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Kaeden Everette

" it contagious? I wouldn't want you to catch it."

0 · 733 views · located in Earth Land

a character in “Survival in Earth Land. Fariy Tail Survival”, originally authored by Inspiration, as played by RolePlayGateway


[Kaeden Everette]

Role: Fairy Tail Founder #5

Gender: Male
"Male, obviously."

Title(s)/Alias(es): New Cana, Sword Emperor, Book-Worm

Age: 18
"Eighteen, how I feel so young!"

Race: Human
"Because me being anything else but human would make SO much sense."

Appearance: Scar over his right eye. A Yin Yang tattoo on his back, below his neck and directly on his spine. Two small bar-codes\ tattoos on his wrists, one on each one wrist. Image

Preferred Clothing: Light robes or a shirt with jeans and a coat over it (First and Second Picture)

Height: 5'7"
"I'm still growing! No seriously, I am."

Weight: 126lbs
"I need to hold off on the pastries that Bold makes!"

Hair Color: A dark blueish color. (like in the first picture)
"My hair is a dark blue like the midnight sky."

Eye Color: Dark blue, can be purple when using dark magic and yellow or pink when using M-Sense
"My eyes are trippy, they change colors randomly, or so people say."

Personality: Kaeden can tend to be Dark and bitter sometimes due to his practice in dark magic. He hides the fact that he uses dark magic and always has a cover up if he accidentally uses it. The more negative emotions he has at the time the stronger his dark magic gets and the more bitter his attitude gets. He tries to keep this part of him tame, he even got a tattoo on his back to remind him that even if there is a dark part of him, there is still a light side.

He isn't one to rush into a situation unless it's dire and there is next to no other option, he would rather sit back and analyze unless someone's life is on the line. However he isn't the "I will risk my life for my ally." Type of person, more or less he actually dislikes those type of people. Why give up your life for someone when you still have a full life to live? He is like this as many people he loved gave up their lives for him.

He loves to read and is an avid drinker, he holds it down well and is sometimes called the "New Cana" Whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. He loves to combine magic to create his own custom magic. This creative mind also makes him very curious and artsy. When he is bored he will either want to spar, read, or drink with Briar until one of them passes out.

Oddities: Heavy heavy heavy drinker, holds it down well. Can bust out crying or be randomly depressed, this is a long term effect of M-Sense. Can zone out while reading, completely slowing down time for himself, blocking out noise and completely ignoring reality.

    ☺ Like 1 Magic
    ☺ Like 2 Dark Magic
    ☺ Like 3 Reading
    ☺ Like 4 Drinking
    ☺ Like 5 Swords

    ☹ Dislike 1 Government
    ☹ Dislike 2 Dark Chocolate
    ☹ Dislike 3 The desert
    ☹ Dislike 4
    ☹ Dislike 5

    ❤ Hobby 1 Reading
    ❤ Hobby 2 Sparing
    ❤ Hobby 3 Sword-Play
    ❤ Hobby 4 Writing
    ❤ Hobby 5

  • Fear 1 Friends giving their lives for him
  • Fear 2 Bold dying
  • Fear 3 Harming one of his friends due to his dark magic
  • Fear 4

Skills/Talents: Good at feeling someones emotions even without M-Sense. Great swordsmanship allows for fights against people without exposing the fact that hes a mage. A good cook however he might use too much alcohol in his dishes... Agile
Preferred Weapon(s): Swords, Maces, Lances, Axes, Pole Arms, Anything pointy he most likely has it in his Pocket Dimension.


Kaeden is primarily a Dark Magic user that also uses shadows for evasion and Archive for talking with other members of Fairy Tale.

Shadow Magic;

The user can use this Magic to bend his/her own shadow for various purposes like battle purposes or defense, giving Shadow Magic a great deal of flexibility.

Dark Magic;

-Kaeden's biological parents were Dark Magic users, they taught him as much as they could teach him until giving him up at the age of 10 as they feared the government was spying on them under suspicion of using magic.

-The more he uses it the more bitter he gets and the more pale he gets, however the latter gets restored within a day

-Over use can result in passing out


-Kaeden doesn't really know how he learned Requip, he says he just picked it up during his travels. One day he wishes to be able to requip armor like Erza, however he doubts that's going to happen anytime soon as the best thing he can do is requip weapons and sometimes clothes.

Maguilty Sense or Mag-Sense or just M-Sense;

-Maguilty sense allows Kaeden to create Teal Swords that he can command, on top of his swords he has in the pocket dimension. On top of this he can fuse two people's senses, so they each feel each other's pain. By doing this he can defeat one wizard and have the other in immense pain, even if no harm has been done to them.

-This has limitations however.

-The bigger the liver/organs on the creature it is linked to the quicker the effect will wear off. Example if a Whale and a human are linked and the human is drunk, the whale will be drunk except not as long as the human, it is unknown if it goes both ways however

-He can only link himself and two other people for the time being


-The old Telekinesis, easily one of the first things he learned while still a child. He uses it along with requip to summon multiple weapons on the battlefield and control them in squads.

-Cannot be used on objects heavier than Kaeden


Archive is a Magic that allows the user to convert information into Magical data that can be stored.

Kaeden can add messages through the archive and upload and download data from the Archive itself, anything else takes too much magic for him.

Sword Magic;

A Magic which, as the name itself suggests, is focused around the use of swords, with those weapons acting as mediums for the user to perform particular attacks.

Unison Raids;

Unnamed Raid; Penta-Manipulation

-As explained by Wayland: "After all Kaeden, remember back when we raided? I made a dagger, and when your shadow touched it we ended up five shadow blades that linked everything they hit. Under that same premise, One spear is now five, and sense they didn't seem to care about hitting the place at the same time...we effectively multiplied the power of one blow by five."

Combination Attacks;

Attacks that Kaeden made himself, most likely combinations of multiple magic he has mastered.

Dark Swords;

-Kaeden stabs his sword into the ground and 10 swords form in a circle around him.

Infinite Shadow Trap;

-Kaeden throws six swords in the air, when they land they make the points of a star, however one lands in the middle. The paper bindings on the swords connect to make the look of the star. The paper bindings are as strong as chains. Once all the bindings are connected a red circle of blood appears around the star, forming a pentagram. Kaeden stands in the middle of the star on top of a katana. Multiple hands made of shadows appear from out of the blood and try to grab the enemy.

Shadow Run;

Shadow running is based off of rapidly entering and leaving a shadow, or your own shadow. The pace in which the user 'ascends and descends' is based off of how much magic they put into it. The maximum ASC/DES per second Kaeden has achieved was forty five.The amount Kaeden currently put in was around twenty five. Anything above forty five would start to burn the user's body and tear their muscles. When Shadow Running

The user would be appearing to be

1. 20 ASC/DES Running incredibly fast
2. 30 ASC/DES Invisible, only afterimages could be seen
3. 45 ASC/DES The person seems to be fading in and out of existence

Kaeden's mother had a similar technique except it was way faster, he hopes to find out how she accomplished this.

Midnight Explosion;

A suicidal attack that if used wrong could easily kill the user by ripping them to shreds. The amount of atoms and molecules within the dark magic rapidly split up into two groups, negative and positive. When they are perfectly split into two groups, with no left overs and completely even groups the molecules quickly fusion causing one large or multiple small explosions in a set area. The set area is usually very close to the user, hence making the spell extremely dangerous.

Personal History: Kaeden grew up in a Oshibana Town where government had spies everywhere. His parents were dark magic users and were most likely descendants of the Dark Guild known as Eisenwald. His father trained him with a sword until the age of ten, as at the age of ten he showed he was capable of magic. His parents were happy, yet scared. They taught him the very fundamentals of Dark Magic and what it took to use it properly. At the age of fourteen he caused a huge public disturbance, what would this cost him? His life.

While walking in town he saw a fight going on, something that was occasional, however this was different, he was standing outside of the crowd watching in when someone pushed him in. When you entered the circle this mean't you wanted to fight, you couldn't back out or you died, it was either a sword fight or a hand to hand fight. Being good with swords as it was he pulled out his swords, as did his opponent. They danced around for awhile slicing and stabbing out each other. Eventually Kaeden began to get his ass kicked, he got slashed in the shoulder and then stabbed in the rib, cracking one of them. He cried out in pain, still wanting to fight. The point of a sword fight in Oshibana was to get your sword to your opponents neck head or heart. He stood up, bleeding heavily and slammed his sword on the ground in a forward arc it completely missed his opponent however a dark shockwave of magic shot out knocking out the whole crowd, killing his opponent, and seriously injuring the onlookers.

This was when he began to become dark and bitter, the realization of killing someone kicked in and he entered a huge depression state, this activated his hereditary M-Sense. As he ran from town to town he eventually ended up in Oak Town. He unknowingly had his M-Sense activated for the few months he spent there. It slowly drained his magic and it slowly linked every person that made contact with Kaeden. As people started to become depressed they thought it was Imagethe curse of the Phantom Guild returning. Kaeden didn't realize it until he looked in the mirror one day and his eyes were yellow and he got extremely ill. He didn't seek a doctor in fear the town would find out about him being a mage. He tried to steal some food but failed and wound up being arrested and sent into the dungeon. They took all his belongings and put them in a chest deep down in the dungeon. As he entered the dungeon twelve prisoners attempted suicide and six of them succeeded. On top of that five guards committed suicide. This was due to his M-Sense still being active. One of the guards committed suicide right in front of him and had keys on him. Kaeden from behind the bars managed to unlock the cell door and find an escape route. He made his way deeper into the dungeon thinking he was ascending. He found a treasure chest in which he thought his equipment was in, however this was not the case. In reality what he found was far better. He found a cat that seemed to be unconscious, his M-Sense linked the cat as well. Rage, hate, and fear filled the cat even while it wasn't conscious. This last link knocked Kaeden out completely.

Next time he woke up he was floating...wait floating?! Indeed he was floating in an oasis in a desert with the cat on top of him. He hadn't noticed this before but...the cat had wings. Could this have been an Exceed? He felt amazing, he felt full of energy what happened? He couldn't remember anything and as he sat up so did the Exceed. The Exceed greeted him by bowing and he seemed...small for an Exceed, perhaps it was just a child? Kaeden introduced himself and waded towards the desert sand and took off his clothes to dry. He asked the Exceed what it's name was, it's ears perked up and it titled it's head sideways. Kaeden figured it didn't have a name so he named him Bold. The two talked for awhile, Bold talked of how when the fear entered him he was scared but yet intrigued. He nursed Kaeden back to health while he slept and eventually brought him to an Oasis because he felt a magical presence.




So begins...

Kaeden Everette's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette Character Portrait: Ikarugi Kusanoki Character Portrait: Henzox Armald
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Briar's head bounced a little as Kaeden made his entrance to the sphinx, and slightly again as he stomped lightly. Briar had never really payed any attention to him before. He was never really interested in the explanations of the M-sense thing Kaeden he complained about. Not to mention how the guy always seemed to think he was infallible. All the dirty looks he seems to give me when I'm hungover doesn't help either... he thought to himself.

Kaeden went on a slightly depressing rant that seemed to disturb the mellow peace and awe they had enjoyed with Henzox's beast. "Who knows?" He shrugged. "Maybe the thresher will kill all of us and the government will show up to take Ika..." Briar sat up and looked over the edge and smiled down to Ikarugi. "Dungeons are dark right? Oh! And you could definitely use our spirits. Ahahaha!" He turned his head and pointed at the winged critter by Kaeden. "On the other hand, we could always ransom that talking pigeon in a tight spot..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette Character Portrait: Ikarugi Kusanoki Character Portrait: Henzox Armald
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"Who knows?"

"Maybe the thresher will kill all of us and the government will show up to take Ika..."

"Dungeons are dark right? Oh! And you could definitely use our spirits. Ahahaha!"

"On the other hand, we could always ransom that talking pigeon in a tight spot..."

Kaeden's smile grew bigger, almost into a smirk. He then quickly glared at Briar and gave him an evil look. "Briar, I hope you know I would bash your face in before you put Bold up for ransom, as for if we to die...I will be sure that my spirit isn't part of Ika's collection as I would rather rest in peace instead of some pocket dimension in which souls dwell." He raised his head up and looked at the sky. "Life or death, it really doesn't matter as long as we make a difference in this world, no? I think being in Fairy Tale all on it's own is making a difference."

He smiled at Briar and stopped giving him an evil look and raised his hand in the air. A canteen started to form, the canteen was about the size of any regular canteen, however something seemed different about it. Kaeden opened the top and drank from it, the smell of alcohol appeared in the air. However he drank enough out of the canteen that it should be empty.

"The joys of Requip, infinite alcohol...until my pocket dimension runs out which actually might be soon." He started to snicker. "That's also why most of the alcohol in Fairy Tale constantly goes missing." He shrugged and held out the canteen towards Briar. "As much as you get hangovers and tend to annoy me we are still allies."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette Character Portrait: Ikarugi Kusanoki Character Portrait: Henzox Armald Character Portrait: Wayland Smith
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Sighing and looks at Kaedan "It's not a pocket dimension it's spiritual summoning meaning you are doing whatever you want but i summon you to my side to fight. Why does everyone think my magic is so bad? I mean you get to live on the Earthland and can choose to go to 'Heaven' and back whenever you want." grumbling to himself he looks up at Alexander, "Hey where is everyone I have called them down and yet there's no sign of them, it's a little disheartening."

Again he calls on to the Archive "Hey where are you guys? We have work to do and quickly so HURRY UP!" with this said he pulls his jacket over himself tightly and hides his face.

The setting changes from Earth Land to Desierto


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette Character Portrait: Ikarugi Kusanoki Character Portrait: Henzox Armald
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Conner thought about Ikarugi's suggestion of going a unison raid and he remembered Wayland mentioned a unison raid earlier as well. The more Conner thought about it he realized that a unison rad was a good idea and he rather liked the idea, but there was still a problem with idea Ikarugi had...

Conner sent a message just to Ikarugi on the archive and said "Ikarugi I like your thought of using a unison raid and i'm quite honored that you considered me to partner with you in a powerful combination attack, but unison raid can only occur between two mages that have similar magics and I don't think our magics are that close."

Shortly after Conner responded to Ikarugi he then addressed the whole guild "Everyone listen I sincerely hope you are all about done with any last minute plans and preparations and are about to be on your way out here because the thresher is looking vary hostile more so than it did before. aside from that I wanted bring up an idea that both Wayland an Ikarugi have suggested and that is ... UNISON RAID!! I'm not entirely positive on who is all there at the moment, but if there are two of you with incredibly similar magics maybe you could synchronize your two magics enough to maybe unison raid. I know attempting to unison raid is a hard task to accomplish on its own and especially on the first shot it's a huge gamble, but hear me out when I say it's worth a shot... so what do ya say Fairy Tale?!"

The setting changes from Desierto to Earth Land


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette Character Portrait: Ikarugi Kusanoki Character Portrait: Henzox Armald
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#, as written by Hoga
Tired of waiting for the other members, Alexander gave Henzox a nod. They needed to get going. Anyone who was there would have to do. This person was in too much danger.

The setting changes from Earth Land to Desierto


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Tatsuya Sakamoto Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette Character Portrait: Ikarugi Kusanoki
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0.00 INK

"Everyone listen I sincerely hope you are all about done with any last minute plans and preparations and are about to be on your way out here because the thresher is looking vary hostile more so than it did before. aside from that I wanted bring up an idea that both Wayland an Ikarugi have suggested and that is ... UNISON RAID!! I'm not entirely positive on who is all there at the moment, but if there are two of you with incredibly similar magics maybe you could synchronize your two magics enough to maybe unison raid. I know attempting to unison raid is a hard task to accomplish on its own and especially on the first shot it's a huge gamble, but hear me out when I say it's worth a shot... so what do ya say Fairy Tale?!"

Kaeden sighed and sent a message over the archive:

"A unison Wayland said that we once did a raid with a dagger and my shadows...however that wasn't on a freaking Thresher...Connor I believe you would be a great candidate, my shadows and your shadows? We can take this thing down easy. However another partnership could easily be me and Tatsuya, with us being Sword Magic users we can create uh...something spectacular. The last partnership that could be with me could be Ikar- nevermind, that wouldn't work."

((I'm saying it wouldn't work between me and Ika because I would rather not have Fairy Tale know that Kaeden is a Dark Magic user just yet, not because of our past experiences in OOC))

The setting changes from Desierto to Earth Land


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette Character Portrait: Ikarugi Kusanoki Character Portrait: Henzox Armald Character Portrait: Wayland Smith
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Acknowledging Alexander's nod, Henzox placed the palm of his hand on the back of the beasts head. Suddenly it burst forward at its maximum speed. Henzox was glad to be going as holding up the beast was fatiguing. Looking back slowly Henzox spoke to Ika, "I assume the dead, slash not dead, dudes are speeding me up." Looking towards the sun he spoke again, "I'll stop when were only a meters away, give you guys 12 seconds to get out, and ram it with the Sphinx."

The setting changes from Earth Land to Desierto


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette Character Portrait: Ikarugi Kusanoki Character Portrait: Henzox Armald
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0.00 INK

Nodding at Henzox he confirmed what he said was correct as he had a hand pointed at the back of them and had a swirling green aura around it and sighed, "Man this might not take much magic but it does get boring I mean I love using more than one spirit but some cost more magic than the others...." Shaking his head he continued to send out bursts of speed at a constant but steady rate and turns to Alexander. "Hey I got a question for you it's been eating at me for a long time, you see my double fire soul cannon takes so much magic at once that it knocks me out so when we figure out this situation mind helping me train it to where it isn't so strenuous?" Coughing for a second he looks back at Kaedan and nods to him saying that he would be needing as much from him as what would be expected of the others as he didn't want any unneccessary dead weight. With that done he goes back to concentrating as to not waste more magic than he needed to.

After a while he sent a message to Conner, "We're headed out we only have a couple of the mages as the others couldn't come with us we hope that with the ones we do have it'll be enough but I'm going to need you to give it all you got because one screw up and we're all dead got it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette Character Portrait: Ikarugi Kusanoki Character Portrait: Henzox Armald
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0.00 INK

(Post pre-approved by Hoga)

The sphinx made amazing time as they sped through the sands and before long, Briar could see the Thresher clearly. He didn't spot Conner, as he figured he wouldn't, but saw the shield-wielding man engaging the Thresher. He tugged at Henzox's sleeve and pointed at the man. "There he is. Grab him and give me a minute before you smash this thing."

When they got in range, Briar scrambled to the top of their mobile beast's head as they neared the thresher and launched himself off with a dangerous look in his eyes. He no longer laughed, or joked, or had even a single misguided thought that normally clouded his mind. The figurative switch inside his head flipped off and his mind and senses were instantly sharpened to unbelievable standards.

He lashed out with his grapple to propel his body through the air and simultaneously out maneuver the tentacles that lashed about. No sooner had his feet brushed the surface of the stone-like skin of the thresher than they were in the air again as Briar dove and rolled out of the path of smashing tentacles. His amazing athleticism from years of training became very evident as he rolled, flipped, spun, and dove as he was berated over and over by the shifting tentacle. In a small window of respite, his speed gave him an opportunity as it drew back. Bounding from the thresher, he planted off the tentacle to connect a solid blow atop the thresher. "Shatter!"

Briar dove as the tentacle crashed where he had been and glimpsed the spot he connected with. "What the--?" There was a definite mark, but it looked as if it was more from the tentacle than him. His mind raced and his body acted as he clenched his fists and dove over the edge toward the sand below. He took aim and his grapple launched again to latch the tentacle. It whipped back and he released it to soar high over the thresher, beyond the reach of its appendage.

"Eat this", he said as he slipped on the heavy brass knuckle and built up as much magic power as he could in the short amount of time. Briar whipped out the grapple for a final time and gave it a huge tug to propel himself faster and slammed the concentrated Shatter spell as hard as he could into the armor-like flesh. There was a resounding crack followed by a shower of stone and flesh that felt like soft sand under Briar's fist.

The setting changes from Desierto to Earth Land


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Vince Goodfill Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette Character Portrait: Henzox Armald
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"I'll handle the problem, as in the problem I mean him." Kaeden pointed towards the man with the shield.

He requipped two broad swords, one in each hand before preparing to launch off the Sphinx. He waited for Briar to make his move on the Thresher before moving in, as Briar lept towards the Thresher Kaeden was amazed, he stared as Briar wove his way through. He shook his head and cleared his thoughts before jumping off the Sphinx at an unnatural speed that was primarily due to him shadow running, a technique he made himself. It wasn't as fast as he wanted it to be but it would suffice.

Shadow running is based off of rapidly entering and leaving a shadow, or your own shadow. The pace in which the user 'ascends and descends' is based off of how much magic they put into it. The maximum ASC/DES per second Kaeden has achieved was forty five.The amount Kaeden currently put in was around twenty five. Anything above forty five would start to burn the user's body and tear their muscles. When Shadow Running

The user would be appearing to be

1. 20 ASC/DES Running incredibly fast
2. 30 ASC/DES Invisible, only afterimages could be seen
3. 45 ASC/DES The person seems to be fading in and out of existence

(More info about this skill in Kaeden's profile)

He shadow ran until he was ten feet behind (literally behind) Vince. He fused into is own shadow and slowly crept behind Vince. Once he was directly behind Vince he attempted to Blind and Gag Vince with multiple shadow hands in an attempt to stop him from calling for help or seeing his attackers.

(Because simply saying "Oh hey, let me knock you out." Is too nice.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Vince Goodfill Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette Character Portrait: Henzox Armald
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Vince was unable to see the attack coming, but he could feel the shadows clawing at his face, they were focused on Vince's mouth and eyes, as if they wanted to hide themselves, this all but confirmed it for Vince, these were mages, he had found what he was looking for, an undercover guild, no lone mage would go to all this effort. This placed Vince in the situation as a bystander that would eventually be knocked out and taken to or found by one of the trading caravans, this however was not the fate Vince was looking forward to, he had to show off, but he had to defend himself too. That left him with one option, he would have to use his magic, now Vince was no one trick pony, but at this amount of exhaustion he knew he had one or two spells left in him if wanted to remain conscious, that led him to this conclusion, he would have to use his strongest(electrical) magic that would show off his talent as well as get what was on his back, off of it. Vince concentrated hard and with a simple exhale, he started to carry electrical charge all over his body, as he was the caster of the spell he wouldnt be effected by what the spell was designed to do, Vince focused his charge to his back and to his mace and shield, the charge would cause any outside contact to become paralyzed ,generally it would be isolated to the limb that came in contac, this was done by disrupting the electrical signals from the brain, considering his nomadic upbringing, Vince was able to learn certain things about the human body from his father and from his own experiences, by the groan from behind him, Vince knew he had caused some effect on his attacker, that was one spell down, would that be enough?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Vince Goodfill Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette Character Portrait: Henzox Armald
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Kaeden thought sure he had this in the bag, then he saw the electricity, it spread so quickly he could barely react. The shock melted the shadows and electrocuted Kaeden slightly as he was still in the ground. He was surprised and happy, however this wasn't over.

He relayed a message over the Archive to everyone, however he mainly addressed Henzox and Briar.


He fully appeared out of his shadow and had an evil smile on his face. He cracked his neck and prepared for a fight.

"So your a mage hm? I don't care if your the king of electricity I still can't let you go...hell you could be a mage working for the government to catch people like us..."

The broadswords appeared out of the sand and Kaeden grabbed them. He looked at them then threw them up in the air. "These are useless against someone like you." They dispersed into dark purple particles that evaporated as quickly as they appeared. Kaeden's fists acquired a dark evil purple aura. "You gonna come down easy or hard? You should choose the first option as I know your already drained from the Thresher."

He snapped his fingers and Bold flew down and landed on Kaeden's shoulder. "Yo, Bold we might need to fly soon, this guy is a mage and If he doesn't come easy...well I may need you to help me dodge some attacks. His electricity literally melted my shadow, and trust me shadow's don't freaking melt!" Bold nodded and prepared for the worst.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Vince Goodfill Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette Character Portrait: Henzox Armald
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Vince was shocked by the sword's rapid appearance and reappearance, this guy was awfully confident considering Vince's size, I mean sure Vince was exhausted but still, he was HUGE. The issue still remained, he was fighting and his instincts screamed at him to stand down, but whenever he did that he always felt, he had one spell left, then he would have to rely on his own body yet again, his vision was impaired by black spots, he could only just make out his opponent, luckily this last spell wasn't nearly as powerful as his last, yet another lame parlour trick. Vince charged his shield with electrical magic, it was charged to become the same as what most metals are, although he amplified it, which would cause the metals to repel each other, the swords wouldn't meet his shield, or rather, wouldn't meet a 3 meter radius around the shield, that ruled metals out of the equation, Vince's mace was weighing him down, it was really too heavy, and with his focus on the shield, Vince re-holstered is mace, where this fight was headed, fists would be needed, not weapons. Vince couldn't give to shits about the thresher, right now, he was fighting this shadow-type mage and thats all that mattered. Vince could barely contain the excitement, a real challenge!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vince Goodfill Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette
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"Hold up, I need to test somethin' Bold."

He backed up until he was fifteen feet away from Vince and requipped a lance made of steel. He smirked and threw the spear with all his power directly at Vince about six feet in it pushed itself back towards Kaeden at a rapid speed. He dispersed it back into it's pocket dimension and he smirked. "Just as I thought, but your a fool."

"Bold, keep me away from that shield, if I am about to get hit, jump off of me if you can't move me out of the way. Oh and it reflects any metal object."

Bold nodded and sprouted wings.

Kaeden's left hand caught aflame, except these flames were different they weren't hot...they didn't burn...they...they were purple and evil. Kaeden's eyes turned purple and he got a devilish look on his face. "What a shame...archive has been shut off, now no one will be able to hear you scream, well maybe Briar...but hes busy now." He began to chuckle to himself as he dashed in towards Vince, as he was only three feet away from Vince he slammed his fist into the ground sending a shock-wave straight towards Vince.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Vince Goodfill Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette
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#, as written by Hoga
Alexander noticed Kaeden and the other mage were fighting. He couldn't have this right now. He needed Kaeden, and he would like the help of the new mage as well.

He slammed his foot on the ground, creating a tall and wide earth wall between them, having to make it taller then normal because of Kaeden's flying. He had a very serious look on his face. He hoped he got the message across.

"This isn't the time for that! We need you both. Settle it later. NOW FIGHT!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vince Goodfill Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette
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Vince's instincts told him to fight back and for once he agreed, the magnetic weight of his magic slowed him down so much so that he couldn't dodge or block the attack, the shock wave barrelled towards him, when it collided Vince's body was covered in immense pain, he let out a muffled scream and then remembered, he would pass out with his next spell right? So why not go out in style. Vince, through all this pain, sucked in a huge gasp of air, and exhaled in a full blown yell, using the air as a medium, he released what was essentially an EMP(electro-magnetic pulse) that was designed for humans, that would cause a partial shut down of anyone nearby(40ft) it wouldn't injure anyone, really, all it would do was put anyone caught in a sleep state that would last for about 20 minutes, so sure, Vince was going to be knocked out, but so was his attacker, Vince's vision blurred and then blacked out completely... surely.... he had shown off... enou-


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Vince Goodfill Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette
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Briar hit the ground hard and skidded to a rough stop. Probably should've thought about the escape route a little more... he thought as he rolled back to his feet. He had to pause when the thresher dove under ground and headed toward Alexander as he forced the beast back to the surface with his spell. Alexander's attention was forced to Kaeden and the other man as they went at each others' throats.

There was a powerful shout as Briar reached Alexander. A wall had gone up between Kaeden and the man but Alexander seemed to have turned his attention back to the thresher. Briar felt the tingle of oncoming magic before he saw it and rolled between Alex, and the Sphinx as the EMP neared them. He threw his arms wide and activated the three layered Rebound, absorbing as much as he dared and reflecting the rest as best he could at the surfaced thresher.

Briar dropped to a knee when the absorbed magic hit him. It had a severely reduced effect, but his limbs felt like lead. "Where's Conner?" He panted at Alexander.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tatsuya Sakamoto Character Portrait: Vince Goodfill Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette
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In distances away from the fight, a man in black walks alone. He walked without emotions, his eyes, as if piercing ones soul. He pulls out a black katana, and walked still the same pace towards the fight. For a while, he thought, <Why am I going there? I won't get anything from it... But somehow, I need to go there. There must be something there I could do... something...> As he approaches closer to the fight, a roar filled his ears. Even though the sound came from a few kilometers away, it felt as if it was only beside him. <A... monster... I can feel... magic flowing around here... Mages? No way... but... it might be...> he sped off towards the location of the fight.

Upon reaching the area, a man was unconscious on the ground. He rushed there and placed his blade on the ground. "Hey!" He slapped his face, trying to confirm whether he's unconscious or not. <He's out... What happened here?> Then he turned around, and saw a huge rock wall. It was very tall, so tall that the wall looked as if it reached the skies. A huge stomped can be felt, as roars of a beast was heard. <The monster... This might be quite hard. Judging from the roars, it's big, and it's not very happy with whatever's happening. He quickly walked around the wall, just to find a giant beast. From afar, he can see a man in the skies. <Mages? Only mage can do this kind of damage... but first, I've got to take care of this monster before it causes more trouble.> He thought, as he slowly crept to the beast.

It wasn't nice looking, and the armor it wore looks as if attack by something huge. He didn't care, he waited for a chance for the monster to show an opening, or for the other mage to attack it so he land the final blow.

OOC: I won't be posting for a few hours cause I'm gonna sleep. You can end it if you want, but I thought of attacking you guys from behind. ^.^ No offense, but trying to think of ways to get recruited by the other people.

The setting changes from Earth Land to Desierto


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Tatsuya Sakamoto Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Vince Goodfill Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette
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Staring at the beast and then turning to Alexander he nodded and his hands started glowing red as an aura started to engulf them "Alexander it would seem that it's time for my attack get the beast down here and I'll use my companion to smash through the shattered armor if Briar can't get through but remember once I pull off this attack I'm as useless as that shield toting fool." Sighing heavily he stared at the beast and then at the desert behind it. "Where are you Conner I'd be more appreciative if you were here and could just shadow jump Briar to the top of it to at least give me time to get a surprise attack on the thing's weak spot." shaking his head he slowly speaked to his companion through thought.

"Is everything ready?" 'Yes my friend it would seem that the power of the fire spirits are growing restless it seems they want to fight that thing' "Good because the more willing they are the faster the charge, try to guide them to the focal point in my palms I'll do the rest from there. "Alright sounds good and also, good luck it's gonna be one hell of a fight' "Yeah you said it, but even if I'm out I want you to help them as much as possible your influence might not be as strong without me but you can at least distract it with little shifts in the sand near the base."

Shaking his head he looked at Alexander and nodded. "I'm almost done charging I just hope Conner can get here in time whether to help me attack or pull me out of there, it's mostly up to our old friend to keep me safe."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Kontan Character Portrait: Tatsuya Sakamoto Character Portrait: Briar Cousland Character Portrait: Conner Krosis Character Portrait: Vince Goodfill Character Portrait: Kaeden Everette
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Hearing Ikarugi's bellowing question, Conner flashed out of nowhere grabbed Ikarugi and then quickly vanished again reappearing next to Briar and Conner proceeded to do the same and grab him and vanish again swiftly. The next set amount of distance Conner is porting is a little more strenuous on him because he usually can only do short distance hops consecutively rather than spending one hop on a larger distance. With a little stain on him Conner ports to the top of the thresher with Briar and Ikrugi at his sides and the collars of their clothes clutched in his hands.

Conner then astonishingly shouts "BRIAR NOW!! here's your chance so open this thing up like a lobster!" "Ikarugi as soon as an opening has appeared and you see your shot then take it! After Ikarugi's attack lands I will let go of you two and I'm goin in for my strike!"

Conner then shout loud enough for everyone near by to hear "We're breaking thing open so everyone get yourselves ready for your attacks and be ready if this thing goes berserk after it is cracked open!"

(OOC: If you all didn't know already the teleportation ability that Conner is using is the shadow travel ability of a Shadow Dragon Slayer that I had typed into Conner's profile when I submited his character)