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Tarantella  Restaurant

Tarantella Restaurant


The Tarantella is known as one of the finest restaurants in the rainy city of Portland, Maine. Known for it's cheerful and reliable staff and it's delicious food, the Tarantella is surely a place for people young and old to visit!

913 readers have visited Tarantella Restaurant since DivineRequiem created it.



The Tarantella

The Tarantella was founded in the fall of 1977 by a Giovanni Marino and his brother Anthony Marino, both college students at the time. They came from a big Italian family, one of those that demanded everyone had the family dinner together and you eat everything off your plate. Both of the brothers had been majoring in Cultural Anthropology, and had believed they were quite content with their lives. However, in the summer of 1977 Giovanni came across an abandoned building that had once been a french restaurant and a thought passed into his head of creating something that he and his brother could truly enjoy. It didn't take much convincing for Anthony to agree to the plan and before they knew it they were the owners of the "Tarantella".

Now it's March of 2011, and the restaurant has already been a success for 20 or so years. Almost every local in Portland has visited the "Tarantella" at least once, and barely anyone has given it negative reviews. A few of employees have stayed with the brothers since the beginning, but of course other have come and gone. Now theirs a relatively new batch of employees and this is where the fun really begins.


The employees can be anyone, young (though not under 18)or old. Some might be aspiring musicians who come to play live on Friday nights for the restaurant. Other may be single mothers just trying to make a living in the world and support themselves and their kids.

The point is, everyone in the "Tarantella" is a family and everyone will support and care for each other, no matter what obstacles face them.

I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! Welcome to the family.

* Always looking for more players!*

*Side Note*
Giovanni and Anthony are NPC's and cannot be played by anyone as their main. There just there mainly to watch over everyone.

Code: Select all

[b]Nicknames:[/b](If you have any.)



[b]Role:[/b]( Are you a waiter, bartender, server?)

[b]Orientation:[/b] (Gay, Straight, Bi.)

[b]Status:[/b] (Married, Single,Divorced, Widowed.)

[b]Appearance:[/b](No anime pictures please.)



Toggle Rules

1. Make good creative characters.
2. Only join if you can post at LEAST every other day.
3.Don't.Start.Drama.In.OOC. I will end you. I DESPISE with every fiber of my being....drama.
4.I don't want one liners. Give me at LEAST a paragraph unless it's really slow.
5. Have fun :)

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


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March 25, 2011
7:00 A.M. - Shitty Weather (Rainy with gray clouds.)
"Goooooooooooood Morning Portland! This is your friendly wake up call down here at Radio M! Whether your getting ready for work or-" Whatever the man was going to say next was interrupted by a hand shooting itself from the covers of the queen bed right next to the alarm clock, and slamming itself on top of it.There was a large amount of grumbling from underneath the white covers that were bunched up on top of the bed. Roxanne Harris was not a morning person. She wasn't a afternoon person either, but mornings had to be the worst.

"ROXY! DON'T YOU HAVE WORK TODAY?" The loud male voice came from below, probably near the stairs where her father usually did his yelling. The covers on the bed began to move to reveal the shape of a woman with complete bed head and groggy looking eyes. Ok so she didn't look all that hot in the morning but who the hell did anyways? Roxy reluctantly pulled the rest of the covers off of herself and got up from her bed.She didn't say much as she made her way over towards the bathroom and proceeded to do her morning routine.

Around thirty or so minutes later the "beast" as her father so charmingly referred to her in the mornings had managed to turn into a beauty. As she made her way downstairs to quickly grab a bagel and a capri sun (which she of course knew wasn't the best breakfast, but hell it suited her just fine) she walked right past the silver mirror in the hallway and paused at it. Roxy had managed to tame the wild mane that was her naturally thick brown hair, straightening it and putting it into a long intricate side braid that would wind down her left shoulder. She hadn't put much makeup on this morning, just adding a smidgen of mascara and chap stick and calling herself good. The uniform for the restaurant was just like any classy (or somewhat classy) Italian restaurants. White blouse and black vest with a black skirt and black heels. After making sure she didn't look like such a mess Roxy checked the black watch on her wrist and let out a string of curses after realizing what time it was."Dad, Luka,Daniel! I'll see you all after work alright? Might be working an extra shift though so love ya! LUKA make sure you eat all your oatmeal." She didn't even wait for her father and her two twin siblings replies as she shot out the door of their house and headed towards where the bus would pick her up.

Twenty minutes later after an excruciating smelly bus ride the young waitress had finally made it to the restaurant, albeit a little worn out. Roxy let out a small sigh as she entered the restuarant, already having the hankering for a smoke, even so early in the morning. Working in the food service did that to people.
"Buongiorno ragazza carina!" The booming voice belonged to none other than Giovanni Marino, one of the owners and Roxy's boss that was usually the first brother to come to the restuarant."You made it on time no?" He gave a small chuckled and then gave a wink towards the waitress before walking away towards the backroom, probably to go and call his more lazy brother.

Roxy just shook her head and allowed a brillantly white smile to creep across her tanned face. She was one of the more experienced waitresses here, seeing as she had been working for the brothers since she was 18, giving her four years over most of the people here.

"This is going to be a looooooooong day.." She muttered as she followed Giovanni into the back to grab her apron and start working.


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Aaron woke up, stretched, yawned and hit the button on his alarm clock that was beeping incessantly. In the order. The next thing on his list was waking up his baby girl, she needed to get ready for school. He would take a quick shower and get dressed in his uniform, as usual. Then he ran downstairs to make a quick breakfast for Selina. He was glad she liked peanut butter and jelly, on toast to make it breakfast food. He grinned as she came downstairs dressed in a cute pink dress with purple leggings, "You look nice today, Daddy!" The cheery girl rang out as she sat down to eat her food.

He loved how cheery the girl could be in the mornings, she took after him quite a bit in personality, for sure. After she ate and he had a cup of coffee, it was out the door for them. Selina had morning kindergarden, so it was straight to school for her. Then after that she would ride the bus to grandma's house until Aaron got off of work. His mother was a lifesaver. He watched as Selina interacted with the other kids waiting for their teacher to open the doors and let them in the school. As soon as she was safely inside, he was off to work.

It wasn't a long drive before he was parked and inside the building, "Hello! Who missed me?" He called out in his deep baritone voice. He knew he was likely going to get a response of, "Oh! Not that guy again!" From at least a few people, but he didn't much care. He sauntered towards the back room to get himself all ready to work without waiting for anyone to respond.

He really did love this job, and he'd been working there since a little after Selina was born. He may be huge, but everyone knew he was just a big teddy bear. Nothing to be afraid of, but certainly not a person you'd want to piss off, regardless of his lack of a temper. He smiled at Roxy, "And just how are you this dreary morning?"


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March 25, 2011

Chet had already been at the restaurant since six in the morning to prepare the kitchen. He and the other cooks switched days that they prepared the kitchen. He had even been here before the owners. Today was Monday, which was the day that he had off from school including the weekend. As much as he'd like today to be just a free day to lie around and just hang out with his roommates, he needed the money so he jumped on the full day working. It was seven now, and he was finished prepping the kitchen as Roxy walked in, looking as if she wanted to be here. Chet couldn't blame her, he didn't either. Luckily he was awake now after two cups of coffee. He poked his head through the window and smiled to Roxy. "Hey Roxy," he said and then pulled his head back into the kitchen. Right after that he heard Aaron come through and then looked over to him. "Hey Aaron."

He looked back over to his cup and finished off the last drops of his second coffee. He was extra jumpy now and began to bob up and down entusiastically. Chet ran his fingers through his medium-length, dirty blonde hair and walked out of the kitchen, torwards the employee break room. He mad ehis way inside where Roxy and Aaron both were, getting ready for work, putting on their aprons. He always laughed when he saw the waiters and waitresses in their fancy uniforms. It made Chet smile because they looked so uncomfortable and he didn't have to wear them. "How are you guys?" he asked. Chet walked over to the coffeemaker and filled his third cup with decaf coffee this time. He didn't want to get too jumpy. Well, any more jumpy than he already was.


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#, as written by Liar
"Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllo my wonderful friends and fellow uh......customers!" Said a loud voice that has just came in from entering the restaurant. Of course the chipper voice belonged to the chipper and energetic man known as Alex. He made his way over to his usual table, having no need for any host to assign him a spot and laid back in it waiting to be served water. He loved the Tarantella. Possibly more then his own home in fact he did like it more than his own house. He was currently an art Major at University of Southern Maine, and he was already in his second year. This place had become some what of a sanctuary for him while he did his artwork, hell he painted most of the people that came in every day.

He watched as Aaron wandered in, Roxy ahead of him looking as pretty as ever.Of course she would probably hit him if he said that. Alex grinned at the thought and began talking out his drawing tablet and several pencils while he waited for Roxy to take his order like she usually would.

Breakfast time was usually the slowest time of the day for everyone. Most people didn't go to the Italian restaurant for breakfast, usually waiting until evening which is when this place was the most packed and crazy.

Alex began tapping his chin thoughtfully with a black pencil as he debated what to draw. He then let out an "AH-HAH!" which caused several people around him to turn around and give him a question gaze before returning to their meals.


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"Was the long and dark December, from the rooftops I remember, there was snow....white snow." Mark was usually singing some type of song when he entered the restaurant, preferring to hear the sound of his music then listen to anybody talk to him.He did however take off his headphones when he noticed Giovanni giving him a glare and making a pinched face."Alright alright my bad sir." Mark said snickering slightly as he took out his iPods headphones.

Giovanni merely rolled his eyes and walked back to wherever he had came from, leaving Mark to continue laughing and make his way towards where his other employees were. There was Aaron, the big guy who was kind of a jokester like himself. He liked Aaron for the most part. He had heard he was a single dad so that gave him brownie points in Marks book, seeing as how his own dad raised Mark by himself. Then there was Roxy, the pretty and fiery waitress that didn't put up with anyones shit in the restaurant. Mark admired that in a woman. He kind of dug that hot athletic type but sadly she had rejected time and time again saying she already had someone she liked. Of course that didn't stop him from flirting with her. Like as he was about to do now.

"Hello hot stuff. How are you doing today?"He said as he slid very close to her, his arm brushing up against hers as he reached for his apron."Interested in a little hunting today ?" A lot of people wouldn't know what the hell he was talking about, but the employees probably would. He always liked to make fun of the fact she was older then him, calling her a "cougar" whenever he flirted.

"Sup Chet, Aaron." He said giving a friendly wave at the other two guys.

"So Friday huh? I guess Giovanni's kids band is gonna come play then?"He said questioning the two men with an eyebrow raised.


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Roxy let out a yawn and then smiled as Aaron, the rather handsome and cheerful host, greeted her and then asked "And just how are you this dreary morning?"Roxy grabbed her apron from the hook it was hanging on and placed it over herself."I'm alright I suppose. Could be better. Could be worse. Just another one of those days I guess huh?" She smirked over at the host and then turned her head to see Chet coming towards them."Hey Roxy, Hey Aaron."He said in his usual cheerful manner. Roxy rather liked Chet and his cheerful demeanor. He was one of those people that Roxy has never seen really mad before, unlike her who usually got flustered and pissed at the drop of a pin.

"Heya Chet!" She was about to respond and say more when a familiar voice crept up from behind her saying"Heya hot stuff."Mark. Of course it was Mark. That guy was one of the restaurants youngest members and the most flirtatious."Interested in a little hunting today?" She felt his tanned arm brush past hers and move to grab his apron. She had half a mind to flick the back of his head while he reached for it, but thought against it.

"Not on your life busboy. Anyways shouldn't you have gotten here around the same time as us? Tardiness isn't an attractive feature y'know. Women don't like men to be late to things, or rather "girl" in your case." Roxy shot him a small grin and than patted his head before moving to walk out of the back area.

She had caught sight of Alex on her way in and immediatly made her way over to his table, a tablet and pen in her hands already.

"I'm gonna assume you want your usual? A black coffee with scrambled eggs and extra sharp cheddar on top?"


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Aaron grinned and nodded as he pulled his own apron over his head, "I guess." He shrugged, "I mean, I don't have many days like that because of my little sunshine," He always referred to Selina like that to his fellow employees, "But I get what you mean." He waved at Chet, "Goooooooood morning! I am personally as bright and sunny as every this morning, Thanks! How is Chet, though?" He started to go through a mental checklist of things as he asked, "Kitchen's prepped, yeah?" He knew it would be, but he always made sure, it was one of his more annoying qualities.

He groaned at Mark's flirting. It wasn't endearing to flirt with one's coworkers, in his opinion. He chuckled, however, at Roxy's response to him. "Hey, Mark." He shrugged, "I guess, they almost always do." He walked over, "By the way," He gave the boy a swift punch in the gut, though not nearly as hard as he would if he were actually somehow mad, "What have we told you about sexually harassing your female coworkers, hm?" Then he grinned at Chet, "Another day, huh?" Then he walked backwards out of the room back towards the front of the building.

He noticed several people and nodded curtly at them. He was in work mode now, he had to be polite no matter how much crap he had to do. He always ended up having to help someone with their job, but it didn't matter. It was his job to help with their jobs. He waved to Alex as he walked past, the guy always seemed to be there. He absently wondered what he was going to draw, today.


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#, as written by Liar
Alex smiled brightly when Roxanne(although she always frowned whenever Alex called her that) came over and said in her usual tired yet still friendly voice""I'm gonna assume you want your usual? A black coffee with scrambled eggs and extra sharp cheddar on top?". Alex nodded and then gave a grin."Can you add one cinnamon roll to that too? I'm starving and craving something ridiculously sweet!" As if to show off how hungry he was Alex gave her a frown and began to rub his stomach.

"This whole starving artist thing kind of sucks in the mornings...." He smirked and then watched as she jotted down his order and gave him a look. "Hey Roxy, I think I'm going to draw you today, you alright with that?" He figured she would probably shrug and smile or say"just make sure to make me shorter" or something else like that. He guessed it was just how she was after all.

"I shall call it uh......"Tired in the Morning..."." He didn't say anything else as he suddenly grabbed one of his pencil and began drawing furioulsy. People probably thought he was weird but how could he disagree when he knew he was?

He was just happy everyone at Tarantella's accepted him for who he was.


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Todd groaned, hearing his cell phone vibrate. "Yo, Toddy Boy. We got a gig at your Dad's joint today!" His guitarist Stanley, an incredibly handsome boy with a smoking problem, yelling into his phone, waking the black-haired adult up. He shook his hair out and put his lucky bandana on his wrist and pulling his locket out of his t-shirt. He kissed it, adding a thin layer of mascara and pulling on a black t-shirt. He grabbed some skinny jeans from the floor, and his converse by the door. He pulled on his red beanie and hoodie as his bassist Dallas called. "Toddy Boy, you up?" She asked as Todd got into the cab. His apartment was rather far from the restaurant, considering it was near the recording studio. "Yeah, in the cab. Don't laugh if you hear anyone call me Junior." He answered, remembering their last gig. Mark called him "Junior" since he'd heard it from Chet or someone, and Dallas thought it was "the funniest thing since lobsters".

He walked into the restaurant he grew up in, savoring the smell of coffee and eggs. He hung his hoodie on the hat rack, watching Mark flirt with his crush, Roxy. "Fail man." The younger boy commented to the latter, walking to his father's office. "Hey Roxy, great to see you." He greeted Roxy as he walked into his father's office. He hugged his father and uncle before walking into the kitchen. "Hey Chet, can I get a bacon-and-cheese omlette, chives on top? Thanks a bunch buddy." He called to Chet, pouring three little cups of milk into his coffee. He hated black coffee.

He sat on the counter, playing with the orders. "Hey Aaron!" He greeted, finally spotting the man in the crowd. He wasn't playing until noon, which was not close. He usually hung out until it was time to play.


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Mark grinned at Roxy's reply and then his grin left him as he was lightly punched in the stomach, if anyone considered that light."Oof....jesus man you need to stop working out...or eating." He rubbed his stomach and pulled on his apron , tying the strings around his waist and walking towards the kitchen.He waved towards Junior(which is what he called Todd the owners son) and then continued on his way to the kitchen.

As he made his way over towards the sink he let out a small gasp as he saw the rather large pile of dishes."Godammit! Not again! I'm glad this place is popular but this is freaking RIDICULOUS MAN!"

Wasn't much Mark could do though except grit his teeth and start cleaning."Can we at least turn on some music? I'm positive I'm going to drown myself in the soapy water if I have to hear the sound of everyone chewing out there....."

Mark rolled his eyes and cotninued scrubbing, knowing there probably wasn't going to be any music."Just figured I would ask...."


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Peirce groaned snuggling deeper into his fort of black sheets, pillows, and giant comforter. He hoped the fluffiness would drown out the shrill, annoying sheirk of his alarm clock. he shot his pale arm from the black abyss and slamed his hand down on the sleep button and all went silent.

he rubbed his eyes and sat up with a giant yawn and thought of how good a hot shower would feel right about now. So he quickly jumped out of the bed careful not to fall on the dark wood floor, which he did alot. He walked in to the bath room and slid off his clothes and stepped into the warm descending water. After washing his hair and body, he stepped out of the shower, dried off and tied the towel around his waist, plugged in his straightener then began walking over to his closet.

He pulled out black slacks, a white button down(or up, those shirts just confuse me >.<), and a black vest. His work uniform. He quickly got dressed and slipped on his shoes and walking over to his bath room again. his brushed his hair and began straightening it, burning his fingers many times in the process. After finnishing with his hair he applied a small amouth of black eyeliner on his eyes, to make the bright blue color pop.

After finishing he walked into his living room and grabbed his cell phone and slid it into his pocket. He walked over to his little kitten and kissed her goodbye and sat her in the pen she stayed in while he was at work.'' be good Stella Luna.'' he said walking out and locking the door. He walked down to the apartment parking garage and pulled out his keys.

He hopped onto his motorcycle ignoring the scared feeling in the pit of his stomach. He let the engine roar to life as he zoomed out of the parking garage and down the road. after a few minutes he was at the restaurant. he slid off the bike and kicked out the kick stand to prop the bike up. he pulled out the keys sliding them into his pocket.

He tugged lightly at his hair then walked in. '' Hey everyone!'' he called giving one of his amazing smiles. he gave a small wave to Chet.'' Hey Chet!'' He said in a flirty kind of voice.


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Chet smiled to the people coming in and then walked back into the kitchen where the head chef was now along with one other cook. "Chester, begin work," said the head chef, Lorenzo. He was fresh from Italy and could speak english, but not perfectly. He still had a heavy accent and slurred his words together sometimes.

"Calm down Lorenzo, and please call me Chet," Chet said and he patted him on the back. "It's the morning. Nobody's here." That wasn't entirely true, but one chef was good enough, they didn't need three people here. He walked over to the cutting board and began to chop up red pepper, green pepper and onion for the various breakfast plates. Peirce walked in and said hello to everyone, and then to Chet alone. "Hey Peirce," he said and smiled back. He knew Peirce was gay, it was deffinately no secret but Chet didn't think twice about his many flirtatious winks and looks torwards Chet. Chet didn't usually go for guys like Peirce, but he was always up for something new.

Mark walked in and went over to the sink. He began to ramble on about things that Chet didn't pay much attention to. Mark thought out loud and most of the time Chet asked what he said, he responded by saying he was talking to himself. "How are you Mark?" he asked and smiled over to him. "Besides the pile of dishes." Then Todd walked by and looked into the window and asked for an omelette from Chet.

"Todd, doesn't your band play in oh, four hours?" he said laughing. "I hope you're planning on paying for this one. My work is worth much more than free." After he said that he felt a metal spatula hit him in the back of the head. "Ah!" He flipped around and saw Lorenzo staring him down, red in the face.

"My work! Not yours! No!" He smacked him one more time in the back of the head and went back to work, grumbling to himself. "Damn Lorenzo. Calm yourself." He looked over to the other cook and to Mark. "Did you see that Mark?"


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Peirce gave a flirty smile to Chet then walked behind the bar counter as a man walked up. Peirce raised his brows curiously and smiled at the man.'' Hello sir, would you like something to drink?'' he asked watching the man sit down. the man sighed and looked at Peirce.'' Yes please, just a simple beer please.'' he said pulling out some money and handing it to Peirce. ''Thank you sir.'' Peirce smiled at him the walked over pulling a beer from a chest and sliding it down to the man, who nodded in return.

Peirce sighed and looked around boredly. He yawned again and rubbed his eye, careful not to smudge his eyeliner. he looked around at all the people in the restaurant. he was wondering if Chet had even the slightest clue that he was flirting with him the best he knew how, or if he thought that he was just being nice. All in all peirce would very much enjoy a simple date with the cook.

(short i know my brain just kinda died -_-)


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#, as written by Alan23
" ---and %^$%#$ STAY out, you faithless CHEAT!"
Cheyne "Oz' Sherman winced, as the plate she'd thrown hit his square between the shoulder blades. Damn it, talk about bad luck. He'd been onto a good thing, getting into Kelly's good graces, and moving into her apartment. getting into Brook's good graces as well - a back up position never hurts - had also seemed like a good move at the time. Until Brook had rung his cellphone that morning, and left a message full of highly erotic endearments, and Kelly had, innocently enough, picked up his phone while he was in the shower, and heard them! Mind you, she needn't have picked up, and abused Brook, who had abused her back. Somehow, women being the strange animals they were, the situation had ended up with Brook and Kelly being the best of tearful friends, and him being the evil, two-timing cheating enemy. Oh well...

"And take your crappy stuff, too!" came Kelly's shrill voice form the second floor window. His backpack landed with a thump. Good thing he'd wrapped his iPod in a t-shirt - this wasn't the first time he'd been ejected from an outraged woman's apartment. He stood there, in his underpants, waving airily to a matronly looking woman who hurried her two children by, snapping her head to not look in his direction! He caught the word "disgusting" as she vanished.

He shrugged, picked up his stuff, and found a niche where he could get dressed. Ten minutes later, decently clad at least, he wandered back into the arena we call life. Homeless again - and until he could raise the money to get the SUV fixed, he was stuck here. He needed a job, a place to stay... another lady friend would be nice. But more important, he needed food. He hadn't even had a chance to drink the coffee Kelly had made for him while he was in the shower.

He shrugged, and walked around the corner. First step was to find a coffee stall or something. There was no way he could think without caffeine. And then, the blessed, wonderful sharp smell of his favorite beverage caught his nostrils. Embracing the odor like a lover, he followed his nose.

Tarantella, eh? Wasn't that a kind of spider, or something? An Italian joint eh? Who cared? He doubt they'd confine themselves to just spag and meatballs at this time of the day. Surely even Italians ate eggs and ham and civilized food occasionally. He wandered in, fund a table, and waited until one of the staff caught his attention. There was a guy at the bar already, obviously a serious drinker. Some music had started up. He'd caught sight of a waitress, just vanishing behind a table. She had long legs = well, she was pretty tall all round, really - and gorgeous eyes. He didn't care of the coffee was one step down from dishwater, if it was served by someone like that.

He waited until one of the staff was free, idly reading the menu, relaxing.


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#, as written by Baby
Daisy fixed her hair one more time, just to make sure her ringlets were perfect. Daisy understood that pretty waitresses get better tips. And money was never her enemy. She slipped through the back door of the kitchen. Steam and food and busy hands were everywhere of course. The chefs hated that she used that door, but it was the better way to go about things then clock in through the main entrance.

Daisy scurried around and found the door that led out to the dining area. She clocked in, made sure she had everything in her apron and began her routine.

"Hi! I'm Daisy! Welcome to Tarantella! How many are in your party?"


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Roxy smirked and then jotted down Alex's order. "You got it sunshine, and hell draw me all you like!" She gave him a small wink before turning around and smiling at Todd and watching him as he walked over to probably ask for something to eat from Chet.She shook her head and then made her way over towards one of the guys that had just come in. He was a interesting looking guy . Blue eyes and red hair, and even though he was slightly slouched down in his chair she could tell he was tall.

"Benvenuto ! My names Roxy and I will be your server this morning. You want anything to drink this morning? Our latte's are pretty delicious and our cinnamon rolls are to die for." She smiled down at the man and raised her hand up towards her face, pushing back a stray piece of brown hair that was threatening to come out and bug her the whole day.

While she waited for the man to answer Roxy couldn't help but look around and admire all the customers coming in. She had been working here for four years already and knew most of the customers. This place was practically a home for her (and the only time she got mostly to herself). While she was looking around, Giovanni came out from his office with Anthony behind him and began speaking to some of the customers. It was mostly in Italian and while Roxy knew a bit of it she wasn't really able to make out everything the brothers were saying.

She turned her attention back to the man and merely waited for him to look at the menu and decide.


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#, as written by Liar
Alex paused his drawing for a moment and gave a small salute to his waitress friend."Much obliged !" He watched as she walked away and greeted a customer, actually a new person Alex had never seen at the restaurant before. He tilted his head to the side and examined the man . Pretty tall with blue eyes and dark red hair. He was really tan too, or at least as tan as Roxy was. He looked...foreign somehow seeing as Maine wasn't exactly a place where the sun shined the most. Hell Alex hadn't had a tan since he moved her from Florida.

Australian?The way he dressed was certainly rugged. Alex shrugged his shoulders and continued drawing or at least he did until two women were assigned a table near his and began gossiping about something rather interesting. The man that Roxy was talking to. Alex leaned in rather inconspicuously and tried his best to eavesdrop on the two middle aged women.

"Oh my goodness Linda, that's the one I was telling you about! I just saw him get thrown out of house by a woman."

"Darlene keep your voice down! He's going to hear tell me what exactly happened?"

"Well it wasn't that long ago, maybe fifteen minutes or so and he was standing outside in his underwear!" It was at this time the women paused, looking directly at the man and then putting their head closer together, making it that much harder for Alex to hear.

"How you think he cheated?"

"Probably, the girl looked about ready to claw his eyes out. She threw his stuff out into the sidewalk too!"
The woman stopped speaking here and just began giggling as a waiter stopped by and offered them water.

Alex raised an eyebrow and looked towards the "cheater" guy and just shook his head.


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#, as written by Alan23
Cheyne looked up at the pretty waitress. Roxy, huh? Even her name was pretty. "Benvenuto" he replied, mangling the pronunciation. "Roxy, it's like this. I've had the worst morning a bloke could have, and I'm feeling about as low as a lizard's ball - er - stomach. I'm going to need caffeine, in as big a mug as you can find, and tomatoes on wholemeal toast with basil, and a serving of ham. And thanks for the smile... it's the first one I've seen all day, and it was worth the wait. And erm - do you think you can find me a newspaper? The part with the want ads in it, if that's OK?"


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""How are you Mark? Besides the pile of dishes haha?" Mark rolled his eyes over at the cheerful cook and slammed down the brush he had been using to scrub away the remnants of egg and meat from a plate."Well I once again got rejected by a older woman, and then I got punched in the stomach my the Hulk. All in all a pretty good morning I think."He flashed a devilish smile over towards his friend and was about to continue washing until he saw Todd swing by, asking for an omelet."NO! For the love of godman get a cinnamon roll! I can't handle cleaning all these damn eggs off the plate!" Mark watched as Chet cheerfully laughed and said"I hope you're planning on paying for this one. My work is worth much more than free." Mark was about to speak again when he saw aLorenzo walking towards Chet with a very annoyed expression on his face . He raised up his hand and boinked the cook on the back of the head with his metal spatula.""My work! Not yours! No!" He said spitting out some of the words causing Mark to clutch his stomach in an attempt to stop laughing.

"Did you see that Mark?" Chet said with a large amount of amusement of indignation in his voice."Bro I did and it was pretty funny haha!" Of course it was only funny until Lorenzo ended up throwing the spatula, hitting Mark in the arm.

"You get wash ze dishes boy! You don't get paid to talk and giggle like girl yes!?" Lorenzo barked at Mark and then turned his attention away from the others ,going about his buissness.

" need to get violent......" Mark said rubbing his arm and then sticking his tongue out in a very childish way at the Chef.

"Five bucks says he hasn't got laid in a month..."


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Todd stuck his tongue out at the busboy and stretched unconsciously. He stopped quickly realizing his black t-shirt was rizing. Along with the embarassment of showing his stomach to an openly gay guy, there was a quick flash of a circle of blue and black bruises around his waist. He new boyfriend came to the apartment last night drunk, and Todd knew it wasn't going to be pretty. As he dug into the delicious omelet prepared by Chet, he couldn't help but relive the moment last night in his mind.

A week ago Dallas had introduced him to one of her ultra rich gay friends Wayne de Lousse, a French boy with a light accent and loving heart. They had two dates already and Wayne was a perfect guy. Until he got drunk. He would become a cold, cruel man no one would trust with a knife. No one could notice, and it would break his heart if the employees, who're closer than family to him, saw him like he was when he was with his old abusive boyfriend Emilio. Wayne came in every Friday and would be in the crowd.

He heard the door slam, the stench of beer instantly hitting his nose. He peeked out the door, kicked onto the marble floor of Wayne's house. He kicked the younger boy several times with the steel tip of his boot, yanking him by his hair into the kitchen. The extremely hot stove burned his side as he older boy etched a big heart on the back of his stomach before passing out. He cleaned himself and Wayne up before falling stomach-first into bed.

He shuddered and shook his head, as if the mere action could make the pain go away. He finished his omelet, handing Chet a twenty. "Don't say you can't accept this, I got a job. Don't tell Dad, he'll go balistic. But, I'm working at a tattoo shop, since I learned to be a tattoo artist before I dropped out of college." He hopped off the counter as Dallas walked in, her icy blonde hair whipping behind her in a high ponytail. He hugged her, smiling even as his t-shirt stuck to his back. He hoped to God none of the employees would call him "Junior". He knew if anyone, it would be Mark. The nickname his dad gave him wasn't any better.

"Junior!" Anthony exclaimed, grabbing his nephew in a headlock. Dallas heard the familiar name, and busted out laughing. The newer customers glared as they returned to their meals. "Uncle Andy!" Todd whined, pushing out of his uncle's arm. Stanley walked in next, smiling at Todd before running at him. Todd caught the heavier boy, immediately dropping him.

"What the fuck-" Todd hit Stanley on his head, as he did always when the guitarist cussed. "I mean, what the freak?" Stanley asked, glaring as he ordered a cinnamon roll. He looked over to Roxy, who was waiting for a man to order. Dammit, she reminded him so much of Westley! He wiped a tear from his eye and surveyed the customers. He knew most of them, some of them old enough he know him as a little boy. The older employees had been with him through thick and thin, and he even remembered holding Chet's hand a few years ago when he was at his mother's funeral. He'd never seen his father and uncle cry so much. He'd just broken up with Emilio, and it was all too much.

"Have fun with the dishes!" Todd called to Mark before going to the back to practice.


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Aaron grinned back at Todd and waved calling, "Hey Junior!" Over the crowd. He raised his eyebrow as a new customer just walked to a table on their own but just shrugged it off, it was breakfast, nobody really cared. There was a spill at one of the tables and he went to clean it up, save Mark the trouble. As he walked around, checking on everything, he noticed Daisy. He smiled at her, "Good morning, Daisy dearest! You're looking particularly lovely this morning!" He wasn't flirting, not by a long shot. He was just being himself, however annoying that could be at times.

Then it became, as it always was, his personal mission to make sure everyone in the restaurant had everything they needed and nothing they didn't want was there. He often had short conversations with the customers about things, one older woman even asked him about Selina. A lot of these people had known him since he started working at the restaurant. Hell, they probably remembered back when he was a waiter. Though, he wished people would stop trying to set him up with their granddaughters/daughters/sisters/friends. It got old after a while, especially when it was the same four people every day.


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#, as written by Baby
"Good morning, Daisy dearest! You're looking particularly lovely this morning!"

Before Daisy could get to her newest table, she heard an all too familiar voice compliment her. Still walking to her table, she turned around, spotted Aaron, and blew a kiss at him. Daisy wasn't one to turn down flattery. She reached the table with three elderly ladies and gave them her standard greeting.

"Hi! I'm daisy and I'll be your waitress for today! May I start you off with something to drink and some freshly baked bread?" The elderly women took their time and finally ordered tea and bread. Daisy carried their small snacks to them and sighed under her breath. Elderly people sometimes take too long for her patience. The door opened and two young males came in. Daisy saw another waitress sneaking her way to the entrance but Daisy was wiser. She slid through tables and knew how to best avoid server traffic, thus reaching the door first.

"Hello! How many are in your party?" Daisy took a small second to wink at the waitress behind her and then returned her attention to her new party.


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Roxy gave a wink at the Australian man and scibbled away on her tablet."You got it! I'll see if I can find ya a paper too. My boss probably has one or something." She gave him another smile and then began to walk towards the kitchen and give Chet the order."Heya sport! "She said waving over to Todd who was messing around with his friends.

She moved over to the little wheel where the waitress's placed their order sheets and hung up both Alex's and the Australian guys orders. As she turned around she took notice of several teenage boys, dressed in rather preppy and jockish looking clothes heading towards a open table and taking a seat.

"Do kids even GO to school anymore? Seriously....I like never see them there. Oh whatever I guess I'll take the damn table. Mark! Expect a big mess for your ass clean up hun!" She said winking over at where the busboy was busy cleaning the never ending pile of dishes.

She let out a sigh and moved towards where the boys were talking loudly, taking out her pen and paper once more to write down their orders.

"Welcome to the Tarantella, my name is Roxy and I'll be your-"

"What the hells a "Tarantella" by the way?" One of the boys, a brown haired guy with green eyes and a rather big forehead asked looking up at Roxy with a grin on his face. The other guys around him laughed and punched each other in the arm, making Roxy let out a small sigh once more.

"It's a type of Italian folk can I start you off with anything to drink today?"

"Do the waiters dance for their customers then ? If we paid would you dance?" Several of the guys smirked at eachother and one even had the gall to throw a twenty dollar bill on the table and pat his lap, as if Roxy was going to give him a lap dance.

Everyone in the restaurant could tell the difference between when Roxy really smiled....and when she smiled right before she punched somebody.
"I don't dance but....if you throw a fifity on the table I can take it and shove it up your ass pretty far, how does that sound little boy?" see this was exactly why Roxy didn't like teenagers(except Todd).

The boys stopped laughing."What the hell did you just say to me bitch?" Said the dark haired billboard brow guy that had thrown the money on the table.

"So you have a hearing problem as well as being an asshole?"

She should have shut up but that was simply impossible by now. Two of the boys got up and the others just sat down with a rather dumb look on their faces. This obviously wasn't going to be good.


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Todd blushed as the second time he was called Junior came around. He blushed especially red when Roxy called him "sport", but Stanley was bent over in laughter. He started to laugh, then a teenager he knew called Roxy a bitch. That really got him going. He walked over, a grin on his face. "The only bitch I see here is you. Now this is a family restaurant, and-" He was interrupted by a punch in the stomach, which knocked the wind out of him. The boy already standing kicked him in the stomach, stepping on his chest as he walked around Roxy. He took in a deep breath, scooting out of the way. "Not done with you, Marino!" Billboard Brow also known as Alex Peterson growled, grabbing Todd by the front of his t-shirt.

"You kids aren't fighting in my restaurant." Giovanni growled, Alex throwing Todd to the ground. They sexually harassed Roxy a little more before leaving. He felt his phone vibrate, and it was a text from Wayne.

I'm leaving for New York with my new boyfriend. I gave your stuff to your dad. Bye :)

He laid there, shocked. He stood up, wiping tears from his eyes as he ran into his father's office and locked the door. Why? What did ge do to deserve this? He got out the picture he had of him and Westley, and started sobbing while curling up on his favorite couch in his father's office, where he and Westley had shared their first kiss. He loved the couch and it was where he usually cried.


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#, as written by Baby
"I don't dance but....if you throw a fifity on the table I can take it and shove it up your ass pretty far, how does that sound little boy?"

Daisy's left eye twitched as she glided away from her customers to the source of the raging female known as Roxy. Who else could that have been? As Daisy approached the scene she saw a boy with brown hair and large brows getting pretty roused.

"What the hell did you just say to me bitch?" Daisy stopped right in her tracks. Did that little kid just say bitch? Did he direct that obscenity towards Roxy? Daisy looked around, wondering if the male waiters would kindly take care of this, but before she could even look properly she started walking closer and closer to the table, her temper flaring. At first, Daisy would have tried to scold Roxy for her temper and how it would affect Tarantella's reputation, but things were different. Somebody had to go down. And right before the lunch shift.

"So you have a hearing problem as well as being an asshole?"

Before Daisy could even approach the table, there was a whirlwind fight that she barely caught on to. And once she saw a noncoworker fight in front of the other customers, she turned on her heel and kept it going. At least Roxy was defended.

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Character Portrait: Daisy Armando
0 sightings Daisy Armando played by RolePlayGateway
"How many in the party?"

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Peirce Alexen
Character Portrait: Roxanne Harris
Character Portrait: Alexander Hardington
Character Portrait: Mark Rolan


Character Portrait: Mark Rolan
Mark Rolan

"Can't we all just get along?"

Character Portrait: Alexander Hardington
Alexander Hardington

"Can I get a black coffee?"

Character Portrait: Roxanne Harris
Roxanne Harris

"Do I need to repeat myself?"

Character Portrait: Peirce Alexen
Peirce Alexen

''What would you like to drink tonight, Sir?''


Character Portrait: Peirce Alexen
Peirce Alexen

''What would you like to drink tonight, Sir?''

Character Portrait: Roxanne Harris
Roxanne Harris

"Do I need to repeat myself?"

Character Portrait: Mark Rolan
Mark Rolan

"Can't we all just get along?"

Character Portrait: Alexander Hardington
Alexander Hardington

"Can I get a black coffee?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Mark Rolan
Mark Rolan

"Can't we all just get along?"

Character Portrait: Peirce Alexen
Peirce Alexen

''What would you like to drink tonight, Sir?''

Character Portrait: Alexander Hardington
Alexander Hardington

"Can I get a black coffee?"

Character Portrait: Roxanne Harris
Roxanne Harris

"Do I need to repeat myself?"

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Most recent OOC posts in Tarantella Restaurant

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

Well It's offically dead haha. Not to worry though, I may re-open it at a later date. Thanks to everyone for joining :)

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

Gag! Sorry I haven't posted yet! Kinda got busy and shit...I'll get up a post tonight, at the latest. Again, I really am sorry, I hate school so much.

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

So basically breakfast time at the restuarant is already over. Todd(The Owners son) got into a little bit of a tussle when a customer insulted Roxy(My character) and ran to the back office where some slight drama went down. Other then that things have been relatively normal. It's lunchtime now so maybe your character is just coming in for her shift or maybe shes coming in to learn from one of the employees?

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

Hey could you give me an overview of what has happened so I'm not totally lost? i would really appreciate it.

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

No Todd was wonderful! Marks posting right now XD I spammed text messages to his ass XD

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

I'm sure Todd didn't sing that bad... :/

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

Sure :) Always love to have new characters haha

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

If you dont mind me comeing in so late i would love to join

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

XDLol! I will post soon haha after mark and Liar have :)

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

Good - I wanna flirt with Roxy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

XD! No Ill text Mark to post and Liar told me he was planning on posting soon :) Then we can get things going again

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

Did Todd's singing drive everyone away from posting :^{

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

Awsome XD La La Land here i come!

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

Can i just pretend like Peirce took a cat nap behind the bar counter thingy?

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

Still grounded i think......but im at school till seven wanna help a guy out and give me a sum up? XD no deleting this time!

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

I have not flown away! And I am accepting characters haha XD Im sorry Ive just been ridiculously busy guys! Ishall post and I will text Mark to post too>:D

Re: [OOC] Tarantella Restaurant

Seems like our GM has flown away like the butterfly she is...