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Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra


The continent of Ashra has had many years of peace. But now an evil on the island is stirring and risking the balance of the powers that be.

678 readers have visited Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra since Bleachboss12 created it.


(The actual storyline will not be decided till I have some legit characters for this. Thank you and this is how the world is)

The continent of Ashra is a large and expansive continient. With several citys. Dozens of Towns. And Hundreds of Villiges. The continent is divided into four major city's. And three major Relgious Factions.

The Kingdom of Kenvol: The Largest of the four major city's. The Kingdom of Kenvol is actually one of the youngest of the powers upon the Continent. Its rulers, the Kenvol Family comming from accross the sea to the continent, and with them came a new Religion. They have a considerable military force and firmly belive themselves better then any other power on the island. But in truth they are scared of the other powers uniting against them, so they mainly keep to themselves. They are ruled by the Kenvol Family and the current head is King Alberto Kenvol VI (he is unplayable but he has several children. So you can make one of them if you desire)

The Principality of Amaranth: The oldest of the four major city's and has the greatest archers on Ashra. It is controlled by a Line of Princes. Amaranth is a very prominent trade city as it lays atop the Huven (Who-ven) River, the main passage from the ocean to the inner area of Ashra. It is a powerful area with a prominent army and elite archers. Amaranth is ruled by the young and hotheaded Prince Anton Silva and his mother The Lady Matilda Silva. Anton wishes to turn the Principality of there land into a true kingdom, and while Matilda agree's, she is waiting for the perfect time to strike.

The Free City of Novak: The City of Merchents, Theives, Slavers, Bounty Hunters, and all those who wish to escape the views of the military and royal powers of the continent. Novak is the city to go. A free city which is controlled by the heads of the most powerful Guilds on Ashra. The city is the wealthiest of the four great city's. It has no true military but has the largest militia in all Ashra, with a militia number in the near 600,000s. The Main leaders of the city are the head of the Theives Guild, the Prostitue's guild, The Bounty Hunter's Guild, and the Merchents Guild. (all are open for you to create a character for. but they arent major, but you can play them when in Novak)

The Imperial City of Daegon-N'athal: The Most feared and often avoided city of Daegon-N'athal is the capitol of the empire which controlled the Continent of Ashra for several hundred years. Its name translates to "The Throne of Daegon" The city has the most brutally trained and well equipped soldiers on Ashra, due to the city's loctation on several ore mines. Including the rare and powerful metal called "Black Steel" for its metallic black color and steel like properties. Daegon-N'athal is controlled by the Leader of the Diciples of Daegon (A friend has that character reserved. So he is taken)

(These are the major area's of the game. If you make a Diciple of Daegon they will be from Daegon-N'athal. And normally have very good equipment because of it)

The Contient of Ashra has many different religious groups. The Elves and Dwarves worship there ancestor's and ancient gods, but the human's of Ashra follow three different Factions of Relgious following

The Followers of Kermac: The Lord of Light: An ancient religion known through out the contient, those who follow it woship the Lord of Light and that he was the one who formed the earth and the sun with his power, and now watches over it in the form of the sun. It is a shrinking religion due to the arrivel of the new beliefs brought by the Kenvol settlers. The Priests of the Followers are divided into two groups. The Eyes of Kermac and The Swords of Kermac. The eys function as priests and watches. The Swords are the defenders of the temple and strike down those who oppose the violently. They stand in direct opposition of the Diciples of Daegon.

The Diciples of Daegon: Prince of Darkness: A religion that has existed since the time of the Followers of Kermac. Under the blessing of there god it was said that the Small kingdom of Thalas rose up and became the Empire of Daegon. Which ruled the continent for hundreds of years before the empire fell and is now a fraction of its size. The Diciples of Daegon belive that Daegon sleeps and needs to be awakend. And that when Kermac, is destracted by Selenia, the lady of the moon. He can awaken with a sacrifice and conquor the world. They do anything in there power to find the needed Artifacts to revive there Prince of Darkness.

The Church of the Creator: The newest. but now most followed Religion of the land. It is a religious following that one god created everything and he upkeeps it. And when your time in his world is done. You can walk at the side of the Creator if your deeds were pure. While all others are cursed to an oblivion for all time.

Character Skeleton
Race:(Human, Elf, Dwarf, Goblin, Orc, or Half Daegonite(Demon))
Build(Muscular, Toned, Thin, Curvy. Chubby, Obese, Etc)
Home Town (can be major area or from random village of your own nameing)

(Have fun everyone. I hope this gets off the ground. Looking forword to your characters. OOC me after you make a character and after we get like 4 characters we can work on something for a story)

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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Alister slowly looked around as he finally exited the forest he had been traveling through. His armor still gleemed white from the unique steel it was forged from. He sighed and cracked his neck as now all he saw was miles of feild before him, no towns, no stops...nothing but feilds.

So he did what he needed to do, he hefted the pack on his back up so it wouldnt tug on his back anymore. Slowly walking down the path as his blond hair was messy and disshevaled from the travels throught the forest. His mind still could not be free off the blasted ruin. The armor, the sword, the spirit of his father comming before him and speaking. He looked at the sword at his side before he looked up, seeing the transparent face of his long dead father

"Alister, my son. You are the chosen born in the time of the Eclipse. You are the one born to stop Daegon and his Diciples from spreading the Eternal Night upon the world. Now go my son. You must find the way"

He thought about that for several minutes before he kicked a rock out of the road, Then shouting loudly up to the sky's "WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN!!!!" he shouted as loud as he could as birds flew away from the tree tops.

It was then he seemed to see something in the distance. He wasnt sure what it was so he decided he would go over and see what it was. He was causious and kept his hand near his sword...despite the fact he was still clueless on how to use a sword besides just swinging it about wildly trying to hack apart your enemys...

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Taverns. Taverns were almost always a mixture of extreme depression, and higher elation. You could be talking to a man atop life's greatest mountain, then turn to his buddy next to him, and be thrust into the deepest, blackest, abysmal bit of the ocean that was despair. Better yet, no one thought a damned thing of it, no one except for Veronna, that is.
She loved taverns, she'd discovered that the easiest way to learn everything about local people, was a stiff drink and a good night's rest on probably filthy sheets that felt like burlap. Probably were burlap.

At present, she was throwing this learned knowledge into practice, having just arrived in the little town of Lavin that morning, she'd made a bee's line to the only bar it had, and been there, drinking, since.
Her thick blacksteel armour had gotten much attention, almost as much as her bust in fact. At current though, most of the would be blacksmiths or self proclaimed mercenary had been appeased, and her only conversation was with a very heavily intoxicated priest of Kermac.

”You know..I really don't get this whole 'church' thing...You know? I mean...Why do they call it church, if we worship Kermac? Shouldn't it have something to do with Kermac?
To most people, the rambling, incoherent, and over all silly ramblings of a drunk man in their ear would probably be annoying, but she loved it.
Bringing the frothy head of a fine tankard of the local ale to her luscious red lips, she pretended to give the statement validity.

β€œExactly what I was saying! But here's a better question..” breaking her sentence to gulp down a very large mouthful of the strong drink, adding to her intoxication and enjoyment, the pitch of her voice rose a little. β€œ..Why do they ALL call it church? Like..I had church, you know, in the Empire..And you have church here..So maybe, church is some ancient words of unimaginable power!”
It was a conscious effort for her to bite back her laughter as she watched the priest's eyes widen in sudden, dawning realization.

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Taverns. Taverns were the plague of existence for the young oracle. You could simply say the word, or anything that even sounded similar, and find that the professional she had been placed with running off to go find it. So now, Theresa had to stroll through the streets looking for the bane of her travels and the person who always brought it about. She continued to wear her oracle's robes even after fleeing the temple and they always managed to get a few looks from passersby, much to her disgust and very threatening to their lives. Lavin's tavern, a somewhat normal sized building that, according to the women asked, should be in the direction she was heading. She had to cross almost the entire settlement looking for the worthless shack, enduring the stares and the building annoyance along the entirety of it. She had crossed a man who had attempted to seduce her and who now lay in the nearby shack under a mound of assorted foods.

Lo and behold, it stood right in front of her, taunting the very temper that was very willing to destroy it, regardless of who was inside. She hurried to the door and flung it open and was met by the usual scents, those she would rather not remember but was constantly exposed to. There was Veronna, sitting at the bar as she always did, talking to a priest of that bastard of skin cancer, Kermac. She hurried over, carefully avoiding any of the almost translucent despair that hung in some parts and the ecstatic revelry of the others; both were annoying and both tended to lead people to try and connect with others, most annoyingly her.

When she reached the woman she had traversed the entire town, alone and unprotected, to find she gripped her exposed arm tightly. "Just what do you think you're doing here?" She knew she couldn't effectively threaten the incredibly strong warrior, but that didn't stop her from trying. "Every time we enter a new village you rush off to the closest place with alcohol and leave me standing in the street!" Turning back towards the door and attempting to pull on the other's arm, she continued her scolding. "Get up now, we're leaving!"

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Taverns. Taverns where the places where Abel spent most of his time. His grey hair covering his eyes and he sipped at his ale. Looking at the strange girls. Unsure of what they were doing. Seeing that both of them where odd, and seeing ond dressed in Daegon Styled Blacksteel armor. His suspicions grew even more.

Grabbing his Alabarda as he looked at the two of them. His own armor covered by his cloak. His bronze eyes staring down at the two of those girls. Seeing the two of them he felt a strange power come off of the smaller girl, but the women dressed in the heavy black plate armor must be of Daegon Origin. Meaning he already didnt like them. But so not to start a major incedent here. He waited for the two to leave. So that he could find out what the hell these two strange women are up to in this in the middle of no where village like this.

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Nini sighed loudly. A feminine groan escaped his lips as he leant back against the signpost he had situated himself with, his bum resting on the knapsack that he carried. He hated travel. He reeaaaallly did. It was those blasted boots he wore. They were so stylish...but damn, they hurt! Another sigh escaped his lips, fingers fiddling with his ebony-colored parasol that rest in his lap. He had been walking soooooo long...and while it was really only a few hours, it felt like days. And he wished he was in the next town.... He'd barely escaped the last of a few men looking for him. And there was no real promise that he'd outrun them. He didn't want to admit it, but there was a fair chance they were headed down this very road. He really didn't feel like confronting them. Yet a third sigh; he cleared his mind, brushing his hair out of his face. Sometimes he just wanted to stop running. Sometimes he just...


An echo reached his ears which made him perk up. He slowly looked all around, his hair swishing with his head as he searched the area with his aquamarine eyes. He didn't think he was hearing things... but... maybe it was just the wind.... Right? Right? Nini knew that was about as plausable as him actually stopping his travels. Though he couldn't SEE a source... He was being paranoid. Maybe someone was ahead of him, even though he couldn't seem to find them. Although when he looked behind him... he did see something. Though at this distance, it was a speck. Nini had been on this world long enough to make out his 'prey' from a distance.... And he was honestly a little afraid. Was it one of those dastardly men after him, to collect money he didn't possess? It almost made him get up; almost made him forget his bag, and run away. He would be able to speed away...But by how tired he was, he didn't know if he could even manage it. A sprint would probably drain what was left from him anyhow. His eyes closed as he flopped back against the sign post. He wouldn't know what to do, really. But as the man closed in, he calmed just slightly. They wouldn't just send one man to gather from him. They'd learned their lesson from that, one wounded mercenary later.

The man didn't have a horse, and no wagon... so that he couldn't give the crossdresser a lift. He cursed in his mind... but if this man was half-way decent, maybe he'd have someone to talk to if he could hobble to his feet. As he drew even closer, Nini could tell he had hand on his blade. That was a large red flag... this man might've been a bandit, or a thug for all he knew, out to get money he didn't have. And when women didn't have money.... they were usually taken advantage of. Nini tighted his grip on his parasol, rasping the hilt on the brown dirt road as he used it some what as a cane. He bent at the knees to pick up his sack, and dust it off, before slinging it over one shoulder. He had to remain calm; he didn't know if this brigand was going to attack him or not, but he wasn't going to stick around and find out! Even though his tired feet protested at first, he pushed himself into a slow walk. He occasionally shot a look over his shoulder, trying to put distance, unsuccessfully, between himself and the man. He kept his head, and tried not to make it obvioius that he was nervous. He kept his parasol against his body, carrying it as casually as possible.

But it was inevitable; the man would gain on him. And to the outside view, Nini was a perfectly normal woman. Narrow mid-section, semi-broad shoudlers and hips, immitating an 'hourglass' slightly. He had long, smooth legs that had just a touch of muscle, barely noticble by any standard... and his outfit was one only the most... sultry of women would wear. That one-piece suit that left his 'shorts' barely below his hips. Knee-high boots, and elbow gloves...and that luscious white hair, flowing down like water down his back, almost to his kneecaps. It was true that he took pride in those cascading locks of hair that he possesed... supposing he got them from his father. And as he looked back at the approaching man, he would catch glimpses of those gentle facial features that made him so indistiguishable from a woman. Blessed for a man he was.

As he heard the man's footsteps grow closer and closer, he felt himself getting more and more tense. The hilt of his parasol had his hand so tightly coiled around it, that he was afraid he might break it. He wouldn't respond to the man unless spoken to first.

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"Hello?" Alister called out as he saw the figure getting closer. Seeing the feminine figure and the parasol he loosed the grip on his sword.

He then gained on her "Hello? Are you all alone out here, its odd to see someone travelling alone out here" he said as he smiled at her, unsure of the actual gender but seeing this persons Feminine apperence assumed was a female. So his more polite and mannered side came out.

"So whats your name. I'm Alister" he said as he extended his hand to her as he looked her over. Feeling an odd attraction to this new girl he had just met upon the road, which confused him as much as made him smile like a child.

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The man called out to him. He kept his head forward, pretending like he didn't hear the first time... But as the second time his attempt to contact him, he knew it was in his best interest to awnser him. The man hadn't attacked him from the back, meaning he at least didn't seem to have intention of robbing him or some such. Nini turned his head lightly , looking over his shoulder at the man and nodding. He slowed his pace so that he could walk beside the fellow. Nini kept his head held high - trying to seem self-confident enough. He nodded to the man. "Why, yes...I do happen to be travelling alone, Sir..." He said, his voice as feminine as his body. He was trying to debate if this man was worthy enough to seduce. He seemed to have enough attraction to him... It almost seemed to draw him in. A gratis effect due to the crossdresser's appearance, once again.

"I usually travel alone... It's generally better for me.... Although..." He said, looking back, and offering a shy smile to the fellow. "I wouldn't at all mind company from a handsome fellow like yourself..." He said... taking a chance with this. "A nice strong fellow like yourself always makes good company..." He stated, reaching over with his gloved hand, letting his hand brush down the man's arm from shoulder to wrist. It stopped to feel his bicep on the way down, letting out a cute little giggle as he did so. He hated to think of it this way, but to seduce this man or not, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to have a travelling companion.... Or at least a meat shield to hold thugs off while he got away. He couldn't say how this man would react to him. Although he had good feelings.

"My name?" He said, looking over at the fellow once again. "My name Nini, Alister..." He said, pronucning the two sylables quite staccato-ly. "And it is such a pleasure to meet you..." Again, the crossdresser's hand ran across the smooth white-tainted armor, admiring the smooth curves that hugged the man's masculine features. He'd always admired how armor looked... yet didn't really care for the weight of armor. There was armor made specially for females...but it was rather expensive... and he hardly had the money for a bed alone, much less armor. He as lucky to have his own weapon. But he digressed... if all things went well, he wouldn't have to worry about paying for a bed... or food tonight. It lightly made him smile to himself, but he tried not to make it seem as that was all it was about. "Such wonderful, glamorous armor... and a weapon to match... you must be one hell of a mercenary... I bet you could slay a lesser man with ease..." He said with a smirk, again, trying his hand at charming this man, as this time, his free hand would roam across the expanse of his brestplate, from one shoulder to the next, giving the man another sly grin, keeping his eyes level with the man's.

The dirt path the pair followed had many signs dug into the ground. Each one read the same thing: Town of "Lavin" and a distance. It wasn't long before the two would be able to see the town.

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To buzzed, if not drunk to rebel against her would-be "master", Veronna allowed herself to be dragged from her bar-stool.
Once upright in the now spinning and swaying room however, protest began to show itself.
She allowed her body to go limp, the armour's weight and her own bearing down on the poor priestess.
"Theresa, I don't wanna gooo.." Despite being twenty-nine, and an army General, she had no shame in whining like a little girl.
"You know I like taverns, and light is just going to sting my eyes.." A sly smile crept over her lips. "If you're so worried about being safe.."
By now, she had an audience, mostly male, and decided to give them what they wanted more or less. She gingerly gripped the girl's wrist, then gave a very firm yank, crashing the girl into her chest, and pretty much face-planting into her breasts. Before the girl could recover, Veronna's shielded arm slide around her waist to shackle her victim in place, her hand securely resting on Theresa's ass, squeezing and kneading.
"You know you can always just stay right here with me, where it's warm and safe~" Her mildly slurred speech was being delivered in a husky tone nearly an entire octave lower than her usual voice.

Never one to be sexual, this was far from the norm. In fact Veronna was very timid sexually, except when buzzed or drunk, and even more so when drunken and with an audience. She'd quickly learned that human's had a mild obsession with female to female contact.
Her other arm went around the poor girl, further shackling her.
"You know I can take care of you better than any man could.." Veronna was hinting at the bugle straining against her thong, the one barely hidden by a single plate-fauld of her battle-skirt, and something she enjoyed teasing Theresa with when drunken.

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While getting her ass grabbed by the high ranking soldier of Daegon's little empire was quite annoying, especially since it only happened when she smelled like she had fallen into a distillery, having an audience for it that contained mostly men was taking it too far. What was worse was that, unlike most of these occasions where it was a quick feel before Theresa shot away and began to brutalize Veronna's ears, she was now trapped in the armored vice of her arms, completely unable to get away and barely able to move. She wriggled and squirmed to free herself anyway, utterly failing to do so, and all to the amusement of the happy drunk that held her and all the others surrounding them. The funny thing was that if it wasn't for all the cold armor that adorned her body, such an embrace would be somewhat welcome considering the temperature outside and the body warmth between the two. Only a few disjointed complaints escaped her lips as she attempted resistance against the trap she should have expected as soon as she arrived. Most of them came out as some form of "Stop" and "let go" with the occasional "not here" added.

After a few moments of ambivalent humiliation, the oracle finally managed to free her arms enough to reach the face of her attacker. With this she managed to cover the ears sufficiently enough to prevent the girl from passing out on top of her, but it had a chance of making her feel less energetic. With her guardian's ears somewhat secure, one of the many songs of Selenia began to resonate out of Theresa's throat. Midnight Dirge, verse thirteen, the Slumber Chorus. When her voice accompanied the words across the room, evading the reception of the molester and leaving the girl completely unfazed, the audience began to sway and their eyes became heavy. After a few seconds of random people keeling over exhausted, the entirety of the tavern had finally fallen to the powerful verse, leaving her alone with the drunken general. She wasn't really sure if that was any safer but it was definitely less humiliating.

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When you're drunk your awareness and perception aren't exactly on top of the world. Whereas a normal person would have probably realized Theresa's actions were simply to hide her embaressment and kill the audienace, Veronna took it as something slightly different. To her, it was the poor embaressed girl's plea for some time for just the two of them.
"Oh, I'm surprised Theresa.." Her wicked grin only grew, her eyes narrowed to menacing looking slits. "If you'd just told me you wanted to be alone with me.." Her voice was more of a husky purr than anything by now.
Her arm's tightened around the girl, nearly crushing the poor thing to her chest.
"You had me going for a while there..I almost believed you didn't like me~"

Taking her hand off of the oracles ass she changed her approach from all-out groping to something a bit more blazen depending on your prospective.
Her thumb gently rested on Theresa's chin, her index curled just beneath it, gently raising the girl's head.
Her eyes locked with the oracles for a short moment, just how many drinks she'd has was probably quite visible by now. If that wasn't enough to prove them, Veronna leaning in and plastering her lips to Theresa's probably was.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alister Aaron
Character Portrait: Nini Leden
Character Portrait: Abel Vinsoth


Character Portrait: Abel Vinsoth
Abel Vinsoth

"Im tired of all this crap. All gods suck and Ale is all I need"

Character Portrait: Nini Leden
Nini Leden

"What they don't know won't hurt them.... Right?"

Character Portrait: Alister Aaron
Alister Aaron

"I dont know how to do this. But I can't fail"


Character Portrait: Abel Vinsoth
Abel Vinsoth

"Im tired of all this crap. All gods suck and Ale is all I need"

Character Portrait: Nini Leden
Nini Leden

"What they don't know won't hurt them.... Right?"

Character Portrait: Alister Aaron
Alister Aaron

"I dont know how to do this. But I can't fail"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Abel Vinsoth
Abel Vinsoth

"Im tired of all this crap. All gods suck and Ale is all I need"

Character Portrait: Alister Aaron
Alister Aaron

"I dont know how to do this. But I can't fail"

Character Portrait: Nini Leden
Nini Leden

"What they don't know won't hurt them.... Right?"

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Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

Haven't even seen him on since.
Kinda sucks.

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

Two women (technecally) kissing.


Me gusta.


Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

Billy was kick ass though.
Unlike that goddamn Vince.

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

I don't think it's hard to make profit off of garbage, selling it seems more difficult and Billy has made a career out of it.

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

Billy Mays: He could sell you your old garbage. And profit off of it.

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

Long live us night owls.

I miss Billy Mayes.

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

That happens sometimes...Which is okay. I'm a night owl, and I know it.

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

Sadly, not a damned thing since we seem to be the only ones awake.

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

Oh dear. I have an impending sense of mayhem from Hazy. What exactly are you planning-ing-ing?

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

Gunna have to ditch the poor priestess to cause trouble..

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

Hey-o! I'm back! What all did I miss? A lot of OOC chatter, it seems...but I'll read the IC, and see if it would be fitting to put my character in right this second. If not, I'm cool with waiting.

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

The drunken priest-troller lives.
At least until she runs out of ale.

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

First post is up. Now introduce your characters as you see fit...just nothing stupid or such. Thank you and let the adventure begin

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

Sorry something I picked up from another site...uh. Im gonna post mine. post yours when your ready, ok?

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

I can't see them taking Veronna's religious preference into account.
Especially because she just subscribes to the blanket church of Daegon.
And that's just for paperwork.

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

She''s not from your religion, but yeah I could see her getting picked up to help identify artifacts and the like.

And why is there a specific order if we haven't worked out what we're actually posting yet?

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

Alright. So order should be Me/Haze/Life/Me/Vio/Sneakyrio(my friend who will be joining us)?

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

If you wanted, Life, since it's a church-military collation, said priestess could be the unfortunate person tasked with following Veronna.

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

I'd be okay with it but you pretty much have to run solo for a bit to avoid every character starting right next to each other.

Re: [OOC] Of Light and Darkness: The Land of Ashra

Works for me.
Can't speak for Life though.