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Bai Zhen Shui

"I'm ready to kick some demonic butt!"

0 · 243 views · located in Japan

a character in “Samurai: Reborn”, as played by Child of the Winged



Name: Bai Zhen Shui (last name first for those who are confused!
Age: 19
Clan: Bai He
Side: Fighting against the monsters!


Zhen Shui or Zhen for short is outgoing and cheerful, except in the face of battle. She likes making everyone around her smile and laugh and will do anything to protect that. In battle, she's quiet and composed, only talking when necessary. She will take charge and once the threat is gone, she's back to joking and laughing, even covered in blood.


Zhen has two main weapons that she uses. Her trusted halberd she got from her father and her bandaged fists. She has various training in other weapons but she found that they did not work for her, in one way or another. She knows many styles of Kung Fu and Wu Shu. Overall, she has 7 styles mastered and another 4 very close. She has also been working on a style of her own to pass down to her children.


Born into a Chinese military family, her father had her training her Kung Fu before she could speak. By the age of 11, she had mastered the style of the Eagle Claw Fist, which is still her favorite. When her father and brothers left for war in an unknown country, she traveled China, learning from Masters to be the best martial artist in the world.

She returned home to her father and brothers back from the war, ravaged but unharmed. Her father presented her with a Halberd, a spoil of war from one of the fallen soldiers he had killed. Delighted, she began training with that, along with some Tai Chi to help with her grace and overall movements. When she was 18, she heard of the events in Japan, her homeland's own sisterland. Determined, Zhen took her halberd, a couple mementos some food and money and left on a boat to Japan.

So begins...

Bai Zhen Shui's Story


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Zhen Shui leaned on the tree, sighing. The boat had not dropped her off in Tokyo but close enough she could walk. Shaking her head, she stood up and grabbed her halberd. Continuing down the dirt path, she knew she had to do something in this war. Her family was counting on it. She had to make her father proud, as she had been of him time and time again.

For the honor of my family.. For the honor of my clan...

Nodding at her new credo, she moved faster down the path. Though she had no idea what was in Tokyo, she knew how to be maneuver in a city environment. Her travels around China helped, though she mostly knew how from her eldest brother. Reaching up to touch the bell earring he gave her, she remembered his words.

"Stay hidden and don't start anything stupid, sister. Focus on what you need and what ever you do. Don't. Get. Caught."

She had to find somewhere to sleep before nightfall. Lord knows what could be out here, ready to attack her at any given time. Adjusting the pack her mother gave her, she settled into a steady trot. Hopefully it was fast enough to get to somewhere safe.


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Character Portrait: Tomasu Otomo Character Portrait: Bai Zhen Shui Character Portrait: Mokou Otomo
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She was making her way cheerfully towards the dirt path, when she spotted a rabbit. Feeling rather frisky, she decided to play with the bunny and see how long she can keep up with it. With a loud "GAH!" she jumped in front of the rabbit, startling it from its nap. Soon she was chasing it around the forest, completely forgetting about her predicament for a while. The rabbit soon got the idea too, and was jumping this way and that, sometimes faking a dash. A few minutes later, the rabbit had lost sight of her, and was looking about warily in some grass.

Perfect for an ambush, Hikiko thought. She sneaked up on it through the grass, using her ninja training to keep silent, and stood up suddenly, uttering a loud "GAH!!!"

And found herself face to face with some traveller with his daughter? Sister? It was a traveller with a girl beside him in any case.

Her face turned bright red. "AAhh....ah...I....uhm...."

Suddenly she shouted, "SORRY!!" and ran away. In her haste she forgot to see where she was looking, and slammed face first into a tree. "GUH!" Now even more embarrassed, she gave short apologetic bow and ran again, this time straight into another girl, Chinese from what little she can see before running into her.


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Character Portrait: Bai Zhen Shui Character Portrait: Mokou Otomo
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"Woah," Mokou said, looking a little confused by the sudden appearance of two other people in the middle of nowhere. It seemed one of them was armed, despite the fact she was a woman - apparently Chinese didn't follow the same restrictions as they Otomo did, a thought which had her somewhat miffed. She made a mental note to relocate to China the first chance she got once all of this was over, if what it seemed was true.

Still, she didn't take kindly to being threatened. Giving a slight glare at the halberd wielding girl, she stepped into a shorter patch of grass, bringing the rather large pair of swords hung across her back into plain view.

"I'm Mokou Otomo," She introduced fearlessly. "And whether or not you should fear me depends on exactly who you are and why you're out here, now doesn't it?" She continued, being rather standoffish.


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Character Portrait: Bai Zhen Shui Character Portrait: Mokou Otomo
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"Not your NAME, who you ARE," The high-spirited little warrior corrected. "All this babbling about Yao-whatsit and repeating what's already been said doesn't answer anything! And anyway, what's this 'proof' supposed to be, exactly? You're just standing there rubbing and oversized weapon." True enough, Mokou didn't recognize the emblem at all. Being a shut-in, she wasn't exactly up to date on current big names or events, and, consequently, had essentially zero clues as to what exactly the Chinese girl was talking about. All her responses had meant to the warrior girl were more questions and no answers, something which frustrated her a great deal.

And anyway, what was with everyone having weapons and waving them in her face all the time?! She was pretty sure the Samurai code of honor forbade those sorts of threatening mannerisms.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tomasu Otomo Character Portrait: Hikiko Character Portrait: Bai Zhen Shui Character Portrait: Mokou Otomo
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She was about to speak when the loud mouthed girl spoke, Mokou if she heard correctly. Soon the Chinese and Mokou were having a loud conversation. Well, it seemed as if they were good people, though she had no idea what the Chinese was talking about. The man was silent though, until he interrupted their conversation asking the Chinese about the Demo Kuma. Feeling rather left out, and more than a little bit awkward by the situation, Hikiko decided she should leave.

"Ano.... Sorry about earlier. I-if you will excuse me, I will be going now."

Giving a deep bow she turned to leave. Wonder if they noticed I had a katana? Perhaps not. After all, a ninja wouldn't be a good one if they noticed he or she had a weapon from the get go. Good thing she had this large cloth to wrap around it. Who were those people anyways? Didn't seem to be normal travelers, not with those kinds of weapons. The Chinese did mention a Yaomo, though. Demon in Chinese if she got it right. And those mercenary company, was she here on contract? Hired by a worried daimyo or something? Ah well, no good will come over worrying about it. These travelers may have the weapons and some skills, but they will never be able to face a demon head on. Not without some trainings.

Ah, now that reminded her, she should go and get help from the Otomo clan. They should be fighting the demons too like the Soga clan. Otomo...otomo....Why does it feel as if she was missing something?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tomasu Otomo Character Portrait: Haru Tsukan Character Portrait: Bai Zhen Shui Character Portrait: Mokou Otomo
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Haru stood up upon hearing the voices. Without turning around, she analyzed the situation. Two females. One male. The females did not seem to like each other. Despite her curiosity, the corner of her mouth lifted in a half smile. Amusing. 

Taking a deep breath, she turned and saw the three. Something struck her as odd about them. They did not seem... ordinary. Haru raised an eyebrow. Interesting. Might as well check the situation out. Making allies couldn't hurt, she reminded herself. The grass brushed against her as she approached them, cool and brazen as ever. She whistled a short note. 

"'Ey!" she called. "Whassup?" It might have been informal, but that was her style. It's not like she was trying to impress anyone.Â