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Team Rocket: Resurgence

Team Rocket: Resurgence


Ten years ago, a young trainer defeated Team Rocket, causing it to disband. Now, Team Rocket has resurfaced, gaining more power than before, and all Rika wanted to do was find her brother. What is Team Rockets connection to his disappearance?

2,005 readers have visited Team Rocket: Resurgence since Calais created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



"Be still, sad heart, and cease repining; Behind the clouds the sun is shining; Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Within Temptation :||: What Have You Done :|
Rise Against :||: Saviour :|

Pokémon Trainer; a person who catches, trains, cares for and battles with Pokémon.
Team Rocket; a villainous team in pursuit of evil and the exploitation of Pokémon.

There is a certain time in a young trainers life, where he or she seeks out adventure. When they come of age, usually at the age of ten, children are given their first Pokémon to fulfill their desires, whatever they may be. Some seek to become champions, others seek to be breeders or even Gym Leaders, however; never do they decide to become evil. They do not choose to follow a dark path, but sometimes, dark things find their way deep into their hearts, corrupting the pure soul in the process. Whatever life they may have chosen, falls apart before them, and they turn to evil deeds. It is souls like these, that have started organizations, one widely known as Team Rocket.

For years, Team Rocket caused mischief and chaos. They stole trainer's Pokémon, tried to gather more followers, and corrupt the young of heart. Their morales were for world domination, and they would have it one way or another. They would not stop at just world domination, either. Their plans further went to controlling Pokémon, making it so that only members of Team Rocket could possess them, however; their plans would never reach full fruition. A young trainer, one who had the simple desire to protect and become the champion, managed to impede their plans. With the help of his friends, the young trainer managed to defeat the Leader of Team Rocket, and with that caused Team Rocket to disband, however; no one knew who this trainer was. When it was done, he disappeared, leaving no trace of his existence behind. Things, however, never stay forgotten.

Ten years after Team Rocket disbanded, rumors circulated of the reformation of Team Rocket under the guidance of a new leader. They have thrived under the leadership, becoming more of a threat to the world than anyone could have imagined. Pokémon are being stolen, trainers are going missing, and it all points to Team Rocket. There are those who tried to fight off Team Rocket, as the young trainer once did, however; they all proved no match for the new organization. Some have given up hope, and believe that Team Rocket will achieve what they have ultimately desired; world domination. There are those who believe, though, that the young trainer will return, and he will thwart Team Rocket again, however; none know where he is. Some believe he was just a ghost, however; there was one who remembered him.

Rika has searched for her brother for years, following any leads she could find in hopes of seeing him again. She believes his disappearance may be connected to Team Rocket, and has searched for signs of their organizations base. She has had no luck, however; she is reluctant to give up. Can a few new friends help her, along the way? What are their ties to Team Rocket? Is there something more at work, or will Team Rocket finally become a force to be feared? This is their story, and only they can tell it.

Some plot details belong to Azazel from her previous Role-play, "A Girl and Her Magikarp"


© Warning: These are my own rules.
Do not take, alter, or use in any way without my permission first.
This is not here for your personal use.

||: Character Reservations :|| There will be no character reservations, however; that doesn't imply that there will be an unlimited amount of available spots. At most, there will be four open positions, and that number could decrease or increase. That decision, however, will be made at my own discretion. It also means, though, that you are not exactly permitted to just submit a character and expect it to be acknowledged. Notify me in the OOC thread that you are interested in creating a character. Should I receive a character that I have not been told of, I will immediately reject it. It is just courteous to tell others of your interest. Once you have made a reservation, you have a total of Forty-Eight hours to submit a work in progress, and an additional Twenty-Four hours to complete it. Should, for any reason, you need more time on your character, please do not be afraid to ask for an extension. In most case scenarios, I will grant it.

||: Characters :|| When creating a character, please do not restrict yourselves. Get creative with them! Make them former members of Team Rocket, if you wish, or make them Gym Leaders who are currently on hiatus. If you have something else in mind, please do not be afraid to PM me those questions or suggestions! I will respond to them as soon as I can. Images for your Pokémon should be no larger than 250x250. For images, This site has proven useful. When looking for Shiny Pokémon, I'm afraid there aren't a lot of rendered images for them, however; I have found a few so if you need help looking for one, I will be more than happy to provide you the image for it. Roles are limited and, depending on interest and character submissions, may be reduced.

||: Legendary and Shiny Pokémon :|| You may NOT have any legendary Pokémon whatsoever. That is the only thing I will say about that. As far as shiny Pokémon go, you may have one. There will be no more than that, so please refrain from asking for more. Choose your shiny wisely. Also, it would be a bit weird if everyone had a shiny Pokémon in their care, so if you do choose to have a shiny, please inform me when reserving your character. I will allow two trainers, max, to have one.

||: God-modding and Character Control :|| The right to God-mod belongs to the GM and anyone the GM has dubbed as their Co-GM. In other words, do not god-mod without the blessing of either myself, or my co-GM. Listen to what we have to say and do as you are told. That... probably sounded a little harsh but I promise that I will not micro-manage you. All I ask is that you do not control another player's character unless that player has given you direct permission to do so, do not auto-hit another player or their Pokémon, but do not also let your character/Pokémon dodge every attack. Should that happen, I will go into the God-mod mode and beat the living daylights out of your character and their team. Also, do not presume to know how other characters will react to your character. This goes hand in hand with controlling a person's character. You cannot know that one character will act all lovey-dovey or angry with something your character does or says. Give the other players time to control their characters own reactions. For the love that is all and holy, DO NOT control any NPC's that do not belong to you. Unless I give you permission to control an NPC, do not do it. Just... just don't. I will find a way to internet kick you and it will not be pleasant. NPC's are to be treated as an important character because likely, they are. I would not introduce an NPC otherwise.

||: Schedule and Expectations :|| RL, otherwise known as Real Life. Some of us have one, some of us don't. In other words, I do not expect you to be able to post every day, nor am I expecting you to. We all live in different time zones, some of us might live in the same one, therefore; our abilities to be on at the same time are a little complicated. Post when you can, when it doesn't interfere with your life first, but if you are going to be gone longer than four days, at least notify us via PM or OOC thread. We will work around your character to continue the role-play enough so that it won't hinder your character's interaction with others. If, for any reason, you find yourself unable to continue, just tell us. I promise we won't maim you for dropping out. Sometimes commitment can be an issue and we are understanding. Should you fail to notify us of your departure, I will personally maim and destroy your character in the cruelest way possible. Not that it would matter, really, but there will be a point to it. Also, there is a high possibility that this will require the use of collab posts.

||: Q & A :|| Exactly what it sounds like. Please do not be afraid to ask questions. Even if they sound dumb to you, ask them anyways. No question is dumb, nor is it stupid to have asked in the first place. Questions are so you can get a better understanding of how things are working, or if you just feel if you should do something different. Ask. Ask. Ask. PM the questions to me, message me via the chat system, or just slip the questions on into the OOC thread. I promise to answer them to the best of my abilities and as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you need help with the character sheet, mine is up for reference, or if you still need help, I will do my best to do so!

||: Content :|| There will be a variety of content in this role-play ranging from violence, to sweet and fluffy. There will be adult themes present, such as character death, possible death of a Pokémon, and other such mature content. This was created with the intentions of being a mature role-play, however; nothing should be too graphic. By all means, be creative, but stay within RPG's rules. This goes for anything romance related to. Follow RPG's rules about such things, and if things get a little heated between your characters, take it to the PM system and fade to black in the IC thread. Plus, we really don't need to know the exact details of your characters flings. By all means, romance is encouraged as long as it stays Simple and Clean. See what I did there..

||: Have Fun :|| Last Rule, I promise. Have fun with this! This is meant to be a character driven story, however; that doesn't mean it has to be tense. If, for some reason, you do not get a long with another player, please keep to the PM's to work out your differences. IC conflict is fine, but OOC conflict will not be tolerated. We are here to have fun, and create a story we can all, hopefully, enjoy. We all want to grow as writers, and who am I to deny someone that chance to grow? I do reserve the right to be picky about it, though, so...


© Warning: This is my own, personal Character Sheet.
Do not take, alter, or use in any way without my permission first.
This is not here for your personal use.

Some alterations and additions thanks to Morpheus

Code: Select all
[hr][/hr][hr][/hr][center][img]CHARACTER NAME[/img][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][img]CHARACTER IMAGE[/img][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][font=FONT][size=120]"[color=#HEX1]QUOTE.[/color]"[/size][/font][/center][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][center][font=cambria math][color=#HEX1]ARTIST |:[/color] [url=LINK][color=#333333]SONG TITLE[/color][/url] :|[/font]
[font=cambria math][color=#HEX1]ARTIST |:[/color] [url=LINK][color=#333333]SONG TITLE[/color][/url] :|[/font][/center][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][right][img]IMAGE[/img][add as needed, if needed]
[color=#HEX2][b]█[/b][/color][color=transparent]X[/color][color=#HEX1]¦[/color][/size][/left][justify][font=cambria math][size=90]|:[b][u][color=#HEX1]N I C K N A M E[/color][/u][/b]:|
[b]Nickname(s)[/b]; [Add as Needed]

|:[b][u][color=#HEX1]A G E[/color][/u][/b]:|
|:[u][color=#HEX1][b]H O M E[/b][/color][/u][color=transparent]x[/color][u][color=#HEX1][b]T O W N[/b][/color][/u]:|
|:[u][color=#HEX1][b]T R A I N E R[/b][/color][/u][color=transparent]x[/color][u][color=#HEX1][b]T Y P E[/b][/color][/u]:|
|:[u][color=#HEX1][b]F A C E[/b][/color][/u][color=transparent]x[/color][u][color=#HEX1][b]C L A I M[/b][/color][/u]:| Person; [i]Game/Anime[/i]

[color=#000000][b]--»[/b][/color] |:[b][u][color=#HEX1]H A I R[/color][/u][/b]:|
[Hair color, length and style]

[color=#000000][b]--»[/b][/color] |:[b][u][color=#HEX1]E Y E S[/color][/u][/b]:|

[color=#000000][b]--»[/b][/color] |:[b][u][color=#HEX1]H E I G H T[/color][/u][/b]:|

[color=#000000][b]--»[/b][/color] |:[b][u][color=#HEX1]W E I G H T[/color][/u][/b]:|

[color=#000000][b]--»[/b][/color] |:[b][u][color=#HEX1]B U I L D[/color][/u][/b]:|
[Body shape, build]

[color=#000000][b]--»[/b][/color] |:[b][u][color=#HEX1]M A R K I N G S[/color][/u][/b]:|
[Scars; Any Tattoos?]

|:[b][u][color=#HEX1]P O T E N T I A L[/u][/b][/color][color=transparent]x[/color][u][b][color=#HEX1]I N T E R E S T[/u][/b][/color]:|
[Doesn’t have to be a specific character. An idea of your character’s attitude towards relationships, love, and sexuality in general. Also their type, if they have one.][/size][/font][/justify][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][left][img]IMAGE[/img][add as needed, if needed]
[color=#HEX1]¦[/color][color=transparent]X[/color][color=#HEX2][b]█[/b][/color][/size][/right][justify][font=cambria math][size=90]|: [b][u][color=#HEX1]T A L E N T S[/u][/b][/color] :|
[color=#000000][b]--»[/b][/color] [b][u]Talents[/u][/b] || [Add as needed; Max 10]

|: [b][u][color=#HEX1]Q U I R K S[/u][/b][/color] :|
[color=#000000][b]--»[/b][/color] [b][u]Oddity/Quirk[/u][/b] || [Add as needed; Max 4]

|:[b][u][color=#HEX1]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/u][/b][/color]:|
[color=#000000][b]--»[/b][/color] [b][u]TRAIT[/u][/b]; [i]definition[/i]

[color=#000000][b]--»[/b][/color] [b][u]TRAIT[/u][/b]; [i]definition[/i][Add as needed; Max 5]
[Define][/size][/font][/justify][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][right][img]IMAGE[/img][add as needed, if needed]
[color=#HEX2][b]█[/b][/color][color=transparent]X[/color][color=#HEX1]¦[/color][/size][/left][justify][font=cambria math][size=90]|:[b][u][color=#HEX1]F A M I L Y[/u][/b][/color]:|
[b]Name[/b]; Father; [i]Status[/i]; Occupation
[b]Name[/b]; Mother; [i]Status[/i]; Occupation
[b]Name[/b]; Sibling(s) [Brother or Sister]; [i]Status[/i]; Occupation [Add as needed; Max 5]

|:[b][u][color=#HEX1]B A C K G R O U N D[/u][/b][/color]:|
History[/size][/font][/justify][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][center][img][/img][/center][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][center][font=FONT][size=120]"[color=#HEX1]Quote Goes Here[/color]"[/font][/size][/center][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][left][img]IMAGE[/img][/left][left][font=cambria math][size=90]|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]S P E C I E S[/b][/color][/u]:|  [color=#FF0000]Species[/color]
|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]N I C K N A M E[/b][/color][/u]:| [If Applicable]
|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]N A T U R E[/b][/color][/u]:|

|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]A T T A C K S[/b][/color][/u]:|
- [Five Max][/font][/size][/left][right][font=cambria math][size=90]|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]S P E C I E S[/b][/color][/u]:|  [color=#15155E]Species[/color]
|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]N I C K N A M E[/b][/color][/u]:| [If Applicable]
|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]N A T U R E[/b][/color][/u]:|

|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]A T T A C K S[/b][/color][/u]:|
- [Five Max][/font][/size][/right][right][img]IMAGE[/img][/right][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][left][img]IMAGE[/img][/left][left][font=cambria math][size=90]|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]S P E C I E S[/b][/color][/u]:|  [color=#FF0000]Species[/color]
|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]N I C K N A M E[/b][/color][/u]:| [If Applicable]
|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]N A T U R E[/b][/color][/u]:|

|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]A T T A C K S[/b][/color][/u]:|
- [Five Max][/font][/size][/left][right][font=cambria math][size=90]|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]S P E C I E S[/b][/color][/u]:|  [color=#15155E]Species[/color]
|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]N I C K N A M E[/b][/color][/u]:| [If Applicable]
|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]N A T U R E[/b][/color][/u]:|

|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]A T T A C K S[/b][/color][/u]:|
- [Five Max][/font][/size][/right][right][img]IMAGE[/img][/right][hr][/hr][hr][/hr][left][img]IMAGE[/img][/left][left][font=cambria math][size=90]|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]S P E C I E S[/b][/color][/u]:|  [color=#FF0000]Species[/color]
|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]N I C K N A M E[/b][/color][/u]:| [If Applicable]
|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]N A T U R E[/b][/color][/u]:|

|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]A T T A C K S[/b][/color][/u]:|
- [Five Max][/font][/size][/left][right][font=cambria math][size=90]|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]S P E C I E S[/b][/color][/u]:|  [color=#15155E]Species[/color]
|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]N I C K N A M E[/b][/color][/u]:| [If Applicable]
|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]N A T U R E[/b][/color][/u]:|

|:[u][color=#HEX2][b]A T T A C K S[/b][/color][/u]:|
- [Five Max][/font][/size][/right][right][img]IMAGE[/img][/right][hr][/hr][hr][/hr]


© Warning: This is my own format.
Do not take, alter, or use in any way without my permission first.
This is not here for your personal use.

ImageImageRika Valentine;
Portrayed by Calais
The Seeker
Portrayed by ROLEPLAYER2

Portrayed by ROLEPLAYER3
Portrayed by ROLEPLAYER4

Portrayed by ROLEPLAYER5
Portrayed by ROLEPLAYER6

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


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Most recent OOC posts in Team Rocket: Resurgence

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

So, this was a little overdue but I am afraid this RP will not be taking place any time soon. I will be too busy to get things started, and they were unexpected. Sorry to all of you who were interested in joining, however; I must close this and save it for another time. I just don't have the time I thought I was going to have, so until then, ciao guys!

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

Mac will probably be finished by the time you end up reading this.

EDIT: I lied, but everything up to the History is done! (:

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

They weren't necessary. The Nature section of the sheet was just a way of knowing how your pokemon acts, not necessarily of how it affects their stats. There isn't going to be a leveling system per se. But anyways, everyone, you have until Monday to finish your character sheets. I'm giving you all this extension because of the fact that I have been busy at work the last few days and I am dead freakin tired. It won't relent any time soon, either... people have been in a weird set of mind because we are getting snow... I don't know. Anyways, extensions extended... or something to that affect.

I have a headache... going away now.

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

Covering a base here. Noticed that Abilities are ditched from the Pokemon section. Any specific reason?

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

Okay, NOW my character sheet is done.

Except... now the eye/hair parts are kind of bugging me.... no. No. I've given into compulsion enough already. I will ignore them.

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

No worries, Opera. I'll go and fix that for you, actually so that it's not being wonky.

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

Fiiiinally decided between my two and submitted.

The sheet code, particularly the color codes, was coming out with a lot of errors, so I ended up having to clean some of it out. I don't know how you got it to work on yours, but anyway I hope that's not an issue. Most of the sheet is still the same.
I realize there's still a color code showing next to Hair, but there's nothing I can do about it unless I delete literally all of the remaining color codes in the sheet.

If there's anything about the character that may need editing, let me know.

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

Guys, hey, just a heads up. I am not sure if you are all aware of why there is a code in the sheet for your pokemon's names as FF0000 and 15155E. It is designed for the pokemon's gender, with FF0000 obviously being for the females and 15155E for males. For pokemon without a gender, you may simply use Gray or silver.

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

Alright then, my apologies. I only wished to assist this RP in whatever small way possible. Of course, I'm usually always thinking ahead of the game both because I'm impatient and I found it's pretty much a requirement to be a successful GM. Of course I, by no means, have any sort of authority here but I am currently co-GMing another roleplay and I guess I still have that cranky impatient GM mindset. GMing is pretty frustrating when your activity is waning and the creator is so incompetent, lol. I suppose with a small group of dedicated roleplayers, you may fare better.

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

Lloyd, I appreciate that, however; I already have things planned out to use on a titanpad. I was not going to set it up until all characters were chosen. I am still not going to put it up until all characters are chosen, but it's basically the same thing. Titan pad, I've found to be more reliable than either RPG's write and the piratepads.

Please do not get a head of the game. There are things already planned out for this RP which include the pads and other such necessities. It is, however, appreciated though.

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

Well, regardless of whether or not I get accepted into this roleplay, I'd like to introduce you all to a tool that will help us out greatly with our posts, especially for Pokemon battles. We used it back in 'A Girl and Her Magikarp' and it helped us out a lot, and not just for writing up posts. We could communicate with it, post announcements and organize all sorts of things. Of course, the original tool we used, RPG Write, is currently down, but I found another website that uses the exact same software. I've already set up a pad for the sake of demonstration (and perhaps usage) for this roleplay for anybody interested;

Pokemon battles tend to be boring and consist of 20 short posts with no more than a short paragraph because, especially if a turn-based system is being used, it's pretty difficult to put a ton of detail into a single turn (unless you're a good writer, of course). With this tool, we can write much longer posts with much more detail in them, which really helps battles pass by a lot more quickly, instead of having to wait on two people to finish their twenty posts. With this, we can write much longer, more detailed and more complex Pokemon battles, especially those that involve a lot of dialogue. I can pull up a few examples of collaborative posts from 'A Girl and Her Magikarp' in the pad should you check it out as I tend to pop in there often if you wish to see examples of such battles. It certainly makes Double Battles a lot easier, no doubt about that.

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

No worries to those of you who have asked for an extension. It shall be granted. Opera, again, it matters little which one. If you'd like you could submit both of them, and depending on the chosen outcome, and depending on what the balance is, I may or may not choose one of them. In other words, you may submit both, but there is still a chance that I might not accept them.

Not to say that they won't automatically, I am just saying that everyone has a 50/50 chance of being accepted, and not being accepted. Hence why I didn't put reservations up.

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

I would be up for it Lyoyd. PM me?

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

As much as I would like more time to work on my character, I'm finding it very difficult to think of an entirely new character that fits the required parameters and with enough picture to fit the profile skeleton or an appropriate appearance. I may have to consider dropping out if I can't get even a work-in-progress, unless I could possibly get a work-around or solution of some kind.

Well, I guess I only have one option. Anybody have any ideas for characters to take on roles in relation to their own? A character that would be in a position in one's intended story they have in mind for their own character that would be significant enough. Say, a good friend, a family member or an enemy?

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

I have both my male and female character profiles almost finished~ Just need the history for one and to collect the images for both.
My male FC is Gunji from Togainu no Chi and my female FC is Haruko from FLCL.

I'm still on the fence about which to play! They're both really fun characters. I'd reeeaaallyyy like an idea of the gender mix of the roleplay. I don't want to throw in another boy/girl if the whole roleplay is a pile of boys/girls...

Anyway, since I haven't decided yet, I can't really submit anything yet unless you just want to see both. But I have a party tonight, so either way my sheet won't be done until tomorrow if that's okay!

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

Could I have an extra 24 hours? I had three birthdays this week on the 18th today and the 24th. I'll have time tomorrow but today I have to do things for my dad.

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

As a heads up, I may take some extra time to make my character because I live in the northeast, and what do you know, another winter storm is coming my way, which will take me out of commission for a brief time, I thought I'd give you a heads up now before it hits.

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

I wanna join so badly!!
I have never done a pokemon role play but it sounds like too much fun! I am a bit worried about how the battles will be done though. So I was wondering if you wouldn't mind explaining that a bit.
But I would be so happy to join!
As of face claim, I was thinking Karen Kujo decided on Chitoge Kirisaki. :k

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

You are approved to make an application, if that is what you mean :3

Can't wait to see all of the characters. For those of you who are applying, remember you have a total of three days to complete your character, unless I am notified otherwise. I am still in the process of accepting applications, though, for others who are interested in joining as well, so there's that!

Re: Team Rocket: Resurgence

Hence why I asked before I started writing! But in all seriousness, I wish to join the roleplay, I've always wanted to beat a bigger badder Team Rocket. But, Okay! I shall get to writing (That is: If I am approved to join and all)