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Rapture Origins

Rapture Origins


The time is 1945. The place, a city submerged at the bottom of the sea. Will you leave life as you once knew it for a chance at something more?

6,996 readers have visited Rapture Origins since hollywood created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


I am ANDREW RYAN, and I'm here to ask you a QUESTION: Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
'NO!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.'
'NO!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.'
'NO!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.'
I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the IMPOSSIBLE. I chose... RAPTURE!--- a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, RAPTURE can become your city as well.

------ ANDREW RYAN, 1946



    LONG BEFORE CONSTRUCTION, RAPTURE was already the dream of wealthy business magnate, ANDREW RYAN. A man who believed and upheld the ideals of American capitalism and individualism, he quickly was becoming disillusioned with the world and the altruistic values that he often felt intervened in his and others' endeavors of reaching full potential. The bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima during the Second World War drove Ryan into taking his vast wealth and beginning official, secret construction of the city of Rapture, fearing the effects of newfound nuclear weaponry and how it would destroy the surface world. RAPTURE was planned to be the utopia through which the best examples of humankind might flourish without the choking vice of the 'parasites'. It attracted many, many people to plunge into the depths of the North Atlantic Sea, people who shared Ryan's views and hoped for a new start for themselves. In order to maintain its secrecy, all of Rapture's citizens quite literally vanished off the face of the earth to go and live in Ryan's city. Here, for a time, a glorious Golden Age existed. However, things quickly fell apart over the coming years, claiming the lives of nearly everyone who came in search of paradise.

    The city of Rapture first began undergoing construction in the year 1945. It is located in the North Atlantic Sea off the coast of Iceland, and one can gain access to the city only by taking a bathysphere set up in a lighthouse that stands alone in the middle of the ocean. The final product was finished in 1951, but by then there were already several people living in the metropolis. The city was designed to be entirely independent from the outside world, using volcanic vents to power its large and sprawling infrastructure. The buildings and their interior were made with the highest of art and sophistication in mind, inspired heavily by the classic art deco style that prevailed during the 1920s. Like any large city, it is made up of its fair share of locations: from nightclubs to restaurants to doctor's offices, there was no expensive spared on laying out the cityscape and dolling it up with its amenities. The entire place is reminiscent of a luxury resort, in fact. Though, it does have its ugly side: a makeshift, temporary home was made for the workers who built Rapture, a place called Pauper's Drop. The poor certainly existed and struggled in Rapture, however, due to its philosophies, the city nor its people did much to change this leaky, grimy place. Most stayed in the prettier parts of the city, places like Fort Frolic where the arts thrived and blossomed or Arcadia, the beautiful forest that supplied the city with air. People of Rapture travelled to and fro by train lines called the Rapture Metro, a system quite similar to New York's subway lines. There were shops for any and every need, places for any entertainment one may want, truly a city of dreams. But not all were content in this fairy tale.

    Andrew Ryan had invited only the best and brightest of people to live in his underwater city, and one of those people was Frank Fontaine. Frank Fontaine was a con-man who saw any opportunity to better himself and took it without question. In Rapture, this would not normally cause any sort of problem, but Fontaine was a different sort of breed from the type Andrew Ryan wanted in his city. Fontaine was a smuggler, breaking the law of Rapture to smuggle down goods from the surface for a good profit. According to Ryan, Fontaine was a threat and so he was killed--- or so everyone thought. Fontaine wanted Rapture to himself, and in order to do this he faked his own death and took on a new persona to manipulate the people of Rapture into working for him. He became ATLAS, a proclaimed liberator who planned on helping the unfortunates of Rapture by overthrowing Ryan. Fontaine, now Atlas, was also responsible for the creation of ADAM, a substance many people of the city began abusing as things fell to chaos. ADAM gave people the ability to literally have super-human powers, from shooting fire from their fingers to freezing a person on the spot. It was this that gave Atlas supporters their power to fight against Andrew Ryan's personal security forces, only creating more and more tension until the lid finally blew off. At the 1959 New Year's Eve celebration, Atlas and his followers stormed a popular and crowded restaurant called the Kashmir, officially ignited the civil war between Ryan and Atlas. Many were killed, and more and more people began turning to ADAM to protect themselves and their loved ones from the horrors that ravaged the city. The dream of Rapture was finally becoming a nightmare.


Code: Select all
(insert quote, lyrics, whatever here)[/center]
[hr][/hr][center][size=170][font=Times New Roman][b]OVERVIEW[/b][/font][/size][/center][hr][/hr]
[left][img]character%20image%20one[/img][/left][right][font=Times New Roman][size=110][b][u]FULL NAME[/u][/b][/size]
(if none, n/a)
(cis, trans, female, male, whatevs)
(white, latino, black, etc)
(sexual orientation; gay, straight, u know)
(singer, waiter, scientist, whatever)
(pauper's drop, olympia heights, etc)[/right][/font]

[hr][/hr][font=Times New Roman][b][size=170][center]MENTALITY[/center][/size][/b][/font][hr][/hr]

[right][img]character%20image%20two[/img][/right][font=Times New Roman][left][size=110][b][u]MYERS-BRIGGS[/u][/b][/size]
[size=110][b][u]MORAL ALIGNMENT[/u][/b][/size]
[size=110][u][b]ZODIAC SIGN[/b][/u][/size]
(western; if you want, include key traits of this sign idgaf)
[size=110][u][b]POSITIVE TRAITS[/b][/u][/size]
(are they funny, helpful, intuitive?)
[size=110][u][b]NEGATIVE TRAITS[/b][/u][/size]
(are they obnoxious, oblivious, insincere?)
(are they/were they religious? do they believe in the supernatural? what is their world view?)
(their family, their spouse, do they have an achilles heel? also can include fears)
(could also be things they're good at; a good dancer, etc)
(feel free to go in depth about this one)[/left][/font]

[hr][/hr][center][size=170][b][font=Times New Roman]APPEARANCE[/font][/b][/size][/center][hr][/hr]
[left][img]character%20image%20three[/img][/left][right][font=Times New Roman][size=110][b][u]FIRST IMPRESSION[/u][/b][/size]
(what do people generally think upon first seeing/meeting your chara?)
[size=110][b][u]BODY TYPE[/u][/b][/size]
[size=110][u][b]NOTABLE FEATURES[/b][/u][/size]
(scars, tattoos, one arm is shorter than the other lmao)[/font][/right]

[hr][/hr][size=170][font=Times New Roman][b][center]HISTORY[/center][/b][/font][/size][hr][/hr]
[right][img]character%20image%20four[/img][/right][font=Times New Roman][size=110][u][b]BIRTH PLACE[/b][/u][/size]
[size=110][u][b]MARTIAL STATUS[/b][/u][/size]

Toggle Rules


    BASICS ↴
    - There is an AGE RESTRICTION on players allowed to join this roleplay. Please, no one under the age of 16 apply for a character as it will be a matter of you being honest. There will be mature content here and I also want a certain level of maturity for the quality of writing. I don't mean that to sound rude or exclusive, but that's just how it's going to be.

    - You don't have to have played the video games or read the book in order to participate in this. I only ask that you at least read up a bit on this very rich, complex environment or ask me if you have any unanswered questions. We will be fiddling around with the canon as in book and game there are continuity errors; this means there will be a consensus among all of us if something comes up that needs to be strictly decided on. (The only example I can think of right now is Jasmine Jolene's death. We would discuss which case of death would work best for the story: strangulation or blunt force trauma. Super cheery!)

    - Obviously, no god-modding, no Mary-Sues or Gary-Stus, PM someone before killing their character (do NOT harm or kill someone's character without the admin's consent), keep within roleplaygateway's guidelines and we should be okay!

    - You are allowed to reserve a character spot, but I'll only hold it for about a week or so before I'll open it back up. Honestly, I just want most of the character profile to be done and comprehensible before approving the character. Also, only two character maximum. If I get a lot of people doubling up on characters, I'll probably open more roles so more people can be involved.

    - No OOC drama, clearly. We are all grown ups (or we better be....!) so we sort through our problems with our words and make sure we are understanding of each other. If you've got a problem, tell me privately, I'll try to deal with it and serve as a medium.

    - Please post in the OOC forum if you're interested in joining. I think most people do this anyway, but I thought I'd say in case someone thinks not to do it. When you do, please post your character's faceclaim, a quote for them, and tell me your favorite Bioshock character. That's the password (wink).

    - Your character must have a real-life faceclaim, and ONLY a real-life faceclaim. No anime or cartoon faceclaims, sorry. They must look appropriate for the time period (1940s-1960s).

    - Please keep your profile neat, easy to read (no very small or light text color), and don't deviate too far away from my original character sheet. I'm fine with taking some liberties with it, because you should be allowed to be creative with it.

    - I would like there to be a balanced ratio of female to male characters, if we can help it. If we can't, it's no big deal, I'd just prefer it to be about even. Also, don't be shy about diversifying our cast of characters by their identities. Let's not have carbon copy characters one right after another!

    - Have an image available of your faceclaim for me to be able to edit it and post on the front page of the roleplay thread. I plan on making audio diary images of everyone's character to post under a character list.

    - There is a limit of 10 playable characters in this roleplay to keep things in order. This does not include NPCs, of course, because I'll be posting profiles of some of the major characters everyone needs to know about, so if you see there's 10 profiles listed but only 4 of them are played by actual people then that means we're still open to new players.

    - Characters will not go on a 'first come, first serve' basis, but on a basis of whose character will work best for the story, which ones are most original and interesting, etc. Please, don't let this create a competitive air, as if you REALLY want to join, just hit me up and we'll see what we can do.

    - Talk to me FIRST if you plan on making a child character/Little Sister character. I originally wasn't going to allow anyone to write as Little Sisters or Big Daddies, BUT I thought that wouldn't be as fun. You MUST message me first about either one (writing a character that will become a Little Sis or Big D), because I'm gonna be really critical about it.

    - You may write your character knowing/being friends/enemies/whatever with NPCs, but please run it by me first. Just send a message or post OOC telling me what you plan on their relationship being to the NPC. Again, I say: no Mary-Sues or Gary-Stus. Keep it believable. Keep it real. ✌

    - Please use 'Times New Roman' font when writing your In Character posts in the thread. I hate to sound like a stickler, but I would just like things to look nice and orderly. What can I say? I'm a little OCD about it.

    - When writing In Character posts, please write no less than two paragraphs and no more than six. I want things to go smoothly, so both of those limitations are mainly so things can carry on if things get slow or that things can be easy to catch up on if someone gets busy or left behind.

    - If you're not already familiar with the type of language people used back in the time period of the roleplay, PLEASE brush up on the lingo and slang. A lot of old films and shows are available on Netflix, and a quick Google search can get you associated with the kind of dialogue to write. It's just one of those little things that help to make things immersive and believable.

    - For the love of god, PLEASE use good grammar. I understand some mistakes now and then, but it's a personal pet peeve of mine to see tons of misspelled words, words being misused, text talk IC.

    - I would like a reply from everyone weekly in order to keep everything active and going smoothly! Also, let me know if you're going to MIA for a while. I really don't want this roleplay to die out, so keep on top of staying in touch with me and the others. I'm friendly, I'm understanding, so don't be shy.

    My name is Julianna, but you can of course just call me "hollywood" if you want! PLEASE don't be afraid to shoot me a message any time if you have any questions or if you just wanna chat before we start writing together. My skype is available to ask for! I of course reserve the right to change or update these rules at anytime and without warning, though I will let everyone know if I do change anything here.

Browse All » 27 Settings to roleplay in

City of Rapture, Atlantic Sea

City of Rapture, Atlantic Sea by hollywood

The sprawling, underwater metropolis that is home to thousands of people. Rising from the bed of the ocean floor, it appears in magnificent splendor like the skyline of any modern-day city, lit up by neon signs and dotted by window lights.

The Welcome Center

The Welcome Center by hollywood

THE WELCOME CENTER to RAPTURE is the first place one sees once stepping off of the bathysphere and is a recreational area designed to show newcomers the wealth and luxury of the city.

The Medical Pavilion

The Medical Pavilion by hollywood

THE MEDICAL PAVILION provides for any medical care one might be in need of.

Neptune's Bounty

Neptune's Bounty by hollywood

A complex port where the majority of the city's fish are caught and packaged for consumption.

Fontaine Fisheries

Fontaine Fisheries by hollywood

A fishery owned by Frank Fontaine; used as a front for Fonatine's smuggling ring.

The Fighting McDonagh's Tavern

The Fighting McDonagh's Tavern by hollywood

A two-story pub owned by Bill McDonagh.


Arcadia by hollywood

The lush heart of Rapture, a forest that provides the city with air.

Farmer's Market

Farmer's Market by hollywood

Large and lively marketplace where citizens may buy fresh foods and beverages.

Fort Frolic

Fort Frolic by hollywood

Glamorous location home to showcasing the arts, finery shops, and casinos and strip clubs. Run by Rapture's celebrated artist, Sander Cohen.

Eve's Garden

Eve's Garden by hollywood

A gentleman's club where the men and women of Rapture could relax and seek out some beautiful company for a night.

Sir Prize

Sir Prize by hollywood

Casino and bar.

Fleet Hall of Fort Frolic

Fleet Hall of Fort Frolic by hollywood

A lavish theater for patrons to grab a drink and enjoy a show.

Pharaoh's Fortune Casino

Pharaoh's Fortune Casino by hollywood

Popular casino styled after ancient Egyptian nobility.

Olympus Heights

Olympus Heights by hollywood

Luxury apartments reserved for the richest and elite of Rapture's citizens.

Mercury Suites

Mercury Suites by hollywood

Home to the most celebrated of Rapture's elite.

Athena's Glory

Athena's Glory by hollywood

Other luxury apartment complex fitted with amenities out the yin yang.

Apollo Square

Apollo Square by hollywood

Lower class, less luxurious housing and apartments.

Hestia Chambers

Hestia Chambers by hollywood

A cramped apartment complex for the low income, working class of Rapture. It is eventually bought by Fontaine and converted into his "Home for the Poor".

Fontaine's Home for the Poor

Fontaine's Home for the Poor by hollywood

Hestia Chambers is bought by Fontaine and made into a Poor House.

Atlas' Headquarters

Atlas' Headquarters by hollywood

Located in the top most floors of Fontaine's poor house, this place is used to organize the resistance's attacks and print propaganda to spread ATLAS' message.

Artemis Suites

Artemis Suites by hollywood

Working class apartment complex.

Adonis Luxury Resort

Adonis Luxury Resort by hollywood

Spa and popular spot for parties.

Pauper's Drop

Pauper's Drop by hollywood

A makeshift housing area for the poorest of the poor.

Siren Alley

Siren Alley by hollywood

Once a beautiful, glamorous housing and shopping hub, it becomes a red-light district after the civil war.

Dionysus Park

Dionysus Park by hollywood

A space owned by Sofia Lamb, the park is used to exhibit art that conflicted with Andrew Ryan's ideals. It is eventually taken over by Stanley Poole before the civil war.

Minerva's Den

Minerva's Den by hollywood

Rapture's technology center.

Market and High Street

Market and High Street by hollywood

A residential and recreational area, both Market and High Street serve as a shining example of the finery of Rapture.

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Add Setting » 27 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

City of Rapture, Atlantic Sea

City of Rapture, Atlantic Sea by hollywood

The sprawling, underwater metropolis that is home to thousands of people. Rising from the bed of the ocean floor, it appears in magnificent splendor like the skyline of any modern-day city, lit up by neon signs and dotted by window lights.

The Welcome Center

The Welcome Center by hollywood

THE WELCOME CENTER to RAPTURE is the first place one sees once stepping off of the bathysphere and is a recreational area designed to show newcomers the wealth and luxury of the city.

The Medical Pavilion

The Medical Pavilion by hollywood

THE MEDICAL PAVILION provides for any medical care one might be in need of.

Neptune's Bounty

Neptune's Bounty by hollywood

A complex port where the majority of the city's fish are caught and packaged for consumption.

Fontaine Fisheries

Fontaine Fisheries by hollywood

A fishery owned by Frank Fontaine; used as a front for Fonatine's smuggling ring.

The Fighting McDonagh's Tavern

The Fighting McDonagh's Tavern by hollywood

A two-story pub owned by Bill McDonagh.


Arcadia by hollywood

The lush heart of Rapture, a forest that provides the city with air.

Farmer's Market

Farmer's Market by hollywood

Large and lively marketplace where citizens may buy fresh foods and beverages.

Fort Frolic

Fort Frolic by hollywood

Glamorous location home to showcasing the arts, finery shops, and casinos and strip clubs. Run by Rapture's celebrated artist, Sander Cohen.

Eve's Garden

Eve's Garden by hollywood

A gentleman's club where the men and women of Rapture could relax and seek out some beautiful company for a night.

Sir Prize

Sir Prize by hollywood

Casino and bar.

Fleet Hall of Fort Frolic

Fleet Hall of Fort Frolic by hollywood

A lavish theater for patrons to grab a drink and enjoy a show.

Pharaoh's Fortune Casino

Pharaoh's Fortune Casino by hollywood

Popular casino styled after ancient Egyptian nobility.

Olympus Heights

Olympus Heights by hollywood

Luxury apartments reserved for the richest and elite of Rapture's citizens.

Mercury Suites

Mercury Suites by hollywood

Home to the most celebrated of Rapture's elite.

Athena's Glory

Athena's Glory by hollywood

Other luxury apartment complex fitted with amenities out the yin yang.

Apollo Square

Apollo Square by hollywood

Lower class, less luxurious housing and apartments.

Hestia Chambers

Hestia Chambers by hollywood

A cramped apartment complex for the low income, working class of Rapture. It is eventually bought by Fontaine and converted into his "Home for the Poor".

Fontaine's Home for the Poor

Fontaine's Home for the Poor by hollywood

Hestia Chambers is bought by Fontaine and made into a Poor House.

Atlas' Headquarters

Atlas' Headquarters by hollywood

Located in the top most floors of Fontaine's poor house, this place is used to organize the resistance's attacks and print propaganda to spread ATLAS' message.

Artemis Suites

Artemis Suites by hollywood

Working class apartment complex.

Adonis Luxury Resort

Adonis Luxury Resort by hollywood

Spa and popular spot for parties.

Pauper's Drop

Pauper's Drop by hollywood

A makeshift housing area for the poorest of the poor.

Siren Alley

Siren Alley by hollywood

Once a beautiful, glamorous housing and shopping hub, it becomes a red-light district after the civil war.

Dionysus Park

Dionysus Park by hollywood

A space owned by Sofia Lamb, the park is used to exhibit art that conflicted with Andrew Ryan's ideals. It is eventually taken over by Stanley Poole before the civil war.

Minerva's Den

Minerva's Den by hollywood

Rapture's technology center.

Market and High Street

Market and High Street by hollywood

A residential and recreational area, both Market and High Street serve as a shining example of the finery of Rapture.

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


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Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Barbara Fox
Character Portrait: Andrew Ryan
Character Portrait: Frank Fontaine
Character Portrait: ATLAS
Character Portrait: Brigid Tenenbaum
Character Portrait: Sander Cohen
Character Portrait: James Vaughn
Character Portrait: Cordelia Devereux
Character Portrait: Sofia Lamb
Character Portrait: Celestine Dubois
Character Portrait: Prudence Mitford


Character Portrait: Prudence Mitford
Prudence Mitford

"Etiquette goes with everything, my dear."

Character Portrait: Celestine Dubois
Celestine Dubois

"I'm so good, you'll want the recipe."

Character Portrait: Sofia Lamb
Sofia Lamb

Psychiatrist, Mother of The Rapture Family (NPC)

Character Portrait: Cordelia Devereux
Cordelia Devereux

"They call me Dr. Heart, did you know that? How silly. . ."

Character Portrait: James Vaughn
James Vaughn

"I got stories to tell for every type of person here, if people would just listen."

Character Portrait: Sander Cohen
Sander Cohen

Great artist, writer, musician (NPC)

Character Portrait: Brigid Tenenbaum
Brigid Tenenbaum

Scientist, Doctor, Creator of ADAM (NPC)

Character Portrait: ATLAS

Liberator of Rapture (NPC)

Character Portrait: Frank Fontaine
Frank Fontaine

Ryan's adversary (NPC)

Character Portrait: Andrew Ryan
Andrew Ryan

The founder of Rapture (NPC)


Character Portrait: Celestine Dubois
Celestine Dubois

"I'm so good, you'll want the recipe."

Character Portrait: Cordelia Devereux
Cordelia Devereux

"They call me Dr. Heart, did you know that? How silly. . ."

Character Portrait: Sofia Lamb
Sofia Lamb

Psychiatrist, Mother of The Rapture Family (NPC)

Character Portrait: Andrew Ryan
Andrew Ryan

The founder of Rapture (NPC)

Character Portrait: Barbara Fox
Barbara Fox

"I have the power to tear anyone down with a single story."

Character Portrait: James Vaughn
James Vaughn

"I got stories to tell for every type of person here, if people would just listen."

Character Portrait: Prudence Mitford
Prudence Mitford

"Etiquette goes with everything, my dear."

Character Portrait: Frank Fontaine
Frank Fontaine

Ryan's adversary (NPC)

Character Portrait: Sander Cohen
Sander Cohen

Great artist, writer, musician (NPC)

Character Portrait: ATLAS

Liberator of Rapture (NPC)

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Celestine Dubois
Celestine Dubois

"I'm so good, you'll want the recipe."

Character Portrait: Sander Cohen
Sander Cohen

Great artist, writer, musician (NPC)

Character Portrait: ATLAS

Liberator of Rapture (NPC)

Character Portrait: Sofia Lamb
Sofia Lamb

Psychiatrist, Mother of The Rapture Family (NPC)

Character Portrait: Cordelia Devereux
Cordelia Devereux

"They call me Dr. Heart, did you know that? How silly. . ."

Character Portrait: James Vaughn
James Vaughn

"I got stories to tell for every type of person here, if people would just listen."

Character Portrait: Frank Fontaine
Frank Fontaine

Ryan's adversary (NPC)

Character Portrait: Brigid Tenenbaum
Brigid Tenenbaum

Scientist, Doctor, Creator of ADAM (NPC)

Character Portrait: Barbara Fox
Barbara Fox

"I have the power to tear anyone down with a single story."

Character Portrait: Andrew Ryan
Andrew Ryan

The founder of Rapture (NPC)

View All » Places

City of Rapture, Atlantic Sea

City of Rapture, Atlantic Sea by hollywood

The sprawling, underwater metropolis that is home to thousands of people. Rising from the bed of the ocean floor, it appears in magnificent splendor like the skyline of any modern-day city, lit up by neon signs and dotted by window lights.

The Welcome Center

The Welcome Center by hollywood

THE WELCOME CENTER to RAPTURE is the first place one sees once stepping off of the bathysphere and is a recreational area designed to show newcomers the wealth and luxury of the city.

The Medical Pavilion

The Medical Pavilion by hollywood

THE MEDICAL PAVILION provides for any medical care one might be in need of.

Neptune's Bounty

Neptune's Bounty by hollywood

A complex port where the majority of the city's fish are caught and packaged for consumption.

Fontaine Fisheries

Fontaine Fisheries by hollywood

A fishery owned by Frank Fontaine; used as a front for Fonatine's smuggling ring.

The Fighting McDonagh's Tavern

The Fighting McDonagh's Tavern by hollywood

A two-story pub owned by Bill McDonagh.


Arcadia by hollywood

The lush heart of Rapture, a forest that provides the city with air.

Farmer's Market

Farmer's Market by hollywood

Large and lively marketplace where citizens may buy fresh foods and beverages.

Fort Frolic

Fort Frolic by hollywood

Glamorous location home to showcasing the arts, finery shops, and casinos and strip clubs. Run by Rapture's celebrated artist, Sander Cohen.

Eve's Garden

Eve's Garden by hollywood

A gentleman's club where the men and women of Rapture could relax and seek out some beautiful company for a night.

Sir Prize

Sir Prize by hollywood

Casino and bar.

Fleet Hall of Fort Frolic

Fleet Hall of Fort Frolic by hollywood

A lavish theater for patrons to grab a drink and enjoy a show.

Pharaoh's Fortune Casino

Pharaoh's Fortune Casino by hollywood

Popular casino styled after ancient Egyptian nobility.

Olympus Heights

Olympus Heights by hollywood

Luxury apartments reserved for the richest and elite of Rapture's citizens.

Mercury Suites

Mercury Suites by hollywood

Home to the most celebrated of Rapture's elite.

Athena's Glory

Athena's Glory by hollywood

Other luxury apartment complex fitted with amenities out the yin yang.

Apollo Square

Apollo Square by hollywood

Lower class, less luxurious housing and apartments.

Hestia Chambers

Hestia Chambers by hollywood

A cramped apartment complex for the low income, working class of Rapture. It is eventually bought by Fontaine and converted into his "Home for the Poor".

Fontaine's Home for the Poor

Fontaine's Home for the Poor by hollywood

Hestia Chambers is bought by Fontaine and made into a Poor House.

Atlas' Headquarters

Atlas' Headquarters by hollywood

Located in the top most floors of Fontaine's poor house, this place is used to organize the resistance's attacks and print propaganda to spread ATLAS' message.

Artemis Suites

Artemis Suites by hollywood

Working class apartment complex.

Adonis Luxury Resort

Adonis Luxury Resort by hollywood

Spa and popular spot for parties.

Pauper's Drop

Pauper's Drop by hollywood

A makeshift housing area for the poorest of the poor.

Siren Alley

Siren Alley by hollywood

Once a beautiful, glamorous housing and shopping hub, it becomes a red-light district after the civil war.

Dionysus Park

Dionysus Park by hollywood

A space owned by Sofia Lamb, the park is used to exhibit art that conflicted with Andrew Ryan's ideals. It is eventually taken over by Stanley Poole before the civil war.

Minerva's Den

Minerva's Den by hollywood

Rapture's technology center.

Market and High Street

Market and High Street by hollywood

A residential and recreational area, both Market and High Street serve as a shining example of the finery of Rapture.

Fontaine's Home for the Poor

Hestia Chambers is bought by Fontaine and made into a Poor House.

Atlas' Headquarters

Located in the top most floors of Fontaine's poor house, this place is used to organize the resistance's attacks and print propaganda to spread ATLAS' message.

Hestia Chambers

A cramped apartment complex for the low income, working class of Rapture. It is eventually bought by Fontaine and converted into his "Home for the Poor".

Athena's Glory

Other luxury apartment complex fitted with amenities out the yin yang.

Market and High Street

A residential and recreational area, both Market and High Street serve as a shining example of the finery of Rapture.

Dionysus Park

A space owned by Sofia Lamb, the park is used to exhibit art that conflicted with Andrew Ryan's ideals. It is eventually taken over by Stanley Poole before the civil war.

Siren Alley

Once a beautiful, glamorous housing and shopping hub, it becomes a red-light district after the civil war.

Pauper's Drop

A makeshift housing area for the poorest of the poor.

Mercury Suites

Home to the most celebrated of Rapture's elite.

Olympus Heights

Luxury apartments reserved for the richest and elite of Rapture's citizens.

Fontaine Fisheries

A fishery owned by Frank Fontaine; used as a front for Fonatine's smuggling ring.

Neptune's Bounty

A complex port where the majority of the city's fish are caught and packaged for consumption.

The Medical Pavilion

THE MEDICAL PAVILION provides for any medical care one might be in need of.

The Welcome Center

THE WELCOME CENTER to RAPTURE is the first place one sees once stepping off of the bathysphere and is a recreational area designed to show newcomers the wealth and luxury of the city.


The lush heart of Rapture, a forest that provides the city with air.

Farmer's Market

Large and lively marketplace where citizens may buy fresh foods and beverages.

Fleet Hall of Fort Frolic

A lavish theater for patrons to grab a drink and enjoy a show.

Pharaoh's Fortune Casino

Popular casino styled after ancient Egyptian nobility.

Eve's Garden

A gentleman's club where the men and women of Rapture could relax and seek out some beautiful company for a night.

Fort Frolic

Glamorous location home to showcasing the arts, finery shops, and casinos and strip clubs. Run by Rapture's celebrated artist, Sander Cohen.

City of Rapture, Atlantic Sea

The sprawling, underwater metropolis that is home to thousands of people. Rising from the bed of the ocean floor, it appears in magnificent splendor like the skyline of any modern-day city, lit up by neon signs and dotted by window lights.

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