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Sanctum Prime



a part of Sanctum Prime, by SkyRight.


SkyRight holds sovereignty over Acropolis, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Acropolis is a part of Sanctum Prime.

11 Characters Here

Ciel [120] "Let's all make things a little better today."
Demeter "Almond" Graham [114] "You're lying to me. You all are."
Alice Carracci [111] "I will redeem myself, at any cost."
Feng Soushiki [111] "I am just your average wanderer."
Guilettos Harmien [79] " Successful in your search and it will restore life "
Shen [46] "by the light i will never give up!!!!!!!!!!!"
Hana Shiranui [45] Can't you see I'm eating?!! Get the hell out!!
Cluna [37] " What is done had to be done"
Tanchell Salon [12] "No one from that diseased city should ever even lay their eyes on the Sactum Prime... not even me."
Renan Sherai [2] "There was something I liked about you, but you spent it."

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Character Portrait: Alice Carracci Character Portrait: Ciel Character Portrait: Demeter "Almond" Graham
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#, as written by Zentose
Turning away from the silent child, but not forgetting her query, she looked at Ciel then said with pure hatred and fury on her face, "Assassins from Nightfall, they were here to eliminate the White Devil, and anyone who had contacted her. Three of them jumped me this morning, they were good, very good, and not just at combat, but deception," She remembered the man that had talked to her, there was no sense that he was preparing a trap of any kind, he was too damned good... She continued her story, "I killed all three of them, but had to sacrifice a few things," she looked down at the tattered clothing where the large deep cuts were, then continued, "This is very bad for the girl, it means they either have a source here in Haven, or they have been following her for some time and realized now was the perfect time to strike, when her protector was in seclusion, now," she turned her gaze to the White Devil, "How the hell do you know my name?"


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Almond was startled by the knowledge that she was being hunted and Alice could have died for her. She was even more startled when she was asked how she knew her name. "I just know...I mean, I don't know....I mean...." Then she went off in a trance, in a memory. White Devil's memory.


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Shen sets down on the ground and closes his eyes. a few minutes later he hears a noise in the woods near the him, his eyes open wide " who is there your self now or be distroyed" he said as he got up. A man in a black robe and a skull necklace apears from behind a tree " hello Shen" the man said

Shen takes a step back"WHAT ...... what ... I ..I killed you Deathcaster" he says with much fear in his voice

he looks at shen " master says hello and he says if you come back with no problems we let you live" Deathcaster leans against the tree at that point foer more people apear all around him "so what will it be he said as he sneared at Shen


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Character Portrait: Feng Soushiki Character Portrait: Alice Carracci Character Portrait: Ciel Character Portrait: Demeter "Almond" Graham
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Feng saw strange robed figures around the area he then started making his way back to her church 'About 5, most likely they noticed me, I need to war the others we need to head out know.' he though, the church only feet away; "Feng Soushiki, The Red Dragon.... I did not expect you to be in league with them..." A voice echoed, s Feng felt a killing intent heading straight towards him. Feng quickly turned around seeing a woman in red robes in front of him "Tch! Tekkai!" He said as she kicked him in the chest sending him flying and breaking through the church doors, Feng slightly twitched standing up "Completely broke through my Tekkai... She's not normal..." He said. The woman then walked through the remains of the church entrance "Is that all you have?! How boring! HAHAHA!" she said looking at them....

((OOC: Could you please not kill off the woman in red robes I'm planing to make her a character and antagonist to develop the story a bit, thank you.))


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Almond snapped out of her trance at the sudden commotion. She looked at Feng then the robed figure and back. "What's going on?" She didn't like the way the red robed woman spoke. It was a tone she recognized even though she had never met this person before. When she noticed the broken entrance way she became upset and concerned. "What did you do to the doors?! They open you know!" she yelled at Feng and the woman.


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She looks at the man in front of him " NEVER!!!!!!!" he shouts with much anger in his voice. The man looks at him " have it your way " Shen flys through a window of the church, He gots up slowly And he sees the woman in red "well i gess we all are having a blast from the past today" he brushes him self off


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Feng Soushiki Character Portrait: Alice Carracci Character Portrait: Ciel Character Portrait: Demeter "Almond" Graham Character Portrait: Shen
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#, as written by Zentose
Everything seemed to be going wrong, two new foes had appeared, both obviously more powerful than they could take head on. Alice knew this, and realized that the only way they would survive is a tactical retreat, even if the White Devil took control over the girl's body, there were five magic users, there was no way Alice and the others would stand a chance. It was unlikely that Ciel had any devastating magical spells, the other one might, but it was of no consequence, one destructive mage against five is still too much...
Alice looked at the White Devil and said, "You need to get out, now!" Alice stood up and situated herself between the broken door, and broken window, and Ciel and Almond, "There must be an back exit, get to it now, we can hold them off..." She looked back at Ciel and said, "I swear to the gods, if you let her die I will come back from hell to kill you myself..."
Alice had left her bow at her room, so she grabbed the knife at her belt and the one in her sleeve, she readied herself to attack anyone that got near Ciel or the girl.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Feng Soushiki Character Portrait: Alice Carracci Character Portrait: Ciel Character Portrait: Demeter "Almond" Graham Character Portrait: Guilettos Harmien Character Portrait: Shen
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"Everyone! Follow me!"
Grabbing Almond with one hand and pulling Feng up with the other, Ciel brought them back a safe distance to the center of the church.
"Keep running to the back entrance!" He shouted, "We can disappear into the woods once we're out!"
Gritting his teeth, Ciel's grip tightened around his staff. Even though combat wasn't his specialty, it didn't feel right to leave Shen and Dva behind. Still, he had a responsibility to get Almond to safety. That was the priority. His powers weren't destructive or even violent, so even if he did stay to fight, it would probably do little to help, but still, perhaps there was something he could do....
Closing his eyes as he ran, Ciel pointed his hand in Shen and Dva's direction, concentrating on their auras. It might not be much, but this was probably the best thing he could do to help them.
"Almond...." He said softly, "No matter what happens to me, please keep running. Just keep running, and don't look back."
Crunching his hand into a fist, Ciel channeled not etherial healing or otherworldly power into Dva and Shen, but instead, sent his own channeling abilities into them, lending them as much of it as he could spare. The gift would return to him after the battle was over, but with luck, it would give them the edge they would need to win the fight, especially if Guilenttos came in time to help. Immediately, the backlash slammed into Ciel, causing him to vomit up blood in choked coughs. Falling to his knees, his vision went white and blood flowed from his eyes, ears and mouth. Standing up again through sheer willpower, Ciel continued limbing on blindly, using his staff for support as he limped forwards.
"We're almost there...." He smiled to Almond, "Everything's going to be alright...."


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Almond stared at Ciel, horrified. There was so much blood and pain around her. She had just met these people yesterday, but now they were all putting their lives on the line just so she could escape and live. But what was the point of living knowing that your friends are gone. These were the only people she knew at the moment, she couldn't abandon them now. "Feng, help me with Ciel." As soon as Feng got a hold of Ciel and had him on his feet, she said "I'm sorry, Ciel. This is my fault." And with that she ran off back to the battle with White Devil's dagger in hand. When she got back she yelled "Leave them alone!" and with a sudden burst of confidence added "You bloodthirsty, worthless scum!" She felt White Devil in her veins, giving her a new kind of strength, the will to fight.


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Character Portrait: Feng Soushiki Character Portrait: Alice Carracci Character Portrait: Ciel Character Portrait: Demeter "Almond" Graham Character Portrait: Shen
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Ciel flailed around, reaching desperately to Almond. His vision still white, he followed the sound of the girl's voice, limping as quickly as he could to follow her. Dva and Shen were both experienced fighters, but without the skill of the white devil, Almond wouldn't stand a chance against the attacking sorcerers.
"Feng!" Ciel shouted blindly, "Help her-!" Clinging to his staff, Ciel limped as fast as he could to Almond, ignoring the pain of all his injuries. Pain was just a feeling after all, and all of his feelings were ultimately under his control.
That was when he heard it.
"Leave them alone!" Almond shouted, "You bloodthirsty, worthless scum!"
The power in the girl's voice stopped Ciel in his tracks for just a moment. The confidence and sheer ferocity in it was clearly from the white devil, yet the clear desire to protect and bring justice was definitely from Almond. Was it possible that Almond had found a way to harness the white devil's power without succumbing to her influence, or was the white devil just lending Almond her strength for their mutual survival? It didn't matter. At least now, the girl had a chance at survival, and perhaps even, a chance at defeating their attackers.
Still, Ciel had promised to protect her, and he still had a little of his channelling powers left. Perhaps he could still be of some use, even if just as support or healing. Standing beside Almond, his head had cleared just enough to make out the blurry shapes of each attacker. More than what he needed. As long as he could sense them, he could fight them, or at least avoid their attacks.
"Don't kill them if you can avoid it." Ciel said calmly, "And if you ever feel in any danger, run for the back entrance of the church. I'll protect you." Ciel smiled, "I promised, didn't I?"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Feng Soushiki Character Portrait: Alice Carracci Character Portrait: Ciel Character Portrait: Demeter "Almond" Graham Character Portrait: Shen
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((OOC: Robed woman still in process might have her done by tomorrow or the day after, have 2 projects to finish -_-))

Feng looked at Ciel he was in no condition to fight he wanted to help 'Such a strong will.' Feng thought, "Don't worry I don't intend on letting anyone die..." Feng said stepping in the front lines, "Hoho~!? You'll be the first to die, then I'll slowly kill of the others once I get what I want from them!" Then robed woman said. Feng then glared at her "I wont let you." Feng replied and placed a stance his expression changed the seemingly happy-go-lucky smile he always had implanted on Feng's face was gone, "Oh, let's play then." the woman said; Using the Lightning steps first move Jin, Feng appears in front of the woman and throws a punch, shocked the woman only blocked the force of the attack pushes her back a few feet, Feng dashes forwards throwing another straight punch towards the woman but she places her foot to block, 'She blocked my fist with only her leg?!" Feng thought, soon getting hit by the woman's other leg, she had made a counter blocking with one leg sending the force of the attack through her body and to her other leg(which was already in the air) attacked Feng with it using his attack against him and reducing the damage to her body greatly. Feng tumbled backwards doing to spins to reduce impact and stood in his stance once again "To do such a high level counter, she is quite skilled." Feng mumbled under his breath....


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"theres to many .... everyone leave now ..... feng that means you to " He steps infront of everyone,He then looks back "go!! i can handle this ... trust me go get the scroll" Shens aura changes red with anger. " GOO!!!!!!!!! now!!!! ......" He then sets his bag down, at that point black chain raped around shens body. Deathcaster apears in the door way " shen your coming with me"


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Almond hated seeing Ciel in this condition. He wouldn't be able to withstand a hit by one of these people. When Feng was kicked, Almond couldn't understand why he didn't dodge or see it coming. It all seemed to be in slow motion. After Shen ordered them all to go, Almond instinctively attacked the woman in red robes. Everyone was still moving in slow motion, which she didn't understand. The woman didn't see her coming, and Almond kicked her in the side of the head right by the ear. She was out like a light. Immediately after that, she grabbed Feng by the arm and tugged him towards Ciel. With both of them in tow, she hauled them to the exit. Everything seemed back to normal again.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Feng Soushiki Character Portrait: Alice Carracci Character Portrait: Ciel Character Portrait: Demeter "Almond" Graham Character Portrait: Guilettos Harmien Character Portrait: Shen
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Ciel could barely believe his eyes. In mere moments, Almond had knocked out the red-robed woman, and was already bringing Feng and Ciel to the exit. It seemed impossible, but somehow, for a just a few seconds, Almond had moved faster than what most would even consider possible for anything alive. It was incredible; with her will guiding the white devil's raw power, Almond was could harness more power beyond even that which made her infamous as one of the deadliest assassins alive. Her skill and grace was both entrancing and terrifying at the same time. In some way, it was like watching shadow art, born from flesh and steel.
As they reached a safe distance from the battle, Ciel stopped her for a moment.
"We can't leave Dva and Shen behind." He said, "And Guilettos is still upstairs, I think."
Turning to Feng, Ciel pointed to the battle in the distance; "I need you to get Dva and Shen. You don't have to defeat our attackers. The priority now is just getting away safely. Almond and I will find Guilettos, and any church workers we can save. We'll wait for you at the back entrance."


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" do not worry about me ....i'll be fine......GOOOO!! now" Shen looks at Deathcaster with sadness " I'll go with you .. you'll have no more troubles from me any more that i swear" He then turns around and looks at everyone "find Cluna Felagund and tell him i sent you" he then drops his staff".... and another thing you will find him in Haven,give him that and He'll help you in any way you need" The men in the black robes drag Shen away into he forest.
"Sorry for the trouble ...i will take my leave" Deathcaster says as he walks away

OCC(( i'm going to bring in a new character in, but you will see Shen later on on the story line ))


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#, as written by Totoro
OOC: I'm so sorry. I just moved into a new house and I think I'm getting internet installed tomorrow :D I'm using a library computer. Thanks for not completely leaving me out of the story though! XD



3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ciel Character Portrait: Demeter "Almond" Graham Character Portrait: Guilettos Harmien
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#, as written by Totoro
Guilettos Harmien

'What's going on?', visions and dreams raced through his mind as fast as the blood flowing through his veins. Scenarios of fights and people he had met before were blurring past his line of vision. Somehow he felt detached from his body, but slowly, consciousness was seeping back into its original form.

The white haired man doubled up on the ground shifted with a low moan. His back ached, probably from his position and the room he was in felt empty, like the only living soul within was himself and no one else.
Stuttering up on his knees, he managed to stand up and made his way down the staircase. Reaching for the door handles, he swung them open with might and in the distance, he spotted Ciel and Almond. He could sense that Ciel wasn't in his best condition and with a little squinting and the way he had the slightest stride of a drunken man, he looked exhausted and injured inside and out.

Not knowing what had happened while he was out, he made a mad dash towards the two figures and threw Ciel's arm over his back. "Are you alright?", he asked in audible concern.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Feng Soushiki Character Portrait: Alice Carracci Character Portrait: Hana Shiranui Character Portrait: Ciel Character Portrait: Demeter "Almond" Graham Character Portrait: Guilettos Harmien
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Feng Soushiki
"Leave it to me Ciel-san." Feng said, 'I'm out of practice that wont happen again...' he thought standing up then using Lightning step Jin technique as a foot hold he moves to Dva grabbing her over his arms, "Bear with this for a moment Dva..." Feng says to her. Feng then jumps over to the Deathcaster and kicks the air "Like I'll let you take him!! Rankyaku!" he says as a razor sharp air blade advences towards him, but he suddenly vanished, "Tch!" Feng grunted falling to the ground, Feng grabs Shens staff and uses Lightning steps Tweh to retreat back to the others 'Find Cluna Felagund and tell him I sent you...' Shens words echoed in Fengs mind. "I am sorry they have taken Shen... but we have to go the enemy's advancing pretty fast." Feng says to Ciel and the others.

Hana Shiranui

Shortly after being dropped kicked by the white devil "That bitch! Men don't let them leave this place alive!!" Hana said, she was pissed 'I didn't think I'd get hit by such an amateur!' she thought, but then heard commotion outside the church, it was the Imperial guard of Haven "What rotten luck... Men change of plans Retreat!" she said as the others started to head back 'Getting caught by them is not part of my plan though they got here earlier than expected.' Hana thought, "This isn't over you hear! I wont rest until I mount your head on my wall!!" She said to the group then head out through a window and ran through the forest....

((Sorry for my inactivity Ive been dealing with my final exams and such in school no time for posting :( ))


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Feng Soushiki Character Portrait: Alice Carracci Character Portrait: Hana Shiranui Character Portrait: Ciel Character Portrait: Demeter "Almond" Graham Character Portrait: Guilettos Harmien Character Portrait: Shen
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#, as written by Zentose
Everything had happened so quickly, Alice didn't even have time to react, but the next thing she knew, one of the group grabbed her and got her away from the rapidly dissipating conflict. The magic users left with one of the cadre, the Haven guard was approaching so the woman left as well. Alice looked at the man who grabbed her and said, "If you ever touch me again, I'll kill you..." The only emotion on her face when she said this was demonic rage, as if she was risen from hell itself... The look dissipated as she looked at the White Devil, she then said, "We need to get out of here now, I would prefer not to have to explain myself, or the White Devil, to the Guards. You all may stay if you wish, but I would suggest we leave, now." She beckoned towards the back exit, getting ready to move once Almond had, her yet unopened map...


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Supported by Guilettos, Ciel watched as the attackers retreated into the forest. Turning to Alice, he smiled, despite the pain.
"Thanks Guilettos. I think I'll be fine." He grinned, still catching his breath, "But Dva's right. We do have to keep moving."
Since the battle was over, Ciel could already feel the power he lent to Shen and Dva returning. Slowly, his head cleared, and most of the bleeding stopped as his strength gradually returned. Standing up, he shook off the pain that remained. Pain was just a feeling, and like all feelings, it could be ignored.
"Let's disappear into the forest." He suggested, "We have to find this Cluna Felagund as soon as possible so we can save Shen."
Opening the back entrance, Ciel gazed respectfully back at the church around him. There wouldn't be time to say goodbye this time, but at the very least, everyone would be alright.
"Thank you...." He muttered softly, "See you later.... Charity...."


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Almond felt unnaturally tired, but she was also energized by the adrenaline pumping in her veins. Ciel was standing by himself now, but she could tell that the pain lingered by the way he moved. Looking at the forest, she felt at home. She loved the wilderness. It made her feel like she belonged. Why don't I feel like I belong her? she thought to herself. She doesn't look weird, does she? At that thought she looked herself over. Finding nothing unnusual about her body, she walked over to a puddle and stared at herself. Quickly, she was captivated by her reflection moving along with the ripples in the water. Gently, she touched the surface with the tip of her forefinger and observed the water droplet intently, as if looking for a clue or a message.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Feng Soushiki Character Portrait: Alice Carracci Character Portrait: Ciel Character Portrait: Demeter "Almond" Graham Character Portrait: Guilettos Harmien Character Portrait: Cluna
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#, as written by Zentose
"I left some things back at my room, I require them so I will brave the possibility of capture, I will meet you at this Cluna's place..." Alice said, she got ready to leave, but turned back to them and said, "I suppose this is obvious, but if you try anything," her gaze turned to the White Devil, "I will kill you all..." She giggled and put on a joyous smile before sprinting away from them and climbing onto the roof of a nearby building.
She moved along the roofs as quietly as she could until she reached the Inn, luckily the guards were trying to quell the current battle at the church, so there were only two stationed in her room. She dove through the window and with angelic-like grace she moved fluidly rolling towards one of the guards, she stuck her knife in his throat and threw another knife at the other guard, he quickly move and it cut his cheek.
"Who the hell are you!?" he yelled.
Alice grinned and charged at him, in a quick "repartee" Alice thrust her knife into his heart, killing him. Realizing the yelling would attract attention, she quickly grabbed her supplies and jumped out the window again, she move about 20 meters away and jumped into an alleyway, sauntering from there into the street, as if nothing had happened... She changed her blood soaked clothes in the alleyway.
Now to find this Cluna person... Alice thought to herself.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Feng Soushiki Character Portrait: Alice Carracci Character Portrait: Hana Shiranui Character Portrait: Ciel Character Portrait: Demeter "Almond" Graham Character Portrait: Guilettos Harmien Character Portrait: Shen Character Portrait: Cluna
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Feng Soushiki

"Yes but we don't have leads except he or she live in Haven... It will take a while to find this Cluna Felagund, I only remember Haven and some of the people that lived here when I was still a child running around Haven...." Feng said looking at the others, Ciel was gradually looking better the bleeding had stopped from what Feng saw, "And Ciel you need to rest, you have lost a lot of blood." Feng said looking at him; but then looked at Shen's staff, then slightly sighed Almond was staring intently at a water droplet, "Also we have to meet with Dva..." Feng then added.

Hana Shiranui

Hana swinged on a branch of a tree then jumped to another one then stopped as her men stopped on the tree behind "Men go back to head quarters and report to the boss that we've found her, I'll keep an eye on her." Hana said, "Yes, Ma'am!" they said in unison and jumped continuing ahead, "Know lets see where they went, I heard something about a Cluna Felagund, who ever that is I guess this is going to turn into a search I better head to the town." Hana said, "Btu first." she added taking off her robe knowing that it would attract to much attention and discarded it. "I-I... Don't kn-know..." Hana said as her cheek grew red, and a single tear escaped her eyes, "Still got it." She said smirking then began laughing.


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"....Ciel you need to rest, you have lost a lot of blood." Feng looked straight at him, and Ciel smiled quietly. It was a touching to know Feng cared if he was ok. As Feng looked at Shen's staff, he continued talking.
"Also, we have to meet with Dva...."
Ciel nodded in agreement. "Dva promised to meet us at Cluna's place before she left, so she probably knows where he lives. If we can just find her, we should be able to find Cluna, and if we find Cluna first, we can just wait for her to meet up with us."
He smiled at the deduction. Simple, but effective. Still, it didn't solve the problem of how to find either of them. They could ask around of course, but that would attract unnecessary attention. With the level of infamy that some of their party had, unnecessary attention was something they couldn't afford to risk, unless they were willing to court death.
Thinking for a moment, Ciel's face lit up as an idea hit him.
"As long as they haven't pass on, I have the ability to talk to the dead," Ciel explained, "We can use this at the cemetery to find someone who knew Cluna when they were alive. With luck, there might be someone who can tell us what we need."
Coughing up a little blood, Ciel quickly wiped it away, pointing in the graveyard in the distance.
"Whoever said dead men tell no tales was terribly misinformed." He smiled, "Let's give it a try, shall we?"


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Almond turned away from the water and approached Ciel. He may have been hiding the blood, but the smell still lingers on the air and she could almost taste the iron in her mouth. Her attitude shifted from that of a little girl to a seemingly emotionless character. "Ciel, I can tell that you are not in the appropriate condition to push yourself as you have been. I suggest you wait and rest. Feng, you know this area well, correct? I was hoping that you could suggest a safe and concealed place to rest easily." Then, above her, she noticed plumes of clouds. Excited, she cried out "Ooooh, pretty!" and began spinning and watching the sky as if she said nothing.