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Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Teen Titans: A New Beginning


The Titans have dispersed and Jump City is submerged in chaos and evil. Villains have risen due to the lack of vigilantes and the citizens demand new heroes to continue the legacy.

1,013 readers have visited Teen Titans: A New Beginning since iLaughAtYouSweetly created it.


The original Titans have dispersed and Jump City is now in a state of terror. New criminals and villains abuse their power and take this opportunity to wreck havoc among our precious city and defile its grounds. The citizens beg for a new team to defend and fight against the odds. They demand for a heroic bunch to carry out the legacy.

-No Godmodding - Do NOT make yourself invincible.
-Please write at least 2 paragraphs.. If you're having uber writer's block, then please try to write at least 5 sentences.
-Please user proper grammar. No "txt t4lk"
-Include everyone/newcomers into the roleplay no matter where the roleplay is. No one will be ignored here.
-If you are going to be away, please notify everyone in the OOC.
-Be creative and diverse in your posts and character creation.
-Keep it PG-13.
-Have fun!!

Character diversity is greatly appreciated. Different nationalities, powers, skills, personalities, appearances are all welcome here. Villains are accepted, too. Remember, not all characters have to be demons, orphans, incredibly emo, or control the power of darkness, okay?
Also, if you want to move along the roleplay, then go right ahead. :)

Your character skeleton let's me know your capabilities.

Leader:: Valintyne (( RPGLoVeR213 ))
Ai Ren (( iLaughAtYouSweetly ))
Luca Cavalieri (( Super_nova ))
Gibari (( Kallas Redwater ))
War (( Draruto ))
Belle Watts (( PishPosh ))
Rin Kalsoin (( Emily3456 ))
Doppleganger (( Skwisgar Skwigelf ))
Jake Roberts (( LionLeaves ))

Twisted Nerve (( iLaughAtYouSweetly ))
Viktor (( *Darth-Kryon* ))
"Giant" Tessie (( demented-tiger ))
Taryn "Atomica" (( Hanagumori ))
Eduardo Gonzales (( HighRoller1905 ))
The Soul (( Shanatos ))
Hustle (( Adam James ))
Malice (( TheRaven&ThePawn ))

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Appearance:: (( Description or picture. Either one will do. ))
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Skills/Powers/Abilities:: (( Be Diverse, Be Creative. ))
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Companions:: (( Pets? ))
Bio/History:: (( Describe your character's past or anything else you want us to know. ))

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


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#, as written by Draruto
"A bit of both, but everything could change Tessie. Why? You wanna see if we have in common?" he says, looking at her a uprise brow. 'OK don't get your hopes to high Takashi. This could fall through.' he thought, leashing his rising hope with a realistic sense.'


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Gibari heard the mans plea for help and for him to stop, but he knew it was only shadow play. "You said that you were here to deposit your check, then you'd have no busyness in the room with the safe, as you are no staff member. Then there is the point that the protective door has been destroyed. Also you were enrgaged by the girl when she hit you with the schratnill, whilst a normal person would have long cowered in fear on the ground, like them."Gibari pointed to the employees that were layed on the ground as much as possible hidden behind the remains of the counter, shaking with the hands on the back of the head to protect their heads. "ANd last but not least, you deflected my initial attack with some kind of power and walked into the destroyed vault room. How can you not be guilty? Not even a lawyer could make up for all that and panic? Not an exuse, you would have been on the floor fearing for your life if you paniced. Trust me, after so many scenes of the same you know what is what. The only thing that surprises me is that you come out of the safe empty handed, no bulgy clothing, no stuffed cheeks and you seem to be walking just fine, so there can't be anything valuable enough to steal in your shoes."

Gibari felt a little sorry for the man and turned the steam back into ice, this might rlieve the pain, but Gibari wasn't planning on letting him go so easily and using the water from the water tail he makes the ice layer grow into a large ice slab that covered him up to his waist. Thinking about equality he does the same with the girl. Both were imobilized by the ice, the girl may still have the bazooka, but shooting it at the ice to free herself would be an obvious suicide. "Now tell me, how did you do it and where is the money? Or do you wish to have another steam grill session?"


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"Whoa, cowboy, take it easy," laughed Tessie. "I'm strictly business here. Maybe some other time. Know anyone who needs someone to cause a lot of chaos and destruction? All these big buildings are just begging to be knocked down. Like that ugly one out on the bay, the one off by itself - the T shaped one. I heard a group of capes used to operate out of there. The Bat Man's old boy used to run them. 'Teen Titans' I heard they were called. It's abandoned now, but it would still be fun to knock down anyway."


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#, as written by Draruto
While he thought of a few people that would love to have her work for them. "Maybe, but word on the grapevine is that a new group of Teen Titans are living there now." he said, laughing inwardly as he fround that ironic. Knowing that he was lying, or atleast not telling the whole truth anyway. Tapping his boot softly on the ground, he felt like a hollow husk. 'No wonder, I'm alone, even in a crowd.' he thought sullenly.


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"New group of Titans? How interesting," Tessie mused. "Well judging from the explosions coming from downtown, I wouldn't have guessed it. I hope they're not as keen as the old ones under Robin. They're probably just a bunch of wannabes in capes, anyway. Ever fought any of them?" She considered just going on her own to squeeze that ugly T shaped tower into rubble. It would save her a lot of trouble later. Then again, she'd have to smash a lot of buildings on the way anyway, but Jump City was a big town - maybe not as big as New York or Metropolis, but big enough to give her hours of fun.


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#, as written by Draruto
"No but usually I stay out of trouble." War says looking up. Without realizing it, a small sad expression crossed over his face a memory brushed pass his mind. Shaking his head to dislodge it War wondered if he was worth the time to know anyway. 'Once a lone, always a lone.' he thought as he rolled his shoulder to release some small tension that always hounded him.


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Tessie rolled her eyes. "'Stay out of trouble'? Come on, just a minute ago you were saying how you don't care about guys in green tights! Come on, are you a super villain or what?" She noticed the meloncholy look of sadness crossing War's face. "Dude, you alright?" she asked. "Need something to cheer you up? I'm sure the cops are probably all tied up with that firefight. What's say we go clean out a few branch offices for the bank, huh? I could use some cash, I'm bored as hell, and I haven't met anyone who's hiring. I suppose we could make out with a couple million bucks a piece."


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#, as written by Draruto
Not answering that question he said, "The problem that bothers me, money can't help." he stated as glanced at the crowd. Which was true to a point, because loneliness is a bitch and hwe knew more than most. Wondering what to do now, War thought of something that he hadn't done in years. 'No, later.' he mused silently. Hearing an other Dragonian near by, he marked the direction in his mind for later.


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Viktor was standing in the Jump City Surveillance Station looking at a particular TV screen of two suspicious characters. One was a strange tan skinned boy with a sword and another was some regular looking girl. Viktor commanded the Auto Super Computer "Identify both subjects on Camera 55." The automated super computer voice system explained Tessie of Arizona wanted criminal by 4 seperate counties. Crime Record Burglary and Mass Destruction of Public Property. Known to have Overgrowth capabilities and is able to grow 100 multiple times her estimated height. Viktor then said "Well it seems like we have quite a destructive young lady here. What of the strange boy?" The super computer replied Male Subject Unknown. Viktor was schocked by that analysis. Viktor then said "He can't even be human if he is not in my Identification Library." Viktor then started focusing on Tessie on the screen and thought The girl may prove useful to The Shadows. Viktor continued watching the TV screen with Tessie and the strange boy on it seeing what they do and following their movements.


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Tessie sighed. This guy was hopeless. She considered her proposal to go rob some banks. It sounded good, but now that she thought of it, it didn't sound so interesting. Not when there were forty, fifty, sixty story buildings all around her she could knock down and squeeze into powder. Perhaps later she could go on a rampage if a potential employer didn't come around. Still, she did want to perform some sort of destruction and mayham.
"Would vandalizing and wrecking some property help cheer you up?" asked Tessie. "I find whenever I'm having a bad day, crushing the houses in a subdivision with my hands is a great stress reliever."


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So the cape wanted to play lawyer, did he? Well then, Eduardo would play, too. "I was here to deposit my check. When I walked in that twisted little girl had already killed the poor guard and was going on a rampage. And, look, ok? I do have powers, but I barely ever use them! So, when she was walking towards the vault, I'd figure I'd try and be a hero, like you guys, and save the day. So, I went over there to stop her, and she shot her bazooka which blew up the door. I managed to escape unharmed, but she seemed incapacitated for a second, at least. So I went in there to see if she had any other villains with her. You know, in case one had somehow sneaked in earlier or they had invisibility powers or something. There was no one in there, and no money floating around or disappearing suddenly, so I came out, and then you shot a jet of water at me!"

Eduardo looked incredulous here, really getting into his role. "I got lucky and my powers managed to deflect a lot of it, and I was about to tell you that I was on your team, but then I thought you might have seen someone I hadn't. I went back into the vault room and still saw no one, and when I came back out that little girl fired a rocket! I did dive to the ground, and it didn't help very much," Eduardo paused here, showing his cut to the two heroes, which looked a lot worse than it actually was. "And I know my response wasn't the right thing to do, but really? Firing a rocket? It just seems a little overboard, don't you agree?"

When the burning in his feet finally stopped, he was about to thank him, but instead the ice just grew larger and larger until it was up to his waist. Oh gee, thanks Eduardo thought sarcastically, but still, he didn't show any signs of his thoughts outside his brain. "Yes, I came out empty-handed because I didn't steal anything! How could I have? Sure, I can reflect a wave of water, but how could I make money, all that money, just disappear! It's impossible! Well, impossible for me anyways."

Now, instead of just talking to the man, he addressed the woman too. "Pat me down if you want! I have no money, no weapons, no nothing. Please, just let me go. I didn't do anything!" I've had enough of this game, he thought, his face still pleading If that oaf tries to prove me wrong again, I'm leaving.


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Gibari listened to the reasoning of the man, he felt that he lied, but he countered what he had said and thus Gibari couldn't do him anything, not this time. With grinding his teeth he slowly smelted the ice around the man. "I will have to believe that then, but you'd don't show your face at another crime scene." The ice was at the end of his sentance fully liquified and the man was free to go. "Now go, before I change my mind." Gibari focussed on the girl who seemed unmoved. At least she couldn't say that she wasn't a vilain.


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"La... La la la la..." Atomica hummed as she skipped through the dark building, taking whatever she pleased. She was intentionally searching for the Boss's office to break into anything they held that was worth money. No one was on her trail, which, she was pleased by it. She smirked, shooting the locked staircase door open and quickly marched upstairs, hoping to get to the office in time to steal some valuables before the police arrive.
She figured the Boss's office was the room with the large door and the super lock on it. She simply grabbed the lock to melt it and once it was off, she barged in casually. She turned on a desk light so she could see easier and searched for a hidden safe.


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‘Malice’ looked around the city. Stepping forward he pressed a hand against a building. He stepped back raising his hands he sent a bolt of lightning through a window sending fire sputtering up. He dragged his hand against the ground. “Rise… children of Gaia!” From the earth creature resembling rough terracotta warriors began to take form. “Lay waste to this scar…” The creature nodded before running/walking/limping off. “I shall remove this city from existence…” He let out a bellowing roar as he began to rip lay waste to the rest of the block with fire, lightning and debris such as cars. The strange creatures had spread out to pillage and attack the city’s civilians.


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#, as written by Draruto
As he heard trouble, War smirked inwardly. "I'd consider it Tessie, but something just popped up. So later." he states before bolting in the air heading to sound an explosion. 'Oh joy, terracotta idiots.' he mused silently, flying through a group of them before pulling up and shocking another to pieces. "Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the dirt pile this morining?" he asked aloud to who made these walking dirt clumps, knocking a few more over in to an open storm drain. Growling as one grabbed him, he kicked the things's head off and sent to a watery grave with the rest of the poor dirtheads that already meet the fate.


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Damnit! thought Tessie. War must have got a job, leaving her with nothing. She snorted, and continued walking. The sound of chaos could be heard drifting from another part of a city. It only made things worse. Great. I have to find a job soon, or there won't be any city left to destroy. Or I could just go and destroy it now and be done with it, since it seems at least 2 someones are already doing it. After this, I should go hit Coast City. Give the military a bit of a scare. Maybe I could play with an aircraft carrier...


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“Something attacks my minions… Rise… and slay him…” The ground began to rumble as several massive golems made of concrete, dirt, and rock rose. //Think lesser Cinderblocks.// “Kill the interloper… lay waste to everyone and everything in your way…” He stepped back sending forth a electric surge into a phone line before the entire pole sparked and blew in a shrapnel filled blast. “Mortals shall die… they have harmed Gaia and must die for their crimes.”


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#, as written by Draruto
"Slay me? How Dark Age. Take a number Mister Earth Extremest,no one has killed me yet. So bring it. Plus faking immortality is not that really worth it, nothing barely scares me. Since I'm not from Earth." he says as he punch one of fake Cinder block wannabes to rumble. Floating and shaking his now throbbing fist, he cursed with flurry of very crude choices directed at the jerk. Going through more of the minions, War was actually getting bored. 'Just like Dynasty Warriors 2, send the peons, and they get squished. Sucks that I don't points for it.' he thought dully, frying more idiots.


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“I see… faking? I am as old as the planet… from Gaia I war born as its guardian to await the time in which Gaia called upon me… and now she has.” He raised his hand towards War. “You are becoming a minor annoyance… which is more then I wish to deal with right now…” He loosed a hell storm of lightning bolts at war. The lightning seeming to twist and turn as if… homing onto him.


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Stepping off a bus with only a suitcase and a smile, Ganhan breathes in a gasp of air “Hello City of Jump”. His smile changes to a raised eyebrow as an explosion of lighting cracks through one side of the city. On the other side of the city a banks alarm bells are ringing out. “Well, perhaps I should make my first appearance sooner than I hoped” with that, he rips off his coat and chucks his suit case in a bin. Slowly he starts to grow in size, bigger and bigger until he is at least one hundred times the size he was. Towering over buildings now he looks around smiling once again and reaches down to pick up the bin with the suit case in it. “What now?”


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Viktor then was looking on a particular TV screen and noticed two people battling. Viktor zoomed in on the camera to get a better look it was the unknown boy he had seen earlier and somethin quite strange. Viktor could not believe what he is seeing a being that controls the power of elements. Viktor watched in amazement as he saw this person cast lightning storm from mid-air. This being seemed like it was the meaning of Armageddon in human form.

Viktor took a look at another TV screen and watched Tessie heading somewhere. He almost forgot about her after seeing the incredible being. Viktor decided tracking her movement and figure out where her destination was going to be. Viktor pulled out a walkie talkie and commanded "Gather the forces we are going to see if we can find this destructive little girl. Her name is Tessie I am sure we will find her no problem." The walkie talkie was a link to Shadow Military Communications headquarters. Viktor walked out the Jump City Surveillance Control Room and went through a flourescent lighted steel hallway. Viktor approached a pad of some sort and commanded The Automatic Communications Device installed through Viktors hideout "Take me to floor 1."

Viktor reached Floor 1 and walked off through the Mansion's Hall and exited out the front doors. A black limousine and driver waited for Viktor. The driver opened the door for Viktor and Viktor sat inside the limousine and took off to Jump City. Viktor was eager to meet Tessie and was calm and lounged in the seat of the limo all the way to Jump City. By the time they reached Jump City it was dark and they parked in a large parking garage and Viktor remained in the limousine, from underneath his seat he pulled out a laptop and started watching the screen as it showed where Tessie was at next. Viktor told his driver "Stay put til I return. You know what would happen." Viktor stated as he pulled out a detonator switch for the explosive he placed in the limousine. The driver remained quiet and in the car nervous with sweat dripping down his face. Viktor jumped out the limousine and then jumped out the parking garage off the third floor grabbed a tree branch and fell to the ground doing a front flip. Viktor landed on one knee and stood back up harmless. Viktor ran to an alley and vanished in the shadows.


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Tessie decided this city was too chaotic for her taste. It would all be destroyed by the time she ever got around to doing anything. She decided she should just leave. She caught a taxi, and blended in with the other paniced residents and tourists and left Jump City.


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#, as written by Draruto
Letting loose with a lightning storm of his own as a shield, War made his way til he was face to face with Malice, minus a few feet of seperation.. "Nice try, I've seen better and stronger bolts on my home planet, but not bad, for a geezer." he said with a shadow of acknowledgement in his voice.


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Jake stared down looking at the screaming passerby. Jake couldn't tell whoever important was in the crowd. Jake could only see mayhem in the people as they shoved each other for their own skin. Jake sighed looking up into the sky.

Jake strangely stood on a towering building. The building seemed small enough to see the people's actions, but covered Jake from sight. Jake took some strong breaths as he backed away from the ledge. His heart pumped heavily as he slipped a small steel plate into his mouth. He chewed it strongly and swallowed sticking his tongue in disgust. Jake sped off the ledge hurling to the concrete road.

Jake suddenly shined and reflectioned the rays of the sun as his body turned into a silver coating. His metal body impacted the road leaving a crater in, but leaving Jake with no scratches. Everyone close to the impact froze in fear. Jake slowly picked himself up dusting his self off before speaking. "Citizens! I am here to help you. Whatever you do don't panic!"

Seeing a metal man impacting from the sky isn't a usual thing you see everyday so the crowd reacted normally. Jake sighed while the crowd shrieked and cowered away,shoving all the weak and the slow.


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Watching the sky bright up from the window nearby her, Atomica was slightly startled by the sudden lightning that lit the building. She twitched slightly, but had a good feeling about it. She chuckled, and pushed a large portrait out of the way to reveal a poorly hidden safe. It had buttons and a screen to display if the combination was right or not. She rapidly pressed her fingers along the buttons for fun, until she melted the lock completely and pried open the safe savagely and pulled out a case containing money. She casually exited and peered out the window below.

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Character Portrait: War
0 sightings War played by Draruto
loner titan

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View All » Add Character » 21 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ai Ren
Character Portrait: Luca Cavalieri
Character Portrait: Twisted Nerve (( Twisted ))
Character Portrait: Eduardo Gonzales
Character Portrait: Jack Knife


Character Portrait: Eduardo Gonzales
Eduardo Gonzales

Better to just let him rob the bank, honestly.

Character Portrait: Twisted Nerve (( Twisted ))
Twisted Nerve (( Twisted ))

A sadist with a taste for blood.

Character Portrait: Luca Cavalieri
Luca Cavalieri

A genetically enhanced Titan who values time and logic more than anything.

Character Portrait: Ai Ren
Ai Ren

A petite Titan with superhuman strength and a large apetite.


Character Portrait: Eduardo Gonzales
Eduardo Gonzales

Better to just let him rob the bank, honestly.

Character Portrait: Luca Cavalieri
Luca Cavalieri

A genetically enhanced Titan who values time and logic more than anything.

Character Portrait: Twisted Nerve (( Twisted ))
Twisted Nerve (( Twisted ))

A sadist with a taste for blood.

Character Portrait: Ai Ren
Ai Ren

A petite Titan with superhuman strength and a large apetite.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Eduardo Gonzales
Eduardo Gonzales

Better to just let him rob the bank, honestly.

Character Portrait: Ai Ren
Ai Ren

A petite Titan with superhuman strength and a large apetite.

Character Portrait: Luca Cavalieri
Luca Cavalieri

A genetically enhanced Titan who values time and logic more than anything.

Character Portrait: Twisted Nerve (( Twisted ))
Twisted Nerve (( Twisted ))

A sadist with a taste for blood.

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Most recent OOC posts in Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Yo, what's been happening? This RP is filled with a lot of characters and It still can't get any posts in 7 days?

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Don't worry no elemental abilities at all, he does how ever communicate with machines. He also may use awesome tech and weapons.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

As long as he isn't going to controll the water it is fine to me. You already used the earth and lighting, 2 elements are more than enough for one to controll.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I have submitted a new character.. and he shall hopefully be that awesome villain which just makes the role-play that much more awesome.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I too think that this is too much of a hero vilain battle arena, instead of a real story. We need a plot, not random fights popping up everywhere. At the moment the most plotbuilding characters are Malice and Viktor, so we should give them some breathing space and attack when they stick ther heads out in the open.( Strange, in nearly all series it is the vilain that must build the plot, not the hero)

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I couldn't agree more with HighRoller. I know he is not the GM but he is right. We want a plot to thicken and then suddenly explode with the Main Conflict and Resolution. However this a New Beginning of Teen Titans so this roleplay could go on and on with many different stories.

I'm trying to get a plot started but this roleplay has a comparison to a Hero and Villain Battle Arena. I am really trying my best to roleplay Viktor and I had a plot bout to get started.

Viktor was going to use Tessie to attack the Titans base as a distraction. While Viktor is at the Main Water Supply Resource Center of Jump City and attempting to activate The Radiation Emitter that could poison the whole cities water supply with Nuclear Chemicals that would mutate the entire population of Jump City. However...

Tessie left. Now I am just lost what to do next. I look like an idiot that I put attempted action to find Tessie and then Tessie abandoned her character. Now I am looking for no one. If anybody wants to team up and get a plot going on in this roleplay. Just PM me

I recommend a way we can keep the posts eligible to keep up with.

Click on RPG Forum and scroll down and click on Play-by-Post Roleplay pick the category your Roleplay is in and start a new topic and copy and paste the URL address into the Activity Tab on a Post. Then we can keep up with certain characters and look at Older Posts and maybe something might get started.


Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I agree with Demented, but I'm not going to leave. I would just rather if the battles were more plot-driven and not every post was some form of fighting or crime. I think that, after wrapping up the bank robbery and the fight going on in the streets, all the people should return to their homes/places and get some form of a plot going.

Viktor could use his connections to scout out all the villains in the thread and try to recruit them. The Titans could do some planning, talking or something else in the Tower too. This doesn't need to happen (at all =P), but I'm just trying to give ideas for some more conversation and plot instead of 'RANDOM FIGHT GOGOGOGO!'

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Gibari and Eduardo are still at the banksite and Twisted has been iced up to the waist.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I'm back!

D: And I'm sorry to hear that, Demented. :) Thanks for participating, though.

But, yeah, the roleplay is getting a bit big. We have a whole bunch of new characters and I'm happy to see that there are 9 heroes and 8 villains, so the balance is almost perfect.

By the way, What's going on? I left it off with Ai Ren and Twisted Nerve both in the bank.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I'm sorry guys, but this RP is a bit too much for me. It feels like it's just a big free-for-all of battles popping up everywhere as new villains are introduced. I was starting to loose my enthusiasm for it. I guess I'll just have to use Tessie in another Teen Titans/superhero role play if one ever gets made.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Tells us to post frequently and keeping from posting himself.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I would post, but I wanted to let Sweetly post first because me and Kallas have posted back and forth for a while.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

my bad, just did, just left her standing to deal with a problem that my guy heard, but he'll come back

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I want to continue too, but the person Tessie is talking to hasn't posted yet.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I want to go on, but without reactions its rather hard to do so.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I know iLaughAtYouSweetly is going to be gone for a day or 2, but what about the rest of you? Are you guys still gonna post, or is this thread dead?

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Shanatos wrote:
iLaughAtYouSweetly wrote:If you're having extreme writer's block, then at least try to write 5 sentences.. About... Whatever. < _ < No one-liners.
Btw, I just realized my second character is really, really weak.
I hope nobody minds if I add a power to Twisted Nerve?

I think you should give her more superweapons/tech rather than powers. Because I like the idea of her just whipping out a big gun from nowhere and wasting stuff with it.

:) Alrighty then. At the moment, I'm greatly disliking Twisted cuz she kinda seems like brat. < _ <
Anywho.. I'm going to be gone for a day or 2 because of school.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Ah, thanks :3 I guess I'll just have Luca chill somewhere in the Tower or something..

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

AI, Gibari, Twisted and Eduardo are at the bank. You know hero vilain conflict.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Uhh, can someone help me out here? I sorta can't see the first post or any posts before HighRoller1905's post D: