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Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Teen Titans: A New Beginning


The Titans have dispersed and Jump City is submerged in chaos and evil. Villains have risen due to the lack of vigilantes and the citizens demand new heroes to continue the legacy.

1,014 readers have visited Teen Titans: A New Beginning since iLaughAtYouSweetly created it.


The original Titans have dispersed and Jump City is now in a state of terror. New criminals and villains abuse their power and take this opportunity to wreck havoc among our precious city and defile its grounds. The citizens beg for a new team to defend and fight against the odds. They demand for a heroic bunch to carry out the legacy.

-No Godmodding - Do NOT make yourself invincible.
-Please write at least 2 paragraphs.. If you're having uber writer's block, then please try to write at least 5 sentences.
-Please user proper grammar. No "txt t4lk"
-Include everyone/newcomers into the roleplay no matter where the roleplay is. No one will be ignored here.
-If you are going to be away, please notify everyone in the OOC.
-Be creative and diverse in your posts and character creation.
-Keep it PG-13.
-Have fun!!

Character diversity is greatly appreciated. Different nationalities, powers, skills, personalities, appearances are all welcome here. Villains are accepted, too. Remember, not all characters have to be demons, orphans, incredibly emo, or control the power of darkness, okay?
Also, if you want to move along the roleplay, then go right ahead. :)

Your character skeleton let's me know your capabilities.

Leader:: Valintyne (( RPGLoVeR213 ))
Ai Ren (( iLaughAtYouSweetly ))
Luca Cavalieri (( Super_nova ))
Gibari (( Kallas Redwater ))
War (( Draruto ))
Belle Watts (( PishPosh ))
Rin Kalsoin (( Emily3456 ))
Doppleganger (( Skwisgar Skwigelf ))
Jake Roberts (( LionLeaves ))

Twisted Nerve (( iLaughAtYouSweetly ))
Viktor (( *Darth-Kryon* ))
"Giant" Tessie (( demented-tiger ))
Taryn "Atomica" (( Hanagumori ))
Eduardo Gonzales (( HighRoller1905 ))
The Soul (( Shanatos ))
Hustle (( Adam James ))
Malice (( TheRaven&ThePawn ))

Character Skeleton::

Appearance:: (( Description or picture. Either one will do. ))
Origin of Birth::
Skills/Powers/Abilities:: (( Be Diverse, Be Creative. ))
Preferred Weapons::
Other Equipment::
Companions:: (( Pets? ))
Bio/History:: (( Describe your character's past or anything else you want us to know. ))

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


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The small, petite figure stood adjacent to the bank, her dark hair covering her crouched figure like a blanket. "I did it again," she mumbled into her sleeve; her white parasol leaned lazily against her shoulder and protected the foreigner from the blazing sun and heat. The girl attracted many curious stares from the ongoing crowd, though none of the citizens stayed long enough to inquire.

Ai Ren stood, a painful wince flickered across her face as she glared down at the map in confusion. "I'm lost again!" she wailed, gripping the edges of the paper tensely until she ripped off the pieces of paper completely. Ai Ren sighed deeply and crumpled the parchment; she looked into the distance, wondering how she will ever find the Titans Tower.


Twisted Nerve in front of the bank, approximately 3 meters away from Ai Ren; grenades were slung from her belt and jingled dangerously every time she made a movement. The important looking men and women who walked in and out of the building payed her no heed, for she was only a petulant child. Twisted smiled sweetly to herself and clutched her pink bunny to her chest girlishly. Twisted gazed at the bank in complete adoration and licked her lips hungrily, "Oh, I know this will be fun, right, Momo?" The child let out a high-pitched giggle as she talked to her toy, completely satisfied and happy in her own little world. Twisted suddenly went silent and frowned, glancing down at the pink, immobile animal wrapped tightly in her skinny, pale arms, "What's that, Momo? Vigilantes?" Twisted let out another high-pitched giggle, this time gaining annoyed looks from the strangers walking by. "Oh, Momo.. You know the police are just a big bunch of sillyheads!~"

Twisted unhooked a grenade from her belt and her eyes narrowed subconsciously, her entire expression changing that of a sweet, little girl to a devilish arsonist in his/her time of glory.


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Valintyne jumped from the top of the tower, landing with her claws perfectly in teh ground in a straight line. She flipped over and swam across to the city across from Titan Tower. She walked a few miles, following a tracker she put on the Titans. Ai Ren was lost, she could tell. She started running, and finally found the petite child. "Ai Ren, you lost?" she asked, searching the area. She swore she saw a glimpse of a small child, but just as it was there, it was gone.

She took Ai's hand, and they walked to the Tower. She got a boat, and put Ai Ren on. She paddled until they were back at the small island. She went into the weight room, and started on training. It was her favorite thing to do, other than saving people. She started on the weights, then moved to agility. She dodged arrows, and small, fake bullets.


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Ai Ren allowed herself to be dragged by the Leader, as she was a bit slow in navigating; she followed Valintyne into the weight room, a bit unsettled, though she did not know or understand the root of her uneasiness. The petite girl muttered something inaudible in Chinese and fumbled with the charm hanging from the left side of her belt. "Valintyne, it feels as if something is going to happen today," she said casually, leaning against the wall of the weight room. Ai Ren shook her head, trying to shake off the feelings of premonition as she unfurrowed her eyebrows.

"Nevermind, it's probably just my imagination again," she told the other, straining a smile; Ai Ren moved to the other side of the weight room and stared out the window at the tall buildings and cars across the water.


Twisted Nerve grasped the cork of the grenade eagerly and almost released its explosive power before her "companion" warned her again. "Teen Titans? Momo, you silly goose, they were annihilated a looooooong time ago!" she explained to the stuffed animal patiently. Twisted hadn't noticed the bank guard examining her with clear suspicion; the man in blue unfolded his arms and approached the small figure cautiously, unknowing of the fate that beheld him.

"Lil' lady, you're disrupting the business.. Why don't you run along and play, now?" The man had a kindly smile to his withered face and was forced to bend down to talk face to face with her. Twisted smiled sweetly and hid her face and the grenade behind Momo; The guard opened his mouth to speak, but a look of shock crossed his face as the loud, ringing of her gun went off and he crumpled to the ground in a heap. A few women screamed and the rest faced her in absolute terror; Twisted stepped over the man cold-heartedly and raised the gun into the air, firing two warning shots into the sky. The civilians scrambled out of the child's way, giving Twisted a clear path. The little girl fired a shot at the panel of glass and smiled delightedly as the security alarm broke into a shrill scream.


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#, as written by Draruto
The five foot ten Dragonian walked through the crowd as two other Titans went back to the Tower. 'Must've been Ai Ren again.' he thought, as he went into a alley and leaped into the air. Thirty five minutes and three ruined criminals later, War lands on top of the Tower hard enough to signal his arrival to the others. Making his way towards the the weight room, he wonder where Tessie was. 'Maybe I should ask her already.' he mused silently. Stepping into the weight room War picked two bar bells and started to alternate lifting them. "Ren needs a better sense of direction or a GPS attached to her parasol." he states to himself quietly, watching Valintyne avoid flying objects.


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Eduardo walked along the sidewalk of a major street in Jump City. It was a busy day as usual, people in business suits walking by him, talking loudly into their cell phones or looking worriedly at their watches. I wonder why they stay here, with all the rampant crime and whatnot... he thought to himself as he calmly approached the bank. He liked a lot of people living in the city, though. More people meant more money, it meant more scared people, it meant more 'game'. As much as he hated humanity in general, he also loved them. He only loved them because he loved to torture them, but still, there was a love in his heart somewhere.

So he walked down the street, minding his own business until he got to the door of the bank. Before walking through the door, he did his pre-crime routine, cracking his knuckles like the all the tough people in the American movies, and then briefly touching the tooth on his necklace for luck, or whatever the charm was supposed to do. He had never seen it's magic in action, and sometimes he even doubted the necklace held any properties at all, but he kept it anyways. So, he finally walked through the doors of the bank, glancing at his tattoo he had gotten in Japan. The artwork was incredible, the best money could buy, which was ironic considering the teen's clothes, which were beaten and ragged.

As Eduardo entered the bank, he was met with a sight he hadn't exactly expected. A gunshot rang off and he saw one of the security guards fall to the floor next to a little girl. That's gonna leave some nightmares for her, he thought as he expected the girl to burst into tears. But instead, she turned and he saw that she was holding the gun. While not many things surprised Eduardo after his travels, this did. What was even more surprising to him was she turned and then shot a glass panel for no apparent reason, setting off a rather loud alarm.

"I swear, criminals today. No finesse! None!" he shouted as he strode into the bank regardless of the chaos. He walked by the little girl with the gun and made a hand motion like he was telling a fly to go away, "You've had your fun, strange, demented child. Run along now." He walked up to the teller's counter and half jumped, half floated over the counter, the woman working at the bank quivering on the ground. "The vault should be through here, right?" he muttered to himself, coming to a steel door with an electronic combination lock. Ignoring the lock completely, he stepped back and threw his hands forward. Immediately the door crumpled in on itself, falling forward in a small, dense heap of steel.

"There she is!" Eduardo said smiling at the giant, circular steel door in front of him. But, before he opened the door, he walked back to the main room to check for any police. Not out of fear, but he figured he should have some fun before he escaped with his money.


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Sddenly the elevator sstarted moving and after just a few seconds the doors opened up at the weight room. An angry Gibari stepped out of the elevator. "Finally I'm out...and guess what WRONG FLOOR! I SWEAR NEXT TIME I'LL USE THE STAIRS INSTEAD! They at least work prorerly." He walked to some of the heaviest weights in the room and started his training. "Well if I am here anyways then I could at least lift some weights. Might even relieve the stress." Gibari briefly heard Ai talk about something happening today and turned his head towards her. "There are things happening every day, too much things. You lose direction, I am waging my war with the house apparatus and..." Before he could finish his scentance the computer put another 3 ton weight onto Gibari's already heavy weights. "See? This shit happens all the time, why do you think that doesn't apply for crimes too? I think..." Yet again the computer added some weight before Gibari could finish his scentance. "GIVE ME A BREAK WILL YA! HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO TRAIN PROPERLY WHEN THIS COMPUTER KEEPS ADDING WEIGHT!?" Stuborn as hell and keen on not letting the computer win this round he keeps lifting the weights, wilst the computer adds weight after weight. "I thought computers were supposed to be smart. If that was so shouldn't they know better than to irritate me?"


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In a dark room only lit by TV screens scattered across the wall. In the center of the room is a black office desk with the office chair facing the TV screens. A soldier dressed in all black and wearing a black ski mask approaches the black office desk and says "We have word that your weapon has arrived sir." The man sitting in the chair was a leader of the criminal organization known as The Shadows. Viktor spoke and said "Excellent. I trust that no one else knows of this. It would be disastrous to our plans. Now with the original Teen Titans gone. Now there is no one to protect that poor city. Assemble the troops and let them know we are prepared to let Jump City know true terror." The soldier agreed and left the room. Viktor looked at a particular TV screen of The Titan Tower and laughed maniacally.


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"Heh... Heh..."

"Heh... Heh...!"

A figure cackled as she perched on a lone building's rooftop as her face remained hidden behind a rabbit-mask. She fiddled with the mask's ears that stood upward, towards the sky. She hummed a song, catching a glimpse of a few civilians running in fear after a gun-shot rang through the city. She twirled a strand of her silver and flipped hair, licking her lips as she did. Finally, she decided it was time to rise up and cause some fun-filled havoc. She leapt from the roof, climbed a wire that connected to a business building, and jumped in through the window, breaking the glass and setting an alarm off. She laughed maniacally before chucking a large computer monitor out a window next to the currently broken one. After throwing it, she watched it fall down and hit the sidewalks below.
"Fun... Fun... Fun..."
A security guard appeared behind her, shaking, and pointing a gun at her, yelling at her to freeze. She slowly turned her head toward him and noticed his shaking.
"Why so... Shivering?" She mocked, making him gulp.
"S-STOP OR I'LL SHOOT!" He screamed, making her frown.
"Do you know..." She turned her body around to give him her full attention, "Who I am?"
He then loaded his gun at her words and glared at her, preparing his chance to shoot her.
Suddenly, the girl grabbed his gun, instantly melting it with nuclear energy, shocking him and making him recoil from her.
"I'm Atomica..." She murmured, before punching his stomach, causing an inner explosion. He immediately fell down backward and lifeless, blood dripping from his mouth. She smiled, took his gun, and twirled it around her finger before exiting the room after shooting it open.


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At the sound of Gibari's voice, Ai Ren turned around to notice 2 others had also stepped into the room. She waved at Gibari and War in greeting; smiling in amusement at Gibari's ranting. Without a word, she turned back to the wide window and folded her hands against her chin, propping her head upon her arms. She was almost completely lost in her thoughts until the moment her dark eyes laid upon the destruction of a certain building and the thick, evil smog that was rising from the bank. Although she couldn't hear the screams of the citizens from where she stood, she could see cars running amok on the streets and little ant-like people squirming about. For a second, she froze, not knowing what to do in a situation like this.


Twisted's eyes narrowed in great displeasure at the interuptance and she gripped Momo subconsciously with her hands in a strangling-hold. She was beyond irritated by the newcomer who had so rudely intruded on her merrymaking; the little girl pouted and with the agility of a skilled hunter, leaped over the counter and skid to a halt in front of the stranger, blocking his path.

She fluttered her long, blond eyelashes and smiled daintily before retrieving a red bazooka from within the many layers of pink ruffles she was currently wearing. "Why, hello there, sillyhead.. That was quite rude of you," she said cutely, the bazooka dangling uselessly at her side; Twisted propped the explosive on her shoulder and with a graceful flick of her wrist, the bazooka was now aimed towards the man. The sweet, mocking smile disappeared from her childish face and was replaced by a murderous glint, "Now.. You.. DIE!"

The sound from the explosive was like a cannon and Twisted fell back from the impact, landing on her bottom quite ungracefully.


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"Good morning, Jump City!" exclaimed Tessie, stepping out from her hotel room. She was wondering if today would be a good day for a good rampage. Being a villain was so much more fun now that all those capes were gone. Even the mighty Trinity of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman was shattered; with Superman taking Supergirl and Powergirl with him aboard a rocket as he left Earth never to return, Wonder Woman being recalled to the island of the Amazons in disgust at Man's World, and Batman's body being unmasked as the missing billionare, Bruce Wayne, at the Gotham City Morgue after bodyslamming the Joker into the pavement from atop skyscraper. The Justice League was scattered, and the Teen Titans had long since disolved. If Tessie wanted to, she could stretch to a hundred times her size and go knock a few buildings down. No one was going to stop her. Then again, what if she accidentally stepped on someone with a proposal for her. She needed to earn her keep somehow, and she was not going to make her living dumping coal from rail cars into the storage bins at the power plant in Saint Johns, like her father would have her do. If it weren't for the fact her family and friends worked there, she would have demolished, that ugly, smog belching heap of concrete and steel. She decided to go for a walk normal sized while she debated wether to wait for another job or just go on a nice little rampage.


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Gibari noticed Ai's sudden change and dropped the weights to see what was the problem. He clearly saw the black smog and the panic on the streets. He figured that even if it was just some simple accident it would be best to check it out. "Valintyne, something is wrong there, so I'm out for a bit. If you want to have some fun with the vilain too, if it even is the work of a vilain, then I suggest that you hurry." Gibari opened a window and jumped out of it. The second before he should have hit the ground his wings unfold and he schoots forward over the water, gathering a large 'tail' of water.

As he finally arrived at the scene he saw a man near the broken vault door and a girl with a red bazooka, which both meant one thing to Gibari: Party time! Gibari kept a close watch on both the girl and the man as he walked into the ruined bank. "So what are you two planning, I hope that this isn't your work...Otherwise I'd have to add you to the rubbish!" His almost demonic smile and the dragon wings certainly made him look like the devil for a second. The tail of water that he had collected from the lake split up and lounged forward towards both of the vilains. Gibari grabbed the paddle as the water tails lounged, partialy hoping that the first attack would end it and partialy hoping for a chance to make them take a heavy beating from his paddle.


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#, as written by Draruto
Nodding at Ren, War left the room to go out again. Flying around Jump city, he saw Tessie and debated on what to do. While both sides of his mind argued, he dropped lower till he hover four feet above the sidewalk. 'She's villain. So, she's cute.' he heard one self to an other. Letting out a loud self decapitating whistle that spoke of indecision, War bounced around as he moved forward. "Damn, what to do, what to do?" he asked aloud to himself, not noticing that he had picked his floating pace.


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As Eduardo walked out of the room that held the vault door, he expected to see police cars outside. Instead, all he saw was the same, demented little girl who had shot the guard. She was kind of scary in a way, a little girl with a bloodlust. Still, Eduardo listened to her talk and laughed. "I'm sorry if I ruined your 'fun', ok? Now, if you'll excu-" he said, but stopped his sentence short when she pulled out a bazooka from seemingly nowhere. "That's just...odd," he said before she raised it to her shoulder, and as she did, Eduardo sighed.

"Honestly, what happened to fighting with honor?" the Brazilian vented as he concentrated hard for a moment. With a flick of his wrist there was a small sound, as if there was a draft coming from nowhere, which was drowned out by the screaming of the girl. Suddenly, between the two fighting villains, a man-sized circle appeared out of nowhere. When you looked in it was a crazy mess of vibrating colors, and at the same time there was nothing. It was just pure insanity that couldn't be described by words. Colors that didn't exist flashed in and out of existence, sounds that have never been heard by human ears erupted and died off in the same instant. A normal human would have gone insane from just looking at it. It wasn't Earth anymore, it was a different plane of existence altogether.

As the girl pulled the trigger and a rocket flew from the bazooka, Eduardo had stepped into the rift. As soon as he did the hole was gone, and the rocket shot right through where he had been standing a moment ago. It flew into the room with the vault and exploded, sending shrapnel of wall and steel everywhere. The bank's foundations shook from the explosion, and any people that hadn't ran from the building were knocked to the ground.

Eduardo, on the other hand, was standing back at the entrance to the bank, far away from the explosion's reach. He quickly strode back to the counter and again hopped over it, seeing the girl sitting on her bottom from the rocket. "Are you done yet?" he asked, not waiting for an answer as he walked by her and into the room that now had an open door to hundreds of thousands of dollars. "Well, thanks, I guess," Eduardo shrugged, stepping carefully into the room, avoiding all the isolated fires and debris. Glancing around he smiled at all the money, his for the taking. He concentrated for another second, and another rift opened up in the middle of the room. After it appeared Eduardo shook his head slightly, like he was just waking up. He hated opening more than one of those in a short time. It drained him beyond belief.

Tiredly, he lifted a hand, and stacks upon stacks of money flew from their places and into the rift, the gravitational anomaly easily swallowing them up, and depositing them in a safe place Eduardo had in mind. One of his 'contacts' had provided safekeeping for the money across the street while Eduardo was in progress, all for a small cut. So, he continued dumping hard-earned people's money into the rift, almost forgetting about the girl while he did it.

Then he heard someone's voice outside the room, so he temporarily left his work to see what was happening. A tall guy was standing there, trying to threaten them. Probably a 'hero', Eduardo thought off-handedly, shrugging and almost turning around before a wave of water rushed towards him. Eduardo rolled his eyes, "Oh, please," and raised a hand. Any of the water that would have hit him was turned away, flying against a wall nearby. Eduardo suddenly found himself breathing a little heavier than normal because of the rifts he had opened. Time to go then, he thought, and retreated back into the room. Dumping a few more thousand dollars into the rift, he closed it in case the hero could somehow follow him. He doubted it, of course, but it payed to be cautious.

So, the money now safe he left the room and re-entered back into the room with the hero and the little girl. "Well, look at the time, I best be leaving now," he said, smiling, and started walking towards the door.


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Tessie heard someone whistle behind her. She turned around to see a muscular young man in very effemenite clothing - he was wearing a tight crop-top for Christ's sake - staring off into space deep in thought. Tessie was used to people ogling her - that's why she stepped on so many of them, because they were too busy staring at her than to get out of the way - but what really caught her attention was that he was hovering four feet off the ground!
"What on Earth?" gasped Tessie. "Am I dreaming? Are you some sort of alien like a Kryptonian or something? You're not really just floating there, are you?"


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#, as written by Draruto
"Dragonian actually, no one else notices that. And you are," he said turning his golden gaze on her, "princess? A well blessed girl that makes guys drowl on themselves?" he added on teasing note. Crossing his arms over his chest War softly drops to the ground and walks to the girl with smooth soldier/predator gait. 'Don't blow this Takashi, you only get one chance at this.' he thought, giving her his half smirk that was one of his most used facial gestures.


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Twisted sat on the ground, a bit embarrassed at the events that had just taken place. She frowned and stood, dusting the debris and filth off her dress and frills; she didn't have any super powers or strategical prowess, though she did know the ways of demolition and arson. The girl took one step forward, attempting to confront the man who had bested her. Her red bazooka dragged behind her and left a trail of gun powder and soot; Twisted was just about to entire the safe before noticing a large man standing near the entrance and a large jet stream of water rushing towards her.

Panic rushed through her and without thinking, she raised the bazooka and fired a rocket towards the water, creating a large explosion in the middle of the room. She shielded herself from the flying pieces of debris and rock.


Glancing at her leader, Ai Ren swiftly followed Gibari's footsteps and leaped out the window, landing lightly on the balls of her feet. Her eyes shifted from left to right, trying to trace the source of the thick smog and proceeded to sprint thataway, her long black hair whipping behind her.

As she arrived upon the scene, the girl stood a few steps away from Gibari with her umbrella clutched in her right hand. Ai Ren covered her nose and winced, trying to identify their enemies through all the dust, "Goodness, Gibari.. What happened here?" she mumbled rhetorically, stepping over a large piece of rock.

Ai Ren froze and quickly snapped open her umbrella, placing it in front of her as a shield, "Get Down!" A sudden charade of bullets propelled across the room, filling the air and bouncing off her parasol.


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Tessie looked up at this boy, and considered stepping on him. No, if he didn't fly away like Superman, he was probably a crush-fetishist. "Nice try, Romeo. But what's a Dragonian? And what are you doing here? I heard a rumor the Green Lanterns are patroling out beyond the orbit of Pluto to prevent aliens from getting too close. Without Superman, there really isn't anyone to keep guys like Brainiac and Mongol from messing with us. How did you get through thier blockade?" Then again, he could be a villain, like her - either from some wierd magic, or a school science project gone bad.


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Gibari saw how the water tails were countered. The man has somehow smitten it into the wall and the girl in blind panic shot at it with her bazooka. Without a moment of thought or awareness he creates a large barrier of ice out of the air.( there actualy is a lot of water stored in the air) The crystals broke, but it was enough to block the debris.

Then he turned to the man who casualy walked towards the door, he was able to slam the water into the wall and thus Gibari knew that he had to be dealt with without water. Then he decided to mock the man and said: "Yes, time flies doesn't it? Lets keep this quick, otherwise you'd miss your appointment with the prison warden." He manipulates the water in the air once more and creates a layer of frost on the man freezing his shoes to the ground. But he wasn't done there, what he planned was more demonic and painfull. Now that the ice was settling he instantly turned the ice into steam, in the hope of giving him a 2nd degree burn all over his body.

He foccused on the man, but the girl wouldn't go unharmed either. He created another cloud of steam and engulfed the girl with it.


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#, as written by Draruto
" Think of a Dragonian as a supercharged Earthling with a few tricks. One, I'm not lying, two , I'm from an alternate dimension, three, do you think I give a damn about guys in green tights. Since I've answered your questions, are you going give you name so I wouldn't have to call you something silly?" he says. Tiltinghis head minutely to the side he picked on what she thought before and after her comment, 'You crush me, you can try.' he mused with amusement.


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Tessie smirked and struck a sexy posse. She liked this guy. He didn't care about no body or nothing. "Pity," she said. "Was thinking maybe you saw Superman out there and gave him the finger. As for my name, just call me Tessie. Need a big job done, I'm the girl to do it. Little Miss Big herself. So do you have a name, Dragon-boy?"


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#, as written by Draruto
"You know the bibical four horsemen of the Apocalypse? I'm the second one." War said, thinking she must be aleast five foot. 'Cute, nice pose, to bad I'm not like normal guys. I don't with my other head.' he thought.


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"War?" asked Tessie. "Cute name. Short for Warren, or is that just your stage name? Got the whole secret identity thing going like the Bat Man? So what's your specialty?"


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#, as written by Draruto
"Not short for anything, just War. I just do what I have to do." War states come closer and blinked. Leaning against a wall he cracked his neck.


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"You're some sort of meta-human mercenary?" asked Tessie. Her heart sank. If this guy was competition, that wouldn't bode well. "Working for anyone, or are you just between jobs?"


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As Eduardo walked, he saw another person enter the bank, this time a woman with an umbrella. She shouted and opened her umbrella as debris flew all over the room after the smaller girl had shot a rocket at the wave of water. Eduardo usually would use his powers to repel the explosion, but since he was already tired and he didn't want to completely drain himself he dived to the ground, putting his arms over his head. A few pieces bounced harmlessly off his back, but another piece of shrapnel skinned his arm, making a long but shallow cut. He got up and turned around, not able to hide his anger, "IT. IS. WATER. WAS THE ROCKET COMPLETELY NECESSARY?" He threw his arms up into the air and widened his eyes for effect. "I MEAN REALLY?" He shook his head out of exasperation and turned towards the door again, and began to walk.

But, he discovered he couldn't. Eduardo looked down and saw his feet were frozen solid to the ground, and then he heard the water-controlling man starting to speak. Eduardo didn't know what his plan was yet, so he said nothing and began thinking instead. Then, as the ice began to melt into steam quickly and he began to feel the burn in his feet, he discovered his plan of action.

"What are you doing man???" Eduardo shouted, looking down at his feet and making a face of pure pain and terror. He looked towards the girl who had just walked in and pleaded with her, closing his hands together like a prayer for effect. "Tell him to stop, please! I was just coming to deposit my check!" he shouted innocently, his eyes round and scared, pleading for mercy.

Fall for it...Fall for it... Eduardo thought, his outside expressions showing absolutely no signs of of his inner thoughts.

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Character Portrait: War
0 sightings War played by Draruto
loner titan

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View All » Add Character » 21 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ai Ren
Character Portrait: Luca Cavalieri
Character Portrait: Twisted Nerve (( Twisted ))
Character Portrait: Eduardo Gonzales
Character Portrait: Jack Knife


Character Portrait: Eduardo Gonzales
Eduardo Gonzales

Better to just let him rob the bank, honestly.

Character Portrait: Twisted Nerve (( Twisted ))
Twisted Nerve (( Twisted ))

A sadist with a taste for blood.

Character Portrait: Luca Cavalieri
Luca Cavalieri

A genetically enhanced Titan who values time and logic more than anything.

Character Portrait: Ai Ren
Ai Ren

A petite Titan with superhuman strength and a large apetite.


Character Portrait: Luca Cavalieri
Luca Cavalieri

A genetically enhanced Titan who values time and logic more than anything.

Character Portrait: Ai Ren
Ai Ren

A petite Titan with superhuman strength and a large apetite.

Character Portrait: Twisted Nerve (( Twisted ))
Twisted Nerve (( Twisted ))

A sadist with a taste for blood.

Character Portrait: Eduardo Gonzales
Eduardo Gonzales

Better to just let him rob the bank, honestly.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Twisted Nerve (( Twisted ))
Twisted Nerve (( Twisted ))

A sadist with a taste for blood.

Character Portrait: Eduardo Gonzales
Eduardo Gonzales

Better to just let him rob the bank, honestly.

Character Portrait: Ai Ren
Ai Ren

A petite Titan with superhuman strength and a large apetite.

Character Portrait: Luca Cavalieri
Luca Cavalieri

A genetically enhanced Titan who values time and logic more than anything.

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Most recent OOC posts in Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Yo, what's been happening? This RP is filled with a lot of characters and It still can't get any posts in 7 days?

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Don't worry no elemental abilities at all, he does how ever communicate with machines. He also may use awesome tech and weapons.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

As long as he isn't going to controll the water it is fine to me. You already used the earth and lighting, 2 elements are more than enough for one to controll.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I have submitted a new character.. and he shall hopefully be that awesome villain which just makes the role-play that much more awesome.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I too think that this is too much of a hero vilain battle arena, instead of a real story. We need a plot, not random fights popping up everywhere. At the moment the most plotbuilding characters are Malice and Viktor, so we should give them some breathing space and attack when they stick ther heads out in the open.( Strange, in nearly all series it is the vilain that must build the plot, not the hero)

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I couldn't agree more with HighRoller. I know he is not the GM but he is right. We want a plot to thicken and then suddenly explode with the Main Conflict and Resolution. However this a New Beginning of Teen Titans so this roleplay could go on and on with many different stories.

I'm trying to get a plot started but this roleplay has a comparison to a Hero and Villain Battle Arena. I am really trying my best to roleplay Viktor and I had a plot bout to get started.

Viktor was going to use Tessie to attack the Titans base as a distraction. While Viktor is at the Main Water Supply Resource Center of Jump City and attempting to activate The Radiation Emitter that could poison the whole cities water supply with Nuclear Chemicals that would mutate the entire population of Jump City. However...

Tessie left. Now I am just lost what to do next. I look like an idiot that I put attempted action to find Tessie and then Tessie abandoned her character. Now I am looking for no one. If anybody wants to team up and get a plot going on in this roleplay. Just PM me

I recommend a way we can keep the posts eligible to keep up with.

Click on RPG Forum and scroll down and click on Play-by-Post Roleplay pick the category your Roleplay is in and start a new topic and copy and paste the URL address into the Activity Tab on a Post. Then we can keep up with certain characters and look at Older Posts and maybe something might get started.


Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I agree with Demented, but I'm not going to leave. I would just rather if the battles were more plot-driven and not every post was some form of fighting or crime. I think that, after wrapping up the bank robbery and the fight going on in the streets, all the people should return to their homes/places and get some form of a plot going.

Viktor could use his connections to scout out all the villains in the thread and try to recruit them. The Titans could do some planning, talking or something else in the Tower too. This doesn't need to happen (at all =P), but I'm just trying to give ideas for some more conversation and plot instead of 'RANDOM FIGHT GOGOGOGO!'

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Gibari and Eduardo are still at the banksite and Twisted has been iced up to the waist.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I'm back!

D: And I'm sorry to hear that, Demented. :) Thanks for participating, though.

But, yeah, the roleplay is getting a bit big. We have a whole bunch of new characters and I'm happy to see that there are 9 heroes and 8 villains, so the balance is almost perfect.

By the way, What's going on? I left it off with Ai Ren and Twisted Nerve both in the bank.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I'm sorry guys, but this RP is a bit too much for me. It feels like it's just a big free-for-all of battles popping up everywhere as new villains are introduced. I was starting to loose my enthusiasm for it. I guess I'll just have to use Tessie in another Teen Titans/superhero role play if one ever gets made.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Tells us to post frequently and keeping from posting himself.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I would post, but I wanted to let Sweetly post first because me and Kallas have posted back and forth for a while.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

my bad, just did, just left her standing to deal with a problem that my guy heard, but he'll come back

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I want to continue too, but the person Tessie is talking to hasn't posted yet.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I want to go on, but without reactions its rather hard to do so.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

I know iLaughAtYouSweetly is going to be gone for a day or 2, but what about the rest of you? Are you guys still gonna post, or is this thread dead?

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Shanatos wrote:
iLaughAtYouSweetly wrote:If you're having extreme writer's block, then at least try to write 5 sentences.. About... Whatever. < _ < No one-liners.
Btw, I just realized my second character is really, really weak.
I hope nobody minds if I add a power to Twisted Nerve?

I think you should give her more superweapons/tech rather than powers. Because I like the idea of her just whipping out a big gun from nowhere and wasting stuff with it.

:) Alrighty then. At the moment, I'm greatly disliking Twisted cuz she kinda seems like brat. < _ <
Anywho.. I'm going to be gone for a day or 2 because of school.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Ah, thanks :3 I guess I'll just have Luca chill somewhere in the Tower or something..

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

AI, Gibari, Twisted and Eduardo are at the bank. You know hero vilain conflict.

Re: [OOC] Teen Titans: A New Beginning

Uhh, can someone help me out here? I sorta can't see the first post or any posts before HighRoller1905's post D: