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Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural


School for all Races. -{Open and Accepting}-

2,379 readers have visited Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural since xXChocobeanXx created it.


First of all, before I get to the story line, I want to give my friend Faize_Girl credit for helping me out. She wrote the storyline for me, since I suck at those, and helped me brainstorm ideas. This Roleplay wouldn't have been possible without her.

Located in a quiet corner of Japan is Pheonix Academy, a place where people can coexist peacefully. Summers are warm, springs are beautiful, autumns are bright and colorful, and winters are bearable. It’s like a heaven on Earth.
As you enter through the large double doors of Pheonix Academy, everything seems normal. There are dorms in one building, classes in another, and a cafeteria to eat your meals in. The courtyard in the center of the school hosts lush green grass and sky-high trees. The night class dorms are in the left building, and the day class lays claim to the right. In the middle on either side are where the classrooms are located. At first, you wonder what the building off in the corner is, but you dismiss it casually. Continuing on to your dorm, you stumble into a night class student. After an awkward apology, you scurry to your room and keep going as normal.

What you didn’t notice: that night class student wasn’t talking to your face. He was speaking to your neck. Pheonix Academy's hosts one of the few inter-species campuses in history. You have just enrolled yourself into the world of the supernatural. How will you proceed?

Day Class: 8 AM – 3 PM
English, Math, Sciences, History, Social Studies, Music, Theater, Creative Writing, Art, P.E., Woodshop

Night Class: 6 PM – 2 AM
Self-control (required class), Changing (werewolves only), Music, Art, Creative Writing, Woodshop, Sciences, English, Math, History

James Valterio- Head of the Vampire race~
Malik Kariger
Vladmir Blair
Thomas James

Psychic Vampires:
Olivia Ava Wick- Head of the Psychic Vampire race~

Akio Nakain

Colett Jenson
Jade Auburn

Hunter Snow

Arrabella Ismene- Head of the Dragon race
Veronica Steele
Jin Tamashi
Veritas 'Truth' Quaesitor

Ashton Willowmark- Head of the Gryphon race~


Carius- Head of the Witch race~
Nikki Rose

Tamashi No Nai- Head of the Undine Race~

Lokia Zyphonia- Head of the Tree-Spirit race~

Mizu Chara- Head of the Water-Spirit race~

Kumi Akai
Thea Blair
Serenade Keals
Irelia Luxey

The Character Skeleton:

Age: (15-19)
Race: (Human, Vampire, Werewolf, etc)
Bio: (optional. If you shoose to write it don't make it cheesy.)
Additional Powers: (Only for the head of each race.)
Are you the Head of the race: (Yes or no and not for humans)
Misc:(anything else you would like use to know

1) Malik Kariger & Jin Tamashi
2) Akio Nakain & Carius
3) Ashton Willowmark & Hunter Snow

1) Serenade Keals & Lokia Zyphonia
2) Irelia Luxey & Nikki Rose
3) Tamashi No Nai & Olivia Ava Wick
4) 5)

1) Kumi Akai & James Valterio
2) Thea Blair & Yuch
3) Colett Jenson & Vladmir Blair
4) Jade Auburn
5) Arrabella Ismene
6)Veronica Steele
7) Veritas Quaesitor
8) Mizu Chara & Thomas

Toggle Rules

-Don't swear excessively. Try to keep it at a minimum. It ruins the fun of roleplaying.
-'Fade to black' explictness or take it to the pms Nobody wants to here the whole description.
-Have as many characters as you want. Just keep up with all of them.
-If you have a race that I didn't put up, tell me nicely, and I will get it there.
-Please no super-uber cheesy histories like, 'her parents died and she only had this place to go.' Please, really don't do that. Fellow roleplayers hate it.
-Most of the heads of races are male. I will accept some female heirs
-Day and night classes can be for both humans and other beings.
-First come first serve for heirs. Check the OOC
-There is no posting order

Taking place in...

Fantasy our primary setting

Safe for the beings. Not exactly for humans


Fantasy by xXChocobeanXx

Safe for the beings. Not exactly for humans

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 19 authors


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He looked at the boy grabbing Mizu by the hand. "Don't touch her you perverted bastard!" He yelled; picking up a table and slamming it into the dragon's face before marching over towards Mizu and the boy. His aura would scare even the toughest of beast away from him. "Let go of her." He growled. "Im not loosing her again." He snarled before giving a small warning and slamming his fists down onto the boy's face before hurdling his punches at the boy; almost ignoring the others heading towards him.


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Mizu fell to the floor. "Ow.." She muttered slightly before she saw the guy's two friends friends recovers. They were coming at Thomas, who was currently wailing on the guy who just had her. "No!" She called as one of the guys smashed a chair over Thomas' head, knocking him to the floor. "NOO!!!!" A weird sensation came over her body and her form started to change. "What did you DO?!?!" She called, her hair covering her eyes as she stood up. He guys laughed walking over to her. "I simply moved him out of my way." He was still bleeding from his nose, but not as badly as before. She shivered before she became completely still. The words were proccessing in her head. It only took a couple seconds before her hand shot towards the boy's throat. It slowly closed around it, crushing it painfully. She flicked her head back. Her personality wasn't her normal self This was her cruel heartless side.


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Alina nodded and looked at Akio. "You look like you could kill some one your so hungry! Did you really just go hunting right now?" She asked a bit worried and wondered if being around him right now was putting him in more pain then he needed to be in.


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He shook his head as he was hit. It wasn't as bad and he stood looking over towards Mizu; who was now choking one of them. He ran over towards her grabbed her into a hug as the boys ran off. "Freaks!" They yelled as they left the empty cafeteria. His grip was so tight around her that it would be surprised if she couldn't breath.


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Akio sighed. "I'm fine, don't worry. I had enough to calm myself for a while." He shrugged. "Just still a bit bit fidgety. Now don't you worry about me. I mean really, are you scared I am going to attack you again?" He said it in a concerned voice. "Cause I'm not going to do that."


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Mizu laughed wickedly when they ran away. "I thought you were men!" Her voice sounded like it was half way in water. Her form started to change back and go limp when Thomas wrapped his arms around her; constricting her from moving after them. "Thanks Thomas. you saved me from myself." Her whole body then went limp as she closed her eyes.


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He dropped her as he looked at her; his eyes serious. "What the hell where you thinking you stubborn little brat! God! I met blood cells with bigger brains than you!" He was obviously yelling; echoes bounced off the walls as he did. "Your such a stupid little wet girl!" For some strange reason, he was angry. "Don't be thanking me for 'saving you from yourself!'" His voice had a bit of sarcasm in it. He turned around before marching through the cafeteria, picking up the chairs and tables he threw.
He mumbled under his breath a few times. "It felt as if I lost her again." He whispered as he threw one of the chairs at Mizu, barely missing her. He looked at her.
"Help me clean this up, stu~pid."


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Mizu still heard Thomas and everything he was doing; yet her body wouldn't move. It wasn't so much that it wouldn't move; she couldn't move her body. She was a dead weight, with her not being able to move and all. 'I can't move.' It didn't come out as audible, It was silent and her lips didn't move either.


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Tom looked at her before walking near her. He poked her before he started to freak out a little. "Uh, hey, sorry. Thats enough; you can stop pretending." He said looking at her. "If you don't, I will bite you, and won't go easy on it to..." He threaten before he took hold on her shoulders.


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Miza's eyes were wide. "I-I can't move." She managed to stutter out quietly. "I don't know why though." Blood trickled down the corner of her mouth slightly. "I really do-" The sentence was cut short because she blacked out.


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Tom nearly caught her before she blacked out; it forced him to his butt onto the floor. He looked at her before taking his finger and wiping it along her mouth and onto his shirt; not daring to drink it. He pressed his lips onto her forehead for a second to check if she had a fever. He picked her up and walked out of the cafeteria with her on his back. He carried her off of the campus and into the parking lot; putting her in his car as he stumbled into the driver's seat and drove off. He didn't stop until they reached a small beach that the school allowed free access passes in and he carried her onto the shore.

He dropped her into the shored area where the water meets the sand and plopped down beside her. "Im sure your fine. Your breathing... You are precious cargo..." He kinda snickered at the fact that it sounded cool in his head before a few girls with skimpy bikinis came out. "Hey, are you free?" They asked; his stomach rumbling quietly. He shook his head. "Sorry girls; Im with the girl of my dreams... waiting for her to wake up..." He snickered again; once again, he thought he sounded awesome and cool in his head. He looked at her before leaning down and stopping right before her lips.

He pressed his lips onto hers before leaning back up. "God, your such a stupid little brat..." He growled as he looked at her. He gave a sweet smile before looking back at the sun. "I love you~."

(>.< sorry if it might sound a lil weird and out of the story... i just had to get a breather from the school for a while. :P )


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Mizu woke up just before Thomas said, "I love you~" The words rang in her head as she smiled, slowly leaning up. "I love you too." She replied, before falling face first it the water. 'Cold!' She thought, backing up alarmingly fast. "Why did you carry me here?" She asked Thomas, standing up. She stood there for a few minutes, realizing the sweater was still in the cafeteria. "Oh no! Your sweater! She called. looking out at the ocean.


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Tom's face grew bright red as she said 'I love you too.' He jumped up and threw his hands infront of him. "I-I-I didn't say that!" He looked at her before lightly knocking her forehead softly. "Stu~pid, why would I love you?" He asked in a rather cold tone before she asked him a question. "Why did you carry me here?" He looked at her before giving her a pure but crooked smile. "I love the waves, water and sand." He grinned as his hand rested on her head; almost patting it like a dog.


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Mizu pouted when he started to pat her head. "Whatever." She huffed, crossing her arms. "I'm glad I forgot your sweater anyway!" She ducked away from him and started to stomp off.


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Tom chuckled and pulled her towards him. "That sweater was from my first time! I even did it in that sweater and I haven't washed it since! So you just wore that sweater!" He tauntingly said with a laugh.


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Mizu pulled herself away from Thomas with great force. "Your disgusting. You know that though, don't you?" She ran away from the shore and into the parking lot. "Why do guys alway taunt me? I haven't done anything bad to them." She crouched down a covered her face a she started to cry. She didn't notice that Thomas was standing behind her.


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Akio walked around the courtyard, wondering what there was he could do. After him and Alina had spoken, he left quickly to keep his thirst at bay. His resistance to the thirst was usually greater then most vampire's, because of his human side. But ever since he had gotten here he had trouble keeping it under control. He had attacked a girl, a demon, tasted her blood and then ran. He shook his head and banged it against the wall of the outside of his dorm multiple times. I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life.

Akio sighed and finally rested his head after hitting it once more. What a way to start as the new kid. Attack someone and then run off. He hit his head on the wall again.


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Tom followed her before laughing a little bit as she cried. "You know, your crying over something stupid." He snickered. He patted her head before standing her up by her shoulders. "Hey, you look 40% uglier when you cry." He said laughing. He ceased it and looked more gentle looking. "But when you smile, your beauty almost doubles; so always keep smiling!" He gently patted her head like a dog.

Serenade trotted through the school grounds with a piece of paper in her hands. "Man, this school is so big, I don't know where I am..." She said with a sigh as she trotted towards the right and sat onto the bench. "This school seems so empty... so big." She said with a sigh. She took out her phone and decided it might be a good idea on how to figure out how to use the damned thing.


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Akio whacked his head on the building one more time before walking away from the building. He held his injured head and sighed. He walked through the school grounds, his head a giant bomb explosion. He sighed and stopped, not really caring what happened next. He looked around the grounds and noticed someone holding a piece of paper and looking lost. Well that makes 2 of us. When she stopped and sat on a bench Akio wondered if he should approach her. He felt a small stir in his stomach and shook his head, stepping back. He still wasn't satisfied and approaching someone could be dangerous. He turned to walk away and tripped, landing on his face. "Son of a-!"


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Mizu blushed at his comment. "Okay! I will keep smiling!" She wiped a tear away from her face. "Do you want to go anywhere?" She asked looking away crossly. "I need to go to the mall to get a new dress; considering I have to burn this one." She said jokingly; though she was serious about having to dispose of it.


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Tom looked at her. "Ok!" He said, grabbing her arm and literatly dragging her to his car. "Bikini shopping it is!" He said, throwing her in the car and slamming it shut. He got in also, "On one condition that I will help you with your bikini shopping; I have to pick out your bikini!" He acted as if he heard the word 'bikini' in place of a dress.

Serenade kept fiddling with her phone until she heard the thwacking sound of someone hitting the ground. She jumped up startled as she looked at who it was who fell. "Son of a-!" She got up and jogged over towards him. She looked down at him; quickly putting her phone away and bending down. "Are you ok?" She said, squatting next to him. She smiled and held out her hand as she stood up. "Want help?" She smiled.


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Akio looked up at Serenade and sighed. "Always my head..." He murmured. He rubbed it before seeing her extended hand. His stomach lurched again and he shook his head. "No, no. I'm fine." He said struggling to stand. When he finally did he rubbed his head again. It was still red from being slammed against his dorm and now the floor.


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Mizu laughed "Ok then." She buckled herself into the seat and giggled alot. "Well, should we get going?" She looked at Tom and laughed slightly.

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Fantasy by xXChocobeanXx

Safe for the beings. Not exactly for humans

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Character Portrait: Veronica Steele
0 sightings Veronica Steele played by RolePlayGateway
"I breathe it."

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View All » Add Character » 37 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Malik Kariger
Character Portrait: Kumi Akai
Character Portrait: James Valterio
Character Portrait: Thea Blair and  VladamirBlair
Character Portrait: Colett Jenson
Character Portrait: Serenade Keals.
Character Portrait: Jade Auburn
Character Portrait: Arrabella Ismene [Ai]
Character Portrait: Veritas "Truth" Quaesitor
Character Portrait: Jin Tamashi
Character Portrait: Yumi Akahari
Character Portrait: Jasper
Character Portrait: Mizu Chara
Character Portrait: Olivia Ava Wick
Character Portrait: Tamashi No Nai
Character Portrait: Ashton Willowmark
Character Portrait: Tomas (James)
Character Portrait: Hunter Deoradhan Snow


Character Portrait: Alina

What a beautiful night!

Character Portrait: Hunter Deoradhan Snow
Hunter Deoradhan Snow

I'd love to kill you, but sadly, I'm a pacifist.

Character Portrait: Tomas (James)
Tomas (James)

"If a flower has no more petals to offer, then I wish to throw them away."

Character Portrait: Ashton Willowmark
Ashton Willowmark

When you blame others, you give up your power to change.

Character Portrait: Tamashi No Nai
Tamashi No Nai

How can I have a heart when I have no Soul?

Character Portrait: Olivia Ava Wick
Olivia Ava Wick

" It only takes one Touch dear..then all your pain will go away..I Promise. "

Character Portrait: Mizu Chara
Mizu Chara

They water is my friend. It protected me, it loved me and it has always been there for me.

Character Portrait: Jasper

Im a party girl...but secretly a pureblood

Character Portrait: Yumi Akahari
Yumi Akahari

I shall prance through the skies. There is nothing you can do to stop me.


Character Portrait: Veritas "Truth" Quaesitor
Veritas "Truth" Quaesitor

The seat of Knowledge is in the head, of wisdom, the heart.

Character Portrait: Mizu Chara
Mizu Chara

They water is my friend. It protected me, it loved me and it has always been there for me.

Character Portrait: Jin Tamashi
Jin Tamashi

Hey, what's that!?

Character Portrait: Thea Blair and  VladamirBlair
Thea Blair and VladamirBlair

Thea and Jason are twin but diffrent in many ways..

Character Portrait: Hunter Deoradhan Snow
Hunter Deoradhan Snow

I'd love to kill you, but sadly, I'm a pacifist.

Character Portrait: James Valterio
James Valterio

Do it. You know you want to.

Character Portrait: Colett Jenson
Colett Jenson

Eheh... I'm not good at this...

Character Portrait: Olivia Ava Wick
Olivia Ava Wick

" It only takes one Touch dear..then all your pain will go away..I Promise. "

Most Followed

Character Portrait: James Valterio
James Valterio

Do it. You know you want to.

Character Portrait: Ashton Willowmark
Ashton Willowmark

When you blame others, you give up your power to change.

Character Portrait: Jin Tamashi
Jin Tamashi

Hey, what's that!?

Character Portrait: Mizu Chara
Mizu Chara

They water is my friend. It protected me, it loved me and it has always been there for me.

Character Portrait: Yumi Akahari
Yumi Akahari

I shall prance through the skies. There is nothing you can do to stop me.

Character Portrait: Jade Auburn
Jade Auburn

"Keep on irritating me and I'll rip you apart."

Character Portrait: Tamashi No Nai
Tamashi No Nai

How can I have a heart when I have no Soul?

Character Portrait: Alina

What a beautiful night!

Character Portrait: Serenade Keals.
Serenade Keals.

"Cold hands means a cold heart. Deamons of the underworld who are eternaly damned by God and turned by darkness, I shall be your light; but I will not be you heart."

Character Portrait: Kumi Akai
Kumi Akai

Can you handle my skill?

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Fantasy by xXChocobeanXx

Safe for the beings. Not exactly for humans


Safe for the beings. Not exactly for humans

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Most recent OOC posts in Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural


Well, everyone... I changed the explicitness rule to fade to black or pms. So yea...

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

sorry, i fell asleep. :/

i suck at al-nighters. DX

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

xDDD awesome! do you live on the east coast?

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

haha. thats awesome.xD
its 2:11 am here. xP

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

-is glomped- X3 I is eating some pie at 11:07 pm~

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

keke... awhlz.. that sucks. :/ oh well! lets post as much as we can! >:D

-glomps back with a bear.xP-

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

Lol, I did post! -glomps- I'm only on for another hour~

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

haha, montanah is nice1 ;p

but anyways, its fine, lol, just reply. ima bit bored right now and i have no energy to sleep so ima pull an all nighter! >:D

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

@StraightJacket: OMG!! I'm so sorry that i didn't reply sooner! You post got covered by Arianna and kotaro's posts!

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

@ Chocobean: Thanks! Sorry if I accidentally implied about the introduction page.

@ Straight Jacket: That does kind of sound sucky. Arrowheads? Sounds cool.

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

er, i don't like it. :p
the people there are too... er... how do i say this with out being offensive.... too 'gangster' for me. they always want to beat someone up... or they want to do someone... at least in the schools there. it sucks...

BUT IM MOVING TO MONTANAH!! in the arrow heads too. we are getting a house only 56 miles away from the arrowheads :D

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

Eh.. I guess so, I'll accept you in a second~

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

Any good place for a new character to jump in?

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

@Amber Rin: Yea. I'll accept it now. But, don't pester me about putting it on the introduction page, please. I have other roleplays to attend to too.

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

Been there on a rode-trip, wasn't a bad looking place. (the country side that is, I avoided the city's ;D)

Re: [OOC] Pheonix Academy for the Supernatural

Hey Chocobean! yeah, I'm just wondering, does my character have to get accepted by you or something like that because I created a character but I cant post :P

@Straight Jacket: Does it really suck? I've never been there before but I like the name... Wow that makes me seem so shallow.