his just brushed it off as nothing.

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Character Portrait: Arelyn Velle
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#, as written by Runika
Hearing no response Arelyn sighed and continued walking through the empty streets. It was getting dark. Not that Necropolis could get any darker than it normally was, but her body was telling her that she'd already spent a whole day out in the city. Usually around this time she would be heading back to her room and snuggling up in her bed. Since she was young she did not like staying out in the streets past dark. But... today was different. If she slept the templars could attack at any given moment.

"Slaughtered in my sleep. Wonderful." she said sarcastically.

Finally, she decided to head home. If she didn't sleep now, she'd be too tired to stay up anyways. Some demons could go without sleep for as long as they want. Unfortunately, Arelyn was not gifted with such convenience as of yet. Her home was located near the outskirts of town. Making haste she took to the sky and flew home.

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Character Portrait: Iracabeth "Racey" Krill Character Portrait: Rin
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Racey looked around and summoned a shadow, making it into a tower. It then pointed in the direction they would walk. Racey took off, grabbing Rin's hand and pulling him along behind her. She ran for what couldn't be more than a few minutes, and found the tower. She hid herself and Rin in a shadow to get past the guards, and up the stairs, following the increasingly high amount of guards.

As Iracabeth got to a large area where there were about 50 guys, all guards, and looked. "Okay," She whispered. "We need to get in there, but I don't have enough light to make a shadow to cover both of us. You go in there, I'll cover you, and I'll distract the guards. You can convince her to come out here and watch the shadows," She said, moving behind a pillar and stepping out of the shadow that was covering them both. "You gotta go fast, Rin. I can only cover you for a few minutes,"

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Verza thought for a moment. "spar with me." Verza said he turned to Hans and he drew his word and readied his shield. He wanted to test Hans in a real battle scenario. "Well have at it." Verza said twirling his sword skillfully.

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"Spar with me." Hans blinked in surprise and the unexpected request. He wasn't particularly fond of sparring, one had to be careful so has not to seriously hurt or kill your opponent which meaning you couldn't fight at you best. Still, Hans did as he was told gripping his hammer firmly in both hands. Verza already had his sword and shield ready and was twirling his sword around in a skillful manner. Hans settled into a good combat position, feet apart and legs slightly bent, poised to move at a moments notice. He kept his muscles relaxed and pretended to be confused, uncertain of what to do, in hopes it might lure his opponent into a brief moment of false security. The he unleashed his hammer in a mighty blow aimed at Verza's sword arm. He hoped to catch the sword in a manner that he could knock it out of the High Priests hand, but barring that it might through the man off balance or drive him back a few inches.

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Verza saw the hammer arching towards him. he moved his sword slightly and deflected the hammer, the force was way to great to completley block, only divert it to where it wasn't a problem. He felt the hammer hit his shield as it's path was diverted. it left Hans open. Veza took to opportunity and lunged at Hans' with his sword and tapped Hans on the chest with the tip of the blade. Verza relized his wrist hurt as he tapped Hans' breastplate. "Tag you're it." Verza said with a smile. "Don't be so liberal with the force of your strike, control, control, control." Verza said. He took another ready position. "again." Verza said bracing for battle.

Verza would need a Champion, Hans may be it. But he would have to prove himself.

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Hans turned his torso and leaned backwards slightly to deflect the Verza's lunge. The point of the sword tapped Hans' breast plate. "Tag you're it. Don't be so liberal with the force of your strike, control, control, control." There would be no telling if Hans' plan might have worked in a combat situation, the hope had been that his movement would have put enough of an angle between himself and the sword tip to make it bounce off. Hans readied himself again, thinking of what the best strategy might be. He lunged forward with his Hammer as though it were a pole-arm. Gauging the time and distance he turned his lunge into a swing, the end of the hammer with the spike towards Verza's shield in an attempt to remove it from his grasp. He used his whole body in the movement, twisting around and pivoting away from his opponent on one foot. Hopefully the spike would embed itself in the shield forcing his target to either drop it or face having his arm ripped out of it's socket. It would also put Hans in a position to swing around for another blow in a very rapid space of time.

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Character Portrait: Iracabeth "Racey" Krill Character Portrait: Mahvan Character Portrait: Rin
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" okay " he says as he turns away from Racey, He quickly moves around then dougeing anf ducking around them. Then he reaches the door and closed it quietly at that point the shadow disapeared

"mistress i'm sorry to interupt you but I have important news ...... theres intruders here near the city" he takes a stap forward and stops " please I begging you to sent the the army and stop them " he then takes a deep breath " i have broof to back it up "

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Verza smirked as he saw Hans' move progress. It was a good one, well thought out. He felt the force hit his shield with tremendous force Verza was lucky he had enough experiernce to know just to drop the shield, else his ram would have been dislocated and useless in a fight. Verza wielded his sword with two hands, he used the shield torking off his arm as a distraction, he sidestepped away from Hans' hammer and he Slashed at Hans' hands turning his blade at the right moment to slap Hans on his right wrist with the flat of his blade. It would have stung and probably leave a bruise but other than that no damage.

"Flow Hans, like water down a cliff side. You are too predictable aswell, Use your head, be creative." Verza said taking another Ready position.

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Tieva, one of the most revered angels and priests of the Templars, slowly walked through a church, running her hands over a large tome. Not the bible, but rather, a book of light magic. She sighed, and walked out of the church, and into a portal to Necropolis. She frowned when she saw the city, and a light appeared around her. Shaking with rage, she practically ripped the first demon's head off that ran to her.

The next had a chain, and was laughing. "Sorry, Morrighan. I don't have time for Angels." She laughed, slashing at her. Tieva made quick work of her by smacking her on the back of the neck, rendering her unconscious. "Sorry, Kira. May you rest, and die peacefully."

She teleported over to Hans and Verza, and looked at them. "High Priest Verza, I have urgent news."

"Kira, that Demon has put forces onto our home. Onto earth. We're ruined. The world is in flames, and all we have is Templars and the refugees. We need to act, Now!" She shouted, urging him to do something.

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Character Portrait: Durzo Blint Character Portrait: Cain
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Cain struggled with Durzo, maneuvering down the last few sets of stairs. He sighed with relief when they reached the bottom, and had to remind himself there was still a bit left to go.
"C'mon, almost there..." He half muttered to himself in reassurance. Once they reached the trigger point they wouldn't have to set of individual charges, they could all be set off remotely through a set of enchantments Cain had worked into their detenators. The pair struggled on through the tunnels towards destiny and destruction.

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Verza ceased his sparring and turned to Tieva. She was a highly reclaimed mage in the order. "What is it M'lady?" Verza asked as he sheathed His sword. He looked to her, he had known her for a long tome, since he was thirteen actually and joined the order, they had trained together. She was always better in magic though. Verza always excelled in combat and strategy.

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Character Portrait: Iracabeth "Racey" Krill Character Portrait: Nero Thron Character Portrait: Mahvan Character Portrait: Rin
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#, as written by Uriel
His patience was already thin and now it was gone. Looking over to the Templars side, Nero noted that they were planning something, and since their leader was just going to give them more time to plan an invasion, he’d take matters into his own hands. Nero was about to push off the ground when he noticed, the 2 demons. “You two. Leave the city at once or come with me,” he didn’t leave any room for arguing as he ran off toward a place that many demons called the beast den.

The beast den was one of the few places that civilians were not allowed. It held some of the most gruesome monsters ever imaginable, and none of them were allowed out. The door to the den was about 6 meters tall and about 5 meters wide, but Nero knew that some of the tallest monster in it could get stuck. Fishing into his pockets for the beast key he had Nero held it up to a magic lantern, making sure it was the right one. The key was a few inches long with a lion on the end. He inserted the key into the door, and as soon as he opened it, a threating roar erupted at him. This caused the white haired demon to smile, “I see ya’ll are healthy. Now how about eating some Templars.”

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Character Portrait: Jikal Boccab
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Jikal was done observing the chain of events in his city. Templars. Here! Unacceptable! His focus shifted to the Horde. There were thousands of undead soldiers waiting to strike. Until further information was given that strike would cause to many casualties. He took control of his Ghasts, the fastest of his servants. 200 strong would attack, run, attack again the Templar camp. They were to only attack supplies, weapons stock, and kill the weak. If they killed any Templar, it was mandatory to bring the body with them at retreat at once. There was no possible way that he would allow this city to fall by the likes of them.

Ever since Jikal ruled he had a law for the protection of the city. Those who have died must be sent to the tower for revival and servitude into the defence of the city. The only way out of having that happen to a loved one was a large sum of money. As a result the military are filled with countless undead who are so eager for war that they kill each other in small battles to keen their skills. The Ghasts were two miles away from the Templar camp. Now Jikal raised his hand, his amulet glowing, casted a spell upon the area. Enchanted darkness and mist would fill the camp to blind the defenders of the onslaught about to come. The strong would survive but unfortunately for them the weak would be massacred.

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Tieva looked at Verza. "Kira, you remember? She broke her way through to our home and destroyed it. There's just blood and corpses." She hissed, her eyes flashing gold. "If you don't do something, Verza, I will. And it will NOT. BE. PRETTY. Do you understand?!" She shouted, her wings starting to glow with anger. She liked Verza. He was better at strategy and melee fighting. She excelled in magic, but it was usually violent and bloody.

"Do something. We don't have the supplies to keep healing the wounded. We need to attack, Verza. As I said.." She muttered, starting to hover, her wings flapping gently. "It will not be pretty. I won't hold back."

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Verza looked at her and smirked. "You know that we have plans. if we advance now we will surely experience excessive causalities. I won't allow uneeded death to plague us. We must wait." Verza said.

Verza jolted up to his full height when a mist descended on them He raised his hand and uttered an inaudible word in an ancient magical language. A bolt of light shot from his hand and Illuminated the entire cavern for a short while, it cast the mist away and Verza saw the undead soldiers advancing. "Battle!" Verza yelled. "set the front!" He yelled to the ranks of men. he looked at Hans. "You come with me." he said. Verza threw his helm on and drew his sword. he grabbed his shield.

Verza ran to the front of the many lines of men. He looked at them he saw fear in some eyes, hunger for battle in others. Verza turned and pointed his sword at the enemy force advancing. "In the name of GOD!" He shouted. The Templars charged and met the attackers. the initial clash was that of thunder. battle cries from both sides filled the cavern. verza steeled himself and joined the attack. He stabbed at one of the demon scum slicing it's black heart. it then vaporized into dust as demons did when they die. Verza had to black a spear being thrown at him. He dodged an arrow and engaged another undead warrior. He raised his hand to a small group of demons and once again uttered more words weaving a spell. Light jumped from his palm and hit the soldiers with that the demons combusted into flames.

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That high priest is quiet something. Jikal thought to himself. He was commanding the soldiers from his base and saw all that his scouts did. The Templar army was...Impressive. His own forces were at the front, 120 of them at least. He began to mentaly command his soldiers.

Second platoon to the right flank. Third to the left. Push the Templars into a closed triangle to leave room for the raiders. Raiders will rush for the tents, armories, and food storage. Grab and run! Destroy anything you cannot carry quickly. Main forces will retreat when the raiders have done there job. Failure is not an option. He commanded them to do. 30 to the left flank, 30 to the right flank, and 20 raiders set to burn the camp to the ground. If that high priest expected to hold a seige he was crazy. One week costs tremendous amounts of resources just to hold. Surely the Templar knew that?

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((Hey Roku you need to stop powerplaying. it is in the rules. you cannot be so over powered. it is very unfair and frustrating))