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Xander Horogium

"Living with Monsters? That's a joke...They have long since abandoned their humanity, Why should we offer it back?"

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a character in “On the Wings of Change”, originally authored by phantasms, as played by RolePlayGateway



{β€œWhoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” }
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Reki Happou || L'Arabesque_Sindria || Track 5 (Mirai Nikki) || Kishi Ou no Hokor || Kishuu ||


{Full Name}|
Xander Horogium

If people are just to lazy to call him by his first name, They decide to shorten his last name to Horo and go with that.


Nov. 13




-Xander Horogium



|{Eye Color}|

White and ruffled is the only two words that can describe his hair style, He doesn't find a need to comb, His hair is also rather cut short, even by male standards

|{Tattoos | Scars | Piercings | Markings}|
A claw shaped scar that refuses to heal, Is the aftermath of a run-in with a monster, This encounter spawned his never-relenting hatred for monsters

Xander is very well built, His muscles are the result of countless training and hardships

|{Physical Description}|
A-fore-mentioned, Xander is a surprising well built individual, He is tall, and intimidating, making him a bit hard to approach, He harbors a stotic and serious expression, but it is not completely uncommon to see him with a smile, especially when talking with his fellow humans, However when he comes in contact of the monsters, He is less then pleased, Showing a subtle but irritated expression. His usual attire consist of a long red coat and a light armor underneath, This fashion statement is "defense" among the many dangerous creatures residing here.


{"Why are we trying to elevate dangerous creatures to such a status that they gain a place in society, Humans are the dominant species, I don't have tea with my dog or converse with my goldfish, This whole operation can be described in one word, pointless, Why would anyone think monsters want peace, Once they are close enough, they will only want one thing, Blood ” }
-Xander Horogium



|{Quirks || Habits || Oddities}|
β™  Perfectionist - Xander is not one who enjoys mistakes, Whether it is from himself or the people around him, he will do anything in his power to make sure everything looks ideal.
β™ Clean Freak - As much as he hates to admit it, He will strive to make everything unblemished and tidy, Whether it is the floor beneath his feet or the clothes on his back.
β™ Flexing - A bit of a showoff at times, but I guess that is the only thing that you can do if you have something to show. Done, usually when idle or bored.
β™ TCH! - The one and only sound that escapes his mouth when displeased or slightly irritated, Usually followed by vacating the premises. Done, By pressing the tongue against the front of the roof of your mouth, applying pressure, and releasing.
β™ Utensils lover - He will eat only when there is silverware in his hands, Pizza, Burgers, Candy, Xander himself views this action as a sign of showing respect at the table, But this comes off as weird at best.

β™ Actions without Thought - Xander will usually take matters into his own hands and not even give any thought on what he is doing and why, He is not necessarily stupid, But this is an action that will make people view him as such
β™ Orders - Orders, are something that doesn't interest Xander, He doesn't obey commands, At least from superiors or untrustworthy beings, If he is going to do something, He will be the one who says what it is.
β™ Long Term Planner - You shouldn't count on Xander to do anything that requires thinking through a plan, He is fine with following a plan, But not creating one.
β™ Underestimation - Xander is a prideful, cocky, arrogant young man, And he is not one to hide those traits, Battle or not, He will openly insult enemies on their weaknesses, making him anger people he shouldn't
β™ Outmatched = Dead - Since Xander is a hot-headed male, He won't back down from a challenge, Even if he is facing a more skilled opponent, He is trapped, By himself and His enemy.

|{Talents || Strengths || Skills}|
β™ Mage - Xander is a talented mage, Although his magic only consists of summoning various weapons, It's a strength nonetheless.
β™ Duel Sword specialist - A master of combat, He is a skilled swordsmen. Not the best around, But certainly not the worst.
β™ They call him Hawkeye - Being able to summon a bow on will, He is a skilled marksmen, Especially with the bow.
β™ They call him Captain America - Xander himself has a high pain Threshold, Being able to withstand attacks that a normal human wouldn't.
β™ Cleaner - A-fore-mentioned, Xander lives to make sure everything is tidy, And of course, He has to be skilled in cleaning to enjoy it.

β™ Cleaning - Seeing him sweeping the floors or washing the windows is nothing out of the ordinary.
β™ They call him Hawkeye II - Xander is a impeccable archer, And practice, does make permanent
β™ Working out - Pumping iron, Hitting the gym, call it what you like, But there is only one way to maintain such a toned figure.
β™ Watching Tv - Lets be honest, Who doesn't enjoy this?

β™ Heights - Falling is a death that no one can save you from, 2 story buildings don't phase him, But a cliff, where you can't see all the way down is a different story.
β™ Creatures that are stronger then him - If he is faced with a creature that outclasses him, Of course he would be scared.
β™ Death of innocents - The death of someone he cares about has already happened, He doesn't want it to occur again

β™  Xander regrets not saving his brother from the very creatures he despises to this day

β™  Even though he hates creatures with a burning passion, He actually doesn't think they are all bad, But revealing this will rid him of his passionate and driven image he strives to maintain
β™  He regrets not saving his brother, Which is the one person that actually understood Xander on a personal level.


{"My one regret in life is that I am not someone else.” }
-Woody Allen



At first glance, Xander is a hot-headed, loud mouthed individual, He will always try to get what he wants, Even if it means he has to get it himself, Conflict is Xander's middle name, As he doesn't so much want to start it, He just wants to be the one who finishes it. He is also one to hold grudges, An example of this being his unceasing hatred for the unnatural creatures inhabiting the residence. His outlook on life is quite simple too, Live life to the fullest, He also admires people who do so, His stern and brash way of speech repels most, Though Xander doesn't really care, Of course, This way of life has earned Xander next to no friends, But Xander was never the outgoing type, Acting more arrogant to show a sign of strength, But deep down, He is still a child, Alone and Praying for a shoulder to cry on.

Xander is also very protective, Whether it be his things or his allies, Though his reliance on his friends is not openly shown, He really does treasure the people and things around him, Take a closer look and you will find a man who can chuckle at well-timed humor, If you decide to dig a bit deeper, You will find a man who will push you up, even if the toll that it does on him is lethal, A man that will clean after your messes, and crack a joke from time to time, A man who will become a shield to defend you, or a savior of your own skin, maybe if you decide to dig a bit deeper, You will find a man who will become your friend.

{"Hatred, Can't be erased, Your only option, is to erase the ones you hate.” }
-Hakuryuu Ren



β™ Cleaning - Do I really have to explain?
β™ Sour Foods - Lemons, Candy, You name it, Anything sour is something that Xander will always enjoy eating
β™ Working out - Hello Ladies :^)



β™ Kids - Loud, Annoying, and Stubborn, Even though Xander harbors some similarities, He never liked the whiny brat species
β™ Other Worlders - The bane of his existence
β™ Orders - Previously mentioned, He dislike following commands


|{Place of Origin}|
North America, California (Tan Boysss)
Xander was born at the doorstep of an orphanage, Two babies were found, Crying and bawling on the doorstep, A parent or guardian was nowhere to be found, They were put into beds, given food and lived in the orphanage, spending their childhood there. Gear and Xander were polar opposites, Gear was hard-working, and solely focused on his studies, while Xander found no interest in school and just left class whenever he wanted, which was quite often. Though they still maintained a brotherly bond as they should, Xander would tell stories of who he beat up, and Gear would shyly explain his academic accomplishments, Opposites do attract as they say, When they both finished Highschool, Gear was given the option of going to a prestigious collage, Which he promptly accepted, and Xander, successfully flunked every single class, Though he didn't really care, Life wasn't something her was fond of living anyways. As Xander and Gear were walking home, A boy, the same age as Gear, Congratulated him, Although Xander found this quite odd, As they both didn't know the boy at all. The boy then explained, That the program that allowed Gear to go to collage at a young age almost accepted him, But chose Gear instead, Xander, Felt something though, It was murderous intent, The boy's arm morphed into a large claw, Black and Terrifying, Xander shielded Gear with his back, But it didn't do much, As the monster killed Gear it front of his very eyes, Xander being forced to watch.

This was war, Xander needed to get stronger to combat these creatures so they don't hurt innocent people ever again, Xander trained it the art of Swordsmenship and Bowmenship, Also practicing low-level magic to store the weapons, Xander was then invited to partake in the experiment, Him being forced because of his loyalty to the agency, Maybe his view on Outlanders will change? Unlikely, But not entirely out of reach.
|{Family Tree}|
Gear Horogium | Brother|Age:16|Deceased

|{Happiest Memory}|
It happened when both Xander and Gear were in middle school, After successfully beating a group of thugs, despite Gear's small stature, It made Xander realize that his brother doesn't need protection, and that he has grown into a fine young man.
|{Saddest Memory}|

Gear's death at the hands of an unknown demon.


❣Xander's true name was Edward, While Gear's name was William, Xander thought that the names he has chosen from a kids story would sound more manly❣
❣Xander enjoys the cold, His room is often filled with electronic fans.❣
❣The characters from the children story, The tales of Xander and Gear, used various weapons from Edward's arsenal, Xander used two curved shortswords and Gear used a longbow, Edward keeps a copy of this book, being the only book he will ever read.❣

(Only add if you are going to use a dialogue color)
Character Dialogue || #990000
Face Claim
|| Archer (Fate/Stay Night)

So begins...

Xander Horogium's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Yoruichi Kita Character Portrait: Deitrich Kahn Character Portrait: Haruka Himura
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On the day when the two parties met, it was warm. The air sat, too heavy for April, and the cherry blossoms fell everywhere, like beautiful tears. The day seemed normal to most, like any regular day would be. Waking up, going to work, coming home to families and happy homes. But to those who knew what the night would bring, that this night could change the very world, well, those people had a very different kind of day.

A the House of Winds, preparation had begun the night before, just after nightfall and all through the night. But today they had more work to do, more rooms to clean and prepare, and more food to cook. They couldn't tell excitement from apprehension, but both seemed to be a change from the normal atmosphere, with bustling and working all for that night. This certainly was an abnormal day, for those residents of the House usually slept at this time, and as they finished in the early afternoon, that is just what they did, for they would need rest before the visitors arrived, though that sleep was restless for most.

The League of New Hope, too, had been hustling about all day, and they too had gotten less sleep that usual. There had been packing and polishing, informing and uniforming. This group had newly met each other, nearly a month ago, now, but they seemed to all get along for the most part, though each had their own separate views about this task. As the day drew on, each member reflected upon their own pasts and their mutual futures. The nighttime attacks by rogue Other Worlders had been rising, and it would soon be time to take a stand. But first, they would need to meet their comrades in arms.

Night was falling. Ordinary people returned home while extraordinary beings prepared for a change of their fates.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Haruka Himura Character Portrait: Erik Kahn
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The rubber wheels of the bike screeched as the motorcycle slid across the pavement, Riding a motorcycle was a practice that Xander only was just beginning to grasp as a concept, Though he wouldn't be damned if it wasn't fun, Of course he thought that cars were the superior mode of transportation, But cycling was badass, It was quick, But it wasn't painless, His face married the pavement more times then one. Though, sometimes a little change in someones life could might as well save it.

SCREECH!, once more, The motorcycle lets out a ear-bursting sound as rubber meets road, A flock of birds perched on a nearby tree flee as a decibel filled blast scares them away. A single thought almost stops Xander in his tracks, Did I remember to pack everything?, Not a single thought crossed his mind on what was in his backpack.

Xander slammed the brakes of his motorcycle, He couldn't forget something now, As un-eager he was to converse with "them", If he forgot something he would fail to maintain his prestigious and refined figure. Xander tore through his back, Going through, A million red coats, Paper runes, comb, and toothbrush before stopping at a small paperweight sized book, Xander then letting out a sigh of relief, Before organizing his things and getting back on the road.

Xander pondered what living with monsters would be like, But it wasn't thoughts of happiness, Of course, Somewhere in the bottom of his heart he wants this change, But his cold-blooded mind and hot-blooded soul doubted that thought to the fullest extent. Thoughts of trustworthiness and regret clouded his mind. Xander attempted to wash away the ideals, by shaking his head repeatedly, However that didn't really help, at least when he was driving, A large oak tree came into sight in the front view.

Xander jerked the handle bars left, narrowly avoiding an all-expenses-not-paid trip to the hospital, a sigh of relief escaped Xander's lips, However, his victory was short-lived, As his life flashed before his eyes, Before his face met bark of another un-conveniently placed oak.

"Xander, Xander....Edward!". Gear was repeatedly shaking him, Xander getting dizzier by the minute, "Alright Alright, Stop shaking me" Xander shakily responded. "Oh, Heh, Sorry, You kind of spaced out, You okay?" Gear asked, Patting Xander on the head, Gear's ecstatic mood was quite obvious, He was skipping like a school girl and smiling like a goddamn kid at Disneyland. "Yeah, Don't worry about it, I'm fine", But in truth, He was anything but, He flunked, He messed up, His grades would make any parent dishonor him and cut his branch from the family tree. That was what he was feeling, Regret, Living everyday like it is your last will eventually make it that, But this was his brother's big day, When he was finally accepted into a prestigious collage. It was his.

Stopped cold, The Horogium brothers stopped in front of a scrawny looking boy, His neck could be snapped like a toothpick, And his body could be crushed with his pinkie, but why was Xander scared? He felt something, Murderous intent. The boy opened his mouth to speak. "Congrats, I applaud you, You took my spot, All my life I was praised, I was the best, And soon, I'll retain my title", Xander shielded Gear as the boy's arm turned into a black claw, Slashing Xander on the back and leaving him on the ground, Xander was forced to watch as his own brother was crushed, His last words being muted out by the sounds of pain. When the demon was finished, He walked over to the injured Xander and spoke his last words.

"Heh, This memory, It's painful, Isn't it?

Xander's eyes jerked open, As he felt his head to see if he was still alive, He glanced at his watch, And slowly got up, brushing himself off. He wasn't late, But he rather get there at least a bit early, He climbed onto his motorcycle and rode off, Taking off a nearby ramp, His motorcycle barely landing away from the group, His eyes shifted to blonde man and black haired woman.

"Hello there, When do we go up? I'm kind of craving some well-earned sleep"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Erik Kahn Character Portrait: Natasha O'Malley Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko
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The German smiled as the three approached one after another, his team filling up and pretty much ready to take on the short hike to the House of Winds. Erik knew that he was probably the only one looking forward to this, though it did not make him feel all that isolated. It was perfectly normal to distrust something you've never had compassion for. He may very well have ended up like most of them if it were not his brother.
He placed a finger to the frame of his glasses, pushing them up as he gave a faint smile. He was proud of this newly found team and their bravery and willingness to at least somewhat push their resentment aside for the sake of the mission. He placed a hand on the middle part of Xander's handle bars, leaning on his arm.
"It seem like we are all here, ja? I think it's no problem if we head up there soon." His eyes trailed up into the darkened sky, tapping his fingers on the bike in thought. He then pushed himself off the bike walking over to the pair of trees with overlapping branches. He rapped a knuckle against the bark.
"It's about a twenty minute walk, mien cohort und some others should be at the front to greet us. There's a hot meal und warm bed waiting for each of us. I expect you all to get some good rest." He was aware that they probably would not be comfortable with sleeping around creatures. He, however, had a longer night waiting for him. He was more determined to meet the new sleeping schedule, and beside he had more work to take care of and handle. It was mostly busy work that he could probably easily push onto someone else, but his men, and women, needed rest and he felt rather restless. Almost excited even.
He motioned for the illustrious League of Hope to follow as he climbed uphill a rather winding path way. Naturally he didn't get lost despite his brother's poor instructions. After fifteen some odd minutes, the tip of a rooftop of a traditional Japanese compound could be spotted between the trees.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Erik Kahn Character Portrait: Natasha O'Malley Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko
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Talia saw Erik approach from afar, she hadn't spoken to him much, she hadn't really spoken to anyone much, it wasn't her thing, but he seemed exceptionally nice. He greeted her in his native German and she could smell the left over cigarette smoke on his breath. It wasn't an unpleasant smell for Tals, her father had smoked sometimes.

"Kon'nichiwa," she replied, smiling up at the man. "Aye, I feel uncomfortable being late, it makes me nervous." She had practiced speaking English for many years and had an accent only on some words.

"Today is a very important day. Let us hope it all goes well, ja?" He said in his gentle voice. Was he excited? She couldn't quite tell. She nodded her head vigorously though.

"I suppose I am nervous, but I'm sure all will go well." She shrugged and rubbed her hands together. "It's been so long though, there are bound to be some differences between us." Just then, the white haired man rode up on his motorcycle and Talia nodded a greeting at him.

"We'll go when everyone's here so no one gets lost," she studied Xander, who seemed rather tense about something. She hoped he was going to be okay, it would be a long mission if he wasn't. When the two others appeared, Talia felt a stirring in her gut. They were all here now, it wouldn't be long until she had to face her fears and regrets. She would push through, she was sure that everything would work out.

"Ello you two. Hov are you? Ready for this?" Natasha said in greeting. Talia nodded at her and Nikolai, who seemed always serious, but Tals trusted him. She turned towards Erik for his instructions, as he was the leader, after all. They were off then, looking forward to warm beds and meals. Talia knew she wouldn't sleep for a while, she would have to get adjusted to the new times she'd be awake for. With a huff she threw her backpack over her shoulders and picked up her other bag. This would be a long walk with so many things to carry.

Surprisingly though, it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be, though she was rather sweaty. The House was in the distance now, she could see it, and she checked behind her to weigh everyone's emotions. Were they as nervous as she was? She supposed they had to be, to some degree. She adjusted her bag in her hand and looked back again, smiling this time.

"Well, it's begun, now, hasn't it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Yoruichi Kita Character Portrait: Deitrich Kahn Character Portrait: Haruka Himura
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Athena tilted her head to the side, wondering what could have brought this on. Perhaps they could read her more easily than she thought? Or maybe she wasn't as good as putting on airs as she believed? "I'm fine," Athena replied although whether she was trying to convince herself or them was the real question. "What's with you guys?" Athena mumbled and reached for the food, full well knowing it wasn't for her and stealing a bite. "You should be more concerned with yourself Dietrich, isn't it your brother who's leading the group of humans?" Athena wasn't trying to be rude, she just didn't want to draw attention to herself or her past. Very few people knew where Athena really came from and she hoped to keep it that way.

The crunch of underbrush drew her attention to the open doors, the heat hardly bugging Athena as she had dressed appropriately for tonight's weather. "It seems our new housemates are here," she said, rising to greet them. Not that Athena was excited, she wasn't, in fact she was rather dreading the place she had come to think of has her home having to open up to human's. To Athena, humans were nothing more than bugs, buzzing around and attempting to invade everything good that had ever come into her life. She was not about to let them ruin the House of Wind, even if it meant taking on each human herself. The people that resided in this home were precious to her and Athena would hate to see them hurt.

With that in mind she went to the door, spotting the first of the humans emerging from the forest. It was a girl, her short black hair cropped close to her face with eyes that seemed to carry an unspoken burden. For a moment Athena thought she might be wrong, that this girl couldn't possibly be human but behind her more of them followed and she swallowed, fidgeting with the key that was on a chain around her neck. Should she speak? Wait for them to? Athena straightened her back, trying to appear more confident than she felt and went down the steps to greet them. Perhaps Dietrich should have been doing this, after all, he was the leader, but it was too late to turn back now. "Welcome," Athena said as they all came into view. She would wait for the others in the house before saying or doing anything else. She meant well, but Athena could never tell what tricks the humans had up their sleeves.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Yoruichi Kita Character Portrait: Deitrich Kahn Character Portrait: Haruka Himura
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Dietrich watched the young girl exit the house, a small sigh leaving his lips. That little girl was braver than he was.
"Nein, Amamiya. Gut mornin'." He nodded towards the very elegant woman, usually quite the crowd pleaser with her gentle visage. Each member here today had a reason to be here. Dietrich of course had no choice, being the head of house. Yoi was there simply because he was one of the few thinking positively about this. Aika, since she doesn't appear to be threatening in the least. Haruka being among the more mature ones would help out Dietrich with her presence. And Athena since he thought it might be a good experience for her.
After a moment, attempting to calm himself down, he stepped outside himself. He walked casually, appearing to be calm despite his racked nerves. His lips subconsciously found their way to his sleeve, nibbling at cloth as he stood behind Athena. Compared to the young woman's brave efforts, he felt like a child in hiding. He was so self absorbed into his worry of losing control, he didn't even realize that the night air had begun to cool.
"Welcome." This one word drew the attention of Dietrich, causing him to look up. A small group of five stood before them. In front was a young woman who hardly looked any older than him. In fact, most of them looking pretty young, except the giant Russian guy. He pulled his sleeve from his mouth as he addressed the group. Seems like he wasn't the only one letting a woman take take the lead. Not that there was anything wrong with that.
"Welcome to the House of Winds. I'm Dietrich Kahn, head of house." He then indicated to the young woman that stood before him. "This is Athena Usagi. We're part of the welcoming crew." He side stepped from behind the young woman, nodding to her as he walked past her towards the group, showing her that she did well. He stopped a few feet from the humans, pleased that he didn't feel any odd urges. He looked to his brother.
Erik had clasped his hands together, his eyes sparkling in pride. His little brother was putting on such a brave face and didn't reek of decay. He stepped forward as did Dietrich. They formally shook hands before hugging each other with their other arm. Once they pulled away, he cleared his throat, mostly speaking to the girl beside Dietrich and those who'd be following behind.
"Ich bin Erik Kahn." He introduced himself in his usually thick accent. "I am head of the unit League of Hope." He gave a gent;e and caring smile as he looked over all the other worlders. He felt no malice towards them, nor did he care if they hated him. He had to accept each one as they are in order for this to work. No matter what, this absolutely had to work. Erik would place his life on the line for this mission, which is probably why he was allowed to take the lead on it.
Once paired together, the brothers whom seem to look nothing alike have actually quite a few similarities. The kind of clothing they adorned were very similar in style, probably due to the seclude tastes they had growing up. They both had bandages about their necks and, though a bit different in placement and number, they each had pierced ears. Other than that, they looked like polar opposites with Dietrich's short hair and red eyes compared to Erik's long hair and blue eyes. Their hair and eye color was the same at on point however.
Erik gesture towards the four people behind him. "We are the humans who will be accompanying you this day on, ja? Let us all get along." He and Dietrich stood a bit off to the side so the others could greet one another.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Yoruichi Kita Character Portrait: Deitrich Kahn Character Portrait: Haruka Himura
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"I have decided
to do the best now
in order to relive the past
in order to be forgiven
but, will it be enough?
I do not know."
Aika gave a small yet gentle smile to Deitrich as the Leader of the House greeted her in return. On the other hand, Athena emphasized that she was fine and if that was so, she has nothing against nor is she going to revoke it. In response, she gave a small nod implying her understanding. Then, Athena stated that the League of New Hope composed of humans had finally arrived. Hearing that, Aika turned to look at her companions who had been selected to participate in this treaty. She was not opposed as long as no one from her family is harmed. There would be no reactions coming from here. Instead, she will do her best to ensure everyone's safety and health as her way to help.

"I believe it is time, let us welcome them." She softly said as she felt a bit more better. It seemed that the evening winds was bringing a colder drift which was a good thing. Athena went on ahead and soon, Deitrich followed. She followed behind the two with her graceful movements that one would be reminded that of illustrious noble ladies with a tinge of delicacy found in a rhythmic movement of a dance.

Athena was the first one to offer her welcome as her ombre-colored eyes gazed at the humans whom they would be working together for the sake of peace. Her eyes did not hold any kind of resentment or fear. She was calmly looking at them without any hint of strong emotion, just a normal one.

They are a group of 5, just like them. They have 3 males and 2 females. They all seemed young much how they are or some of them appear as. Well, except for the male who presented himself with such thickness that cannot be ignored. It was clear he is of military stock and one very obstinate about it. Her observations was disturbed when Deitrich finally spoke.

She had been told that the leader of the human group was Deitrich's brother. That is a wonderful thing to be reunited with family. She knew the comfort of what that familial bond could bring. She had siblings too, once upon a time. Looking at the two brothers, they were contrasting yet complimentary in many ways. She could only say that they were a pair. The exchange between the two was pleasing and warm. She could not help but express a kind smile at the scene. After that hug, the one known as Erik introduced himself to them and wished that they all get along. She was happy that their leader felt the same way.

"Yes, we also wish for such bonds to exist between us. It is a pleasure to meet you Erik-san. My name is Amamiya Aika." Her voice resonated with such soothing tone, something not forced but normal for her. She gave them a polite bow of the head and then gave them gentle smile. "I am the Healer here at the House of Winds. If there is anything that you require or would like assistance to, please do not hesitate to ask me." This might be seen as a simple courteous greeting, but in Aika's case, this was sincere and without any pretenses. "I will aid you as much as possible." Then, she left it at that for now. She gazed at the others to introduce themselves.

When they were done, she gazed at Deitrich. "Our Leader has prepared for your accommodations and also a meal has been arranged." There was a soft yet proud look flashing across her multi-colored eyes which was probably the main identifier that she is not as human as she appears to be. "Please, do come in and make yourselves at home." After saying that, she stepped aside to allow Deitrich and the human group to enter first.

She truly hopes that everything about this alliance would go well and would open many doors for all of them. This is an opportunity for both of them to understand each other. Something that they lack at the moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Yoruichi Kita Character Portrait: Deitrich Kahn Character Portrait: Haruka Himura
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Talia stood a few steps behind Erik when he moved forward as the Other Worlders introduced themselves. Some of them seemed eager and others more cautious. She observed them all one by one, wondering how they each got to the House. The girl Athena stepped up first eagerly, and then the leader spoke to them. He definitely looked like Erik, so this was why the brother had been so interested in leading this crew to the House.

Behind her she felt tensions rise, and she turned slightly to see Natasha and Nikolai tense, hands reaching for their weapons, but looking confused when Erik spoke. "We are the humans who will be accompanying you this day on, ja? Let us all get along." Talia smiled internally at his warm statement, he certainly wanted them all to become comrades. Perhaps even comrades in arms.

She hoped they would understand that there would hopefully be no means for trouble. The brothers stepped aside now, waiting for the two groups to introduce themselves to each other. A young woman then stepped forward and introduced herself as the healer of the group, Amamiya Aika. At this point, Tals set her bags down quietly, one on top of the other and also stepped forward and to bow politely, as it was custom as Aika had just done.

β€œThank you for welcoming us so graciously. I am Talia Iwamoto, the medic of our group, I hope we may get along, I look forward to getting to know you all.” Her voice was quiet, as it normally was, but it did not waver or relay her nervousness. After rising from her bow she smiled and two others introduced themselves. The first, Yoruichi, was quieter than the second, Dr. Himura. They both seemed to be curious, though Yoruichi seemed less inclined to show his curiosity.

Tals smiled at them and nodded as well then looked expectantly at the three other members of their human party, waiting for them to step forward and introduce themselves, though they seemed more tense than Erik and she. She felt scared, yes, but these Other Worlders seemed like normal people when introducing themselves. It was as if a rush of excitement had stripped her of her initial fear. She just hoped that this rush of outgoingness would last, otherwise it would be a very long night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Yoruichi Kita Character Portrait: Deitrich Kahn Character Portrait: Haruka Himura
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0.00 INK


Xander was not one to introduce himself, At least to "them", but dominance must be proven, After all, They needed something to say after Master, or King, or....

Xander was lost in his own thoughts, This "experience" would prove to either suck, or suck more, So Xander wanted to get the most of it, Even if he had to squeeze it out personally. He is the self-proclaimed "guard" of the human party, Stating that if anything went wrong, he had to spill some blood, Whether it is the out-worlders, or something else entirely. Xander lightly parked his motorcycle, slamming the kickstand and propping the motorcycle.

"We are the humans who will be accompanying you this day on, ja? Let us all get along." Erik announced, much to Xander dismay, Of course, Xander still wanted some kind of agreement of peace, But more on a distant level, Humans of course, Must be at the end of the food chain, or something like that, Xander was happy for the king, because of his reunion with his long-lost white haired brother, But his thoughts were still a bit conflicted, I mean, It's easy to get along with your brother, even if he has..."changed", however it wouldn't be a walk in the park for the rest, even Xander knew that. This change was well-unwanted, and well.....difficult.

The tension decided to come out, as the man of the army himself expressed his thoughts of discomfort, Not the wisest decison, Considering the humans are on their ground, but the only thing Xander had for Nikolai Puchenko was respect, a truly intimating and trustworthy man indeed, Xander himself could tell that in a tight situation, This man has his back, Same goes for his partner in crime. It was all reassuring.

Then there is Talia Iwamoto, Xander sympathized with her because of them both losing someone important to a beast trying to get some kicks, Though it was a relief for Xander that she at least knows where everyone stands, Humans on the top, Unlike someone, Cough Cough, Erik Cough. However, Xander has never seen her in any kind of combat whatsoever, She has to know how to bear arms if she is here, Right? but that aside, Xander's view on Talia was more on a acquaintance level, Not distant, but not necessarily close either, Lukewarm, was the best way to describe it.

Xander also examined the house itself, A japanese style house, More rural then anything, He himself wasn't with he times, But this was a little much. Anything japanese proved little importance in Xander's perspective, The food was good, But that's all he had to say about it.

It's was about time Xander expressed his dominance, Now or never as they say. Xander took a step forward

"Hello Otherworlders, You have the privilege of calling me, Master Xander, King Xander and So forth" His voice was deafening, Like if he wanted to build tensions, Oh wait...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Yoruichi Kita Character Portrait: Deitrich Kahn Character Portrait: Haruka Himura
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0.00 INK



They were contrite, all meekly following behind the white haired man called Erik, the only act of bravery on the human's side announcing their names. Then another came, he had the sort of boyish swagger about him that reminded Athena of her brother. His face quirked up in a half smirk and he introduced himself as Xander. Another stab, a name so close to her now dead twin. Dead before twenty because humans decided he shouldn't live. Because according to them his life was worth less than nothing. An ant has no quarrel with a boot, was their reasoning, but that didn't mean they could not crush it.

She attempted to stifle her laughter, he was so odd, this human, announcing himself in such a manner and suggesting they refer to him with a title. You must think very highly of yourself if you expect us to call you that, Athena thought, watching the others and wondering what their reaction to this strange human would be. She would not vocalize her thoughts as surely that would lead to trouble they didn't want nor need. The other humans, as far as her observations went, did not seem so bad. Erik, Dietrich's brother presented himself as a tender morsel that was clearly only here for one reason, to attempt to make peace with his brother. The two Russian's Athena could not get a read on as they were stoic, although her keen senses picked up the scent of cigarettes and it took most of her will power not to wrinkle her nose in disgust.

Cigars and nicotine were things that the Banshee did not understand. Death sticks, is what they were and yet humans insisted on consuming them like bees did pollen. Natasha and Nikoli, were they siblings? Athena wondered, but rather than asking she gave a light shake of her head. Her thoughts were everywhere today and although the sun was just setting Athena could tell this was going to be a long night. She was not looking forward to sharing with humans, the species that had torn apart her life and stomped on whatever stable ground remained. She wanted to retreat to her room and fall apart in silence, but stood strong if not in defiance to the species -who ruined her life than to convince herself that she was alright.

Stop feeling so sorry for yourself. There are others who had it worse, Athena reminded herself and turned to go inside as the others did. They were going to eat the meal Dietrich prepared and although the vampire could not consume human food, Athena had no doubts that he would sit at the head of the table as always and converse politely with the humans. After all, Dietrich was once human himself, he could relate to them better than any of the others in the House of Wind.

Then there was Talia. Something about the slight female irked her although Athena couldn't quite put her finger on it. The only one who seemed excited by the opposite species presence was Haru, although no doubt it was nothing more than a morbid fascination at their mortality that piqued Haru's interest. Aika's gentle presence was a pleasant reminder that everything would be alright and Yoi... Well Athena wasn't sure about him, but then again she never was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Yoruichi Kita Character Portrait: Deitrich Kahn Character Portrait: Haruka Himura
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0.00 INK

"I have decided
to do the best now
in order to relive the past
in order to be forgiven
but, will it be enough?
I do not know."
It was mostly peaceful that is what Aika would like to believe. The humans were understandable in their noted and subtle apprehension towards them. This also applies to their group, but it was a good start that everyone was able to politely stand together without fires being switched. She was very thankful for that especially when she doesn't like conflict in any form or from anyone.

They finally entered the manor where they led their human companions to the dining hall where their food had been served. It would be obvious that the Leader of the House of Winds would be sitting at the head. She could smell the wonderful meals prepared by Deitrich. "Please take your seat and enjoy the meal prepared by our leader." Her smile was warm as she waited for the others to take their seat, but she had already made sure that the second seat was for her.

The only thing she didn't expect was the introduction of the human with a rather dark complexion and white hair. "It is nice to meet you." Aika started as she noticed to the side in which Athena's eyes seemed to take humor in what had been said. Well, the human male had quite a grand assessment of himself or he believes that them the otherworlders are smaller compared to him. She does not find fault at that if that is what he rightly believes than it is so.

"If there is anything else, please just ask." Aika smiled at him kindly, but she avoided calling him by name as she was uncertain whether he was simply joking or serious. She could not tell and did not want to offend anyone especially on how he had stated it. His loud, booming voice filled with a confidence like none other. She was rather in awe of it as he is able to exude such thing. It was rather easier for people to be shy and to cower than to be brave and courageous.

"Then..." She looked around for the others and the humans. Aika wasn't taking the duties of their leader by commanding the table for most part. It was just she wanted everyone to be comfortable and to help her fellow otherworlders as much as possible. That was the least she could do for now. "Please eat to your hearts content." She smiled warmly at them, hoping to be courteous and friendly to enhance a better relationship for all of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Yoruichi Kita Character Portrait: Deitrich Kahn Character Portrait: Haruka Himura
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It didn't take much effort to realize that the male Russian had his eyes one him. He mentally gave a dry laugh at the idea. He'd be perfectly okay with the other killing him, but he may not exactly know the trick. He'd have to remember to tell the humans at some point, though as far as he could tell in that moment, he was going to be fine.
The female Russian's reactions weren't all that different than her buddy, though she was a bit more... Obvious one could say. The look of surprise at Erik's words said it all.
The medic by far looked like one of the calmest and eager of this group, aside from Erik of course. She didn't seem scared, which worried him. When dealing with non humans, it's natural to be a bit frightened. He grew to wonder what her story was if she could remain calmer than her two Russian companions.
Master Xander. King Xander. Oh the balls this guy had. Dietrich couldn't help but give an unconscious smirk at him. He couldn't really take the man serious, finding him amusing in a non mocking way.
Aika taking charge of the situation didn't bother him, in fact he was proud of the girl. She was remaining calm and kind. He was a bit proud of them all, seeing that on their end, things went smoothly. He couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief as he and Erik where the last ones to enter the dining hall. The humans were all very interesting in their own way, if not a bit worrying in some case.
"Sorry if the food sucks." He casually spoke, unbefitting of a leader. He was never one to take charge in social gatherings as he was more of a solitary guy in the end. He took his seat at the end of the table while his brother took to the other side.

He Erik found himself wondering what each of these creatures of the night were, knowing only what his brother was having been there when it happened.
One of the first to introduce them self on the other worlder's side was a very gentle blonde whom claimed to be a healer of sorts. She was very kind in her reply to his statement and he returned her bow. He wondered if she had a scary side to her.
The next was a young boy whom looked to be Dietrich's deceased age, a quiet and some what awkward boy who threw out a rather nonchalant air about him. He seemed calm and rational, traits that Erik likes in a fighter.
The next person was slightly unsettling. She did not look at the humans as equals, he could tell that much. The mention of science gave him thought as to what she thought of humans, test subjects. He put a hand to his chin, noting that he may want to keep and eye on her.
The last one was a fairly young girl, the first one who introduced herself in fact. He has heard of this one, as Dietrich seems fond of her as he was of their own sister. She was a banshee, a being cursed to see death. He too had a soft spot for the small girl, though was not all that familiar with her.
He followed behind his younger brother at the back of the crowd, taking his seat at the other end of the table.
"Mien Gott, Dietrich." He mused, smiling a bit. "It smells great, don't be so strict on yourself, ja?" He spoke as if he wasn't strict to others himself. He was a fairly relaxed guy but had very strict standards as those who work for him can attest to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Yoruichi Kita Character Portrait: Deitrich Kahn Character Portrait: Haruka Himura
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0.00 INK

#, as written by



|| ✦ Location ✦ ||
Meet-Up Area

|| ✦ Time ✦ ||
Approx. 9:50 PM

|| ✦ Dialogue: #652C91 ✦ Thought: #9E005C ✦ ||

FC || Touka Kirishima : Tokyo Ghoul


Haruka swirled at the sight of Talia's smile, already seeing the woman as a perfect candidate for testing. Such beauty, such curves! Perfect complexion, lovely hair, good stature, everything I could ever ask for! Oh, if only she was mine... Haru ignored Dietrich's voice, which was echoing in her head, reminding her: They are not here to be tested on... She honestly hated him right now. How could he deny her the right of learning more about these beautiful human beings? It was cruel, to say the least.

She was more or less concentrated on Talia when the albino guy spoke up, and she barely caught what he said at all. Master Xander? Unlike the others, who were practically ignoring the statement, Haruka laughed, loud and full. Ah, how odd for you to think that any of us would actually refer to you with such a name! Do you really believe yourself to be superior just because you were on this planet first? You've got some nerve, saying something like that. Haruka recovered from her laughing and stood up straight, crossing her arms across her chest and giving 'Master Xander' a glaring smile.

Don't forget who the ones born from darkness are, young man.

With that, she turned and walked into the house, taking her usual seat. At this point, she didn't really care what the humans thought of her, even though she'd originally been worried about their opinion. It didn't matter in the end. If they didn't trust her enough to volunteer for her experiments, there was always bribery, blackmail, and outright threats.

As the others flooded into the room, Haruka kept her smile and started to play with her hair quietly. She figured Dietrich would be giving her a lecture after the others were out of earshot. Not that she minded, what was he gonna do about it, turn back time? The worst he could do was restrict her food supply, and she doubted he had the authority to do something as drastic as that.

Haruka couldn't eat any of the food that had been prepared. Therefore, her seat didn't have any table settings, they weren't needed. She was supposed to eat at specific times on specific dates in a specific place, so most days she didn't even attend the community dinners. Haru found it to be a waste of time and effort, especially since most members of the house didn't really like her all that much. But today was special, and she was determined to make the best of it in spite of her first impression.

Yoi took his seat next to her and she chatted with him quietly, others around the table making their way in and starting to eat. Yoi was one of the few people Haru could stand to be around. Mostly because he was so quiet, partly because he was so understanding as well. He accepted who she was, unlike most of the other creatures in the House of Winds. Aika was also rather kind to her, so she was alright.

Haru didn't like Dietrich, that was evident, and Athena was at a completely neutral place in her set of opinions. As for the humans...well, the only one she didn't like was Xander. He was arrogant and obviously had some sort of God-complex, so unfortunately, he was not a very ideal subject.




|| ✦ Location ✦ ||
Meet-Up Area

|| ✦ Time ✦ ||
Approx. 9:50 PM

|| ✦ Dialogue: #0054A5 ✦ Thought: #5E5CA7 ✦ ||

FC || Nezumi : No.6


The medic of the other group returned Aika's greeting as formally as she'd received it, introducing herself to be Talia Iwamoto. She seemed about as happy as Erik, and her smile didn't give the feel that it was fake, so Yoi determined her to be an alright person. The two Russians in the background both gave Yoi a sense of discomfort, they were intimidating, even to an Okami like him.

To his surprise, neither of them said anything or gave any emotion towards the subject. They both stayed quiet and kept to themselves. Instead, it was the white-haired male - the one who Yoi had noticed observing the other humans - who addressed himself.

"Hello Otherworlders, You have the privilege of calling me, Master Xander, King Xander and So forth."

Yoi had been looking forward to this day for a long while, and this man, Xander, made him want to go back to his room and never come out again. The ignorance in his voice was enough to make him puke if he actually had any food in his stomach. What the hell is his problem? Yoi made a face of slight disgust and hoped the guy noticed it. He didn't want to cause trouble, so he didn't say anything, but the thoughts raging through his head were not of the nice variety.

He jumped slightly when Himura burst out laughing next to him. He'd never heard her laugh before, it was creepy, and not just because it was new. Yoi continued to watch her captivate the attention of both groups as she blatantly insulted Xander, speaking her mind in a contradicting way that made her seem as if she felt superior to him, which would be the same as he felt towards the entire group.

Soon enough, Himura was finished with her little speech and disappeared inside. Yoi didn't speak and simply followed her. He didn't want to make the situation any worse, he could already feel the mood changing between the two groups. Yoi took his normal seat next to Himura, him being the only person she wasn't outwardly cruel to, and waited for everyone else to come in and sit down. It didn't take long. He wondered if anyone was going to say anything about it, perhaps Xander himself would retort. Yoi didn't really care. The guy was ignorant and wouldn't last long if he didn't change his attitude.

Dinner started. "I won't be eating anything, I'm supposed to have dinner with my family later. I'll stick around though." It was true that he commonly ate with his parents and sister, it but is wasn't complete truth, in reality he was just uncomfortable eating around these humans. Most of them seemed genuinely angry at Yoi's group and he didn't feel as if they would hesitate to poison his food or something like that. He doubted that they would under the circumstances, but his confidence wasn't full.

Yoi sat patiently as the others ate, making small talk with Himura as the night commenced. Neither of the two were eating that night so it was somewhat boring for them, but neither complained, and Yoi simply watched and observed the other people.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Yoruichi Kita Character Portrait: Deitrich Kahn Character Portrait: Haruka Himura
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0.00 INK


"Xander!" Talia began to reprimand his behavior before the woman who introduced herself as Dr. Himura stepped in. Tals admired her fierce nature at this point, she didn't fell as scared as she though she would after the woman's initial introduction. These beings were all just acting like normal humans. The doctor walked off and Aika called the group over to share a meal around a table.

Talia sat next to Erik, she didn't want to separate humans from non-humans, but she felt as if she knew Erik the most out of anyone here, which was strange because she didn't even know that much about him. The brothers had a polite interaction and Talia watched the two of them, noting their similarities.

"Thank you all for this, it looks wonderful," She smiled around the table. she took a small anount of food on her plate, finding herself not to be too entirely hungry, and sat quietly as the others conversed. she wasn't a normally conversational person, and preffered to listen, which is just what she did.

She supposed that after dinner they may have some sort of meeting, since everyone had to stay up to adjust to the new, night-time schedules. they would of course need to discuss living arrangements and the general ruled of the House, and what everyone would be doing to help out around the place. Talia also figured that someone would have to bring up the recent attacks of Other Worlders on humans. The attacks had been becoming more and more frequent, and Tals remembered her own attack very well, but she couldn't imagine that any of these people would have taken part in any of them. At least she hoped not.

It had been the idea of the League in the beginning to stop these attacks, and the military enlisted the help of those who lived in the House long before they even recruited any of the League itself. What an odd conglomeration of people this would be, they all had such different backgrounds and yet she hoped that they all shared a common goal. She just wanted people to be safe. They would have to do something about the attacks, she wondered what the plan was, either way, she would only fight if she had too, but she would be there to help.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Yoruichi Kita Character Portrait: Deitrich Kahn Character Portrait: Haruka Himura
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0.00 INK



Athena sat beside Aika, unconscious to the divide in humans and other worlder's. The display outside was entertaining, that was for sure. She would not call what Haru did brave, no, Athena saw it as taking an unnecessary risk. The scientist was odd though, that Athena knew for certain. She often heard noises from the room considered Haru's lab and would not want to end up as one of the unlucky souls under Haru's microscope. These poor humans had no idea what they were in for if they agreed to be one of Haru's subjects; not that she thought it likely. Unless Haru had something to offer in return for their blood and particles.

Athena's stomach growled. She had to stand on tip toe in order to reach the platter on the table, a disadvantage of being short, but one she was all too used to. The purple haired girl seated herself once more, nibbling on the food Dietrich had prepared and finding that it was nothing short of delicious, as normal. She had tried cooking once and not only had Athena made a mess of the kitchen, but she had nearly set her home on fire. Her mother had never allowed her to step foot in the kitchen after that, not even to serve food to guests, not that she would let her five year old carry glassware to the table anyways.

Athena listened to those around her speak. Erik had an accent that was much stronger than Dietrich's and he told his brother not to be so hard on himself. She felt a stab of envy and looked down at her plate, taking a breath before putting on the smile that she wore for show. "Everything is delicious Dietrich," Athena had eaten nearly everything on her plate, which was a stark difference from the last few weeks. She was surprised she was hungry, but was glad that she was beginning to feel a bit more normal. Maybe staying in the House of Wind really was helping?

"You're name's Talia right?" Athena turned to look at the black haired female and placed her fork down. "So where do you hail from?" Small talk was not her best subject, but Athena had decided to give it a shot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Yoruichi Kita Character Portrait: Deitrich Kahn Character Portrait: Haruka Himura
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0.00 INK

"I have decided
to do the best now
in order to relive the past
in order to be forgiven
but, will it be enough?
I do not know."
Haruka outright told off the white-haired male about his introduction or demand to be called with King or Master. It was inevitable since this alliance had been establish for cooperation and equality. This was not done to show superiority among them. This made her worry as it could cause chaos which was not advisable. "Xander-san, I apologize, but I believe to foster cooperation between us we should align ourselves with friendship." Her gentleness never descended as she then looked at Haruka with kindness and a request. "So, I really do hope we could get along." Then, she looked at Deitrich to serve as her respect to him before looking at Xander. "We do know how to show respect, but the best way to have it is when it is given by positive recognition."

Her voice never held animosity or negativity. She spoke those words with complete politeness and softness. "I hope you could understand why my family found it to be offensive in nature." She ended her statement at that. In her eyes, the people gathered here at the House of Winds are her family, so she addressed them as so. She then looked at Yoruichi kindly. "Oh yes, that is true. In that case, thank you for being here Yoruichi. It is very appreciated." Her words reflected sincerity and gratefulness.

After stating that, she heard Deitrich humbling himself once more, saying his cooking would suck. It was one of their leader's endearing traits in her personal opinion. Notably, his brother, Erik countered it with some words. Their relationship was very nice to witness, the bond of siblings. It made her recall the past, the faces of her parents, her sister, and her brother. How they were twisted in despair and in disbelief of what she had done. Her eyes closed briefly as she then joined the conversation between brothers. "I would agree Deitrich. Your meals are delicious."

She smiled brightly at that and then looked at the food before her. What she said is without fallacy, though, she was uncertain if she could eat something similar to her. It is a fish dish, particularly sole. That is why she decided to eat the salad prepared on the side. She gently chewed and her greens with her inherent elegant manners. It was not far fetched to conclude that she had been raised in a manner similar to that of nobles and such. Either way, she was done with her tasting and then, she smiled warmly at Deitrich. "They are prepared with care as always." She looked at Athena then who commented the same. "Athena and I are in agreement." She noted with gentle joy and was also glad to the point in which Athena had cleaned her plate.

That was a good sign and hopefully, this will continue on as Athena made small talk with one known as Talia. This should be a start of good things and with that she quietly enjoyed her meal as best as she could, letting others take the discussion. She would only be a support if needed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Erik Kahn Character Portrait: Natasha O'Malley Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko
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0.00 INK

Николаи ΠŸΡƒΡ†Ρ‡Π΅Π½ΠΊΠΎ

It took him a moment be Nikolai followed the group inside and sat down next to Talia. He would normally sit closer to his leader but felt that he was the only on safe due to having his "brother" be the leader of these things. Not trusting the food or drink prepared by one of them, he pulled out one of his homemade granola bar, nutritionally it was a full meal, also filled you up like one, but it lacked greatly in taste. He also pulled out a bottle of Vodka from his pack. Turning to their "host", "Old Russian tradition. Bring new clean glasses for EVERYONE! We all drink to Alliance, da?" He smiled at Tasha who sat between Erik and Xander. He turned to Xander, "King Xander, have drink your highness. Drink up comrades."


Not wanting to go inside she finally gave in when she noticed everyone else had already gone in. She found a seat between Erik and Xander which made her feel a little better. Here she felt like Xander would watch her six, hopefully not liturgy, and Erik seemed safe and harmless enough. Tasha studied both groups well not paying any attention to the food or drinks. That is until Nikolai opened his big mouth. See the bottle of Vodka and the smile on his face she know right away what he was doing. He brought some of the "For Russians only" strong Vodka. She remembered her first toast with him and a bottle of that stuff, if you aren't used to drinking and you aren't carefully you will kill yourself with this. Surprisingly this relaxed her even more, not knowing who would drink or how these thing will react to it made her more curious then anything. In a happy, upbeat voice, "DA! TO THE ALLIANCE! TO LIFE, ZUM LEBEN, K ZHIZNI!" Well saying this she kept an eye on the one who called its self a Dr. Tasha wondered if it was connected to Pandora or Purgatory. If it was it had to die a slow and painful death regardless of who or what got in her way. This of course brought flashbacks to the hell she was raised in, an isolated Russian military research town and base. She was quick to shake this off to stay focused.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xander Horogium Character Portrait: Talia Iwamoto Character Portrait: Athena Usagi Character Portrait: Yoruichi Kita Character Portrait: Deitrich Kahn Character Portrait: Haruka Himura
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"I'm only saying, What you are thinking.."

Xander leaned over and whispered this into Talia's ear, Xander was quite aware of Talia's struggles, Why not express abhorrence now? Xander barely listened to the other's introductions, The only name that mattered was his, after all. The only thing that collected his attention was the rather soft-spoken individual, A ghoulish girl, Of course, Xander didn't want to explode, So he stayed quiet. Too tired to make any malicious comments. Or maybe just too hungry.

Xander followed the group like always, Of course, He was a bit worn out from his crash, But food could always do the trick, Xander was not one to just, pig out, But today might be an exception. He heard from Goldilocks, that the Leader himself was a adept chef, But it seems this would be the only thing that Xander was excited for. A simple Tch escaped his lips as he walked inside.

He was seated next to his two favorite people, Or at least at the moment. Nikolai and Natasha, It looked like they seemed to be settling down, But Xander isn't giving up now....He isn't trying to destroy the mission entirely, He just wanted a obvious standing on who is still on top, Humans.

"Xander-san, I apologize, but I believe to foster cooperation between us we should align ourselves with friendship.", Xander didn't particularly dislike polite people, But he didn't like them that much either. "Tch", Still talking about that..? Xander thought, I mean, He could play it off as some kind of joke, But he wasn't cracking one.

Xander seemed to be out of it, He was nightdreaming, Niko said something humorous, but Xander barely listened, He was exhausted, He raised his glass with the rest of the group, But had no intention of keeping an alliance, The relationship can't be "comrades", It had to be, A King and a Servant, And we all know who is fulfilling each role.