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Story: Genesis

Episode 1


a part of Story: Genesis, by Kaerralind.

Winterstone is supposed to be a normal, average, everyday city, but recently strange things have started to happen. People have started to disappear, turn up a couple days later in the river, or just not at all... It's getting a bit dangerous around here.

Kaerralind holds sovereignty over Episode 1, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

517 readers have been here.


Winterstone, with a population of about 83,000 people is an average city that's cold for most of the year and rather warm for the rest. However, Winterstone seems to have been getting stranger every day. More and more people are showing up dead or just not showing back up at all. With added strangeness, these things just aren't being noticed as they should. What exactly is going on in this 'average' city?
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Episode 1

Winterstone is supposed to be a normal, average, everyday city, but recently strange things have started to happen. People have started to disappear, turn up a couple days later in the river, or just not at all... It's getting a bit dangerous around here.


Episode 1 is a part of Season One.

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Olivia [0] A friend of Genesis who always seems to know more than he lets on.

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#, as written by Mateo
Owen frowned as he flicked his eyes around the kitchen, noticing quickly how the overhead light flickered dangerously. Even the led lights on the microwave flashed. The blonde turned his attention back to Genesis and his frown grew. The teen was obviously causing this, but it didn't look like he even noticed it. This was bad... "Gen.. Genesis...", Owen started, raising his hands slightly. "Hey, look at me.. okay... calm down." He watched his nephew seriously, trying to figure out a good way to make him calmer. It was pretty obvious how he came to Olivia's defense that he liked the other boy. So... maybe that would help.

It wasn't hard for Owen to draw on his abilities, he was used to using them, and implanting a simple image in someone's mind was easy. In this case, as unstable as Genesis was, it took no time at all to get him to think about the boy currently lying on their couch with less clothes on. The results happened pretty quickly as well, the lights stopped flickering almost immediately as it seemed that Genesis was more shocked than angry now.

"Better?", Owen asked, sitting back in his chair and watching Genesis closely. "You have to be careful with your emotions, less you blow all the lights in the house." He frowned slightly and fiddled with his coffee cup again. "Now... if I started telling you everything I know, it would take forever and a day... so let's start simple. Just ask me what's bothering you the most."


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Genesis stared at his uncle for a second before shaking the image out of his head. Why did he just think of that? And why was his uncle so worried about calming him down so suddenly. "What's bothering me the most?" He questioned suddenly, looking at his uncle. "How about, I don't know what the fuck is happening right now. My head feels like it's got bugs inside it. I just learned that all the things from the nightmares of my five year old self are coming to haunt me. I saw a man, no a zombie die in the middle of the sidewalk tonight and turn to ash in front of me. I suddenly make a new 'friend' and you decide that you don't like him because he hunts supernatural creatures even though you told me to make friends. And now you're acting like I can blow something up without doing anything. So you tell me, what do you think is bothering me, Owen?" He stopped and stared at his uncle, waiting for a reply from him but before there was any chance, there was a rather loud knock on the door.

The car almost screeched to a stop when the man hit the breaks and put it in park. He grabbed his crossbow and got out of the car after turning it off before making his way quickly up the path to the house he had stopped in front of. He'd been there not a day before! Why would he have to come again so soon. He growled a bit. His son was in that house. That house that belonged to a supernatural creature. That house that belonged to a man that he despised with all his being and made him wonder why he'd left him alive in the first place. Before he could really think much more about it, he banged on the door rather hard, knowing he'd get the attention of the man that lived inside.


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#, as written by Mateo
Owen froze and stared off in the direction the knock at come from before getting up quickly. "Shit.", he cursed, knocking his chair back and bumping the table. His coffee cup flew off the table and shattered on the floor, even though nothing had touched it. "Take Olivia to your room and don't come down until I say so.", he growled seriously as he looked over at Genesis. The lights dimmed suddenly, leaving the faintest glow before flaring back to life suddenly.

Another knock sounded at the door and Owen cursed again. "Do as I say Genesis.", he said again before sweeping passed the teen and heading into the foyer. He didn't have to look through the peep hole to know who was on the other side. This is exactly what he was worried about... Everett probably knew Olivia was there and would be too angry to listen to Owen when he told him why. The hunter probably believe that he'd kidnapped him or something. The blonde shook his head and set his face in a frown before turning the latch and opening the door before Everett had a chance to break it down. Olivia and Genesis were already upstairs, so they wouldn't be witness to anything that happened... or so he hoped.

"Everett...", Owen stated as he looked at the man standing under his flickering porch light. "Didn't you intimidate me enough yesterday?", he asked in a snarky tone. "What brings you to my doorstep at fucking one in the morning on a Friday night?" Owen quickly noted the loaded crossbow the other man held easily and sneered in disapproval. "You plan on using that?", he asked with a raised eyebrow.


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Genesis did what his uncle said before he opened the door. Thankfully the other teen was pretty light and easy to carry up the stairs and to his room. Things were getting ugly really quickly and he could feel the tension and... danger? in the air. Once he had Olivia safely in his room, covered up and looking comfy once again, he left and hid in the hallway, just above the stairs, though he was careful to stay out of sight. There was no way he wanted to get caught eavesdropping on something that seemed so serious.

Everett looked at the man with a deep frown. "You know damn well why I'm here." He stated bluntly. "Now return my son to me or I'll have a bolt through your chest." He threatened as he forced his way into the house. Sure he knew the man was dangerous, but he wasn't scared of getting in his face like he was.

Genesis's eyes grew wide at the sight of the crossbow in the other male's hands. He couldn't be serious could he?! Why the hell would he need to shoot Owen with a crossbow for?! He was starting to get worked up all over again, but something inside him told him to calm down and keep quiet. Owen could handle this on his own, or at least that's what the teen hoped anyway.


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#, as written by Mateo
Owen glared up at Everett as the door shut loudly behind the other man. The lights flickered dangerously, but Owen knew it was better to keep calm. Everett was irrational at best. "I'll have you know that your son is here of his own free will.", he growled back. "And he's resting. Most people would think that after a boy got attacked by an Undead, his father wouldn't just leave him in the hospital, but those people have obviously never met you!" The lights flickered again as Owen glanced at the crossbow. The last thing he wanted a bolt through his chest, and he had no doubt in his mind that Everett would do it too, but the blonde was too angry to be afraid.

"And besides, isn't this what you wanted?", Owen asked, sneering at the other man. "Your son, getting in good with my nephew so you can spy on us? What's wrong? Still can't find that good reason to put us down yet?" The blonde was practically yelling now. Considering what he was, he'd never had a good handle on his anger... and Everett certainly knew how to tick him off without even trying. "I've told you before, not ever supernatural is out to get you, but if you keep swinging around that fucking crossbow like you're some bad ass, then you are going to make a hell of a lot of enemies."


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Everett growled back at the man. "Now that you mention it, it is a good idea for my son to spy on you two. Maybe it will give me a damn good reason for my to put an end to you." He spat. "You might not be up to anything right now, but soon enough you'll lose control and I will kill you when you do." He gave another warning. "No I want my son, he shouldn't be around things like you and your nephew." His words were like daggers pointing at the other man. He couldn't stand him. Maybe it was because he wasn't human. Maybe it was just because he was dangerous. He didn't care to figure out the difference or the real reason behind it. He didn't like this man and he knew it.

Genesis kept watch of what was going on. He didn't like how things were turning out. Olivia a spy? What kind of shit was that?! Then he thought about it. He'd only met the boy that day so it could be... no! Olivia was not a spy! The lights upstairs started to flicker and for a moment, he watched them. Once they stopped he turned his attention back down the stairs where their 'guest' was now starring towards where he was currently hiding.

"My son is alone with your nephew!?" He snapped as he turned his attention back to the man he was arguing with. There was no way he was going to let that go. His fatherly role with his son kicked in and he was suddenly rather protective of him. "Bring my son to me or there will be more than just words coming from me." He said with a growling voice.


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#, as written by Mateo
"You shoot one of those bolts in my house and it will be the last thing you will ever do, Everett Innes...", Owen replied dangerously. Normally he and the other man never got into it like this, but the blonde was tired of this. He was tired in general. He narrowed his eyes and reached out quickly, touching the bare skin of Everett's arm and draining some of his energy before he even had a chance to react. He felt the surge of energy immediately, his eyelids fluttering as it passed through him. Taking someone's life force was sooo much more energizing than drawing from electricity... and he'd never done it to Everett before, but he knew the man would end up hurting someone if he kept up his tirade.

"Now you listen to me...", Owen stated, glaring up at the suddenly sedated man. "Your son lost a lot of blood. Rest is what's best for him right now. You may not like what my nephew or I am, but I have no intention of harming your little spawn. Even if he ends up being your little spy." The blonde frowned and reached out, pulling the crossbow from Everett's slack hands and setting it aside. "For some reason, Genesis seems quite attached to him and I will not let you upset this one normal thing they both share."


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Genesis was surprised by what his uncle just did and said to be honest. He still wasn't sure what was going on, but it seemed that everything was going to be okay now? At least that's what he hoped anyway. He thought it would be a good time to check back in on Olivia anyhow, so that's what he did. He walked back to his bedroom and opened the door slowly, peeking in at his new 'friend'. It was still so weird that he had a new friend, even having a friend in general was just weird. He wasn't even sure what he was supposed to do with a friend.

Everett gave a tired growl as his crossbow was taken away form him. "I will never like what you and your nephew are. You are a threat to the human race, do you understand me?" He stated with a frown. At the moment he was far too tired to argue anymore. Damn that man! "Besides, my son would've have lost so much blood if he wasn't so worried about dating that damn nephew of yours." He spat, though it didn't seem so intimidating since he was so tired now.


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#, as written by Mateo
Olivia sat up in the bed, jumping slightly when Genesis peeked in. He'd been woken up by yelling downstairs and honestly wasn't sure what was going on, or how he had suddenly ended up in a bed anyway. One of the voices downstairs sounded like his father and that worried him all the more. Just what was he doing here, and why did he sound so angry? Olivia almost felt sick to his stomach. "...Genesis?", he asked quietly when he saw the boy peeking in. "....Genesis, what's going on?"

Owen sighed and shook his head before grabbing Everett's arm and dragging the large man over to the couch. In his weakened state, he came along without much of a fight and was easily coerced into sitting. "Believe me, Everett... if I wanted to be a threat... if I wanted to kill and maim... it would be as easy as blinking.",he stated grievously, not looking at the other man. "But I have seen what that does to my kind... A thoughtless monster is not what I plan on becoming, and it's the last thing I would ever want for Genesis. I keep my temper in check and try to lead as quiet a life as I can."

Owen finally looked back at the other man and frowned deeply. "As much as I'm sure you put your son through, I don't blame him for seeking a bit of normalcy. He's a teenager for fuck's sake... and my Genesis is quite a catch." The blonde shook his head slightly before lowering himself to set on the coffee table in front of the other man. "I tolerate you coming to check on us and your pitiful attempts to keep us in line because I understand that it's something that gives you peace of mind... but leave your fucking crossbow in your damn car next time."


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Genesis jumped a bit when he noticed Olivia was awake, and instead of going back to peek downstairs, he went in, closing the door ever so quietly behind him. "Your dad kind of showed up." He admitted. "And it looks like he and my uncle don't really get along very well? I don't really understand too much of what's going on either." He added. "Owen told me to bring you up here, so I did without asking." If only he could tell the boy what exactly he had heard or that his dad had threatened his uncle with a crossbow... It seemed like too much of a stressful situation for the teen that had only really just been released from the hospital. "Don't worry so much about it. I'm sure everything is fine." He could only hope actually because he wasn't sure what had happened after he stopped looking.

Everett tried to put up resistance, but failed. He was so tired he didn't even really fell like moving. "There is nothing normal about about him or your nephew. What I teach my son is none of your concern, djinn." He stated, leaning back against the back of the couch. What else could he do? It wasn't like Owen was intimidated by him anymore. His weapon had been taken, his extras were hidden, but his body was so drained he couldn't make himself pull one out. If he was going to die, this was certainly not how he wanted it to happen. He didn't want to die at the hands of a djinn or any other supernatural creatures. Though in his line of work, he probably would be.


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#, as written by Mateo
Olivia frowned and pulled the blankets up tightly around himself. "...your uncle knows my dad?", Olivia questioned, slightly curious. Maybe Owen was one of the eyes that his dad had around the city, or... Olivia sighed, he didn't know and was honestly too tired to think about it. "...are you sure everything's okay?", he asked quietly, wanting to make sure before he ended up drifting off again. Genesis seemed more on edge than usual. " there something you're not telling me?"

Owen simply sighed and got up, picking up the blankets Genesis had left behind and throwing them over Everett. The other man wasn't going anywhere that night, and their house had a tendency to be drafty... "I don't know what happened to you or how you became a hunter in the first place... it's none of my business really, but you need to learn that not all supernaturals are as bad as you think." The djinn sat down on the couch next to Everett, he leaned forward, clasping his hands together and resting his elbows on his knees as he watched the human. "I could kill you easily, Everett. I could immobilize you and feed off of you for years as strong as you are... but I'm not going to do that." He moved back and leaned closer to the man. "Simply put... being supernatural does not make me a monster... but you with all your hate and blind rage are well on your way to becoming one."


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Genesis frowned one of his famous frowns again and shook his head. "Everything is fine. Things have quieted down now." He stated as he leaned against his door. "I have nothing else to say." He added, looking away from the boy. He really didn't want to tell him that his dad came into their house and threatened to kill them. He just couldn't tell him. It was hard enough to look at Olivia let alone talk to him at that moment, but he really had to know... was he really a spy for his dad? And if so, why was he spying? What would be so terrible that Olivia's dad had to check up on them for? He shook his head, subconsciously cursing himself for not saying anything.

Everett couldn't keep his eyes open anymore and quickly started to drift off to sleep, even though he didn't want to. A monster? Is that what Owen said? How would he, the human, the hunter of supernatural, turn into a monster. As much as he wanted to stay awake and ponder upon this, he was far too tired and soon enough he was in a deep unconscious state on the couch. Oh how it was going to upset him when he woke up there, if he was still there that is.


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#, as written by Mateo
Olivia sighed, too tired to argue with Genesis and laid himself back down. "You can sleep up here with me.", he said in a quiet voice before scooting over to one side of the bed. "I don't bite... honest." He smiled a bit and settled his head down on the pillow, enjoying how it smelled. He would have enjoyed to stay up and fantasize about Genesis and the smell that came from his bed, but in minutes, he was asleep once again.

Owen sighed and watched Everett for a few moments before getting up slowly. He pushed the human over until he was laying in what looked like a comfortable position before recovering him. Once he was done with that, he went over and picked up the crossbow. For a moment, he considered breaking it and leaving the pieces for Everett to find... but he knew that wouldn't solve anything. Instead he walked back and placed it on the coffee table by the couch, still loaded, right where Everett could see it when he awoke. It was a risky move, he knew... but he hoped it would instill at least a little bit of trust in the other man. As much as Everett ticked him off and pushed his buttons, Owen honestly wasn't out to hurt anyone. With another sigh and a glance at Everett, he got up and headed off to the kitchen, eager for another cup of coffee.


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- The next morning -

Everett woke up to find himself in a different house than what he lived in. How did he get there exactly. That's when he saw his crossbow on the coffee table and realized; this was that damn djinn's house! He got up quickly, but quietly, grabbing his crossbow and sneaked around. He heard noises in the kitchen and automatically assumed that's where the man was. That damn supernatural demon of a man. He slowly crept over to the man at the stove, who had his back turned to him, cooking? He wouldn't know what was happening! He placed the tip of the crossbow against the djinn's back, a frown on his face the entire time.

Genesis was happily eating his breakfast, Olivia next to him. They had talked a little, but the teen was far more interested in what was on his plate than the boy sitting by him. He stopped however, when he saw their previously sleeping guest come in the the kitchen. Was he trying to sneak? Because it really wasn't working. In fact Olivia's father was making a fool of himself really. Though he had to admit, it was more than a little amusing to see it play out in front of him.


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#, as written by Mateo
Olivia covered his mouth and watched in shock as his dad entered the kitchen, crossbow at the ready. They had been peacefully enjoying breakfast before he came in, and now... Olivia had no idea what he was thinking. Genesis and Owen had explained to him a little of what had happened last night, and after what he'd heard he would have expected his dad to be in a better mood this morning, right?

"Good morning to you too Everett.", Owen stated civilly as he felt the prod of the crossbow against his back. He'd heard the man get up, and honestly wasn't surprised that he had reached for his crossbow first thing. Poor thing was probably confused at having woken up in a strange place. It was a pity he hadn't slept a little longer though... Owen was almost finished with his breakfast. Speaking of breakfast though... he glanced back at the man, raising an eyebrow at the frown he wore. "Do you want an egg?", he asked, nearly laughing as Everett looked at him in confusion. "Gen doesn't like eggs, so I don't usually make many... but Olivia wanted one, and I was wondering if you did too. I already made bacon, toast, and some sausage... they're over on the table." He smiled and turned back to the stove. "So do you want any eggs?"


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Everett frowned again. Eggs? The djinn had a crossbow against his back and he was asking him about eggs?! Honestly, what kind of djinn was this man? He looked over at the table to see both teens staring at him, though Genesis's face was nothing but pure amusement. Now that he thought about it though, he was really hungry. "Two..." He murmured, slowly lowering his weapon. The food on the table did look really good, and the smells were making him all the more hungry. He looked at his son, who seemed to be enjoying his breakfast before deciding to sit down at the table.

Genesis couldn't help but chuckle a little, nudging Olivia lightly as well as he watched the scene. There was just so much to be laughing about at this point. The man seemed a little crazy to be honest, but he really didn't want to say anything. "So," he started, looking at Olivia. "are we still going to the cafe today or do you just want to hang out here since you're already well... here." He still wasn't very good at talking to people that weren't his uncle, but he was certainly doing his best to try.

Everett on the other hand, frowned at the teen's words. His son hang out? Like a date? Was his son trying to date this djinn?! He wanted to refuse to let his son do such a thing, but then the words from Owen rang through his head about Olivia wanting to be normal. He frowned again. He guessed it would be fine, but he was going to keep a sharp eye on those two, just in case something happened.


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#, as written by Mateo
Olivia looked over at Genesis and smiled, now that it seemed the supposed danger had passed. He'd honestly never seen his father so put on the spot, and it was pretty amusing. He glanced at his father again an stifled a laugh, before finally answering the boy next to him at the table. "We can hang out here.", he started. "...we still have a lot to talk about, and your uncle makes better food than we would get at the cafe." He glanced over at Owen, who seemed to enjoy the praise before turning his attention once more to Genesis. He leaned over and cupped his hand over the other boy's ear before whispering too him in amusement. "I've never seen my dad look so confused." He giggled a bit when he pulled away, much to his dad's discomfort, he was sure.

Owen, on the other hand, finished up with Everett's eggs quickly and slid them easily onto a plate. Sure, he could have made them instantly, but he enjoyed cooking more often than not... and he wasn't sure Everett would be too keen on eating magically appearing eggs. Sure... they had appeared magically in his fridge earlier that morning, but the other man didn't need to know that just yet. "All right.", he said, smiling as he sat the plate down on their small kitchen table. Luckily, it was equipped to seat four, though it hardly ever saw much use at all. "Here you go Everett., help yourself to the bacon and sausage too. " He smiled at the other man, who still honestly looked lost before heading back over to the counter to pour himself a cup if coffee. "You like coffee?", he asked suddenly, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. "You look like you need a little help getting woken up."


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Genesis grinned a bit, glancing over at Everett before looking back at his food. Sure, he wanted to say something but it was best if he didn't and he knew that. Owen had everything under control, just like he always did. "Maybe we should actually go to the cafe?" He asked with a small smile. Wait, a smile? Oh god he just smiled in front of someone who wasn't just his uncle! What had this boy done to him? While he didn't really mind it too much, it still bothered him a little bit. After all, he was the one that didn't have friends... but then again it wasn't like he was doing it on purpose so it wasn't all bad.

Everett looked at Owen and nodded. "Black, please." He stated, as he ate his food a little hesitantly. It was really good food honestly, but even still! This man was a djinn! How could he trust him so easily? Wait, did he trust him? If he did, just when did he start doing that? What was this feeling in his gut that was telling him that everything was fine? He stared at his food for a moment before he started eating again. He was going to have a lot to think about.


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#, as written by Mateo
"Just how I like it.", Owen replied with a grin as he fixed a spare cup of coffee. He carried both cups over to the table and sat Everett's beside his plate before taking a seat next to the man. He could tell that Everett was uneasy, so he was doing everything he could not to spook the man. Last thing he needed was Everett going all Rambo at the breakfast table... he really didn't want to have to put him out again...

"I think you two should definitely head to the cafe.", Owen stated as he piled a few pieces of bacon and some toast onto his plate. He and Genesis shared a dislike of eggs, so he hadn't made himself any of those. "Us adults have a few serious things to discuss.", he continued with a glance in Everett's direction. The man was eating well enough... It actually made Owen a bit happy that the hunter's distrust didn't run so deep that he would refuse their food.

"Well alright.", Olivia agreed, looking over at Genesis just in time to see the other boy smile. Oh, and what a smile it was. Almost made Olivia like him more. "We can walk there from here.", he continued. "Shouldn't take too long." He smiled over at Genesis before continuing with his meal. Sure, he was curious as to what exactly Owen and his father were going to talk about, but he figured it best not to push it. He was just happy that his dad actually seemed somewhat at ease for once... as strange as it was.


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Genesis scoffed a bit, a smirk on his face. "Adults?" He questioned. "since when are you an adult? Because the last time I checked you're just as bad as me." He stated as he shoved the last of his food into his mouth. That was about the only thing he could really say as he got up, picking up his dishes to put them in the sink. "I'll be in the living room, Olivia." He said as he left the room. He wasn't so sure how much more he could take being around other people, but then again he supposed that he had to get used to it sooner or later.

Everett looked over at Owen for a moment once again. Serious adult talk? Now that he thought about it, there were several things that the man wanted to ask about. One of them in particular being about the 'monster' thing that he could remember from the night before. Just what did the djinn mean about that? There was no way he himself was a monster, Owen on the other hand very well could be.


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#, as written by Mateo
Olivia finished his food quickly before getting up. He smiled at his dad as he walked passed him and put his dishes in the sink just like Genesis had. He could feel quite a bit of tension from Owen and his dad, so he left the room quickly, joining Genesis in the living room by the couch. He smiled at the other boy before glancing back at the kitchen. " are we still going to talk about this supernatural thing?", he asked softly. "You know... now that... well.. you're supernatural...?" Owen had explained a bit to him that morning about djinns and everything, but it was still a lot to get used to.

Once the teens had left the room, Owen looked up from his plate and over at Everett. The other man was still eating, though he stopped when he apparently felt the djinn looking at him. "So...", Owen starting, pushing around some bacon on his plate awkwardly. "How much do you remember from last night?", he asked quietly. He knew he'd said some mean things... but so had Everett. And the other man had threatened him and his family, which Owen couldn't just let go so easily.


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Genesis frowned a bit. "I apparently have a lot to learn about the world I was born into." He stated. He walked to the door and pulled on his shoes. "Let's get out of here though. Go to the park or something until we're hungry again." He passed Olivia his and waited for him to get ready to go. He had more questions to ask his uncle than he did Olivia, but Owen was preoccupied with Everett, and he really didn't want to get in the middle of that. It made him feel awkward. Not that being around Olivia didn't. In a way, he did feel a bit more normal as odd as that was.

Everett stopped eating for a moment. "Not much." He replied, taking a few more bites. "I remember you draining me if that's what you're asking." He said after a few moments of silence. "I also remember something else..." He paused and looked down at his plate. "Am I truly a monster for trying to protect people from creatures that they have no idea even exist?" He asked, looking over at the djinn. Was he looking for something to tell him otherwise or was he looking for the truth? He didn't know.


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#, as written by Mateo
"I know more than my fair share about this stuff...", Olivia stated as he put his shoes on. "So I'll try to tell you everything I can." He smiled and stood up straight, nudging himself against Genesis's side. "There's actually an older spirit in the park. He likes to hang around the large tree near the pond... I haven't told my dad about him though because he doesn't seem malevolent." Olivia sighed softly. "If dad knew he would probably exorcise him anyway..."

Owen sighed and picked up his cup, taking a long drink of coffee as if to steady himself. "Yes.", he said finally, as he set his cup down and looked over at Everett, practically glaring at the other man. "Because you forget that some supernatural are people as well. I have seen you... killing without knowing the full story. It's barbaric..." Owen sighed and looked away from Everett, feeling himself quickly getting angry at the other man. He promised himself he would remain level headed during this conversation, but it was harder than he thought.

"There was a vampire clan over in Autumn Hills that I knew quite well.... they were completely wiped out last year by a hunter. And most of them had never so much as touched a human." Owen kept his head down and drew in a breath, the lights flickering as he tried to control his anger. "My friend, Adrick, he was born into the clan and was always taught to fear humans as they could be dangerous... so they lived off animal blood..." The blonde frowned bitterly. "But I suppose it didn't matter to the hunter that took them out. He must have heard 'vampire' and went running after them, thinking them bloodthirsty monsters, when really he was the monster all along."

Owen sighed again and looked back over at Everett, watching the man for his reaction. "I'm lucky that I haven't been a victim to this senseless violence yet...", he continued, his voice getting low and quiet. "Djinns have high value among hunters... I found that out the hard way when I watched a hunter remove my brother's heart and tell me that he was going to sell it for a pretty penny..." Owen looked away from Everett again and sighed. "If you think any of that is in any way justifiable just because we are different from you... then yes, Everett... you are a monster."


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"Older spirit?" Genesis questioned with a raised eyebrow as he opened the door. "I'll have to see that to believe that." He added, stepping outside. It was a nice morning, and he knew it was going to be a nice weathered day. Once Olivia was outside with him and the front door closed, he started down the path and to the sidewalk. "Anything else you want to tell me?" He asked as he waited for his 'friend' to catch up to him once again.

Everett frowned and shook his head. "I'm trying to protect people." He stated, trying to make sense of what Owen had just said to him. My wife was murdered by a werewolf, how can I just sit back and let others die?" He questioned, looking at the djinn seriously, though heartbroken. "What was I supposed to do?! Let him live after he did that to me and my son?" His voice was a bit louder that time. The memory of the scene flooding back to him. It was both terrifying and anger inducing at the same time. There was no way he could've let that beast get away with killing his wife and there was no way that he would give a creature like that a chance to even mess up and kill someone else! What was he supposed to do?! "Tell me then, djinn. How am I supposed to trust creatures that can turn feral and into a killer in a matter of seconds?"


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#, as written by Mateo
Olivia caught up to Genesis quickly and latched onto his arm, smiling up at him. "Well... I probably know more about djinns than you.", he replied as they walked. Thankfully the park wasn't too far away and they could see it after only a few minutes. He'd been explaining some of the things he knew about djinns on the way. Like how they drew their power from electrical sources and sometimes people and they he had heard they could do anything, though he didn't much believe it. "Imagine if you could do anything though.", he stated, a slightly look of wonderment on his face. "What would you do first?"

Owen frowned, shooting a glare over at Everett. "There are other methods of dealing with them!", he replied, practically yelling. The anger and frustrating coming off of the other man was affecting him pretty strongly and the light flickered again as he yelled. Usually Owen was very good at controlling himself, but this man just infuriated him. He growled before taking a breath and letting it out slowly, trying to calm himself. "What the werewolf did to your family was wrong, and you had every right to kill him... I personally made sure the hunter that left Genesis orphaned paid dearly... But you have to understand that using that single instance as a driving force behind your merciless extermination of supernaturals is not going to bring your wife back. If anything it will make you more of a target for the supernaturals out there that are bad. You could be putting Olivia in danger..."

Owen frowned more and looked away from Everett after several moments. He felt bad for the man, he did... but he knew much of the same pain that he had gone through. Losing family wasn't something anyone could wish for.... and knowing how werewolves were, it must have been brutal. "After I killed the hunter, I took Genesis and moved here, going into hiding to avoid retaliation... Exterminating hunters was the last thing on my mind. I just wanted to protect my nephew. ...and then you showed up that first day..." Owen's mouth was set in a grim line. "...and you don't know how scared I was at those threats... I'd seen what hunters could do and I wanted to kill you so badly, but I didn't..."