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Tanake Trang

" I've seen the power of the Light. THe Empire doesn't stand a chance anymore "

0 · 307 views · located in Coruscant Underworld

a character in “Star Wars: Vengeance”, as played by Shaodow


Image Name: Tanake Trang
Age: 23
Sex: Female
species: Human
Height: 5'10"

Bio: Tanake is, was, a singularly destructive, ambitious, and prideful individual who's only concern in the world was power, nothing less. Those who did not have power she looked down upon and dismissed them as insignificant, no more than blips on her radar. She coveted knowledge and power, and those with power she saw as obstacles to be conquered , seeking to keep them close in order to learn all their ways and secrets so that she may rise above them, and eliminate them. That was her past however. After the fall of the Empire she went out on her own, a lone Sith seeking greater knowledge and power. Before the fall of the Empire, training under the Sith she heard whispers of a group of powerful Sith Lords that existed and operated outside of the Empire. It was these Sith Lords that operated as the puppet masters of the Emperor himself, and any other powerful Sith that caught their eye.

Unfortunately her search was cut abruptly short after an encounter with one of the few remaining Jedi Masters and his young apprentice. In the war she'd killed her fair share of Jedi, so she brazenly engaged the Jedi duo before any negotiation can be done, and was quickly trounced. Her defeat, so utter and final, brought her great shame, unbearable shame. Like any other Sith she asked for death in battle, the final glory rather than capture by Jedi. Instead she was offered redemption, an offer no Sith would accept save for a few notable former Sith lords. One being Revan, a powerful sith lord who went on to become an even more powerful Jedi before he fell. At the time power is all she knew, the only thing she truly respected, and her defeat made it plain to her that the Sith could not afford her the power to defeat the true wielders of the Light Side of the force beyond the more expendable knights she cut down on the front lines of battle.

She accepted that offer, and has since renounced her ties to Sith and has now joined the Republics efforts to wipe the universe clean of what's left of the fallen Empire.

Light Saber Forms:
  • Form VII: Vaapad
    A form first conceived by Master Mace Windu as variation on the traditional Form VII fighting style, Juyo. Its premise was turning the Jedi into a conduit, channeling an opponent's negative emotions back at him. This was the most obvious choice of forms beginning her training as a Jedi, as a former Sith who worked her whole life to master the channeling of her emotions into combat, she has an understanding of how easily those emotions can be turned against the user
  • Form IV: Ataru
    an aggressive, acrobatic style. A practitioner of this form channels the Force to achieve high-speed movements, impossible leaps, and deadly strikes. To an outsider, it appears as a wild rush of movement. She is proficient in adjusting the length of her duel-phase lightsaber during a flurry of attacks, when her opponents are to focused on evading or countering to notice the sudden change in length of the blade. An often deadly surprise.

    Force Abilities
    • Force Augmented
      -As a young woman she is already at a disadvantage when compared to the natural superior strength of men. To make up for this in battle she often focused most of her Force into her self, bolstering her strength, speed, dexterity, and senses to make herself a surprisingly overwhelming opponent in light saber combat.
    • Force Shield
      -one of the most basic abilities of a force user she mastered above all else. Sacrificing her time to train the potency of her force augmentation left her arsenal without force lightning or kinetics. Knowing this is a weakness any force user would exploit, especially fellow Sith with their lightning and sorcery, she trained up the resistance against force based attacks to the point where she can even deflect basic push attacks bat at her foe.

So begins...

Tanake Trang's Story


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Character Portrait: Tanake Trang Character Portrait: Konah
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While Konah awaited the young apprentice, he decided to survey the supplies that where recently delivered. Earlier several droids arrived to load the surplus into his cargo room. After watching their arrival and departure, Konah supposed he could waste a few moments to check his items. Everything he had ordered for was delivered in the amounts he requested. This should support himself and his passenger as they look for her master. It was then he began to worry. While he admired the young jedi for wanting to assist her master, the villains that endanger him must be powerful indeed. Otherwise a Master should have been enough to answer to this threat. There must be more at work, they must be something beyond the average killer.

While he had hoped to deny it, what simply was could not be denied. He was potentially walking into a disaster, one that might take both their lives. If Master Isourex is in such mortal peril, then would they be any different? Also the description from both the Council and Alea has him stunned. Using impeccable foresight, Konah decided it was better to be safe than sorry. Especially if what they are about to face, really is the return of an old enemy. Konah walked into the cockpit of the ship and activated his telecommunications. While he had minimal interactions with this particular individual, he has heard the stories of her. Someone, who was lost in the Dark Side, who has lived and experienced the kind of evil that is found there.

Konah isn't sure about his level of trust for someone like that. The Order seems to be content with her, so he should be as well. Still in the current predicament, aid is more important than his own doubts. Activating a holoprojector, Konah recorded a message and had transmitted to where Trang should be. The message would be shown as this, "Tanake Trang, this is Konah Shar Tuum." "I am transmitting this message from my ship in Coruscant." "Sorry for not showing up in person, but I am waiting on another and cannot in good conscience abandon her." "As to why I am contacting you, is because I require your assistance." "And if your are asking yourself, why me?" "It's have, a certain expertize in the matter." "I have been tasked to find the murderers of our fellow Jedi." "I...I believe these murderers are...strong in the Dark Side of the Force." "I am sending you my coordinates, if you can spare the time please find me." "I shall be at my ship on Coruscant, but I cannot wait here forever, after all lives are at stake." "Farewell and may The Force be with you." Konah ended the transmission. Now he could only hope Trang received it and will considered aiding her knowledge to his case.


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Character Portrait: Tanake Trang Character Portrait: Konah
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#, as written by Shaodow
Surface of Vjun, Outer Rim

"I shall be at my ship on Coruscant, but I cannot wait here forever, after all lives are at stake." "Farewell and may The Force be with you." The transmission ended, and the holo of the beast-man Jedi fizzled out. She had been expecting a message of this nature since she first got her hands on the reports detailing the deaths of the Jedi, nay, since she the day she was recruited into the Jedi. However it had taken much to long for such orders to be given. Like always the Jedi Counsel was in denial, refusing to officially recognize all the signs, and even now the most the Master was willing to acknowledge that the assassins were strong in the dark side. But it was clear that their old enemy, her old companions, the Sith where returning to dismantle the Jedi order before it could flourish within the New Republic. Since coming to the Jedi she'd taken more of a personal interest in history, and to her it was painfully obvious that these assassins where playing off an old weakness of the Jedi, their denial. Just as Darth Bane issued in a new Sith order that operated on stealth and cunning, acting freely and gaining power across the galaxy while allowed the Jedi to live in their illusion that the Sith had been completely eradicated, counting on the fact that would not be quick to accept the fact that the Sith yet lived.

In truth, the Jedi teachings had not completely overridden her hunger for greater power, only gave her an opportunity at greater power. Weather or not she used that power for the Jedi's " Justice " or for the Sith's eagerness for domination was of very little consequence to her. Her former life as Lord Kathe was dead to her, but that hunger for power never left her, and probably never would. And as she sat in the captain's chair within her BTL-A4 Y-wing star-fighter meditating upon the dead planet Vjun in the Outer Rim Territories, formerly Sith controlled territories, now so soaked with the Dark Side energies no Jedi who valued his sanity would venture. It was here that she secretly trained to fortify her will against the temptation and corruptions of the Dark Side, so that she may more efficiently channel the passions of her enemies to use against them. More importantly against Sith.

Why do this in secret? Of course the Counsel would never authorize such radical training methods in order to combat an enemy that no longer existed. Now she could only smile and nearly tremble with excitement at the prospect of testing herself against powerful Sith, the thought of crushing her former allies excited her in a sick way that only a Sith could appreciate. She focused again on calming her mind, she had remained on the Dark world to long, it was long past time to relieve herself of constant bombardment of Dark energies and make her way to Coruscant. She activated the ship, waiting until she was well out of orbit of the Dark Planet to enter the coordinates that would allow her to exit hyperspace in orbit above the spaceport where the Jedi Master was awaiting her arrival to begin his mission, his hunt.

Surface of Coruscant

She exited hyperspace as planned, identified herself and successfully landed on Coruscant where she identified Master Konah's ship with the aid of an idle astral droid. His boarding ramp was already down so she suspected he was either on-board waiting, or off gathering necessary stock for the journey. Either way, she would not assume the liberty of boarding his ship without being him being present, so she stood patiently outside the ship knowing that he would sense her arrival, and would return to retrieve her if he was away.


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Character Portrait: Tanake Trang Character Portrait: Konah
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Time was becoming later, and he was concerned about the Padawan. Had he lost her? Perhaps her connectivity to the Force isn't as strong as his. Perhaps he placed too much expectation, or no, maybe she is just as disturbed as he is. He can begin to understand such worry and doubt, for he feels them himself. He was to face other Force Users for blood, even with the daunting aspect of the Yuuzhan Vong unaffected by the Force, seems to be a little more preferable than this new enemy. Perhaps he should go find her and consul her for the coming battle. It was then he sensed a strong presence nearing his ship. It wasn't the Padawan, the force has a far more aggressive feel to it. It must be Trang answering his call. He stood up from his seat in the Cockpit and headed out through the loading ramp.

When he exited his vessel he noticed Tanake Trang standing outside. The Cathar didn't show it but he was secretly happy about that. It was of comfort to know that someone more knowledgeable than he was around. Even if this mysterious Jedi might not share all. He slowly walked up to her and relaxingly spoke, "Ah, Master Trang, what good tidings it is too see you here." "It's nice to know that my message had reached you." "Please, if you wish, we may speak inside my ship." Konah raised his hand to his vessel. "I am still waiting on another." Konah spoke in a noticeable bass.

The setting changes from Coruscant to Coruscant Underworld

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinsa Daki Character Portrait: Tanake Trang Character Portrait: Konah
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#, as written by Fairess

“I already said as much like what, five times now?” Kinsa bonked the back of Bo’s flabby head with her open palm, just a little bit annoyed. “If you don’t want the job, just say so.”

“I just, well, wow. Just wow. You really—”

“Yes or no. Extremely simple, honey.” Kinsa tugged at Bo’s ear, suddenly lowering her hand to grasp at his arm as she pulled him onto a turbolift with her.

“I have to see it first, you know? It might not work out well.” Bo stared at his feet, toying with his fingers as his dark eyes contemplated his decision. It wasn’t easy for him, Kinsa knew—he’d had a number of different employers through the years and none of them had been particularly kind. Like any other sort of jerk with a seemingly low sense of reality, most undercity managers expected quality from untrained and underpaid staff. Their motivation for workers was simple: do a good job and you don’t get bothered, or you could fail and get punished with anything from salary deduction to straight-up death. As Kinsa’s co-pilot, she and Bo had been partners trying to survive in dangerous airspeeder races, but actually having him as her personal mechanic was something else.

Kinsa leaned casually against the rusty rail of the lift, seemingly nonplussed by the sheets of metal passing only inches away from her head tails as it sped upward. Without answering Bo, she decided she’d let him take his time. He could inspect her A-Wing while she handled whatever group of patients had rushed in, though it would take much, much longer than she’d like.

Thus, both aliens walked rather quietly down the dark corridors of questionable venues and discount shops. It was dark, just like it always was, with dim colors of blue, yellow, and purple forming odd shapes against walls so soiled it was impossible to tell what they’d been made of. There were various piles of trash—waste containers that couldn’t be bothered to be dragged to the incinerators along with machinery parts worn beyond repair—but most notable was the strange undergrowth that’d taken root and refused to leave. Giant vines and sweet smelling flora meshed with oil and rust, forming an often hot, musty greenhouse of black.

Coruscant Upper City

A few lifts and a shoddy transport ride later, Kinsa found herself shading her eyes against the sudden light of the upper city. Things were no less bustling, if not more so as personal airspeeders and commercial freighters zoomed through the haze of golden smog. Sighing, she buttoned her jacket back up—the breeze was flapping the leather around so hard it sounded like it might give someone whiplash. When she and Bo had safely landed again, she started to walk through one of the planet’s many bazaars. This particular one, like so many others, had a docking port attached, and it seemed a few small vessels were restocking for a trip back into space.

“Woah, there.” Kinsa sidled out of the way as a supply droid whisked away, teetering slightly on its one-wheel base. She was happy to shrug it off, but as she turned her head to see where it came from, another droid was following right in its tracks. All she had to do was reach one arm out as it passed, then yoink, magic! Her nimble fingers had swiped a bright orange muja fruit from the top of a small crate the droid was carrying. She took a hefty bite out of it, letting the sweet juices rest on her tongue before she swallowed the soft lump of goodness in her mouth. With a grin, she held the rest out for Bo. “Hungry?”

Bo glanced up, making a face. “That’s a great way to g—ah! Jedi!”

Kinsa’s hand fell as her gaze followed the direction of his finger. It wasn’t easy, at first, as the crowds were thick with all sorts of colors between them all, but after a moment, she could make it out. That famous Jedi garb was hard to miss. It wasn’t like they often got involved with simple crime and business, though. They were out doing magnanimous things in the galaxy somewhere, appearing out of the temple only when they were needed, it seemed. If a Jedi was out at a market on the good ol’ Coruscant, it was nothing to be concerned about.