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Would you risk it all to be with the one you love?

1,206 readers have visited Soulmates since Chihari created it.



They were born to be together, but their union could be their demise

There is one rule, a common law, that guardian angels share. They are never to fall in love with humans. The penalty is death. Their wings were to be ripped off, then they are thrown out of the Heavens and left to free-fall to their death. Most of the time they have no problem obeying the rule, but there are a few who have no choice but to break it. You see, when a person finds their soulmate they are bound to them forever, even after death. Once you find your soulmate you become so attached that you cannot simply leave them because of a rule. It is this reason that has caused countless deaths of angels. Now the problem arises again for a group of winged-beings when they realize the humans they were assigned to watch after are their soulmates.

Now they must go on the run with their soulmates if they wish to survive being hunted down by fellow angels sent to kill them for breaking the golden rule.

Couple One;
Guardian Angel: Taken by Kimura shuun
Human Female: Taken by Chihari
Couple Two;
Guardian Angel Male: Taken by Spectrum
Human Female: Taken by Annalysa Jones
Couple Three;
Guardian Angel Male: Taken by Jeffrey!
Human Female: Taken by SolrSurfr3
Couple Four;
Guardian Angel Female: Reserved by they-go
Human Male: Taken by ~Nutty~*Green Neko*
Couple Five;
Guardian Angel Male: Taken by fullmetal642
Human Female: Taken by Horseygirl
Couple Six;
Guardian Angel Male: Reserved by akai-pyon
Human Female: Taken by shadowkat
1. Taken by PandoraBox
2. Taken by Lovely Spade
3. Reserved by ValaunDae'Voth
Character Information:
Appearance:(Anime of Realistic please)
Assigned Guardian/Soulmate:
Weapon of Choice:(Angels only)

Follow the rules and we'll all get along, disobey them and things won't be so pretty.
Spots will be reserved no longer than 24 hours max!
Romance is encouraged, duh, but don't scar us for life with anything graphic!
Violence is allowed, just don't go around mindlessly hacking people up.
Colorful language, don't go overboard with it.
No one-liners, you will be murdered!
Try to at least post a juicy paragraph, more and you get a prize :D
Don't join, post a little, then disappear! Let's stay together :P
Let me know if you won't be able to post so I can arrange something for your character!
Now for the most cliched rule, let's have funzies

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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Alejandro nodded, she was fine. That was good. He relaxed noticeably upon hearing that. "That's, uh, good to hear." He said. He was never good with socialization, especially with people he was unfamiliar with. What are you talking about? You know practically everything about this girl. Perhaps, but she didn't know a thing about him.

When she said it was a nice catch he said, "Um...Thank you?" He was feeling fairly awkward now. It was all him, though. Damn it, Alejandro. You look like an idiot not. He reached out to shake her hand, "Alejandro. It's nice to meet you." He looked up in the tree and asked, "What were you doing up there, anyway?" He knew the answer, of course, but he thought it would be more natural for him to ask. He realized he probably looked like he didn't care about her answer, but he didn't really know how to show much emotion. It showed in his eyes, though. The genuine interest. That look that let you know that he could listen to you for hours and not get bored of your voice, of what you wanted to talk about.

So he waited, waited for Angelina to answer. Because he loved her voice in general. But the feeling of hearing it when she was actually talking to him, that made him almost forget he was ever not her guardian.


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In spite of herself, she couldn't help smirk a bit as she shook his hand, tilting her head to give him a quizzical look. "Alejandro, huh? Man, a bet you catch hell when it comes to Lady Gaga songs." Her humor obviously wasn't appreciated; the guy didn't so much as crack a smile. Angie's own grin faded, shifting almost completely into a pout. Of all the people in the world who could've saved her, she had to get the one void of a personality. Well, fine. If he wasn't going to even try to be polite, neither was she. Simple as that.

"I fail to see how that's any of your business," she snipped defensively. Most people didn't take kindly to the fact that she fancied herself an artist. They thought it was a waste of her time. Then again, to her, staying in this town was a waste of her time. "Besides, I could ask you the same question, sneaking around an empty park." By this point, she'd walked up so that their faces were mere inches apart, brown eyes glaring. "I don't like being spied on," she practically hissed, poking him in the chest for emphasis.

Her hostility vanished in the blink of an eye as her phone went off, beeping insistently until she opened and closed it again. Oh, crap; she was gonna be late! Suddenly frantic, she grabbed her backpack and threw it back on. "Look, I gotta go. Thanks for saving my life and all. See you around, Al!" And without another world, the girl sped off, unknowingly leaving her precious sketchbook behind. And it just so happened to be open to her newest picture of- you guessed it- an angel.


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Alejandro blinked, he cursed Lady Gaga silently. He really did catch hell for that in his unit, especially when the song was first written. The angels he used to serve with found it hilarious, for whatever reason. "Um, yes I actually do." He muttered in response to her. But when she began to pout, his own face dropped. For only a second, he looked sad. Like seeing her do anything but smile broke his heart. Pull yourself together, Alejandro. This girl is your assignment. She doesn't care about you and you shouldn't care about her.

He was a little hurt by the fact that she was so...Cold to him. He thought her art was fantastic, himself. She should be as proud of it as he was to be a solider of the light, in his opinion. "I-I wasn't sneaking..." He stammered out. He wanted at that moment to tell her the truth, but stopped himself. It would be ludicrous, giving himself up that way. It wouldn't help either of them. "I have never spied on you." He said, a scowl on his face. He didn't want to be cruel to her, but he was more than willing to stand up for himself, if she forced him to.

Then, as quick as she had become hostile, she stopped. Her phone had gone off, it was time for her to get to school. His eye twitched when she called him "Al" and he called back, "You're welcome! I'll see you around later...Angelina." Though, he said the last part more to himself, really. He noticed her sketchbook, then. She had left it behind. He grabbed it and looked at the page. He let his own wings free then. He wondered why there was the misconception among humans that all angels had white wings. Well, He thought to himself, Most guardian angels have white wings. You only have red wings because you were never intended to be a guardian.

He knew then that he would get to see Angelina again. His heart swelled at the thought, he would get to speak with her again. He almost swooned, though he knew she wouldn't share the feeling, the excitement he felt from the very thought of another chance to speak with her. He looked up to the heavens, not able to conceal what he was thinking. He had fallen in love with Angelina Novacheck and refused to admit it. He would never say it, he wouldn't even think it, but it was oh so true. He loved her more than he ever thought he could love anything.

And he wouldn't admit it.


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[Later that day...]

"Where are you..." Angel stalked through the darkening park, searching desperately for her sketchbook. Ever since realizing she'd lost halfway through the day, the girl had been trying to retrace her steps, which had finally brought her back here. Her day had been less than enjoyable to say the least. And to say the most, it'd been a damned nightmare. Not only had she gotten detention for being late to her first class, but she hadn't been able to focus on anything all day. Why? Because she couldn't keep the guy she'd met that morning out of her head. Every class that day, she'd just zoned out and started thinking about Alejandro, not returning to reality until one of her teacher's had called on her. Not that she wasn't used to not paying attention in class, but normally it was because she was busy drawing something, not daydreaming about some stranger.

What the heck was going on with her? This was a guy she'd never met, and now he was constantly on her mind. How exactly did that make sense? Maybe it was just guilt, she reasoned. To be fair, she hadn't been all that nice to him. Yeah, he'd kinda started it, but that didn't give her the right to accuse him of spying on her. The guy practically saved her life--okay, maybe not her life, but it'd been better than landing on the ground--and in return she'd acted like a total jerk. How was that for gratitude.

No matter how much she told herself it was guilt getting to her, Angie knew there was more to it than that. From the moment she'd laid eyes on the guy, something had just...clicked. She couldn't explain it, but it was like that warm, safe feeling that came with the feeling of being watched, only stronger. The girl groaned, running her fingers through her hair. She felt like a middle-schooler with a crush on a celebrity. It was ridiculous. All day today, she'd found herself hoping she'd run into him again, that maybe he was new at school and that's why she'd never seen him before today. No such luck though. Which begged a few key questions: Who was this guy? Why had she never seen him before. And what the heck was he doing to her head?


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"Sorry i'm no dream." He sighed noticing he should've gone along with it. "I guess I have to tell you the truth. I am your guardian angel, my mission is to protect you and follow a set of rules... But I've broken two rules already, and other angels who are hunters will be here in less than a day, or at least I suspect." He put his hand out for her to shake. "My name is Luxis Orphelias, but everyone calls me Lux, I already know your name though, so nice to meet you, Aimee Keys."


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#, as written by Chihari
Aimee wasn't exactly sure what to think or say but she shook his hand anyway. Did she believe a word of what he was saying, not really. "Woah okay, so let me get this straight. You're my 'guardian angel' what you've been watching me since I was born or something?" She frowned, Aimee hated when she didn't understand things, it gave her a headache. "And what two rules did you break? And what do you mean hunters are gonna be here? I haven't done anything wrong, why would they be hunting anything?" So many questions were swirling around in her head it was making her dizzy. She was just supposed to believe all of this stuff and then what? Run away or something? This was all too weird.

He did know her full name, and he did just save her from possibly being murdered, so maybe he might've been telling the truth after all. "Oh um, thanks for saving me by the way, I probably would've been done for if you hadn't swooped in and done that whole superhero routine."


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Alejandro had enjoyed watching Angelina that day. Sure, she'd gotten detention (probably because of him) but still, everything she did was magical to him. He told himself it was because she was different, he had always been fascinated with humans, of course he would enjoy being around the first one he truly met.

He watched her searching through the park, debating about whether or not to just go ahead and give her the sketchbook back. He had looked at all the pictures she'd drawn several times that day, he loved them. Each one was beautiful in it's own merit and deserved to by hung in a gallery. Or so he thought. He also figured that he should probably apologize for being less than polite earlier. So, he had a viable excuse to talk to her. Now all he had to do was set himself up for it.

So, he flew back quite a was before tucking his wings away and walking up to Angelina. He stood behind her and cleared his throat. He waited a moment and said, "Ah, looking for your sketchbook?" He held it out so she could get it. "I- uh, you left it here...You're a really good artist." He shrugged, "Sorry if I was rude before, I'm uh, not very good at talking to people." He looked down and said, "Anyway, just figured you come back for it. The sketchbook, I mean." Goodness, he was so awkward.


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Not expecting anyone else to be in the park, Angie jumped as someone cleared their throat right behind her, knocking her head on a low-hanging tree branch as she straightened from looking for her book. "OW!!" She winced, putting a hand to the back of her head. "Son of a-- oh!" Who should she turn to find but the object if her daydreams standing directly behind her. Pain was immediately replaced with uncharacteristic shyness. "Um...hello." Well, this was awkward. And how'd he managed to sneak up on her anyway? What was the guy part ninja or something?

Those questions were immediately forgotten when Angie realized what he was holding. "You found it!" Overcome with joy, she immediately pulled him into a hug. "Thank you so much! You have no idea--" Suddenly, reality hit her like a ton of bricks, and she had to ask herself: what the hell was she doing?! More awkward than ever, she quickly pulled back, gripping her newly-retrieved sketchbook in her hands. "I-I mean, uh... thanks." 'Nice recovery, Ang. Real smooth.'

Even after embarrassing herself like that, Angie was quite sure her heart had stopped when she realized Alejandro had looked through her sketchbook. Her first reaction was to be angry, no, furious that he'd gone through her personal belongings without so much as asking her permission. Whatever happened to respecting people's privacy. 

But wait...he thought they were good? Angie stared up at the taller boy, speechless. The few times she'd shown people her drawings, they either criticized the lack of realism or the fact that she spent all of her time drawing instead of doing 'important' stuff. To have her work complimented was...surprising, to say the least. But not unpleasant, definitely not unpleasant.

"Really? Well...thanks," she replied, smiling warmly. "And I'm sorry, too. I know I can get a little moody sometimes." She glanced away, trying to ignore the fact that her cheeks were turning red. "Listen, I know we kinda got off on the wrong foot earlier, but do you...want to hang out sometime?"


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Alejandro blushed ever so slightly when she hugged him. She hugged him. He never expected her to so much as touch him with anything but contempt. But she had hugged him. That quite possibly made that the very best day of his life. He stuttered out a simple, "Ah, y-you're welcome." As he looked down at his feet. He hoped the impact her hug had made on him didn't show entirely too much, that would be embarrassing. He shifted a little, but not uncomfortably, just from the fact the standing in one place was making him a little restless at that moment.

When she said thanks he shook his head, "Don't mention it. Artists need to know when they're good, you know." He realized that probably came off as a little harsh, almost like he was scolding her for not being more open with her art. He sighed inwardly, why was he always doing that? It made him look like an insensitive jerk... Well, you were in the militias legion of heaven at one point... Still, the fact didn't change that he could be a little rude.

"Don't worry about it, I know it's easy to misinterpret me as being rude." He paused, "I'm really not trying to be rude." His eye's widened slightly and his jaw dropped a little when she asked if he wanted to hang out sometime. He racked his brain for all the possible meanings of that phrase before blurting out, "Sure!" Maybe a little too quickly. He cursed under his breath and said, "I, yeah..." He scowled at his feet, he had to get better at talking.


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"Oh, apologies." He thought of a lie to tell her. "It was a joke, a bad joke. I know your name because, I enrolled at your school and your'e one of the few I saw and remember." He hoped his lie would succeed, he thought maybe the hunters hadn't noticed him yet, he was safe. "I was passing by and saw in your window, that a man was standing above you. As for the wings you might be imagining that." Lux wasn't a great liar, but he could put great lies together and get lucky.


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Angie couldn't help but chuckle quietly at Alejandro's clear awkwardness. Now that she was actually taking the time to analyze the guy properly, she realized he wasn't trying to be rude at all. He just didn't have the best social skills, and she could relate to that well enough. Besides, it was kind of cute how flustered he seemed to-- Wait, what?! The girl blinked, shocked by her own thought. Did she really just call him cute?

If that surprise hadn't been enough, then next one took the cake: he'd actually said yes to her shy suggestion. Angie grinned widely as that realization sunk in. "Cool. Uh...well, tomorrow's Saturday, so we could go bowling or see a movie or whatever. I'll meet you here around ten tomorrow?" Angie found herself wishing she could stay, but she had overprotective parents to get home to and a truckload of homework to procrastinate on. "Thanks again for finding my book." With a final wave, she headed toward home, somehow unable to keep the grin off of her face the entire walk.


Of course, Mr. and Mrs. Novacheck had been less than thrilled to have their daughter coming home an hour late from school. The last thing Angie wanted to deal with right now was their reaction to her getting detention, so she went with the best excuse she could think of: she'd been hanging out with one of her friends and lost track of time. It wasn't a total lie, and fortunately they bought it and let her off with a warning. Unfortunately, someone had been listening in on that conversation.

"So you've got friends now? Hell must've frozen over." Angie shot a glare at Nick, who was currently wasting time playing video games. "Unless it's an elf or something, that'd totally make sense for you."

The girl's glare hardened as she tried to ignore the twinge of hurt his insult caused. "He's not imaginary, you twit."

"Oh, so it's a guy, too!" he exclaimed in mock surprise "Dude must be desperate."

The girl rolled her eyes, stalking up the stairs to her room. "Whatever, Nick. Mind your own damned business." Slamming the door before he could get another smartass remark in, she flopped down on her bed and immediately opened her sketchbook. Drawing always made her feel better; it was almost therapeutic. About twenty minutes into her newest sketch, though, the girl realized that the dark hair, piercing eyes, and stoic expression of her subject were all too familiar. Alejandro had yet again found his way into her head. Groaning, she tossed the book onto the foot of her bed and ran a hand through her hair, tempted to start tearing it out. "Ugh, what the hell?!"


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Alejandro's heart leapt when he saw her grin like that. She was happy, not just any happy either, she was happy because of him! At that moment he really almost smiled, but he didn't he kept the same facial expression on, but there was a softness, a certain light in his eyes. He nodded, "Ten sounds...Perfect." Then after a second of thought he said, "With my schedule, you know." He waved as she walked away and said, "No problem." As she walked away. He stood there for a moment, a little dumbfounded that he had actually done that.

She actually likes being around me... He thought to himself as he cloaked from human eyes and took off into the skies. He was having a hard time believing that, even though she wouldn't have even asked to hang out with him if she didn't. He caught up quickly enough and ended up hearing the exchange between Angelina and her brother. He wanted nothing more than to teach Nick a little lesson, but that was frowned upon. Against the rules, no. Okay to do, not ever.

He ended up sitting on her floor while she drew, he didn't always stay in her room, but he was always nearby. Getting too far away was dangerous and he didn't like it. He liked watching her draw, there was something about it that just made him...Happy. Maybe because she loved it so much, he didn't know. When she threw her sketchbook he stood up to get a look at what she had been drawing. Is that...Me? He wondered, it did look like him. He looked up at Angelina, she had started drawing him, then she got mad about it? Awesome, really. Helped his self-confidence a ton.


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#, as written by Chihari
Aimee raised a brow, unsure of whether to buy his story or not. "Oh yeah I just imagined that you had giant wings coming out of your back, silly me." She smacked her palm to the side of her head, wondering for a second if she really had, by some weird chance, imagined his ever having wings. She decided to buy his tale, for the sake of preserving her sanity, and turned her head in the direction of the garage when she heard someone jingling the handle. Her parent's must have came back early for some reason. "Okay let's avoid this potentially awkward situation and pretend this never happened then okay?" She started pushing Lux towards the front door, hoping her parents didn't come in until he was out of the house. "I'll just um call the police and have those two arrested. Thanks for saving my life, okay? Bye!" She closed the front door and leaned against it just as her parents entered the foyer.

"Oh my God, Aimee what happened in here?!" Her mother asked in a tone that made her daughter cringe. "Mom, dad, it was so awful! I was minding my own business when suddenly these two guys barged in the house and tried to rob me!" That much wasn't a lie, but what she said next was definitely not true. "I called the police and in the meantime one of the guys tripped over the rug and fell, taking the other guy with him, and both of them passed out!" Her father crossed his arms over his chest, disbelief flashing over his face, but he had no choice but to believe her. There was no other way to explain what happened. Her mother called the police 'again' and soon they arrived, arresting the two guys and promising to patrol the neighborhood better.

Aimee couldn't believe her parents actually bought her story. "I'm going to...go to the bookstore okay? I'll be back soon I promise!" She left without another word, sighing as the fresh air cleared her head. "I was just imagining that, of course people don't have humans, that's absurd." She laughed at herself for ever believing it and entered the bookstore, still giggling at herself.


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It was official. Angie had no idea how it'd happened, but after her first dream in a while not relating to ominous wings ended up featuring a certain someone, there wasn't any point denying it. Somehow, within the 24 hours she'd known the guy, she'd managed to fall for Alejandro, at least on a crush level. That in itself was enough to make her uncomfortable. In her whole life, Angie had only had three crushes, and all of them had ended in ultimate disaster. Well...alright, so disaster was a strong word, but they certainly hadn't ended well. The last thing she wanted was to fall for this guy and have her heart broken into a million pieces. It wasn't exactly the most pleasant feeling, shockingly enough.

Not to mention that she knew next to nothing about him. Hell, she didn't even know his full name. For all Angie knew, Alejandro could be some serial killer or something. True, that was a worst-case scenario, but still. What had she been thinking, asking if he wanted to hang out? A part of her had seriously thought about blowing him off, but the other part was shocked and appalled at herself for even considering it. The latter was the part that insisted that she could trust him, that somehow knew he'd never ever ever even try to hurt in any way. Of course, this was also the part that had fallen head over heels in the first place, so there was no way of telling how credible it was.

Nonetheless, Angie found herself here, under the same tree he'd saved her from falling out of the day before, waiting to see if he'd show up. It'd taken forever for her to convince her parents that she wasn't going to do anything stupid while she was gone. Seriously, she wasn't that much of a delinquent, was she. Sure, there was the occasional detention and that one time the police had caught her ditching school, but besides that... But that was beside the point. Right now, she had to work out what she was going to do when Alejandro showed up. There was no way she was going to make an idiot out of herself again.


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The wait was excruciating, to say the least. Alejandro was with Angelina since the night before, and he had to wait until ten to talk to her. Over and over in his mind, he thought about what he was going to say when he got to the park, was he going to get there early? No, that would be weird, like he was too excited for this. Late? That would make it seem like he didn't care. On time? Would that make him seem like some sort of weirdo who insists on never being late? He couldn't make up his mind, could stop wondering what Angie thought about him.

It was driving him crazy.

So, he simply decided to get there after Angelina did, wouldn't be too difficult, he would know when she got there. The hardest part was making sure he didn't end up changing his mind or anything. The thought was there more than once, honestly. But no, he just couldn't do that to her. Something in him wouldn't allow himself to not show. So, his mind made up and his heart in check (mostly) he started about a block back. That way she would probably see him coming this time. Probably. Though he didn't know, it didn't seem to be entirely too difficult to sneak up on her.

So he walked, waving for good measure when he was in her direct view. His heart was racing only subtly faster than his mind as he walked up to the tree and said, "Hi." A simple word, nothing more. No smiled to accompany it, but the raw feeling it held, like he had been waiting years to say a simple word. He had honestly never said anything with that much emotion behind it, it scared him. What was he becoming? Was this really happening? How the hell had he managed to miss her so much when he was practically by her side the entire night? He didn't know, but it worried him. It made him wonder, Is this what love feels like?


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As it turned out, it didn't matter what Angie had oh so carefully planned on saying. Once Alejandro actually showed up, she was lucky she could even remember her own name. Every single time, it shocked her just how insanely attractive he was. Of course, she'd immediately shove that into the back of her mind and focus instead on recollecting her thoughts that had scattered into complete and utter gibberish.

She couldn't help but smile at his hello, even if he didn't. At least he'd showed up; that at least meant he wanted to be here. And the way he said that one word of greeting made up for the lack of emotion on his face. "Hey," she replied, trying to prevent the blush that she knew was trying to rise to the surface. God, what was with her? She'd known him for like a day and already being around him turned her into a tomato!

The girl cleared her throat, motioning for him to follow as she started down the road. "So, seeing as no sane person is up this early on a Saturday, the movie theater should be completely empty. You can choose the movie, I'm good with anything really." 'Just as long as it isn't a chick flick,' she added to herself, but didn't think she'd need to worry about that. Alejandro struck her as the kind of guy who'd like action movies, and that was just fine with her. "Oh, and don't worry about tickets; I've got it covered." Angie didn't mention that she had absolutely no money herself; that was just part of the surprise she had planned. On the way to the theater, she figured now would be the best time to get to know her mysterious date (and she only used that term for lack of a better word, honestly!). "So, where're you from? You're new in town, right?"


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As he was pushed out he got confused, and tried processing what happened and what Aimee said. when he knew what Aimee said he thought, Well, I can't stay here. So he went to the bookstore, seeing as police and Aimee's parents could protect her for the time being.Lux has always liked books, they were entertaining and improved your vocabulary time to time.

He was going to buy a few books, but while looking around he saw Aimee enter, so he took this opportunity to talk to her. "Hello again, I suspect everythings Okay now?" He then noticed her being here probably meant she liked books too, if she did, she was closer to his perfect girl for him, kind, likes to read, likes animals, pretty... Wait,what? Did I just call her pretty? He then realized, he DID think she was pretty. He remembered earlier when she was outside, she was getting prettier then. I must not tell anyone of this thought.


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#, as written by Chihari
Aimee's hazel eyes scanned over the spine of every book, her favorite's were under the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section but she always took the time to look at everything. She didn't even get halfway through the store when she was approached by Lux, was this guy stalking her or something? She narrowed her eyes with skepticism but decided there was no real reason to be suspicious of him. He just happened to see her in trouble and helped her out, end of story. "Yeah sure, my mom's convinced I need a bodyguard or something now, and my dad is trying to install cameras around the house, but other than that things are peachy keen." She grinned and found herself staring at his eyes. What the hell are you doing Aimee? Get a hold of yourself! The words that were on the tip of her tongue seemed to vanish and it took her a second to snap out of her daze like stare. Great, he probably thinks you're crazy now.

Aimee ran a hand through her hair and eventually snapped back into her normal self. "Do you take mixed martial arts classes or something? 'Cause you really knocked those guys out in like...two seconds." Aimee had her fair share of fights, but she'd never seen one guy take on two--much larger, gun-wielding, robbers before. Except for in movies, but that didn't count right? Her attention was seized when her eyes just happened to land on the cover of the next book in a Fantasy series she'd obsessed over for almost two years now. "Oh my God, no way it's finally out." She forgot all about her conversation and snatched the book up, flipping through the pages and inhaling it's new scent. "I have got to get this!"


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"He noticed her staring and noticed he was staring and started to blush as she looked away. "mixed martial arts? I... Take a form of it. so yes." He saw her snatch a book and just enjoy touching it. When he noticed that that book was the next in his favorite series, he looked down. "That's a good series" he mumbled to her. "i hope you like the book. " he said putting on a fake smile.

Before walking away and saying his goodbye. He said "see ya later " to her and winked. He was doing this because not only did he have a crush on her but she was the type Lux liked to flirt with.


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Alejandro's heart swelled upon hearing her voice, he didn't know what about Angelina's voice made him feel that way, all he knew was that he liked it. He liked it a lot. He studied her face briefly, wondering in the back of his mind what he was doing. This certainly wasn't something he should be doing, but it didn't matter, he was all too interested in getting to know her better.

He walked besides her without any form of hesitation whatsoever. As she spoke about seeing a movie he nodded and mumbled, "Okay." He really didn't know what he wanted to see, but he guessed it would be easy enough to choose. Well, he hoped. It was when she asked where he was from that his mind lapsed a little. He was going to have to lie, make something up. He looked over at Angelina and said, "Indianapolis..." Before shrugging and adding, "Yeah, I'm new in town. Just moved here a few days ago, actually."

((Sorry for the wait.))


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Angie raised an eyebrow. He may not have realized, but the girl had noticed Alejandro's moment of hesitation before answering. Was it really so hard to remember where you moved from? It was like the guy was hiding something... That thought was almost immediately banished, written off as paranoia on her part. What could he possibly have to hide? Al was just an ordinary guy, just like everyone else in this boring town. If he said he was from Indiana, then chances were the guy was from Indiana. It's not like he had any reason to lie, right? Right?

Well, either way, it gave her a little something to work off of. "That's a pretty far move. What happened, your family get placed in witness protection?" When she realized he wasn't taking to the humor, the girl immediately raised her hands in defense. "Kidding! That was a joke." She really had to remember that apparently Alejandro could be a little, well, defensive when it came to jokes. Either that, or they seemed to go right over his head. Angie had to wonder if the guy ever smiled, let alone laughed; he barely seemed physically capable of either. The girl smiled to herself, quickly deciding that this would be her new goal: helping the older teen find his sense of humor.

Her hometown being as small as it was, it didn't take the two long to reach its only movie theater. Just as Angie had predicted, the building was practically abandoned, save for staff and a handful of other early birds. Unfortunately, there were only a few movies that were starting within the next hour. Served her right for not checking show times first. "Alright, take your pick. We've got Inception, the Adjustment Bureau, and the new Saw movie." She resisted the urge to shudder at that last one. Horror movies kinda freaked her out, but there was no way in hell she was going to let Alejandro figure that out.

((No problem. ^^ Good to have you back!))

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The World by Chihari


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Character Portrait: Ultimas
0 sightings Ultimas played by ValaunDae'Voth
A grim and stoic angel of righteous dedication.

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View All » Add Character » 16 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Angelina "Angie" Novacheck
Character Portrait: Aimee Keys
Character Portrait: Riku Hatahmiru
Character Portrait: Juno Rush
Character Portrait: Luxis "Lux" Orphelius
Character Portrait: Ellinor Frances Cole


Character Portrait: Ellinor Frances Cole
Ellinor Frances Cole

Not just your everyday stranger

Character Portrait: Luxis "Lux" Orphelius
Luxis "Lux" Orphelius

"I would never abandon you, love."

Character Portrait: Juno Rush
Juno Rush

A dark angel assigned to hunt down any angels who have broken the rule and to eliminate them and their soulmates.

Character Portrait: Aimee Keys
Aimee Keys

"Another adventure is just around the corner!"

Character Portrait: Angelina "Angie" Novacheck
Angelina "Angie" Novacheck

It'll take nothing short of a miracle...


Character Portrait: Angelina "Angie" Novacheck
Angelina "Angie" Novacheck

It'll take nothing short of a miracle...

Character Portrait: Luxis "Lux" Orphelius
Luxis "Lux" Orphelius

"I would never abandon you, love."

Character Portrait: Juno Rush
Juno Rush

A dark angel assigned to hunt down any angels who have broken the rule and to eliminate them and their soulmates.

Character Portrait: Ellinor Frances Cole
Ellinor Frances Cole

Not just your everyday stranger

Character Portrait: Aimee Keys
Aimee Keys

"Another adventure is just around the corner!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Juno Rush
Juno Rush

A dark angel assigned to hunt down any angels who have broken the rule and to eliminate them and their soulmates.

Character Portrait: Angelina "Angie" Novacheck
Angelina "Angie" Novacheck

It'll take nothing short of a miracle...

Character Portrait: Luxis "Lux" Orphelius
Luxis "Lux" Orphelius

"I would never abandon you, love."

Character Portrait: Ellinor Frances Cole
Ellinor Frances Cole

Not just your everyday stranger

Character Portrait: Aimee Keys
Aimee Keys

"Another adventure is just around the corner!"

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Most recent OOC posts in Soulmates

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

Does anyone know why horseygirl hasn't posted in awhile?

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

You should prolly pm Neko.

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

i want someone to guard D :

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

I am sorry that my posts are so short, I've been really unfocused lately and unable to comprehend what's going on.

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

I think I no longer have someone to guard
Or has Neko just disappeared momentarily?

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

=O Nooooooooo don't kill yourself! DX

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

T.T I forgot to post, I don't deserve to live! -commits senpuku-

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

Thanks for understanding.

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

@Jeffrey!-- Ah, don't worry about it. Happens to me all the time. :)

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

Sorry I haven't posted again yet! I'm a terrible person. I'll get on it, I've just been kinda busy.

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

I SHALL POST... Sometime today...

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

: D
i l;ovelovelove it
so so pleased

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

I suspect my guardian has flown the coop. Maybe he'll come back if I sing a Lady Gaga song?

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

*goes to click the link*

Re: [OOC] Soulmates
tis the live test site of a georgia kincaid fan site i'm working on. can't find a single georgia kincaid/succubus series fansite anywhere on the net, so it will be the number 1 LOL

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

I've finally posted watch out Chihari :)!

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

Kind of rushed the end of it -shot-
but anywho :]
Hope you don't mind the touch of the angel Gravity killed on the path being El's INNOCENT friend ;]

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

Oh my god.....zilla, PEOPLE (besides chihari) POST, NOW! or I will find you...O_O

Re: [OOC] Soulmates

Working on a post now, I've been very busy @.x