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Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner

0 · 397 views · located in First Floor of the School

a character in “School for the Gifted and Wicked”, as played by ~Living-Dead Doll~



Name: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Rafe is a tall slender man (stands about 6'2), who has a bit of an athletic build. He has long red hair with blue (slightly purple) highlights in it, which is thought to be from his fathers side. His eyes are very large, in both forms, and shine a bright green. They are very expressive, even when he is quit and simply walking around. Despite trying to keep it hidden most of his life, Rafe has a long (3.5 foot) red tail, like his grandfather Azazel.
However, Rafe spends most of his time in wolf form. He stands a little 4.5 feet tall in wolf form. His fur is a dark red, though he has a few white and black patches. His eyes remain a bright green even in wolf form.

Brief Personality: Rafe is somewhat of antisocial, since he grew up away from most people. His parents brought him up to be very open minded but also with the fact that most people aren't. However, Rafe is very friendly and loyal once he gets to know someone and would do anything for them. Though he is a very mellow person, Rafe has a quick temper when it comes to friends or his family, which he is very sensitive about. He adores his parents and thinks very highly of them.

Parents: Wolfsbane and Nightcrawler

Abilities: Teleportation,
enhanced night vision,
superhuman acrobat/gymnast,
Prehensile tail,
Blending into shadows
Can transform into large wolf at will

Flaws: Rafe is very selfconcious about himself and can have a quick temper

Alliance: HERO

Role Model: His parents

Romantic interest: (may fill in later)

Dorm number: 603

Clubs: Science


Wolf Form:

So begins...

Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayla "Jay" Quinn Character Portrait: Alexander Summers Character Portrait: Jackilyn Renee Quinn Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Anselma "Hel" Sternberg Character Portrait: Raven Hale
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Jackilyn stood in the doorway of her new 'room'. She knew she would be bunking with someone else, which wasn't really an issue but it would be a little awkward. What if she was bunked with someone who knew about her? What if she was bunked with someone she was going to hate? She let out a small sigh as she grabbed her two bags out of the doorway and talked to the right of the room. After unpacking a few simple things, she decided she could finish later.
Slowly Jack made her way to the Dinning area. She hoped there weren't' too many students already there, but of coarse with her luck, there was. Her eyes stared at all the people before un-focusing a little to see her own reflection in the glass door. She was average height for her age. Her blonde hair was in its usual pigtails high on each side of her head. Her outfit was a simple black tank top and a pair of loose blue jeans with a few holes in them. The holes were less of a fashion statement and more of the adventures she had been on with Batman. Suddenly, she realized she wouldn't be seeing him very much, even though she didn't see him that much to begin with. "I'll give him a call a little later..." She told herself while summoning the courage to ignore anyone who spoke to her. She was sure she looked like her mother, that had been her mission since she was little, however she was sure someone would say something. Her hand rested on the doorhandles for a second before she opened the door and walked into the main dining room. There were tables all around, most of them already having students surrounding them. As she glanced around she was two people with pets, a girl in the back bobbing her head as she probably listened to music, and then a girl who looked just like Jack's father, except of coarse in girl form. She almost stumbled as she walked, however she chose to ignore it for now. She walked around the two with pets and to the next window. She ordered a simple breakfast sandwich then started looking for a place to sit.


Rafiel walked out of the office rather slowly. His green eyes stared at the paper that would be his schedule before folding it and putting it into his pocket. As he continued to walk, his body slowly morphed into his large wolf form. It didn't take much for someone to open the door for him and let him outside.
He took in a deep breath of the morning air, which made him smile slightly. He walked around the area a little, trying to ignore all the students who gawked at him, and the parents who started to freak out when they noticed him.
After a little bit, he felt a little hungry, however after glancing in through a window, he almost didn't want to go inside. He hated crowded spaces and people staring at him. Then again, thats what high school or even college were all about. He sucked up his discomfort and decided to go in. Luckily, the door was automatic when you pressed the small button on the side of the wall that had a man in a wheelchair on it.
The doors opened and he walked in, though he didn't look around. He walked to the very back of the room where it seemed no one really was and sat down. As he sat there, he had a good view of all the fast food places, and what they had on their menus and he started to look for something he wanted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayla "Jay" Quinn Character Portrait: Alexander Summers Character Portrait: Jackilyn Renee Quinn Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Anselma "Hel" Sternberg Character Portrait: Kiah "Kayi" Drake
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Kayi walked through the front doors with her father. "Dad do I really have to go here" she asked, she really just wanted to be home schooled rather then going to a school where she might hurt someone. Her father looked at her "Yes Kiah you have to go here, your mother needs more help and I just don't have time to be home with taking care of her and with the missions". She noticed her father didn't call her by her nickname or some would call my alter ego. She just nodded her head and walked with him to the check in area. The lady at the desk gave her a buttload of papers, information on clubs and her classes and her dormroom number. They called someone down to the office and the person took her luggage saying that it will be taking to her room and everyone is in the dining room at the moment and should head there. She said goodbye to her father and she looked down at the map to see where the dining area was. As she made her way there she opened the door to look in, she saw there was quite a few students there already and it sorta spiked up her anxiety. Taking a few steps in then heading over to where the food was, she grabbed a few pieces of fruit and looked around for a table that didn't have others sitting there. She saw a table in the back it was empty but she saw a boy there with reddish, blue hair sitting near the table. It was the closes to be alone so she quickly made her way to the table, sat down and started to pick at the food on her tray.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayla "Jay" Quinn Character Portrait: Alexander Summers Character Portrait: Jackilyn Renee Quinn Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Anselma "Hel" Sternberg Character Portrait: Blake Dale
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Jay looked around at all the people in the dinning area. It's getting too crowded in here she thought to herself. I'll just skip breakfast she thought again. So, she stood up and walk over to the door and walked out. She bumped into a couple people & there tables by accident, but she was getting to claustrophobic to remember to say excuse me. Once she got out of the dinning area, she looked at a little piece of paper that had her dorm number on it. "6. 0. 8." She said each number a loud to her self then put the paper back in her purple jacket pocket. As she walked to her dorm, she was wishing two things. One, that she wont be bunking with anyone. Two, that the people next door to her room aren't like those girls you always see in movies that stay up all night talking and screaming and stuff like that. But if they are, Jay's going to have a lot of jokes to play on them.

The setting changes from Dinning Area to Third Floor of the School

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jackilyn Renee Quinn Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Jörmungandr Sternberg
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Rafe watched as one girl got close to his table and quickly walked away. It was nothing personal, simply a matter of being shy. He left his food where it was, and made his way for the door. Again, he hit the button for the doors to automatically open before he ran out. Slowly as he made his way to the front doors of the school, he morphed back into his human form. As he did so, he sighed then closed his eyes. Suddenly, he was in his dorm room, standing right next to his bed. He gave a small smile and watched the black smoke dissipate from around him. This is when he noticed someone was in there with him. "You must be my room mate." He stated then took a deep breath and stuck out his hand. "You can call me Rafe."


Jack sighed before settling on a table that was first occupied by a wolf then a girl walked away from. It was far in the back, away from sight. Just like she liked it. Slowly she made her way back to it and watched as most of the people started to leave. She was somewhat grateful. She hated big crowds. They always had something negative to say, then again, that was just people in general.
As she finished her breakfast, she decided it was time to head back up to her room, despite the fact she didn't really want to. To most people, it would look like she was sulking all the way to her dorm. However when she got there, she was greeted by the fact no one else was there. Though she was curious as to where her room mate was, she wasn't complaining.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Anselma "Hel" Sternberg Character Portrait: Kiah "Kayi" Drake Character Portrait: Jörmungandr Sternberg
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"You must be my room mate."

Jorry looked up from his book to see a red head boy. He inclined his head yes and turned back to his book. He wanted to ignore him but he kept talking.

"You can call me Rafe."

"Jörmungandr" he grunted out, shaking the proffered hand before going back to the book. Maybe now, he'd be left to his own devices. He somewhat doubted that as his legs became a snake's tail and moved so the sun hit his scales.

Hel pointed the wand at a rock that sat on the drawer and made it float. "Gotcha, you stupid device..." She spun the wand, making the rock spin. Fenrir yipped and barked, happy for his sister.

"Good job, schwester!" he barked in German and English, making her laugh quietly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner
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Rafe shook the man's hand then gave a small smile. Obviously, he wasn't going to be a social bug, which was actually a good thing in Rafe's eyes. He turned around and glanced at the bags on his bed before taking a deep breath and deciding to unpack. He hated having to move, though it had been something he had been doing all his life. Though his parents were both good, he couldn't say the same for his grandparents on his father's side. It was because of them that he and his parents had to move around a lot. Well, that and of coarse his parent's jobs.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner
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As Rafe continued to unpack, there was a loud announcement that came over the intercom he didn't realize was installed in his room, along with everyone else's, however, the message only went to his room.
"This announcement is for Ralfiel Wagner! Please gather your things and go to dorm room 601. This will be your new dorm. Thank you."
Rafe glared at the ceiling for a moment. He had almost finished unpacking and now, he had to pack everything up and move, yet again. A small sigh escaped his lips before he started packing his things. Luckily, he didn't own all that much.
When he was finally done, he picked up his bags and walked to the doorway. "I will see you around I guess." He said to Jorry before walking out of the room and down to the first dorm room. He took a deep breath and set down one of his bags to knock on the door, hoping someone was inside.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Summers Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Jonas LeBeau
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#, as written by nltniko
Alexander was almost done with the book when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.
"Come in." He answered.
Frankie quickly ran over to the door to see who the guest was.
The room was clean, and was kept in order.
Everything looked normal, except of cause for the human skeleton that was standing near the window on a rack.

Jonas were walking towards the great mansion that was his new school.
His father had told him about it and now he finally decided to get to it.
He went up to get checked in and started walking around the mansion to see what was in it.
Then he was told where his new room would be. His luggage was dragged over there while he continued exploring his new home

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Summers Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner
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Rafe opened the door and entered the room with his bags in hand. "Hey, I was just informed this is my new dorm." He explained as he walked with his bags over to his bed. He looked down at the skeleton dog and smiled. "Well hello there." He greeted to the small dog before moving his attention to the man who was reading. "My name is Ralfiel, but you can call me Rafe." He greeted then walked over to him and stuck his hand out towards him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Summers Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Michael Roger Summers Character Portrait: Blake Dale Character Portrait: Jonas LeBeau
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When Michael returned to the School complex he climbed the stairs and returned to his dorm.He took off his jacket."Hey,I'm back" Michael said to Blake while putting his jacket in the wardrobe."Anything new? Or....forgive it,I'll find the news." Before Michael could hang his jacket he took it out again and worn it,preaparing himself to a full-scale exploration of the room.
First thing he noticed is that the room numbers are placed like streets: pair numbers on the right,while the rest on the left.Probably to separate male and females.
Some doors were open,mostly the empty.In one he saw a student standing in front of.
"Frankie!" He saw the bone-dog near the door.He looked at it for a few seconds and moved ahead.
He looked at closed doors,walls and potted plants.
The Dorm number 607 he noticed bags."Newcomer!".
After the second walk he returned to his Dorm.
"Back definately,Blake" He said while shutting the you said to have some technological notions...I want to hear them" Michael said hanging his jacket in the Wardrobe.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Kiah "Kayi" Drake Character Portrait: Blake Dale
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Rafe smiled and shook the mans hand then smiled down at the skeleton dog. It truly was an astonishing site to see but before he would ask how the canine was still moving, a loud announcement interrupted his thoughts.
He glanced up at the ceiling while listening to the announcement. "This early?" He wondered before turning and giving a polite smile to Alexander. "Sorry, I'm in the Science club and I don't think I should miss the first meeting." He explained before heading for the door.
After walking down the stairs and passing several classrooms, he found his way to the Science lab. He quickly walked in and shut the door behind him before glancing at the other students who were already there.
"Hello." Dr McCoy greeted before motioning for Rafe to get the safety things he needed. "Your just in time." He added while Rafe walked over getting the safety goggles and lab coat. "We are in luck, this is a three person experiment, so we have just the right about of people for this group." He said motioning for him to come join Black and Kayi. Rafe was hesitant, but he walked over and sat in the stop in front of the other two. His bright green eyes gazed at each of them before he forced a smile. "Hello." He greeted, though his tone was rather low and somewhat soft as he spoke.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Kiah "Kayi" Drake Character Portrait: Blake Dale
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Rafe gave another smile to Kayi before replying. "My name is Rafe." When Blake spoke, Rafe glanced over to him and gave a small smile. "Hey." he muttered, honestly trying to remember where he knew the guy from. Since it obviously was going to come to mind, he decided to let the thought go for the time being and try to focus on the project at hand. Honestly, he wasn't good a science at all. However, he had joined in hopes of becoming better at it, and not failing the class. He opened his notebook and took notes, writing down practically everything that Dr. McCoy said, along with whatever Michael said since he seemed very knowledgeable.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Michael Roger Summers Character Portrait: Kiah "Kayi" Drake Character Portrait: Blake Dale
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Kayi looked to see another guy come in great i am the only girl here, next time I am going to go to art she thought to herself and went and grabbed the magnifying glass when Dr. McCoy told them too, setting them up from smallest to largest. She then smiled to Rafe "Very nice to meet you Rafe" she then began taking notes and listening to Dr.McCoy as he explained the project. If only it had to do with water.. she thought to to herself as she was writing her notes wondering what they will be doing with the experiment after they where done with it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Michael Roger Summers Character Portrait: Kiah "Kayi" Drake Character Portrait: Blake Dale
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Rafe grabbed a set of magnifying glasses, then set them in the right order, just like Mr.McCoy had instructed. When Kayi spoke, he smiled again while gazing at her. It was nice that someone seemed to have manors, since it wasn't something he was expecting at all."Its nice to meet you too." He replied softly when Mr.McCoy wasn't talking, so neither of them would miss any of the notes. His eyes moved over to Blake, who had already finished his project and even tried it out. He couldn't help but to nearly glare at the guy when he stuck a few things in his pocket. If Rafe wasn't going to be stuck here, he would have said something since it was obviously against the rules to take things from the class. Words from across the room caught his attention though, making him turn his head and stare at the man named Mike. He too, seemed to know all to well what he was talking about, however Rafe was having trouble falling any of it.
"This is stupid.....what the hell am I doing here?" He thought to himself before hearing Kayi whisper something about art. Rafe's green eyes started darting around as he mused the thought of leaving. After all, it was a club, he was allowed to leave. After clearing his throat very lightly, he closed his note book and put it back in the drawer at the station. "Excuse me." He whispered, mainly talking to Kayi. He stood up and quickly made his way for the door. If anything, he would just come back and explain it to the professor later.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Michael Roger Summers Character Portrait: Kiah "Kayi" Drake Character Portrait: Blake Dale
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"Utilizing laser in a project"Michael was thinking,looking up at the roof.
He noticed that the group was a little bored....except Blake,as he repaired the cradle.
He heard Kiah introduce herself:"My pleasure,Kayi." He started to look around.He looked at Rafe and at Kayi.Both seemed to be a little uncertain.
"Hey there,if you need's a club not a torture class."He was too open: he is going to be so only during club meetings.
Then,when Kayi talked about art he had an illumination."Art you said? Got an idea...I need a metal block....a pretty big metal block,Doc.Tall something like...350 centimeters and wide....let's say 100 centimeters..." Michael said,smiling at his mates.
Received the material he took the laser pointer and the four magnifying glasses.After that he merged the pointer and obtained somewhat like a glass cylinder
with the pointer on the center of the center of the first magnifying glass.He took the nadle and pressed the pointer projecting an intense red ray.He lowered his googles and aimed atthe metal block,melting it and trying to model it like a modern sculpture.
After the hot job he took away his googles and looked at the two waves."This is how they could have worked the metal the artists of the '900...who want to try?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Michael Roger Summers Character Portrait: Kiah "Kayi" Drake Character Portrait: Blake Dale
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" did that,not me...better you look at my brothers's sketch."Michael said amused for the compliment.
"Dahr didn't answered my question....which club is the best?" Michael said dropping his hands on a table.
As Dr.McCoy allowed to work in pair Michael took out his notebook and handed it to Kayi."Here: I tried to write in a mortal's language.If you need help just Blake? I guess you are in a neutral part,like me for keep bombarding us with such questions." Michael said smiling.
"Let's get started then Kayi.Do you need a belief support? In the origin there was nothing,then the Word and the Word was of God....or we can start with common and simple physic?".He took from his bag a few books and looked ad Kayi.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Michael Roger Summers Character Portrait: Kiah "Kayi" Drake Character Portrait: Blake Dale
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"Hah funny,Blake...too bad I submitted the profile for the Heroe's club." Michael said with a despicable smile,looking at Blake.
"No,really I never thinked that you would be a villain...glad I'm not the only goodie here." Michael said looking at Kayi.
"To recap the meeting.Laser is basically a focused ray of photo...sorry heat.This is why Mr.McCow gave us this set of Magnifying glasses.Notice that heat can be gathered and amplified by further magnifying glasses.Usually the light gathers at the center of the lent and releases the hate.To be amplified the heat is gathered in the second,third,fourth and fifth magnifying glass,turning it into the red ray know as laser.
Now such forces are pretty dangerous if spread.This is why you need a set of lents one smaller of another.Laser is one of the most useful tools in archeology,allowing it for precise operations of cutting.Unlike kinetic projectiles....bullets in a mortal language,laser is clean and doesn't leave traces.Any questions,Kiah Drake?" Michael said,slowly pointing the words on his notebook with a pencil.He talked with a supreme tone,like a teacher.
"Oh yeah,maybe Monsieur Rafe,correct? Want to learn something? Ah Kayi,take this" He lifted the improved laser pointer and putted it on the table.
"Works with metals,gem,gold and even diamonds.You'll surely need it,since you are an artist." Michael said beating the glass of his work.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Zalika Thema Wagner
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Rafe continued to roam the hallways until he heard a knocking at the door. He stopped for a second before realizing it was at the front doors. At first he shrugged it off, thinking surely someone down there would open the doors, however it soon became apparent to him that they wouldn't. He sighed then teleported in front of the doors. He jerked the one to the right open and started to walk away, however the woman standing before the doors caught his attention. "Do I know you?" He asked out loud, since she looked rather familiar.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ralfiel "Rafe" Adair Wagner Character Portrait: Zalika Thema Wagner
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#, as written by Vix
Zalika looked up as the door was answered and flashed a smile, offering out a hand. “Hi. My name is Zalika Wagner and I’m-“ She paused as the boy questioned her. “Do I know you?” She glanced at him a bit longer and blinked – It was a tragic thing that her brother didn’t remember her. She was only a year older than him, and they hadn’t seen each other in years. Zalika remembered spending time with her father and Ralfiel as a child, though after a certain age, Ralf didn’t seem to be there whenever she was. Didn’t he remember the pictures of her that their father had? Or had he not cared who the young girl in the pictures was? Either way, she gave a lighter smile. “Yeah – It’s me…Zee. You know…Your sister. I haven’t seen you since I was…God…” She gave a light laugh and thought. “I think I was ten the last time I saw you.”