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Sudden Turn of Events

Sudden Turn of Events


Six boys who never took love seriously, and six girls who never had a serious relationship. What happens when they get together in a house?

2,535 readers have visited Sudden Turn of Events since xCrossX21 created it.


Six boys who never took love seriously, and six girls who never had a serious relationship. What happens when they get together in a house?

The six boys are brothers, who's either too busy studying, or whatever else they do in life. One thing for sure, they never take love seriously. They go to a rich highschool, and live in a pretty big mansion. Their mother is always trying to get their minds off studying so they can live their lives as a normal teen and have some fun. That also includes interacting with girls. Of course the boys never really listen to their mother...

One day their mother leaves for a vacation, leaving nothing but a small note on the table. The boys dont really care, for their mother is always going places and is hardly ever home. However, this time... their mother have something up her sleeve.

The girls get an invitation from the school the boys attend. Of course they have no idea how they got in, since it's a school for only those rich kids. Little do they know, their mothers are also plotting something...

Now the girls are stuck in the house with the boys, both groups having no idea what's happening. The only thing they got are 2 small notes:

For the Boys: I'm going on a vacation for a while. Please do your mother a flavor and take a break from studying... or whatever else you're always busy doing. But... I should know better that you guys wont listen to me. However, there's one thing you guys have to do. Make dinner for your special guests... who your guests are? You'll find out.

For the Girls: Dear (characters name),
I'll be going on a trip with my friend. Sorry for leaving without informing you first. Dont worry, I have a friend who agreed to let you stay in her house.
-From Mother

Mansion: Image

1.) Adrian Trevino
2.) Rune Trevino
3.) Novaris Trevino
4.) Alex Trevino
5.) Gavin Trevino
6.) Ethan Trevino

1.) Erika Taylor De'Kalore
2.) Kass Mune
3.) Wu Zenian
4.) Aimi Minka
5.) Miranda Chant
6.) Rayne Valentine

Backyard Pool:
(Taken)Bedroom 1:
(Taken)Bedroom 2:
(Taken)Bedroom 3:
(Taken)Bedroom 4:
(Taken)Bedroom 5:
(Taken)Bedroom 6:
(Taken)Bedroom 7:
(Taken)Bedroom 8:
(Taken)Bedroom 9:,1243449444,1/stock-photo-interior-of-modern-bedroom-d-render-30999784.jpg
(Taken)Bedroom 10:
(Taken)Bedroom 11:
(Taken)Bedroom 12:

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Toggle Rules

-Please check the OOCs often. If I can I'll make sure to put a summary of what happened in the rp so far for those who missed it.
-No one liners!!! Or at least try.
-No godmodding
-Keep this PG-16. Deep kissing is fine, but please when clothes start to get off bring it to PMs
-Post often as you can. Dont make a character if you're not going to post at all.
-If you're going to be gone for a while let us know
-Make sense
-Any questions or suggestions PM me or post in OOC!
-Have fun

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


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Miranda had been so absorbed reading she had not noticed how late it was "dang" she muttered getting up from her spot nestled in the corner of a room she walked upstairs the small cat that had been on her had was now trailing behind her before it began mewing Miranda froze and turned to look at the cat she was probably hungry "shhhh" Miranda begged she had no clue where everyone else was and she did not want her cat waking anyone up but she did not stop instead she got louder Miranda knelt down and scooped the small cat into her arms scratching her head to decide what to do.


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After a few round of the game, Alex's arms started to get tiring. He stretched with a small yawn, letting his character die. He placed the gun back down and looked at Rayne. "Is there anything else you want to do or head home?" he asked leaning against the game. He put his hands in his pocket looking at the screen. "I've got to say... You're pretty good with all these video games." he commented.


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Erika drank the sweet drink given to her by Nova and smiled at him kindly, "So what happened between you and the..."Monkey"? She asked more than a little curious. Her red contacts gazing at him as she waited for an answer, taking a small bite of chocolate as she waited. She looked around his room, it was quite different compared to hers, equally splendid, but different all the same. She wondered if every day would be as hectic as today was, but she tried not to think about it, thinking too much on a problem always gave her writers block in the end.


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Nova tilted his head off to the side, and smiled slightly at Erika. "Alex is the baby of the family, and is constantly hyper. He can act childish, and has climbed over everything. Thus, marking him as the 'Monkey'," he sipped at his milk, and sat down next to her. He stared at her for a few moments and asked, "Our mothers are making it their mission to see us paired off with a partner that they would find most suitable for all of us. Mine wishes to see me around more girls than guys. What reason does your mother have for sending you here?"


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She smiled a bit and laughed, "Sounds little brother. When he was alive of course." she stated looking over at the door where Alex once was standing behind. Erika shook her head and looked over at him, "Nova, you don't seem like you'd have too many problems in the female department." she teased a little then bit her bottom lip softly, "She probably wants me to stop hanging out at the Local cemetary with 'Gothics'. I guess she thinks I'm too 'dark' and is hoping that me finding someone would make me more opt to...opening up to someone and all that jazz."


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He patted her hand gently and downed the rest of his milk in a few gulps. "Ah," he whispered happily, "Good stuff," and chuckled. Sobering up quickly, his eyes growing serious, he said, "Erika, the girls at my school are, for lack of a better word, attention whores. They only care about themselves, and love it when people only pay attention to them, and no other." He sighed heavily, "I've had a few girlfriends in my life, mostly when I was younger, but they didn't last for very long. If your wondering why, its because the girls I dated wanted me to give them everything I had, and I couldn't do that."

"Truth is, Erika, I've been dating more guys, and my mother wants grandchildren," he chuckled softly and looked at her sideways, "I'm Bisexual, plain and simple. I like guys, yes, but I still know how to love a girl." He laughed softly and winked at Erika slowly. "I have been told that I can have any girl I want at school, which is all fine and dandy, but why would I want a girl who would only try to conquer my attention and make me a slave to her whims?

"I chose to date guys because they were easiest to handle," Nova smiled softly, "I knew what the gay community wanted, so I led them on a wonderful chase," he looked at her intently before stating, "No, I haven't slept with any guys, but I have kissed them," he chuckled once more, then sighed suddenly. "I guess its just that time to start dating girls again." He took her hand suddenly, and kissed it gently, smiling all the while.


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(Delete this. I just realized I'm not in. Sorry for the stupid post, I was out a while, and I left my Computer on this site by accident.)

A Bus just outside of town was dropping off some passengers to a stop. It had come from a long trip.

Exiting was a most peculiar figure. Caucasian, Simple Face, with a grin, and a candy cigarette. He had plenty of his thick black hair, but it didn't go past his chin. It was all normal, except the spiky front, slightly curved upwards. His Eyes were a Dark Blue, and represented his favorite color, next to Red.

His Clothes were pretty much a dead give-away that he was odd. At the moment, he was wearing a Green Hawaiian Shirt, with Leather Wristbands, Grey Track pants with orange and white stripes on the sides, and Blue Sneakers. He carried with him his Courier style Backpack, Colored Yellow and Red. On his left was a small duffel bag.

Jonathan Gillian Krygsman. AKA Jay. Adopted Son of the Trevino Family (Since I was told that the boys were all brothers)

He had been off on a long trip in China, then Australia, and Finally New York. He was originally planning to travel his entire life alone, but had been caught by the police while hitchhiking in the area, and taken to an orphanage. From there, He had been accepted into the Trevinos', but solitary, and silent. He usually only spoke to 'Him' and 'Her', as he calls them (Note: He does care about his adoptive parents. Just hard to accept his real parents don't know him.)

But Now, he had bigger fish to fry. He had to meet his adoptive brothers up for a vacation. As if his studying abroad, and meeting up with old friends wasn't enough, his last letter to him was a demand, rather than a Request:


We hope you're enjoying your trip. The boys don't notice you're gone. Mom will set them straight, as she says once you're home, so you can 'watch.'

I know you're real busy, and I just wanted to say hi. Love Dad. The Rest of this letter is from your mother.


My Little Blue Jay

I miss you so much. I've been trying to remind the others they had an adopted brother. Anyways, Me and Your Father will be out for a while. Just stay with your brothers, and keep the peace. I hope you like the surprise we left for all of you.

-Love, Mother.


Jay shook his head.

"All that matters to me now is a Cheeseburger, and a bowl of chips. I'm starving."

He smiled, and walked into town, hoping to meet someone he knew, so he could get home.


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Erika nodded slightly, "I think I understand the type of girls you're talking about." she replied with a solemn sigh. She supported her weight on her arm and listened to him speak about his younger years. She nodded now and then to prove to him that she was still listening, and not letting her mind wander elsewhere, "The guys at my old school, well.. To make a long story short, they're either bonehead football players or druggies. I understand why you wouldn't want to date them, it must be a draining experience."

"I see." she replied with a small laugh, not even raising an eyebrow of the menton of his sexuality. She did however, blush when he winked at her. To cover up the fact she was blushing, she quickly downed more of the milk and sat the cup down after realizing she'd finally finished it. It was delicious, but boy did she drink it slower than Nova, "No one should fall servant to anyone else. If two people are not equal, how can proper love exsist? Without mutual respect, it's impossible." she said in her usual whisper-like tone.

"I suppose you're right. Guys are more laid back than most females." she laughed a bit as he mentioned never sleeping with males, "It's not my right, nor even in my interests to place judgement on you, Nova." she replied, then smiled a bit, looking over at the window then back at Nova when she felt her hand in his. She went to ask him what he was doing, but just as she opened her mouth to speak, her question was answered. Her light pink blush returned to her cheeks instantly and she bit her bottom lip in faint nervousness, "Oh? I'm sure your mother would be glad to hear it.."


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((OOC: Sorry! Double-post accidentally!))


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Kissing her hand once more, Nova then pulled Erika into a warm embrace. "Gotcha," he chuckled into her hair, "Your mine now," he teased, kissing the top of her head. Releasing her slowly, he looked her up and down, before looking her in the eyes. "I don't understand why guys stare at a girl's chest. Its not as thought they'll be able to touch it." He scratched his head, then shook out his hair before grinning down at her. "I guess they just need something to help them along, huh?" He winked down at her again, his grin becoming larger.

Ruffling his hair, he flopped down onto the bed, and sighed softly. "What is the world coming to, that a person can't be left alone to chose his or her destiny, and a mother must intervene with their children?" He peered up at Erika, "Care to join me?" He chuckled softly, patting the space next to him.


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Erika let out a squeak of suprise that was reasonably louder than any other sound to come from the girl. She laughed a bit and playfully tried to pull free, but posed no real effort. "I never really wondered why. It just gets girls free stuff..." she said in a curious tone, as she pondered on the idea for a moment, "Maybe because your mankind are a bunch of pervs." she said smirking at him, coming out of her shy shell, slowly but surely, "Oh by the way, I don't see your name on me, so you don't own me." she joked with a mocking wink, mimicing his earlier one.

"It's coming back to the past. Remember courting? arranged marriage? This is the first step backwards." she informed him, straightening her back as she spoke and pointing her index finger to the ceiling, taking the stance of a know-it-all. It took every ounce of her concentration to hold back a burst of laughter. She thought for a moment, then grinned, "Promise you won't bite?"


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"Cute squeak," Nova grinned up from his possition, and playfully bit the space between them. "I'll promise not to bite, if I can hear you squeak again." In so saying, he reached up and pulled Erika into his arms, and layed back again. "Mine," he whispered, gently stroking her hair. Kissing the top of her head, he moved his left hand to her back. Using his nails, he began to trace a small pattern, lightly tickling her, hoping that it felt good.With his other hand, he lifted up her chin, and gently ran his thumb against her lips. "Has anyone ever told you that your so beautiful? And being called "Hot" doesn't count," he chuckled softly.


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She crinkled her nose, "That was the most uncute sound I've made in my life.." she retorted indifferently, "But I can't just do that on a whim or any-" she began, but didn't finish her sentence, a simular sound to the squeak coming out once more, but this one more unexpecting than the first. She slowly began to relax against him, she shivered a bit and tilted her head so she could look at him, her face was lightly flushed pink, her eyes looking at him confused, curious and suprised, "N-not seriously, unless "creepy", "scary", or "freak" have earned an alternate meaning.." she replied back, her tone serious as imaginable. She knew this innocent gesture would be taken the wrong way, so she was glad he'd locked the door out of angerment towards the "Monkey" everyone else called Alex.


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"Creepy, scary, freak?" He raised an eyebrow at her, "Your not creepy, your not a freak, and your definitely not scary." Ruffling her hair, he continued, "Your beautiful, you have a cute squeak, and I like you, a lot." Hugging her to his chest, and kissing the top of her head, then began to rub his cheek against the top of her head. "Your hair is so soft," he murmured softly, "How do you keep it so soft? I've been trying to get my hair soft as well. I'm jealous." His chuckle was soft, just as he plied his hands to her hair and back, rubbing her back, and stroking her hair.


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She bit back a smile and closed one eye as he ruffled her hair, "Thanks, I think you're the first person I've met in a long time to think so." she replied, a genuine look of happiness across her face, then she burried her head against him to hide the growing blush on her cheeks, "That squeak wasn't cuuute." she whined stubbornly, wondering how he already liked her. She never saw herself as beautiful, nor kind, but somehow he seemed to see something in her she hadn't. "I go to the salon a lot, but I don't dye it, I even bought their shampoo...if you have two and use the first one week, then rotate, your hair doesn't grow immune to their effects.." she replied lightly, wondering if she was going to bore him with the facts of it. She closed her eyes, her arms laid against him calmly, both rested against his chest next to her head.

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Mansion by xCrossX21



School by RolePlayGateway


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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aimi Minka
Character Portrait: Miranda Chant
Character Portrait: Rune Trevino
Character Portrait: Rayne Valentine
Character Portrait: Gavin Trevino
Character Portrait: Ethan Trevino


Character Portrait: Ethan Trevino
Ethan Trevino

Mom did WHAT?

Character Portrait: Gavin Trevino
Gavin Trevino

Hi, i'm Gavin. I'ts very nice to meet you

Character Portrait: Rayne Valentine
Rayne Valentine

Mom, What the hell??!

Character Portrait: Rune Trevino
Rune Trevino

Ok finished, wait where did I put the next volume

Character Portrait: Aimi Minka
Aimi Minka

Do you really want to piss me off if not don't touch me


Character Portrait: Ethan Trevino
Ethan Trevino

Mom did WHAT?

Character Portrait: Gavin Trevino
Gavin Trevino

Hi, i'm Gavin. I'ts very nice to meet you

Character Portrait: Rune Trevino
Rune Trevino

Ok finished, wait where did I put the next volume

Character Portrait: Aimi Minka
Aimi Minka

Do you really want to piss me off if not don't touch me

Character Portrait: Rayne Valentine
Rayne Valentine

Mom, What the hell??!

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Aimi Minka
Aimi Minka

Do you really want to piss me off if not don't touch me

Character Portrait: Rune Trevino
Rune Trevino

Ok finished, wait where did I put the next volume

Character Portrait: Ethan Trevino
Ethan Trevino

Mom did WHAT?

Character Portrait: Rayne Valentine
Rayne Valentine

Mom, What the hell??!

Character Portrait: Gavin Trevino
Gavin Trevino

Hi, i'm Gavin. I'ts very nice to meet you

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Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

Gonna take a wild guess and say You guys got more than enough guys?

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

I am SO so SO so SO sorry!! I had unexpected family visit and my computer got a virus last night and uggggh!!! Nothing has been going right, I tried to read back, but after hitting the # about 3 times it stopped showing the posts and I cant see the last thing regarding Erika (As far as I could tell). Can someone fill me in, if not..I guess I can try to re-read when I get home from school...

-End of the nine weeks
-Trojan Viruses
-Friends over

the list goes on, I'm sorry for lagging this behind :(

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

i would end it, but nobody is posting.
Moon is stuck since the person he's interacting with isnt posting.

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

so, when is "End of Day 1" gonna be?

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

Erika and Nova are in Nova's room, Wu, Rayne and Alex are outside somewhere, and everyone else is in the mansion. I'm stuck waiting for Erika to respond to Nova giving her some almond milk and a bag of sweets and chocolates.

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

Ok, if nobody else is gonna post besides cross and vixen, then i'm gonna have 2, and i'm takin somebodies character with me.

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

sorry again.
& all the posts is basically about Alex and Rayne out having fun.
Everyone's home doing whatever. Nobody was posting so I'm just dragging my character around.

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion


I need to drop out of this RP, apparently. I just missed something like seventy posts.

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

sorry XP
nobody else was posting --;

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

Could you 2 tone it down a bit? Cuz its starting to look like a 1x1 RP.

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

For those who missed.
Alex shoved Nova's face into the cake, after dinner and so Nova got mad at him. Alex went for a walk like Adrian and the others stayed in the house. Nothing major happened. ^^ <-- that's pretty much it.

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

hmmm... lol. yeah sure go ahead. :p

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

I'm going to enjoy having my character pick on Adrian lol I wont overdue it, tho, so don't worry. Probably once every 20 posts or maybe 30 should work ^^

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

sorry if we posted too fast. Nothing major happened really. we're all just introducing our characters ^^

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

Well, I think everyone else arrived, They're about to sit down to dinner right now. You can just have your character arrive at the mansion, and you'll be fine.

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

I went to school yesterday, it hadn't started, then I went to sleep.. and then the roleplay was already 50 some posts in...whats happened so far and I'll post...

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

it's fine (:
i think we can start now. I dont really like waiting for so long ><

Re: [OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

Sorry bout my first character, didn't seem to read about the guys being all brothers XD

[OOC] Disaster in the Mansion

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Disaster in the Mansion"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.